#Muses For Mobile
steveharirngton · 2 months
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♪ the more that you say the less i know, wherever you stray i follow, im begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans that's my man ♪
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the neck of louis de pointe du lac
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mochixkisses · 1 month
do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me? do you like me?
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inhumanhacker · 2 months
Gabriel was starting to question his choice to play Loki in this new Universe. Of course the chains they had on him couldn't actually hold the trickster but he was playing along for the time being since he didn't want to reveal who he really was. He had even changed his face to match the Loki of this universe having seen him on TV, but he hadn't quite understood the differences in attitude and ability between the two universe and as a consequence a few of the people who captured him were already suspecting he wasn't the real Loki... or at least 'their' Loki
"So where are we going?" He asks
Skye was more than a little unsure of Loki. From all the things she had been told about him from his attitude and disregard of humans, even if she wasn't exactly human herself, he so far hadn't matched up. Or he was playing coy waiting for his moment. She wasn't sure yet.
"The fridge. We're putting you in holding until your Brother comes to get you." She had to admit she was excited to see Thor and being made one of Loki's guards was one way to meet him.
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enigmaticvariation · 7 months
I get that the wallace and todd thing in the scott pilgrim anime was funny but I'm lowkey getting upset by the ppl mad they weren't endgame like you literally don't get it!! wallace didn't see sparks and then in the epilogue he met mobile, his psychic boyfriend from the comics who he settled down with and then he finally saw sparks!! I do not want to see any mobile slander that is wallace's man!
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tinystepsforward · 3 months
just to clarify, the article said the data was not confirmed to have been sent anywhere (eg to ai companies). do you have a source (even if you cant name them directly)?
i do not have a source who is directly involved with this deal, as you can imagine.
an indirect/observer source passed on, well before that article was published, the impression that this data had already been sent. i think the staff member's quoted use of "unfortunately" leans toward that implication.
that said, i'd love to think that my sources and i are all misinterpreting badly worded internal info! and i don't think the staff member in question should have been named, given it's clear that this was not their choice and given what tumblr can be like. (andrew spittle, on the other hand.)
this was kept intentionally quite out of view for most automatticians including most tumblr staff, i think. the company's usually relatively open internally (or used to be) about most of its business operations, though lately there's been more and more evidence that things are being drafted out of sight then edited for company view.
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katya-zamos · 11 months
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luckykittens198 · 3 months
When Your Dad is a Pillar of the Universe
The world is cyclical. No matter how one tries to prevent the apocalypse, it will come eventually. And new life forms will be born from the ashes. Those lifeforms eventually will form civilizations, and those civilization will be destroyed again.
Over and over and over again.
And so, Klein Moretti, the Lord of the Mysteries, King of Space and Time, decided to sleep.
If the world is cyclical, why does he have to watch everything? His miniscule amount of humanity couldn't stand the destruction of everything he knew. Over and over again. His divinity, just felt tired and indifferent at how every civilizations just repeat their predecessor's mistakes.
So he sleeps. Following the footsteps of his fellows Great Old Ones that went to slumber long before him.
Many eons have passed. Many cycles have passed. The world keeps on expanding.
One day, 'His' conciousness was stirred. A stray soul entered 'His' divine kingdom. Half awake, the Lord of the Mysteries stretched a tentacle to grab it.
"How curious," 'He' sleepily commented.
"Your fate showed that you shouldn't be a stray. Why are you here? How do you reach this place?" This intriguing matter aroused 'His' curiousity. Slowly, 'He' started to fully awaken.
As 'He' woke up, he noticed the smidgen of taint in the stray soul. It seems to be a remnant of a curse.
"A curse it seems? A leftover curse? From the death pathway?" The Being poked at the curse remnant with 'His' tentacle.
Suddenly, the mirror at his side started to glow.
"GREAT MASTER! Welcome back!" A great amount of fireworks appeat on the mirror's surface.
"Only for a little while Arrodes. Now, could you tell me where this curse remnant on this stray come from?"
"Yes, great master!" Slowly, the words on the mirror disappear and another scene came to be.
The scene in the mirror showed 2 beings. One, a human male and the other, a white female dragon. They made a vow, and with that vow they invoke a curse.
"Ho, the curse of reincarnation and denial of peace. What an interesting curse," 'He' leaned back on his throne. Behind 'Him', 'His' tentacle played with the stray soul.
With a twitch, one of the tentacle brought the soul to 'Him'. "It seems that your original body has been stolen by that cursed person. Now, what to do with you?" The Being hmmed.
The mirror, Arrodes, flashed again. "Great master, may this humble servant give you a suggestion?"
"You may."
"Great master, why don't you let this soul be reborn in another world or planet? That way it will have another chance at life and you don't have to be bothered by it."
The Lord of the Mysteries hummed. As 'He' was thinking, he took notes of the condition of 'His' humanity. As 'He' expected, the lack of true anchor is truly detrimental for 'His' humanity.
"Yes, that is a good idea. But you are mistaken about something Arrodes. I think, I will raise this soul."
"Pardon me?"
"You are pardoned. I will raise this soul. Arrodes, which country will be the best place to raise this one?"
"Great master, the best country to raise that soul currently is South Korea. I don't think raising that soul befits your station."
"Haha, this is just my whim, Arrodes. The whim of a bored deity, you could say."
The deity slowly stood up. The soul rested in 'His' hand. With a snap, 'He' stole the curse remnant from the soul and graft it on a paper man.
'His' cane slammed down and a brilliant illusory door showed up.
"Unfortunately, a deity at my level can't directly intefere with mortal realm. But I suppose a fragment of me can do something." With that, 'He' threw the soul and some of 'His' worms of spirit into the door.
"Let's see. For that soul's name, Rok Soo would be good. Hm?"
"Is something wrong, great master?" The mirror asked.
"It seems I accidentally gave it some blessings. Ah well. I suppose I will have to stay awake to watch over them. What do you think would happen, Arrodes?"
"This humble servant thinks that they will live an interesting life, Great Master."
"Now, that is a terrible curse, Arrodes. But we'll see."
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fxckin-blackbeard · 6 months
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bccksmarts · 4 months
Last shit posty thing because I gotta go to bed buuuuuut consider this an inbox call?? Maybe even a starter call, we’ll see—but I wanna get the ball rolling here again so!!
Plop a lil’ like here and I’ll go through your meme tag and shoot you some stuff my babe right here!!
Specifying muses helps a lot more if you’re a multi, but if not I’ll send to muses we have in common / we’ve discussed stuff for!!
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lunaetis · 9 days
the past few days i had been toying with the idea of writing wanshi from p.unishing g.ray r.aven. ( he's a war medic, and a sniper. yes. you heard right. ) with him gaining his new frame, i feel like he's someone i want to explore in terms of mentality. him loving & cherishing life, wanting to cure and heal people but in the dystopian setting he's in, he cannot save people fast enough with his hands as healer and a medic. ( not to mention limited resources and him being forced to prioritize some lives more than others and it TORE him apart. ) him taking it upon himself to fight, to protect instead of simply heal. to make sure he doesn't watch the precious lives being wasted away when he could have. the sacrifices and pain he witnessed, the blood he has on his hands, the patients he failed to save and lost ... i don't know ... he just speaks to me SO MUCH in this newest update and i find myself wanting to take him up. the problem is that no one knows about p.unishing g.ray r.aven setting / universe. maybe i could make a wuwa verse for him since they're both developed by kurogame & are similar in terms of being post-apocalyptic setting ? i'll sit on it a bit more.
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oriarts · 1 year
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munson family mornings over the years
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movietonight · 1 year
Me: if you need a mobility aid you should just get one :) fuck what other people think! This includes people without formal diagnosis!
Me: this doesn't apply for me though because for me specifically it would be cringe and embarrassing and I'd get a bad grade at chronic pain something that is both normal to fear and possible to achieve
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gatomontanyes · 3 months
Might be silly, but reason why I really enjoy Reverse 1999 and Arknights is the good casts and the thought they put into them.
AK has good and cool portrayal of people in STEM but especially Geoscientists and Engineers, plus a thriving Volcanologist with disability (Eyjafjalla).
As for R1999 (afaik) a good portrayal of someone with autism (37 clearly), diverse cultural background of the characters, playable medieval knight armor, and the research they put into designing each character.
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puppy-boy-toby · 4 months
Kindergarten crush (Open rp)
It was recess at Toby's kindergarten and he was playing in the sandbox, making a sandcastle. Suddenly, the three bully kids came along, stomped on his castle and kicked sand in his face, which made Toby cry.
"Toby's a crybaby! Toby's a crybaby!" They all chanted.
"Hey, that's enough!" The newest girl in Toby's class came to his side, standing bravely between him and the bullies. "You better leave him alone!"
"Who's gonna make us?" Kevin, the leader, asked.
"I am!" she proclaimed, but the three kids looked at her and laughed.
"What are you gonna do? Make us sit down for a tea party?" they continued laughing, but the leader suddenly got a mouthful of sand. She picked up some sand and threw it in their faces. She looked ready to rumble, but the kids ran off coughing and rubbing their eyes. She stood triumphantly while Toby watched in awe. He felt something flutter in his belly when he watched her.
"Hey, are you okay?" the girl asked, helping him up.
"U-Um, yeah, I'm-I'm okay. Thank you." he answered.
"No problem. Those guys were jerks, but don't let them put you down. I like your ears and tail, by the way; I like dogs!" Toby felt his face get hot as he blushed. Soon, the bell rang for lunchtime.
"See you later!" she smiled and went inside. As he watched her go, Toby felt weird. He was all warm and fuzzy inside. Could it be that he was experiencing...his first crush?
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@hoshi-neko-hikari, @dark-hybrid-ninja, @weirdgayenby, @ask-pregame-kaede-akamatsu, @ask-the-yanderes, @dxsty-kxnky-bxxts, @thegeasswriter, @blind-puppy-ayla, @sweetdrugs-and-introverted and and anybody else who wants to join.
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ardenssolis · 4 months
Sometimes I think about when I was still pretty new the the F.ate rpc and like -- I had this person that always gave me these weird vibes in concerns to my muse. I did a post about how as much as Gil and Ozy have their similarities, they sometimes approach things differently and have different levels of tolerance, and someone came onto the post and gave some questionable passive aggressive comment that had me, "????" Because on one hand, I thought I misread things. On the other, it made me feel some type of way, but being non-confrontational and second guessing myself, I ignored it thinking I must not have read that right. They occasionally gave vibes but I waved it off as me being paranoid. Turns out later on, I found out that individual actually hated my muse and was actually being a dick. 😭
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