#National Coconut Cream Pie Day
doctorfriend79 · 28 days
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🥥 Happy National Coconut Cream Pie Day! 🥥
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Happy National Coconut 🥥 Cream Pie 🥧 Day! #food #foodporn #dessert #pie #coconutcreampie #NationalCoconutCreamPieDay
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rabbitcruiser · 28 days
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National Coconut Cream Pie Day
Creamy, dreamy, and bursting with tropical flavor, this delicious pie is the perfect dessert to transport you to a sun-soaked beach vacation.
A special blend of unique tropical coconut flavor combined with smooth, creamy goodness, the coconut cream pie has a rich and tasty history. And for those who consider pie to be one of the most important food groups, this day falls in line and offers up yet another perfect reason to celebrate.
Join in on the delicious fun by paying honor to this elegant dessert on National Coconut Cream Pie Day!
History of National Coconut Cream Pie Day
Although the general idea of a cream pie may be able to trace its roots back to Europe, the Coconut Cream Pie may actually be an American invention. In the 1800s, as Americans were enjoying tropical fruits such as bananas and pineapple, coconuts also became more accessible in the United States. So when the process for shredding and drying the meat of the coconuts came about, it overcame some of the problems with trying to keep the fruit fresh during shipping.
Recipes for Coconut Cream Pie started showing up in American cookbooks in the early 1900s and they grew in popularity from there. The creamy filling, airy meringue and flaky crust all made the perfect complement to the deliciously tropical flavor of the coconut.
National Coconut Cream Pie Day is here to acknowledge and show respect for this pie that has been delighting dessert plates for more than 100 years. Celebrated annually, this day offers the ideal reason to enjoy and appreciate the coconut cream pie in all of its glory!
How to Celebrate National Coconut Cream Pie Day
Find all sorts of delightful ways to show appreciation for National Coconut Cream Pie Day, and get started with some of these ideas:
Enjoy a Slice of Coconut Cream Pie
Head on over to a restaurant or bakery that serves coconut cream pie and order up a slice in celebration of National Coconut Cream Pie Day! Make a date out of it by grabbing a pie-loving friend or family member and enjoying the pie together after a meal, or just with a delicious cup of coffee.
Learn How to Make Coconut Cream Pie at Home
Those who are looking for a little culinary adventure in the kitchen might want to consider baking in honor of National Coconut Cream Pie Day. Made traditionally, some recipes can be a bit fussy, but those who want to take a shortcut might choose to take advantage of convenient refrigerator pie crusts or a graham cracker pie crust. And while some recipes call for meringue, it’s just as tasty – and much simpler – to top the pie with whipped cream.
For the yummiest results, start by toasting the coconut in the oven before starting the rest. Most recipes call for a combination of eggs, cream, sugar, shredded coconut and a few other ingredients to create a custard on the stove, which will then be placed inside a baked pie shell. Chill the pie, top with whipped cream and coconut shavings. Enjoy alone or share with friends!
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murderousink23 · 28 days
05/08/2024 is National Receptionists Day 🌎, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 🌎, Parents' Day 🇰🇷, National Coconut Cream Pie Day 🇺🇸, National Have a Coke Day 🇺🇸, National School Nurse Day 🇺🇸, National Third Shift Workers Day 🇺🇸, National Golf Day ⛳️🇺🇸, V-E Day 🇬🇧
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alkaliineee · 1 month
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is that DANIEL EZRA? oh, no, that’s DEVON BAXTER, a THIRTY-TWO year old FORMER OLYMPIAN / OWNER of GIMNASIO O2 AIRE who uses HE/HIM pronouns. they currently live in QUILPUÉ, and the character they identify with most is MAUI from MOANA hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
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FULL NAME . devon anthony baxter
NICKNAME(S) . d, dev, bax
AGE/BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC . 32 / january 16th / capricorn
SEXUALITY . heterosexual
BIRTHPLACE . new york, new york
HEIGHT . 5'10
EYES . brown
TATTOOS . olympic rings, left shoulder.
FC . daniel ezra
FIRST LAST ( relation, alive/deceased )
anthony baxter (father/deceased)
dorothy baxter (mother/alive)
– baxter (brother/alive)
high school diploma (homeschooled)
english. spanish. japanese & portuguese (conversational).
WORK   .
mens national gymnastics team (retired)
owner of gimnasio o2 aire (current)
ANIMALS. harpy eagles. orcas. BAKED GOODS. brownies. gingerbread cake. chocolate cream pie. rum cake. COLOURS. grey. red. DRINKS. coffee, black. protein shakes. celsius live fit, sparkling lemon lime. water. bourbon. FRUIT. blueberries. blackberries. coconut. lime. HOLIDAY. new years. ICE CREAM. chocolate. coffee. MOVIE. creed. MUSIC GENRES. metal. hip-hop. SCENTS. sandalwood. vetiver. coffee. cinnamon. SEASON. spring. SNACKS. trail mix. popcorn. string cheese. tortilla chips, with guac. jerky. protein bites. WEATHER. thunderstorms. 
what are words? here is his pinterest instead.
+ dedicated
+ disciplined
+ perceptive
- materialistic
- phlegmatic
- vain
devon was the second born and was raised in wonderful nyc. his father owned his own mechanic shop and his mother’s a famous author and illustrator for children’s books. even as a child he could never sit still, he was always running around, climbing on things (and pestering his older brother) and to say it drove his family up the wall was an understatement. they ended up putting him in gymnastics when he was five years old and he took to it like a fish to water. it gave him somewhere to focus his energy and being able to excel and learn new skills meant he never got bored. a few years of hard work and dedication and he was bringing home medals from every meet he went to, which really just fuelled his desire to be the Best.
as he paved his way in the gymnastics world the endorsements and brand deals started rolling in and they only grew as he made the national team and went on to the olympics. after his third olympic games devon ended up retiring. while he would never admit it, the sport was beginning to take a toll on his body at his Old Age of 28.
it wasn’t too long after when he came to chile, originally planning on just spending some time relaxing after working his butt off for so long, but he got restless and plans changed and now his gym is his baby.
basically the dude version of simone biles in regards to the gymnastics world.
he could 10000% live more than comfortably off of endorsements and brand deals, (his bank account is sickening tbh) but devon literally can’t spend more than a day doing nothing before he starts getting restless, he needs to be doing something or i fear he would turn to being like an adrenaline seeker or something.
his father was his biggest supporter, it didn’t matter how busy his schedule was with work, he was at every single possible meet he could physically make it to. he passed away shortly before his second olympic games, and while he always wanted to make his father proud, every single competition after that, every practice, was for him.
he went to regular school (private) for two years before they really realized his potential in terms of gymnastics, and school was starting to get in the way of his practices so his mom hired a private tutor for him and he was “home schooled” from that point on.
has an ego u could probably see from outter space
spent a lot of time split between being in new york and being in colorado for practices/national team things and whathaveyou.
gets up at the crack of dawn because his body is literally just programmed to be awake first thing in the morning. his idea of sleeping in, is like 7AM, and that’s a rarity.
is an adequate cook, we’re not talking 5 star Michelin meals or anything, but he is capable of making a decent tasting meal that is also high in protein.
you can find him at the gym every day, what are rest days??
participated in the london, rio, and tokyo olympics, and brought home multiple medals from each.
100% has a room that houses all his trophies and medals, probably the most immaculate room in his home, though he is a fairly tidy guy and has cleaners come at least once a week.
his favourite events are the pommel horse, still rings, and horizontal bar, but floor is also up there.
he isn’t a huge sweets guy but if he’s eating a dessert there’s a good chance it’s something chocolate.
more to be added as i think of it.
ride or die: someone who knows devon beyond surface level and loves him, ego and all ( even though he loves himself enough for the both of them ) someone who is on his side, and has his back always, and vice versa. he’s a good friend once you carve yourself a spot in his heart.
ex: he never had time for any sort of serious relationship, his eye was always on the prize, so i imagine the first real one ended pretty messy. could be fun !!!
hookups: yes. fwb, one night stands, any and all welcome.
♡?: he doesn’t know this yet but he’s down for a lil love connect. i think it would be cute if they were like polar opposites, but we are open to !! just about anything !! definitely up for discussion.
workout buddy(ies): more than just gym “bros” (gender neutral) ofc people who would go to the gym with him, but also who would do activities beyond that. hiking, beach volleyball, biking, literally open to anything active. ( rohan / rashid / omar / nikhil )
clients: fairly self explanatory; people he trains @ the gym whether as literal clients or people he’s picked up as a personal project. 2 / ? ( luna, astrid, rafael )
misc: enemies, rivals, employees, childhood friends, generic things !!!
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
I was tagged by @meitantei-shitpost, @hexfloog, and @blenderfullasarcasm! Thank you!!
Relationship status: Single.
Favorite colors: Pink! Though, I'm a fan of most colors. Except maybe orange.
Favorite foods: Potatoes (in whatever form), apple pie, chili penne, ice cream, BBQ, pizza, bread pudding, corn, soup, watermelon, carrot cake, popcorn, fried chicken, coconut mango curry, chocolate pudding... I love food and could go on and on and on. But I suppose marshmallows should be on this list!
Song stuck in your head: Nothing really in particular right now? Maybe "Enjoy Your Life" by MARINA, because of this AMV.
Last thing you Googled: Not counting things I searched for work (confidential), it was the date of a holiday so that I wouldn't accidentally schedule a NaNoWriMo meetup on that day 😅 (I'm one of my region's Municipal Liaisons (MLs) for National Novel Writing Month next month.)
But the more interesting search before that (and the one I want to ramble on about for a sec) was "danny phantom shadow of a doubt." Because I'm feeling super nostalgic, and I helped beta a chapter of that fic back in the day. And also drew the first fanart for the story that ever hit the web?
Time: Probably time to cook some food...
Dream trip: Good question, haha. One where my family is all together?
Last thing you read: YouTube comments?
Last book you enjoyed reading: "Enjoy" is too strong a word, but the last book I read cover to cover was The Long Goodbye. And boy was it long. Enjoyed it more than The Maltese Falcon, I suppose...
I really need to read more books.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Soup? Considering that's about all I ever make 😂
Favorite craft to do in your free time: sobs about how I'm not an artist and not creative and can't do anything artistic
Umm, I'm new to it, but I've come to really love video editing! And if it counts as a craft, I can't get enough of writing essays about my blorbos.
Most niche dislike: It's maybe a dangerous thing to admit so publicly, but. Popsicle sticks. It's... a minor phobia. I can't touch them. The sight of them puts me on edge. I used to be able to eat popsicles and that kinda thing by just wrapping a paper towel around the stick and dumping the food on a plate when I got to the end, but I don't think I can even manage that anymore. Just thinking about it gives me chills. Eugh.
Opinion on circuses: I respect the artistry, but I can't say I ever seek out opportunities to go.
Do you have a sense of direction: Nnnnnope, lol. The "don't lose your way" song from Kill la Kill is my ringtone both because it's the love duet of my OTP (tell me I'm wrong) and because I, uh, get lost constantly.
Tagging: @badgerjaw, @cartoonsbyandie, @circumference-pie, @defectiveconantoy, @meitanteisachi, @mirrorfalls, @observeroftheuniverse, @snoozeeroo, @tangentiallly, and @voiceofthecity
But of course, absolutely no pressure to play if you don't want to!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Reward Yourself Day
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN)
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
World Donkey Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
2nd Monday in May
American Craft Beer Week begins [2nd Monday; thru 16th]
Child Welfare Professionals Recognition Day (Florida) [2nd Monday]
World Melanoma Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Ungl��ckstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 128 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 19 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 17 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 17 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 7 Bīja; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2023
Moon: 86%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Caesar (5th Month) [Junius Brutus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 50 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 30)
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justiisms · 28 days
"Yuta!! You'll never guess what day it is today!!" *kaito bursts into his bedroom while having That look on his face, the astronaut looking far more excited than usual!!*
"It's National Coconut Cream Pie Day!! Can you believe it?! C'mon, let's go downstairs and whip up a pie or two to celebrate! We've got the rest of the ingredients, so all that's left is the Kokonuts, haha~!!"
"Uwah?!" Yuta nearly jumped in his seat from the sound of Kaito flying the door open while shouting his name like that!! "Y-Yes, yes!? It must be a really good holiday if you're that excited about i..."
And then he hears the name of said holiday, now knowing why he's got That smile on his face! "............" Fiercly ignoring the cackling Shinigami in his ear, he gives Kaito a Look as he crosses his arms with a firm: "No. Ugh, I knew it was going to be something ridiculous the moment you came in with that smile on your face! G-God, I swear I'm this close to getting a legal name change!!"
("You say that as if it was actually your name in the first place, Master. Now c'monnn, stop being such a stick in the mud! Go bake yourself with Himbomota and Twin Master!! Go, go, go!!")
"H-Huh?!" Before he can respond, Yuta's hand is suddenly gripping Kaito's?! ("M-My hand just moved on its own... Shinigami, did you do that?! H-Hey!!") But he of course can't outwardly say all this in front of Kaito. With a defeated sigh, he doesn't even bother moving his hand away the moment he regains control of it. He knows that he's not getting out of this, no matter what....
"Guuuh....ohh, wh-whatever, fine... only because you make it hard to want to say no when you look so eager like that. W-Why of all fruits, it had to be that..."
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brookston · 28 days
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Colorism Awareness Day
Crow Day
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Dupuytren’s Disease Day (UK)
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
508 Day
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance Day (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Hayek Day
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Katniss Everdeen Day (Hunger Games)
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
Mississippi River Day
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Occupational Safety & Health Professional Day
Orache Day (French Republic)
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Radio Day (Philippines)
Reward Yourself Day
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
Women’s Historic Night (Norway)
World Donkey Day
World Orienteering Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
World Smile Day
Yerkrapah Day (Armenia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
Independence & Related Days
Breve Empire (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
British Monarchy (Restored after the Commonwealth; 1660)
Impy (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Qaflana (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
2nd Wednesday in May
Bike to School Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
CBDC Day (Canada) [2nd Wednesday]
Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
National Day for Staff Networks (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
National Nightshift/Third Shift Worker Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Numeracy Day (UK) [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
National Receptionists’ Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Root Canal Appreciation Day [2nd Wednesday]
National School Nurse Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
World Facilities Management Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World FM Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 8 (1st Full Week)
National Women’s Health Week (thru 5.14)
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN) [thru 5.9]
Festivals Beginning May 8, 2024
Furry Dance (Flora Day; Helston, UK)
Heart’s Delight Wine Tasting (Washington, DC) [thru 5.11]
Nigeria International Book Fair (Lagos, Nigeria) [thru 5.10]
Tehran International Book Fair (Tehran, Iran) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
Acacius (Christian; Martyr)
Agathius (Christian; Saint)
Alphonse Legros (Artology)
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Bacciccio (Artology)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Benedict II, pope (Christian; Saint)
Bertalan Székely (Artology)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
Dog-Prodding (Gremlins; Shamanism)
Feast of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Forest Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gibrian (Christian; Saint)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Jean Giraud (a.k.a. Mœbius; Artology)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Ludvig Karsten (Artology)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Nathaniel Dance-Holland (Artology)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Plechelm and Otger (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Thomas Pynchon (Writerism)
Victor Maurus (Christian; Martyr)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
The Blue Dahlia (Film; 1946)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Clash and Carry (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1961)
Cover Her Face, by P.D. James (Novel; 1962) [Adam Dalgliesh #1]
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1981)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
The Driver’s Seat, by Muriel Spark (Novella; 1970)
Elbow Room (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Good Shepherd, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1955)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
Huey’s Father’s Day (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
Olive Oyl and Water Don’t Mix (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Pacific 231, by Arthur Honegger (Orchestral Work; 1924)
Ragtime, by E.L. Doctorow (Novel; 1975)
Red Riding Hood (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Technocracked (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
War as I Knew It, by George S. Patton Jr. (Memoir; 1947)
Woody’s Clip Joint (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 129 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 1 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 30 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 29 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 9 Magenta; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 17 Caesar (5th Month) [Regulus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 51 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 31)
Calendar Changes
梅月 [Méiyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 4 of 12] (Plum Month) [Earthly Branch: Snake Month] (Sìyuè; Fourth Month)
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khate12 · 1 year
Along the national highway in Los Baños is a bakeshop that is known to be the original creator of buko pie. Every day, customers line up at Orient – The Original Buko Pie Bakeshop to bring home a box (or two, or three) of delicious buko pie. There is usually a long queue and many cars parked in front of the shop… so you can’t possibly miss it! Buko Pie can be found in various Provinces, but Laguna’s buko is one of the Filipino’s favorite. This delicacy is well-known in the Los Baños town of Laguna. It was made from young coconuts and pudding. In the streets, there are various stalls selling Special Buko Pie. The local’s favorite brand is the “Letty’s Buko Pie.” The softness of pudding is just perfect, and it is not too bland or too sweet, just balanced. Its coconut is also perfect in one bite. You want something new? They are also offering variety of buko pie like buko ube pie, buko lychee pie, buko pineapple pie, buko pandan pie, and buko durian pie. This sweet and rich pie is a traditional Filipino dessert, which consists of creamy coconut filling inside a flaky pie crust. It is made with buko, the flesh of young coconut, sweetened with plain or condensed milk, cream, and sugar.
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sandara23 · 1 year
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Along the national highway in Los Baños is a bakeshop that is known to be the original creator of buko pie. Every day, customers line up at Orient - The Original Buko Pie Bakeshop to bring home a box (or two, or three) of delicious buko pie. There is usually a long queue and many cars parked in front of the shop so you can't possibly miss it!
Buko Pie can be found in various Provinces, but Laguna's buko is one of the Filipino's favorites. This delicacy is well-known in the Los Baños town of Laguna. It was made from young coconuts and pudding. In the streets, there are various stalls selling Special Buko Pie. The local's favorite brand is the "Letty's Buko Pie." The softness of pudding is just perfect, and it is not too bland or too sweet, just balanced. Its coconut is also perfect in one bite. You want something new? They are also offering variety of buko pie like buko ube pie, buko lychee pie, buko pineapple pie, buko pardon pie, and buko durian pie.
This sweet and rich pie is a traditional Filipino dessert, which consists of creamy coconut filling inside a flaky pie crust. It is made with buko, the flesh of young coconut, sweetened with plain or condensed milk, cream, and sugar.
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worldrandom · 1 year
NAtional holiday 5-8-2023
free trade day
iris day
jametown day
national hmyloidosis day
national animal disaster preparednous day 
national coconut cream pie day 
national give someone a cupcake day 
national have a coke day 
national student nurse day 
national women check up day 
no socks day 
reward yourself day 
truman day 
white lotus day 
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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National Cheesecake Day
Berry, chocolate, just plain cheesecake…whatever your favorite, try  making it yourself or visit a bakery or restaurant to enjoy this sweet, cheesy treat.
National Cheesecake Day is one of the creamiest days  of the year! It’s a day to indulge in the decadence of this dessert, and sample some of the tastiest flavors. From the humble plain baked to the tangy key lime or maybe a chocolate one would hit the spot. Whatever grabs that sweet tooth it is certain that today is the day for some cheesecake!
History of National Cheesecake Day
Although the original National Cheesecake Day was conceived and first celebrated in 1985, it didn’t really take off until 2001 when the power of the internet helped its cause. It then gained traction and became a sensation that is now celebrated all over the world!
Dating back to its invention by the Ancient Greeks, probably around  200 A.D., cheesecake was believed to have been one of the first “sweet”  desserts in the world. Or at least, it was one of the first to be written down! In its earlier time, this dish was originally made from a  soft cheese but was probably very different from what we now know as  cheesecake.
Over the centuries, cheesecake moved around the world and popped up  as different expressions in different regions. For instance, cheesecake  in Italy is traditionally made with their favorite, ricotta cheese. Cheesecakes in Germany and Poland are often made with a special kind of soft cheese called “quark”. And, of course, American cheesecake uses its own home invention: cream cheese.
But no matter the variation, cheesecake is a tasty invention that has  developed and evolved over time into something that almost everyone in  the world loves to eat!
How to Celebrate National Cheesecake Day
Celebrating National Cheesecake Day is super easy! Just eat, bake and  enjoy cheesecake of any variety. Try these ideas for getting creative  with celebrating the day:
Eat Some Cheesecake  
The most obvious way to celebrate is to grab a piece to-go, pick up a  whole cheesecake at a bakery and take it to the office to share, or  even get a boxed mix and make an easy refrigerator cheesecake at home. No matter how it’s done the most important thing on this day is to  somehow, some way, get cheesecake into that belly!
Make a Cheesecake  
Depending on the recipe chosen, making cheesecake can either be simple or a little bit fussy. A true cheesecake recipe will be made from ingredients such as cream cheese, sour cream, and eggs, then baked in  the oven for about an hour or more. It is important to bake it slowly on a low temperature to keep it from cracking. This is the way cheesecake is made at a bakery or at a specially themed restaurant such as The Cheesecake Factory.
Some simpler versions of cheesecake recipes are no-bake, which  instead use the refrigerator to get cream cheese, whipping cream or other ingredients to set up into a dessert. These recipes typically do not include eggs as the cake is not baked. But they are still deliciously tasty!
Get Creative with Cheesecake Recipes  
A slice of classic, New York style cheesecake is nothing to complain about! But some people like to mix things up a bit and get more creative with the way they make their cheesecakes. Try these unique styles of cheesecake for fun, or make up your own:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake. Enjoy the fun of this classic American cookie alongside the beauty of a delectable cheesecake! It includes actual chocolate chip cookie dough in the batter, and is topped with actual chocolate chip cookies.
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake. A  tasty strawberry flavored cheesecake is poured into a graham cracker crust, then finished off with a chocolate ganache topping reminiscent of chocolate covered strawberries. It’s a dessert-lover’s dream.
Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Cheesecake. Another  American favorite, peanut butter and Nutter Butter cookies are included in this recipe that is baked and then topped with a yummy peanut butter sauce and then garnished with peanut butter cookies.
Cannoli Cheesecake. Channel that inner Italian baker with this yummy recipe that embraces ricotta and mascarpone cheeses on a graham cracker crust and is topped with mini  chocolate chips.
Host a Cheesecake Gathering  
While friends, family and neighbors can be invited, the guest of  honor at this particular event must be the venerable Cheesecake! Get a bunch of folks together for this day and have a few different people bring a plain cheesecake each. Ask some others to bring along some toppings for a toppings bar, and then get to eating!
For a cheesecake toppings bar, include different fruit, candy or  sauce options that people with different preferences might like to try. Canned pie fillings make easy and tasty toppings in cherry, strawberry or blueberry. Fresh strawberries or mandarin oranges are also a great  idea.
Sauces for the cheesecake toppings bar can include chocolate, caramel  or peanut butter. Add some dishes filled with nuts such as pecans, peanuts or slivered almonds. Some toasted coconut would also make a lovely addition.
And don’t forget candies such as chocolate chunks, ice cream  sprinkles, pieces of snickers bars or even gummy bears. The options are basically endless!
Head to New York for Some Cheesecake
Maybe it’s not the actual place of origin for cheesecake, but New  Yorkers would argue that it’s the only place to get a real slice of the good stuff! This style of pure cheesecake, with no fancy ingredients, became popular in New York in the early 1900s and the recipes really have not changed much since then.
In order to get access to the best cheesecakes in New York, it will  likely be necessary to visit a few different bakeries or restaurants, including:
Veniero’s Paticceria and Cafe. An authentic Italian Bakery located in the East Village since 1894, this bakery does the New York cheesecake just perfectly.
Junior’s Restaurant. Since  1950, Junior’s Restaurant has been making cheesecakes at the same  family owned location in Brooklyn. It’s now a chain with storefronts in a few other locations throughout the NYC area.
Eileen’s Special Cheesecake. In business for more than 45 years, this bakery began with a recipe that was passed down by Eileen’s mom. Her Nolita location offers at least 20  flavors but, of course, the classic New York style is always on offer.
La Cheesecake Bake Shop. Aptly named, this takeout counter in Queens has been offering “light as air” cheesecakes, along with other delicious baked goods, since 1985.
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/08/2023 is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 🌎, Parents' Day 👪🇰🇷, National Coconut Cream Pie Day 🥥🥧🇺🇲, National Have a Coke Day 🥤🇺🇲, National Women's Checkup Day 👩‍⚕️🇺🇲, V-E Day 🇬🇧, Mental Health Awareness Week 🇬🇧
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nationaldayof · 1 year
Today is officially World Ovarian Cancer Day; International Thalassaemia Day; World Red Cross Day; Time Of Remembrance And Reconciliation; National Student Nurse Day; National Women’s Checkup Day; National Have A Coke Day; and National Coconut Cream Pie Day!
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kermitjay · 1 year
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