#OC The Bad Batch
dangraccoon · 1 month
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Jari'eyc - Chapter 9
Read on AO3
Word Count: 1888
Warnings: loss of consciousness, major character death, discussion of inhibitor chips and mind control experiments, reference to past child abuse, grief and loss, imprisonment, torture, The Girls Are Fighting
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“The Empire is looking for us,” Crosshair rasped, tears dripping down his face more freely than Tech had seen them in a long time. He clung to Tech’s arm as if he were a lifeboat. “Th-they’re killing her to get to us. Mar'eyir kaysh, Tad’ika.” [Find her, Little Two.]
Runi had taken up a place at his side once he passed out, keeping a check on his vitals with Wrecker keeping a watch over both. Tech had noted Sinya pulling Hunter by the arm into the medbay. The doors hadn’t opened since and Tech decided he wasn’t going to risk opening them.
Echo had offered to help him sort through the data he’d been pulling from the Empire’s databanks. Fives and Omega had offered their assistance as well, but had fallen asleep about an hour ago, Omega leaning against her newfound brother.
Echo had just thrown a blanket over the pair when the console chirped.
“Has the new set finished decrypting?” he asked, coming to look over Tech’s shoulder.
Tech nodded, fingers dancing across the buttons and eyes scanning the information rapidly.
Tech was starting to believe this set wouldn’t have her information either when Echo nearly shouted “there”.
Tech opened her personnel file, her image attached at the top. She looked so tired. Her eyes were cold and empty, seemingly half-lidded permanently. The white streak in her hair was stark against the rest. Her mouth was fixed in a straight line, missing all hint of the pull upwards it used to have. The image sent a shiver down Tech’s spine.
He read down into the file. It showed him the missions she’d been assigned, locations, dates, objectives. And at the very bottom was a report from an Imperial Officer.
Tech opened the report, both he and Echo letting out little gasp at the words written across the top.
“Status: Killed in Action”
“Kriff,” Echo cursed behind him, hand running over the short thatch of curls that had finally begun to regrow over his scalp.
Tech scowled at the report. Hadn’t the Chromira shown Crosshair that Jaine was alive? It wouldn’t make sense to show him images of the past. 
“What about the curse? She could still be alive, couldn’t she?” Echo and Tech’s heads turned quickly toward Omega, who was removing herself from the tight embrace of Fives.
“How do you know about that?” Echo asked, kneeling down next to her.
“It was in a report someone gave Nala Se,” she shrugged. “It came in after you all left for Felucia.”
Echo and Tech exchanged a look. 
“Nala Se read the report and then asked the Prime Minister for an urgent meeting. Then once Jaine woke up, Nala Se ordered…”
“Ordered what, ‘Mega?” Echo asked.
Omega’s hands were shaking slightly. “They did a– an experiment on her,” she mumbled, her expression turning to a mix of fear and anger. “They put a chip in.”
“A chip?” Echo repeated, nervously glancing at Fives, thankful that he was still asleep. “Like the inhibitor chips?”
Omega nodded and Echo let out a breath he didn’t know he’d be holding. “It didn’t work right at first, so they had to condition her. That’s where she got those scars and why her hair turned white.”
Tech felt sick, guilt twisting his stomach into knots. Behind his eyes he saw flashes of his own ‘conditioning’, but he pushed the foul memories to the side. He couldn’t shut down now.
“It wasn’t her?” Echo whispered, his widened eyes finding Tech. “None of it was her.”
Crosshair woke up with his head pounding and his entire body sore. He sat up and looked around. He definitely wasn’t on the Marauder. No, this place was too cold, literally and figuratively. A shiver ran down his back. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around his body. He could feel his hands shaking. Wait, his hands? No, these were someone else’s hands. 
He realized a moment later that he wasn’t in control of this body; he was merely a passenger. 
The person reached up to massage their neck at the point that was hurting most. Crosshair noted the knots of scar tissue beneath their touch.
They sighed, reaching up to pull their hair forward, beginning to braid some of the long crimson hair. Crosshair could feel something emanating deep within their soul; an intense pleading for help.
The pieces came together. Red hair, blaster scar on the neck. This was Jaine’s body he was in. 
“Up,” a stormtrooper ordered, opening the laser gate. Despite the resentment that boiled in her chest, she stood without hesitation, holding her arms out for the binders. 
The pair of troopers led her through the facility past numerous cells of clones. He could feel her guilt at not being able to help them. She glanced up at one cell in particular as they approached it. 
“Wait,” she whispered, her movement stilling as her heart dropped into her gut. “Where’s Fluke?”
One of the stormtroopers hit her shoulder with the butt of his gun. “Keep walking.”
She turned to face him. “Where’s CT-5121?” she growled.
“Went last night,” rasped the clone - Sig, she remembered - in the cell across from the one that used to hold Fluke.
Crosshair could feel the deep sorrow in Jaine’s heart and the tear that fell down her cheek. 
“Good morning, Jaine,” that woman, Doctor Karr, said as the gate opened. “How are you feeling today?”
Jaine didn’t answer. Merely allowing herself to be pushed onto the table and secured in place. 
“I’d like to offer you an opportunity,” Karr said, looking up from her datapad. “Answer the question and we don’t have to go through any of the pain.”
Jaine swallowed, her throat dry. “What question?”
“How do we find Clone Force 99?”
Crosshair felt her hesitation, before she finally answered. 
Hunter wasn’t sure exactly what was happening if he were to be completely honest. He probably should be anxious and on edge. He probably should be worried sick about Crosshair. He probably should have some kind of feelings about the possibility that Jaine wasn’t truly in control of herself when she’d attacked them.
But he didn’t really feel any of that. He was a little nervous, concerned for his brother, and a little more compassionate for their former medic, but none of that was at the forefront, and wasn’t even really what he was focused on at the moment. No, he was focused on the woman sitting in front of him. He’d lost track of what she was talking about a few minutes ago, but he smiled and nodded when it seemed appropriate. He did note there was an odd… heat in his chest.
“Hunter?” Sinya said, tapping his arm. “You okay?”
He shook his head a little, trying desperately to ignore the buzz of electricity that flooded his body, originating from her hand. “Sorry, could you repeat that?”
Sinya giggled. “It didn’t matter.”
She smiled at him and he realized he’d probably do anything if it just meant he’d get to see that smile again. Her smile reminded him of the first time he’d seen starlight. 
A sharp pang hit his heart. 
Did I make Jaine feel like this? He thought. Is that why she called me ‘Starlight’?
“Hunter,” Tech called from the suddenly open door of the medbay. 
Hunter hoped Tech didn’t notice the way he and Sinya sprung away from each other. He hadn’t realized they’d been so close. 
“What is it, Tech?”
Tech eyed him suspiciously. Of course he noticed. “Crosshair is awake. He would like to speak with us.”
Hunter nodded, turning to give an apology to Sinya, who shooed him off with a “go”.
By the time Hunter arrived in the bunk rooms, Crosshair was sitting up on the edge of the bunk and Runi was still fussing over his vitals, despite the annoyance written plainly on his face. After another moment she gave up with a huff, rolling her eyes when she saw the smug look on his face. She muttered something violent about that expression as she passed him. 
Omega ran into the room, practically launching herself at Crosshair. “You’re okay!”
“I told you he would be,” Tech pointed out. “And I am seldom wrong.”
Crosshair and Omega rolled their eyes in unison. 
“What’s going on, Crosshair?” Echo said, trying to hide a smirk.
Crosshair glanced briefly at Omega before looking at the rest of them. “Jaine… won’t be telling the Empire how to find us,” he sighed, hating the way his voice shook. The air in the ship seemed to still. 
“That’s a good thing, right?” Omega asked, looking worriedly up at Crosshair.
“Yeah,” Wrecker nodded. “If she doesn’t tell ‘em anything about us then we can surprise ‘em when we go rescue her!”
Hunter’s eyes narrowed on his youngest brother. He could hear Crosshair’s rapid heartbeat, despite the measured breaths he was taking. “What aren’t you saying?”
His intense gaze locked onto Hunter’s. “She can’t tell the Empire about us because she doesn’t remember who we are.”
The room went still as the weight of Crosshair’s statement settled over the squad.
“How could she just forget us?” Omega asked, her eyes welling up. “After everything that’s happened…”
Tech knelt down next to her. “It is not her fault, Omega,” he said. “Part of her curse is that she forgets things that are important to her each time she comes back. More often than not, it is people she cares about.”
“That- that’s not fair,” Omega whispered. 
“You’re right,” Crosshair assured her. “But that’s why she had people like Sinya to help her remember.”
Omega scowled, but looked up at Hunter. “We have Sinya with us. We can go and save her and then Sinya can help her remember, right?”
Hunter sighed. His chest felt heavy. “It’s not that simple,” he explained. “Breaking someone out of Imperial custody would be tricky and we don’t even know where she’s being held, not to mention that we’d be walking right into the hands of the Empire.”
“No, Omega. We can’t go after her; it’s too risky.”
Omega scowled up at him before storming out of the room. 
“She would do it for us,” Crosshair hissed. “We always said we’d never leave our own behind.”
“And we haven’t,” Hunter growled. “She spent months trying to kill us–”
“That was not her fault,” Tech interjected. “We have learned that there was a chip implanted in her brain when she was on Kamino without us, after which she was put through intense conditioning.”
Hunter didn’t listen. He couldn’t. “Chip or not, she doesn’t even know who we are! For all we know she could hate all clones now and try to kill us the moment she sees us anyway.”
Crosshair spoke up. “She doesn’t. I don’t know who he was or what he meant to her, but she just grieved one called Fluke.”
“How do you know that?” Echo asked.
Crosshair glanced between Hunter and Tech. “I-I could feel it. It was like I was in her body. It was… strange. I didn’t hear the Chromira-”
“The who?” Echo and Wrecker asked simultaneously.
“And it didn’t feel like when she talked to me before,” he finished, crossing his arms. “It almost felt like- like it was Jaine who was reaching out to me.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
Jari'eyc Masterlist DangRaccoon Masterlist Taglist Form Read on AO3
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Tags: @lokigirlszendaya @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior @ravenclawbitch426 @luna-the-lone-red-wolf @techs-goggles9902
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clonesuperiority · 2 months
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Have a Ventress doodle while I'm working on more clone content 👀
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zaana · 2 months
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I drew more self indulgent OC stuff, my oc Varel x Crosshair
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momojedi · 6 months
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i was bored and i needed to draw
they’re not a ship btw, just really good friends
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eroswickut · 8 months
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» sneak peak of my girlie with her himbo ... and omega of course!! a silly trio :) <3 i wanted to try out a more cartoony style compared to my usual stuff too and im rlly happy with how it came out so far heehee
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rammota · 4 months
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apparently having a togruta padawan is like taking care of a wild tooka
evidence 2 (baby togruta):
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sullyfortress · 4 months
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Commission for @moosethren of their Frontiers of Pandora OC and a recom Tech(bad batch).
A fun crossover, I love bad batch🥰
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levi-venn · 29 days
Mirror Squad
An HC I need to get out of my head so I can move on with my life (Hah, jokes on you, Levi, Bad Batch is your life).
So...Hemlock created a mirror image of the Bad Batch called the Mirror Squad, but it's not what you think. Turns out these clones were the ORIGINAL Bad Batch.
Their names: Crunch (Wrecker), Striker (Hunter), Circuit (Tech), Void (Echo/Memento - See Notes), and CX-2 aka Headshot (Crosshair).
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Striker and Hunter
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Circuit and Tech
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Void and Echo
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Crunch and Wrecker
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Headshot and Crosshair
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The Mirror Squad - Origin Story Concept
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The Mirror Squad were the first batch of Experimental Unit Clone Commandos created on Kamino: Striker, Crunch, Circuit, Void, and Headshot. They were decommissioned due to their rebellious and unpredictable nature which made them a liability rather than an asset to the future Clone Army.
Because the Experimental Clone Program was an expensive endeavor, the Kaminoans did not decommission these clones, but rather put them in stasis for later research. They tried again another batch of experimental clones and this time only four clones survived: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Memento (see note) and Crosshair.
Note: Memento did not survive past his cadet years. Void and Echo's parallel are a coincidence.
When Kamino was evacuated, Hemlock scooped up the original Bad Batch squad, still in stasis within their pods. These clones were the first to be brainwashed and reprogrammed by Hemlock. Although their memories were wiped, their instincts to work as a cohesive unit remained.
Technically, the Bad Batch is a mirror image of what the original Clone Force 99 almost was, but this squad's official name is Mirror Squad.
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aesnawan · 2 months
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I keep thinking of how the clones would have to improvise with their armor after leaving the Empire. Would they use parts from defeated storm troopers or pieces of mandalorian armor?
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nightskyfoxyy · 15 days
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While Phee is a deeply kind person, good luck to anyone who dares to threaten her family.
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queenofspades6 · 2 months
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I need more seasons of The Bad Batch! I can’t believe this amazing series is almost over… what am I supposed to do after? Just live my life like nothing had happened? These characters are part of me, and I don’t want their story to end.
What do you think?
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dangraccoon · 2 months
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Jari'eyc - Chapter 4
Read on AO3
Word Count: 2136
Warnings: References to TCW Citadel Arc and Clone Conspiracy Arc, Domino Twin Reunion, Masking/Ignoring Emotions, Grief, Crosshair needs a hug
Mando'a Translation: uja - honey/sugar Eyay'ika - Little Echo vod - brother
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“How’s he doing?” Hunter asked when Crosshair had returned to the cockpit. 
“Confused and upset,” he sighed. “So pretty much back to normal. Omega hasn’t left his side in hours.”
“Figured she wouldn’t,” Hunter nodded. “Probably scared her.”
“She was just getting used to his nightmares, too. This might set that back a bit.”
Hunter nodded a little again, hands tapping at his legs. 
“Let’s go,” Crosshair said a few moments later. 
“Find them.”
Raze and Fives had been holding each other closely on the floor, taking deep breaths together. Echo was alive. 
Both heads snapped towards the door as a knock startled them. They exchanged a glance, retrieving their masks before stepping towards the door. 
“Who is it?” Fives called, voice altered by his mask. 
“Hunter and Crosshair,” the sergeant answered. “We just want some answers.”
Fives looked at Raze. He could practically feel her anxiety, but she nodded anyway. 
Taking a deep breath, Fives hit the button to open the door. 
“Thanks,” Hunter said, stepping into the room. 
“How did you find us?” Raze asked, brow furrowed. 
“Enhanced senses,” he shrugged. “Just tracked you here.”
“Not that hard when he knows the exact scent a reg gives off,” Crosshair added, eyeing Forn. 
Raze’s eyes widened as she watched her companion remove his mask. 
Fives stood, seemingly unaffected by the intense scrutiny the other clones put him under. 
“‘Fives’, right?” Hunter asked. 
“Yeah,” he said.
“Echo said you were dead.”
“Probably what Rex told him.”
Hunter’s eyes narrowed at the other clone, but Crosshair turned and started to examine Raze, who shifted uncomfortably in his gaze. “Why would Rex lie?” 
“He told what he thought was the truth,” Raze answered. 
“So why does Rex think he’s dead?” Crosshair drawled, stepping slightly closer to her. 
A firm hand landed on his shoulder. 
“Best you back up,” Fives growled. 
“Relax,” Crosshair smirked, his attention still focused on the woman in front of him. “I’m practically harmless.”
“I think everyone just needs to take a breath,” Hunter voiced. Without turning around, Crosshair knew he was the subject of his signature “Command Glare” - something his brother had picked up from Cody over the years. 
Crosshair pulled away from Fives and Raze, skulking back towards Hunter. 
“Look, we’ll get out of your hair,” Hunter said with a sigh. “But Echo’s a smart man. He’ll start to figure this all out soon, if he hasn’t already.”
Fives and Raze exchanged a glance and Hunter’s eyes flitted between them. They almost seemed to have an entire conversation through their eyes. 
Fives sighed. “Have him meet me here when he’s ready.”
Hunter nodded once, and he and Crosshair left the tiny apartment.
“So who is she?” Crosshair drawled, slipping a toothpick between his lips.
Hunter glanced at his brother. “How should I know?” he shrugged.
Crosshair shrugged as well as they made their way back to the ship through the streets of Ord Mantell.
Fives sat on the sofa, hands twitching nervously. His brother would be there soon. “So much for hiding my identity, huh?” he muttered, huffing out an awkward laugh.
“I should go,” Raze said quickly, her eyes focused on the window. 
Fives’ eyes shot up to her. “What? Why?”
She shifted her weight between her feet. “This is already going to be a lot, you know? I don’t want to overwhelm him.”
He closed the distance between them, taking her hands in his. “Uja, I think he’d want-”
“Stop. After everything you two have gone through without each other, you deserve a moment for yourselves. I don’t think- I’m not ready to-”
A knock at the door startled them both. She pulled her hands from his as he stared at the door. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. His brother was on the other side of that door. After all these years, not only was his twin alive, but he was here. He wasn’t the final domino after all. Another knock brought his attention back.
“Uja-” he started, but when he looked back towards her, she was nowhere to be seen. A small breeze flowed through the window. He sighed, walking to the door, trying to shake the nerves off. 
The door slid open and the twins' eyes met. 
“Echo,” Fives breathed. 
Neither knew who moved first, but a few seconds later they wrapped each other in a tight embrace. 
“I thought you were dead,” they both cried at the same time, sending each other into a fit of laughter. 
Echo could feel his eyes stinging with tears. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he sobbed. “I thought I’d lost you, too.”
Fives sniffled a little. “I’m here, Eyay’ika.”
Echo pulled away and the pair moved to sit at the small kitchen table. 
Fives stared at his brother in disbelief. “How did- what happened?”
“The Techno Union found me, and brought me back… sort of,” Echo winced. “Tambor was… using my knowledge of the Republic, all the battle plans Rex and I made. He sold the information to the separatists, and kept my body to experiment on.”
“Echo,” Fives whispered. “I’m s-”
“It’s alright,” he said quickly. “Rex figured it out. He convinced Skywalker, and Cody brought the Batch; they found me and got me out of there.”
Fives was quiet for a long moment. “I should’ve been there,” he scowled. 
“You were dead,” Echo argued. 
“But I should’ve-”
Echo stopped him, gripping his wrist. “You couldn’t have known, vod.”
Fives sighed. 
Echo’s eyes narrowed at him. “But what about you? You got shot by Fox right in front of Rex-”
“We’ve all gotten shot,” Fives argued. 
“Fives,” Echo said, his tone filled with an old familiar exasperation Fives hadn’t heard in years. He couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his face. 
“We had to fake it,” he said after a moment. “Fox was in on it. I- I wasn’t safe.”
Echo felt a pang in his chest. They were created to be soldiers - to risk their lives in service of the Republic; they’d rarely ever been truly safe. But his brother- his twin- had been alone in this. He listened sorrowfully as Fives recounted the days leading up to his “death”.
“We knew Palpatine would be after me, but when it became clear that Skywalker wasn’t hearing me, we had to end it and find another way.”
“But how did Fox know not to kill you? Why did Rex and Skywalker think you were dead? Couldn’t they tell you weren’t?”
Fives chuckled. “It’s a long story.”
“Later.” He placed his hand on Echo’s shoulder. “We’ve got time, brother.”
With Hunter and Tech in a deep, hushed conversation, and Wrecker and Omega playing just outside the ship, Crosshair found himself alone. 
That seemed to be a rarity these days. Despite how he was told he often came off, Crosshair hated being alone; it reminded him too much of his training. 
He wandered aimlessly around the ship, avoiding the cockpit, trying to find a place to simply be.
The bunks didn’t feel right; he wasn’t tired. He didn’t have use for the tiny kitchen or the cargo bay. 
Then his eyes fell on that door. The one he was sure hadn’t been opened in months. 
He pressed the button, the doors sliding open effortlessly. Another and the lights came on. 
Everything was mostly how J– she left it. Her bunk was neatly made, her small footlocker tucked underneath. Her datapad sat untouched atop the scratchy GAR issue blanket she always hated. 
He took a deep breath, releasing it in a slow and shaky exhale as he knelt next to the bunk. It still smelled like J– her; the subtle hints of wildflowers drawing stinging tears to his eyes. 
He let them shut, scowling slightly as he kept trying to just breathe, but the mask had started to slip. 
She betrayed him- his family. She repeatedly tried to kill them. How was he still in love with her? How could he know that he would still follow her to the ends of the galaxy? Suddenly, he was standing in front of the cabinet where she kept her personal supplies. His hand hovered over the button to release the latch, his palm sweaty and fingers shaking. Another deep breath and he pressed it. 
It looked like a mess, but he knew better. “It’s organized chaos,” she’d told him. “I know where everything is.”
His eyes landed on a particular container, her handwriting sprawled across the label, first in Qoljaki, then in a messy, nearly unreadable aurebesh. He smiled. He’d been able to pick his name out from his brothers’ even before she’d relabeled the containers. She’d given him such a surprised look when he’d said he figured it out. 
“It’s the longest,” he shrugged, pulling a laugh from her. 
He missed that laugh. She told him once that she hated her laugh. 
“It’s too loud and sharp,” she’d said, resting her back against his legs as he braided her hair. “I sound deranged.”
They’d argued about it for a while, the discussion ending with a few activities that caused her to need her hair rebraided. 
He looked in the cabinet a little more, vaguely recognizing some of the others’ names. But then he saw his own again, scrawled across a folded piece of flimsi, tucked at the back of the cabinet. His heart was pounding in his ears as picked up the note, gingerly unfolding it as though it’d disintegrate in his hands. 
Opening it, he discovered that it was written in Qoljaki. He could only read his own name written at the top and J– her name at the bottom. He fidgeted a little. He wanted- no, he needed to read this letter. What if it explained everything? 
He tried to think through his options. He could give it to Tech to translate. But what if there was something … intimate in the contents? He knew how his twin felt about her. No, he couldn’t risk that. 
Echo? That was a tempting idea, but he had a lot on his plate right now, finding out his twin was actually alive. That, and he wasn’t sure he could handle the sassiness he knew the ARC would give him. 
Hunter couldn’t be an option; he had been the angriest among them after their most recent escape from Kamino. 
Wrecker would probably feel just as lost as he did. 
Crosshair sighed, walking back to her bunk and plopping down onto it, her datapad just next to him. He looked at the object. He knew she’d used it for everything, often citing that if she didn’t write down the little details of things, she’d likely forget them. 
He picked it up, tapping the screen gently. It was dead, of course - it’d been months since it was last charged. He scanned the room, spotting her charging cord at the end of the bed. He plugged it in and waited. It would probably take a while, but maybe it could give him the answers he so desperately needed. He leaned against the wall, letting himself be fully enveloped in his memories and the smell of her perfume. 
“Crosshair?” Omega’s gentle voice called from the doorway. When had she gotten there?
“Yeah, ‘Meg?”
“Are you okay?”
He glanced at her, peeking through one eye. “‘Course I am,” he answered cooly, thankful he’d been able to keep his voice steady despite feeling like he was on the verge of a breakdown. 
“You’re crying,” she pointed out, eyeing him skeptically.
Crosshair lifted a hand to his cheek, honestly surprised to find it damp. 
“What is that?” She asked, pointing to the flimsi letter in his hand as she came to sit next to him.  
“A note from-” he hesitated. “From a friend.”
Omega nodded once, her curious eyes falling away from him. “Is it from Jaine?”
He sighed. She was far too insightful. “Yes.”
“And that’s the reason you’re crying?”
“Part of it,” he hummed. 
“What’s the other part?”
Another deep breath. “I can’t read it.”
Omega looked at him curiously, then down at his hand and he held the note out to her. 
“It looks like a bunch of scribbles,” she noted. 
“It’s a different language,” he explained. “Jaine grew up on a planet called Qoljak, and this is how they wrote.” He pointed to the looping print at the top of the page. “That’s my name, there.”
Omega’s brow furrowed. “Why would she write you a letter you can’t read?”
Crosshair sighed, letting his eyes fall shut. “I don’t know.”
Omega’s hand lifted to her mouth as her brow furrowed. Just like Hunter, he thought. “Maybe Tech can translate it.”
“Maybe,” he agreed. “But it’s a dead language. And she never got the chance to teach it to him.”
“We won’t know until we try.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
Jari'eyc Masterlist DangRaccoon Masterlist Taglist Form Read on AO3
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Tags: @lokigirlszendaya @serenityselene @nomercyforthewarrior @ravenclawbitch426 @luna-the-lone-red-wolf @techs-goggles9902
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clonesuperiority · 2 months
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I really only wanted to show my Clone OC's Tattoos, buuut who was ever hurt by shirtless Wolffe, Rex, Cody and Jesse? 👀
I'd kind of love to draw some fanarts of canon Clones ... Which ones would you like to see?
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zaana · 4 months
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Here's my Jedi oc, her name is Varel!
I've introduced her on twitter before and I'm also a bit more active there lately, it's twitter.com/zaana_art if anyone wants to follow :)
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wenalena · 25 days
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"Stay with me until the end of the night... - Always. I will stay always."
I miss drawing them... I miss them.
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replaytech · 27 days
okay just imagine hunter teaching you how to throw knives😫🤝
tbb hunter x female!reader (warnings: use of a weapon)
You were grateful that hunter hasn’t noticed you staring at him yet.
You had been watching him for a few minutes. You couldn’t help it. The sight of him throwing his knives and hitting the targets perfectly was… well, to be blunt, hot.
He throws another knife and hits the dot that he had drawn earlier, “You see something you like?”
His back is still turned, but you know that he’s talking to you, “I hate it when your super tingle snitches on me.”
He lets out a half laugh, half scoff and looks at you, “My super tingle?”
You give him a serious nod, “Yes.”
He turns away from you to grab his blades from the trees, “Are you just gonna stand there or let me teach you how to throw?”
You snort, “Thanks, but I’m more of a blaster girl.”
Hunter flips the knife in his hand, “What? Afraid you’ll be bad at it in front of me?”
You roll your eyes, “Oh please, I could do this easily.”
He continues walking towards you with a small smirk plastered on his face, “And you say i’m the one with an ego problem.”
You hold your hand out, “Let me see one”, you gesture to the blades.
He starts to give you one but retracts his hand, “Not so fast.”
You put your hands on your hips, “Oh here we go.”
“Your patience and positive attitude isn’t like any i’ve ever seen.”
You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder, “Shut up, hunter.”
He chuckles and goes to stand behind you, “Here, show me how you hold it before you throw”, he gives you a knife.
As you hold the weapon, you’re hyper aware of hunters presence behind you. He’s so close that you can practically feel his armor on your back.
His hands go in front of you to adjust your form. All you can do is watch what he’s doing.
Hunter speaks low next to your ear, “There you go, hold it just like that.”
He moves his left arm to your shoulder and keeps his right on your throwing arm, mimicking the throwing motions, “Make sure not to release too early or too late. Too early will make the throw too high and too late will make it hit the ground”, he says with his armor fully touching your back.
You swallow and nod, embarrassingly affected by how close he is, “Got it.”
You feel hunters lips come close to your ear, “What, princess? Am I making you nervous?”
You scoff and try to sound as confident as you can, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Unfortunately, he steps away from you, “Try it by yourself.”
You try to remember everything he told you as you hurl the knife at the tree, missing the target by about a foot.
“Not bad, for an amateur anyway.”
You scoff, “Hunter isn’t impressed with me, whatever will I do?”, you deadpan.
He walks towards you and looks down at you, “Don’t tell me you missed on purpose so I would help you again.”
You nod, “Yep. My heart longs for your sweaty glove hand to rub all over my forearm again.”
“They aren’t that sweaty.”
“It feels like you dipped both of my arms in the river.”
He laughs softly and looks you in the eye, “Well maybe I want to help you again.”
You roll your eyes playfully, “I guess.”
“Woah now, don’t sound too excited.”
You laugh as he moves behind you to help again, “Last time you relied too much on your wrist. Use your arm instead, like this”, he moves your arm with his.
He lets go of you so you can try again on your own. This time, you actually hit the target.
“Atta girl.”
You bite your lip to hide your smile, “Are you intimidated? I might best you in our next mission.”
Hunter laughs, “I’ll have to keep having these sessions with you if you want those results.”
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