have you covered ouroboros (aka O.B.) from marvel's loki series? it's not canon but many, including myself, like to believe he is autistic
No, I haven’t covered him!
Ouroboris is autistic!
This is: fanon!
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My sincerest apologies, but I have not seen the second season of Loki (if he had appeared in the first season, I don’t remember him). It would be disingenuous of me to write up symptoms and context. But once I watch it, I’ll be sure to make a proper post for him!
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losteventide · 2 years
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Nayiss and Jarkul being soft <3
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thereprisesystem · 2 years
had a dream with bashir, knuckles, one of our littles, and caesar fucking clown in it
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sk3l3t0n444 · 6 months
i think its safe to say that im not mentally ok when i have a fixation on symbolism (specifically 7 deadly sins, ourobori, crows, actually fuck it any kind of animal, triquetras)
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radgritty · 2 years
An ouroboris. Also, instead of sex work you can uhhhh get a regular job.
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all my words are self-contained ourobori.
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witnesstruesorcery · 5 years
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An alternative version of a logo I recently drew for my new secondary YouTube channel, which will deal only with books reviews. It's a game of words. My first name is Borislav, but people call me Boris. So Ouroboros becomes OuroBoris. I have a modest, but proper small library. A lot to review. So many books I wanted to review along the years, and now I'll have the chance to do it. Very much inspired by John Howe's sketch: www.dana-mad.ru/gal/images/Joh… My channel can be found here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCbrps… 
© Borislav Vakinov
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aitan · 3 years
Questa è una frase che si avvolge su se stessa e di se stessa parla, autofagocitandosi come un serpente uroboro.
Gaetano Aitan Vergara
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officialbudflowers · 4 years
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Snek vs snek.
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kgustin87 · 2 years
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First 500 points of Hive Fleet Ouroboris
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Thought of the Day: Against the Alien and the Traitor there is no fair way to fight.
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losteventide · 1 year
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Realized virgin killer sweaters are the perfect cut for her arms/tail. Plus great opportunity to experiment with her mutagen markings!
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aplainoldsoul · 5 years
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Shemasha Kore Kha - The Dragon of Beginnings 
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 3 years
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thehypercutstudios · 2 years
POP x Bww: Octavian
Ok, I just got a brain fart of what If Poptropica have a crossover with Balan Wonderworld, and I choose Octavian here because why not.
Stage name: A adventurer who longs for the past (“History is nothing but an endless run of war, sickness and tragedy…”)
Costumes: Tricksune (Representative Costume that allows the user to set up tricks), Double-do (Allows the user to Make a dodo that attacks enemies), Stealth Snake (Allows the user to find hidden areas through snake holes), Time-Owl (Allows the user to Have Retrocognition of broken rubble to get hidden items by a bird perch stand), Vik-Thing (Allows the User to throw axes at enemies), and Blazefoot (A fire elemental counterpart of Beti Yeti from Max Mcgullicutty’s Stage)
Nega Boss: Ouroboris (An Avian Fox Snake Monster)
Costume Concepts of Ouroboris: Tricksune (The Top half is his body being a Fox), Time-Owl (His Bottom half is a Owl’s Body with his chest having a clock on it), Double-Do (The Wings have dodo feathers and his dodos are bigger than the ones you make when wearing the Double-Do Costume), and Stealth Snake (Arms are long like a snake’s body and has a Stealth Snake’s cuffs)
Costumes to use for fighting Ouroboris:
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dongtopus · 3 years
Loktober 24: Wonderland
As Marion wandered the shadow at the meadow’s edge bordering the perch forest, crickets chirped their raucous whilst small flying insects buzzed around clusters of blooming flowers.
Freed from the constraints of administrative work, it had occurred to him to visit an old friend.
Deep within the forest, Marion rang a small bell no bigger than a reasonably priced inkwell. The enchanted item did not ring out, it’s tiny acorn hammer gently knocked the wooden curves surrounding it, sending out barely-visible, leaf-green ethereal strings that wound in the air and dissipated after only a few feet. They did the job, however, at guiding Marion to his destination.
Tiny flowers bloomed alongside families of mushrooms in a small clearing. Ancient trees bore lighter scrape marks and others, deeper ridges. An owl watched from high above him, its head turned sideways without making a sound as it shifted in place, ruffling its wings.
Marion rang the bell. The light, vaporous signals coiled in the air before dissipating completely. With a light hum, Marion put the bell back into the small bag hanging from his shoulder and withdrew a rough Larch twig. The upturned flower on its tip glowed ever so slightly. Light pink petal tips glistening and swaying in a nonexistent breeze. Marion trod carefully, watching the petals begin to bloom or recede as he neared the entrance point he searched for. An enchanted ribbon floated lazily from the twig as though immersed in water.
The larch bloomed a succulent red, engorged on magical energy and curling its growing leaves outwards. Marion stepped forward, and his vision rocked for a moment as his eyes refocused. He heard the light scraping of a mortar and pestle first, and then the frame and roof came into focus.
A Faun, with large, extravagant antlers stood at a wooden table, mortar nestled in his arm and a pestle smoothly grinding away. He looked up at his guest with a frown that quickly dropped into a relieved smile.
“Marion! It is good to see you- How have you been?” The Faun continued to grind away as they turned toward him.
“Hello Frerol, I’ve been busy, but I am well enough. I am very much less busy nowadays.”
“Ah, just what you wanted, then.” The Faun responded, smiling.
“For the most part, yes” Marion let out a slightly uncomfortable laugh as he approached, attempting to peer into the mix.
“It’s a poultice-” Frerol gave him a look, “-We don’t all heal our wounds like your kind.” He unwound a set of browned cloths from his thigh, knocking a long-crusted paste off of his fur to reveal a set of gouges, sore and slightly weeping.
“And here I thought you were making something delicious.” Marion crouched down to have a closer look, delicately holding the faun’s leg as he continued mixing above his head, “What got you Frerol? You’re not one to be caught by surprise.”
“Who knows.” Frerol shrugged, placing the mortar and pestle down. He took a large amount of the poultice with two fingers, swirling it onto his palm as though preparing paint before smoothly filling the wound. His muzzle tightened with the sting.
“Can I help at all?” Marion looked up at him with two of his eyes, watching the poultice settle into the gouges like plaster with the other two.
“No, no- it’s okay. Rinse and repeat, you know. The thing was cloaked in shadow, it could have been almost anything.” Frerol bemoaned, returning to the subject
“There’s supposed to be an Ouroboros in one of the forests nearby, do you think-”
“Not in this forest, no. It’s probably too far from their nesting grounds. Besides, I’m far too big for an Ouroboros to snack on.” 
“Perhaps if it were starving-”
“Look, Marion, There are no Ourobori in Perch. I think I'd know.” He shuddered at the thought, “To survive as long as I have just to die to one of them would be an embarrassment and a shame.”
Frerol scraped the remainder of the poultice from his palm on the edge of his table and began wrapping clean strips of fabric around his leg.
“Here, I can actually help with this bit.” Marion gently placed his fingers to the edge of the fabric, keeping it taught but not tight.
“Hmph. Finished with a bow, too. How very ‘you’” The faun patted Marion on the shoulder as he stood back up.
“I hope that wasn’t too presumptuous of me?”
“No, not at all, I may no longer be a doe but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a good bow now and then, though my bow collection tends to be less fabric and more wood-and-string, these days.” He motioned to a nearby tree with stakes dotting its trunk. Several different styles of bow hung from them and a quiver lay at the base.
“That’s good. I see your antlers have really come through, by the way. They were this small when I last saw you” Marion raised his hand, his thumb and forefinger two or so inches apart, “That was some time ago… I’m sorry I haven’t been able to visit for so long.
“No need to apologise, life has a way of filling the path with a landslide. A gentle but persistent current usually works its way around eventually. And thank you for saying so- They’re a little heavy though, I hadn’t prepared my back for that eventuality.” Frerol knocked the scooped underside of one of his antlers with a knuckle.
“I’ve had to raise this roof four times, because of them” His pride overrode his frustration.
Frerol motioned to a simplistic, hand carved stool.
“Come, take a seat. You’ve come quite a distance. I’ll get the fire on”
Frerol ran a thumb and finger through the long tuft of hair dangling from his chin, the middle  a creamy white. Sparks clung to his fingertips and he flicked them toward the small firepit under his canopy roof. The sparks danced in the air lazily before settling in amongst the ash and wood, starting a gentle, crackling flame under a cast iron pot.
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