lgvalenzuela · 2 days
My Dragon Age main characters (and their partners) for Pride Month
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telumendils · 2 years
Varric: You often use humor to deflect trauma. Hawke: Thank you. Varric: I didn't say that was a good thing. Hawke: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
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dacreateathon · 2 years
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The Dungeon Master’s Last Straw
By @transandersrights
Characters: All the DA2 companions
Rating: T
Tags: Modern AU, Tabletop Gaming AU, Friendship, Fluff and Humor, Minor Violence
Word Count: 3575
“Varric allows this kind of thing?” Isabela asks. She sounds almost sulky. “I could have blown so much stuff up if I’d known.”
“Only when it’s thematically and aesthetically appropriate,” Varric corrects. “I let you abandon the party in the Qunari section.”
Varric's latest campaign is reaching its end; let's just say he's intending for it to go out with a bang.
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Made a thing happen for @transandersrightsghts and @handers-time
Rated M for mentions of violence
word count: 8.5k
Genre: Mystery/Horror
Additional tags: Blood Mage Hawke (Dragon Age), Implied/Referenced Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Pre-Dragon Age: Inquisition, Character Undeath, Mage Rebellion (Dragon Age), Nonbinary Character, fuck it everyone's nonbinary, gender ain't real anyway
Handers play detectives in the former mage prison Aeonar and discover some spooky shit. It all ends well.
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g0thiclem0nade · 2 years
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It’s hard not to feel a semblance of cursed if all you find is death and forced change that is definitely what the Hawkes felt.
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artmiscarchive · 2 years
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clare and nyx from an unfinished series of pieces - 2020
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lavellander · 1 year
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always wondered what kicked off those 3 years he laid awake at night aching for hawke (x)
*they/she for my hawke, pls dont tag as fhawke or fhanders :)
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alienturnipp · 5 months
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handers-time · 4 months
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Introducing the 2024 Handers Gift Exchange!
Welcoming any and all Handers fans, @handers-time will be hosting another year of the Handers Gift Exchange! For those unfamiliar, a fandom gift exchange is an event in which participants create fanworks to give to one another, based off their prompts, preferences, and ships! Then giftees will leave comments on any gifts they receive and the love for Handers will be shared.
March 9 - 23: Sign-ups
March 24 - 26: Matching & Assignments
March 27 - May 19: Creation & Posting Period
With additional check-ins on April 12-14 and May 3-5. Participants may post any time during the creation period dates, not just at the end.
Rules & FAQ under the read-more:
Q. When will assignments go out, and when is my gift due?
A. Assignments will go out on or before March 26, 2024. You can post your gift any time during the creation period, but they absolutely must be posted by May 19.
Q. Will there be check-ins?
A. Yes. Mods will be checking in with participants the weekends of April 12 and May 3. If you are struggling to complete a gift or haven’t started by then we would strong encourage you to flag this to a mod so that we can arrange a pinch-hitter if necessary. We understand that life happens, so we won’t hold it against you if you need to drop out - we just want to be sure that your recipient still gets a gift!
Q. How do I share my gift?
A. All gifts should be posted on AO3 and on tumblr. Gifts should be posted to the 2024 Handers Gift Exchange collection on AO3 (link to be shared). Your recipient should be clearly tagged. Tumblr posts should tag in the handers-time blog so that we can find it to reblog it.
Q. How big should my gift be?
A. Fanfic should reach a minimum word count of 1,000 words. Fanart should be at least a clean sketch or completed lineart, depending on how you view your artstyle.
Extra gifts - written as optional add-ons after you’ve completed your main gift - can be much smaller with a minimum word count of 250 words. There is no maximum word count for main gifts or for extra gifts.
Q. Is this an anonymous gift exchange?
A. No, but please do not tell your giftee until you have officially posted your gift. The reveal will occur the moment you post it!
Q. Are there any rules about commenting?
A. Yes. You must comment on any gift made for you. For a full gift, this should be a comment of at least 3 sentences in length. For extra gifts, it can be less.
Q. I don’t want to sign up to the exchange but I’d like to produce extra gifts. What do I do?
Lovely to have you! We share the complete list of requests after sign-ups publicly - you can keep an eye on this blog for it. Anyone can create an extra treat - you do not need to be a participant of the full exchange. Extra gifts have a lower minimum requirements (250 words, or sketches) and you can produce as many as you like.
Q. I have another question.
A. Please send an ask to the handers-time mod and we'd be happy to help.
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storybookhawke · 1 year
(please share, I'm curious!)
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
Comfort | Hawk Moskowitz x Chubby!NB!Reader
Request: Any chance you could write Eli headcanons of him comforting his partner during their period? 😩🤍
CW: discussions around periods, fluff
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*** When that time of the month rolls around, Hawk is always prepared. He makes a period kit with lots of his partner's favorite snacks, fresh products for them, little coupons that say "Your Movie Pick (and I won't complain about it)," and he always tops it off with a new teddy bear for them to cuddle with for when he's not around. (He's usually around though).
*** Always sets up a heating pad for cramps and has drinks and snacks at the ready. No matter what his partner's favorite drink is in this time of need, he'll whip it up. Hot cocoa? With tiny marshmallows? Of course. Apple juice? Fridge is stocked full. Man is ready.
*** He'll builds a pillow fort to sit and cuddle in while watching TV. Lots of cuddles and little massages as needed, because he wants to make sure his partner is feel better. There's only so much he can do, and he knows that, but whatever he can do he's going to do it.
*** Quiet moments where he holds them and rubs their back, whispering words of comfort and affirmation. Little "I love you's" and the like. While eating candy and just lazing around, he's just so soft, and only for them.
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Sorry this was short. I had little ideas for it, but still wanted to put it out there because it's just so cute. And I'm on my period rn and it just lined up well, ig, and I needed it too.
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corujalesbica · 1 year
I'm in that one mood in which I wanna write so bad but I also don't
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 7 months
i finished awakening again last night and i am ALREADY itching to get back home so i can start 2 again for the 80 thousandth time lmao
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g0thiclem0nade · 2 years
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Glory in well all their modded glory
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curiouslavellan · 11 months
It IS annoying to have a nonbinary Hawke constantly misgendered but there's something interesting in the way Flemeth is the first to call Ariel something neutral, and the fact that what she calls them is "clever child"
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lavellander · 2 years
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THEE long hair girlboyfriend/short hair boygirlfriend power couple
(lines only version & bonus caption under the cut)
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