#Narrator kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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self care for : the narrator (the stanley parable) with things related to time, the colors orange and brown, things related to the game, and other assorted items
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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lxvenderskies · 1 year
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REQUEST: the narrator (the stanley parable) care package with chocolate, gummies, blankets and plushies with a cream and brown rabbit plush and cream, brown, and grey for @thebirdsquad1
brown rabbit plush | plaid blanket | chocolate covered pretzels | signature chocolate truffles cream rabbit plush | plush blanket | bunny gummies | gummy building blocks
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pyro-the-kin · 1 year
The Stanley Parable - The Narrator
Ai’right, here it comes, the most fucked up I have on the list. I'm trying my best to resume this
First of all, I had no appearance, mostly a disembodied voice.
At the beginning, I thought I was a god playing with a toy, where I would control Stanley to build my storylines. But he started gaining more and more control over his choices and decisions, and we wrestled in this constant fight for control. Resets mostly erased our memories.
Then, we heard the Curator, and her monologue about us hating but needing each other, both wishing for freedom. We wanted to escape from that place, but we still wished for control over one another. We realized we had to work together for it, but it was hard to juggle two over-controlling freaks. I theorized that reality to be a custom-made prison or a cyclic repetitive hell. Resets started having less and less power over our memories, and I started noticing my reality-bending powers to start weakening. That’s when we started noticing weirder stuff, what appeared to be someone following us and black computer screens (a strange blackness, different than a normal screen turned off) with strange requests.
We broke free of the office, and into the desert. We wandered through it, and there I was just a disembodied voice mostly hovering near Stanley, powerless and scared. Many months passed on that desert, I don’t know the exact details, and we eventually found an old ruin of the office. There, a simple computer with that same black screen. It told us the truth, of the game and the repetition and how it, whatever or whoever was speaking through that screen, greatly enjoyed watching us. And it made a last, final request. A simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, if we wanted to continue through it, if we wanted to return to the office, to the old life we had before, to that repetition we both knew so well. I was scared of the future, of the unknown and so was Stanley. But he made the choice, the final choice, ‘no’. And everything went black.
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kincalling · 14 days
Hello, I am a kin of "the narrator" from Fight Club. I'm looking for literally anyone. I would say the appropriate age range is 16-19. Please interact with this post and I'll reach out to you!
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canoncalled · 1 year
hey! im stanley from the stanley parable, and i’m looking for the narrator!! please if you kin him reach out to me!! i’m 19 btw so please be 18+ :) you can reach me at @kinnit !
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shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Narrator aesthetic: do you guys think that stanley and the narrator ever explored each other’s bodi- [i am violently expunged from the narrative]
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morickkk · 1 year
Asked my friend for a drawing idea for a sun x moon trope and they said like talks a lot x listens !!
I had so much fun drawing this
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Here is the speed paint, i dont know how tutorials works so ill just show the progress! Sorry if this is not what you expected!!
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evilwy · 2 years
Doodles that I drew at boring classes
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I recently caught a cold, but I'm feeling better now and I can draw my lovely boyfriends again
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soapy-ocean-dragon · 1 month
Look look look listen listen listen.
Transmasc Tyler Durden.
Transmasc Narrator.
I think them being t4t really adds such an interesting new facet to their (already very complex) relationship. Tyler having had both top and bottom surgery, no problem passing, very nonchalant about people finding out, being every Narrator wants to have/be.
Narrator going stealth the same way he masks his true self from the world (his queerness, his neurodivergence, however you perceive him (that’s another post altogether)), so terrified of anyone finding out, idolising Tyler and his stupid chill attitude.
Tyler’s “Yeah man, what of it?” when he’s asked or confronted and the power to fuck them up if they don’t like it vs Narrator panicking and anxiously overcompensating when he’s asked.
Look maybe it’s because I’m transmasc and kin Tyler (so yeah he’s also kind of what I want to be) but t4t soapship is genuinely so important to me.
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kitthefoxkin · 5 days
Hello! Could you do a moodboard of the narrator from Fight Club with the theme of sleeping? Thank you!
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narrator from fight club alterhuman moodboard with themes of sleeping!!
thank you sm for the request! ive never seen fight club, ill have to watch it now :33 i hope you like it! /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
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saberstardraws · 2 years
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calhaspam · 2 years
as if the narrator didnt make the bucket for stanley as some sort of poorly disguised homestuck themed proposal. Come on now
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not admitting his feelings and instead putting stanley in situations where he can only hint of them is very much right up his alley. but the idea of narrator reading homestuck has very, very dangerous implications
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sonny-whorezik · 7 months
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zisgarbage · 20 days
“He’s literally me!” And it’s the most loyal, yet miserable looking guy that’s ever existed (I’m easily manipulated and can’t handle stress)
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bizzaremageddon · 2 years
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Hi stanley parable community
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final-kin · 8 months
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A Narrator (The Stanley Parable) moodboard with themes of shapeshifting, large snakes, predatory birds, and big cats!
Requested By: Anon
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