#Office of the High Commissioner of Canada
defencecapital · 2 years
Human Rights activists urge democratic nations to sanction against Communist China over Uyghur genocide
Human Rights activists urge democratic nations to sanction against Communist China over Uyghur genocide
By A Correspondent New Delhi: Human Rights activists globally have urged democracies like India to condemn and impose sanctions on Communist China and its leadership for its unabated genocide of and persecution of Uyghurs in East Turkistan, called Xinjiang. At an online event organised by Delhi-based think-tank Law and Society Alliance, the activists also criticised former High Commissioner of…
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gallopinggallifreyans · 7 months
“Palestinians get 0 support” the man who was fucking murdered was at a rally for Palestine, what the fuck more do you want? you’re no different from a Nazi tbh
Read the news once in a while, anon. You might find that popular support isn’t getting governmental action. The US has sent billions in aid to Israel and is censuring its only Palestinian member of congress. Canada is also supporting Israel. UK and France support Israel. Ceasefire votes have been vetoed. Humanitarian aid is not having an impact because Rafah keeps closing. Israel is running checks on that crossing too and has banned fuel from entering Gaza. Israel’s air strikes are targeting members of press (Motaz was recently targeted). Speaking of press, CNN is now embedded with Israeli troops and everything they report on will be checked by the IOF. This is the highest amount of journalist casualties in like, ever. Craig Mokhiber, the director of the New York office of the UN High Commissioner has stepped down citing a textbook case of genocide. Israel has bombed hospitals and UN centres, both acts that violate international law. Pro Palestine protests have been banned in Germany and France (of all places) and these people who are protesting are getting arrested. I have found friends and acquaintances on Canary Mission, a Zionist website dedicated to identifying and doxxing supporters of Palestine. And if you still think I’m a Nazi, I urge you to read what Israel’s state officials are putting out on twitter. That’s real fascism. And they’re not hiding it. Fuck you, sincerely. I stand for a free Palestine.
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Vancouver police have notified the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner after officers shot a man with rubber bullets during a mistaken arrest last week.
In a media release, police said they were acting on “reliable information” that a man wanted on a Canada-wide warrant was in the area of Richards Street and Pacific Boulevard last Wednesday.
That suspect was wanted over connections to a violent Calgary home invasion, and according to police was believed to be “armed and dangerous, and potentially in possession of a firearm.”
“Due to the high-risk nature of the arrest, VPD’s Emergency Response Team was deployed,” police said. [...]
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anewbeginningagain · 4 months
So I looked into this, and the body handling the case is called the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner and it's very new. However, the case falls squarely within its purview, as it doesn't matter where the prohibited behavior occurred, as long as it was committed by a member a sports organization that receives state funding and is signatory of the Universal Code to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport, which Skate Canada is.
The gist of the rest is - it's not looking good for him. At all. The OSIC only accepts about a quarter to a third of reports (they claim it's because of jurisdictional issues, but I suspect there's a limitation of resources involved as well) and isn't one to launch investigations or impose sanctions willy-nilly, so the fact that the case has progressed to this point is pretty damning in itself. He's reportedly under provisional measures, which he may have already violated (I couldn't find the specifics), so that would be an additional infraction. A very relevant point to the conversation is that intentionally reporting a false allegation (not to be confused with an unsubstantiated one) is also a violation, so she'd get in trouble herself if she were lying, so all the twitter armchair criminal defense lawyers can f off. As to what would be the consequences for him:
"Sexual Maltreatment, Physical Maltreatment with contact, Grooming, and Prohibited Behaviour [...] shall carry a presumptive sanction of either a period of suspension or eligibility restrictions." There are also other discretionary measures, including even having to pay a fine or damages, but idk how applicable that would be here.
Now, I don't know what they may or may not be able to prove and what the requirements are, as this isn't a court of law, but based on the detailed nature of the allegation and the fact that the survivor has retained a high-profile lawyer that specializes in cases like these, it's all trending towards him being in a whole lotta trouble. There's also a variety of aggravating circumstances that can impact the outcome, including the effect it might have on sport in general, the public's trust in the system, and whether he's considered a danger to others. Basically he's at the very least looking at a temporary or indefinite suspension, which makes Montreal's rallying around him all the more confounding. This looks to me like he knows that probably he won't be able to make any money off of skating for who knows how long, so they're trying to milk whatever opportunity they have while they have it, which sucks for everyone who has to watch this charade and the athletes who could've gone instead.
I don't know what sort of sob story he's telling them and I know that any show of distancing from him would be perceived by the public as confirmation of his guilt, but come on, surely he's not worth it? Like... He's literally dropped his partner at every other competition and they have other teams that can qualify spots no problem, surely they could've come up with an excuse not to assign them? It's just clownery across the board from Skate Canada. I don't know when a reckoning is coming for them, but if this new lawsuit by those two brave girls in North Carolina against the USFSA is successful, maybe the federations will pull their heads out of their asses and at the very least mitigate risks to themselves. IAM is either actively being bamboozled by a psychopath or are making an emotional decision to believe him or at the very least to support her, but she's also lost a lot of good will here, so who tf knows. I just hope the survivor gets at least a semblance of justice and peace, and that Canadian athletes get the national inquiry they've been seeking. As for Skate Canada, it deserves the same level of scrutiny Hockey Canada has been under lately. As for Lolo - I know wrapping your head around your Disney fairytale turning into a Grimm's one would be hard to process for anyone, but I hope she finds it in her to see the writing on the wall and drop this loser sooner rather than later.
Thanks anon! This was very interesting to read.
Reading it I will say that I think OSIC had to pursue an investigation given it involved an active athlete that a charge is made against. I just don't think it really looks bad for him - he essentially has one competition left. Afterwards I expect FB/S to retire which means they won't be on the national team or the recipients of any funds. By the time any conclusion is made, he will be a retired athlete so I don't expect it to have any barring on his competitive career. What will it matter if they issue a suspension in 6 months if he is a retired athlete? And until they do anything, or issue even interim sanctions, skate Canada I suspect can't do much without exposing themselves to a lawsuit from him. So unless something changes in the upcoming month I expect FB/S to go to worlds and then quietly retire.
I.AM are a different story. Obviously, I don't know their line of thought, but I think the way you describe it ignores the emotional aspect of this. Nikolaj was the very first athlete at I.AM if I remember correctly, has been coached by them for 12 years, it's obvious the relationship there is more than just coach-student. I don't know any details in this case, but if it's coming from someone he was in a relationship with or something of that sort, it's a classic he said she said, and while it's easy to be bystanders and say that they should dump him, but it's not a surprise to me they choose to continue coaching him. The one thing I also don't know is the contract between the school and the athletes, will be interesting to read and see when they can "fire" students, on what ground, and how much notice they need to give in advance. Basically, it's not a cold "is he really worth it" and more the emotional attachment. The one thing I do wonder about is I.AM responsibility for their other teams, I assume this was discussed within I.AM as they have responsibility to the many teams they coach, some minors.
Having said all of this, this is only about his competitive career. His career as a coach is an entirely different matter, and I would expect it will be handled differently as well. As I said, I doubt anyone will take him to coach elite athletes without him being exonerated. The realistic in me also thinks that if he is sanctioned as a response it will be time-limited, and after that, on paper, he will be able to coach internationally with the only question mark being US since Safe Sport said they can decide to investigate if he ever applies for US coaching credentials. If any consequences will happen following this complaint, it will be to his coaching career and not his competitive one IMO.
As for Laurance, I feel for her. She's been in a relationship we know nothing about for at least a decade. She either truly believes him because her experience was different or because is in a relationship that is unhealthy for her and struggles to get out of it. We definitely have no idea. As I said, I don't know what I'd do if I were in her shoes, and I feel bad for her and have no judgment about how she handles it.
What I do know is that the way fs fandom are responding to this issue is everything that is wrong with fandom culture. Massive virtue signaling, making it all about themselves ("I can't stand to look at them", "can't believe I have to watch them compete", etc), and are just overall toxic about it. There's a way to handle this issue, and it ain't how it's being handled (same goes for how TSL is sensationalizing it).
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themedicalstate · 2 years
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F.D.A. Set to Propose Lower Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes, Likely to Face Fierce Industry Opposition
The Food and Drug Administration is planning to require tobacco companies to slash the amount of nicotine in traditional cigarettes to make them less addictive, a move intended to reduce smoking, according to a notice posted Tuesday on a U.S. government website.
According to the notice, “this proposed rule is a tobacco product standard that would establish a maximum nicotine level in cigarettes and certain finished tobacco products. Because tobacco-related harms primarily result from addiction to products that repeatedly expose users to toxins, F.D.A. would take this action to reduce addictiveness to certain tobacco products, thus giving addicted users a greater ability to quit.”
The proposal would put the United States at the forefront of global antismoking efforts by taking an aggressive stance at significantly lowering nicotine levels. Only one other nation, New Zealand, has advanced such a plan. The headwinds, though, are fierce, with a powerful tobacco lobby already indicating any plan with significant reductions in nicotine would be untenable and with conservative lawmakers who would consider government overreach that could spill over into the midterm elections.
Asked about news reports on a new policy on Tuesday, the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, reminded reporters that agencies routinely post agenda plans on the website for the Office of Management and Budget. And in this case, she said no policy decision had been made.
Few specifics were released on Tuesday, but an announcement has been expected. Last week, Dr. Robert Califf, commissioner of the F.D.A., told an audience he would be speaking more about reducing nicotine addiction soon.
Similar plans have been discussed to lessen Americans’ addiction to products that coat the lungs with tar, release 7,000 chemicals and lead to cancer, heart disease and lung disease. Nicotine is also available in e-cigarettes, chews, patches and lozenges, but this proposal apparently would not affect those products.
“This one rule could have the greatest impact on public health in the history of public health,” said Mitch Zeller, the recently retired F.D.A. tobacco center director. “That’s the scope and the magnitude we’re talking about here, because tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death.”
About 1,300 people die prematurely each day of smoking-related causes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding up to about 480,000 deaths per year.
The obstacles to such a plan, though, are immense and could take years to overcome. Some plans have been floated that would require a 95 percent reduction in the amount of nicotine in cigarettes. That could toss U.S. smokers, an estimated 30 million people, into a state of nicotine withdrawal, which involves agitation, difficulty focusing and irritability. It would send others in search of alternatives such as e-cigarettes, which are not included in the proposal.
Experts said that determined smokers might seek to buy high-nicotine cigarettes on illegal markets or across the borders in Mexico and Canada.
The F.D.A. would likely have to overcome opposition from the tobacco industry, which has already begun pointing out the reasons the agency cannot upend an $80 billion market. Legal challenges could take years to resolve, and the agency may give the industry five or more years to make the changes.
Other major tobacco initiatives outlined in the landmark 2009 Tobacco Control Act have been slow to take shape. A lawsuit delayed a requirement for tobacco companies to put graphic warnings on cigarette packs. And the agency recently said it would take up to another year to finalize key decisions on which e-cigarettes might remain on the market.
Cigarette makers have already warned that the F.D.A. would be overstepping its authority to regulate cigarettes by requiring a product that’s impossible to produce or unacceptable to consumers.
“Both an express and a de facto ban would have precisely the same effect — both would eviscerate Congress’s expressly stated purpose ‘to permit the sale of tobacco products to adults,’” according to a letter in 2018 from RJ Reynolds’s parent company, RAI Services, to the F.D.A. about an earlier proposal.
The effort to lower nicotine levels follows a proposed rule announced in April that would ban menthol-flavored cigarettes, which are heavily favored by Black smokers. That proposal was also hailed as a potential landmark advance for public health, and it has already drawn tens of thousands of public comments. The F.D.A. is bound to review and address those comments before finalizing the rule.
Five years ago, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the agency’s commissioner at the time, released a plan to cut nicotine levels in cigarettes to a minimally or non-addictive level. The proposal took shape in 2017, but did not lead to a formal rule during the Trump administration.
At the time, the F.D.A. said a model predicted that sharply reducing nicotine in cigarettes would spur five million people to quit smoking in one year.
Among the 8,000 comments that poured in on a 2018 proposal, opposition emerged from retailers, wholesalers and tobacco companies. The Florida Association of Wholesale Distribution, a trade group, said the proposal could result in “new demand for black-market products, and result in increased trafficking, crime and other illegal activity.”
RAI Services, the parent company of RJ Reynolds that is one of the biggest tobacco businesses, said in 2018 that the F.D.A. had no evidence that the plan to cut nicotine levels would improve public health. The agency “would need to give tobacco manufacturers decades to comply,” and figure out how to consistently grow low-nicotine tobacco, RAI said in a letter to the F.D.A. What’s more, the letter stated, the agency had no authority “to force tobacco farmers to change their growing practices.”
The tobacco company Altria also warned in 2018 that a standard that degrades tobacco “to the point of being unacceptable to adult smokers” would be considered a cigarette ban that would violate tobacco control laws.
The Tobacco Control Act of 2009 gave the F.D.A. broad powers to regulate tobacco products with standards “appropriate for the protection of the public health,” although it specifically outlawed a ban on cigarettes or the reduction of nicotine levels to zero.
Low-nicotine cigarettes are already available to consumers, albeit in a limited fashion. This spring, a New York plant biotech company, 22nd Century Group, began selling a reduced-nicotine cigarette that took 15 years and tens of millions of dollars to develop through the genetic manipulation of the tobacco plant. The company’s brand, VLN, contains five percent of the nicotine level of conventional cigarettes, according to James Mish, the company’s chief executive.
“This is not some far-off technology,” he said.
To earn its F.D.A. designation as a “reduced-risk” tobacco product, VLN was subjected to a raft of testing and clinical trials by regulators.
For now, the company is selling VLN at Circle K convenience stores in Chicago as part of a pilot program. Mr. Mish described sales as “modest” — retail prices are similar to premium brands like Marlboro Gold — but he said the proposed F.D.A. rule would most likely accelerate plans for a national rollout in the coming months. That said, the company’s long-range business plan, he said, was largely predicated on licensing its genomic engineering technology to Big Tobacco.
Dr. Neal Benowitz, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who studies tobacco use and cessation, first proposed the idea of paring the nicotine out of cigarettes in 1994.
He said one key concern was whether smokers would puff harder, hold in smoke for a longer time or smoke more cigarettes to compensate for the lower nicotine level. After several studies, researchers discovered that the cigarette that prevented those behaviors was the lowest-nicotine version, one with about 95 percent less of the addictive chemical.
Dorothy K. Hatsukami, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota who studies the relationship between nicotine and smoking behavior, said a growing body of evidence suggested that a rapid and significant reduction of nicotine in cigarettes would provide greater public health benefits than the gradualist approach that some scientists had been promoting.
A 2018 study led by Dr. Hatsukami that followed the habits of 1,250 smokers found that participants who had been randomly assigned cigarettes with ultra-low nicotine smoked less and exhibited fewer signs of dependency than those who had been given cigarettes with nicotine levels that were gradually reduced over the course of 20 weeks.
There were, however, downsides to slashing nicotine in one fell swoop: Participants dropped out of the study more frequently than those in the gradualist group and they experienced more intense nicotine withdrawal. Some secretly turned to their regular, full-nicotine brands.
“The bottom line is we’ve known for decades that nicotine is what makes cigarettes so addictive, so if you reduce the nicotine, you make the experience of smoking less satisfying and you increase the likelihood that people will try to quit,” she said.
A recent study offers a cautionary tale, though, on the degree of public health benefit lawmakers can expect from tobacco-control policy. While there is no other nation to look to for experience with a low-nicotine cigarette mandate, there is for the menthol flavor ban.
Alex Liber, an assistant professor in the oncology department of Georgetown University’s School of Medicine who studies tobacco control policy, examined Poland’s experience with a menthol cigarette ban instituted in 2020.
The study he and others wrote found the ban did not lead to a decrease in overall cigarette sales, Mr. Liber said, probably because tobacco companies cut cigarette prices and also began selling flavor-infusion cards (for about a quarter each) that users can put in their cigarette pack to add back the flavor.
“They know how to sell and make money and they will make more and more as long as they have wiggle room,” he said. “I just expect nothing less.”
Image Credit: Taylor Glascock for the New York Times. Source: Christina Jewett and Andrew Jacobs (The New York Times). 
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 14th February 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King held an Investiture at Windsor Castle this morning. His Majesty this afternoon met volunteers who have been assisting with the relief effort in response to the recent earthquakes in Turkey, West London Turkish Volunteers, 670 Hanworth Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, and was received by Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London), the Turkish Ambassador (His Excellency Mr Umit Yalçin) and Ms Susan Inglish (Chairman of Trustees, Disasters Emergency Committee). The King afterwards formally launched Syria House, a temporary community tent in Trafalgar Square, London WC2, supporting those affected by the recent earthquakes in northwest Syria, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa), His Excellency Mr Ralph Goodale (High Commissioner for Canada), the Mayor of London (the Rt Hon Sadiq Khan), Mr Saleh Saeed (Chief Executive Officer, Disasters Emergency Committee) and Mr Ayman Asfari (Co-Founder, Asfari Foundation). His Excellency Mr Moses Kouni Mose was later received in audience by The King upon his appointment as High Commissioner for Solomon Islands in London.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this afternoon arrived at Wellington International Airport, New Zealand. Her Royal Highness, accompanied by Admiral Laurence, this evening called upon the Governor-General of New Zealand (Her Excellency the Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro) and Dr Richard Davies at Government House Wellington. The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, subsequently attended a Dinner given by the Governor-General of New Zealand and Dr Richard Davies at Government House.
Kensington Palace
The Duke of Gloucester, Patron, Richard III Society, this afternoon received Mr Matthew Lewis (Chairman).
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent this morning attended the launch of the Garden of Loss, Unity and Hope, planted by the Worshipful Company of Gardeners in support of the Lord Mayor of the City of London’s Big Curry Lunch, at Guildhall, London EC2. His Royal Highness, Royal Patron, this afternoon attended a Lunch to commemorate the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Dresden Trust, held by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany (His Excellency Mr Miguel Berger) at the Residence in London, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa).
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cmlbcommish · 1 year
CMLB: Riley Hotdogfingers, Saskatchewan Skates, 1
Riley Hotdogfingers exits the car.
He has finally arrived at the stadium in a timely manner, after a long drive through many many miles of grain fields.
Well, kilometres. He should get better adjusted to the Canadian measurement systems. Celcius, kilometres, centimetres. All of the ones he never learned in school. 
The drive out was boring. He would have preferred to drive himself, but the person arranging his transport assured him he wouldn't have been able to find the stadium. Weird. One minute he's looking at his phone and the next the car is pulling up to the outside of the stadium. Double weird. 
"Go on in, take a left, keep walking and go down the third staircase you see, the one with the 'Staff Only' sign on it, and keep walking straight till you see the Commissioner's office." Says the driver, closing the door behind Riley.
He drives away, and Riley is left in front of a huge stadium, surrounded by nothing but flat farmland for kilometres and kilometres, with only a small bag of equipment. He looks around. The outside is normal. Pavement is new. Doors in the front are glass. The flag of Canada and the local team fly on the flag post. Overall, a normal looking stadium. Doesn't help how liminal it feels, but he presumes that's the trade off for the amount of space.
He shrugs off the feeling. He decided this path, and he was going to sew it through. 
Riley walks into the stadium, following the directions the driver gave, and finds himself in the underside of the stadium.
He looks around, and notices it's so… clean, down there. The staff only area looks almost clinical. The walls are an offwhite in colour. The hallway stretches on and on only broken up by the occasional unlabeled door. 
He eventually makes his way to the end of the hallway, to the door labeled 'COMMISSIONERS OFFICE' in handwritten sharpie marker, the only thing Riley has seen so far that looks anything but perfect.
He knocks on the door, shifting his bag on his shoulder nervously.
"Come in!" Says a voice from inside, presumably the Commissioner.
Now, when Riley was offered a position to play in this league, this unknown Canadian Minor League Blaseball, he didn't really know what to expect.
The league has no history, and was being funded by an unknown force willing to pay him so much more money than any minor league could ever dream of offering him down in the States. 
But there was the gamble, it was advertising itself as a Blaseball league, and he knows first hand what the Internet League Blaseball can do to a family.
He took the offer though, there was nothing left for him down in Seattle, not after everything, and now here he is, meeting with his future employer and hoping that this iteration of Blaseball doesn't end up being a bloodsplort.
He opens the door, steeling himself for what he might find inside, and takes a deep breath. 
Inside is.. a regular office. Actually, scratch that, a large office. A figure sits at the desk. Gold nameplate reads 'Nagomi Seraph, She/Her.' 
The person at the desk stands up and walks over to him.
Riley's first impressions of his new boss, are mixed in nature. Her outfit isn't professional.  She wears ripped jeans and a long red shirt with a hoodie pocket on it. Her shoes are red high tops. Her hair is fairly long and straight, with little black wings on her head. Her skin is pale gray, with many small scars. The with the most noticeable one sitting across her nose. 
Nagomi's face is serious. She stands a few inches shorter than him, and she has a commanding presence. She firmly shakes Riley's hand, welcoming him to the league, and gestures for him to sit in the chair across from her desk.
"As you can tell, I am Nagomi Seraph. I'm one of the two commissioners of the league, you'll meet the other one later." She starts. "The goal of the CMLB is to have a space for Blaseball players to have a league that they can play in to earn a salary, that isn't a risk to their lives like the ILB." She slides a book binder over to Riley. It has a blue cover with CMLB on it.
"This is the Player Manual, it outlines all the rules of the game and everything you are expected to follow. Until you have read everything and understand the situation, do not sign anything. I want it to be perfectly clear what is expected out of you playing in this league." She leans back in her chair, arms crossed.
Riley picks up the manual and reads through it. He has a relatively fast reading speed, but the more he reads the more he has to double back to understand. He looks at Nagomi in disbelief. "You started a league that pays their players… For fun?" 
Nagomi smirks. "Yep, that's it." 
"What the hell for? What do you gain from spending billions of dollars to make stadiums and draft teams?"
Nagomi laughs, standing up from her chair. "What do I gain?" She smiles, "Personally, I gain nothing. No, I'm doing this out of spite, for a friend, since I have the money to do it." Nagomi turns and walks over to the bookcase behind her desk, rifling through a few books.
It's a wild reason, spite. Something this expensive being for spite breaks Riley's brain a little bit, but the rules outlined in the player manual won't be hard to follow. Everything is easy to understand. So he signs the contract on the very last page. 
"Done." He says "Everything is sound. I'll play in your league." 
"Just like that?" Nagomi questions, placing a book from her shelf in front of him. 
"Just like that." He confirms. He flips through the book she gave him and sees it's full of information about his new team. Eli Quitter. King Dracaena. Atlas Short. Ten other names. It also has a few pages of information about the stadium and the league, presumably to get him used to living here.
"You'll be on the Saskatchewan Skates." Nagomi starts. "I know that having a team bias isn't good for the commissioner of the league but screw it, the Skates are my favourite team." She shrugs nonchalantly. "They'll be good to you, there's another player on the team who has ties to a prominent ILB player and I'm hoping you two get along." 
Riley nods, standing up from his chair. Nagomi shakes his hand again. "I look forward to seeing you out there. Your schedule is in the book, first practice is on Sunday, the driver will be outside to pick you up at 8am sharp. Don't be late." She ushers him to the door, 
"He'll be outside to drive you back as well, this place isn't exactly easy to get to." She scoffs, and he figures there's more to that statement than he realizes.
He's a little bit down the hallway when he hears Nagomi call his name. 
He turns around.
"Once again, Welcome to the CMLB." She waves, and shuts the door behind her.
When Riley gets home to his little rental apartment, he goes straight to bed.
He has a nightmare again. Umpire fire. His voice screaming his sister's name. The stadium around him burns. The Skates stadium rises from the ashes. 
Riley wakes up, and wonders what he has gotten himself into.
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robbhoffmann51 · 1 year
Three are Arrested over the Murder of a Popular Indian Rapper
People hold a vigil last month in the Indian city of Amritsar for murdered Punjabi rapper Sidhu Moose Wala
Indian police have arrested three men accused of murdering hip-hop star Sidhu Moose Wala, seizing weapons including a grenade launcher from the suspects.
Moose Wala -- also known by his birth name Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu -- was killed in his car in the northern state of Punjab in the month of October.
The 28-year-old was a popular musician both in India and among Punjabi communities abroad, especially in Canada and Britain.
Special police commissioner H.S. Dhaliwal told reporters in Delhi on Monday that three suspects had been detained in the western state of Gujarat over the weekend.
Police recovered explosive grenades with high explosives, a rocket launcher, an assault rifle and electronic detonators from the suspects.
Local media reported that Goldy Brar a gangster from Canada, claimed to be the perpetrator of the murder of the rapper and was in contact with the hitmen the morning of it.
"Brar called one of the shooters on the day of the incident and directed him to ensure the execution of Moose Wala," the Hindustan Times newspaper quoted a police officer as saying. Mc titan launcher
According to the officer, "If guns fail, kill him in an explosion."
Moose Wala rose to fame with catchy songs that attacked political opponents and rival rappers, portraying himself as a man who fought for his community's pride and justice, and then gunned down enemies.
He was criticised for his proclamation of gun culture through music videos in which he often posed with firearms.
His murder also brought to light the organised crime in Punjab which is a major way for drugs entering India through Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Many observers link the rise in gang violence and the increase in the use of illegal weapons to the narcotics market which is primarily comprised of heroin and opium.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Donald Alexander Smith, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, fur trader and railroad financier was born in Forres, August 6th 1820.
Donald Smith was the son of a saddler, a commoner, he was educated at Anderson’s Free School, he left school at 16 and was started his adult life apprenticed to become a lawyer at the town clerks office in Forres, so he was smart and was not going to toil as a crofter like his family had before him. At 18 he chose to leave Forres and follow his Uncle who had been successful in the fledgling Companies in 19th century Canada, so it was he set sail for Montreal to become a junior clerk in the service of the Hudson’s Bay Company, in what was then Lower Canada.
Smith’s achievements are numerous. For a record 75 years he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company. He became Governor of that company, a substantial investor in the Canadian Pacific Railway, a benefactor of McGill University, where he founded Royal Victoria College for women in 1896, and founder of Victoria Hospital in Montreal, the list goes on and on in industry, politics, and philanthropy.
Lord Strathcona went on to use his incredible wealth and status to help build Canada into a nation, he helped establish the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canada’s independent military. He contributed large donations to medical science and women’s education, among many others. His estate was valued at $5.5 million. During his lifetime, (remember this was a self made man),and including the bequests left after his death, he gave away just over $7.5 million plus a further £1 million (not including private gifts and allowances) to a huge variety of charitable causes.
If I was to compare what Smith achieved during his life with anyone else the only person I can think of is Andrew Carnegie. The pics show the man himself, the second posing to hit the ceremonial last spike  of the Canadian Pacific Railway, behind him to his left is the subject  of a post last month, Sandford Fleming, thethird pic is  a memorial plaque in Forres that states
“Donald Alexander Smith Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal Pioneer, Statesman and Philanthropist in Forres on 6th August 1820 in the family home on a site close to this wall near the banks of the Mosset. He emigrated to Canada in 1838 and eventually became governor of the Hudson Bay Company. Concerned with the development of the dominion he became co-founder of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In 1896 he was appointed to the United Kingdom As a High Commissioner for Canada and received a peerage the following year. He raised and equipped Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) for service during the South African War. Many local  including Leanchoil Hospital and St. Laurence Church benefited greatly through his renowned generosity. Lord Strathcona died in Canada on the 21st January 1914 Erected by the Community Council for The Royal Burgh of Forres 1988”
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thxnews · 5 months
UK Human Rights Suggests China Reforms Rights Policy
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Foreign Office Suggests Urgent Reforms in Four Areas
A Firm Stance on Human Rights The UK Foreign Office, led by Simon Manley CMG, has released a critical statement addressing serious human rights concerns in China. The statement outlines four key areas where the UK government believes China could enact significant changes, particularly in light of the treatment of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang and the diminishing freedoms in Hong Kong.   1. Action Needed in Xinjiang The UK is suggesting an immediate end to the persecution and arbitrary detention of Uyghurs and Tibetans in Xinjiang. Citing reports from the United Nations, as well as satellite imagery and leaked government documents, the statement paints a grim picture of mass detentions, forced labor, and cultural suppression in the region.   Key Points: - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) demands access to Xinjiang. - Satellite imagery reveals extensive internment camps - First-hand accounts from escaped Uyghurs confirm severe human rights abuses. - International sanctions by the UK, Canada, the US, and others against individuals and entities linked to these abuses.   2. Repealing Hong Kong's National Security Law The UK government is pressing China to repeal the controversial National Security Law imposed on Hong Kong in 2020. This law, according to critics, has drastically curtailed essential freedoms and undermined the "one country, two systems" framework.   Key Points: - The law has led to the arrest of pro-democracy activists and journalists. - UN Human Rights Council urges China to review the law and release detainees. - Growing concern over the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedoms. 3. Ensuring Judicial Independence and Human Rights The UK is deeply concerned about the lack of judicial independence in China, highlighting the political interference and limitations on due process. The UK also urges China to abolish the death penalty.   Key Points: - Issues with fair trials and potential political persecution. - Reports of forced confessions and arbitrary detentions. - The UK condemns harassment of human rights defenders in China.   4. Upholding Freedom of Expression The Foreign Office demands that China stop restricting civil society, independent media, and online platforms. The increasing suppression of dissent limits open dialogue and critical voices.   Key Points: - Concerns about the forced repatriation of refugees and asylum seekers. - Call for the release of imprisoned human rights defenders. - Importance of protecting the right to free speech and expression.   A Call for Fundamental Rights The UK's message to China is unequivocal: human rights violations cannot be ignored. These four critical areas require action to address the severe concerns and uphold fundamental rights for all individuals within China's territories. The UK stands firm in its commitment to human rights and suggests China make significant changes in its policies.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & Simon Manley CMG. Read the full article
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venusastro152023 · 8 months
DEBATEHomophobia and lgbtq+, Which is worse?
By Jaylyne Thompson
Homophobia vs lgbtq. It has been a debate for as long as there have been gay people. Some people debate that lgbtq+ children and adults are mentally ill, however, people also believe the conservative driven hate crimes put the homophobes in a bad light. Which is worse?
Lgbtq people have been around since the times of the romans. In many cultures from the past, it was celebrated, in others it was scrutinized. One of these notable cultures was natives in the US and Canada. They would respect ceremonial and social roles for homosexuals, bisexual, and gender non-comforming individuals in their communities. In these communities, these roles still exist. While each culture has their own name for these individuals, a pan-Indian term that was adopted in the 1990’s is called, two spirits (link 6). While many have adopted this term, some communities dislike it due to there being additional identities to define nonbinary identities. (link 7).
Transgender people have been around since ancient greece. In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and Rome, there were galli priests that some scholars believe to have been trans women. Nowadays, Some people try to argue against genetics that transgender men and women are real women and men, while others have debunked such with genetics. They try to justify that despite genetics, they are indeed real women and men, many people have debunked such beliefs whether they are republican or democratic (link 3), and some people try to stereotype what they call, “cis” women (link 4). Some people try to justify that nonbinary/gender fluid is a real gender due to the existence of intersex people (people that are born with genetic medical conditions resulting in different chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that according to The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights, “do not fit the typical binary notions of male or female bodies, link 5), while others believe it is a mental illness (link 2).
Homophobic people
Homophobic people believe that same sex relationships are disgusting. Homophobia is a term used to describe a person, or group of people who describe gay, lesbian, and transgender people as distasteful, horrid, against god’s wishes, or mental.
Negative attitudes toward identifiable LGBT groups have similar yet specific names: lesbophobia is a term of homophobia and sexism directed against lesbians, gayphobia is the hatred or dislike of gay men, biphobia targets bisexuality and bisexual people, and transphobia targets transgender and transsexual people and gender role or gender variance nonconformity (link 8).
Crimes against the lgbtq
There has been many acts of hate among the lgbtqi+ community. These are just a few (link-9).
In Argentina, on October 16, 2016, in Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, lesbian football player Eva Analia De Jesus, known by her nickname, “Higui”, was surrounded by a group of what was likely homophobic men who threatened to rape her. Higui pulled out a knife and killed one of them. She was incarcerated for homicide (link 11), causing protests in Argentina. Higui was absolved of the crime on March 17th, 2022.
(link 12) In Australia, George Duncan and Rodger Jones were thrown into a river in 1972, by people they had believed to be police officers, resulting in the tragic death of George Duncan. Roger Jones refused to identify his attacker due to fearing for his life. Two police officers were initially charged for the murder, but acquitted of the charges, the case in question was said to have been a police cover up. In an independent police report, the incident was described as, “a high-spirited frolic’, gone wrong. Because it was still the 70’s I think we can assume it was a cover up.
In Brazil, September 2007, a gay man named Osvan Inacio dos Santos who was 19 years old was assaulted and murdered in September 2007, on a street near a bar where he had just won the local "Miss Gay" competition in the town of Batangas in northeast Brazil. Dos Santos' naked body was discovered on Sunday morning, and forensic examination found his skull had been badly fractured, and had also evidence that indicated sexual assault. Teddy Marques, the president of The Alagos Gay group was quoted to say to EFE news group, “Homophobia is one of the worst problems Brazil faces. It is unacceptable that every other day in our country a homosexual is brutally murdered", (link 13).
On April 7 2013, Wilfred de Bruijn was beaten while walking with his boyfriend in the 18 Arrondissement April 7, 2013. De Bruijn later posted a photograph of his badly injured face on Facebook to make more awareness of homophobic attacks attracting international media attention in the process. The attack was executed by Taieb K. and Abdelmalik M. I wasn't able to see if they were charged. On facebook he was quoted to say on his facebook page, “Sorry to show you this. It's the face of homophobia”, (link 14).
Have gay people attacked homophobic people?
I was unable to find any sort of search results regarding whether gay people have attacked homophobic people as a hate crime. If they did they likely were defending themselves as far as I know. I really tried (link 10).
Looking at all the evidence I have collected whether on www.Youtube.com
 or on www.Wikipedia.com, with my personal opinion, I have come to this conclusion:we all are. Everyone is fucked up. Lgbtqi+ people shouldn't do things for attention, homophobic people should just mind their business. We all need therapy. There are mistakes on all our parts. In the end, nobody will ever be in the right.
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The Lows and the Lows of Justin Trudeau
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Diplomacy is hard. One has to delicately navigate through tight spaces, negotiate at mutually beneficial terms and carefully choose words to utter at the exact right moment. Diplomacy comes naturally to some leaders, who take it upon themselves to make their country stand out at the world stage; however, there are certain leaders who are masters of miscalculation, architects of error and lords of oversight, fumbling their way through the delicate dance of foreign relations. In the latter category stands none other than Canada’s very own Justin Trudeau, the man who is breaking records on the shortest time it takes to completely wreck a nation’s foreign policy.
Justin Trudeau, the charismatic and youthful leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, assumed office in 2015. His ascension to power was met with high hopes and expectations, both in Canada and on the international stage. However, as his tenure unfolded, there were growing concerns among some quarters about the perceived deterioration of Canada under his regime.
Trudeau's early years in office were marked by a wave of optimism, driven by his promises of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, ambitious climate change initiatives, and a commitment to open and transparent governance. His charismatic demeanour and commitment to diversity endeared him to many Canadians and earned him global recognition as a progressive leader. Nonetheless, as time passed, critics began to point out various areas where they believed Canada had experienced a decline under Trudeau's leadership. These criticisms ranged from questions about his handling of major scandals like the SNC-Lavalin affair to concerns about the economy, fiscal management, and foreign policy decisions.
The most popular controversy plaguing the media recently is Mr Trudeau openly blaming India over the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar. The world watched in awe as he stood in the Canadian House of Commons and attacked an important geo-political ally, India, over “credible allegations” of it being accomplice in the killing of the convicted terrorist on Canadian soil. As linguistic experts and lexicographers all over the world got busy in searching for the definition of “credible allegations”, the explosive revelation came that he only made that announcement in haste so that the media does not report it before his announcement, making him appear weak and passive. Ironically, it did just that. Mr David Eby, the premier of British Columbia, reveals that the only briefings that he has been able to receive in this regard were open-source briefings, which is information that’s available to the public doing an internet search. In other words, Justin Trudeau jeopardised India-Canada relations over a Google search.
Mr Trudeau has an extensive history of embarrassing India and himself. In 2018 the Canadian high commissioner extended an invitation to an extremist named Jaspal Atwal, a convicted individual with a history of attempted murder and ties to a terrorist organisation. Atwal was found guilty of attempting to assassinate an Indian minister back in 1986 and was also implicated in an attack on Ujjal Dosanjh, the former premier of British Columbia.
Lastly, he recently decided to honour a Nazi war veteran in the hallowed halls of the Candain House of Commons. Trudeau personally met with and bestowed honours upon a veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a division that was, well, a Nazi division. But why stop there? The Liberals even arranged for this Nazi veteran to receive recognition on the floor of the House of Commons during a visit by the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Making unfounded claims without concrete evidence, knowingly inviting Nazi war criminals by Mr Trudeau has not only strained India-Canada relations but also undermined Canada’s credibility on the global stage. Canada would need to opt for better leaders if it wants to be taken seriously by the international community.
Task At Hand:
You are the PRO of Mr Justin Trudeau address all the allegations bestowed upon him and create an extensive 2-year political campaign for him to win the 45th Canadian Federal Election in 2025.
Deliverables required but not limited to:
A. Report consisting of the following:
Executive Summary
Defense Strategies
PR Strategies
A 2 Year political campaign plan
Press Release
B. Creatives (Posters, Memes, Jingles etc etc)
You must also submit a PPT of not more than 5 slides and a report that encapsulates the abovementioned deliverables. Submit the PPT and the Report by 5:00AM to [email protected]
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shahananasrin-blog · 8 months
[ad_1] This photograph released on April 29 shows the Glasgow Gurdwara in the UK with believers in the midst of religious activity. — Facebook/Glasgow GurdwaraGLASGOW: Indian High Commissioner to the UK Vikram Doraiswami was stopped by Sikhs from entering the Glasgow Gurdwara, foreign media reported. After the incident, the Indian High Commissioner decided to leave and not indulge in an argument. The issue has been raised with the UK foreign office and also the police.This comes at a time when the diplomatic relationship between India and Canada is worsening after allegations were levelled by the North American country’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, about India’s part in the murder of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar.A purported video posted on the Instagram channel of ‘Sikh Youth UK’ showed a man obstructing Doraiswami from entering the Glasgow gurdwara located on Albert Drive.The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has strongly condemned the incident. BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa emphasized that gurdwaras are open to individuals from all religions and communities, and Sikhs are known for their commitment to humanity.“I strongly condemn this (that Vikram Doraiswami was allegedly stopped from entering a gurdwara in Scotland). Anyone from any religion or community can come here (gurdwara). We are not that religion that believes in violence instead we are among those who are saviours of humanity. Sikhs are the saviours. PM Modi has praised the work of our community. Sikhs are represented everywhere in the world. The safest place for the Sikhs in the world is in India...,” said BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa. [ad_2]
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mirecalemoments01 · 9 months
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clancyhouse58 · 1 year
Three are Indicted over the Murder of a Popular Indian Rapper
People hold a vigil last month in the Indian city of Amritsar for the murder of Punjabi rapper Sidhu Moose Wala
Indian police have arrested three men suspected of murdering hip-hop star Sidhu Moose Wala, seizing an arsenal of weapons, including an grenade launcher from the suspects.
Moose Wala -- also known by his birth name Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu was shot dead in his car in the northern part of Punjab in the month of March.
The 28-year-old was a popular musician both in India and also among Punjabi communities around the world, particularly in Canada and Britain.
Special police commissioner H.S. On Monday, H.S. Dhaliwal, special police commissioner, told reporters in Delhi that three suspects were detained in Gujarat's western state over the past weekend.
Police recovered explosive grenades with high explosives, a rocket launcher, an assault rifle, and electronic detonators from the suspects.
Local media reported that Goldy Brar, a Canadian gangster, claimed responsibility for the death of the rapper and was in touch the hitmen the morning of it.
According to the Hindustan Times newspaper, a police officer claimed that Brar had phoned one of the shooters before the incident and directed him to ensure the death of Moose Wala.
"If guns fail to work then kill him with a blast, was his order," the officer told the newspaper.
Moose Wala rose to fame with catchy songs that attacked political opponents and rival rappers and portraying himself as a man who fought for his community's pride and justice, as well as killed enemies. Titanlauncher
He was criticised for promoting gun culture through his music videos, where he often shot with guns.
His murder also brought to light organized crime in Punjab which is a major way for drugs to enter India through Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Many experts link the narcotics trade -which is predominantly heroin and opiumand an increase in gang-related violence and the use of illegal weapons in the state.
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kayla1993-world · 1 year
Migrant worker exploited by Edmonton employer awarded $30K — but he can't
A temporary foreign worker (TFW) who was underpaid and fired without notice by an Edmonton employer has been awarded $30,000 company at fault no longer exists. The Alberta Human Rights Commission found that David Pryde faced discrimination at Align Fence Inc., where he was wrongfully terminated without notice in April 2015. He has been awarded $30,000 in general damages and $1,300 in lost wages. The commission was on April 11, eight years after Pryde was fired. However, Align was dissolved in 2018, meaning Pryde won't be able to collect damages. He said it was still meaningful to see the complaint through hopes of highlighting the burdensome process, especially for non-English speakers. In June 2014, South Africa's high unemployment rate drove Pryde to look for greener pastures in Canada. The engineering technologist took a lower-paying job installing and repairing fences for Align. Under a two-year federal temporary foreign work permit, Pryde could not work in another occupation or for another employer. According to the ruling, Align paid Pryde a dollar less than the $22 hourly rate designated by his job category. Eventually, the commission says, employers assigned Pryde to duties as a technologist, where he was supposed to earn $33.65 per hour, but Pryde's hourly rate stayed at $21. On many occasions, Pryde raised concerns with his employers about being underpaid and working outside the scope of the TFW program, commissioner Cynthia J. Dickins wrote in the decision. On April 13, 2015, Pryde's employment was terminated even though he had eight months left on his contract. Barred from finding another job, Pryde was forced to go home. Abuse of migrant workers is a common scenario, said Marco Luciano, director of Migrante Alberta. "The program itself puts the migrant worker in a position," he said. Luciano said the complaint-based system is problematic for migrant workers who fear losing their job and status and don't have the time or resources to navigate its complexities. In 2019, the commission made changes to reduce lengthy processing times. In 2021-22, complaints took an average of 538 days to either resolve, dismiss or refer the complaint to a tribunal, which represents a 39 percent drop from the previous year, a commission spokesperson said in an email to CBC. In that same period, adjudicated files took an average of 721 days to close, representing a 16 percent drop. The Alberta government says a provincial advisory office helps TFWs "understand their rights and get help when facing unfair, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions." Services are free of charge and confidential, Roy Dallmann, press secretary for Jobs Minister Brian Jean, told CBC News in an email. In the case of allegations, the office can make referrals to authorities, he added. The federal government said it could not due to the labor disruption.
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