#Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass
supplementcheck · 1 year
Anabolic USN Protein Guide: Is it effective? How to take it? – Supplement Check It
USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic All-in-One Muscle Mass is a popular protein mass gainer supplement, scientifically engineered and formulated for athletes and fitness freaks who are serious about building lean muscle mass. For more details visit https://supplementcheckit3.wordpress.com/2023/01/25/anabolic-usn-protein-guide-is-it-effective-how-to-take-it/
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There's no doubt that you've seen a number of product commercials for pre workout supplements if you've spent any time at the gym, picked up a bodybuilding magazine, or gone to your neighbourhood health food store. Whatever supplement you decide to go with, make sure you read up on some reviews and testimonials so you can make some good buying decisions. Most of these pre supplements will last you about 30 days so it's important to choose wisely. You can easily purchase the proteins of all brands like Whey, Rule One, Gaint Sport, Vegan Protein Powder , BCAA and all top brands available on Gains Health And Nutrition at an reasonable price. Shop Now! Contact us! 03 8060 9941
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samuel-henry · 2 years
Optimum whey protein is considered a complete protein because it contains all 8 essential amino acid. Both are great protein powders that can be used for mass gain and muscle building. Visit our official website for more information!
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faefemtalle · 6 months
Hhhhh it happened, I’m finally gonna get to try mass gainer, I am so so so so so excited
And yes ofc it’s strawberry
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gallonsofgluttony · 6 months
I am in denial with how quickly the pounds are packing on. 20 pounds from Thanksgiving until 3 days ago?!
That is so quick 🥵
Those numbers sent me reeling in ecstacy. Since Monday morning my head has been fuzzy because of all the calories my body is taking in. In 24 hours between Monday night and Tuesday afternoon I had over 12,000 calories
🤯, I have no words other than: fat!
I've been pushing myself to have 3 shakes a day which are 2 cups heavy cream and 1 scoop of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass protein powder. The shakes are about 24 ounces and 2200 calories.
I am about to go pick up yet another a late night McDonalds dinner and follow that up with my 3rd shake for the day.
I think my piggy feedee brain is waking up, and I am eager to give in. Do you want to help push me over the edge and make me grow uncontrollably? My DMs are open 🐖🐖🐖
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bunnyboymoobs · 11 months
my high-calorie food replacement smoothie
1.5 cups whole milk- fat and protein content
1/2 cup ice cream - fat and carb content.
1 banana - fibre, other carbs, and nutrients
1/2 cup quick oats - powder, soak, or cook prior to use, to allow them to incorporate better. used for fibre content.
1 tbsp Oil - i use canola, bc it's low in saturated fat and not very expensive. used to up fat content.
3 tbsp peanut butter - primarily used for fat. also contains protein.
17g of optimum nutrition's serious mass protein powder - i'm using about 1/20th the recommended volume of this, bc it's designed to be used in large amounts, this protein is very cheap per weight, but won't help much in muscle gain bc of the low protein content. it's a lower protein by volume powder, which is great for me, because i'm trying to gain more fat than muscle. this powder has a lot of vitamins and minerals added to it, which helps me keep a good balance of them when i'm using it for meal replacement. used to slightly up protein content as well as for nutrients.
i just add everything to a blender (making sure to do the protein and peanut butter last), blend, and drink.
this is almost 1,000 calories with the ingredients i use. this plus 1 or 2 meals allows me to break the calories i need easily. sometimes i double it to be almost 2,000 calories.
the proportions used are to prioritise fat (which converts to body fat the easiest), then carbs, then protein (i want to stay around 10-15% of my calories per protein a day, as lower amounts of protein promote fat gain).
i have two primary uses for this smoothie- meal replacement, as i struggle to eat often bc of my chronic pain and adhd, and weight gain. i was using this smoothie for about a month and gained like 2 or 3 lbs.
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sylvanhedonist · 1 year
You had a 2,600cal milkshake??? I bet that was really good aaaa, did you make it or did you get it somewhere because I absolutely need this. 🥺
yes //// I’ve been using a protein powder that has 1100 kcal per scoop 🥵 it’s called “serious mass’ n it’s made by optimum nutrition!! The shake was basically two scoops of that and a tub of ice cream 😳😳😳
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bigflexnutrition · 2 years
Which Mass gainer is best for beginners?
Gaining weight is often a challenge for many people. They might know what they should be eating, but sometimes it's too much effort to make the changes needed to reach their goals. So, rather than using a difficult diet plan or working out endlessly, they resort to using a mass gainer - which is basically an easy way of turning your body into muscle. As there are numerous nutritional supplement brands claiming the best mass gainer, picking up one could be a tricky task for you. 
From mass gainer price to quantity, for everything, as a beginner, you have to be extra cautious. With that being said, this comprehensive guide will help you find the best mass gainer for beginners. It lists three of the most beneficial mass gainers that can help you achieve your fitness goal. 
Best Weight Gainer In India For Beginners
1. Big Flex Mass Gainer
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For anyone looking for a high-calorie and high-protein supplement to gain muscle or gain weight, the BigFlex Prime Mass Gainer is a great option. It helps in increasing muscle mass and strength. The base ingredients of this Big Flex Mass Gainer are whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, calcium caseinate, skimmed milk powder 35%, cocoa powder, and creatine monohydrate.
2. MuscleTech Performance Series Mass Tech Extreme 2000
One serving (6 scoops equals 499 grams) of this product, which is made entirely of whey and contains protein and complex carbohydrates, has a calorie count of 1830, making it simple to meet your daily calorie requirements. Additionally, higher carbohydrate intake enables creatine to enter the muscles and induce an anabolic state.
3. Optimum Nutrition (ON) Serious Mass Weight Gainer Supplement
This ON Serious Mass is the best option for you if you're seeking a non-vegetarian alternative mass gainer. Each scoop of this chocolate-flavored gainer contains 1250 calories, 250 grams of sugar-free carbohydrates, and 50 grams of high-quality protein. This is among the most well-known and effective mass gainers for beginners in India when it comes to building muscle.
4. BigMuscles Nutrition Real Mass Gainer
A high-calorie supplement is Real Mass by BigMuscles Nutrition. The calories are mostly derived from complex carbohydrates and high-quality whey protein, so you can be confident you're getting a balanced diet. This BM genuine mass gainer is the greatest choice for you on the list of the best mass gainers/weight gainers for beginners in India.
You can try any of the above-listed mass gainers, or seek the help of your nutritionist or the gym trainer to make a sound decision! We hope you found our post about the Best Mass Gainer/Weight Gainer for Beginners in India to be helpful.
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worldofnutrition · 1 month
Unlocking Fitness Goals: Why the Best BCAA Amino Acid Powder is a Game-Changer
Welcome to your definitive guide on the best BCAA amino acid powders available at World of Nutritions. If you're an athlete, bodybuilder, or just a health enthusiast, you've likely heard about the benefits of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These crucial nutrients can help you significantly enhance muscle recovery, boost protein synthesis, and even aid in weight loss. But with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Today, we're breaking down what makes a great BCAA powder and how to select the perfect one for your fitness regimen.
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What are BCAAs?
BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Essential amino acids are those that your body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through your diet. These amino acids are unique because they are metabolized directly in the muscle tissue, making them incredibly efficient in repairing and building muscle fibers.
The Benefits of BCAA Supplements
BCAAs are not just popular without reason; they offer a host of benefits, especially for those involved in rigorous physical activities. Here’s how they help:
Enhanced Muscle Recovery: BCAAs reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery time by stimulating protein synthesis after workouts.
Prevent Muscle Wasting: They help preserve muscle mass, even when you're on a calorie-deficit diet.
Increased Energy Levels: During prolonged exercise, BCAAs can help reduce fatigue by increasing the production of serotonin in the brain.
Supports Immune System: Regular intake of BCAAs strengthens the immune system, critical for athletes and active individuals.
How to Choose the Best BCAA Powder
When shopping for a BCAA powder, consider the following factors to ensure you get the most effective supplement:
Ratio of Amino Acids: The most common ratio is 2:1:1 (leucine to isoleucine to valine). Some products offer different ratios like 3:1:1 or even 4:1:1 for enhanced leucine content, which can be more effective for muscle growth.
Quality of Ingredients: Look for powders that are free from unnecessary fillers, dyes, or artificial sweeteners. Natural, clean ingredients deliver better health benefits and minimize any negative reactions.
Taste and Solubility: Since you'll be consuming it regularly, choose a powder that tastes good and mixes well with your preferred beverage.
Brand Reputation: Purchase from reputable brands that are transparent about their sourcing and manufacturing processes.
Top BCAA Powders at World of Nutritions
Here are some of the best BCAA powders featured on World of Nutritions:
MuscleTech Essential Series Platinum BCAA 8:1:1: Known for its unique ratio that emphasizes leucine, this powder is excellent for serious muscle gains.
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard BCAA: Combines BCAAs with immune-supporting ingredients and is known for its great taste and effectiveness.
Scivation Xtend BCAA: Offers electrolytes with its BCAA to support hydration, making it perfect for intense workout sessions.
Choosing the right BCAA amino acid powder can significantly influence your workout results and overall health. With the insights from World of Nutritions, you're better equipped to select a product that aligns with your health goals and dietary preferences. Remember, consistency is key in seeing benefits from any supplement.
How often should I take BCAA supplements?
For best results, consume BCAA supplements before or after your workout to help with muscle recovery and energy levels.
Can BCAA powders be taken on non-workout days?
Yes, taking BCAA on rest days can help in muscle repair and maintain a steady supply of amino acids.
Are there any side effects of taking BCAA powders?
BCAAs are generally safe for most people, though it’s important to adhere to recommended dosages to avoid potential side effects such as fatigue or loss of coordination.
How do I know if my BCAA powder is effective?
You should notice improved muscle recovery, less soreness, and possibly an increase in muscle growth over time.
Can vegans and vegetarians take BCAA powders?
Yes, there are vegan and vegetarian BCAA powders made from non-animal derived ingredients. Check the product description to ensure it fits your dietary needs.
By understanding the role BCAAs play and selecting a high-quality supplement, you can take a significant step towards achieving your fitness and health goals.
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billsmithsposts · 2 months
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scontomio · 3 months
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💣 Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Proteine in Polvere ad Alto Contenuto Calorico per Aumento Peso 🤑 a soli 39,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/optimum-nutrition-serious-mass-proteine-in-polvere-ad-alto-contenuto-calorico-per-aumento-peso/?feed_id=219192&_unique_id=65ef0163e6af0&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Optimum%20Nutrition%20Serious%20Mass%20Proteine%20in%20Polvere%20ad%20Alto%20Contenuto%20Calorico%20per%20Aumento%20Peso Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass: Proteine in Polvere per Aumento Peso. Formula con oltre 1250 CALORIE e 50g di PROTEINE per dose, arricchita con CREATINA e 25 vitamine. Deliziosi gusti disponibili. #coupon #optimumnutrition #proteinedelsierodellatte #offerteamazon #scontomio
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gogxn24 · 5 months
Elevate Your Gains: Unveiling the Best Weight and Mass Gainers Supplements of 2024
In the dynamic world of fitness and muscle building, the quest for the best protein powder for weight gain has never been more crucial. As we step into 2024, a new wave of supplements promises to redefine the landscape. Join us as we unveil the top contenders for the best weight and mass gainers supplements of 2024, ensuring you make an informed choice for your fitness journey.
1. Transparent Labs Mass Gainer: Precision Nutrition for Maximum Gains
Transparent Labs Mass Gainer takes the lead as a beacon of precision nutrition. Focused on transparency in ingredients and dosages, this supplement provides a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. For individuals aiming for weight and mass gain with a commitment to knowing exactly what they're consuming, Transparent Labs is the pinnacle of excellence.
2. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass: Caloric Powerhouse for Sizeable Gains
For those pursuing sizeable gains, Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass stands out as a caloric powerhouse. Packed with a generous amount of protein, carbohydrates, and essential nutrients, this mass gainer caters to individuals with high energy needs. Its reputation for delivering results has made it a staple in the arsenals of serious muscle builders.
3. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer: Intensive Muscle Support
Dymatize Super Mass Gainer is crafted for those seeking intensive muscle support. With a blend of high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals, this supplement ensures not only weight gain but also the nourishment required for optimal muscle development.
4. MuscleTech Mass Tech: Advanced Formula for Maximum Results
When it comes to advanced formulas, MuscleTech Mass Tech stands as a frontrunner. Enriched with creatine, BCAAs, and a diverse range of macronutrients, it provides a comprehensive approach to weight and mass gain. This supplement is tailored for individuals who demand maximum results from their efforts.
5. GXN Hardcore Mass Gainer: Sustained Release for Prolonged Gains
GXN Hardcore Mass Gainer takes a unique approach with its sustained-release formula. Designed to provide a steady influx of nutrients over an extended period, it supports prolonged gains. For individuals looking beyond immediate results and focusing on sustained progress, GXN Hardcore Mass Gainer best protein powder for muscle gain is a wise choice.
6. Universal Nutrition Real Gains: Time-Tested Quality
With a legacy in the fitness industry, Universal Nutrition Real Gains has stood the test of time. This mass gainer emphasizes a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, making it a reliable choice for those who value consistency and time-tested quality.
7. GNC Pro Performance Bulk 1340: High-Calorie Support
GNC Pro Performance Bulk 1340 caters to individuals with high-calorie needs. Packed with a substantial amount of calories, this mass gainer is ideal for those struggling to meet their daily intake goals. The nutrient-dense formula ensures that every serving contributes significantly to weight and mass gain.
8. Evlution Nutrition Stacked Protein Gainer: Multi-Source Nutrition
For a comprehensive nutritional approach, Evlution Nutrition Stacked Protein Gainer combines multiple protein sources. With a blend of whey, casein, and egg proteins, it ensures a diverse amino acid profile crucial for muscle development. This multi-source approach sets it apart in the world of mass gainers.
Conclusion: Navigate 2024 with Unrivaled Gains
As we navigate through 2024, the best protein powder for weight and mass gainers supplements play a pivotal role in achieving your fitness goals. Whether you choose Transparent Labs for precision, Optimum Nutrition for sheer caloric power, or any of the other top contenders, make sure your selection aligns with your unique needs and aspirations.
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supplements-villa2004 · 6 months
On Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer Weight Gainer 5kg 
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Serious weight gain requires serious calories. However, those who need the extra calories most often have the toughest time consuming enough of them. For many aspiring to be bigger, a highly-active metabolism, weaker appetite and on-the-run lifestyle can make it a real challenge to consume enough calories through whole foods alone
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tnponline · 8 months
Top 10 Weight Gainer in India
For individuals looking to pack on mass and increase muscle size, weight gainers serve as a valuable supplement. Choosing the right weight gainer can be a game-changer in your fitness journey. Look no further; tnponline.in has compiled a list of the top 10 weight gainers available for you to conveniently purchase online.
1. Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass: Renowned for its high calorie and protein content, ideal for serious mass gainers.
2. BSN True Mass: A balanced blend of proteins, carbs, and fats, promoting lean muscle growth.
3. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer: Provides a substantial calorie boost along with essential nutrients.
4. MuscleBlaze Super Gainer XXL: A popular choice among fitness enthusiasts for its quality and affordability.
5. MyProtein Hard Gainer Extreme: Tailored for hard gainers, packed with calories and protein.
6. GNC Pro Performance Bulk 1340: Known for its high-calorie formulation, aiding in muscle growth.
7. Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer: Aids in muscle recovery and promotes muscle growth with essential nutrients.
8. Muscletech Mass Tech: Packed with protein, carbs, and calories to help you gain mass effectively.
9. Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600: Provides a blend of proteins and complex carbs for optimal gains.
10. Six Pack Nutrition Bulk: Known for its quality and effectiveness in aiding muscle mass gain.
When it's time to buy weight gainer online, consider these top 10 weight gainers in India for a solid start on your mass gain journey. Find these products and more on tnponline.in, your reliable source for high-quality fitness supplements. Kickstart your mass gain efforts and achieve your fitness objectives with the best weight gainers in India, easily accessible through tnponline.in.
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ayyark01 · 9 months
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass 1kg Chocolate Flavour: Gain Weight and Build Muscle
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass 1kg Chocolate Flavour is the ultimate weight gainer for people who are looking to pack on the pounds. It is a high-calorie, high-protein formula that is also packed with vitamins and minerals. Serious Mass is easy to mix and drink, and it tastes great.
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