we1come-to-swerves · 1 year
i cant believe i forgot to post this but
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softcatgardens · 6 days
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𝒽𝒾, 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓈 ~
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𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 - 𝒽𝓉𝓉𝓅𝓈://𝓅𝒾𝓃.𝒾𝓉/5𝐼𝐸𝓇𝒞𝓂𝒹𝓁𝒽
𝓅𝒻𝓅 - 𝒽𝓉𝓉𝓅𝓈://𝓅𝒾𝓃.𝒾𝓉/6𝒴𝒻𝓏4𝒻𝒥𝒩𝐵
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𝓂𝒶𝒾𝓃 - @𝒻𝓇𝑜𝑔𝑔𝑜𝓌𝒾𝓋𝒹𝒶𝑔𝓊𝒹𝓋𝒾𝒷𝑒𝓈
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lucithecrow · 10 months
Went to the doctors like a week ago, and the nurse asked me if I had ever participated in the choking game. The real game for me is telling ppl I have no idea what that is :3 it's so funny to see them like "oh well I won't tell u then, never" and I get to laugh abt it later cause I tricked them.
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pluralgraphics · 1 month
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hi!! im so happy we could find an endogenic-friendly graphics blog, thats so cool. is it okay if you could make/suggest pluralkit banners for these pfps that match the color palettes? i think our spy part is a little bummed we cant find a serious banner for him unlike the others, and though i know fritz/medic loves his joke banner, our system is really big on proper and simple organization. thanks in advance, its so cool youre giving to the community for free. we appreciate your gifts, soldier. 🫡 by the way, these artists are virtualmish (for medic fanart) and medicsmalewife (for spy fanart)! they both have pages on tumblr. and yes we credit our artists (we dont use icons unless we can find who made them. yay)
HI!! well i am so happy to find YOU, dear asker, in my inbox! to be honest i made this blog and i was sitting there like 'ehhh there's probably so many graphics blogs out thereee is this going to be pointlesssss' but it turns out you're absolutely right there is a sore lack of endo-friendly ones out there! ridiculous, really. oh well. more clientele for me :3c /silly
i just want to say having dwelled in the depths of image finding sites all day i am very much with your spy part on here: its SO hard finding something that matches those colours? i have the goods, of course, but they might still look a little off. just presume that a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into editing these headers 😭
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here's your hard fought-for spy banner (i do apologise if it still doesn't fit! you may need someone stronger than me- or, at least, a little tweaking, but i tried my very best)
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and here's the medic-themed one!
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pallotdip · 2 years
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apurekindness · 4 months
 “ caught “ // for any of my muses you want
@evilbastardface send in “ caught “ for the sender to catch the receiver in their arms, after the receiver collapses in the aftermath of using their powers for an extensive period of time.
"Sorry," she mumbled, as her eyes began to blur. "I think I need a minute." It's been a long time since she'd used her powers so intensely, and her body wasn't used to it. She was far more accustomed to keeping her abilities hidden, healing individuals without them or anyone else knowing. It was a nice change to feel free to be herself.
But...shit, she needed more than a minute: darkness encroached on her vision and she felt her legs give up from underneath her. Strong arms grabbed at her waist, and kept her from falling to the ground. "Thanks," she slurred.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
I forgot to send this earlier, but to clarify, I meant the anomalies from like Observation Duty… which I have learnt in these hours aren’t just called anomalies, so I meant an “Intruder” sorry 😔
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in your house eating your snacks
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likeimhomeagain · 2 years
hello baby!!! how are you!!! how are you feeling about this new season, give me all your thoughts
Hii 💙 I’m good thank youu, tbh I haven’t been keeping up with much football wise recently bc I’ve been abroad and also havent been on twitter for a while so I’m feeling a bit out of the loop lmao.. bernardo yearly saga seems to have no end and it’s acc upsetting bc I genuinely love him sm and while ik not everyone sees it this way to me it seems like it’s the last thing someone like him would want for the end of his time at city. While I understand the response to an extent I rly don’t like how a lot of city fans have this tendency to immediately slander players who decide to leave and put down their achievements and everything they gave for the club (ferran sterling etc), obvs every case is different and in some cases it’s more justified than others but still.. and yeah all that stuff aside my feelings abt the season in general are mixed, like on the one hand the match and the way haaland has fitted in so seamlessly gives me confidence, i mean every city fan knew those predictions for him to flop were misinformed and driven mostly by jealousy but seeing it all come together as we knew it would is reassuring nonetheless, he’s young and it won’t be 100% smooth sailing ofc but hopefully it takes off a bit of pressure at least for him. On the other hand tho the squad does seem Quite Thin atm which I feel like could hurt us more as the season goes on. I’m not rly one for predictions ngl my football knowledge is sooo limited like I feel like a massive fraud sometimes, there’s much better qualified city fans than me dhshd but yeah I guess those are my thoughts🥲 ily thank you for asking
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lavenderycul · 2 years
so if your parents plans a weeks trip would t you expect them to know what’s happening. what do u mean you don’t know when we’re leaving to stay with your friends surely aunt sarah has told you when we need to get out
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hanayotta · 3 months
i think there should be mdzs rap battles in the style of the 'this is war' series by falconshield (also the anime rap battles that have been a thing these past years) it would be sooo cool like there could be playful ones, set during the lectures at gusu; just wwx&lwj going at each other, maybe even lwj not having lots of lines (according to his personality during youth), sibling dynamics between wwx&jc&yanli, the yunmeng twin heroes bitching @ jzx for being a prick to yanli... just light stuff between teenagers, like character introductions and then rap battles for the various dynamics in the different arcs - jiang, jin, nie and gusu vs. wen - wwx/yiling patriarch vs. all clans - the entire yi city arc by xy, sl, xxc and aq!!! maybe even with some kind of outside narration framing the story from the past? - the juniors and so on and THEN - the guanyin temple scene!!! just. interpreted as a rap battle with all the big shot characters involved and aaaall of its original messiness
sadly i can neither write verses nor compose music nor edit well but pls i would offer 🤲 all the ideas and support i have
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kingcenred · 4 months
@feuerfliegen gets a Princess Cenra starter!
With faint bemusement, the Princess watched her captor scurrying around in front of her. His haphazard approach made it clear that he hadn't particularly thought this through, beyond ambushing her on her ride in the forest.
He'd tied her hands together and taken her sword, but Cenra had already freed herself and was quite content knowing that she had several blades hidden within her bodice that he hadn't thought, or dared, to search. She was certainly more amused than intimidated, and she absentmindedly lent her head back against the tree she was sitting in front of as she watched him pace up and down in front of her.
"Well you've caught me. Now what?" she asked, making little attempt to keep the humour out of her voice.
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we1come-to-swerves · 2 years
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my guy what. 🧍 u're just gonna act this chill about surviving a whole ass quantum jump while being out in the open and without any form of cover whatsoever????? WTH CYCLONUS AKSJKAKS 😭 HE’S FR TALKING LIKE IT WAS THE MOST NORMAL AND OBVIOUS COURSE OF ACTION EVER- NO SIR THAT WAS A MAJOR DUMBASS IDEA WHICH IM BOTH APPALLED AND LOWKEY IMPRESSED AT ( if only for that fact that it actually worked against all odds 💀 )
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also pls let the poor man finish at least one of his sentences cyclonus jeez- :’’DD
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uhh yeah and since half the crew of the lost light seems to be survivors of that attack it kinda makes things awkward u know.....
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well ZAMN. consider my timbers shivered sir 😳✋  ( nah but like mags is looking unnecessarily good here excuse me- )
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okay guys i think there’s been enough threats made in the last 5 minutes please chill tf out
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im-goin-mad · 2 years
my mental health is terrible and when i'm trying to work i'm listening to either life in cartoon motion by mika or globalisation by pitbull
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lucithecrow · 1 year
I just want someone to fall as in love with me as I fall in love with them, is that too much to ask?
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There was so much piss in there, man. You drank that golden juice up!!! L!!! L!!
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linilunilumi · 3 months
Schloss Einstein Staffel 26 Rewatch pt. VI
Folge 1037 & 1038
Kino-date aftermath: Wie lange hat Noah wohl in dem dunklen Keller gehockt und auf Colin gewartet? Saß er da stundenlang? Oder wusste er, dass Colin gleich seine Wäsche machen möchte? Teilen die beiden schon ihre Haushaltspläne miteinander? they're married actually Der ganze Aufwand, nur um dann direkt wieder zu flüchten...
"Wir dürfen nur Filme von Leuten benutzen, die seit 70 Jahren tot sind." Ja und Schloss Einstein darf auch nur noch dieselben drei "Songs" als Hintergrundmusik benutzen und deshalb muss ich schon wieder diese blöde Barockmusik von Gustav in der Szene hören!!? Den Film will ich gerne mal sehen, von dem das der Soundtrack sein soll... aber egal, supportive boyfriend noah schleicht sich aus dem zimmer um einen besseren film zu drehen Und was macht eigentlich dieser verdächtig aussehende Post-it auf dem Schreibtisch von Noah, Colin und Joel?
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Wie erschrecken sich Leute durch [X] I love ??? Ergibt nicht viel Sinn, aber ich kenne da durchaus jemanden, der vor einem „I love you“ panische Angst hätte. Und ganz zufällig wohnt er in diesem Zimmer. Zufall oder Absicht?
"Wovor läuft die Hauptfigur wirklich weg?" - "Vor ihren Gefühlen." that's it, that's the tweet
Colins wahre Liebe ist btw nicht Noah, sondern gestreifte Hosen! (oder Streifen generell)
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haltet mich bitte davon ab, jemals Colin nochmal in solch einer hose zu zeichnen. es war ein albtraum lmao
Anyways, der walk aus dem Bild links ist allein wegen deren Grimassen schon ziemlich funny, aber es wird noch besser: die Vier spurten förmlich zum ShareSpace, währenddessen läuft Noah ihnen ganz entspannt hinterher und als er dann auch verzögert mal dort ankommt, dreht er sich zur Seite und spricht - an Joel vorbei - direkt zu Colin: "Hey, ich hab' meinen Schlüssel vergessen. Kann ich deinen haben?" Nicht etwa "Kann ich einen von euren Schlüsseln haben?", nein. Es muss Colins sein lsfjslejls
Dieser Karatekampf bringt aber noch immer Aggressionen in mir auf, obwohl der an sich wirklich komplett unwichtig ist im weiteren Verlauf der Staffel. Wieso tut Io so, als würde Joyce in Lebensgefahr schweben? Wieso verliert Noah gegen eine Augen-verbundene-Joyce? Und als ob sich Joel den Kampf, von dem in seinen Augen sein gesamter Erfolg abhängen müsste, entgehen lässt? Um mit Annika einen Film zu gucken??? Jedenfalls bin ich sehr froh, dass uns eine Annika x Joel lovestory hoffentlich erspart bleibt. Mich würde nur interessieren, ob die Szene als eine Art Köder eingesetzt wurde, um zu sehen, ob die Zuschauer*innen auf das shipping anspringen oder nicht? die antwort war obviously nein zumindest haben wir dadurch die wohl witzigste szene aller zeiten bekommen, in der casper den nesrika kuchen symbolisch teilt pahah
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