#Mouse Gerwitz
bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Voice Mail: Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz x Reader
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Tagging: @k-k0129 @cosmic-psychickitty @enchantedblackrose @thebejeweledwatercat @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @neapolitantoebeans @cixrosie @i-spaced-sorry @aaronhtchnrs @juliannatryon @mysoulisasunflower @shakespeareanwannabe @anime-weeb-4-life @witches-unruly-heart @infinity-mars @elizabeththebat @iworldlywriter @caffeinatedwoman
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It’s an off-duty shooting, something that no one expects to happen, least of all Greg.
You’d caught the bullet when you’d stepped out of the precinct, hurrying down the steps because you were running late to meet him at the observatory.
The stupid thing?
It wasn’t even meant for you; it was meant for the officer two steps behind you.
Greg remembers listening to the voicemail you’d left him that day. You’d been locking away your case files when you’d left it.
“Sorry Greg, I’m running late again. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Love you.”
He listens to that voicemail in the dead of night when he lies there in bed alone, staring at your pillow.
As he sits in the church, his gaze on the coffin in front of him, he recalls that morning. The sunlight playing across your bare skin as you made love to him for the last time. He remembers the way your fingertips traced over his scars, the noise that left your mouth when you hit that high. He relives every single one of those moments when he’s in the shower praying for a miracle.  
When the curtain sweeps around the coffin, he feels the agony tearing in his chest because he knows what happens next. You’d made your wishes very clear when you’d talked about it one night.
Scatter me in the lake by the cabin, you’d told him.
His chest had gotten a little tight then because a lot of your special moments had happened up there. The first time he’d said I love you, the night he’d proposed.
I want to live in on those memories, you had explained.
 Jay’s hand comes to rest on his shoulder, and he inhales, trying to stave off the stinging in his eyes. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry today, that he’d get through the funeral and grieve on his own terms.
A bottle of booze and a couple of pills to take the edge off. He’d slipped back into old habits since you’d been gone. He thinks about the gun in his nightstand, the one he’d bought from his dealer two days ago.
Tonight he’s going to do it, tonight he’s going to join you.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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aromanticbuck · 3 months
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Brandon "Mouse" McHolland (for @highclasstrashposts, who did most of this worldbuilding, honestly)
In the summer of 1985, a basket was left in front of Firehouse 51. Inside, there was a baby, and a blanket, and a note pinned to the fleece. There was no explanation, no number to call, no indication that whoever had left him there would return.
take care of Brandon for me
There weren't many people to take care of him - between Herrmann's new marriage and Boden's crumbling one, the number of homes he could go to was slim. But it would be worse if he was put into the system, being passed from one foster home to another without any kind of stability. If they wanted to follow the single instruction left in the note, and take care of the child that was left in their care, he needed a good life, someone constant in it, a support system he could always rely on no matter where life took him.
So, even if Mouch was the one who took him in, gave him food and a roof, it really did take a village to raise a child. While his name legally became Brandon McHolland, he had an entire firehouse to call family. He had uncles and cousins, even if none of them were related to him by blood. He had as many people to go to for advice as he could imagine, and plenty of space to roam around the firehouse when he started walking and saying more than babbled syllables.
When he still had trouble repeating a few names he heard around the firehouse, with the ch coming out closer to sh, he got his own silly nickname that wasn't far off from his adopted father's. By the time his age reached double digits, he answered to Mouse more than he answered to Brandon, and he almost preferred it that way. Even if they weren't family biologically, having a name, no matter how silly, that could be easily mistaken for another felt important to him. It gave him a connection to the most important person in his life beyond the same address and last name.
"No one cares more about abandoned babies than me."
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kitweewoos · 3 months
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One Chicago + Text Posts
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dandelionfairyyy · 8 months
Messy G. G.
Summary: just two lost souls finally finding peace in each others company
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Pairing: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x fem!reader
Wordcount: 7,193 (I’m sorry 😭)
Triggerwaning: 16+ because of slight mention of: blood, torture, GSWs, panic attacks, use of drugs, underweight, mental struggle, trauma and death as well as explicit described sexual acts and possible incorrect description of certain things/feelings and possible writing mistakes
A/N: this piece turned out longer than I expected but I hope you still like it. And as a disclaimer or something: just to make it clear, I didn’t experienced any of this so I apologize for incorrect descriptions.
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Red-stained water flows from your hands as you look at yourself in the mirror. Your face bears more stains and you have to close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply to push back the memory as you continue to wash the red from your skin.
It's like dejà vu. Every time you clean up after painting, you feel transported back to the night three months ago.
There was red everywhere, as if one of your colours had tipped over, but your Ma had been clear when she had forbidden you to paint in the living room. And you had kept to it.
Your gaze wandered through the room of chaos and your breath was taken away when you spotted someone.
You go down on your knees in front of him, pressing your hands on the gunshot wound in his chest from which blood was still running. Tears now ran down your cheeks as you remembered your mum and siblings.
"Where's Ma? And Olivia? And Wesley? Dad!"
Your dad made a strained groan and mumbled something. You moved your ear closer to his mouth and heard, "They took her... They wanted... Documents... Ma doesn't know anything about it... Bank... 273B..." You couldn't make sense of it, to you it all sounded like the confused ramblings of a dying man, but soon you realised that he was actually serious.
Agitated, you wash the red colour and salty tears from your cheeks. Your hands clench around the ceramics of your sink in an attempt to push back the panic attack.
They cannot hurt you. They cannot hurt you.
They know nothing about you...
With shaky hands, you open the small medicine compartment next to the mirror.
You had smoked the last one the day before yesterday... frustrated, you slam the door again and grab your fanny pack with your money before heading to your new friend Johnny. The shivering slowly subsides. The cold winter air seems to help.
"Hey Sugar," he greets you with his typical flirty smirk.
"Quit it. I'm not in the mood. I need another five...'
Johnny looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "When we met you didn't want to know anything about the drugs and now you're one of my most loyal customers? What the hell happened to you?"
"Let's not talk about it," you suggest and take a few dollar notes out of your pocket.
Johnny presses the little bag into your hand and takes the money from you. "Hey, if you ever need something stronger, let me know."
"Don't give me any ideas."
Johnny playfully raises his hands defensively. "Just an offer." He looks at you again with concern. You've known each other for a few years now, travelled in the same circles and he's taken you to his heart. But you've only really had closer contact since the incident. That's why he was worried about you now. You hadn't told him what happened, you'd just asked him three months ago for something to quiet the mind and let you sleep. "Sugar, there's a party at one of my boys' on Friday night. Do you want to come?"
"I'll think about it." With those words, you turn around and make your way back to your little flat. Your flat... It belonged to your parents. It was bought as an investment at the time. Along with two others. For you and your siblings, should you want to move out. Now you have three flats and a house, as well as a flourishing family business worth millions, and you don't know what to do with it. And that's just what you know.
When you check the letterbox, there is another letter from your family's lawyer. You know what it says. That you should accept or reject the inheritance listed. That you have to take care of so many things you never wanted to worry about...
Closing the flat door with one foot, you make your way to the couch.
It doesn't take long and you have your "medicine" in stock again and you reach for the lighter on the small table.
The herbal taste spreads through your mouth after the first hit. After the third, you finally start to feel the marijuana. The comforting blanket wraps around your thoughts and they finally quiet down. The traumatic images from three months ago blur into a simple mist in your mind and you breathe a sigh of relief.
Knowing that hunger will soon set in, you make your way to the kitchen with the joint between your lips and take a look in the fridge.
Margarita, your parents' housekeeper, who is now looking after you, has put something in the fridge for you. Reading the little message lying next to it, you start to heat it up in the pan.
Because I know you won't cook anything anyway, I took the liberty of preparing something for you. You really should eat more, child.
You smirk.
Margarita has been working for your family for more than twenty years, taking care of the household and you and your siblings as children. Now there is only you left for her to take care of. You take another drag and these thoughts also fall completely silent.
Instead, you focus on the food.
Margarita's food was always incredible, but with the effect of the marijuana it is even better. Smiling contentedly, you eat in complete silence before fatigue sets in soon after.
Yawning, you plod barefoot from the kitchen back to the couch.
Next to the pillow lies the little sheep that you have had as a cuddly toy since birth. If someone asked you, you would deny that you still sleep with a cuddly toy, but since what happened three months ago, the little sheep has given you comfort when no one else could.
You lovingly hug the fluffy thing to you and finally close your eyes to fall asleep shortly afterwards.
Your flat actually consists of three rooms. A bedroom, a study and a living room.
But two of the three rooms are empty. The walls are bare and there is not a single piece of furniture in them. Only in the living room is a couch where you sleep and a table next to it. Otherwise, the boxes that Margarita packed for you from the house are standing around. You haven't even opened most of them. Everything in them reminds you of something that is no longer there.
Friday morning you finally stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself. You have lost a lot of weight after the incident, but thanks to Margarita, who forced you to eat more in the beginning, your clothes start to fit again.
You no longer wear your belts in the last hole, your T-shirts no longer hang down like sacks. Your hair looks fuller and healthier again.
Maybe you should make a change?
After a moment's thought, you call Margarita. And only thirty minutes later she is standing in front of your flat with hair dye.
"Are you sure, dear?" she asks in her Russian accent for the third time and lowers the scissors again. "Your beautiful hair..." When you were little, she made you pigtails every morning. Sometimes one, sometimes two. Sometimes braided, sometimes not. And every day she admired your full and soft hair.
By now you can do most of the braids on your own. But in the last few months you have neglected yourself. This is also noticeable in your hair.
"Yes, Margarita. I'm sure of it. And don't worry. It will grow back anyway..." you reply with a grin and watch as she takes a strand of your hair, applies the scissors and squints. You hear the sound of the scissors cutting through your hair. There is no turning back now.
Three hours later, you're standing in front of the mirror again and looking at your new hairstyle.
The dark brown has turned into a light blonde and your hair is much shorter. Before it almost reached your bottom, now it doesn't even reach your shoulder. The end just hovers over it. You didn't know how heavy hair can actually be.
"Wow...", you say and run your fingers through your new hair. You part your hair in the middle, make a side parting, and finally bites your lower lip with an admiring smile.
"You look great, love," she confirms to you and as you turn to thank her, she sees for the first time the glow in your eyes again for three months.
She hopes so much that you will slowly get back on your feet. You are like a daughter to her. She has watched you grow up and looked after you when your parents were busy again. So it hurts her heart every time to see you the way you are. You are lost. Lost in a world where you don't belong, where you never wanted to belong.
How she would love to take this burden off your shoulders, but she could not. All she can do is stand by your side and help when it is needed. But first you have to find your footing again.
After another look in the mirror, you decide to go to that party Johnny invited you to. While Margarita tidies up the flat again, you carelessly go through the boxes of expensive clothes.
Finally, you're back in front of the mirror in a pair of ripped jeans and a crop top. You look at yourself with a smile.
"You look like an angel," Margarita says as she leans against the doorframe, watching you.
You would not describe yourself as an angel, but as beautiful.
It has been a long time since you felt yourself to be beautiful. You see in the eyes of your old friend and housekeeper the hope that you wanted to feel so much. You no longer want to be this wreck, this shadow of yourself. But you are now in this new world where you never wanted to belong. And you don't know how to find your footing in it.
Shaking your head, you push the thoughts aside and thank Margarita again with a kiss on the cheek. You still ask her for one last favour, because you have to get to the party somehow.
"Sugar, what a surprise. I didn't expect to see you." "Well, if you want, I can leave again..." you joke.
Johnny smiles and grabs your hand to pull you into the house and his arms. "You look hot by the way", he whispers in your ear and places a kiss on your temple.
"Whatever," you dismiss the compliment with a little laugh and let yourself join the group of other partygoers.
"Hey guys, this is Y/N," Johnny introduces you and drops onto one of the couches. He pulls you with him onto his lap.
"You wish, Johnny. Keep your hands off. I am your customer, not your girlfriend, Sugar." You emphasise the pet name, which he always uses for you, especially.
"Worth a try, isn't it?"
You let your gaze wander around the room. Apart from Johnny, there are four other men sitting in the room. spread out the couches. "You call this a party? Or is this just the warm-up round?" you finally ask.
"I didn't know if you'd really come and how much of a party animal you are." Had he really done that just for you?
"Since when do you care how I am?" you ask him, poking him in the side.
"Some people I just like to take care of.
You look at him with raised eyebrows and don't respond further to his comment. Instead you say, "You didn't answer my question?"
"Hey Timothy, send out a message that there's a party here at short notice," Johnny gives to one of the other guests.
"You got it, boss."
"You'll have your party in an hour," Johnny promises and you smile. He leans forward a little and finally presses his lips to yours. You allow it for a few seconds before you release and place a finger on his lips, shaking your head.
"Nice try." You turn away from him and disappear into the bathroom.
A few deep breaths, a little water over your forearms and you're all better.
When you come back, you don't sit down next to Johnny again, but on the sofa opposite him. You need some space between you and him.
You like Johnny, he's a good friend, you can count on him, but he wants something from you. He makes no secret of it, but he doesn't understand that you don't want anything from him.
Now you are sitting next to a lanky young man, about your age, maybe a little older. With your back against the armrest, you casually put your legs diagonally across his, eliciting an overwhelmed "oh... okay" from him before you say, "Johnny didn't introduce us. I'm Y/N." You reach out your hand to him.
He takes it and introduces himself as "Mouse". You look at him in amazement. "Mouse?"
"Actually it's Greg, Mouse is a ridiculous nickname, but I've come to terms with it. Nice to meet you, Y/N."
"Nice to meet you too."
As Johnny promised, less than an hour later there was a party going on in the house. Music booms muffled from the big room into the smaller one where you are still sitting on the couch with Mouse. He's thawed out enough by now that he had his hands on your thighs to keep your legs from sliding down.
You feel Johnny's jealous gaze on you, but try to ignore it as much as possible.
"Hey Mouse. Are you also part of Johnny's business?" you finally ask curiously. To be honest, he doesn't really look like a dealer, more like a customer.
"I would rather say business partner.”
You look at him curiously.
"He introduces me to people who I then work for. I'm a computer crack."
"Oh. That's cool. I don't have anything to do with it. I'm totally incompetent at it. My talents lie elsewhere."
"It's not that hard. What do you do?"
"Y/N has divine hands...", Johnny comments and one of the men laughs quietly in the background.
"You bet," you hear and roll your eyes. Thanks to a former girlfriend, you now have that reputation gone...
"So I'm an artist," you clarify. "Johnny also introduces me to people I work for. I've painted one or two forgeries of famous works of art. There's even one hanging in the museum here in Chicago." You wink at him with a proud grin. "But most of the works are my own."
"Are you selling them?"
"Some. I was organising an exhibition where I could sell the works. Sort of a silent auction." You shrug your shoulders as if to dismiss the subject.
"What happened to that?"
"Something's come up," you dodge the question and instead reach for his beer bottle to take a sip of it.
As soon as the tingling liquid hits your taste buds, you contort your face.
"Yuck. How can you drink that. That's super disgusting."
Mouse laughs and takes the bottle from you again to drink a sip from it himself.
For the rest of the evening you talk about different things. It feels easy with him, like you can finally be you again. As if you had found an anchor to swim back to the surface. But you push back the budding sense of security. People come and go all the time. You've had to learn that the hard way. And they always want something from you.
"Hey, what's with the sad face all of a sudden?" asks Mouse in a soft voice, lifting your head with his index finger under your chin until you look at him. You have the feeling that he is really interested in your answer. It has been a long time since a person was really interested in you. So far, they've all wanted something from you in return. To buy something, to borrow money, to introduce someone to them, to sleep with them. But Mouse seems to be interested in you and you alone.
Tears come to your eyes and you have to take a deep breath. You put your head back and have to blink a few times until you can control yourself again.
"Do you know when the bad thoughts get too loud? And you don't know where you are, what's real and what's imaginary? What exactly is your mind playing you now and what is really there?"
"That pretty much sums up what I went through some time ago."
The tears were back and burning in your eyes, threatening to run down your cheeks.
"Have you figured out how to get rid of it?"
He shakes his head. "Not really. But it gets easier with time, you learn to live with it. I can promise you that." You nod and look at him with a sad smile.
"God. I'm so pathetic.
"Hey, don't say that. You're amazing. From what I've heard of you so far." With more affectionate words he tries to make you feel better and the only appropriate response that comes to your mind is to kiss him.
You lean forward and simply place your lips on his, silencing him.
You sense that he is surprised and overwhelmed by your reaction, which is why you withdraw again.
"I’m sorry," you say apologetically and pinch your lips together a little. Actually, you're not sorry, it felt too good.
"Don't be," he replies now, putting down his beer bottle and pulling you closer again.
His hands on your cheeks, he puts his lips on yours again and begins to kiss you.
You change position a little until you are sitting astride his lap. His hands now on your back and in your hair, your arms around his neck, your hands also running through his hair, you kiss each other deeply.
You dare to let go. You feel that it's okay, that it's the right thing to do, you just let go and the tears trickle down your cheeks while Mouse holds you, is your anchor to reality, so that you don't get lost in the whirlpool. The images you constantly see in front of you just pass by this time, have no effect on you, because Mouse's is stronger. You feel light, safe and secure in his arms, even though you hardly know him.
Your kiss becomes more intimate, more demanding and you receive his tongue with yours. Then your head is empty.
There is nothing more. Just you and this stranger who has this incredible effect on you.
Finally, you break away breathlessly and just look into each other's eyes. You notice that he can't hold eye contact for long, but that's okay. You know... you have experienced first-hand the effects trauma can have. Your fingers begin to trace his contours.
He makes you feel like you've never felt before. You don't have to say a word. It is as if your looks communicate everything.
Gently he wipes your tears from your cheeks. You nod slightly at his questioning look. Yes, you feel much better now.
"Thank you," you form with your lips. A small smirk settles on his and you lean forward again to kiss him once more. This time it's different. You no longer seek a hold on him, this time it's a "thank you".
Your kiss is gentle, careful and sensual.
If someone had told you this morning what was happening, you would have said that they were nuts. You still can't quite understand how this one person can have such power over you. That this one person can simply silence your thoughts like that.
Time passed, you're sitting next to Mouse again. Your legs crossed his as Johnny brought you not only a cup of Coke but also a joint. You throw him a kissing hand.
After lighting the cigarette, you hold it out to Mouse, offering it to him. He takes a drag while you hold the joint before you take one too.
You blow out the smoke upwards with relish.
A few puffs later, you lean forward again a little until your lips are almost touching and you inhale his smoke before exhaling it back upwards.
"Hey Y/N...", you hear someone's voice before the owner enters the room, just as you inhale Mouse's smoke one more time. "..Johnny said you were here... And apparently you're busy."
You make a grumbling noise, detach yourself from Mouse and blow the smoke back upwards. "Just what I need..." you mutter, before turning to face her. Even through the wonderful fog of the Weed, you are pissed off by the presence of this horrible person. Inconspicuously, you squeeze Mouse's hand tightly, again looking for support, before finally letting go and standing up.
"Genevieve..." you reply, looking at her with a fake smile.
"It's good to see you again. Hey. I'm sorry about what happened."
"Please, don't talk about it and say what you want." Your voice is cold and distant.
"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour. I know it was not correct of me."
You laugh in disbelief. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone, Genevieve. That's not something you just shrug off with an 'I'm sorry'."
"I know that. That's why I want to make it up to you. Tell me what to do."
"Would you do what you put me through?" She remains silent and you snort snidely before taking another step back. You need distance between you. "Of course you wouldn't. After all, then your great image would be tarnished. The great benefactor Genevieve..." you scoff, before adding: "You make me sick."
You see her expression stiffen. "And you are a slut! You slept with my boyfriend even though you knew he was MY boyfriend!" There she is, the real Genevieve, as she lives and breathes. You knew she had this side in her, but you never expected to feel it yourself.
Your hands clench into fists and you feel your fingernails digging into your skin. The pain helps you to stay calm as much as possible.
"Excuse me? That was some pretty lie he breathed into your ear. I told him I didn't want anything from him! Do you think he cared? You know what he told me? That you were too innocent, too willing. Too boring. I slapped him and told him not to talk about my best friend like that in front of me. He then tried to rape me! So much for your perfect Richard and the evil evil Y/N!", you rage.
Shocked, she looks at you before regaining her composure. "Liar!" she hisses, then looks at Mouse. "Have fun with that bitch. Make sure she doesn't end up cheating on you with your best friend."
You gasp in indignation and shock at her impudence. Your former best friend turns around and disappears again.
One more time you have to take a deep breath.
"Wow... that was intense," you hear Mouse suddenly standing behind you. You notice how you immediately become calmer as soon as you feel him behind you.
"Welcome to the young high society of Chicago," you murmur and turn to him. "I'm sorry you overheard that."
"Hev. I want you to know that I don't believe a word she says."
You smile sadly. "Then you're the first. Even Johnny thinks I'm the evil whore in the story."
"Well. I think you're just lost and need someone to believe in you again."
"And you're saying that someone is you?"
"Maybe," Mouse replies with a grin.
You have to laugh and gently bite your lower lip, slightly swollen from your kiss, as you look up at him.
"Are you coming?"
"Get some fresh air, go to the other side of the world, or go to a diner and eat something. Just get away from here."
He takes your hand in his again and intertwines his fingers with yours.
"Where are you going?" he just asks.
You feel a tingle in your stomach as he smiles at you and you have to swallow.
You say goodbye to Johnny with a simple wave before leaving the house with Mouse by the hand.
A car on the other side of the road flashes its lights as soon as you are out of the front gate and you roll your eyes, while you mumble, "Margarita…”
Nevertheless, you walk with Mouse towards the black car with the tinted windows.
"Wow... are you super rich or something?" asks Mouse wryly.
"Please don't remind me,” you only reply, as Peter, your family's long-time driver, gets out and holds the door open.
"Miss Y/L/N," he greets you with a nod as you tell Mouse to get in. "Hey Pete," you say back and get into the car as well.
"Where to, Miss Y/L/N?"
"Hannah's Diner," you reply and Peter nods before pulling out of the parking space.
Next to you, you sense that Mouse would like to bombard you with a thousand questions, but he refrains.
You sigh and lean your head against his shoulder.
"I hate it," you admit.
In response, Mouse squeezes your hand.
You never wanted your family's money. Even though you got a lot of pocket money, you never touched it. Since you were 16 and allowed to work, you worked in a diner and earned your few bucks. Everything you bought since then, you always bought with your own money.
Until the incident three months ago, you worked at Hannah's Diner. But since then you have hardly left your flat. Hannah, who has become a friend over time, has been there for you and said that you can take as much time off as you want and when you are ready and willing, you can start working for her again.
Together with Mouse, you sit down at one of the tables and wait for Hannah to come
It was already late, but the diner was open 24/7. "Okay. What do you want?" you ask, "it's on me." Seeing the look on his face, you add, "Do me a favour and let me pay." After another look into your eyes, he nods. "Okay."
You are suddenly absolutely exhausted. The encounter with Genevieve has robbed you of all the strength you had today.
"Y/N. Good to see you again," you are finally greeted by Hannah with a smile. You return it and stand up to be pulled into a hug.
"How are you?" she asks, looking at you with concern.
You shrug your shoulders. "I'm still alive..."
Hannah's smile turns sad and compassionate. "Well, that's a start." She puts a hand on your shoulder as you sit back down across from Mouse. "What can I get you two?"
Once your milkshakes and fries are brought, Mouse begins to tell. "I was in the army, 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. I did two tours in Afghanistan. When I came back, my best friend who I met on deployment and I were a total mess. There are things I don't want to think about anymore, there are things that are constantly in my head. You learn to live with it. The images eventually become less deterrent."
"What happened?" you ask cautiously.
"During my last tour... there was a convoy... Jay and I were in the first Humvee and then..." You can see him bobbing his leg restlessly as he tells the story, his fingers drumming on the table. "I thought that was it for me. Jay and I are about the only ones who got out of there alive."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." You are silent for a moment and take a deep sip of your Strawberry milkshake before you decide to tell him about you.
"My family is... was...", you correct yourself, "actually super rich. The company my dad started after he invented something for computers or something that's now in pretty much every mobile device is incredibly huge. I honestly have no idea about the whole… thing" you run your fingers through your hair. It's still unfamiliar that it's now so short and, more importantly, so light. "He produces it himself, sells it himself. At least he did... He was tinkering with something newer, better, when he got mugged." You start to stir your milkshake with the straw, totally captured in your thoughts. "Someone tried to steal his designs. When he didn't hand them over, they shot and kidnapped my Ma and siblings. They blackmailed them to get the designs. But they knew nothing about it. Dad had never said anything about it." Tears burn in your eyes again. "I’ve found them...” Mouse carefully reaches across the table for your hand and brings you back from the memory.
You lift your gaze and meet his bright blue eyes. "Now I've inherited everything and have no idea where to go or what to do," you admit quietly. "The police never found the… offenders”
Mouse said nothing. He didn't have to say anything. Because nothing he could have said would have made you feel better. So you both remained silent for a moment while he still held your hand and gently caressed your skin with his thumb.
"Thank you for telling me," he finally says and you can't help but smile sadly at him.
"Okay. Let's talk about something else. Something nice..", you finally change the subject and force a liberated smile on your lips. "Tell me about your friend you mentioned, Jay. He seems important to you."
Mouse's expression brightens and he begins to smile honestly.
"Jay... we met in the army. Now he's with the CPD. He's managed to land on his feet. I.. well.."
"You can do it too. You just need someone who believes in you and gives you a chance."
"Yes. Maybe..."
"Okay. Crazy idea: we help each other get back on our feet." "And how do you imagine that?" He looks at you with interest.
"I don't know yet. But you can try, can't you?" "Okay. Let's try.”
After you have eaten and paid, you leave the diner again. "Do you want Pete to take you home? Or you can come upstairs. Then Pete can call it a night..”.
"Would be interested to see what an artist's flat looks like."
You snort in amusement. "Yes, don't expect too much. The artist hasn't moved in yet."
You get into the lift.
"Okay. All expectations are at zero. I promise," Mouse replies now and you have to laugh.
It's the first time in three months that you've really had an honest laugh.
"You have a very nice laugh," Mouse now says quietly.
"Thank you. I think that was the first time I laughed since the incident."
"Then I am honoured to be the first to hear it."
Again you giggle at his silliness.
The lift has arrived at the floor with your flat and you pull Mouse behind you down the corridor.
Once in your flat, Mouse looks around a bit. There is not much to see.
"I... haven't gotten around to decorating the flat yet," you now admit a little uncertainly and disappear into the kitchen.
"Since I don't drink beer, I only have wine in the fridge. But you get to decide which wine we head." You list a few varieties and as you look up, you meet Mouse's puzzled gaze, which makes you grin in amusement again.
"Just take any."
With a bottle of lovely white wine and two glasses in your hand, you go back into the living room and flop down on the couch.
"Sit down. I honestly have no idea what it is, Margarita got it for me...", you admit, and hand Mouse a glass with the alcohol.
Instead of sitting down, Mouse looks at the canvases that are standing around. Still lifes, landscapes. Chicago's skyline, portraits.
"That looks incredible. You should definitely exhibit it."
"Sometime, maybe. My parents were organising something when... well…”
Mouse nods in understanding.
"Hey, you want to try painting something?", you ask
"Oh no. I'd rather stick to my computer stuff."
"Come on. I'll help you." You direct him to the small stool that stands in front of your easel. "This is what I'm working on right now."
"Woah, no, I'm not touching that."
"No really. It didn't turn out so well anyway. I'll probably paint it over later."
"Yeah, go on. What would you say is missing from this picture?"
You had painted an avenue where people were walking.
"Maybe make flowers out of the greenery? Then it doesn't look quite so gloomy.
"Okay." You stand behind Mouse, prepare the mixing palette and select a brush. "You do the flowers with dabs on the side."
You put the brush in his hand, put yours over it and guide it. Dab, dab, dab.
After a few dabs, you look at it and say with satisfaction: "Here. Now you try it on your own”
When Mouse did it alone, it didn't look as good as when you did it. But it wasn't a complete disaster either, which you consider a victory.
At some point, he taps his finger in the pink colour and taps you on the nose with it.
Outraged and surprised, you look at him before doing the same to him until you are both full of colour and end up laughing on the floor.
Over the next few weeks you and Mouse meet more often, regularly, sometimes he just sits on your couch and watches you paint, intently sticking your tongue out slightly, sometimes you watch him hacking in with ease somewhere to do something for Johnny's friends.
One day, your family's lawyer is at your door.
"Miss Y/L/N. It is time for you to attend to your duties. There are legal matters that we need to clarify." Mouse puts on his jacket and wants to leave, but you grab his hand. "Please stay." A look into your eyes is enough for him to nod and hang his jacket back up on the coat rack.
"Y/N. Once again, I would like to express my fullest condolences for your loss and for having to burden you with the legal stuff now."
"Thank you."
First he addresses the fact that you have still not accepted or renounced the inheritance. He lists all the things that are involved.
The house, the flats, the business, all the money of your parents and siblings. Mouse's ears almost fell off when he heard the buzzing.
"We can of course sell the house as well as the flats and the business."
"No. The company was Dad's life's work. It should continue to bear the name Y/L/N. Just hire someone competent to handle everything so far."
"I'II take care of it," promises Felix, the lawyer. "Then the properties." "Let's rent them out to people with little money..." Felix also makes a note of this.
"I want to donate most of the money..."
"'I’ll think about it.”
"Alright. Then I have everything for now. I'll get back to you." "Okay."
"You really are super rich”, Mouse said as soon as Felix was out the door.
"I don't want the money... What am I supposed to do with it? I can't spend as much as the company takes in. I probably donate monthly to women's shelters and children's homes or something.”
Mouse gently reaches for your hand and finally pulls you into a hug before the tears start running again.
Carefully he pulls you with him to the couch and onto his lap.
Shortly after your tears have dried up, Mouse feels you fall asleep and he smiles slightly.
In the last few weeks you have become so important to each other and you feel you have never told Mouse what it actually means to you that he is with you.
"Mouse... thank you..."
"For what?"
"That you're here. I... I was lost. Lost my footing and then I met you and... you became my anchor. I'm... I'm starting to be me again. Finding myself again."
He looks at you for a moment before he takes your hand and pulls you to him. The next moment his lips are on yours.
It doesn't take you long to recover from the surprise and you return the kiss. You open your lips slightly and receive his tongue, just like the night you met. But this time, when his tongue touches yours, a soft moan escapes you. You feel his little smirk against your lips. But at this moment you don't care.
Your hands run over his upper body and finally disappear under his T-shirt. You explore his chest and trace the contours of his muscles along his stomach. You tug lightly and he takes the hint and takes off his T-shirt before kissing you again without hesitation. His hands now roam over your body as well. Exploring every inch with such attentiveness to your reactions that you feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Finally, you take off your T-shirt and Mouse takes a few seconds to admire your body. Your breasts are still hidden in your favourite bra.
Mouse lifts his gaze to your eyes. "May I?"
Your heart does a somersault. Mouse is not the first man you have slept with, but he is the first to ask you if he can do something. Unable to speak, you nod and bring his hands to your breasts and behind your back. Even though he can't look you in the eye for long, he watches your reaction very closely and as he slips the straps off your shoulders, goose bumps spread over your arms as his fingers touch you.
Kissing you again, still so lovingly, as if he were afraid you would break if he were too forceful, his hands wrap around your breasts and he begins to massage them.
His thumb strokes your hard nipples and you let out another moan as you begin to explore his mouth with your tongue.
Your excited moan shoots straight between his loins.
God, he wants you, so much, but even more he wants you to feel good, which is why he ignores the pulsing in his pants and continues to focus on you.
His hands go under your thighs and he looks at you briefly, the sign that you should jump. You wrap your legs around his hips and feel his hardness pressing against your middle.
The next moment, Mouse holds you between him and the wall, his lips now exploring your neck. With your eyes closed, you put your head to the side a little to give him more space.
He sucks a little on your skin, and leaves a little hickey.
An excited gasp escapes your throat and in response, he presses his hips a little harder against yours, only to have you moan lustily this time. "Fuck, Mouse..." you breathe as his lips reach your breast and cup your hard nipple.
Your head is swept clean as he begins to gently nibble, suck and lick over it.
Your hands are in his hair again, already you are searching for support in the storm of lust that threatens to take you in and you haven't even really started yet.
Each of his touches sends flashes of pleasure through your body, gathering in your centre and making you so fucking wet.
Finally, he sets you back down on the floor and his lips continue to travel down your body, over your belly to the waistband of your pants.
A loud shrill sound snaps you out of your frenzy of lust as a mobile phone begins to ring and you make a soft, agonised sound.
You want to ignore it, but it won't stop ringing.
Finally, Mouse, visibly annoyed about the interruption, breaks away from you and reaches for the phone on the table. "You've picked possibly the worst possible time, Halstead. I hope it's urgent."
You have to stifle a laugh as you hand him his shirt and put yours back on as well.
"Yes, in ten minutes, l'lI be there," you hear him say before he hangs up and looks at you apologetically. "Jay has some problem I need to help him with urgently, which of course couldn't wait." You nod in understanding and give him a breathtaking kiss goodbye.
The more time you spend with Mouse, the more you become yourself again. Margarita notices this too and confronts him when she happens to be in the flat while you and Mouse are there.
"Child, don't you want to start making your flat a home so that you no longer have to sleep in a storeroom?" she asks you, pointing to the boxes still standing around.
"Yeah, maybe I should start doing that, shouldn't I?"
When you then go to the kitchen to get something to drink, Margarita confronts Mouse: "If you hurt her, I'll make your life hell. She likes you and you are good for her, so don't ever let her go."
Then she turns to you as you re-enter the living room and says: "A nice young man you've caught yourself. I'II leave you to it then. Food is in the fridge, have a nice day." With a frown, you watch the woman scurry out of the front door.
"What was that?"
"I don't know what you mean," Mouse replies.
You shrug it off and change the subject. "Hey, about the flat furnishings...maybe you'd like to come with me?" You look at him with begging puppy eyes, which you know by now he cannot resist.
Your parents always had designer furniture everywhere and everything was made of very expensive material. You don't care, if you're honest, which is why you just decide according to what looks nicest to you. You notice how you think of your parents and don't immediately lose your grip. A small smile comes to your lips. Of course you still grieve and miss your family, that probably won't change, but it no longer paralyses you. You learn to live with it.
And Mouse has contributed a great deal to your healing, you are very sure of that, which is why you now take his hand and intertwine your fingers
A small smile also appears on his lips.
When you arrive in the bed department, you stand in front of a model and bite your lower lip, an idea forming in your head before you look at Mouse
"You know, you can't really try out the beds here. Just imagine, when you get home you realise that it's totally uncomfortable or impractical? If only you could try it out...." You look up at him meaningfully and he begins to laugh softly.
He understands what you are implying and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, before suggesting, "What do you say we come back later?"
"I think that's a great idea," you reply, stealing a small kiss from his lips.
…to be continued
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Round 1: Left Side - Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) vs. Mouse Gerwitz (Chigaco PD)
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adarafaelbarba · 8 months
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We're gonna close the curtains
"Greg--Come back to bed, it's still dark outside", you said sleepily as you curled up under the duvet. "Just give me a moment my love, just gonna close the curtains." You'd both forgotten them in the heat of the moment from the night before. And it wasn't the first time. When the two of you were together, especially after one or both had come back from overseas, it was a rush to get together and relieve the good moments, as well as take away the pain of what you'd both seen. "It's so cold here without you." He could barely hear you with how muffled your voice was in the duvet, but he smiled softly none the less and cuddled up close to you. "I'm here my love, and I'm not going anywhere."
@bullet-prooflove @crazy4chickennuggets
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crowdiminico · 2 months
We all love the "Mouse's found-family mother is Platt" idea because it feels so comfy, perfect and right.
But have we considered the other outcome that would naturally occur in this scenario; that would be hilarious, juxtaposing and brilliant...
"Mouse's found-family father is Mouch"
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crazybagelbitch · 1 year
The fact that we never got to see Mouse, Jay, and Will all living together is a travesty. Two girlfailures in Jay’s life with housing insecurity? Put them into the world’s worst roommate situation
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accidental-spice · 1 month
Forever insane about the fact that Mouse joins Intelligence all scruffy and disheveled, and the episode after Nadia dies, he comes in cleaned up and with a haircut
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inside-district21 · 1 year
Jay: Are you busy?
Mouse: Yes.
Jay: Cool, listen to this.
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A repost of my series with art from the lovely @sowrongitslottie!
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A Herrmann/Halstead Production is a OneChicago fanfic series that you can read on Tumblr or on ao3.
It's an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this original character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. There's a ton of fluff and funny bits along with a healthy dose of angst.
There's some romance too! Bex's main love interest is Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz from Chicago PD and they have quite the slow burn going on. There's also Rhodestead and there will be *eventual* Upstead.
The series currently has 24 parts to it and I have plans for many more! If you like stories filled with friendship, sibling bonding, and found family vibes, I think you should check it out.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
I know too well how, it feels when you fall
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Companion piece to How Long Have You Been Hiding This
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Greg finds you in the bedroom, sitting on the bed reading a children’s book to your baby bump. You’re seven months pregnant at this point and glowing. Every day his daughter grows stronger and everyday he thanks God for bringing the two of you into his life.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”  You say softly, flicking over the next page of the book and Greg sighs as he leans in the doorway.
“We should.” He says quietly as he steps into the room. “Your ex gets released on parole next week.”
You’d gotten the letter this morning, you hadn’t even tried to hide it this time. You’d just left it on the table before you went to work for him to read because even now you still can’t process the possibility if that monster being in your orbit. Your hand smooths over the baby bump sadly.
“I lost one before.” You find yourself telling him. “I was four months pregnant when he shoved me down a flight of stairs. That was his own child, his baby, he’ll have no problem trying to hurt this one.”
“Charlie.” Greg murmurs as he sits down on the bed alongside of you. “I won’t let that happen and neither will you…”
“I can’t be here Greg.” You tell him, your eyes stinging. “I can’t be in this city if he’s here too.”
“Baby,” He whispers, clasping your face between his hands.  “You don’t mean that.”
“I do you.” You tell him, gesturing at the packed suitcase propped up alongside the dresser. “The only reason I stayed was to say goodbye.”
Love Greg? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Tagging: @@kimm4710 @k-k0129 @enchantedblackrose @thebejeweledwatercat @shakespeareanwannabe @anime-weeb-4-life @witches-unruly-heart @infinity-mars @elizabeththebat @kmc1989
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aromanticbuck · 1 month
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Moustead + Hollywood AU
Jay Halstead had lost count of the number of dangerous stunts he'd done. He'd actually lost count of the number of movies he'd worked on to begin with, and then multiplied by the number of stunts he'd done for each one... well, he hadn't gotten into the business because he was good at math, that was for sure. He did it because he was good at it. He did it because he enjoyed it. He did it because the rush of adrenaline that came with it was almost as good as the connections he made doing it.
He'd been working with Thelma Gerwitz and her productions company for years without a single bump in the road. He was in every standard contract that Elliot Knox's agent drew up after the actor's big break - the fastest growing name in Hollywood had to have the best stuntman in the business for every role, of course. It meant Jay had steady work for as long as Elliot did, and as each contract was signed, he learned more and more about the production company that seemed to be bankrolling the star's entire rise to fame.
"Halstead! Get over here!" "Is there something you need from me, Thelma?" "Show Greg around the set, will you?" "Aren't there PAs for that? They get paid to deal with visitors." "Don't be ridiculous, Halstead. Greg isn't a visitor. My son will be working with the director this week as the liaison with your stunt coordinator. You aren't too busy to give him a tour, are you?" "No, ma'am."
One set tour and one week of his performance being run by another set of eyes for approval is all he'd signed up for. When that turned into three movies in a row, and then a brief stint on some show marketed to teenagers, and half a dozen more movies... Jay saw more of Greg than he even saw of Elliot. That might have had something to do with how much time they spent in Jay's trailer. Liaising. About stunts. And definitely not making out against every surface they could find.
He was just getting tired of that - sneaking around, hiding under the bed or in the cramped trailer closet when someone needed Greg's attention - when it all went wrong.
Elliot was throwing one of his usual fits, something about Jay's jawline showing up too much in a shot and taking the attention away from him. He acted as if anyone even knew Jay was there, as if he didn't brag in every single interview about doing his own stunts. But that was just what the job was - doing the dangerous stuff that no one else wanted to do, and letting Elliot take the credit for it. That was what he expected to do on a daily basis. At least it was a good paycheck.
What he didn't expect was a miscalculation, a rig that wasn't checked thoroughly enough, a harness that wasn't quite up to holding his weight. He was supposed to be caught in the middle of the fall, stop in midair so that the footage could be cut in with a take of Elliot hitting an airbag and continuing with the scene. Instead, the rope just kept slipping through the rig, and it was Jay who was filmed at the end of the fall, but there was no bag to catch him. So, when he fell, he hit solid ground, and the crack that filled his ears at the impact was quickly replaced with the ringing coming from inside them.
A fall like that was more than enough to end any stuntman's career, no matter how much of a recovery he would make. That was a fact that Greg had known before he knew he wanted to work on movies at all. He followed his mother to sets through his childhood, watched movies get made, watched stunts performed by professionals to make for perfect shots. When he brought up the idea of directing a movie of his own, she encouraged that dream, with the stipulation that he learned the ins and outs of it all before he did it on his own.
Greg liked working with the stunt teams almost more than he liked working with the stars. He knew what to ask them to get just the right shot for the final product, knew how Erin, the stunt coordinator on most of his mother's films, liked to communicate with her team. He fit in better with the nobodies, as Elliot liked to call them, than the people who had cameras pointed at them beyond their ten hour filming days.
Specifically, he really liked Jay.
He really liked the privacy of trailers, and getting time alone with someone who didn't want his attention just to get on his mother's good side. He really liked talking about his work, and the directorial decisions he helped make on set every day, even if his name was what had gotten him in that position in the first place. He really liked kissing the man who cared about his input where they couldn't be interrupted or judged by anyone who wanted to insert themselves into his life.
Watching the fall that ended his boyf- best friend's career was a moment he would never forget. It had felt like slow motion, like a bad dream that he was going to wake up from at any moment. But he never did.
Instead, Greg pushed through the worst of his fears and anxiety and stopped by the hospital once a week. He never made it past the elevator, sometimes staring at the hallway that led to where he knew Jay was, but never stepping out of the protective cage. If he did, he might get the ground ripped out from under him, as if he was the one who had fallen, not wanting that feeling back of his stomach in his throat. Maybe he was. Maybe he had fallen even before the malfunctioning rig had taken so much from him.
He got glimpses of Will, the brother he'd seen pictures of but never met. He got quiet updates during lunch breaks on set from Erin. Jay was going to be fine. He was expected to make a full recovery, after more time than anyone would like him to spend in a hospital and a strict physical therapy schedule. But he had his family to get him through that, and Greg knew from the start that he'd never had a chance at being part of that inner circle.
He let himself be swayed by his mother, pushed his focus back to his career and the stunts that had to be filmed for each project. After two years, he could forget about Jay when he was awake, put all of his attention to what needed to be done in a work day, and those eyes would only haunt him in his dreams. It was good for him, or so his mother liked to tell him, not letting himself worry about something he couldn't change. He could gain his own reputation in the industry, start signing onto his own projects, and take on the task of directing a movie from the start of the process to the end.
It was long enough after the incident that he didn't think about it when he was planning a scene with Erin. He didn't even think about it when the new stunt guy on his set took a turn on the track too fast and ruined the shot by bumping into the camera. He didn't think about it while he marched across the set to give the apparent rookie a piece of his mind. He didn't think about it while the car's door was pushed off and landed on the ground - the model was completely totaled, so he was quietly glad that the rest of the run went flawlessly, even the way the vehicle flipped across the tarmac, and the VFX team could fix the botched angle.
He didn't think about it until the familiar body straightened up, and for the first time in years, he was looking at Jay Halstead again.
"I thought you always said you were going to leave it to Elliot to make the dramatic entrances." "This entrance wasn't dramatic." "You showed up on my set, Jay. Two years of radio silence and then you just showed up without so much as a hello before you busted a camera." "I told Erin that the track was-" "I don't care. Last I checked, you were out of the stunt game completely. Get off my set and leave it to my real crew." "Your real crew? Sorry, I was under the impression that you asked for me specifically." "After you never texted me back or returned my calls? Why would I ever want to see you again?"
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kitweewoos · 3 months
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not fair (like we hoped)
After his divorce, Jay is having a rough time, and Mouse is there to help him.
Ship: Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz & Jay Halstead, Past Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Rating: Teen Audiences & Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 2,956
Chapters: 1/1
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Bisexual Jay Halstead
Coming Out
Late Night Conversations
Can be read platonic or romantic
up to you
[read it now on ao3]
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spiritcold5 · 1 year
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kanerallels · 9 days
Mouse Gerwitz and Lucy Chen + high-school AU? Or, if you don't have any ideas for that, Tim Bradford and Jay Halstead + Star Wars AU
My STARS I forgot I had so many of these unposted. Okay here's this one, enjoy!
They were a strange duo. No one looking at Greg Gerwitz and Lucy Chen would have instantly pegged them as friends. She had straight As, he was failing two classes. She was reckless and fiery, and for such a good student wound up in the principal’s office more often than not. He just kept his head down, trying not to draw attention to himself that often.
And yet. When the richest boy in school started terrorizing a girl who turned him down, and his harassing messages were suddenly posted on the Internet for everyone to see… well, no one seemed to remember how much Greg excelled at computer labs. 
And no one noticed the subtle fist bump Lucy and Greg exchanged when it was announced that the boy’s parents would be removing him from school.
“We should be a crime fighting duo,” Lucy told him. “I’m telling you, you’re braver than you think.”
“Maybe,” Greg said.
He thought about it again when he joined the Rangers, and again when Jay Halstead offered him a job at the Chicago Police Department.
Lucy had thought he was braver. Maybe it was time to prove her right.
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