#October 16 2023
royalarchivist · 3 months
Fit: Well- well then Pac, you need to make sure nothing bad happens to me, ok?
Pac: Ok- no, yeah, yeah! I'm gonna make sure you stay safe and protected, ok Fit? I'm gonna be-
Fit: Thank you...
Pac: [In a deeper voice] I'm gonna be like, watching everything, you know?
Fit: There we go, that's right!
Pac: Yeah! I'm gonna grab some XP-
Fit: Put on your war face! Put on your WAR face, Pac. Be like- [growling] GRAHH!
Pac: [Growls back] GRAHH!!!
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card-of-the-day · 8 months
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Today's Card Is: Abaki
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manesins · 8 months
ethan and damiano in voice recordings to the Måneskin discord server (10.16.2023)
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averbaldumpingground · 8 months
The last stars in the sky go out, like streetlights in the unfamiliar morning. It ends like that, the world where cities stood.
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dteam-snaps · 8 months
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→ OCTOBER 16 2023
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What: Gucci Jackie 1961 Small Shoulder Bag in Red (2,500.00€) Where: Instagram Pics - October 16, 2023
Worn with: Gucci jumper, shirt, jeans and loafers
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mermaidinthecity · 8 months
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torikelly: thank u @ applemusic & @ brookereese for having me! 💫
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Lost Mine & Abyss Session 11 - A Dragon And A Dungeon
-The party awakens from their rest on the road and returns to their cart, their destination rapidly approaching as Zoream notes familiar trees. Arriving at the ruins of the town at last, passing a sign warning of demons ahead, he tells the party they should head to the town's tower, where it all happened.
-Making their way up the hill, they are attacked by bats swooping at them in the daylight. Their weapon swipes knock them away, revealing their true form as quasits- the one survivor turning away and flying at high speed for the tower. The party ducks into one of the ruined houses for shelter from the sky as more quasits circle in the distance.
-Zoream talks more of the failed summoning, that a quasit is what they were trying to summon- and what they got was much more. Vierna smugly turns to Valark and says that drow summoners would never make such a mistake. Valark pulls Vierna aside and explains in Undercommon some of the recent events in Menzoberranzan- the drow city is crawling with demons foolishly summoned by the First House.
-Taking in the area from the windows and finding it to be safe enough, the party discusses their plan of entry. Sen helpfully suggests they throw the gnome and goblin through the window. Dakwert and Creak protest this aggression to short people. The plan looking more and more like "throw the short people," the small warlock retreats into his extradimensional necklace. Creak is completely distracted by the shine of its gem, trying on the necklace.
-Sid takes the opportunity to pick up the goblin, stepping out of the building and launching her and the necklace towards the 50 foot high window. The goblin lands short of the goal, frozen in place clinging to the stones and refusing to move. Oops.
-Sen crouches through the bushes alongside the trail as they all exit- and is restrained as a large Shambling Mound comes alive around him. The tiefling forces himself free, spitting a Poison Spray upon its entangling vines as the party faces it in combat, to their confusion. Vierna and Valark slash it with their blades, Zoream bonks it with staff and spells, Sid unleashes a cone of draconic fire, and Creak (with Dakwert) continues clinging to the side of the tower.
-Moving towards them from the shadows between houses, a strange druid cloaked in dark leaves joins the fray, beating it back with a spell of Blight as he admonishes the party for their disturbance of this place. He tells them to come with him to his shelter, to not stay in the open here.
-The party points out Creak (and Dakwert) still stuck on the walls of the tower, the druid sighing in disappointment and taking the form of a giant vulture to bring them back down to safety, returning to his human form upon landing. Dakwert exits the shelter of the necklace, on solid ground once more.
-The druid rushes everyone through the ruined town to the building he has taken as his shelter at the edge of town. He tells them he came to this place a year ago, finding that the earth has not rested since the town's invasion- something is wrong, and he must keep travelers away while he works to heal it. The druid Ylsirri was sent for the demons- yet did not stay to heal the land, and was not heard from again, blaming her for leaving this place to its state. Sen protests that it wasn't her job, the druid challenging that it was, and she abandoned her duty- commenting that she was "fond of the form of lizards."
-As the party asks what is keeping him from the tower, a rumbling is heard through the air, the druid motioning them to look carefully out the window as a young green dragon passes overhead- settling into the tower through the opening in the top.
-The druid tells them that the two of them are at a stalemate, neither daring to approach the other. He has done his best to control the plant creatures, but fears the dragon is involved. He tells them that if they want to prove themselves capable enough for this place, if Zoream wants to defend his home, then they should help him drive it off. Zoream asks for his assistance in locating Cragmaw Castle and Wave Echo Cave for their help, remembering Barthen's words of the druid Reidoth's skills as a navigator. The druid agrees.
-Reidoth tells them to take a short rest at his shelter before facing the beast, passing around some tea to the party. Creak bounces excitedly, ready to fight a dragon, conquest in her eyes. Dakwert, next to her, shakes with anxiety. Valark similarly stands still in shock, fearful of the beasts of the surface. Zoream works on the paintings of his spellbook. Sid passes around some special dwarven herb for the nerves.
-Sen and Vierna whisper off to the side, the drow offering a gem from within the compartment on her prosthetic arm, in exchange for the truth. Sen tells the drow that Ylsirri was his mother- and his father, a dragon. And the beast residing in Thundertree- his cousin.
-Setting out towards the tower, multiple plant creatures watch the party- but slink away at the sight of the druid. Another Shambling Mound resides at the bottom of the crater made by Ylsirri's brontosaurus stomps, made of the skeletons of Thundertree- but wisely stays in place. Get shambled, idiot.
-The party enters the cottage attached to the tower of the old wizard's home- finding three dead bodies of Dragon Cult members inside, slashed by claws. Dakwert takes one of their purple cloaks as a blanket, while Zoream takes one to add to his wolf cloak.
-Zoream opens the door to the lower tower, announcing loudly that "IT SMELLS LIKE BITCH IN HERE." Sid echoes it in Draconic to make sure the dragon hears. A growl rumbles through the tower as the large head of a green dragon pokes through the top of the stairs to glare at the party, releasing a cloud of poison gas- almost killing some of the party on the spot, the wizard left to one hp. Creak's battle spirit is immediately extinguished, the goblin hiding in the back.
-Zoream casts Dissonant Whispers upon the beast, shouting for it to get out of his home. The dragon retracts its head scrambles to the top of the tower- then shakes off the fear, leaping from the stairs to face the party on the ground beside his hoard. Its first attacks at Sid miss- but then it goes for a swipe at Vierna- which knocks off the gnome riding on her shoulders, Dakwert flung into the wall- and landing into the dragon's hoard.
-Sid summons his Spirit Guardians, forming the front line with Vierna with the horde of glowing dwarves, radiant axes digging into the beast's scales. The dragonborn then downs a healing potion with the dwarves to block him.
-Reidoth forms a ball of radiant sunlight in his hands, casting a Sunbeam towards the beast, the bright laser hitting it in the face and temporarily blinding it of physical sight- though Valark, unused to the surface, struggles for sight as well, throwing a Poison Knife to no effect.
-The dragon taunts the party, roaring that they are not worthy of his hoard. Locking onto Sen with his blindsight in recognition, the dragon speaks in Draconic that "Your adventure will come to an end, Siendessain."
-Vierna, for the first time this campaign, makes a hit with her battlemaster abilities- doing 24 damage and pulling the beast's attention to her. The beast seems to be weakened, shuffling back from the party and its confidence dropping, looking towards the stairs. Zoream moves to the stairs to block its escape, taking a potion and unleashing Arms of Hadar to smack the beast- its range striking the drow fighter as well.
-The dragon roars, scooping up some of the gems from his hoard- Dakwert, crit failing, swept up in his claws as well. He turns to the stairs, but looks back to Sen and grows in Draconic that "Your time here is at an end. Cal will hear of this." Sen is distressed by this, bringing up family memories. The two argue like squabbling toddlers, Dakwert escaping the beast's grasp as he waves his talons- then starts falling back in as he crit fails again. The gnome grabs onto his necklace, entering its extradimensional space as the necklace falls through the air- and safely into Zoream's hands.
-The dragon and Sen continue roaring at each other, the dragon insulting Sen for the flesh creature taking all of his uncle's attention, while Sen makes fun of his chosen name Venomfang and calls him a "cringe fucking nerd," the dragon protesting that its a cool, strong name. Zoream and Vierna attack Venomfang in his distraction, greatly wounding him. Sen shouts out in Elven to please not kill his shitty cousin.
-The dragon panics and leaps to the top of the tower. "I'M TELLING CAL" "FUCK YOU" "FUCK YOU" "SNITCH" "YEAH." The dragon flies off on his way to snitch to Sen's father. Watch the skies, indeed.
-Left with the hoard, Sen and Sid start digging through the shinies. "Family issues?" Sid says, having understood the whole draconic conversation. "You heard nothing," Sen replies. Sen scoops up the treasure of 800 silver and 150 gold, and four silver goblets into his bags, while Sid locates the practical items of spell scrolls of Misty Step and Lightning Bolt, as well as picking up hilt of the dwarven silver greataxe Hew. Identification reveals it to be enchanted to cut down plants with ease, giving its holder a dislike of forests. The Lor-axe.
-Zoream tells Vierna to come to the study with him, to see the scene that caused all this, the drow making her way up the stairs. Dakwert, too traumatized to leave the necklace, sits this treasure hoard out in Zoream's grasp. Before Zoream walks up, he catches a glint of jade seeming to call to him from the hoard as it tumbles to the floor. Handing Dakwert's necklace to Vierna, the orc steps over to investigate.
-The small jade calls out telepathically to Zoream as he touches it, in a voice he remembers from that day. "Finally, you've come back to me," says the voice of Dema, the guardian angel of Thundertree. "It's been so long, Zoream."
With the defeat of a dragon, the party levels up to level 4!
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music-asylum · 8 months
October 16, 2023
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vyxart · 8 months
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druggeddraccus · 8 months
tw: sick dog, description of dog poop
the puppy (bandit) has been having diarrhea. i thought it was from the kibble the breeder gave us so i got him off of that and had been feeding him rice and eggs for the past few days. his poop got better but was still mucus/liquid occasionally but i thought it was because he was stealing adult-dog kibble off the floor
today though his poop was like spinach green and there was blood. so i called the vet and have an appointment tomorrow. he’s still eating/drinking/playing so i think it’s okay to wait a day
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(stinker in question)
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manesins · 8 months
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damianodavid: Angel boy
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untothebreach · 8 months
im just woefully insignifigant to anyone and anything
wish i had anyone i felt like i could just call when im depressed
but most of my friends would just humor me, i think.. or pity me. or ive worn out my welcome with them and theyd be tired of me complaining.
theres nothing left here for me. mediocre pizza. food ill never be able to afford to eat. parks im too lazy to walk three blocks to. cats i love that live hours away. a family too busy to fix their own problems, too busy to even sleep properly - why would i ever burden them with mine? make them worry even more, and lose even more sleep?
i watch people walk below my window, living full lives. talking. laughing. connecting with people in meaningful ways. just... living.
i dont think my voice works very well for that anymore. i don't think it ever will again.
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dteam-snaps · 8 months
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→ OCTOBER 16 2023
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What: Gucci Horsebit straight-leg jeans (720.00€). And HERE Where: Instagram Pics - October 16, 2023
Worn with: Gucci jumper, shirt, loafers and bag
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mermaidinthecity · 5 months
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October 16, 2023
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