#Not DN
wammyhoe · 1 year
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Never mind
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kawaiipsycho101 · 18 days
Happy 5th Anniversary, PROMARE!
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Here are some of my favorite Promare art blogs in no particular order:
@moesartblog & their wonderful sequel comic @that-one-promare-comic (would definitely recommend if you like poly ships!
@daniablazin (fantastic artist & animator, you really feel the love between the characters!)
@theneonflower (Were! Wolf! Galo! Were! Wolf! Galo! Also, a good writer with their own ao3 profile!)
@stardomyx (draws the best Kray fanart! and has done some pretty good character studies of him too!)
@so-rann (gorgeous artwork!)
@yutakasurugi (also gorgeous!)
Also, a special shout out @autisticlio & @matoitech for being the best Promare meta blogs!
I feel like I'm probably forgetting a bunch of other artists & I'm sorry for that. These were just the first few that came to mind.
To all Promare artists, please know I love you & you're doing the lord's work! :)
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transbb · 8 months
oh i would LOVE to carpe diem but the day is HUGE and my seizing hands are so so tiny
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mikami · 4 months
which is better, sunsets or sunrises? i remember loving sunrises bc i usually saw them on my way to school and id take pictures :) pretty sky my beloved... <3
Sunset!! I'm such a night owl that I rarely see the sunrise.....
But my apartment's big windows have an amazing view over my town, which is in a valley, and it's facing in the direction of the sunset so I always get a stellar view of it while sitting at my desk -w-
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sorry for the super long hiatus tumblr mobile was being annoying and they finally seem to have fixed it after like 6 months so i'm back and will attempt to refill my queue
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eyecicles · 1 year
📝 What did the process of discovering that you’re autistic look like for you? Do you have a formal diagnosis?
Family members, teachers, and some other people had a strong suspicion years before I got diagnosed. So when I got diagnosed, I wasn't exactly surprised.
But I used to argue with people about this, haha. It's a difficult thing to accept about yourself (for me, at least). I agreed to let myself get tested by specialists when it became obvious that I couldn't live without certain accommodations.
💻 Do you have a favourite autistic or neurodivergent blogger?
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lightbutagirl · 1 year
this was sent to me on jan 12 but i never saw this until now
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my-one-true-l · 2 years
I start law school so very soon and I am kinda terrified. A lot is happening very fast but it’s okay.
I’ve picked up writing once more, I have a new laptop and so it’s easier to do. Sooooo i’ve taken to re-re-rewriting an old classic fanfic of mine from so many years ago. It always has a special place in my heart and i could never Give it all Up (nudge nudge wink wink)
Do you have any advise for me before I go into this new chapter of my life? I’m so very socially awkward and I’m going at this without any of my prior friends nor my boyfriend to be by my side, so it’s pretty intimidating. Of course this is what I wanted but naturally i’m a bit apprehensive to jump into the deep end so soon.
How have you been these past weeks? I hope easygoing. Find anything fun or interesting in the meantime?
How’s your plants been going? Hopefully thriving !
Much love! <3
Ooh, you got your new laptop! I bet you're glad to have a means to write now that isn't on your phone! Which fandom is your fic for?
I've been Ok. Just been working on my manuscript and in my free time working on my costumes and cosplays and playing FFXIV.
Law school is going to be so exciting! Even though it's all new, you're going to have so many opportunities ahead of you. Remember to enjoy all the new adventures ahead of you, not only with school but in other aspects of your life as well. Take every chance that comes your way, especially if it's something that will make you smile.
It's the things we don't do we regret.
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8241991 · 2 years
it’ll never sit right with me that people still universally praise Ryan and Shane from buzzfeed unsolved and enjoy their content (as do I for the most part) but shit on women true crime content creators for *checks notes* wearing makeup in their video thumbnails
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sugurushimura · 1 year
a few self-avowed terfs have showed up in the notes on the least favorite dn character poll so this is your fun reminder that terfs are not welcome on this blog or any of my posts. trans women are awesome. god bless
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new url who cheered
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lightsturtleneck · 1 year
Hiiiii so as I am getting older some of my content is getting more…. NSFT. As a blanket rule I try to keep it PG-13 but at this point I’d appreciate people under 16 not follow! If you’re already following dw you’re fine, but I’m going to be checking & blocking from now on! Thanks y’all!
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eldragon-x · 8 months
Let me ask you a question, Light.
What it is, Ryuzaki?
I've been wondering: Who is your favorite Pokemon Mystery Dungeon character?
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...I see what your game is, L. Deducing the probability of me being Kira based on my answer. Not bad, but I'm already ten steps ahead of you.
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If I tell him my favorite character is Dusknoir, it's obviously going to link me to Kira. Not only is he a cunning, detective-like figure chasing after himself, but he is part of a species of grim reapers which can be connected to the shinigami.
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It would be befitting Light to pick Dusknoir since in the expanded story of Explorers of Sky, he grew willing to take great risks in order to make the world into a better and safer place. And even before his redemption arc, he is shown to be genuinely concerned about fellow Pokemon who are in immediate danger.
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Of course, he could always play it safe and say Grovyle, who is a well-written and widely beloved character in the community. Not to mention a true seeker of justice.
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No, it's too obvious. I have no choice. I'll just be outright. He can't possibly connect my liking for Dusknoir to Kira if I just present the facts.
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I think my favorite would have to be Dusknoir! His development in Special Episode 5 was a fascinating choice and made me appreciate his character as a whole.
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I see. I'm personally rather fond of Celebi.
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What the hell... Who would care about Celebi? Is this a threat? She is one of the characters who contributes to foiling Dusknoir's plans... Is he that confident in his ability to stop Kira? What is your angle, L...
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!? I love these games! My favorite is Munna!
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Misa, what are you doing?! Munna seeks to rid the world of rotten Pokemon! You're blatantly making a connection to Kira!
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Besides, Gates to Infinity is hardly worth of the Mystery Dungeon title... It's naive message about trying to better the world just through hope... I suppose it is just like Misa to like this game.
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Still! Munna is an incredibly incriminating choice. Dammit, Misa...
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Ahehehehe... Wigglytuff.
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transbb · 7 months
yeah man it’s called knotweed. one toke and you get [gunshot]
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mikami · 8 months
have you read monster by naoki urasawa? do you have any thoughts?
I have! It's been a few years though - it's one of these things I always feel I should reread and just haven't gotten around to.
I initially read it because people kept comparing it to Death Note, and I can say confidently now that the comparison is laughable. The two really have nothing in common regarding intention and tone - saying one is better than the other is comparing apples and oranges.
I did like Monster a lot!
I think Urasawa does a fantastic job capturing Germany for someone who's never even been here?? That was really impressive to me when I read it, haha. There's one page that is even a street I've actually been to and it now makes me giggle whenever I am there.
Monster is really good at telling human stories in a way that really really tugs at the heartstrings and I appreciate that kind of thing a lot. The side plots of Tenma meeting random people were often almost more compelling than the main story.
Ultimately, Johan left me kind of frustrated? Like, for a character that is lauded far and wide as 'the most well-written villain ever, we mortals are simply too dumb to comprehend him', I found him... just kind of inconsistent? Compelling!! But frustrating.
Like, a lot of Monster (and even more so the novel sequel that Urasawa also wrote) is a bit of a Rorschach test? Where there's a question and the author himself hasn't actually come up with an answer, so any theory is valid and none of them will ever make full sense. Personally, I don't think that's smart writing, I think it's pretentious, haha.
Whenever I reread it, I really want to find a read of Johan that satisfies me, but I don't think I will ever stop being salty at Another Monster (said novel) throwing the idea of 'well maybe it was literal demonic possession' back into the mix... Wtf man. The humanity of the story and denial of outside supernatural forces is the best part!
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kittysauce · 4 months
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