#Nick Tilsen
fiercynn · 6 months
Levy Uyeda: All of the U.S., or Turtle Island, is Indigenous land. LANDBACK, or the return of this land, is taking place across the country, interpersonally and at all levels of government. I was thinking about what we might see in the future—beyond returning land when it’s convenient for the U.S. hegemony, or when land is returned out of guilt, or after industry has been allowed to degrade the land. I’m wondering if you might be able to talk about what LANDBACK would look like if it was risking dominant power structures and why it’s imperative to return land not just when it’s easy. Tilsen: This country talks about democracy, it talks about justice, and yet this entire country was built on the stolen lands of Native people, and the impact of that is extreme humanitarian and human rights issues. Look at the life expectancy of people in my own community of Pine Ridge; it’s 48 for men and 52 for women. That’s the lowest in the Western Hemisphere, with the exception of Haiti. These poverty conditions were directly created by political and economic systems created by the U.S. government and imposed on Indigenous people. If we’re going to reverse those things—create economic inclusion, close the racial wealth gap, and start improving the determinants of health of the most-impacted people, then we need to be looking at structural change. So we can’t just take the easy route. You can’t just take what is most politically possible in the present time. We have to, as a nation, exceed our own expectations in order to rebuild this country in a just and equitable way. We have to push ourselves. I think one of the big issues is right here in the Black Hills, which is one of the biggest land legal battles throughout the history of the U.S. We have exhausted our remedies. We went all the way to the Supreme Court of the U.S., which said the stealing of the Black Hills and the violation of our treaties was illegal and a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Yet the land hasn’t been returned. We say return the land to make it right.
this is such a good interview, highly recommend. also i haven't listened to it yet, but in the interview they discuss the NDN collective's new podcast LANDBACK For the People
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moviemosaics · 8 months
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Lakota Nation vs. United States
directed by Jesse Short Bull and Laura Tomaselli, 2022
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padawan-historian · 6 months
From @doctora_nature
Indigenous Peoples will always stand against genocide 👊🏽
Nick Tilsen, the President and CEO of NDN Collective, delivered a powerful speech at the Palestine March in Washington DC today. More than 300,000 people from all over the country gathered to demand a ceasefire and to show their support for #FREEPALESTINE🇵🇸
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bfpnola · 6 months
the full 4 hours worth of speeches and chants before the national march even actually began to march. being there in-person was truly another experience, so i wanted to share this here so y'all could get even just a sliver of that same amazement! speeches you can listen to include:
Opening Chant
Introduction with Manolo De Los Santos
Nadya Tannous from Palestinian Youth Movement
Ahlam from Maryland2Palestine
Arsema Kifle from Dissenters
Jasmin Nicole Williams from Artists Against Apartheid
Dr. Hatem Bazian from UC Berkeley
Lauren Pineiro from the Tampa 5
Mahdi Bray from the American Muslim Alliance
Black Alliance for Peace
Melanie Yazzie from The Red Nation
Marte White from Community Movement Builders
Omar Suleiman, an American imam
Mohammed Nabulsi from Palestinian Youth Movement
Brian Becker from ANSWER Coalition
Layan Fuleihan from The People's Forum
Macklemore (yes, the muisician)
Ya'oub from the National Students for Justice in Palestine
Maysoon Abu Gharbieh from Arab Women's Committee (Chicago)
Tara Alalami, Sarah Ihmoud, and Rasha Mubarak from Palestinian Feminist Collective and Susan Sarandon
Ahmad Abuznaid from US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Nihad Awad from Council on American-Islamic Relations
Mohammed El-Kurd, a writer
Nazek Sankari from US Palestinian Community Network
Nour Jafghama and Medea Benjamin from CODEPINK
Meredith from Anti War Committee MN
Osama Abu Irshaid from American Muslims for Palestine
Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney
Majid Gadsen from December 12 Movement
Nina from Bayan USA
Rania Mustafa from Palestinian American Community Center NJ
Krystal Two Bulls from Honor the Earth
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from Neturei Karta
Jonel Edwards from Dream Defenders
Raja Abdulhag from Al Quds News
Ángel from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Nick Tilsen from NDN Collective
Lamis Deek from Al Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Ju-Hyun Park from Nodutdol
Eugene Puryear from Party for Socialism and Liberation
Vijay Prashad from Tricontinental Institute
Celine Qussiny from Palestinian Youth Movement
as well as several interviews towards the end of the video in front of the white house! go watch! go share!
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ds9s · 5 days
i know i have like 0 followers & i never post but i know some of my followers at the very least are interested in the landback movement. you should listen to LANDBACK For the People — its a podcast on spotify hosted by nick tilsen with ndn collective !!
they just had macklemore on as a guest talking about about what white ppl can do to be accomplices in dismantling white supremacy & the responsibility of artists to be voices for revolutionary movements. all the episodes are good and enlightening but macklemores relevant rn so i thought i’d recommend
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sunkaluta · 2 years
Defining Indigenous Sovereignty
This space has been created to discuss ideas, philosophies, and provide information pertaining to issues, solutions, and general thoughts about Native America in the 21st century. There are many issues we face as tribal nations on and off reservations. The time is now to start strategizing effective and sustainable efforts to strengthen our Indigenous identities and to protect our people and the the future generations.
Growing up and raising children on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, I’ve notice that our people have many things in common through the generation, but the lack of identity has always been an issue. This is a direct cause of our system of governance as it is foreign to our nations which are modeled from IRA (1934) form of government. The creation and input come from outside leadership who have no idea what it’s like living on the reservation and most Tribal nations still operate through this form of government today including the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. This form of government is modeled from the United States Government system which also brings the political jargon and narratives to our reservations. Prior to our current system of governance, our nations were effective in governing themselves through preestablished protocols and traditions handed down through generations of learning. The traditional sense of government has been irradicated through colonization and we are in a constant state of reminding ourselves and tribal leadership of traditional laws and customs when making decisions. Unfortunately, this battle to reinforce our indigenous identity in our daily lives is an uphill battle as we are surrounded by colonization, and I dare say we all have been colonized. Even as I type, the realization of the foreign language of English is heavily utilized by our tribal citizens. To truly be sovereign, we must find solutions to the challenges we face as most tribal nations rely heavily on the federal government for fiscal yearly funding. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe needs to establish our own centralized banking system and start generating revenue through several enterprising methods. As of today, we do not generate or create any products that are produced and sold directly from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. To fully exercise our sovereignty, we need to think outside the box and start building diplomatic relationships with other nations other than the United States. This has the potential to build business infrastructure networked through several countries to provide and produce products, services, and opportunities for our tribal members. Until we start strategizing sustainable initiatives to strengthen and exercise our inherent sovereignty, we will remain fighting for crumbs the federal government hands us. Finally, I will leave with a quote form Nick Tilsen, CEO of NDN Collective, “how long are you going to let other people decide the future for your children!” “Are you not warriors?” “The time to do this is now.”
Indian Reorganization Act (1934) - Living New Deal. Living New Deal. (2022). Retrieved 3 October 2022, from https://livingnewdeal.org/glossary/indian-reorganization-act-1934/.         
Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868). National Archives. (2022). Retrieved 29 September 2022, from https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/fort-laramie-treaty.
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native-blog-deutsch · 7 months
5 Dinge, die man über den Tag der indigenen Völker wissen sollte
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Von Alcatraz Island bis zu einem Park in New York City werden die amerikanischen Ureinwohner am Montag mit Zeremonien, Tänzen und Reden ihre jahrhundertelange Geschichte der Widerstandsfähigkeit feiern. Die Veranstaltungen in den USA finden zwei Jahre nachdem Präsident Joe Biden den Tag der indigenen Völker offiziell ausgerufen hat, statt. Immer mehr Bundesstaaten und Städte haben diesen Tag ebenfalls anerkannt - und sich damit von einem Tag, der lange Zeit in der Feier des Entdeckers Christoph Kolumbus verwurzelt war, zu einem Tag entwickelt, der sich auf die Menschen konzentriert, deren Leben und Kultur durch den Kolonialismus für immer verändert wurden. "Wenn wir den Tag der indigenen Völker anstelle des Kolumbus-Tages feiern, ist das ein Sieg für die indigenen Völker. "An diesem Tag geht es darum, die Geschichte zurückzufordern", sagt Kyle Mays, Professor für American Indian Studies an der University of California, Los Angeles. "Es geht darum, die Geschichte der Enteignung und Gewalt gegen indigene Völker anzuerkennen. Hier erfährst du, warum der Tag der indigenen Völker "Indigenous Peoples Day" genannt wird, welche Geschichte dahinter steckt und wie er gefeiert wird.
Warum wird er Tag der indigenen Völker genannt?
Der Tag der indigenen Völker wird seit Jahrzehnten in verschiedenen Formen und unter verschiedenen Namen begangen, um die Geschichte und Kultur der amerikanischen Ureinwohner zu feiern und die Herausforderungen anzuerkennen, mit denen sie immer noch konfrontiert sind. Im Jahr 2021 verkündete Biden zum ersten Mal den Tag der indigenen Völker. In einer Erklärung sagte er, der Tag solle "Amerikas erste Bewohner und die Stammesvölker ehren, die auch heute noch erfolgreich sind". Er wird normalerweise am zweiten Montag im Oktober begangen, am selben Tag wie der Kolumbus-Tag, ein bundesweiter Feiertag, der vor Jahrzehnten eingeführt wurde, um Kolumbus' Sichtung von Amerika im Jahr 1492 zu würdigen. "Kolumbus war ein verlorener Entdecker, der in diesen Teil der Welt stolperte und Hungersnot, Kolonisierung und den Tod von Millionen indigener Völker mit sich brachte", sagt Nick Tilsen, Präsident und CEO des NDN Collective, einer von indigenen Völkern geführten Interessengruppe. "Dass dieses Land diese Geschichte feiert, ist absolut respektlos.
Ist der Tag der indigenen Völker ein gesetzlicher Feiertag?
Obwohl er kein gesetzlicher Feiertag ist, gibt es in 17 Bundesstaaten - darunter Washington, South Dakota und Maine - sowie in Washington, D.C., Feiertage zu Ehren der amerikanischen Ureinwohner, von denen einige am zweiten Montag im Oktober stattfinden, so das Pew Research Center. Der Tag der Ureinwohner wird in der Regel mit dem Kolumbus-Tag zusammengelegt oder ersetzt den Bundesfeiertag ganz und gar. Dutzende von Städten und Schulsystemen begehen den Tag der indigenen Völker ebenfalls. Anfang dieses Jahres wurden Anchorage und Phoenix zu zwei der letzten Gemeinden, die den Tag der indigenen Völker offiziell zum Feiertag erklärt haben. Und am Montag gaben mehrere US-Gesetzgeber bekannt, dass sie erneut einen Gesetzesentwurf eingebracht haben, um den Columbus Day durch den Indigenous Peoples Day als Bundesfeiertag zu ersetzen.
Was ist die Bedeutung des Tages der indigenen Völker?
Seine Bedeutung für die amerikanischen Ureinwohner hat eher mit der Tatsache zu tun, dass es der Tag ist, an dem die USA Kolumbus gefeiert haben, erklärt Cliff Matias, Kulturdirektor des Redhawk Indigenous Arts Council in New York. "Wir feiern, dass wir Kolumbus überlebt haben und alles, was er uns gebracht hat", sagt er. Matias, dessen indigene Völker die Taino und die Kichwa sind, sagte, ein geeigneterer Tag, um die Ureinwohner zu ehren, wäre die "Sommersonnenwende, die für indigene Völker auf der ganzen Welt ein wichtiger Tag ist. Es könnte eine Art von Tag sein, den wir allgemein anerkennen und der mit unserer Verbindung zum Planeten zusammenhängt. Dennoch sagt Tilsen, dass das Feiern an diesem Tag sehr wichtig ist. "Wenn wir den Tag der indigenen Völker anstelle des Kolumbus-Tages feiern, ist das ein Sieg für die indigenen Völker", sagte er. "Er zeigt, dass wir uns nicht auslöschen lassen, dass wir immer noch an unserer Macht festhalten, egal was sie getan haben, um uns zu töten und unser Land zu stehlen.
Wie wird der Tag der indigenen Völker gefeiert?
Der Tag der indigenen Völker dient dazu, die schmerzhafte Geschichte der indigenen Völker zu würdigen und ihre Gemeinschaften zu feiern, sagt Tilsen, der ein Oglala Lakota ist. Aber er ist auch "ein Tag des Protests und des Widerstands", sagte er. An diesem Tag finden oft Proteste gegen Kolumbus-Denkmäler, für Umweltgerechtigkeit, für die Rückgabe von indigenem Land und zu Ehren vermisster und ermordeter indigener Frauen statt. Tilsen sagte, dass er oft einen Tag vor den Feierlichkeiten mit indigenem Essen, Aufführungen, Kunst, Musik und traditionellen Zeremonien an den Protesten teilnimmt. Die Anerkennung des Tages selbst geht auf die Organisation indigener Völker seit den 1970er Jahren zurück, sagt Mays, die schwarz und Saginaw Anishinaabe ist. Aktivisten sagen, dass der Versuch, den Kolumbus-Tag durch den Tag der indigenen Völker zu ersetzen, auf den Widerstand von Menschen stößt, die Kolumbus als Vertreter der italo-amerikanischen Geschichte betrachten. Tilsen sagte, das Thema sei "kein Entweder-oder". "Die Italo-Amerikaner haben so viel zu Amerika beigetragen, und das sollte gefeiert werden", sagte er. "Aber nicht so. Es gibt so viel mehr in der italienisch-amerikanischen Geschichte, das stattdessen gefeiert werden sollte.
Welche Veranstaltungen finden dieses Jahr statt?
Bis zu 3.000 Menschen werden am frühen Montagmorgen auf der Insel Alcatraz erwartet, um der 19-monatigen Besetzung der Insel durch die amerikanischen Ureinwohner zu gedenken, die 1969 begann und oft als "ursprüngliche Landrückgabebewegung" bezeichnet wird, so Morning Star Gali, kalifornische Stammesvertreterin des International Indian Treaty Council, der die Veranstaltung organisiert. "Es ist eine Feier unserer Widerstandsfähigkeit und unseres Widerstands und ein Versuch, die Sichtbarkeit der Ureinwohner zurückzuerlangen, besonders in Kalifornien", sagte Gali, die dem Ajumawi-Band des Pit River Tribe angehört. Die Veranstaltung findet seit mehr als 45 Jahren statt und umfasst ein Sonnenaufgangsgebet, traditionelle Tanzgruppen und indigene Redner aus aller Welt. In New York City versammeln sich die Ureinwohner, darunter auch Stammeshäuptlinge, während des langen Wochenendes im Randall's Island Park. Das neunte jährliche Treffen, eine Zusammenarbeit von 14 indigenen Organisationen und Stämmen in der Metropolregion New York City, wird Gebete und die Ehrung der Ureinwohner der Stadt beinhalten, erklärt Matias, der Gründer der Veranstaltung. Auch in Phoenix wird es Veranstaltungen geben, darunter eine vom Heard Museum organisierte Veranstaltung mit dem Titel "Growing for the Future", bei der die indigene Kultur mit Musik, Filmvorführungen und Stockbrot gefeiert wird. Und in Michigan wird am Mid Michigan College eine Veranstaltung zum Tag der indigenen Völker stattfinden, an der führende Vertreter des Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe und der Vizegouverneur des Bundesstaates teilnehmen werden, um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Ureinwohnern und der Gesellschaft zu fördern. Wer den Tag der Ureinwohner feiern möchte, sollte nach Veranstaltungen in der Gemeinde Ausschau halten und mehr über die indigenen Gemeinschaften in seiner Umgebung erfahren, so Tilsen. Originalartikel   Read the full article
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bringerofjollity44 · 8 months
Free Leonard Peltier! Text quoted from NDN Collective's social media
35 people were arrested today at the #FreeLeonardPeltier 79th Birthday Action in so-called Washington DC.
“Getting arrested today, I’m resisting. I’m dissenting against the 48 years that Leonard Peltier has been illegally incarcerated by the United States government. I’m dissenting against the system, white supremacy, the police state and the system of incarceration and we’re doing it in solidarity with Leonard Peltier. We’re asking President Joe Biden for Executive Clemency. We will keep coming back to the White House and we’ll be pressuring all parts of the government until we see justice for Leonard Peltier and see him come back with his family, community and people.” - @Nick Tilsen, President and CEO of NDN Collective.
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📱Call The White House at (202) 456-1111 📧 Email The White House at: whitehouse.gov/contact ✍🏽 Write your Reps & Senators - ask them to urge @POTUS to #FreeLeonardPeltier: https://ndnco.cc/FindYourRep 📄 Sign & Share Native Organizer Alliance’s ndnco.cc/signtofreeleonard ✍🏽 Write to Leonard Peltier: LEONARD PELTIER #89637-132 USP COLEMAN I P.O. BOX 1033 COLEMAN, FL 33521
👀 Watch and Share: X Spaces conversation featuring @HollyMacarro & @NickTilsen co-hosted with @amnestyusa: https://ndnco.cc/3ONZMdP ✊🏽 Join NDN Collective’s Leonard Peltier Campaign and Listserv to get the latest updates ➡️ https://ndnco.cc/LPNetwork
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cloudtales · 1 year
All Charges Dismissed Against Nick Tilsen in 2.5 Year Long Case
All Charges Dismissed Against Nick Tilsen in 2.5 Year Long Case
Rapid City – Today, NDN Collective announced that after nearly two and a half years of legal battles, all charges against NDN Collective president and CEO Nick Tilsen have been dismissed by the state of South Dakota. “My case held a mirror up to the so-called legal system, where prosecutors – fueled by white fragility and fear of Indigenous power – wasted years of state resources to…
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 16, 2022)
23:56 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 23:51 BALANCE9 - 110 At Night 23:47 JEFF KASHIWA - Something About You 23:42 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 23:38 JACKIEM JOYNER - Don't Make Her Wait 23:34 NAJEE - Hurricane 23:29 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn To Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 23:25 BRIAN SIMPSON - What I'm Waiting For 23:21 LOWELL HOPPER - Ever Lasting 23:17 WALTER BEASLEY - She Can't Help It 23:12 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 23:08 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Bittersweet 23:04 MARION MEADOWS - Real Time 23:00 DANIEL DOMENGE - Between Your Hands 22:58 KRAAK & SMAAK - Stumble (feat. Parcels) 22:53 ABOVE & BEYOND - No One On Earth 22:50 JOHN DAHLBACK - Shivers (Acoustic Version) 22:46 SHIBUMI - Gemini Love (Kinobe Remix) 22:41 JAY KING - Your Way 22:38 SIRENS OF LESBOS - I Got New Feelings (Pablo Nouvelle Remix) 22:34 MISS B.T. - Right Now (Sweet Lovin' Edit) 22:30 JIM ADKINS - Night Groove 22:26 GUSHI, RAFFUNK - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 22:22 JOSE SANTONIOS - Spanish Cello (Instrumental Remix) 22:18 GABRIELA MENDEZ FUENTE - Romance in Ibiza (Orchester Lite Edit) 22:14 DREAMLOUNGER - Sunset Dream 22:10 DJ CHART, DOBA, PRINCESS LARISSA - Danger Games 22:06 SARAH MENESCAL - Don't Speak (Reggae Version) 22:02 SNOOP - Breath (Chillout Mix) 21:57 TIGERFOREST - Take Me Home (Lemongrass Blue Ocean Remix) 21:53 VELVET DREAMER - Your Game My Love (Five Seasons Remix) 21:49 GOODVIC - Dreaming Of You (Original Mix) 21:44 GOLD LOUNGE - She's Arriving 21:40 ARNOLD T - Just The Way You Are 21:36 JAY KING - Baby Lets Dance Tonight 21:32 ATB, AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 21:25 MACIEJ LABUDA - Be Free 21:22 GORDON GECO - Fade In Away 21:18 ABOVE & BEYOND, GARETH EMERY - On A Good Day (Incognet REWORK) 21:10 ABOVE & BEYOND, RICHARD BEDFORD - Sun & Moon (Paul Hills Sunset 2 Moonrise Mix) 21:05 3RD. FORSE - City Of Desire 21:01 IGOR PUMPHONIA - Air (Original Mix) 20:57 IIO - Rapture (Lametta Made 2 Chill Remix) 20:51 FEINT - Clockwork Hearts (Fetch Remix) 20:47 G-SPLIFF - Won't Part 20:40 GREEN POINT ORCHESTRA - Miriam Dub 20:34 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Balearic Treasure 20:29 MEDINA - You & I (DJ Petroff Remix) 20:26 FILO, PERI, FISHER - Closer Now (Chillout Mix) 20:23 GYSNOIZE - Loving You More 20:18 AMEDEO BIANCHI - Spring Water 20:13 METAHARMONIKS - Star 20:10 INGO HERRMANN - Cumulus 20:06 FOR FOUND FUTURE - Time Is Moving (Chillout Lounge Mix) 20:01 ABOVE & BEYOND, OCEANLAB - I Am What I Am (Original Mix) 19:56 SOLANOS - Get That Feeling 19:51 FRAINBREEZE, NATUNE, ANGEL FALLS - Signs Of Time (Original Mix) 19:47 FRED HYAS - Meet Dawn (Rework) 19:43 AHY O - Shine On 19:36 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 19:31 LEO ROJAS - Brothers 19:26 MANDALAY - It's Enough Now 19:23 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 19:18 ANGELO CRESCERI - Harmony 19:15 HEADSTRONG, HELENA WARD - Broken Ice (Acoustic & Strings Chillout Mix) 19:09 INDIGO SUN - You Don't Fool Me (Tango Cafe Mix) 19:04 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - Sound Of Panama 19:01 IDENLINE - At Sunset (Original Mix) 18:54 AQUASCAPE - Sunrise 18:50 DIMA ZIMAKOV - Right Back (Original Mix) 18:43 HALDO, GEORGIA CEE - Clouds 18:40 AREA CODE 51 - Chillout In Paris 18:35 FUNKAGENDA - Breakwater (Violet Oversoul Mix) 18:30 HALEY - I Remember 18:23 ARMIN VAN BUUREN, JUSTINE SUISSA - Burned With Desire (Chillout Mix) 18:19 HOUSE MASSIVE - Children (Lounge Mix, Cover R. Miles) 18:13 ARROJAS - Textpectations 18:09 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 18:04 HEADSTRONG, KIRSTY HAWKSHAW - Love Calls (Floris De Hann Chillout Mix) 17:59 HONEY - A Girl Called You (Feat. Jean Honeymoon) 17:54 ASHENI - Only Magic (Chris Wonderful Remix) 17:49 EMILY UNDERHILL - Fly 17:46 HEADSTRONG, SHELLEY HARLAND - Here In The Dark 17:42 HOKKAIDO, DEBBIE DIGITAL - Sigh For The Beauty (El Gambrero Remix) 17:38 ATB, TILSEN - Faith (Original Mix) 17:27 ENVIO - Touched By The Sun (Rusch & Elusive's Chillout Mix) 17:22 HEIKO - Miles Away 17:18 HI-GATE - I Can Hear Voices (Chilled Mix) 17:14 ATB, TIFF LACEY - Missing 17:09 KIM WAYMAN - We Are The People (Acoustic Mix) 17:05 EXIMINDS, AELYN - I Feel You (Chillout Version) 17:00 JAMES BRIGHT, HELEN WALFORD - Time 16:56 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - 102 Degree 16:51 BONEY JAMES - You Can Count On Me 16:47 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 16:42 FRANK MCCOMB - Movin' In Traffic (For Russell Ferrante and George Duke) . 16:38 MARCUS ANDERSON - Can I Come Over 16:34 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 16:31 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Check Please (feat. Chris Camozzi) 16:27 NAJEE - Luna 16:23 DANIEL CHIA - Say You Will 16:19 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tell Me Why (Feat. Paul Brown) 16:15 BALANCE9 - Sway 16:11 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 16:08 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Now I See 16:04 ZOLBERT - Smile 16:00 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 15:58 WALTER BEASLEY - Lovely Day 15:54 PHIL DENNY - Around the Block 15:49 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 15:45 THREESTYLE - Missing You 15:42 FREDDIE FOX - Feelin' It 15:38 MARION MEADOWS - Invisible 15:34 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 15:30 LOWELL HOPPER - Change of Seasons 15:26 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 15:22 NAJEE - Bottom To The Top 15:17 JEFF KASHIWA - 3 15:12 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Smooth Jazz Alley 15:08 PIECES OF A DREAM - Livin' The Life 15:03 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 15:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Will Power 14:58 JAREZ - Just Can't Wait 14:54 JAZZ IN PINK - Positivity 14:50 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 14:46 FRANK SUTTON - Its Gonna Be A Lovely Day 14:41 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 14:37 VANN BURCHFIELD - I'm Holding On 14:33 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 14:29 THE SAX PACK - Back In Style 14:25 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 14:22 ZOLBERT - Frappe 14:18 BLAKE AARON - Dreamland 14:14 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 14:09 NAJEE - Valentine Love 14:05 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride (For George Duke) 14:00 JEFF KASHIWA - The Good Life 13:59 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout 13:55 CHRIS STANDRING - Whatever She Wants 13:51 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Kickin' It 13:47 PHIL DENNY - Black Brim 13:41 JACK LEE - I See You (Feat. David Dyson, Steve Ferrone & Norihito Sumitomo) 13:36 LOWELL HOPPER - You've Got to Get It (feat. G. Vernon Burrell, Jr.) 13:32 DANIEL CHIA - Just Because (feat. Darren Rahn) 13:28 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Mr. Right 13:24 THE SAX PACK - Smooth As Silk 13:19 PIECES OF A DREAM - In Too Deep 13:15 MARION MEADOWS - Soul Traveler 13:12 JAEE LOGAN - Portrait of Patrice 13:07 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Moon And Stars 13:04 SHAUN LABELLE - It's Not Over 13:00 WALTER BEASLEY - Come On Over 12:57 DAVID GARFIELD - Ticket to Pittsburgh 12:53 FRANK MCCOMB - Patrice (For Patrice Rushen) 12:48 JEFF KASHIWA - Voices 12:44 J. WHITE - Morning Rain 12:40 PHIL DENNY - Urban Troubadour 12:37 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Sensual 12:33 VANN BURCHFIELD - Keep Pressing On 12:30 ZOLBERT - Everyday 12:26 TIM BOWMAN - Wanda Patrice 12:21 THE SAX PACK - You Are My Starship 12:17 JOYCE COOLING - After Hours 12:13 NORMAN BROWN - Heart To Heart 12:09 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Spanish Harlem 12:04 LOWELL HOPPER - Unconditional 12:00 DARREN RAHN - With You By My Side 11:56 PIECES OF A DREAM - Just Do It! 11:52 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Moonlight Drive 11:48 MARION MEADOWS - On the Uptown 11:44 DANIEL CHIA - Life's a Beach 11:40 JIM ADKINS - Get Over It 11:35 PHIL DENNY - Tough Get Goin' (feat. Ryan Montano) 11:31 WALTER BEASLEY - Be Thankful 11:27 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Can't Let You Go 11:24 PATRICK YANDALL - Let's Flow 11:20 SHAUN LABELLE - Desert Nights 11:16 THE SAX PACK - The Pack Is Back 11:12 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Let's Do It 11:08 VANN BURCHFIELD - Long Ago 11:04 ZOLBERT - Above the Clouds 11:00 PAUL TAYLOR - Countdown 10:58 TIM BOWMAN - Rapture 10:54 MARKUS ZAHRL - Chilling in the Nature 10:49 LOWELL HOPPER - Distant Love (feat. G. Vernon Burrell, Jr.) 10:45 PIECES OF A DREAM - Ear Candy 10:40 KIM WATERS - Easy Going 10:33 UNDER THE LAKE - November 30th 10:29 JACOB WEDD - Brazilian Moments 10:25 PHIL DENNY - What's Love Got to Do with It 10:20 WALTER BEASLEY - Go With The Flow 10:16 MARION MEADOWS - Pandora 10:12 THE SAX PACK - Can't Help Myself 10:08 WARREN HILL - Fallen 10:04 SHAUN LABELLE - Drive Time 10:00 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 09:56 VANN BURCHFIELD - When We're Together 09:52 ZOLBERT - Friendship 09:47 DANIEL CHIA - In the Moment (feat. Paul Brown) 09:43 TOM BRAXTON - Hope For Tomorrow (feat. Bob James) 09:39 PAUL TAYLOR - Club 702 09:34 TIM BOWMAN - Table for Two 09:31 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Purity 09:26 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - One Way Street 09:21 PIECES OF A DREAM - Smoothing Out 09:17 TONY SAUNDERS - Always Thinking About You 09:13 JESSY J - Toast and Jam (Paul Brown feat. Jessy J) 09:09 WALTER BEASLEY - Expressway 09:05 THE SAX PACK - This Time Around 09:00 EVERETTE HARP - All Jazzed Up (And Nowhere To Go) 08:59 MARION MEADOWS - Kaleidoscope 08:55 NILS - Trip Me 08:51 BRIAN SIMPSON - Morning Samba 08:47 DWIGHT SIRLS - In Black & White 08:41 NATE WHITE - Step up to the Plate 08:38 TOM BRAXTON - The J Factor 08:34 DANNY LERMAN - South Beach Serenata 08:29 KIM SCOTT - Sizzle 08:25 CHRIS GODBER - Living Water (feat. Bob Baldwin) 08:20 DEE LUCAS - Love Saw It 08:16 DANIEL CHIA - Malibu Drive 08:12 MARC ANTOINE - Groovin' High 08:08 PAUL TAYLOR - Arrival 08:03 THE SAX PACK - A Little Bit Closer 08:00 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Go Girl 07:58 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - From The Heart 07:55 ILYA SEROV - Just Friends 07:50 OLI SILK - In the Thick of It (feat. Elan Trotman) 07:45 WALTER BEASLEY - La Nina 07:42 JEANETTE HARRIS - Joyful 07:38 VANN BURCHFIELD - We Can Do This 07:35 ZOLBERT - Just a Moment 07:31 DWIGHT SIRLS - The Pawn 07:25 TOM BRAXTON - How Do I Live 07:21 STEVE COLE - Do Your Thing 07:17 MARION MEADOWS - Lunchbox 07:13 CHRIS STANDRING - Mumbo Jumbo 07:09 MARC ANTOINE - For A Smile 07:04 GINO ROSARIA - Ride Along 07:00 THE SAX PACK - Here To Stay 06:58 MICHAEL LINGTON - Still Thinking Of You 06:53 NICHOLAS COLE - Feelings 06:48 EUGE GROOVE - This Must Be For Real 06:43 GREGG KARUKAS - My Favorite Season 06:39 SHAUN LABELLE - Tomorrow 06:35 ILYA SEROV - My Funny Valentine 06:30 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Hammers of Love 06:27 LISA ADDEO - Deep Blue C 06:23 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Walkin' 06:19 DWIGHT SIRLS - Memories 06:14 TOM BRAXTON - As Long As I'm With You 06:08 MARC ANTOINE - Forever 06:04 WALTER BEASLEY - Skip To My Lew 06:00 BRAD ALEXANDER - Lovely Day 05:54 THE SAX PACK - All At Once 05:50 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Going West 05:45 TIM BOWMAN - Dance 05:42 NICK COLIONNE - Spend the Night (extended vocals) 05:37 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Easy Going 05:33 LOWELL HOPPER - Night Song 05:28 YULARA - Flyin' High 05:24 PAUL TAYLOR - Polaris 05:20 TONY SAUNDERS - My Real Love 05:15 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Taboo 05:09 SEAN U - Nightfall 05:05 MARC ANTOINE - Silk And Steel 05:00 CHUCK LOEB - 7th Ave South 04:59 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Alleria 04:54 THE SAX PACK - Are You Ready 04:50 SHAWN RAIFORD - In the Moment 04:45 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Between Two Worlds 04:40 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Down the Road 04:36 DWIGHT SIRLS - Dimensions 04:32 TOM BRAXTON - Lookin' Up 04:28 MARION MEADOWS - The Thrill of Rain 04:24 NICHOLAS COLE - Falling for You 04:18 HANK BILAL - Can We Talk 04:14 SHAUN LABELLE - Palm Canyon Drive 04:10 ANDY SNITZER - Candy 04:05 NELSON RANGELL - Dedication 04:00 MARC ANTOINE - Hi 03:57 CHUCK LOEB - ... Of The Moon 03:53 DEON YATES - Wiseguys 03:49 THE SAX PACK - Fallin' For You 03:45 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Simple Life 03:40 YULARA - Bridges To Shambhala 03:36 AL DEGREGORIS - Drive Time 03:32 PAUL TAYLOR - Roundup 03:27 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Wake up! 03:23 JACKIEM JOYNER - Secrets 03:19 TONY SAUNDERS - Summertime Love 03:15 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Blue Moon 03:11 PAUL JACKSON JR. - B.F.A.M. (Brothers from Another Mother) 03:07 DWIGHT SIRLS - Stand 03:03 TOM BRAXTON - Sharon's Groove 03:00 VANN BURCHFIELD - Change Is A Comin' 02:59 DAN SIEGEL - A World Away 02:54 MARC ANTOINE - Cancun Blue 02:49 CHUCK LOEB - John Leslie (For Wes Montgomery) 02:45 THE SAX PACK - Wanna Get Closer 02:41 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Never Far Away 02:37 ZOLBERT - One 02:33 YULARA - Lights Of Ayodhya 02:29 ADAM HAWLEY - Anytime At All 02:25 MARION MEADOWS - Don't Wait Up 02:20 BONEY JAMES - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 02:16 TERENCE YOUNG - Dedicated 02:11 SHAUN LABELLE - Indio Sunrise 02:07 Daniel Domenge - Latin Flavours 02:04 ERIC DARIUS - Healin' 02:00 FREDDIE FOX - Still Lovin' You 01:59 RAY OBIEDO - A Thousand Reasons 01:54 PAUL JACKSON JR. - City of Refuge (feat. Jeff Lorber) 01:51 DAN SIEGEL - Street Talk 01:47 MARC ANTOINE - Spooky 01:43 CHUCK LOEB - Springs 01:40 THE SAX PACK - The Sax Pack 01:36 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Thinking of You 01:31 YULARA - Shakti Dance 01:26 DWIGHT SIRLS - Time 01:22 TOM BRAXTON - What A Friend 01:17 TIM BOWMAN - Candy's Groove 01:13 TONY SAUNDERS - Theme For Ellen 01:09 FRANK SUTTON - Travel Forecast 01:04 CHRIS STANDRING - All In Good Time 01:00 JACK LEE - Amalfi (Feat. Nathan East & Steve Ferrone) 00:58 RICHARD ELLIOT - You Make Me Feel Brand 00:55 VANN BURCHFIELD - Stay Strong 00:50 MARION MEADOWS - Step to This 00:46 TERENCE YOUNG - Without You 00:42 SHAUN LABELLE - Down Low 00:39 ZOLBERT - The Time Has Come 00:35 THREESTYLE - Ready to Go 00:31 WAKANA - Downtown Jam (feat. Gabriel Mark Hasselbach) 00:26 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Morning Jog 00:21 ERIC DARIUS - All Around The World 00:18 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Coming Home (Feat. Adam Sztaba & Atom String Quartet) 00:13 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Tender 00:08 TONY SAUNDERS - Highway 5 00:04 JAZZ IN PINK - Roll Out 00:00 PAUL TAYLOR - What You Love
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busstop · 4 years
"Sign the petition! Pennington County State's Attorney Mark Vargo: Drop the charges against NDN Collective President & CEO Nick Tilsen
I signed a petition on Action Network telling Pennington County State's Attorney Mark Vargo to Drop the charges against NDN Collective President & CEO Nick Tilsen.
On July 3rd, 2020, 20 protestors were attacked by police and then arrested for defending the Black Hills on Lakota homelands in South Dakota. These protestors, also known as “land defenders,” were demanding the closure of “Mt. Rushmore” returning of Indigenous Lands (LandBack) and protesting Trump’s pre-Independence Day visit -- an unwelcome intrusion on stolen land. Among them was Nick Tilsen, a citizen of the Oglala Lakota Nation, father of four and President & CEO of NDN Collective, an Indigenous organization dedicated to building Indigenous power and building justice and equity for all people and the planet. Tilsen is believed to have been unjustly targeted by law enforcement and the state’s attorney office for his leadership role at the protest. He was arrested and detained for 3 days. He now faces the most egregious charges: 5 criminal charges including 2 felonies, and up to 15 years in prison. We demand that State’s Attorney Mark Vargo drop all charges against Nick Tilsen.
Can you join me and take action?"
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2plan22 · 4 years
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RT @MSNBC: Oglala Lakota tribe member Nick Tilsen says Mount Rushmore is a "symbol of white supremacy." "When you carve out four white men who were colonizers, who committed genocides against indigenous people ... and for that to be okay in society today is fundamentally wrong." https://t.co/mrnM4RJgpC 2PLAN22 http://twitter.com/2PLAN22/status/1279184694240776192
Oglala Lakota tribe member Nick Tilsen says Mount Rushmore is a "symbol of white supremacy." "When you carve out four white men who were colonizers, who committed genocides against indigenous people ... and for that to be okay in society today is fundamentally wrong." pic.twitter.com/mrnM4RJgpC
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) July 3, 2020
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flossiepaws · 3 years
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"We don’t need them to give us permission to do this on our land; we intend to stay here indefinitely throughout the night," said Nick Tilsen, Oglala Lakota, of NDN Collective. "Mount Rushmore is a symbol of white supremacy. When you carve out four white men who conducted genocide against Native people in this sacred place, it is fundamentally wrong."
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[imageID: tweet from Sarah Sunshine Manning, @SarahSunshineM, NDNCollective’s Nick Tilsen just arrested for defending the Paha Sapa, standing against white supremacy and for collective liberation in these empowering times. Please contribute to NDN’s legal fund to bail out all of our arrested relatives who stood strong today. Link in comments.]
Link: Black Hills Bail Legal Defense Fund
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jjessayy · 3 years
Seeing Nick Tilsen of NDN Collective literally run up and evict some cops from the rez is the type of energy I need in all facets of my life
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