#Not as long as Andrew but comfortably long
turbulentscrawl · 2 days
What do they Think of "Body" Hair?
the down south kind, specifically. Obviously, this is ns/fw
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Literally Could Not Care Less
Norton- He’s got some crazy bush himself, and he’d be a hypocrite if he told you anything about yours.
Emma- Literally doesn’t even think about it one way or another.
Naib- He shaves for his own reasons, but you do you.
Kevin- Thinks it’s all great. He’s a bit hairy himself.
Margaretha- She keeps it trimmed, but doesn’t mind about you.
Eli- He just wants you to be comfortable.
Demi- She’s certainly not going to spend precious sex-time doing such insignificant prep. But whatever makes you happy.
Luca- His body hair is sparce, but he doesn’t mind either way. You’re either nice and smooth, or nice and cushy.
Emil- He’s very hairy himself and doesn’t see any reason why you should worry about your own hair.
Annie- If she sees you’ve shaved, she’ll be a bit self-conscious and wonder if she should have…but otherwise she doesn’t mind what you want.
Ada- It’s natural, so it’s fine.
Weepy- He’s just flattered he gets to see your genitals at all. Who is he to complain?
Alice- There are other things to worry about.
Charles- He’s the hairiest of all. Just do whatever you want.
Michiko- Doesn’t really believe in shaving.
Wu Chang- Same as Michiko.
Joseph- Do whatever you want. Just remember, there might end up being photo evidence of your choices tucked away somewhere.
Sangria- She likes to change it up sometimes, so she’s had it all and thinks anything is fine.
Bring on the Bush
Florian- Musk really gets him going, and it’s enhanced if you have plenty of hair down there. He’s kind of a freak, honestly, and he wants to drown in that smell.
Emily- She’s a doctor; our bodies have pubic hair for a reason, and you should leave it there. Especially don’t cut it off and say it’s for HER.
Vera- Musk is the base of a lot of perfumes, after all. The more, the better.
Patrica- All natural is the best way to go, for her.
Andrew- It’s not that he likes it, specifically, but he’s more shy if you don’t have it. Pubes are like a second set of underwear, an extra layer of chastity, especially for women, that helps him be brave about facing your genitals. He has used the phrase “it’s looking at me” unironically.
Melly- She’s mostly indifferent, as long as you’re hygienic, but is IS natural.
Ganji- He’s got ample bush, and prefers if you match. It’s natural, and honestly kinda hot to see the peeks of sex through the “curtains.”
Mary- She actually finds the look of shaven genitals a bit odd.
Ithaqua- What’s wrong with you? Leave it! Hair is natural. Who cares what fuckin’ “society” says. (He likes the bush.)
Prefers to See More Skin
Martha- She keeps herself a bit trimmed for neatness, and prefers if you take that into consideration that too.
William- He doesn’t like the feeling of his facial hair getting tangled with your pubes, so he prefers for you to not have as much of it.
Fiona- Similar to Andrew, she thinks it feels more lewd if you’re mostly clean shaven.
Jose- He’s a face-rubber, a skin-sucker, and less hair makes that more pleasant for him. But by no means do you have to get rid of it all.
Mike- He shaves, for the sake of his hair not peeking out through the threadwork of that tight body suit, and over the years he’s just grown used to that. There’s no issue if you don’t want to shave, though.
Victor- He doesn’t dislike pubic hair, specifically, but he’s a bit light on body hair himself and it always throws him off when someone has a lot more of it.
Edgar- Full bush is fine, it’s natural. But as an artist and an innovator? …he secretly likes it when you shave it into interesting shapes.
Orpheus- He’s something of an Object-Insertion-Master. Some of those objects will have interesting shapes and textures that would be more comfortable if you don’t have to worry about any accidental pube-snagging.
Luchino- He wouldn’t tell you this preference unprompted, but since he’s silky-smooth and freshly shaven, he likes the feeling if you match. He enjoys some smooth legs even more, though.
Antonio- It’s not something he ever considers before meeting a partner who trims/shaves, but he finds that he likes it. He’s got plenty of hair for the two of you, after all.
Alva- His face is gonna be down there quite a bit, so he prefers if you at least keep things trimmed and tamed.
No Hair, Please and Thank You
Aesop- He’s already iffy about genitals in general, but hairless ones strike him as being more sanitary. Or at least easier to make sanitary.
Matthias- It’s more of a fear thing. Hair is flammable. The less hair you have, the better.
Grace- She’s lost most of her body hair as some sort of…undead-adaptation for swimming. Makes her feel better if you match.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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So if you’ve read this scene of the royal au you will remember the prince getting a little slice on his neck
I was again chatting with @paradoxolotl about it and all they had to say to make me lose it was “Neil covers the scar with his thumb” and I finally found a good pose for it. Andrew carries no emotion about it, he would never hold that incident against Abram, but Abram still sometimes has a hard time with it :,)
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prince-peachie · 2 years
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A quiet weekend alone in Columbia
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blee-bleep · 10 months
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so what if i go insane and draw diakko as these panels
#so like we know how akko probably has low self-esteem post chariot reveal right#like she went all this way only to find out everything she knew was a fraud#but still powers thru lona and sorta has semi-self deprecating thoughts like kana has occasionally#diana doesnt comfort her and they get into a fight and it turns into this#*twirls hair* so like i just wanna make them suffer~#diana is so hellbent on repressing her feelings that inadvertently plummets akko's own self esteem#but akko's own source of comfort of self is that diana considers her a friend and rival but then diana avoids her and starts dating andrew#and akko's own sense of self gets WORSE and she doesnt find much to comfort#knowing it was all for naught because what she thought she had in her was just stolen long ago#like sure she saved magic and all but like it was surely traumatic for her#so wants something to confide in that no it wasnt a mistake#BUT THEN DIANA just doesnt interact with her anymore#and she tries her hardest to befriend her again after their rocky start and thought diana would be ok but then#uh oh diana catches feelings and stays away and akko's heart just breaks when diana does anything and everything to avoid her#akko after diana pushes her to the ground: do you... really hate me that much?#“youre right im still so stupid diana im sorry i wont talk to you again”#and diana just sits there in the rain like shinji on the chair LOL#diakko#aqukana#lwa#onk#little witch academia#oshi no ko#diana cavendish#akko kagari#hoshino aqua#arima kana#*eats this panels like peter eating burger meme* exquisite angst *gets food poisoning*
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lilpuffyart · 2 months
MV human characters who were badly used but had such an interesting idea around them, I love you (looks at the KOTM and GvsK crew)
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russilton · 5 months
Following a Chris Brown fan account Lewis? Really? 😭
Mmm I’ve seen spinz boost his work before so I’m not shocked, but still disappointed
Reminder folks, this is the Chris Brown who beats women. It doesn’t matter if you like his music, because he beats women. Listen to something else. He’s living proof the fear-mongering about cancel culture is utter bullshit.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
What would scare Kerry more? Having Vax die in his arms, or Johnny die in his arms?
He’s already done his grieving over Johnny, Johnny’s died before. Vax was his new beginning, his savior, his light in his darkest hour. And what’s worse is Vax is trying to comfort him the whole time, trying to tell him it’s gonna be okay. But Vax became Kerry’s reason. He had to watch his Light die in front of him.
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
How would Nicholas react if Andrew started talking to Cain the way he usually does in front of him?
Tbh I can absolutely see him waiting until they’re alone to ask him why he lets him talk to him that way. He doesn’t like how casual Andrew is with him, he certainly doesn’t let Andrew talk to him that way
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wraith-demjin · 1 year
I just started rereading The Foxhole Court and it's so comforting I can feel myself relaxing and my anxiety decreasing I can't believe it took me this long to reread it
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purpleshadow-star · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Neil’s left over money lasts through the reminder of his college years (even after buying a car for his 5th year)
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I know a lot of people ignore the extra content but I feel like this is tame enough (and makes enough sense) that it should be considered canon.
Pics from this post
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yeslordmyking · 1 year
Good morning! It's another beautiful day to appreciate you're alive, healthy, and loved!
Today could be the day you get that dream job, the day the person you're dating could finally confess that they love you, or the day Marvel Studios could reconsider and greenlight the Channing Tatum Gambit Movie! 😁
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The world's full of possibilities! You never know! Stay positive! Go get em, tiger! Love ya, mwah 😘
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
please can u tell us more of ur thoughts on branding.
can u tell us ALL ur thoughts on branding.
can u tell us all your thoughts.
Why yes I CAN tell you my thoughts! but this post will stay pretty much about the branding, even tho there will be other points you can notice below; unfortunately I have limited space and time on these posts. One thing at a time for my brainnn 🙏
Also. This is another “there’s too much going on here for me to cover it all” concept, so this is actually in two parts just to make sure it doesn’t get too ungodly long 😂 and one day there’s a bunch of stuff I want so badly to write about it! For now, I’ll put the link to the second post [here] as well as at the very end for your reading convenience
Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕
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(This was supposed to be for showing the brands; it turned into an explanation of some of the physical effects of things that happened in Evermore and the direct aftermath.)
Ahem. So Riko’s pretty determined to make it as difficult as possible for Abram to sneak away again, blend into other places. The best way to do that, obviously, is to brand him to his court as he had the rest.
Abram expects that. He’s completely prepared to have this done, it’s all but inevitable. He’d been dodging his number III for far too long now. Even Day has the II still on his own cheek - Abram can deal with it. Riko’s too proud not to let it heal nicely. He needs his court to look as neat and uniform as possible.
Still hurts like hell.
But after, when Abram wants nothing more than to be completely alone until he can see properly out of that eye, Riko orders him to strip down. Abram doesn’t - his time in Palmetto and with Prince Andrew took away Abram’s only survival technique. He’s known good people now, he knows how a person is supposed to be treated and he’s learned at least some degree of self-respect. Nathaniel relied on a day-to-day understanding that he could die in any terrible, inhuman way at another’s whim. Abram knows better. (It ruins him.)
Of course, Riko gets his demands met anyway. They have to hold Nathaniel down to get the second brand on him. This one isn’t for show, though perhaps that was a thought in Riko’s mind - branded cattle is hard to steal and easy to identify. Mostly it’s the beginning of pushing onto Abram that he isn’t more than property, he’s a work animal and he’s expected to act like it. And Riko doesn’t care that this one heals as neatly. Since it’s not going to be for the public eye, Riko can let it fester and infect as long as it stays recognizable. As long as Abram can look at it and remember what it is and what it’s there for.
When Abram is brought back, when Day is with him in that cart, it’s another thing he begs for the prince not to see. The muzzle and the brand. At first Day is confused; “The prince will want to see your face, Abram. You know he won’t care. It’s just like mine.”
But Abram shakes his head. Says no. No, the other one. Please don’t let him see.
Maybe Day doesn’t fully realize what that means until he forces that bath on Abram. Abram doesn’t try to hide it; he’s already told Day about it, and if there’s anyone that will take Evermore cruelty in stride it will be Day. (That doesn’t mean Day isn’t enraged to see it. Healed ugly, even still a little inflamed from rough fabrics and no care. He knew Riko was always mad with power; this was something else entirely.)
So Day heeds Abram’s pleas and doesn’t let Andrew see the brand. It’s always covered in bandages. When Andrew begins to help with Abram’s care, Day tells him he shouldn’t remove that bandage. It would cause Abram a lot of pain. Andrew tries to ask about it, but Day gives him the same answer as with the strange little punctures in Abram’s face: he will tell you if and when he wants to. And again, Andrew cannot argue.
By this point I think Andrew and Day have reached an agreement. Abram’s eyesight is getting clearer by the day, and Andrew understands how serious Day is about both his and Abram’s safety. But Day agreed that as long as Abram can confirm he recognizes Andrew, Andrew is allowed to help when Day is unavailable.
So when Andrew is sent for, told that Abram has reopened some wounds or torn some bandages and won’t let any of the medics touch him, Andrew goes.
Abram is calm enough by the time he arrives. He lets the prince check the wounds, nodding allowances between each article of clothing and bandage that Andrew removes. And by then they may as well shower too, while Andrew is there. He’d like to try and do what he can for Abram’s hair.
Even then Andrew doesn’t remove the bandage. It falls off on its own under the stream of water. Andrew feels the slight tensing of Abram’s stomach, the way he pauses. For a second, Andrew can only stare, struck dumb with anger. Then, slowly and very carefully, he pushes the bandage back over the brand. Hardly breathing.
“Abram. What is that.”
And Abram tenses more. He can see enough now to place a good guess as to where Andrew’s eyes would be, himself wide eyed and suddenly fearful. (For a moment, the prince’s apparent calm response made Abram think that he’d somehow already seen the brand, which wasn’t impossible considering the circumstances. But his tone now, the ice in his voice as he confronts Abram on it - it feels like all of Abram’s worst fears have materialized there in front of him. Of course Andrew would be disgusted. Princes deserve better than damaged goods. Andrew deserves better.)
“I’m sorry,” Abram says automatically, which is the last thing Andrew wants to hear. “I’ll - you don’t have to anymore, just get Day -”
“Abram,” Andrew says again sharply, which is not the right thing because Abram flinches and pushes Andrew’s hands from him. He’s up and away from the hole-riddled bucket that serves as the infirmary’s makeshift shower almost immediately and finds his things half by memory and half blurry sight. Andrew wouldn’t want someone like him around, even as a guard. Especially in this state, when he can’t perform his duties at all.
Abram finds his way to Day’s room. Even with Andrew’s voice after him as he leaves the bath and infirmary altogether. Thankfully, it isn’t long before Day has returned from a routine check of the outer walls - Abram cannot handle being seen by the prince again, he’s shaking and slipping further from reality by the minute. Day takes one look at Abram in the hall and brings him into his room, trying to calm Abram enough to tell him what’s happened. Eventually, he pieces it together when Abram apologizes for making Day’s work for naught. You kept it from him this long time and I ruined it. Don’t let him be angry with you, it was my fault, just let him do what he wants and -
But Day won’t hear it. He figures out what it’s about, he tries to reassure Abram that it was a misunderstanding. Day knows for a fact, like any sane person and then as a person that knows Andrew, that the prince is not angry with Abram for having a brand or anything it was supposed to represent. He had been angry like anyone was angry to see it. Like Day had been. Day had just been much better about hiding it.
Abram isn’t in a state for rational thought or explanations. The panic and crying exhausts him, but nothing Day offers can comfort him. He won’t take the bed or couch or even the chair, too far in his head about Andrew finally seeing him for an animal. He ends up curled on the carpet near the fireplace, asleep by the time Andrew manages to find him. (He’d gone looking out by the gate, along any path Abram might have taken to run. It was either good or very bad that he didn’t find him there.)
Day answers the door and Andrew opens his mouth at the same time he scans the room, then stops. He sees Abram and tries to come in, but Day stands firmly in his way.
“Is he all right?” Andrew asks before he can stop himself. He messed up, this is his fault. He needs to be sure he hasn’t caused any real harm.
“Physically, yes,” Day says tersely. “But he’s asleep, and I will not be waking him yet. Out, in the hall. I need to speak with you.”
[part2 here]
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aftgficrec · 2 years
How are yall I hope you're fine and stuff
So, can you give me your best childhood friends to lovers/best friends to lovers andreil fics
Thank you
Oh, these two with the pining and obliviousness…sigh. This is andreil friends to lovers; check out the previous recs for more + childhood and high school ftl and also enemies to lovers.  On a different note, also try our strangers to lovers tag, because friendship often nestles quietly in between. -A
most recent previous recs:
andreil childhood friends to lovers here
andreil high school friends to lovers here
andreil enemies to lovers 2 here
also see: 
new andreil friends to lovers here
Andreil roommates/pining here
BFFs Andreil with pining here
internet friends here
fics like ‘A Different Matter’ here 
andreil roommates + pining here
friends/enemies with benefits here
friends with benefits to lovers here
we’ve been dating all along?! here
long cute fake dating here
‘lightning rod’ and ‘you are my morphine…’ here 
‘Tales from a Quirky Small Town’ series here
‘Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy)’ here
‘Revelation’  here
‘Maybe you’ll be coming over again’ series here
‘definitely something’ here
‘Nine Weddings and No Funerals,’ ‘we're just strangers,’ and ‘The Bokeh Effect’ here
‘pull me closer (and hold me in your arms),’ ‘christmas in a place called home,’ ‘tis the season to be folly,’ and ‘hard candy christmas’ here
‘Take This Heart (Put Yourself In It)’ here
‘cape anywhere’ and ‘Friday Night Big Screen’ here 
‘bloom (just for you)’ here
‘monsters at night’ and ‘band aid on a broken heart’ here
‘every kind of way’ here
‘playing dead’ here
‘corresponding shapes’ here
‘Cutting Ties’ (updated) here
‘does the dog die at the end?’ here (completed)
‘The Game is True Columbia,’ ‘never stood a chance,’ ‘Bad Habits,’ and ‘You've Begun to Feel Like Home’ here
‘Now I See Daylight’ here (updated)
‘12 Ways to Woo a Minyard’ here
‘Pinch of Salt.’ and ‘under the kitchen lights (you still look like dynamite)’ here
‘dirty little secret’ series here
‘Foxhole Paper Company’ series here
‘better than nothing,’ ‘Just learning how to know your mind,’ and ‘He's such a surreal Phenomenon’ here
‘hold on to let go’ here
‘quicksand’ and ‘A world alone’ here
‘Flavors of Fall’ here
‘Haunted: Not Clickbait’ here
‘Here Comes the Sun’ and ‘Lately I been, I been losing sleep’ here
‘Eighteen Wheels And Three Beating Hearts’ here
‘Die Young’ here
You are in love by freshtaylorswiftduck [Rated G, 5199 Words, Complete, 2022]
Getting drunk, as it turns out, was a horrible idea.
The plan was never for Neil to realize he's completely and utterly in love with his best friend.
or: Neil wants to get drunk for the first time in his life, and realizes his true feelings.
tw: alcohol
“Mis-match“ (Jigsaw Puzzle Remix) by JostenlovesMinyard [Rated T, 1980 Words, Complete, AFTG Remix 2022]
Andrew and Neil become friends after a chance meeting on the roof.
Their friends seem to think it’s their right to be involved in their lives whether they like it or not.
NB: Based on ‘Mis-Match’ by doodlingstuff, recced here
It is useless to curse the wind. by gives_you_hell [Rated T, 13526 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2022]
Looking back, his escape was like fifty percent luck, not that he usually had much of a plan, since things never went the way he wanted; but this time luck played in his favor. And apparently now he has run out of it. It had been too good for too long. He found himself in some back road, honestly he wasn’t really sure where, the spell was done with desperation and not much thought.
In which Neil is his chaotic self, Andrew is in love and Kevin just wants to practice in peace. And everyone has magic for some reason.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Confusion, my middle name. by voidsdivine [Rated T, 3009 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew’s jaw clenches tight with annoyance every time he glances at Kevin. Neil is too -unsurprisingly- injured to ask why. He just wants to be with Andrew.
He wants to be with Andrew.
Five times Andrew thinks Kevin is not a very good boyfriend, plus one time he finds out why.
It's You by 100SleeplessNights [Rated G, 1189 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Andrew asks Neil if he can kiss him and Neil can't say yes because he doesn't just have feelings for Andrew but also for someone he is talking to online.
Take me home to you series by 5a5b5p5 [Rated T/M, Collection, Updated Aug 2021]
Part 1: Take Me Home [T, 9289 Words, Complete, Aftg Mixtape]
Neil and Andrew are online best friends who have never progressed past talking in voice calls. Despite being an ocean apart, Neil wants nothing more than to go home to Andrew.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
Part 2: To You [M, 4555 Words, Complete]
Finally, after so many years of pining and waiting and sleepless nights, Neil had finally gotten to hug Andrew at the airport.
Or: Neil finally arrives home to Andrew, and is having trouble processing the fact that he’s not just a screen anymore.
you lay me down by capsize (copenhagenborn) [Rated T, 3554 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andew and Neil go on a date.
You're hot, Neil by neilstriker [Rated T, 3127 Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2021]
Neil has a crush on his roommate/best friend Andrew but he is stupid and thinks Andrew isn't interested. Yall know exactly how this is going to go.
better together by melopeya [Rated T, 7774 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew Minyard was content building up his fashion TikTok (@ajm, to you) and silently lurking on exy TikTokker @njexy33’s page until their paths unexpectedly crossed. One collaboration turned into a friendship that Andrew never saw coming… and maybe even more.
Or, a TikTok AU that has very little to do with TikTok and a lot more to do with two boys falling in love, as per usual.
Of Stars and Stories by loveandwarandmagick [Not Rated, 5514 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew is an English major coming down from his drugs, spending his nights on the rooftop while everyone's asleep. What he suspected was a hallucination, a side-effect, follows him up there, and doesn't disappear even after he gets sober.
This is troubling. It's even more troubling that Neil wants to listen to him. The worst part is probably that Andrew finds himself wanting - the truth, to give his own, to see if Neil wants more than that.
Or, the non-mafia au where the only impending doom is the height of the roof, and the fact that talking to Neil makes him feel like he's standing at the edge of the drop.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Survivor by 6_impossiblethings [Rated G, 18868 Words, Complete, 2020]
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.
Neil and his other castaway mates have spent 20 days competing so far the become the sole survivor. Finally joining up with the other competitors, Neil has to rely on his alliance with Andrew now more than ever before. With new players wanting to make deals, will Neil stay loyal to the Monster Alliance? Or will he go on his own to be the sole survivor?
tw: implied/referenced abuse
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andreil-fic-stash · 2 years
Watchful Eyes by SensationalSunburst
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,274
Time period: Neil's 5th year
POV: Wymack
“I'm graduating in three days.” Andrew said. David took a long drag of his tea and waited. “I will be moving to Columbus.” He continued, “Neil is not.” “I have him for another year,” David said, “Are you worried?” David watched Andrew swallow the knee-jerk denial that he felt anything, chasing it with a sip of cocoa. “He requires a certain level of supervision.”
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I love that neil is pure of heart, dumb of ass, and also deeply fucked up
He’s just a little guy! All his friends love him and want him to take care of himself! He’ll totally kill that guy for you though. He protects his friends by mouthing off to horrifically dangerous people. He can’t tell that he’s being flirted with. He always respects his boyfriend’s boundaries and is hyper-vigilant about consent. He also got too distracted listening to his worstie scream in pain after his bf broke the guy’s arm to pay attention to his team checking on him despite the fact that the aforementioned bitch nearly killed him on national TV. He got his bf to agree to stop protecting him so that andrew wouldn’t feel responsible when he was inevitably killed. He comforted himself while being held by the FBI by replaying his father’s execution in his mind over and over. His only regret was that his mom didn’t live long to see his dad dead. But! He’s also so sorry that he upset his boyfriend by getting kidnapped. He put a hit out on a rapist over lunch. He insults the FBI. He challenged the yakuza and won and watched his enemy get executed and then was so giddy over it that his team wanted to know what was up and he lied to them. He’s a fucked up little guy. A Creature even. Morbid as hell. Deeply unserious. Protective as fuck with a mean, vindictive streak a mile wide. Would do anything up to and including killing someone for his found family. What a guy. Damn.
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chuwenjie · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse comes out later today so I wanted to write a post reflecting on my journey and experience working on this movie. So many people have supported me through this and I am so thankful to each and every one of you!
Text version of this post under the cut:
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse comes out tonight. It feels really weird to be typing that out right now. I worked on the movie as a visdev artist for the last 2.5 years, from 2020 to 2023. Long post incoming.
There are a lot of reasons why I'd consider this film to be one of the most ambitious animated films to ever be made. As artists, we were asked to push ourselves far beyond our comfort zones and do things that had never been done before in animation.
Every time we reached a point where most people would say "this must possibly be as creative and weird as it gets," our entire team of artists and animators would smash right through the ceiling. The driving direction for the visuals of the film was to push the limits of every single frame; to challenge audience expectations and make something truly original.
The best thing about this film was that there wasn't a single boring day working on this movie. The hardest thing about this film was also that there wasn't a single boring day working on this movie.
There were times while working on this where the imposter syndrome hit me hard. This was my first big movie, and what a hell of a first movie to get thrust into.
I came in only a few years out of school with absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing. I constantly feared that someone had made a mistake in bringing me onto this film, and I was going to let everyone down. There was a solid chunk of those 2.5 years where I wasn't sure if animation was the right path for me.
If there's anything I could tell my past self it would be this: there are so many people who love you and believe in you. There will be a time when you get to stand on the other side of it, look back on everything and see how far you came.
I'm still working on self-acceptance every day (it will be a lifelong struggle, I'm sure), but I'm glad I didn't give up on myself. I'm proud of myself and my contributions to this film, and I'm certain that this movie will continue to change and shape the animation landscape just as the first one did. That's truly a special feeling to have been a part of. I am so incredibly grateful to every single person who helped me along this journey.
Here come the thanks:
To the ENTIRE visdev & art crew- it's been an honor getting to work alongside each and every one of you. My jaw is literally still on the floor from seeing your incredible talent day after day.
I want to thank Tiffany and Felicia especially for being there for me through tough times- I admire and respect you both so much as artists, and even better than that, my life is greatly enriched for being able to call you my friends.
Thank you Patrick and Dean for taking chances on me, teaching me so much about art and what I'm capable of, and encouraging me along the way. To Aymeric, your art is one of the reasons I initially became interested in animation and you have been one of the kindest & most empathetic mentors I could ever have asked for.
I want to thank my wonderful parents for believing in me always and raising me into the person I am today: everything I do in life is to make you proud. To my brother Andrew who is perpetually awake at 3 AM when I need someone to talk to- thank you for always picking up the phone and making me laugh.
And finally to my partner Luke for making me grilled cheeses on all of the difficult days, for never getting sick of me even when all I would ever talk about was work, and for patiently and steadfastly loving me throughout this entire thing. I don't think I could've done it without you.
Starting tomorrow I will begin posting and sharing some of the art I made for this movie; I'm looking forward to sharing some of my personal favorites with you. I hope each and every one of you enjoys Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse when it hits theaters later today!
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