#My professors will whoop my ass when I come back next week cuz I was painting gay Saw men instead of doing my assignments
wings0fruin · 5 months
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"I ask you, Special Agent Strahm: Have you learned enough to trust me?"
Hi Sawblr :3 again teehee
I'm finally done with my second Saw painting - and the background is kinda lazy , but WHATEVER ....... took me long enough
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in-class-daydreams · 4 years
Parlay (Kuroo x Reader) | Ch. 3
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader (ft. Roommate Kenma)
Word Count: ~2400
Genres: Fluff, angst if you squint, general buffoonery
CW: Some swearing, but otherwise none!
Summary: (Y/N), a first-year student attending Tokyo U, is living with her best friend, Kozume Kenma. Little did she know, her life would be turned upside down after being exposed to Kenma’s volleyball teammate and close friend, Kuroo Tetsurou. One wrong move, and the parlay’s stakes only get higher each time.
Chapters: First | Previous | Next 
Honestly, Kuroo dreaded 2:00 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. His lecture was two and a half hours long, and it was in one of the school’s bigger lecture halls, meaning he spent two days a week sitting at an itty bitty desk in an overcrowded lecture hall. It was always hot and muggy, and there’s always that one guy that you can smell three rows back. It honestly can’t be that hard to take a shower once a while, right? Personal hygiene. What a concept!
‘Before making assumptions about a person who smells - like thinking they don’t shower - consider their living situation and the fact that not everyone has access to--’ A memory from a conversation with Bokuto flashed through his mind. He begged the Bokuto that lived inside his head to please shut his piehole.
In retrospect, he really should have taken an easier class, but no. His academic advisor had strongly advised against taking an easier class to fulfill this requirement because it wouldn’t ‘enrich his academic talents.’ He could just hear his teammate’s irritating tone.
“Don’t worry, Tetsu-Chan! It’ll be a good challenge for you!”
‘Good challenge’ his ass. He really had to stop trusting other people’s judgement.
Despite his admitted hatred for his 2:00 lecture, at least he and Bokuto got to chat beforehand. The frat boy had a class at the same time: Women and Politics in Continental America. According to him, so long as you did your work and ‘are at least a somewhat decent person,’ the class was relatively easy to get a quality grade in. So while Kuroo was dreading the next two and a half hours of his life he’ll never get back, Bokuto could talk Kuroo’s ear off about his “Owlets” without a care in the world, that bastard.
“Bruh, they’re so cute! We played freeze tag for warm ups today ‘cuz they’ve been good all week and, man, little kids are hella fast!” Kuroo cracked a smile at that. Bokuto loved both volleyball and kids, so when he started working as a youth instructor at the sports center, the guy was living his best life. About halfway through hearing a story about the Owlets dogpiling on Bokuto, Kuroo heard a group of girls giggling a little further down the hallway.
There he saw Kenma’s cute girlfriend making an exaggerated sad face. Her surrounding girlfriends were half laughing and half consoling her. They patted her back and he could vaguely hear ‘next time, next time!’ and ‘--boba right after?’
As they got closer, he heard one of the girls chime in, “Hold on, we can’t go right after. That guest speaker for Native American Lit. is speaking in Ballroom One at six.”
“Oh yeah... After that, then?” another girl offered.
(Y/N) shook her head, “I promised I’d pick up a shift at Chisai at 5:30,” she told them apologetically. Her friends collectively booed as Kuroo pushed off the wall he was leaning against.
“I’ll see you at practice, man.” Bokuto paused his story. They gave each other a bro-nod in farewell.
“Okay, ttyl.”
Kuroo halted in his tracks, “...did you just say ttyl out loud?”
“It’s easier that way. My kids like it!”
“They’re nine, Kou, they like everything you do.”
“Nine is a very enriched age and it’s important that we don’t undermine the abilities of--”
“Whoops, gotta go!” Kuroo speed walked in the direction of the group of girls. Bokuto went out of his way to stay “woke” - his words, not Kuroo’s - and it made him a great guy, but Kuroo could only handle so much social consciousness. (Y/N) noticed him before he reached them.
“Oh, Kuroo-san! You have a class in this building?” For someone he’d met only once before, she looked happier to see him than a lot of people normally would. Did she look at everyone like that?
He gave each of the girls a charming smile. Several of them looked from (Y/N) to him, wide-eyed. In all objective terms, Kuroo knew the effect he had on people. He was used to people of all genders’ gazes lingering on him. After all, he was the whole package: tall, handsome, charming, and it was obvious he drank Respect Women Juice every day.
“Unfortunately, yes,” he nodded his head towards his lecture room, “Not my favorite class this semester.”
“Well, I’m in this class, too. If we sat together, would it be less agonizing?” she asked. Before he could answer, she turned to her friends, “I’ll see you probably tomorrow.” They said their goodbyes, and a few of them flirtily waved Kuroo goodbye. In return, he gave them a sly wink, “Ladies.”
“If you have other friends in this class, though, I won’t be offended at all if you sit with them,” his attention snapped to her. He held the classroom door open and gestured her in. She unthinkingly led them to the same side of the room as the one Kuroo usually sat, a few rows ahead of his normal seat.
“Actually,” he said, “All my friends were smart enough to take other classes,” he laughed. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to sit next to a such a cute girl?” he gave her a cute wink.
‘What a flirt,’ she thought.
“Is that your signature move?” she teased.
Kuroo put a hand to his chest in mock offense, “Move? A gentleman doesn’t use ‘moves.’”
“Are you a gentleman, then, Kuroo-san?”
“If you wanted me to be.”
“Don’t worry. I get worse over time.”
(Y/N) mentally cheered. If Kuroo was flirting with her this blatantly, surely he must have a feeling that she and Kenma weren’t serious. Then, Kenma would have to admit that she wasn’t oblivious and she’d win the bet!
Kuroo’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. “But don’t think I’m trying to steal you from Kenma. Bro-code is sacred text, you know.”
Oh. Well. That’s okay! He might not figure it out right away, but surely when he sees that Kenma doesn’t care one bit that he was flirting with his ‘girlfriend,’ he’d figure it out eventually! ...right?
“Don’t worry.” She replied, “He couldn’t care less.”
The professor walked in about 2 minutes before the class officially began. The man in about his mid-40’s cracked his RhedBhull energy drink and chugged the whole thing in one go. Crushing the can in his fist, he tossed it into a nearby trashcan and started plugging the projector cable into his laptop. In a way, Kuroo was glad even the professor was having as much of a hard time with this class as much as he was.
While he’d been watching the professor prepare himself, he hadn’t noticed the girl next to him pull out a notebook, two mechanical pencils, a big eraser, a set of highlighters, some gel pens, and some sticky tabs. At first he thought she was the type to make pretty notes and not actually learn anything, but as the class dragged on, whenever he glanced at her notes, he noticed that her diagrams were frighteningly detailed and every bit of information had its place. He didn’t want to be that guy by constantly looking at her notes, but even the comments in the little text bubble she drew made more sense than anything on the lecture slides.
Leaning in towards her, the taller male whispered, “I’m sure you don’t need the help, but do you want to study together sometime?” No answer.
“Kenma can come too, if you’re worried about him getting the wrong idea.” Nothing. Was she ignoring him? Had he somehow managed to offend her? He was nearly offended until he realized that nothing was affecting her at all. Not when someone sneezed or when the glass side door slammed loudly and nearly everyone jumped out of her skin. Save for her hand working like a machine, she hardly moved. Just her hand and her eyes flitting up, down, up, down, up, down from the projector to her notes. A tornado could rip through campus and Kuroo wasn’t entirely confident that she’d move.
‘Cute.’ Kuroo shook his head at his own thoughts. Sure, she was cute, but she was as off-limits as possible.
‘Though,’ he reasoned, ‘Being friends isn’t a crime.’
Lost in thought, the end of the lecture came sooner than anticipated. Twisting in his seat, his spine made a loud crack. Ah, the ripe old age of 21. In his defense, the chairs in the lecture hall weren’t exactly ergonomic.
“I doubt that’s a healthy noise for your spine to make.” She peered at him over her bag as she gently organized all her pens into a baby pink pencil case with little green aliens on it.
‘Cute,’ he thought.
“Thanks! It was a gift,” she chirped. He blinked.
“The pencil case? I got it as a gift.”
It took Kuroo a moment to register what in the world she was talking about. When the realization dawned on him he mentally kicked himself.
‘I said that out loud???’
They headed outside where the sun had nearly set. She asked him what his plans were later on, and he mentioned his volleyball scholarship.
“Wow! It’s super competitive just to get on the team here. Congratulations!” He chuckled at her enthusiasm and thanked her for being so encouraging.
“So…” she trailed off for a moment, “You’re Tooru’s teammate, then?”
Kuroo gave an ugly, barking laugh.
“Yeah. Not sure if that’s good or bad. He’s the best setter I’ve ever met, but he’s also super cheery and will smile while he roasts you within an inch of your life.”
They both chuckled. (Y/N) looked at the ground shyly and said in a small voice, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
“You know each other?” it suddenly occurred to that she and Oikawa were on a first-name basis. “You a fangirl of his?” he teased.
She squeaked. Waving her hands in front of her frantically, she said, “No, no, no! I just-- We just-- We both went to Seijoh, that’s all.” Kuroo was mildly offended that she thought he’d believe such a poorly delivered lie, but he decided to let it go. For now. Changing the subject, he said,
“So, where are you headed? Practice to watch your boyfriend?” She tensed, then quickly relaxed.
“I’ve never been to a practice since I always seem to have a shift at the same time. I have work at 5:30 today, actually.”
“You’re walking around when it’s this dark?”
“It’s only about a 20 minute walk from here. Don’t worry, I have pepper spray.”
“Mildly comforting, but not much. If you don’t mind, I could walk you there?”
His gesture was rewarded by an adorable eye smile, “Oh, that’s so kind of you. Okay, if it’s not too much trouble.”
On the walk there, she told him all about Chisai Tea House and about Grandmother, the sweet old woman who owned it.
“I worry, though. Gran is getting old. She’s not in a condition to work all day like she does.”
Kuroo looked up at the darkening sky, “When people love something, it’s hard to pull them away.”
“Mm, don’t I know it?”
Kuroo asked what kinds of things Chisai served. Besides dim sum, of course.
“What people order just depends on what they want at the time. There’s no ‘good’ thing to get because everything’s amazing! We make traditional green teas, Korean songpyeon, khao neeo mamuang, and don’t even get me started on the har gao and sumai, and all the dim sum stuff. All of our recipes have been passed down through families for generations.”
Around 5:20, she stopped at a door along the line of shops. The place was bustling with customers, and the air around it smelled of sweet treats and green teas. The whole place had a traditional Chinese feel. Through the windows, the busy place looked busy, but peaceful. On the tables nearest the window, he saw moon cakes and songpyeon that made his mouth water.
“Thank you for walking me to work! If you have some free time, would you like to come in for something to eat? My treat?” she offered.
“I wish I could, (Y/N)-san, but I have practice--!” Kuroo choked on the word. Practice! How could he forget? He’d been going to volleyball practice on weekdays since he started high school!
“Is there something wrong?” the shorter girl asked, concerned. He shook his head.
“Not at all. Thanks for keeping me company,” he winked. He didn’t want her to feel like him being late was her fault, so he waited until she was fully inside the tea shop before he turned tail and hauled ass. The gym was about a 10 minute walk, so there was a chance he could make it.
After some hardcore sprinting, the boy almost cried tears of relief when the building finally came into view. He flung himself through the locker room door. Inside, he saw all his teammates finishing up getting dressed, putting on knee pads, tying shoelaces, the like. Every head turned his way.
“Bro! What’s-- Hey! Why are you all sweaty?” Bokuto shouted from the far end of the locker room. Kuroo meant to respond, but he found himself completely out of breath. Volleyball players might not be cut out for long distance sprinting. At least, he definitely wasn’t.
“Overslept?” Iwaizumi clapped his teammate on the back as he brushed past him through the doorway.
“You know coach doesn’t like it when people are late to practice. Better hurry up, Tetsu-chan!” Oikawa said in a tone all too gleeful to be genuine. Forcing his legs to move, Kuroo stumbled as he yanked his shirt off and ran to his locker while simultaneously trying to shimmy his pants off. Bokuto came up beside him during his frantic clambering to get ready.
“What happened, man? You don’t usually get here this late?”
Kuroo glanced over his shoulder at his friend’s worried expression.
“I’m good, bro, I just...” he panted, “I just lost track of time.”
“M’kay, if you’re sure everything’s Gucci?”
“Yeah, man, I’m good.” The wing spiker nodded and headed out the door. Alone at last, Kuroo stuffed his feet into his shoes and rested his head against his locker for a moment. Next time, he’d stop creeping on Kenma’s girlfriend and focus on making it to practice on time. This wouldn’t happen again.
(A/N): At last! We have tapped into the interactions between Kuroo and (Y/N)! And yes, the Bro-Code is very important! (Well, I'm female, but I’m fully aware of how it works lol). Please continue to give/leave your feedback and thoughts on the story! Be sure to check out the Tumblr/Wattpad for more updates! Thanks and see y’all soon!
- Admin Kiwi-Chan
(A/N): Yeeeaaaaaa boiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
- Admin Mango-Chan
Taglist: @joyful-jimin
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caramelohaechan · 5 years
Brat ~ Adachi Yuto Smut
this hoe is on a roll // also.... adachi yuto.. the man... the legend.... Japan’s king
Fandom: Pentagon
Genre: Smut
Warning(s): Yuto dressed as a teacher // more fuel for more sins (let’s all rot together!) // idol! reader // another female reader cuz I need more of those on my blog
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               You stare at him from across the room. You’re trying your best to not make it obvious, but you can’t help it. He’s wearing a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, a pair of fake glasses that actually make him look so good, and he’s holding a meter stick in his hand that he’s using to whack his members. 
He’s dressed as a teacher. Except, when they ask him, he says he’s a college professor. He wiggles a briefcase for extra emphasis. 
You don’t really care what he is. You just know that you really want him. 
And it isn’t your fault. You blame the company for making you hide your relationship; for making you wait weeks until you can finally see him again and touch him. Even it’s for the briefest of moments. 
You hate the stupid fucking rules that they have restricting you from being able to love him. 
It’s the reason you can’t control yourself while he looks like that. It’s the reason you’ll probably end up exposing your relationship at this stupid Cube Halloween party that’s being broadcasted live for the fans. 
You’re finally able to look away when you see the blinking red light of the camera turn to you. You act like you were just taking a sip of your drink and begin to sway to the music playing in the background. You’re pretty sure it’s some Shawn Mendes song that you force a smile at. You send the camera a finger heart. That seems to satisfy the cameraman and he moves onto your other members. 
You glance back and see that Yuto is looking at you. He smiles slightly, but then quickly turns away. 
“I hate my life,” You whisper harshly, before turning and slamming your cup onto the table behind you a little harder than you meant. It wobbles and draws the attention of others. You laugh it off. “Whoops.” 
Out of all people to come over you see Guanlin heading your way. He basically towers over everyone and instantly heads for the juice bowl. You never tried to befriend the guy. You know that he has a lot of fans. A lot of sasaengs, to be clear. You do not want any of the hate that they’d send if you were caught even being friendly with him. 
“Stop being so obvious.” He says as he takes a test sip from his cup. He nods in satisfaction. He doesn’t even glance your way. “The fans are going to notice something.” 
You grab a napkin and turn your back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only one who’s being obvious is you. Why are you talking to me?” 
He laughs. Another sip, but this time he takes his time before swallowing. He turns around and leans against the table. “It’s so obvious you’re staring at your boyfriend. It doesn’t take a lot to put two and two together.” 
You cough and scrunch your eyebrows. You don’t even care at this point that the camera will probably spot the two of you, you turn to him. “I don’t know what you’re-” 
“Cut the shit.” He demands flatly.
You bite your lip to keep in your gasp. The audacity. “Excuse me? I’m older than-” 
“Everyone knows you and Yuto are together. We’ve been trying to distract the cameraman from you two the whole night. It’s pathetic. You debuted before me. You should know how to avoid a scandal.” He doesn’t bat an eye as he says this. So comfortable with talking to you casually. Maybe because you can’t do anything about it right now. 
You glare at him before rolling your eyes and turning back around. Yuto catches your eye. He looks confused. You look away instantly, more aware. “Then what do I do, huh?” 
Guanlin scoots closer to you. He’s smirking. It’s a good thing that Idle is doing a 2x dance. The cameras stay focused on them as he leans down to whisper in your ear. “Make a reason to leave.” 
You look up to see Yuto looking at the two of you with furrowed brows. Wooseok is beside him with a cup. He’s nodding silently to Guanlin. You turn to the younger boy and your eyes meet and he smirks. Then you feel something cold spill down the front of your costume, drenching the material. You gasp, but at the same time hear something happen across the room. 
The girls stop dancing and the camera pans to you. Guanlin feigns guilt but he’s two feet farther than what he had been before. A proper distance. He’s gasping too but has a dopey smile on his face. The one the fans love. “I’m so sorry, noona! I’m so clumsy.” 
You have to fake your smile. “It’s fine. I should go change, though.” 
The cameraman brings the camera to you as you say some words of thanks to the fans before saying bye. You leave just as the camera swivels around to Wooseok, who’s smiling sheepishly. Yuto’s pants are covered in blue punch.
You leave the room and enter the bathroom, groaning. Of course Wooseok and Guanlin had to be the ones behind this. You were annoyed, but thankful at the same time. You had been miserable there. 
You’re well aware that it’s Yuto the moment the door opens. It’s a single bathroom which is mainly reserved for the managers, but at this point you don’t care. He walks in and instantly grabs at the paper towels, rubbing at the spot in his pants. 
“They planned this.” You mumble. Your dress is ruined, the material already stained with the blue liquid. “I should’ve known the instant that little shit came up to me.” 
Yuto stays silent as he rubs. You turn to him and sigh when you notice he looks a little annoyed. “What’s wrong?” 
He glances up. “Nothing.” 
You roll your eyes. “Obviously it’s not nothing. You look annoyed.” 
“Irritated. With Wooseok.” He looks like he’s going to add something, but shuts his mouth. 
You agree. “Me too. But I’m even more annoyed with that little -- ugh! He was literally talking casually to me like we’re friends-” 
Yuto scoffs lightly, like he doesn’t mean for you to hear it, but you do. He looks up when he notices you don’t continue talking. Your arms are crossed and he rolls his eyes. “Awfully close too, don’t you think? This thing was live, if you two didn’t remember. And at any moment the camera could’ve spotted you and--” 
Oh for fucks sake he’s jealous. He doesn’t care that you had been staring at him the whole time. He doesn’t care that you had literally called him a ‘little shit’, he doesn’t care that the guy had spilled juice on you to get you here with him, but he cares about his closeness to you. 
“Shut the fuck up.” You snap.
“Excuse me?” 
You feel yourself suddenly jolt with excitement at his tone of voice. Feel the pit of your stomach move as he adjusts his glasses and raises his eyebrows. He looks so much like a professor. You push down your grin.
“You heard me. Shut the fuck up.” You say again. “Yeah I was close to Guanlin. Yes he was whispering to me. What are you going to do about it? It’s not like you had the balls to go strike a conversation while the cameras were rolling. You never are.” 
Yuto’s jaw pops as he glares at you. For some reason as he was rushing out of the other room he had kept a hold on the meter stick. Now he clutches his fingers around it tighter. “Watch your mouth. You know the consequences of us talking together.” 
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Manager’s like an evil anime character -- he’ll beat your ass. Whatever. Can’t you just say fuck it for once and touch your girlfriend when she needs it?” 
You don’t mean any of this. You know that if the two of you ever actually did this it wouldn’t end well. You’d lose fans. You’d even be kicked out of Cube. You’d end up jobless. But you like the excitement of fantasizing it. 
Yuto let’s the meter stick clatter to the ground as he glares at you. “Not when she’s being a brat.” 
He turns and places his hand on the doorknob, ready to leave. He stops short when the next words come out of your mouth. 
“I thought you liked it when I’m bad.” 
His mouth is dry and he tries to clear his throat to act like he isn’t impacted by you. But he is. You know it. There’s no hiding it. The both of you are backed up and it shows in everything you do. It showed when a cameraman had accidentally caught your reaction to their new stage and you had been biting your lip and squeezing your legs tightly together. It showed when Yuto had gotten a boner during a vlive after receiving a risky text from you. And now that the two of you are alone together finally, it shows in the way his breath comes in shaky bursts and his hands tighten around the knob. 
He swivels around and licks his lips. All emotion is cleared from his face and he gives you a look that quite resembles your old math teacher when you got something wrong. It’s hot. He doesn’t look at you as he sheds his jacket. You bite your lip in excitement. He doesn’t come near you, though. He just starts to roll up the sleeves of his button up. 
You should probably shut your mouth but you haven’t seen him this riled up in weeks. “What’s wrong, Professor? Did I strike a nerve?” 
He doesn’t even look at you, so you decide to shed some pieces of clothing as well. The princess dress drops to the floor and leaves you in a pair of shorts and your bra. Yuto looks up and sees you. He squints.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He hisses. “I hope you’re not expecting me to fuck you while the entire company is just a few doors down.” 
You roll your eyes and lean against the sink. Then you react before he can protest. You shimmy back into your dress and nod. “Okay then. See you at home.” 
You know it’ll just make him even more mad, the fact that he has to wait. You bet secretly to yourself that he was hoping you’d suck him off then an there and then make you wait for later. You aren’t going to give him the satisfaction. Plus, he has a point. The two of you are extremely loud in bed. If you risk it and fuck there the chances of someone hearing was high. 
You get home before him. The company never allows the two of you to take the same car together. At this point you’re ready to really say fuck the company and leave before anyone can tell you to. You shed the stupid princess dress the second you enter your apartment and walk over to the couch and throw yourself down instantly. 
You’re so fucking horny.
You mean to wait for him. But your fingers begin to wander and press and slip and soon you’re unaware of your surroundings as you take yourself into bliss. Your fingers don’t compare to Yuto’s. His are long and slim and know every single way to curl and prod to make you moan. Your mind drifts to him, tonight in his costume. The way his hair curled slightly and landed on his forehead. The way his long legs looked so good in those black slacks. How he looked with his sleeves rolled up like he was ready to grab the meter stick and spank you with it. 
You’re just about to hit your peak. You’re knuckles deep. Then your fingers are yanked away. You gasp and your eyes shoot open. 
Yuto looks livid, but ready. His belt is gone from his pants and his sleeves are still rolled up.The glasses remain perched on the bridge of his nose, but his hands are busy loosening the tie around his neck as he glares down at you. “You’re such a fucking brat sometimes. I hate it.” 
Your fingers lazily run across your chest so that you can unclasp your bra. Yuto simply watches as you toss it across the room. “I’m not a brat. I just really fucking miss you.” 
He raises his eyebrows as his hands find the band of your shorts and begin to yank ‘em down. He keeps eye contact as he speaks, “Oh, so you just missed me. So I don’t have to fuck you. Is that what you’re implying? I can go and lay down and finally have a good nights rest and you’ll stay here?” 
You pretend to think. “Well, I mean you could. But then you’d probably wouldn’t be able to sleep as I get myself off alone. With you here, it’d be a lot easier.” 
He groans and lifts you up slightly so he can shove you farther up the couch. He sheds his jeans. “Oh, you know you’re never really satisfied without me. You remember when you admitted that to me? I still have a screenshot of the ten page essay you wrote to me through text while I was in Japan.” 
Once he discards his boxers he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and picks out a condom. He tosses his jeans to the side and settles between your legs, ripping the package open with his mouth as his hands grasp your thighs from behind, adjusting you so you’re both comfortable. Always the gentleman, even when he’s backed up weeks and you’re being a bitch. 
You smile up at him fondly. Fuck, you love this man. Not just his cock and his body -- you love every part of this giant, goofy, nerdy, shy, and emo man. The man who doesn’t push in harshly and immediately start fucking himself into your guts, but who takes his time to make sure you’re accommodated and it won’t hurt before doing so. 
You moan loudly as he enters you and grab onto his shoulders, bringing his lips down onto yours. His kiss is fiery and makes your toes curl, and his pace isn’t slow but it’s just right and so, so deep. Your legs wrap around him so they’re not flying around aimlessly, which causes Yuto’s hips to stutter as he reaches a deepness he’s never been to before. He moans into your mouth and the deepness of his voice sends vibrations down your throat. He pulls away from your lips and latches onto your neck, teeth instantly sinking into your soft skin. 
You’re a fucking mess underneath Yuto, and you’re pretty sure that your lungs are going to fail before you even get to cum. The condom is restricting you from actually feeling every single bit of skin and every single vein in his cock against your walls, but you’d rather not have kids right now so you deal with it. It’s still a good dick with the rubber; your body proves that when your toes begin to curl.
Yuto slams into you heavily before stilling inside of you and panting against your marked skin. He’s tired. You can tell. You know that the two of you are so close so you pat his shoulder and force him to get up. He sits down and you immediately crawl onto his lap, wasting no time in aligning him with your soaking cunt and driving your body back down onto him. His moans are so sinful, so deep, so beautiful you wish you could save them for later when you know that you’ll feel lonely. 
Yuto’s hands grip your ass and slap your skin and you clench around him after grinding yourself down particularly hard. Your clit brushes the edge of his shirt, which you have no idea why it’s still on, and you moan loudly before cumming. Your clenching and breathlessness has Yuto moaning and digging his fingernails into the soft skin of your ass. You hasn’t came yet so you start bouncing on him again, despite how sensitive and tired you are. 
“Come on, Professor.” You tease him, knowing that it’ll set something off. “Show me how good of a student I am.” 
Yuto throws his head back and you bite into the perfect skin of his neck as he cums, spilling perfectly into the condom. You slide off of him immediately and throw yourself down beside him. Your hair is stuck to your sticky skin and your chest is heaving. Surprisingly, your lungs haven’t failed you yet.
Yuto removes the condom, ties it, and lets it fall to the ground before collapsing beside you. He presses a kiss to your cheek, a sweet gesture, and then follows it up with a hand to your ass, a naughty reminder. 
“You’re not let off for being a little brat.” He threatens. 
You grin and turn to face him. You press your forehead against his and swoop down for a kiss. “I wouldn’t even dream of being let off so easy, Professor.” 
He only groans.
~ y’all I kind of popped off with this one.... (also I love wooseok and guanlin as a duo so they in there, being the little shits they are)
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