#Motobe Izou
yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Some old man pussy for @jack-hammered. Merry Christmas, whore 🎄
Yandere Baki Shorts: Naughty or Nice
Yandere Motobe x Afab Reader
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“You better watch out, you better not cry. Better not pout, I’m telling you why.” The radio quietly played in the background as two figures sat in the middle of the room. “Santa Claus is coming to town~”
Slap! “Ah!” (Your name) arched into the large hand that landed a sharp slap on her sore bottom. Her thick lashes wet with tears as she whined and babbled incoherently on top of the older man she was on.
“I told you not to move yet, baby. This is a part of your punishment since you decided to be naughty.” Motobe chuckled, his hand rubbed the fresh welt on her bottom in a soothing manner. “You just have to be patient until I’m down sharpening my sword.”
(Your name) could only cry in need. She’s been warming him for hours now and he’s been teasing her poor cunt with a languid thrust here and there. It was driving her insane.
“Please, Tobe… please.” (Your name) whined as she struggled against the Christmas lights that bound her wrists together behind her back. “It hurts. I just want to cuddle…”
“If you want this all to stop, then you need to tell me why are you being punished.” Motobe hummed as he set the sword down beside him, his onyx eyes stared into hers. Motobe ran a calloused hand across her smooth, exposed skin. His muscular digits kneaded at her supple flesh. “And you do know what you did.”
(Your name) sniffled, her eyes red from crying. She truly didn’t know what she’s done to earn a punishment from him, but she had an idea of what he was implying.
“I complimented Gaia.” (Your name) sniffled while Motobe smiled. “I’m sorry, Tobe. He’s your student so I tried to ask him what you’d want for Christmas.”
Motobe pressed a kiss on her forehead, his facial hair tickled against her skin. “Aww baby… I’m so sorry. I had no idea you had my interests unkind… I’m just such a jealous man.”
(Your name) almost screamed when Motobe bucked his hips forward, his cock finally hitting that aching spot within her. A warm smile on his face as he began to hastily unfasten the Christmas lights.
Motobe brought her sore wrists up to his lips and began to press tender kisses to each mark. Motobe shifted (your name) to lay on her back so he could press deeper into her. A smirk on his face when her eyes rolled back in her head from how deep he was.
“You’re so beautiful… I should have known that you were just trying to do something for me.” (Your name) could only gasp and whine as his hips began to snap into hers at a brutal pace. Her fingernails dug into his forearms to try to ground herself from the pounding she was no receiving.
Motobe smirked at her blissed out expression as she tightened around him even more. She was his perfect girl… his woman.
“So perfect.” Motobe lowered his face to rest in the crook of her neck as he slammed into a spot he knew she loved. “And you’re all mine.”
(Your name) could only loudly wail as her orgasm finally crashed upon her. Her nails drew blood from Motobe’s forearms as he sunk his teeth into her neck, his tongue lapped at the blood that steadily flowed from the bite mark. A permanent mark of ownership.
(Your name) could only babble incoherently as Motobe continued to ride her through her orgasm. The older man’s hands grabbed hers and moved them to be above her head on the cold, wooden floor.
“We’re not done yet, baby. I have to make it up to you.” Motobe smirked down at her pleading expression. “I have to get you to understand that you’re mine.”
(Your name) should have never asked Gaia for advice on a gift, because she was the only present that old man ever needed.
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darknebulablader · 5 months
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I was looking through my older Baki art and found this pic from like two years ago that I don't think I ever posted
*insert joke about Musashi and handling two swords*
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baratiddyappreciator · 4 months
Valentines Day Mega Post!
Happy Valentines day folks! Have this gift! I spent a while working on it to make it my largest post! We have SFW and NFW HCs and short stories all wrapped up in one pretty pink bow! HCs for both, but only short stories for SFW (ran out of time lol).
He didn't celebrate before meeting Kozue, she was the first person to help him celebrate Valentine's day, so she does hold some part of him captive during this holiday, but he wants to make this one about the both of you, and that's what he's gonna do!
He really, really tries to make chocolate for you. He follows recipes to a T, but some steps just inevitably go wrong. Be it Musashi trying to jump up on the counter and eat the mix or the chocolate catching on fire while he's trying to melt it. He eventually caves and buys you some nice chocolates to make up for it with a promise that he'll get Retsu to show him how for next year.
Normally Baki is very open about his affection, he's very touchy and isn't afraid to tell you he loves you, and that affection level doesn't change. He expresses his love for you just like he always does, nothing really changes other than the atmosphere. He likes to take you walking through nice places normally, but during this holiday he makes the extra effort to take you somewhere romantic and pretty so he can admire how much prettier you are than any of it.
He'd honestly love to just take you out on a big date. From breakfast until supper, you're out on the town going through a list of things he's thought about in advance, from breakfast at the best hole in the wall you've ever been to, to a boat ride through a park, and finally to dinner at a nice place. He's planned it out to be perfect, and nothing is going to interrupt the two of you. He's even got a nice romantic at home movie night prepared!
Oh he absolutely wants to go and get you gifts! As a matter of fact, you can't stop him from getting you gifts, but he's going to make you pick them out. It's all a part of his hangout plan! Why stress about gifts when he can just take you to a mall and pay for everything you plan on buying? Get mad at him if you want, but he can afford it, and you're worth it. As for him, he doesn't need anything, but he'll treasure whatever you get him.
He really wants to find a nice scenic spot to sit and watch the sun go down with you. If it means making reservations at an upscale restaurant a year in advance just so he can watch you while the sun goes down, then he will, don't test him. As long as he can see you happy and enjoying yourself though, he's more than happy.
A familiar warm and callused hand reached across the table to hold yours, thumb rolling over the back of your hand as Baki flashed you a smitten grin, the sun shining warmly on your skin, glinting off of the water ahead of you, demanding your attention. Looking over, you were greeted by the sight of the water turning to liquid gold, the sky the colour of molten lava, the last of the sun's warm rays kissing your face as Baki leaned across the table to kiss your cheek, chuckling as he set a hand on your shoulder, thumb gently massaging to soothe any of the tension built up from when you'd gone shopping earlier, silently watching you as you looked back at him, smiling, bathed in the warm golden light.
It was hard to wind him, but you stole his breath away without any effort whatsoever, and this was one of those moments where his breath was gone, yours for the taking, just like his heart. He smiled softly, holding one of you hands in both of his. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I need you to know that. I love you baby." He spoke softly, a confession for your ears and your ears alone, one he would say time and time again if you let him.
She absolutely celebrates normally! She likes decorating her room with little hearts, she gets window paint and mixes several different shades of pinks to paint them on. They leave fun little shadows all over her floor when the sun hits right!
Absolutely makes chocolate for you. She makes different kinds, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, with and without fillings, just any chocolates the first year, then she gets feedback to see what you like the most.
She's normally pretty intimate with her affection. Holding your hand, kissing your forehead, telling you she loves you. She's already super affectionate, but this is an excuse to be even more affectionate with you. It's perfect! You can't get anything done without her practically crawling onto your lap for a cuddle.
Given the chance, she's going to take out out to a museum, walking around and joking, holding hands, going to the gift shop to find the goofiest looking things possible so you can scoop them and admire them in your homes. She wants to spend time with you having fun, so a museum, a play in the park, an aquarium or a zoo, she's taking you out somewhere fun where you can both nerd out over things together, and then go home for some of her mom's elite cooking and some cuddles, corny movies and snacks.
Oh she loves getting you things, but if she can get you something that will take out out with delirious laughter then she considers it an absolute win in her book. The ugliest looking plush you've ever seen? Bet your ass she's got it for you, but she's also going to want to get you something thoughtful and sweet that she knows you're going to both use and appreciate. As for gifts for her, she's going to insist that she doesn't need anything, and that she's fine just spoiling you and leaving herself out of it, but she's lying. Return the favour and she'll remember it for the rest of her life.
She wants to be cuddled up all warm and snug with you in bed, tired, comfortable and not hungry in the slightest, surrounded by your combined haul from the day, looking back at pictures and small videos that you both took of each-other, just so she can fall asleep peacefully with you and wake up feeling well-rested and looking back on the day fondly.
A squeal left Kozue's lips as she flinched back from the large bird on the other side of the fence, holding the bucket of food, which was being very quickly whittled away, between herself and the ostrich, leaving you breathless and sore as you practically folded in half from laughter, too amused by the situation to run to her rescue. Not that she needed saving, frankly, all she needed to do was take a big step back and she'd be out of range of the massive neck and head that insisted on being fed. Of course the biggest ostrich in the pen had taken an interest in her particular bucket of food and every time she tried to pull away, it hissed and reached at her, snapping at her fingers and her face. But now she was just barely out of its reach- The bucket rattled as she took one large step back, and the ostrich hissed loudly, flapping its wings and stomping.
She looked triumphantly back at you, only then noticing that your phone was up, her face flushing bright red as she rushed towards you, laughing and grabbing at your phone playfully. The sound of her laughter, boisterous and joyful rang through the air from your phone screen as she snuggled against your shoulder, her blankets pulled up to her nose, a soft smile on her lips as she looked up at you. "Thanks for a good day, it was even better with you." She whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek before snuggling down again, nuzzling against your neck as you moved onto the next video, a clip of her petting a sheep, teary-eyed and so obviously happy that it almost broke your heart.
In sharp contrast to Christmas, Hanayama's home don't chance in the slightest for Valentine's day. He doesn't celebrate, he doesn't even think of it. He won't even realise that it's Valentine's day until he goes out to a club or something and the staff all greet him with "Happy Valentine's day!". At that point, he's scrambling to get you something on time just so it's clear that yes, he loves you, but it really isn't his thing.
He can't bake to save his life, I doubt that the man can cook anything more than toast (poorly), but he can get you some good chocolate. Be it fancier chocolate outside of your normal comfort level for your price range, to exclusive chocolate only made once a year that is more expensive than you could ever have dreamed of affording. And he's going to make sure you have plenty to last you for a while.
He's almost non-affectionate when out in public, but he's going to take the excuse to lavish you in attention. He's admiring you at every chance he gets, grabbing your waist and shoulders, kissing your forehead, all of it. He doesn't care.
He wants to spend the day with you in lavish places. Expensive stores, restaurants, clubs, bars. He wants to spoil you (mostly because he forgot Valentine's day was today but shhhh), and he's not going to take no for an answer. He will, however, take your input in mind. If you know somewhere better to eat then he'll take you there, expensive or not.
He's GOING to get you gifts. They're pretty and expensive, but they're more of a general gift from him, with something more personalised being picked out by you while he spoils you while you're out and about. Definitely will get flustered if you get him anything, but he's going to
He wants to end the day admiring you in the low lighting of a club, watching you dance, drink and have fun. His guys might join you, and that just makes it better to know that you're getting along with his people and are having a good time.
Your hand looked so tiny in his. Nearly entirely dwarfed by his palm alone as he led you slowly through the crowd of busy shoppers at the mall, the crowds parting in front of him, almost like he was radioactive and actively threatening everyone's life. He wasn't, of course. He was just trying to get you to your favorite store before it got too busy or ran out of stock on your favorites. There was no way that he would let that happen to you. No way in hell. He'd called in advance (gotten one of his guys to call) to make sure that your favorite item was still in stock. They had limited supply, he was determined. And as frightening as it looked on the outside, it was just the most amusing thing to you. He'd looked so serious when he'd said where he was going to take you.
And when he finally got there? Oh he was glorious, loading up his arms full and staring down at you expectantly, waiting for you to pick out something else. Of course, the initial flustered response, and his insistent stare, you finally picked more out. He had to get two of his guys to come in and bring the bags back out to the car so you could both keep shopping. And now? Now he was walking with you again, hand in hand, a far more relaxed pace in his stride, your hand gently swinging back and forth in his. "You have a good day? Hope you did. I worked hard to make this perfect for you." He said, gently kissing your forehead as he brought you off to go to dinner. He'd promised something good, and if the clothes he'd told you to wear were any indication, him spending a lot of money on you wasn't going to be the end of it.
He absolutely LOVES celebrating! He's got decorations up everywhere, he likes to hide little hearts in his hair and outfit, gets stickers for his motorcycle, he likes to dress in more pinks and reds, which is a very flattering colour for him and he knows it. Keep him away from heart-printed suits. He will get one and he will wear it.
He'll try very hard to make you some chocolate, but he gets backups just in case because he knows that the odds of him messing up are high. He might get distracted and all of the sudden boom, it's ruined. But he'll try! If he does manage, it'll be a bit lopsided and imperfect, but charming.
Openly, very loudly and gleefully expresses his affection. You are his god, his reason for being, he loves you so fully that Valentine's day doesn't change the way he expresses his affection. He's just as excitedly affectionate as always.
He wants to just stay home and cuddle you all day. No running around in torn, just cuddling and spending the day together being dumb idiots in love and being comfortable. He doesn't bother changing out of his pj's unless there's something interesting that comes up for the both of you.
Oh hell yeah he's getting you gifts! He's going to get you something GLORIOUS and so flashy it's honest to god a seizure risk if it gets hit by the light. Other than that, soft things, nice things. He wants you to feel nothing but soft and sweet when you're at his place. As for anything given to him, he insists that he doesn't need them but he'll gladly take whatever he's given.
He wants to spend the day with you, and that includes the end of the day. He wants to wind up in a pillow fort, laughing and cuddling, watching some ungodly movie. It's horrible and you're both wheezing because you've been laughing so hard, your faces hurt and there are tears in your eyes, but he's going to pause for just a second to kiss your forehead.
The blankets around you were warm and soft against your skin, the sound of Chiharu wheezing as he laughed, the worst rom-com you've ever seen, his arm slung over your back and his legs tangled between yours. It was almost like he was trying to constrict around you, desperate to absorb your body heat and get as close as possible while he cuddled with you. It was dark out, your dirty dishes sat on the floor ahead of you, practically licked clean from the quick dinner the both of you had made together. Just something simple but good, it didn't take so long, and it took even less time to inhale the food, though between all the laughing and the joking, chaste kisses and playful shoving, it took slightly longer than maybe it would have. Another kiss was pressed against your forehead as he pulled you even closer.
Despite the soft scrape of his slight stubble against your forehead, his kiss was sweet, affectionate, loving as he practically crushed you under him, leaving you to laugh and push at him in an attempt to get him off of you. "Noooo baby, I just wanna kiss you some more. Come on, one more smooch, I gotta show you how much I love you!" He whined playfully, before your palms met his face, smooshing his cheeks as you pushed his face away gently, earning a wail of despair as he rolled away from you, all the way to the other end of the blanket fort, laying like he'd been shot, mocking sobs escaping his lips before he cracked an eye open to look at you, almost hopeful, before promptly resuming his dramatic impression of a banshee.
He likes celebrating for the slutty outfits he can wear. Any excuse he can get to show off his body, which he's super proud of, he's going to take full advantage of. This is the perfect time to get him some fun skimpy tops. Any boob cuts look great on him, and nobody is going to say anything because he looks like he could very easily throw them into the sun. And he probably would too.
He's definitely willing to try his hand at making you chocolates. So what if he gets his mom to help? It's the thought that counts, and Natsue is a skilled woman who would very happily help her baby boy make some chocolates for his sweetheart! If he fails miserably, either way, you're getting snacks from Natsue. It's a win-win situation.
Openly and very much in a lovey-dovey sense. He's going to kiss and hold your hands, stare into your eyes lovingly, like he's looking into the secrets of the universe. His father taught him that if he loves someone, he's gotta let them know it, and oh boy does he let you know. But once Valentine's day rolls around, he likes to fluster you by going over the top. Normally he's got pet names for you, but this holiday brings out the Pookie Boo Bear's and whatnot. He's going to fluster you to hell and back.
He wants to just let loose with you, do something kinda dumb and maybe a bit reckless, but fun! Like sneaking into an abandoned building with the guys and drinking, or even heading to the roof of the Shin-Shin-Kai building to just stargaze and play some music. The neighbors might not appreciate it, but as long as you're having a good time, he doesn't care. He wants to have fun with you, and that's what's going to happen.
He's absolutely going to get you a gift! Something soft and fuzzy that you can hug when he's working late at night at the dojo or out fighting. A bear made from a few of his shirts with a sachet drenched in his cologne is his go-to, but he's also the type to also spoil you, so expect to find a really nice necklace or bracelet on its neck so he can have something he can look at and feel proud about.
As crazy and eventful as your day might be, he wants to end it right. A nice dinner with a good view, warm food, good company, and then, once you get back to the apartment and get all the giggles out, a nice cuddle. He tones down the over-the-top dramatized affection to something you know is more genuine so you know he was just being a bit goofy. He loves you, and he's not scared of telling you that.
The day had been filled with laughter and fun, pushing and shoving with the guys playfully. But now, all of that was done as you sat, waiting on the couch, blindfolded as he hummed along to the radio, shuffling into the room to press a kiss to your forehead. He took your hands, leading you towards... Something. It smelled good, whatever it was, and he was careful where he led you. You were convinced he was just dragging you around the same spot for a while before he pulled you towards a chair, gently setting you down on the seat, pressing another kiss to your forehead, before he pulled the blindfold off, revealing... Your living room, all redone to look nice, hanging fairy lights, and a table full of fresh food, still hot. He looked so proud of himself.
The spread was truly impressive, but you recognized the handywork as Natsue's. Not that it mattered, of course. You'd gotten suspicious when you'd heard the amount of soft swears and clattering in the kitchen, and of course, the amount of time it had taken (and a suspicious burning smell) but it didn't really matter. You were just happy to have the food in front of you. "So I think you know, but I uh... Called my mom for this. I don't think it matters though. As long as you like it, right?" He said with a smile, pouring some wine into your glass and raising his own for a toast, before taking a long sip. He smiled at you, and leaned across the table to kiss you, thumb brushing over the back of your hand before you two started digging in.
He didn't really celebrate it a whole lot when he was younger, though he did usually bring home chocolates from school and immediately divide them up with his mom. Many admirers had their hearts broken by this stoic blonde. But with you, he starts to think that maybe the holiday isn't as overrated as he thought, because now he just wants to spend the whole day with you being a normal couple.
He can't make chocolate, he knows that and he won't really try for the first few years, but on your first valentine's day he'll wake you with breakfast in bed: chocolate-chip pancakes with strawberries cut into little hearts and a nice hot drink for the love of his life. The real chocolate gift comes in the days after Valentine's day though. One day he'll just walk in with arms fully loaded with massive bags of chocolate, a victorious grin on his face. He's going to spoil you rotten if you're not careful, though a small cut get sent back home for his mom. He needs to make sure that she gets her share after all.
His love language is very quiet, which isn't hard to believe considering the fact that he's such a quiet man in the first place, but this is an excuse for him to be louder and more open with his affection. He can't stop touching you, and he can't help but just tell you he loves you out of seemingly nowhere. Sometimes he just needs to tell you because he's so overcome with it. Honestly, the way he treats you would definitely inspire some jealousy from onlookers.
He doesn't want to do anything fancy, it's not his way of doing things, but with you he could live in a leaky cardboard box if it meant seeing you safe and happy. He just wants to spend the day with you, and that's what he'll do. It's a lazy day for him, a cheat day too, not that he sees it that way. It's a reward for all of his hard work so far, and one that's well deserved! A walk in the woods, just spending the day cuddling on the couch or in bed, it doesn't matter as long as he has you.
He's not the best at gift giving, so when he realizes that it's February already he starts panicking a little. What if he can't get you a gift in time?! What if you don't like it?! But he doesn't have time to waste, so he gets to work right away. It's nothing fancy, but he worries that you might miss him while he's training, so he commissions someone to make a bear for you out of some of his old sweaters and shirts, which he sticks under his pillow for about a week just so his smell is on it. As for gifting him, he insists you don't need to get him anything, but he'll treasure it regardless.
He doesn't ever want this to be a disappointment for you, you chose him after all! A day spend cuddling and lounging around and just enjoying each-others presence will end that way, of course, but he's going to want to take you somewhere first. He might miss the sunset, but what he really wants to show you is the night sky, away from the light pollution of the big city. He'll let you ride on his back while he hikes out to a nice isolated spot so you can both sit and just be, the only people for kilometers to come. Just you, him, and the open night sky.
His warmth radiated through his back, the smell of his bodywash and cologne lulling you into a blissful, comfortable state of being half asleep and half awake as he walked. Even in the darkness, his footing was sure, like he knew where he was going. Knowing him, he probably did, he'd likely walked this exact trail for weeks in advance just so he could make sure it was perfect for whatever it was he was planning. You didn't really know how long he'd been walking, long enough for your much shorter legs to get tired, but the realization that he'd stopped dawned on you slowly, his hand patting your thigh for a moment before he sank to the ground, taking a seat, letting you crawl back into his lap, the heat radiating from his body protecting you from the chill of the February air, his lips pressing gently against your forehead, before he nodded up at the sky, drawing your attention.
The sky was clear, barely a cloud in sight, leaving you to be able to see every star up in the sky, glittering and twinkling so beautifully it took your breath away, but he wasn't looking at the sky, no, he was looking at you, the light of the moon illuminating all of your features, leaving him to admire you. "If I could give it all to you, I would. Every last one of them would be yours. It's what you deserve." He muttered, pressing another kiss to your forehead, arms wrapped around your waist, enjoying the sound of silence for the first time in months. No car horns, no music, just the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Just the two of you.
Doesn't celebrate, doesn't care to celebrate. It's not really his thing. He does the whole tradition of getting you flowers and corny gifts, but other than that he doesn't really care for the holiday. It doesn't change that much either the longer you date, but it does get a little bit better with the execution.
He'll buy you chocolate no problem. Not something cheap either, a nice, rich chocolate just for you. He's going to make sure that you know he appreciates you, even if he doesn't like this holiday.
His affection is expressed very quietly normally, and that doesn't really change much ever, specific circumstances aside, but if asked to he will make an effort to be more affectionate on Valentine's day. He needs to be told these things because he won't just assume what you want.
He just wants to have a nice day, regardless of what you do, and will happily go along with any plans you make or whatever you want to do, but if he sees you've been having a hard year he'll gladly plan something romantic out for you, though he doesn't need a holiday as an excuse for that.
He gets you roses as a basic "I love you gift" and maybe a plushy, but after the first three years together his gifts get a little less tepid and more "I know that this is an important holiday for you" kinda way. Any gifts given to him are very appreciated, of course, and he'll gladly accept them.
As long as he gets to spend the night with you in his arms, he's happy. He doesn't need anything other than that, knowing that you're safe and happy is more than enough for him, and he's happy for that every day he has with you.
He was so boring. You'd told him, but all he'd given you in response was a grunt as he pushed your face away, pausing to squish your face, staring into your eyes before he sighed, pushed you back onto the couch and stood, motioning for you to follow him. Playful bickering ensued as you put a light jacket on and proceeded to follow your gloomy and boring boyfriend to... An arcade? The windows were decorated with hearts and fake roses littered the counters and tables as he brought you inside, smiling slightly as he bought some tokens only to challenge you, like a fool, to your favourite arcade game... That he somehow managed to beat you at. Clearly he was cheating, like the cheaty cheater her was! A rematch was demanded, much to the same result. Rematches were demanded, games were switched, but eventually you only had four tokens left and a shared hatred of the cursed claw machine.
Kosho was insistent that he could win you the plush you had your eyes on and one for himself, he was determined, he looked up tutorials and cheats to see if he could force the damn thing into spitting up the prizes. And somehow, he managed while you were in the bathroom, returning only to have him triumphantly present you with the prize you'd been eyeing. "There! See! I told you I could do it! And you said I wouldn't do anything nice for you on Valentine's day!" He'd boasted, only to shamefully admit that he'd used up the last of the tokens on the plush you'd wanted, so you'd had to get more to make more attempts at the one he wanted. In the end, you'd submitted your tickets for the most ridiculous prizes you could find on the shelves behind the counter, but it was absolutely worth it to see his judgmental stare at the t-rex reach extender you'd picked a full month later as he used it to tear a wasp nest off of the wall near the front door.
He celebrates because he can be admired, but no other reason for that. He knows he's very popular with his coworkers (and even some of his opponents if he's being honest) and that results in the most glorious amount of both praise, open admiration and gifts he's ever received. He's going to get you in on this scheme.
Honey he doesn't need to buy or make you chocolates. If you help him in his Valentine's day scheme then you get a cut, fifty-fifty split, he promises. By the time the holiday is over you both have enough chocolate to last you until the next major holiday, but it definitely won't make it that far.
His affection is something he's stingy with, but he makes sure to lavish you in it on Valentine's day (definitely not as a way to make everyone else genuinely interested in him back off) in as public a place as possible, but that extends to when you're both at home. He does appreciate you putting up with this shit, and Valentine's day is one of two days he makes a strong effort to show it.
He'd ideally take you to a beach or something where you can both just sit and relax for the day, but if he's busy then he's busy, and he'll make it up to you with a really nice dinner (paid for in gift-cards that he got from admirers and colleagues) and a nice bitch-shesh in the tub. Complete with wine, gossip (his ass does violate HIPPA) and some trash TV. Doesn't have to be anything extravagant, really, but it is a good time.
He gets you two kinds of gifts: showy, for everyone else to see be given to you so everyone gets the message that you are taken, and so is he. But then there's the genuine gifts that he gets you, and those are saved for when you're both at home, having a few laughs and some drinks. They're sweet and very thoughtful on his behalf, and he expects the same from you.
After a nice self-care session and a bit of gossiping with some drinks, he'd honestly be pretty happy curling up in bed to watch a movie or read a book. Some down-time after all the work he does is nice, and he does actually enjoy spending time with you, even if half of the time he does he acts stuck-up.
The air smelled like roses, almonds, vanilla and oat milk as you both lounged in the tub, cuddled up as the Real Housewives screamed about their problems and their conflicts, wine glasses being swirled around like you were fancy and bougie, rich beyond everyone else's wildest dreams, your man breaking several HIPPA rules and regulations as he told you the gossip about literally every patient that had ever so much as annoyed him. You'd never thought that sitting in a bathtub full of rose petals with an oat milk mask in your hair drinking wine with your boyfriend while he told you about an old mans ruptured colonoscopy bag could ever be romantic, but here you were, and honestly it was a great time, minus the gross-out factor.
His lips met your forehead before he took a swig of his drink, both of you pausing in your gossip session to stare at the screen as two drunk middle-aged white women proceeded to pull hair and scream at the other, shouting accusations neither of you really cared to look into. "Oh my god... We're not that trashy, are we? We can't be, we're too hot to be trashy, right?" He asked, a serious tone in his voice, dead silence hanging between the two of you before the both of you burst out laughing, leaning against each-other for support. Maybe it was time to cut way back on the wine, but the mood was high and the night was still kinda young. Besides! You hadn't even done hand-care yet!
He didn't use to, but now that you're in his life he absolutely is. He goes the whole nine yards with decorations, expect to wake up only to find the entire apartment decorated for Valentine's day. Hearts on the mirrors, windows, scattered around the sheets, on the food, on the lights. It's honestly impressive, because they're not store bought. He's been making origami and cut-outs for weeks in advance just to make it a special time.
Oh he 100% makes chocolate for you. And guess what? It's got hearts! The chocolate itself is heart-shaped, the icing, the napkin with the plate. He goes all-out and honestly it's something you'd see from a high-end bakery that would cost a LOT of money. But no, nono, you don't have to pay a cent for it, and that's probably the best part.
He's shy with his affection, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show it. He loves holding your hand and doing little acts of service for you to show you that he loves you and cares very much, and this doesn't change regardless, but he does try to be a bit more bold with his affection. Kissing you while out in public, draping his arm around your shoulders if you're waiting for something. he's sweet and flustered, but he's trying.
He admittedly doesn't have any plans beyond what he's going to cook for you. He finds that planning things out is a bit more stressful and may not be as genuine of an experience, so depending on weather and mood, you either go out for a day on the town or you stay in all cozy and snuggled up together, though if there's a special event going down he does at least bring it up and see if you want to go.
His gifts are small but sweet, and honestly, he's the type of man that you don't really need a lot of gifts from when you're together because his very presence is a gift, and not in the way that Kureha thinks his is. Either way, he does make an effort to get you something nice, and anything you get him will be cherished. He takes care of his things, especially from you.
He wants to end the night together. Happy, full, having had a good day. Cuddling or not, as long as you had a good day he's more than happy, and he's going to tell you. Expect him to very sleepily thank you for the fantastic day and to be smothered in kisses.
Rain beat against the walls and windows, the chill demanding to be let in, though it failed miserably, being fought off by the warm blankets that Retsu had wrapped around the both of you, his face nuzzling into your shoulder as he hummed, arms wrapped around your waist to pull you into his chest. He was half asleep and comfortable, and you were pretty sure that he wasn't even aware that it was raining out, but he didn't seem in a huge hurry to get up and go out in this weather. He was sleepy and comfortable, and you were just so soft and comfortable, he couldn't help but just doze in and out of conscience until he got hungry enough to get up, kissing you on the forehead, and shuffling into the kitchen to brew some nice warm tea and make a simple but nutritious breakfast.
You walked up behind him and hugged his waist as he whisked eggs to make an omelette, a hum rumbling from deep within his chest, your cheek vibrating against his back as he acknowledged your presence, pausing to turn around in your grasp and kiss your forehead. "Wait just a little longer love, I'm almost done whisking, food will be ready and on the table in a few minutes. You should go get some more sleep, it's the perfect day to be lazy." He suggested, but you stuck to his side, enjoying the smells of the cooking food and the brewing tea, soaking up the warmth of his skin to keep the chill of the rainy morning air out.
Doppo & Natsue:
Oh absolutely. They celebrate every year, you're just an excuse to go bigger and better. And they absolutely go bigger and better. They use every chance they have to go on a big date together and celebrate. The first year you're with them is almost suffocating, because by the time the day is over your head is spinning and you might be more than a little drunk, but it's fun as all hell.
Natsue 100% makes you chocolates, but it's no secret. As a matter of fact, she's just as likely to make you and Doppo help out. IN the end, if any solid pieces of chocolate manage to survive, it's by a stroke of luck because some of it will be flung at someone, and the rest will all be "taste tested" (consumed without regret), so Doppo's stash of bought chocolates will probably make an appearance.
They're both incredibly open with their affection, and that doesn't change in the slightest. Doppo loves you, and he loves Natsue, and vice-versa. They're going to smother you with affection, and they're going to smother each-other with affection, and it's just one big love-fest between the three of you. Good vibes all around.
Oh there are plans. Doppo likes to plan dates to be perfect, and that's exactly what he's going to do. Something to satisfy all three of you, be it a trip to an aquarium and then dinner, or a day out in the park to cuddle once you all get back home, he's the master when it comes to date-night.
Oh yeah they get gifts for you alright. MANY. You will cry, Doppo will gently bully you about it, and Natsue will gently bully him about being an emotional sap that has to deflect from him feeling so sappy that he had to pick on you instead. Don't worry though, getting him literally anything remotely thoughtful will have him practically bawling. Natsue is incredibly appreciative of your gifts as well.
Doppo's an easy man to please: As long as the night ends with smiles and laughs, he's happy. If you and Natsue had a good time, he had a good time, and that's all there is to it. Though a cuddle pile is absolutely how he'd like to go out, because he knows he's comfortable to lay on.
Doppo's back met the ground with a loud thud, his boisterous laughter invading the room, echoing off of the walls as you practically pounced on him, a short wrestle put an end to the playful conflict though, especially when Natsue walked in and tossed her jacket straight at the back of your head, blinding you for the split-second that the legendary tiger killer needed to jab you right in your sides, leaving you laughing and wheezing on his chest. You'd barely kicked your shoes off, and your head was a bit fuzzy from all the drinks, but that was alright, you'd had a good night, a lot of fun, there'd been food and drinks and laughing, lots of hugging and getting emotional, but now you were just ready to sleep, your limbs heavy, almost as heavy as your eyelids. Doppo kissed your forehead with a chuckle, pulling off your jacket and shoes to go put them by the bedroom door while Natsue tried to urge you into a pair of pajamas.
Once everyone was comfortable and settled, silence fell over the room, one of Doppo's hands on your shoulders, the other on the base of Natsue's back, he looked about five seconds away from falling asleep, and both you and Natsue weren't far behind. "I love you two, you know that right? Do anything to make you happy." Doppo said in a low rumble, soothing the both of you into sleep as he kissed your foreheads, pleased with how his life was turning out. After all, being sandwiched between two of the most important people of his life, able to hug both of them, hold them close? That was the dream.
He celebrates Valentine's day in a more mature way, more likely to grab a drink than decorate, but he does humor his students and adds a few hearts to the windows of his dojo, some nice red accents. That's pretty much it. Other than that, he doesn't really care for the holiday, but he will make an effort with you.
He won't make you chocolates, but he'll get you some! Some nice ones too, rich and dark chocolates are his favorites, so you're going to get some of those so he can steal them when you're not looking, but others will be provided as well.
He's confident with his affection, he likes touching you. A hand on your shoulder or your waist, holding you close to his side while out in public, kissing your hands, your cheeks, your forehead, your lips, he's not going to shy away from showing you and everyone around you that he loves you. It might also be a territorial thing where he doesn't want anyone else making moves on you, not while he's there.
Oh yeah, he's got plans! He's got lots of plans! Starting with a brisk walk early in the morning. You don't like brisk walks early in the morning? Well he does, and he's going on one and insisting that you go with him. It's worth it though, because he takes you to an absolutely beautiful park with a breathtaking view. It's also literally breathtaking, you're going to be so tired after that walk that it's a miracle if you manage to keep up with him for the rest of the day.
Definitely a gifter, and a good one at that. He gets you some gifts that will outright make you ugly cry all over him, and you're going to feel bad about it but he's not that concerned. If he was looking for a specific reaction then he'd be able to get it, but he wants something genuine and that he can't predict. As long as it's a good one, he's proud. As for him getting gifts, he'll take them and he'll appreciate them, but he'd rather you save your money, he doesn't need much.
He ends the day as calmly as possible so you can get as much rest as you need. He's not far behind if he's being honest, once you're out he's only a minute or two behind, and if he can cuddle up with you, all the better.
Your calves were burning almost as much as your lungs, your back was uncomfortably sticking to your shirt because of the humid morning air, the sunlight barely peeking over the mountain ahead of you as Motobe easily trekked through the rugged terrain ahead of you. Your misery didn't seem to affect him, he didn't slow, didn't look back, and didn't heed your complaints and pleas to slow down or stop, simply urging you forward, to follow him with promises of this being worth it. You were glad you'd brought more than one water bottle after you'd heard it was going to be a longer walk, and at this point you weren't even feeling slightly guilty for drinking the spare you'd packed for him. This was a terrible morning, the worst Valentine's day to date, and you couldn't believe-
The view. You paused next to him as he sat down on the damp ground on a hill overlooking the small valley ahead of you as the sun finally rose, a flaming ball of light illuminating everything in a warm amber, the sky a brilliant rosy pink, fingers of light penetrating through branches and leaves, light speckling everywhere. "I was right. It's exactly how I thought. All of this, but you're the prettiest thing here." He said, making direct eye contact, patting the ground next to him, inviting you to sit and catch your breath. The hike back would be much easier, he knew a trail that would take you back to the road much faster, he'd just needed to stall as much as possible to time this just right. Would he tell you that? Not yet, no, but he was sure you'd figure it out after a few trips.
Oh he LOVES Valentine's day, he absolutely ADORES it. One of the days where his mischief is more directed towards everyone having a good time. Everyone being you and him, of course. He's a firm enjoyer of all the sweet treat ideas that people come up with every year. It's all very fun, and he likes to practice making origami hearts and roses for around the house. He's pretty good at it too.
Oh he's not going to make you chocolates, but he will take you out to buy some good ones at a place he knows has some quality stuff for cheaper. You're both going to have to split the haul, but it's definitely a good one, and you're going to both wind up having tummy aches for a while.
His affection is normally pretty playful, he likes to joke around with you, but on Valentine's day he lets himself be less incessant jokester and more dedicated lover and friend. He's very gentle with you, and he wants you to know it's because he loves you. As a matter of fact, the days before and after Valentine's day are some of the days where he's most reliably sweet without any pranking intentions.
A day out participating in celebrations, festivals and small get-togethers at bars and hole in the wall diners. Basically, after you secure your shared chocolate hoard, you're going out to have a lovely day with friends, family and strangers you've never met before, and you're going to absolutely love it because it's so comfortable and just feels so warm.
There's always a risk of his gifts being pranks, and sometimes he might just give in to that urge, but he at least makes an effort to spare you from from prank gifts and get you something nice! A pretty outfit, a nice hair pin or a necklace, a soft blanket with the words I Love You stitched into one of the corners. He will make you cry and he wants you to. Anything given to him will be playfully critiqued, but he does love everything he gets from you, especially if you can return his sass.
He wants to end the night with just the two of you in your home, cuddled up on the couch, watching the stars and reading with some nice calm music playing, drinking tea and just existing. It's nice to be able to take things slower every now and again.
Laughter filled the air as good food was eaten and drinks were passed around and sipped from, but your booth was peaceful now as Gouki passed you a slice of bread, a soft smile on his face. It was already buttered, just the right amount that he knew you liked, still warm from the pan it had been in, burried under all the others that were slightly cooler. You were still waiting for your food, but honestly, you couldn't blame the waiters, it was Valentine's day and they were fully booked, packed so full that there was barely room for the staff to weave between tables and deliver orders. You were more than happy to wait if it meant spending more time with the Aiki master, who sipped at his sake, eyeing a delicious smelling plate of food as it was carried past the both of you.
Sometimes you could see the gears turning in his head, spinning the wheels for plots and machinations. Maybe he was thinking of complaining to the manager to get your food? Or maybe he was going to swipe pieces from waiters as they breezed past the both of you? Instead, his hand reached out to yours, holding it from over the table as he held out a napkin in the other. "You have crumbs on your cheek silly, wipe them off before I decide to eat you up instead of this bread." He teased lightly, earning a roll of your eyes, but you obliged, accepting the napkin to dab at the crumbs. The food was probably going to take a while still, but at least the company was good and the bread was free.
Oddly enthusiastic about this particular holiday. He likes to nab a marker and colour all of the hearts in his tattoos red or pink. He thinks it's nice, but by the end of it he just winds up having to get paint pens and that just smears everywhere, so he smells like paint and sharpie. It's a lot. He kinda stinks in general, this doesn't help, but you chose this one and there's no complaining because you chose this.
Chocolate? Oh sure, he'll get you chocolate! Don't pay attention to the red stains all over the bag though. And also don't watch the news for a few days. Or visit the gas station down the road. Just don't ask him where he got this chocolate, especially since he's flat broke and basically living rent-free in your house.
He's very odd with his affection, in which he'll almost drown you in affection at any given moment, but if he's having a bad day he'll act like you don't even exist. He does love you (maybe??? idk this one's kinda insane besties) and lord help anyone that tries to mess with you, but he's definitely a very particular guy. He doesn't even tone down his weird on Valentine's day, no, he gets more intense with it. He'll full-blown lick your cheek instead of just kissing you.
He's an odd individual and honestly would probably love to rob a department store with you. Don't let him, please, he can't go back to jail he's so fucking old and so fucking weird and now that he's had a taste of freedom (He used Doordash once and is in love, he swears by it, can't Doordash in jail can you?) and he will NEVER go back. But yeah. Department store robbery. Don't take him anywhere that has items for sale. He will steal them.
Oh yeah he'll get you gifts! Just be careful about wearing them in public or posting pictures of them. He doesn't want you going to jail. No they're not stolen, don't check the serial numbers of the very expensive pieces of jewelry he got for you. They are, admittedly, pretty sweet gifts from him, but the way he might obtain them is disturbing and you're better off just not asking. Ever. Getting him anything is a win-lose situation. He might love something once and then hate it for the rest of his life, but he's at least grateful!
The end of the day is loud and chaotic. Definitely has nothing to do with his multiple new cases of theft and assault. Definitely not. But once the cops leave and he comes out of hiding inside of your walls (he would and you know it) it does tend to quiet down a little. He probably wanders all around your place checking windows, curtains, doors and any electronics the cops touched for bugs, and then he'll promptly plop his ass down on your bed and pass out with or without you. After all, he had a long day!
You could kick his ass right now. All day he'd been doing something. Constantly leaving and coming back, acting way too innocent only to present you with some sort of gift. At first it was innocent enough, chocolate and steamed buns, then it was a necklace, then another few necklaces and a bracelet, some very expensive looking ones at that. And then you walked into your living room only to find him assembling an ottoman that you knew was way out of your price range because you'd been looking at it for the past week or so, staring wantonly at your screen as you longed to re-organize your furniture for the nth time this year! Granted, it was only Febuary, but still! It was the principle of the thing! And your furniture didn't even match the new ottoman! By the time it got dark, he'd brought you more things and you were convinced that when the cops pulled up you were going to go to jail, but with some quick thinking and honest bullshitting, you managed to keep your gifts and get out of an arrest!
But now you had to find the old man responsible for all this stress... Which could wait until morning. It wasn't like you didn't appreciate all of his gifts, after all. Shuffling into your room, you flopped down on your bed with a groan, drifting off slowly before you heard a familiar shuffle, a rustle at your window, and an even more familiar weight settled behind you. "Did you have a good day sweetcheeks? Huh? Did I do good with the presents I got you? I worked real hard on putting them together, I hope they last." He said, not giving you any time to answer before he promptly nuzzled against the pillow he'd claimed as his and passed out, hugging you close to his chest. Yeah, you could kick his ass, but he didn't deserve it for this. Maybe some other time.
Yeah he had plans! Does he follow them all? Nope! The second he started thinking about sex in your presence his brain turned off the lights and he was basically left to just stare at you and drool. Which he did anyways, so it took a minute to notice.
On you? Oh it'll take him out! He's used to seeing a lot of skin on people, but somehow you taking off your pretty date clothes only to have sexy stuff on underneath?!? Baby he's going to give you a spit-shine. On him? It's subtle, but it's there. You'll catch hints whenever you put an arm around him. He's bad at hiding things, so you'll probably catch a glance if he stretches.
Oh he absolutely is down for some kinky, fuck mcnasty sex. Anywhere, whenever, however you want, you just let him know and he's down for it. His plans are already out the window, so why not let you have what you want? That's a plan, right?
Fancy dinners, a day out on the town, slowly and carefully drawing you in to get a taste of what exactly the Hanma blood can do. Not that he knows what the Hanma blood can do, he just thinks it's sexy to say that. Is it? Kinda, yeah. He's flashy, but genuine in his attempts to bag you.
If you want to try something special then he's already admitted he's down for it. As long as it's nothing too far outside his realm of comfort then he's perfectly happy to let you try whatever it is you want to!
Oh he wants to end the night with either him inside of you, or you inside of him. Someone needs to be inside of someone by midnight or he's going to worry that he did a bad job on the date he had planned. Post Valentine's hanky-panky would take him out, honestly, especially if you didn't let him hit the night before. Not because you didn't want to, no, but because you were just a bit too tired.
No plans. None of them. None whatsoever beyond a nice day out! So anything that happens is just improvised and it's probably hotter because of that to be completely honest. She's a mess once you pull her in close and give her bedroom eyes, either blushing and melting into a puddle or giving what she's getting and hitting you right back with a stare powerful enough to make your hips explode.
Oh 100%, she's wearing it even if you are already. She's got on a nice little pink number with cherries and hearts, and you're not going to get to see it until she brings you home afterwards. If you're wearing something too then she's going to laugh that you two had the same idea, but that's not going to get in her way.
Kinky shit is a given, if there's any day to try stuff in the bedroom it's on Valentine's day, it's almost a given that most other couples do. Tie her up, try a little bit of roleplay, you name it, she's down to try most of it.
She's confident, she knows what she wants and she's not afraid of just telling you what that is. And what she wants right now is to see you squirm as she tells you how bad she wants to pin you up against that wall over there and ride your fingers.
If anything, she's the one asking to try something special once you get back home. She doesn't have plans, no, but there's absolutely something she wants to try, and if you asked earlier, then she'll 100% let you have your turn. Just don't tucker yourself out.
She wants the night to end on a satisfied note. Emotional, social and sexual needs should all be satisfied in her eyes, and that's what she's gunning for at this point.
Oh absolutely! But will he ever admit that he planned everything out? No lmao. It's obvious, but he won't admit it. He's not embarrassed, shut up, it's normal to want things to go a certain way, stop looking at him like that.
That's a pleasant surprise. One he wouldn't mind seeing again a few times. Expect the lingerie to become a far more common thing in the bedroom from that point on.
He doesn't want kinky stuff on his end, he wants to go along with his plan, and if that plan involved kinky stuff it's kinky stuff you've already done and agreed is something you would do again.
There's a silent confidence that'll draw you in, make your knees weak and whatever ussy you have yearning for him. He's going to use his voice because he knows what effect that has on you. He's merciless when it comes to seducing you.
He'll gently suggest putting a pin in that new thing you wanted to try unless it's something he was just about to bring up trying, in which case, try away baby, he'll let you do so very happily.
He wants to make it clear that you're his, so he's going to do everything he can to mark you up nice and pretty so that everyone knows that you're seeing someone, though he will be considerate. No hickies wherever you tell him not to, but he might push his luck.
He doesn't have the capability to plan out horny things. He's horny? All thoughts leave his brain. If he does something, it's spontaneous. He's practically dumb, so if you want plans, you've gotta make them yourself
You're going to kill him. You're absolutely going to kill him, but he will die a happy, happy man and there's no changing that or taking it away from him. If he had a choice on how he were to go, then suffocating between your thighs would be the way, but this is a close second.
New stuff is fun and all, but he doesn't need that right now, what he needs is for you to just touch him already. If new stuff happens it happens, but he doesn't care as long as you just keep touching him like that.
There's no seduction on his part, you are seducing him and it's working, really, really well. He doesn't have the ability to think, though if you make him slow down he'll do his best, fawning over you like you're some ancient deity and he's but a humble servant at your altar.
You can do whatever you want to him as long as he gets a heads up and you keep touching him. You could leave your hand on the back of his shoulder the whole time and he'd gush like a volcano.
He's happy to fuck you to sleep, and then when you wake up, do it again if you'll let him. He wants little more than to fall asleep and wake up inside of you or with you inside of him.
Maybe just a little. A teeny bit. He's got an idea for what he wants to do, but how he gets there is improvised. He's going point A: having a good date, and he's got point Z: hot sweaty sex in his apartment. He knows he can get from A to Z, of course, but he's leaving that up to fate.
He's going to wear something, so if you do too, all the better! Honestly, at some point he'd see what the goofiest piece of lingerie he can find is, and Valentine's day is the worst day to surprise you with it, but there's a tiny chance he might.
Oh yeah, he's got a few things he'd like to try, and he hopes you trust him enough to do so. It's mostly expressions of trust here, but if there's something else he brings up that you're into he's more than happy to oblige.
He's smooth, but not as smooth as his dad. He fumbles just a little sometimes, but that's okay, he tends to recover pretty well, and the mood will be more than okay by the time sex time rolls around. Yes, he will call it that. Yes, that will really delay sex time.
Pretty open to the idea, though he doesn't want to do anything that requires an insane amount of prep, cleaning or assembly. Sex swings are fine and dandy, but he doesn't have anywhere to hang one up in his bedroom, and he's not running to the hardware store with a raging boner just to get the supplies.
He wants to end the night cuddled up, looking out the window at the night sky and just talking. He doesn't need much more than being able to hold you and exist for a bit.
Yeah. He did. And he'll admit it outright too. No shame, no embarrassment. He'll plan out all of it. Every little detail to make sure it's the perfect day for you, because if it's good for you, it's good for him too. He's doting and attentive, and if you think that him wearing that shirt he knows you like on him was coincidence, think again.
That was definitely not something he thought about happening, honestly, but he's not complaining in the slightest. An extra layer of fancy wrapping paper for his baby. He's even willing to do a little extra for you a few years in if the lingerie becomes a regular thing, though he'd have to really look hard, there's a disappointing lack of male lingerie that looks good.
He's a kinky fucker already, he's got a filthy mouth and if he finds that he said something that got you going, he's going to ask you about it and see if it's something you want to try or not. There's no pressure to try it right then, but you're going to hear words come out of his mouth that make you clutch your pearls.
Oddly smooth with this. That's because he's been planning. He knows just what he wants to say to you to get you riled up enough to practically drag him away by the arm back to the apartment, because that's what he wants.
He's open to let you do almost anything. You could honest to god cut him open and crawl into his ribcage and he'd ask if he could get you a blanket or a glass of water. You want something from him, just ask and he'll more than likely happily oblige.
He wants to end the night with his dick as deep inside as he can get it, but cuddled up and warm. A little bit of cock warming, sure and if that means he can wake up to you grinding back against him then he's more than happy to do it more than once.
No plans, just vibes. He goes where the night takes him, and if that just so happens to be into bed, then there's no complaints. He's fairly laid-back and willing to let you take the lead and do whatever it is you have in mind, from a quicky to an all-day affair.
That gets a solid pause from him. He needs a second to process what you're wearing, that you look really good, and he is a lot harder than he was just a second ago before he saw you like that. Nice little treat. Definitely gets him going.
There's not a lot that he's into enough to bring it up during a holiday like this. That's more of something he'd prefer to sit down and discuss, then figure something out so an accident doesn't ruin a holiday for you.
He doesn't, he's not trying to. Completely unintentional, but it's just the way his forearms look in his sleeves and his face looks in the light and- oh whoop, looks like you're pouncing on him. He's not complaining, and he can't say he doesn't understand.
He's going to gently decline trying something new. He knows that you like this holiday, and he'd rather not do something that you're not familiar with on this day. Another one that has been agreed upon. If it goes over well enough, then you can absolutely do it next year.
He wants you to end off happy and satisfied, and for him to not be single, so all in all, things are pretty likely to go how he normally hopes! Either way, he's happy you're here and he's going to tell you that in one of his fewer sappy moments.
Oh he'll plan it out alright. He'll plan it enough to get you to do all the work for him. He's lazy, do you really think he's going to want to do anything where he has to work? No, he's going to piss you off until you want to fuck him into your mattress, and then he's going to let you do exactly that and make it look like it was all your idea.
He's definitely putting something on, it'd be nice if you did to. It's hot, why not? He can admit that two very hot people getting together should wear something hot while they're doing sexy things. Makes it fun! Is he going to clean the cum off of the sexy lingerie? Absolutely not, he doesn't do laundry, he pays people for that.
He'll have introduced you to his kinks by now, so if there's something he's told you about that you both haven't tried then that's likely what he's going to be gunning for. He promises he'll let you have your turn after he's done!
He seduces through the Stupid Sexy Flanders method: effortless, unintentional, and then sheer fucking rage because everyone knows he's hot and pretty, and you do to, so why is he being such a jerk about it? You won't even know you fell into his trap until one of you is balls deep.
If he's letting you do all the work, he's more than willing to let you try something, especially if you let him try something too. He's fair, honest! Though if he doesn't like it he'll outright refuse, and depending on what you're asking him for he might straight up end the sexy times.
He's happy. Smug. Didn't have to move a muscle beyond getting to bed, because you did everything. He wants to be pampered, and once you're both cleaned up (he's not sleeping with cum on him, that'll cause a breakout he's not stupid) he doesn't mind sharing in that pampering. Just make sure to leave some pillows on the floor for when he inevitably cosplays an alligator in deathroll and kicks you out of bed.
No planning whatsoever other than to have a good day and to have said good day with you. He'd feel guilty for even daring to think of making up a plan because clearly this holiday isn't full of sexual undertones in literally every aspect. None whatsoever! It's a holiday celebrating love and- oh hey look, that chocolate's shaped like a butt plug. Huh. Wonder why.
He'll combust on the spot, be gentle with him. Nothing too hot now, he's delicate. Honestly, you could just walk around in your underwear and have him sweating buckets, you're just that pretty that anything fancier will definitely get him hard real fast.
He's painfully vanilla, the most he'd ask for is probably a different position he's wanted to try for a while but wasn't sure about asking you to do. It's nothing wild from him.
If anything you're the one seducing him, but he will turn on the charm once he gets "hints" (re: blatantly being told) that you want him in a sexy way in a very near future.
He's happy to let you do literally whatever you want to him. Mostly because he doesn't know all of the terms used, but still, as long as it brings you satisfaction he's willing to at least try something. He'll tell you if he's not having fun.
He wants you to be happy and satisfied. He's great at aftercare, he'll have you feeling good as new minutes after he finishes fucking you. Turns out a warm wet rag works miracles, or maybe that's just his fingers.
Doppo & Natsue:
Shockingly, Natsue is the one that does all the planning and plotting, Doppo has nothing to do with it, Natsue just plans and he goes along with it. What does she have in store? She's not telling either of you until it comes time to get nasty. It's always a good idea, really, but oh boy you'd definitely never expect some of the stuff she comes up with.
All three of you are going to get "naked" only to realize you all had the exact same idea, and that was to put on something sexy beneath. Doppo insists he pulled it off the best, of course, but he's not afraid to admit that you all look really good.
Kinky shit is exactly what you're going to get getting involved with these two. They make sex look like an Olympic sport, of which they are routinely receiving the gold medal. They've got likes and they're going to let you know, it's up to you what you want from them.
Doppo is brazen and suave, he's got a way with words that will leave your head fuzzy and spinning with want, but Natsue's almost worse than him (in a good way) because she goes from sweet unsuspecting housewife to literal sex goddess so fast it's almost scary.
You wanting to try something is only fair, they're more than likely going to humor you with whatever it is, even if it might be a little unconventional or weird. I mean, they're in a throuple, and most of the time Natsue wears the pants. If they were conventional then neither of them would likely be at this point.
Happy, safe and warm is how they'd prefer everyone to feel. Maybe a bit sore from "thorough use", but happy. You're all going to be a bit sweaty though, and if Doppo has the energy to carry both you and Natsue to the bath that's what he's going to do.
Oh he plans alright. He plans and plots, whatever you want to call it. He's doing all of it. You won't even know that he's planning until later when you look back at the events of the day and realize that it's very obvious . Especially with a fresh pair of eyes.
He's pleasantly surprised. How sweet of his love to wear something so nice just for him! He'll be careful with it, but he's just as likely to wear a little getup of his own, depending on how intimate things have been.
Kinky shit is his alley. He'll have you hanging from the ceiling forgetting everything but his name and the taste of his tongue in your mouth only a few minutes after you agree to let him have his fun.
The quiet confidence of a man who knows that he'll pull regardless of age. He's almost cocky, especially since he knows he's prepared and you probably aren't as prepared as him. Probably. He's hoping you aren't. Actually if you are he's screwed, because you'll both probably wind up sword fighting with dildos outside of his bedroom. I mean he'll win but still. Not very sexy of you two.
Yeah, he's willing to let you try something. Now what is it? Because depending on what it is, then his answer will range between yes, no, and "well you asked me to try something, and that in itself was you trying something so... No. ❤️" He doesn't want to bully you, but it's going to feel that way for a little bit.
Tired, sweaty and unable to move is how he'd like to be. Hopefully that's how you want to be too, because that's how you're going to wind up. You're welcome!
Planning, plotting, scheming. He'll give you whiplash at every turn, thinking that he will do you, then he won't do you. Until, of course he does do you, in which case you're just too fucked out to care, and he officially wins Scheming Bastard of the Year for the fifteen billionth time in his life.
Oh you'll get him flustered 100%. As much as he likes to act in control, secret spicy lingerie would make his whole face turn bright red, he can't look you in the eyes, hand are weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti-
Not really as into kinky shit as he likes to make people think he is. He's pretty happy being relatively vanilla for Valetine's day, he likes to save the kinkier stuff for your anniversary or something along those lines.
He's clever, makes you want him so bad it makes you look stupid, and he'll tell you, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that you want him so bad that it makes you look stupid. He's clever and he'll easily find a way to get you into bed before the night ends.
He's open and willing to try new things if you ask him to, but he'd prefer to keep to something familiar for Valentine's day, even if it's more basic and less extreme sounding, it's still going to be good. He promises!
He's smug, you've got his cum dripping onto the bedsheets from your thighs, and it's honest to god way too late to be thinking about another round... But he's looking to smug and cocky for an old guy. You're going to wipe that look off of his face... Eventually. Promise.
He doesn't plan things out. He schemes. About everything. From grocery shopping to fucking, he's got a scheme for it. You're going to think it's honestly just another day but he's changed things around so that your calendars all display a day late. You're probably going to wind up freaked out, but don't worry, that's fun when it comes to him.
Do you want him to have a stroke and die? Because he could? Pinning you to your bed and stripping you down only to find out that you're wearing underwear would be powerful enough to almost send him straight into the grave and he's going to tell you so. A lot. Very frequently. It's kinda unsexy.
Oh yeah. He's going to want to try kinky shit. He wants to try some things real bad because I'm convinced this man's never had a partner willing to let him be a straight up weirdo before, and you being willing to go along with his less naughty Valentine's day plans would probably get you in a weird situation later.
Brazenly, outright telling you that he wants sex from you and he wants it yesterday, but he's not going to push. If you're not in the mood then you're not in the mood. Doesn't mean he won't try to get you in said mood if you let your guard down though.
"Let me try something" from you usually ends with a resounding yes anyways, this time is no different, especially if you let him try his thing earlier on in the day. At that point you could probably get away with asking him to shove the whole Eifel tower up his ass.
Hot, sticky, sweaty and covered in a lot more bodily fluids than you might ever hope to me. Don't ask me which ones, because I don't have an answer. I doubt anyone does, really. Definitely cum and spit at least. You're going to have to wash off or wind up feeling crusty in the morning. And get some fresh sheets too. Maybe a new bed. Burn the old one.
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moonlight-alphafemale · 4 months
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Yall... Im an old man fucker 😭😭
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Hello there Motobe Izou fans.
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mothwingwritings · 3 months
Doppo, Shibukawa, Motobe, Biscuit, And Yujiro As Your Sugar Daddy 💄💋✨
Hi everyone!!! Sorry I dipped out for a moment, I had an eventful past two weeks (but some of the event has been writing stuff, so that’s something at least lul) and now I come back offering whatever the hell this is lol. The idea of the Baki men being sugar daddies came to me in a vision while I was supposed to be working, so of course as the responsible individual that I am I focused on that and started writing this and here we are now! :D It’s for all my dilf/gilf lovers out there. You are all lovely little treasures and I adore you all. :*
As you can probably tell by the subject matter of this one, 18+ only please!!!
Thank you for reading!!!
Warnings: Sex, sex work/reader is a sex worker, mentions of various sexual acts, possessive/obsessive tendencies from your clients, dubcon, mentions of noncon, Yujiro Hanma being Yujiro Hanma, mentions of threesomes and open relationships, very little editing.
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Doppo Orochi˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         Doppo would be an exceptional sugar daddy. He’s attentive and kind to you, both when you are out on dates and when you share private time together, and you can always tell he’s truly excited to spend time with you (even when sex isn’t involved). He loves to spoil you and has the money to back it, gifting you whatever your heart desires, all you have to do is say the word.
·         He’s a big family man, and as such he may push the boundaries a bit of what your relationship is. It’s hard to see him as just a benefactor when he’s sending you good morning and good night texts, inviting you over for home cooked dinners, calling you just so he can hear your voice and talk about silly things, checking in on you to make sure you are safe and happy. It may be pushing the line of what is appropriate and what isn’t for your relationship, but you can’t lie and say it isn’t nice feeling so cared for.
·         That being said, you know Doppo has a wife that he loves very much, so there is no confusion of your role as just a sugar baby in this dynamic. In most cases such a strong spousal bond may cause trouble on your end, but luckily for you Natsue is as fond of you as Doppo is. She’s definitely not as into the sexual aspect of your company as Doppo is, but get ready for plenty of passionate threesomes should the three of you find yourselves together and in the mood.
·         Doppo is very open about sharing his life with you. He invites you to all his matches, you have free access to Shinshin Kai dojo, and after a certain level of trust is reached, he’ll even give you a key to his house. At first it felt strange, like you were bordering on something taboo having so much access to his private life, and you worried you were taking advantage of his hospitality. But as time wore on you realized that his fondness for you was just so great that he wanted you to be a part of his life as much as possible, regardless of what the typical sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship was. However, if the familiarity and closeness ever made you uncomfortable he would end it immediately, reverting back to business as usual (though it would make him extremely sad).
·         His main downside is that he’s definitely very ‘dad-like’ and sometimes you feel more like a child he is over protective of then his beloved sugar baby. His fatherly advice and guidance can be a bit overbearing, and it takes all you have not to roll your eyes at his griping over some of your decisions and future plans.
·         If it doesn’t end up working out with Doppo, he has a hot son you can fall back on :)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Gouki Shibukawa˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         Shibukawa truly is a wild card. You have no idea what to expect when this man calls on your services. He’s hired you for things as mild as enjoying afternoon tea with him and as raunchy as participating in the most degenerate sexual roleplay you can possibly imagine (consensually, of course).
·         So even though he’s one of your older benefactors, he is certainly far from boring. In fact, you can’t help but get excited whenever he reaches out to you, wondering what he may have in store for your meet up.
·         Shibukawa is one of the less sentimental of the sugar daddies. There is definitely no mistaking that your relationship is strictly for pleasure, and as a side effect of that his private life is a virtual mystery to you. You have your suspicions about what he does with his spare time, but should you pry too much he’ll swiftly and efficiently end the conversation, focusing his attention instead on the sweeter side of your affair.
·         However, he is far from cold. Shibukawa always treats you extremely well and pays you even better, so he quickly becomes one of your favorite clients.
·         Also, he’s extremely interesting. This man could make a story about what he ate for breakfast sound like the most fascinating thing on the world, so even if nothing big or exciting happens in the time you spend with him, at the very least you know you won’t ever be bored.
·         Don’t let his age fool you-he is a beast in bed. With age comes experience, and that has never been truer than with Shibukawa. You don’t think you’ve ever quite felt the thrill you get when you have intimate time with Shibukawa with any other client, let alone actual romantic partners you’ve had.
·         His downside is that his mood towards you is always fluctuating. He will be in constant contact with you for weeks at a time and then fall off the face of the earth, only to pop back up expecting you to prioritize him over your other clients. It’s a bit obnoxious, especially if he is your best paying client and you are relying on him financially, yet he refuses to keep you in the loop of any plans he wants to involve you in or meet ups he may be concocting.
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Motobe Izou˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         The KING of pet names. I honestly don’t think this man has ever called you your actual name once. Baby, sweetheart, dove, little one-the list goes on. If you called him a pet name back, he would probably have a heart attack brought on by the sheer amount of joy that would bring him.
·         He may not be as wealthy as some of your other clients, but his care and devotion to you are off the charts. Each time he calls on your services he always greets you with flowers or chocolates, and each date he takes you on is to a place you like or recommend, prioritizing your favorites over the stuff he may prefer. He’s at your beck and call; willing to drop everything should your schedule open up and you have the time to spend with him.
·         He’s very protective of you, having legitimate concerns over whether any of your other customers are overly handsy or make you do and participate in things you are uncomfortable with. He tries to play it cool and ask about your health and well-being nonchalantly, but you can tell by the nervous undertone in his voice and the bags under his eyes that his fretting over you and your profession wears heavily upon him, affecting his day to day life.
·         He’s also low-key scared that you prefer other clients over him (even though you have never done anything to make him perpetuate this idea), so he stresses himself out over that as well.
·         Motobe is an incredibly intimate lover. He takes his time with you, committing to memory which of his actions brings you the most pleasure so that he can use them time and time again to drive you wild. Every caress of his hand and kiss of his lips is gentle and loving, he treats you as if you are the most precious being on the planet earth and it never ceases to make you melt.
·         That being said, he has the toughest time distinguishing boundaries in your relationship, constantly blurring the lines between professional and personal. Anyone that interacts with the two of you can see just how head over heels for you he is, and more often than not when out and about people just assume you are spouses based solely on how openly affectionate and lovey dovey he is with you. His doting can be rather heavy-handed, not to mention disconcerting, especially when you work so hard to establish clear boundaries with him.
·         … But still, you can’t find yourself being too upset at Motobe. Even when he takes things too far, Motobe is certainly the most caring client you’ve had, earnestly watching over you and taking the best care of you he can with the limited time he has with you. Even with all his quirks, you have a definite soft spot for the man.
·         And who knows? Maybe someday when you seek another line of work and leave this one behind you can go on an actual date with him? He’ll most certainly be waiting on you, more than ready to make it official. :)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Biscuit Oliva˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         If Biscuit is yoursugar daddy, my dear you have it MADE.
·         He is the IDEAL sugar daddy. He’s handsome, sweet, wealthy, and not afraid to lavish you in all of the finer things. It’s not uncommon for you to go out on a date with him only to come home in a new designer outfit of your choice, decked out in a varying level of jewels he let you pick out yourself.
·         And it’s not just material possessions, he loves taking you on all kind of exotic trips and vacations, taking you to places you never dreamed you’d be able to go. It makes his heart swell seeing the excitement in your eyes the moment the plane touches down at each new locale, your unbridled joy spurring him to feel just a thrilled by this adventure as you do (even if it’s to a place he has been countless times before).
·         But even when he’s not whisking you off to fun and foreign places, he always makes every date exciting. Regardless of if it’s small meet up, or a full on whirlwind adventure, there is never a dull moment with Biscuit.
·         Being with him is like an honest to god fairytale, you feel like some kind of royalty whenever you are in his presence. He dotes on you to the extreme, showering you in affection, praise, and gifts. You’ve never felt more beautiful or important than you do when you are with Biscuit.
·         All that being said, this man really makes you earn the title of sugar baby. His sex drive is off the charts and he has an insatiable attraction to you, which means the moment he sees you, he’s on you. Of course he shows decorum out in public, presenting as the perfect gentleman on any dates he escorts you on while out in the public eye. But the moment you two are behind closed doors? Prepare to be absolutely ravished. You probably won’t be able to walk for a few days once he’s done.
·         Like Doppo, you are aware that Biscuit already has a special lady in his life. As such, Biscuit made sure that you were someone that Maria was not just OK with, but someone she genuinely liked. You take that kind of as a badge of honor, as Maria has a tendency to be very picky with the people she surrounds herself with. But the two of you hit it off within minutes of meeting each other, which is a huge relief to both you and Biscuit.
·         You’re not expected to participate in the ‘sugar’ end of the deal with Maria, but should you show interest in Maria in that way, Biscuit would be over the moon. Whether it be a threesome or just the two of you together while he watched, he’ll be absolutely delighted either way (and expect to be handsomely compensated for the good time. ;). Just don’t start liking each other more than him, OK? He would probably pass away from heart break if the two of you left him in the dust. ^^;
·         The biggest down side to having Biscuit as your sugar daddy is that he can be a bit… much. He’s exceptionally clingy, to the point that you have to completely silence or shut off your phone sometimes because he’s always calling or texting you for some reason or another-even when you are with other clients. He also HEAPS on the affection so much that you feel suffocated by it, which is a lot on its own, let alone from a person you aren’t even in a committed relationship with. When you try and ask him to ease up, or even just straight up ignore him for a bit, it only makes his dogged affection worse. :/
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Yujiro Hanma˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         The fact that you even became the Ogre’s sugar baby is baffling, and honestly a rather scary and precarious situation for you to be stuck in.
·         The thought that he would actually pay for something so many people would willingly supply to him, or that he could simply take from another person, must mean he finds you extremely interesting. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is to be determined.
·         You don’t ever get a heads up for your liaisons with Yujiro-the man just shows up when he desires your company and that’s that. It doesn’t matter if you are sleeping, with another client, or otherwise engaged, Yujiro ALWAYS takes precedence and you better remember that if you want him to keep paying you.
·         That being said, he gets rather territorial of you when he sees you or hears about you with other clients. Not necessarily jealous (what is there to be jealous of? He’s leagues better than those losers and everyone knows it), but definitely disgruntled that despite his patronage you still choose other men to attend to. You should feel honored to have him as a patron, indebted to the point where he is your soul focus. The fact that you aren’t definitely pushes his buttons.
·         As stated, being Yujiro’s sugar baby is definitely a perilous situation to be in. He is interested in you enough to spend time and money on you, but you would never delude yourself into thinking he held any sort of romantic attraction towards you. You are merely a source of pleasure and entertainment, which in and of itself is fine, that is your profession after all.  But once your use to him ended… where does that leave you? With all other clients they simply moved on, but Yujiro is like an untamed beast. If he gets upset with you in anyway, getting extremely hurt by him is a very real possibility.
·         Also- he’s the strongest being on the planet. He could kill you without batting a lash, whether by accident or on purpose. Merely being in his presence is a daunting experience, and while you’ve dealt with strong and/or questionable clients in the past, Yujiro is a breed all his own. Simply put-he scares you, and he is by far the most dangerous person you’ve ever had to interact with.
·         Everything about your relationship is filled with uncertainty. Sometimes your dates are good- he’ll take you out to nice places to do exciting things and may even get you a gift or two. But more often than not his ‘dates’ (if you can even call them that) are chaotic and abrupt, leaving you in pain and out of it for days.
·         He’s EXTREMELY demeaning as well, calling you whore or slut more than your actual name. He especially likes to belittle you during sexual acts, reminding you of what a useless and weak piece of meat you are as he pounds into you mercilessly. The berating gets even worse when/if you start to feel pleasure from the acts. He enjoys it immensely when you put up a resistance to his advances, only to becoming a slavering mess, completely drunk off his cock.
·         Receiving money from Yujiro is very dependent on his mood and how much fun he had while in your company. There are days when you leave your dates loaded with cash with very little effort, and times when you go above and beyond to please home only to receive a small amount of income. Honestly though, the days when you receive more cash can be worse than when he barely pays you-he is apt to lord it over you and expect more unsolicited favors from you in response to his act of benevolence.
·         The worst part of this whole arrangement is that you don’t have a say in any of it. Any person in their right mind would reject Yujiro as a client no matter how attractive or wealthy he may be, but you were never given that luxury. The moment he took an interest in you, you became irrevocably tied to him with no hope of shaking him.  You would be forced to serve him until he grows tired of you- you just hope that when his interest in you wanes it means your freedom and not your untimely demise. :)
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corvlth · 7 months
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This is the best I could offer
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 6 months
Pregunta. ¿Puede imaginar como serían las actitudes o percepciones romanticas de personajes que son tios/viejos, hacia alguien joven o en su defecto... "en la juventud" de ellos?
Motobe, Doppo, Yanagi y Spec. Son los nombres que quisiera solicitar. Fantasear con el corazón juvenil de un hombre mayor es literatura nutritiva 🧎‍♂️
Es la primera vez que alguien me pide contenido —romántico— de estos personajes :0 todos piden abuelos, padres o tíos :0 Pero al pueblo lo que pida
Situación: Enamorados de alguien más joven.
Personajes: Doppo Orochi, Izou Motobe, Ryuukou Yanagi y Spec.
Realmente creo que habría dos extremos en situaciones como esta; Renuencia total ante la idea de estar con una persona tan joven o descaro total ante la idea de estar con una persona tan joven. Creo que es sencillo intuir quién pertenece a cada extremo.
Doppo Orochi e Izou Motobe pertenece al extremo de la renuencia, es decir, realmente no aceptan estar con una persona tan joven porque están muy conscientes de la diferencia de edades. “Eres muy joven y tienes toda una vida por delante”, probablemente sea su argumento estrella para no aceptar tus coqueteos o avances.
Hacer que te acepten será casi imposible por las trabas que ellos mismos te pondrán debido a que inicialmente solo les das ternura, porque ellos creen que solo estás pasando por un inofensivo enamoramiento, a todos los jóvenes veinteañeros les dan curiosidad, los hombres mayores bien conservados, pero solo es eso, curiosidad. Lo saben bien, todos pasan por eso en alguna ocasión, no es tan malo porque saben que no te permitirán ilusionarte demasiado a su alrededor. Te tratan con simpatía paternal y solo niegan con la cabeza mientras acarician tu cabello cuando continúas profesando tu amor por ellos, descuida, ya pasara.
No hay distinción ni uno es más fácil de conquistar que el otro, ambos están firmemente sujetos a sus ideas de no salir contigo porque podrías ser su hijo/a. Pero quien persevera alcanza, ¿no?
Te tomará bastante tiempo hacer que se fijen en ti, pero si no te desanimas y les muestras activamente que REALMENTE estás tomando en serio tu amor por ellos, es posible que te den la oportunidad. Creo que son bastante relajados y, bueno, no puedes dudar de que tengan la energía para seguirte el paso, son luchadores. Propensos a dudar sobre su relación de vez en cuando, no lo dirán, pero creen que necesitas explorar más en lugar de estar a su lado.
Ryuukou Yanagi y Spec son más descarados con respecto a ello.
No les importa salir con alguien más joven que ellos solamente porque no se tomaran las cosas en serio, no esperes que se comprometan con la relación, hasta donde sabemos, estaban condenados a la muerte y solo escaparon para encontrar la derrota, ¿creen que alguien que tiene sus “días contados” va a comprometerse seriamente con alguien? Yo creo que no.
Spec es más accesible que Yanagi, si ignoras su aspecto intimidante, simplemente porque Yanagi tiende a estar malhumorado con más frecuencia y en ese momento no es paciente con nadie. A Spec le resulta divertido tu enamoramiento y ¿por qué no? Te dará lo que quieres hasta que tenga que seguir con sus planes para probar la derrota o ser atrapado por la policía otra vez. Yanagi se resiste un poco a la plática previa para que puedan conocerse mejor, pero si está de buen humor te escuchará. No te promete que pueda revelar cosas sobre él.
Quizá Yanagi se pregunte mentalmente sobre tu fijación por él, ¿tienes algún fetiche extraño que crees que puedes satisfacer con él? ¿Algo que quieras confirmas? Realmente no lo sabe y tampoco lo pronunciará en voz alta, no concibe que te hayas enamorado de él.
A Spec no le importan tus razones, es divertido, eso es más que suficiente para él.
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fangurlzrul3 · 9 months
Baki Men with sugar daddy potential:
Kanji igari (hear me out)
Izou Motobe
Biscuit Oliva
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yandere-writer-momo · 27 days
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darknebulablader · 3 months
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Old men in bondage :)
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baratiddyappreciator · 5 months
Christmas with the Baki Cast (NSFW)
The promised NSFW short stories! Minors DNI (obviously). I was originally going to write these on my flight home and just do a mega post with the other Christmas post, but uh, that didn't happen (there was crying children and I had a migrane). Might have been a teensy delay on these coming out. Just a tiny one. An itty-bitty one. Totally didn't consume my entire attention-span and made me unable to answer any asks while it was cooking up. Definitely not. ANYWAYS! Continued under the cut.
Baki: He'd been practically begging for weeks now to open one of his Christmas presents. Just one! Even if it was just a little one, he'd be happy! But you'd seen the fudged wrapping on some of the dummy boxes, you knew that he'd already been trying to peek at the ones that you'd set out, hell, even one of the other decoys you'd hidden near his actual gifts. He'd bugged and bugged and bugged, and you'd finally decided on a way to make him shut up about it. It had taken some clever placements of ribbons and stick on bows, and it wasn't the most comfortable thing to be covered in, but it was well worth it to see the look on his face as you walked into his room and leaned on the doorframe, making a "well?" motion with your hand, and he wasted no time in opening the gift he'd been so desperately begging to have. His fingers deftly undid the ribbons and plucked off the bows, his lips pressing against your skin time and time again as he unwrapped you.
He wasted no time as he eagerly pressed into you, enjoying his gift from you, and it was a good one at that, his hips eager as they humped against yours, sinking into you as he whispered thanks against your skin like a hushed prayer for your ears only, pleasure sparked with each stroke, though he didn't bother to hide that he was enjoying this too, moans escaping his lips, his forehead damp with sweat and his hair clinging to the base of his neck as he fucked you, not slowly by any means, but much slower than he usually did. He was going to savour you, he was making that clear, especially as you got closer to your own release, a breathless laugh escaping him as he kissed the tip of your nose. "Come on baby, you enjoy your present too."
Kozue: The weather outside was dreadful, cold and overall unpleasant. Some part of you felt bad for her mother, who still hadn't come back from getting the groceries, stuck out in this mini blizzard that had struck seemingly out of nowhere. But you weren't outside right now. No, right now you and Kozue were sitting beneath her nice, warm and fluffy blankets, some old classic Christmas movie playing on her laptop, but neither of you were watching that right now. No, instead you were watching her flushed face in the mirror as she tried to nuzzle it further into your neck. Perched on your lap, her pajama pants around her ankles as your fingers plunged deep into her time and time again, her clit bumping against your palm as she ground against your hand, desperate for more, her nails biting into your thighs.
Her slick was going to leave a mess all over her sheets, but it was obvious that she didn't care about that at this point, just desperate to get off. Her breath was hot against your throat as her forehead pressed harder into the side of your neck, trying to leverage herself so she could trap your hand between her and your thigh, but unable to push herself up long enough to do so, her legs were too shaky. Your other hand was lost under her sweater, rolling one of her nipples between your index and thumb. This close, you could feel her shivering, her walls shivering around your fingers as they pumped in and out of her, before she rolled her hips abruptly to the side, doing exactly what she'd sought out to do: pinning your hand. Her hips ground against your thigh, your fingers picking up speed inside of her as she rode your palm, her clit pressed into the meat of your thumb over and over, a whine leaving her lips. "Please, I've been good, I promise!"
Hanayama: He'd been picking things up and putting them back down all day. The decorations for the house were all the same as the ones his mother had used when he was younger, and if they weren't then they were very similar, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't quite get the look or the feel right. The frustration had been eating at him all day. Maybe that was why he'd come to you. He'd been picking things up and putting them back down all day, but this time, he didn't mind it as much. There was no frustration left in his body as he picked your hips up, sliding you all the way up his cock, the fat head the only thing left inside of you, before he pushed you all the way back down, your arms wrapped around his neck loosely. No tension, just picking you up, and putting you back down. Up and down, a repetitive motion he could do with his eyes closed, and he did, his head leaning back, eyes slipping closed as he let out a low groan.
You were so warm, soft and welcoming. He didn't need to decorate you, he didn't need to worry about perfection with you, because you were already perfect. A puff of air escaped him as your hips rolled against his on a downward stroke, his hands trembling as they dug into the soft flesh of your thighs. This close, he could smell the bodywash you used, the soft scent of sugar cookies clinging to your hair from when you'd done some baking earlier. He grunted, his hips bucking up to meet yours as his arms wrapped around your waist, pinning you to his chest tightly as he braced his feet on the floor so he could properly pound into you, fucking you dumb against his chest as the Christmas lights he'd hung up outside finally flicked on for the night. "Just what I needed after a long day baby."
Chiharu: This had been the last straw. He'd torn through the gifts you'd hidden away while you stepped out for ten minutes to go get some more peppermint candy for him, and you were going to make sure that he knew he was on your naughty list. Fluffy red handcuffs held him steadfast against the frame of the bed, your hand slowly stroking up and down his shaft, straining against his stomach, throbbing in time with his racing heart, and he'd taken up almost constantly whining because the capability of forming words was something he'd lost after his third orgasm of the day. Your touch was still feather-light, your fingertips ghosting over his skin, barely giving him anything to get off with, but he was still trying, arching up into your touch desperately.
You'd told him to appologize more than once, but he'd only taken up pleading with you for a release, straining against the cuffs, his precious pompadour all messed up, his blonde hair left messy and clinging to his sweat-soaked forehead, the blindfold keeping him from seeing the amused smile on your lips as he struggled to fuck your hand, his own cum splashed on his stomach. You really hoped that he hadn't found the presents you'd stashed under the bed, because if he had you'd be out of luck for the rest of Christmas. But that was alright, if he'd been naughty, you could just keep disciplining him, drool sliding down his cheek as he groaned, spilling over your fingers once again, entire body tensing up. "I promise I won't be naughty again dollface, promise!"
Katsumi: He'd been having such a good time at the dojo's Christmas party, completely unaware of you staring holes into his back as he played with the kids and laughed with his friends and fellow students. He'd remained ignorant of your intense stares until you both got home and you practically tackled him against the kitchen counter and ripped him out of that corny ass Christmas sweater that he'd insisted on wearing so you could slather his chest in kisses and bites, watching as his skin flushed bright red as your hand stroked him to hardness as you lathed his chest in attention. He whined and made all sorts of little noises, but you didn't let up. Writhing and fucking your hand, he was all yours now, and until he had to go back into work, he would continue to be all yours. Nobody else could touch him or look at him being so stupidly charming, just you. He tried offering you his thigh to grind on, but you weren't doing this to get off, you were doing this to mark your territory and show him that he was yours.
Biting his neck, you left bold hickies that the women that had eyed him up would see clear as day on the follow up party tomorrow night. Maybe you could convince him not to wear that stupid sweater again, though you had your doubts, his hands shaking as he gripped the edges of the counter, gasping against your lips, his hair messy from where your fingers had dragged through it, the dark strands falling into his eyes, tickling your brow, his hips bucking shallowly into your hand, your grip on his shaft firm and possessive. He may be a dumb karate jock, but he was your dumb karate jock, and you were going to show him just how much you'd appreciated his showing off all night, his shaft throbbing against your palm as he grew nearer and nearer to his orgasm. "Baby, please, it's just a holiday party!"
Jack: You really hadn't known what to expect when you'd dragged Jack out to go skating, but him tearing up the ice in a stunning display of grace definitely wasn't it. He clearly hadn't realised exactly how much of an effect he'd had on you, not until you'd both gotten home and you'd jumped him in the shower, the hot water beading down your skin, the roaring heat of his chest pressed against your back as the slightly cooler shower tiles pressed to your front, his hips pushing against yours slow but hard, his shaft pressing deep inside of you before being dragged backwards just as slowly as it had pressed inwards, kissing every inch of your insides as he fucked you against the shower wall so lovingly that it almost didn't fit with the filth that he whispered in your ear, his hand settled firmly on the back of your neck.
All traces of the cold you'd just come in from now gone, leaving only a memory in the tips of your fingers and toes as he indulged you, letting you clearly feel the strength in his thighs as he pounded into you, forcing your body to go limp against the shower wall. His lips pressed against your damp forehead, water dripping down his broad shoulders. The steam made the air cloyingly thick, not helping the feeling of choking every time he hit deep, your legs dangling almost entirely uselessly beneath you with each rut, the fingers on his other hand gently caressing you, leaving you with nowhere to escape. Forward or backwards, you'd meet him, and he was determined to have you cumming on his cock before the hot water ran out. "You still cold darlin'? Don't worry, I'll make sure that you're nice and warm by the time I'm done."
Kosho: Hot chocolate had been his idea. Just go get some hot chocolate, go for a walk, and then go home, that's all he'd said he wanted to do, but now you were both crowded together in a small closet, his hand down your pants, between your thighs, stroking you firmly as his face buried itself into the crook of your neck. You'd both snuck away a while ago, and were hoping that nobody would think to look in the supply closet for anything, but right now, your concerns were turning more towards if you'd be able to cum before then or not. His hips ground against yours slowly, seeking out his own friction. The room was cold when you'd first walked in, but now it was almost swelteringly hot. His fingers were rough, seeking out a rhythm that made you bite back moans, because each time he found it you'd shimmy away to avoid making too much noise.
But now he'd maneuvered you into a position where you had no escape, your hips pulled back into his, your shoulders pressed against the wall, there was nowhere you could run because your options would be to either grind back into his crotch, or grind forward into his hand. His strokes grew faster, his teeth scraping against the shell of your ear, his hips grinding against yours shamelessly. He was going to make sure that you both came sooner rather than later, and if it meant you getting caught, then so be it. This was a boring place anyways and he didn't mind getting asked to leave, especially if it meant he could tease you openly at home, where he knew you'd be more open to making noises. A strangled noise escaped your lips, a cross between a moan and a whine, and his grin grew sharper as he leaned in, lips brushing the shell of your ear. "What's the matter? Don't you like your present? And after I worked so hard on it too..."
Kureha: He'd told you he'd be coming home from work late, a quick text towards lunchtime. It wasn't unusual for him to stay late at the hospital, he was a hard worker after all, but you'd figured you'd do something nice for him that would be non-messy so he (you) wouldn't have to clean it up later. What you hadn't expected was for him to step into the living room at the same time as you, both of you decked out in Christmas-themed lingerie. Well, if that's what what he was wearing could even be called. A long, singular ribbon wound around his body, tied in a bow around his shaft just enough to be snug. He stared at you, blinked, and then scoffed, smirking. Oh you could hear the teasing remarks now, clear as day, and of course, he did tease, though he didn't bother to do so for long.
The couch was rocking beneath the both of you, silly little getups long forgotten as he pounded into you from behind, his long red hair tickling your skin as he pounded into you from behind, his hand sealed around your throat, leaving your vision splotchy as he brought you to tears on his cock, a smug smirk on his face a he bullied your poor insides with each forward stroke, perfectly aimed at your spot, because of course it was. First he ruins your (impromptu) surprise, then he took charge from you when you'd set out a plan to help him relax (you'd made it up on the spot when you heard he'd be home late), and now he was making you cum first when you'd wanted it to be him? Whatever noises you'd made in protest, he'd interpreted correctly, because he leaned over you further, forcing you head back so you'd look at him properly as his hips pressed flush against yours. "What? Going to throw a fit because you didn't get the present you wanted? Awful naughty of you."
Retsu: You could almost feel bad about disturbing Retsu's holiday baking. Almost. The view before you was more than enough to make up for the delay in eating the sweets he was hell-bent on preparing as he whined, face a bright red as your hips slammed against his, his legs thrown over your shoulders. It wasn't very often that he wound up bottoming for you, but it was well worth it every time he did. His entire face would turn red, all the way down to his chest would practically light up like a Christmas tree- which you had a perfect view of from here- and it was highly entertaining to watch, though he'd outright deny that he blushed that much whenever he got flustered. Still, you knew the truth, pleasure singing up and down your spine as you drove into him again and again, strangled whines escaping his lips, his head thrown to the side, hair spread around behind him.
His cock jumped against his stomach, his thighs flexing around your sides, trying to draw you in closer, to get more, but you dictated the pace, you dictated all of it, and he wouldn't be able to wriggle his way into getting more when you weren't ready to give it to him. Another thrust against his hips earned a whine, his head turning to the other side, his throat bared for you. Your hand would fit so perfectly around it that the temptation to grab and start choking him was strong, but knowing him, he'd wind up throwing you and hurting himself in the process. If he noticed you chuckling, then he certainly didn't say anything about it as his nails scrabbled at the blanket beneath him, your name leaving his lips in a soft plea for more. "Please! More! I've been so good already!"
Doppo & Natsue: One in front, one behind, hands roamed across your body, loving touches being left all over. Natsue's soft lips pressed against your cheek as Doppo's fingers sank into you, slowly massaging you open. The holidays were a stressful time for everyone, and you hadn't been an exception, but they were going to do their best to show their appreciation for all your hard work. Soft whispers against your skin reassured you as they slowly eased you towards a climax, though you weren't quite there yet, the pleasure you were being given was gentle and slow, fingers pumping in and out of your body, a tongue lapping at your nipples, lips pressing against your shoulder and your neck, soothing words being whispered against your skin in the low light.
Hips rolled along with yours, urged on by Doppos to have you grinding against Natsue. His two lovers deserved only the best after all, and he would ensure that they'd both cum before he did, and Natsue was hell-bent on making sure that you'd go before she did, holding your face in her hands as the two of you rocked together, watching every minute expression on your face and glancing to Doppo to let him know what you needed to tip over the edge, both of them listening attentively to your moans as you grew closer and closer to your climax at their hands. "Enjoying your gift sweetheart?" "You deserve it after how good you've been."
Motobe: Ribbons and rope dug into your skin, a feeling of weightlessness surrounding you. Though you couldn't see that through the ribbon tied around your eyes, you knew exactly where he was. He wasn't touching you yet, simply letting you hang there in the air, shivering needily like some pathetic little creature, desperate for anything that he would give you. The room was quiet, the only thing you could pick up was the smell of cigarette smoke, and occasionally the soft flow of wind as he presumably moved around you. You could plead as much as you wanted, but he wasn't going to answer you, nor was he going to indulge you. No, as a matter of fact, he was perfectly happy to leave you hanging like this, still trembling from your last orgasm, his cum seeping out of you and dripping on the floor, begging him for more as he admired his handywork, the mess that he made of you was something he wanted to print out on a canvas and hang on his wall.
His hand rested on your thigh, earning a full-bodied flinch, though you could practically feel the smirk as you relaxed against his touch, his hand following your thigh up the curve of your ass, resting softly on your cheek for just a moment before he lifted it and brought it down in a sharp slap, sending a jolt through your body, but the smack was the only contact he gave you, and then he was gone again, leaving you blind again, whining in anticipation for the next strike, unable to get any friction, thus, no relief for the ache between your legs. His fingers tilted your chin up to kiss you on the tip of your nose, a chuckle rumbling up from his chest. "What's the matter? I thought you wanted to be on the nice list."
Shibukawa: It was cold, dark and snowy out, and you'd just gotten home from a really long day of work. You just wanted to lay down, curl up near the fireplace and watch some TV or read a book with Shibukawa. And while, yeah, you were now currently laying on the floor in front of the fireplace with Shibukawa, it hadn't been in the "relaxing" way that you'd hoped it would be. No, instead of being a normal sane human being, he'd decided to "prank'' you by tearing all the wrapping off of his gifts, cleverly obscuring any branding or hints as to what was inside, at the very least, but now there was a mess, and you were just so tired. Flopping down onto the floor and giving him no reaction had left the older man concerned, and honestly a bit guilty. He'd said he'd make it up for you, and so far, he was. It had started out as a massage, but now? Now his hand was between your legs, working you over with a casual air about him.
Each stroke was almost blinding, his hands working you rough and fast, fast enough to make your head spin and the worries and stresses of the day pool out of your ears, but not fast enough to be overstimulating. No, as a matter of fact, it was perfect. Warm, with your lover working you over, forgetting about the stresses of today as he kissed your forehead, fingers damp from your slick as he stroked you harder, forcing your brain to forget about that annoying lady at checkout, or that absolute moron on the road, or even the mess of wrapping paper just out of your view. He would make it better, you didn't have to worry your pretty little head about a thing, not tonight at least. "There you are, don't you worry, the holidays this years are going to be perfect."
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yoshithedinosour · 24 days
Not me literally traumatizing some of u Baki writers with my asks✌️🤓
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
Kiss The Pain Away
F!readerXMotobe Izou
It’s October, which is one of the most choice months to exist, and I have been mia for weeks and didn’t wish you guys a hello and happy holidays to the start of Halloween so I apologize and please forgive me for that.  ꃋᴖꃋ That being said HAPPY 17 DAYS INTO HALLOWEEN EVERYONE WAHOO YIPPEE!
I come humbly offering a little Motobe fic that I have been working on for an embarrassingly long amount of time some time now, and though it isn’t necessarily explicitly Halloween themed its yandere and messed up so it fits the bill well enough I hope. :D
I really want to maybe (big emphasis on the maybe) put out some kind of spooky/monster thing (even if it’s just a small blurb in the void) for Halloween but I think you all know me well enough by now to know that that may not happen, despite my best intentions. ^^; I will try my darndest though, so here’s to hoping. 八(^□^*)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I love and appreciate you all very much thank you for reading!!! ~<3
WARNINGS: Gore and a lot of blood, this whole fic is basically centered around reader hurting themselves (accidentally) so there is just so much blood. If blood is not your thing please be mindful. Also: kidnapping, forced affection, Motobe being a delusional creep, the tiniest mentions of noncom/dubcon and maybe cannibalism, language, violence, and just general dark/yandere vibes.
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Blood surrounded you.
Pooling in your hand, dripping steadily to the floor, an intense pain was pulsating from the open wound it originated from. The weapon you had cut yourself with laid discarded at your feet on the floor, tossed aside the moment you grabbed it incorrectly and caused the gory scene you now stood the center of.
The cut left behind was deep and agonizing, extending over the entire length of your palm and down your wrist, tearing into the soft skin of your upper arm. The initial slice was so excruciating that for a horrifying moment you thought the whole hand had been sliced in two, your body trembling from the shock as you tried to assess the damage through the gore. A sharp gasp of pain hissed from your lips whenever you moved your arm, the searing sting causing tears to dribble down your cheeks as easily as the blood trickled down your arm.
“(Name), I’m back!”
Your eyes darted toward the entrance of the house, panic quickly consuming you at the sound of Motobe’s cheery voice. He wasn’t supposed to be back for another hour at least, he told you as much before he left this morning. You cursed under your breath as you took in the mess around you, frowning at the realization that it would take far more than a hasty wipe up job to clear it all away. A deep frown settled on your face, you wouldn’t have attempted this had you of known what little time you truly had.
Motobe was not apt to follow a strict schedule, so trying to figure out when you would be left alone for an extended period of time was no easy task. The man had no concept of personal space, and from the moment he snatched you up moments of peace had become few and far between. He was always breathing down your neck, butting into your business, keeping constant tabs on each and every thing you did while you were trapped under his roof. He tried to play it off as if he was merely just spending quality time with you, taking an interest in your hobbies and life because he truly cared about getting to know you. All he wanted was to be in your presence, to understand you, to show you that he loved you.
The incessant hounding made you sick, his mockery of actual attentiveness rage inducing. That pleased little curl of his lip when you acknowledged him, or the sparkle in his eye when you gave in and conversed with him, did nothing but stir your disdain. It didn’t take you long to come to the conclusion that Motobe must be crazy if he saw his actions as that of a cherishing lover, as if everything he had done to you was anything besides fuel to stroke his ego, feeding his misguided obsession.
If a lasting relationship was his end game, he had already screwed up royally by knocking you out and locking you in his home against your will. It felt like ages since you had seen your friends, centuries since talking to your family. Your coworkers probably thought you were dead, and your landlord had definitely long since cleared out your apartment, someone else was most likely living out their day to day life peacefully inside it’s walls as you suffered. No amount of forced affection and smothering attention would help his case, no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise.
For months you had been plotting your escape. Motobe wasn’t keen on leaving you alone, and while he did all he could to spend as much time with you as physically possible, that didn’t mean he never left the house. Some time apart was unavoidable if he wanted to keep you fed and ‘cared’ for without risking you getting sick, hurt, or (god forbid) having you step out into the big, scary world on your own for an errand run.
Though he never seemed to stay out long, he definitely had some kind of life outside of you (a luxury you feared would never be awarded to you again, Motobe seemed quite content to have you rely on him entirely), but he kept you ignorant to the details of his sporadic comings and goings. It wasn’t that you were overly interested in what he did when he stepped away from the building that encapsulated you, but having no real clue as to his hobbies, relations, and profession made calculating what days and time frames he would be away for long periods of time difficult to decipher.
Nevertheless you persevered, and through a careful analysis of his activity you managed to narrow down several dates when he was sure to be gone for longer than just a few minutes, giving you a fair chance to make a move.
 And from there, your plan truly took off.
With a tentative date and time, the next hurdle you focused on was taking note of his secret weapon stashes. You made the most of the moments he’d briefly unveil them, keeping to the shadows so that he wouldn’t spot you peeping, doing your best to commit their location to memory. While stealing peeks at his vast array of artillery, you couldn’t help but wonder who would need THAT many weapons, and what exactly he did out in the world that required him to be so armed? Was he in the military, or maybe a terrorist (the latter wouldn’t be all that shocking, considering how you arrived here)? Was this all just a really intense hobby? It unnerved you, but you pushed past your concerns. After all, he had never threatened you with his arsenal, why fret over it now?
Fueled by the taste of freedom on your tongue, you had started sucking up to Motobe, acting demure and agreeable to get his guard down and (hopefully) grant you more freedom.  Each unwanted kiss was reciprocated, every advance responded to with a coy smile. You never considered yourself much of an actor, but seeing how easily he seemed to fall for it, maybe you don’t give yourself enough credit.
After weeks of gritting your teeth and putting up with his heavy handed affection, all your hard work had finally paid off. Your proverbial chains were lifted, and Motobe no longer suctioned himself to you all hours of the day, granting you some much needed leeway. You took that ounce of freedom and ran with it, walking around the house untethered, narrowing down which doors and windows would make the best escape routes.
Motobe opened up more to you in turn, sharing stories and tidbits from his life that he previously kept closely guarded. While thankful for any insight that may assist your plight, his ramblings left you more confused than anything. From his perspective, he made himself out to be some manner of hero, making cryptic comments that the livelihoods of so many people were weighing heavily on his already overburdened shoulders. He’d always make sure to add that you were never part of that burden, ‘saving’ you was his destiny and an honor, being your guardian was a privilege he didn’t take lightly.
Never mind the fact that you were never once in danger as you lived out your mundane, Motobe free life. If anything, you were probably much safer back then then you were now, but trying to explain that to Motobe was counterproductive, so you kept your mouth shut.
The best you could gather was that he saw himself as some manner of vigilante who did martial arts work on the side to fund his less lucrative job of being everyone’s great protector. His idealistic view on his existence would be endearing if you didn’t know the truth of it. Stomaching his rose tinted view of this life you lived with him was hard enough as is, but actively watching Motobe hide behind his savior complexto justify all his wrong doings added to your revulsion. If nothing else could be said for him, he certainly would make a fascinating case study for any psychiatrist who could stomach his self-righteous bullshit.
But regardless of how much you believed or understood him, you pretended to take an interest in Motobe’s life, using the pieces of info you gathered about his future plans and where he frequently traveled to finally hammer down the ideal timeslot of escape.
For once in a very long time, luck was on your side. And things only continued to get easier for you from there.
Motobe’s new lax outlook on your relationship carried over to his weapons as well, making it much easier for you to take stock of them. Being so close to so many deadly things frightened you, and the fact that they were never far from Motobe’s reach did little to ease your already shot nerves. You had seen him in action as he practiced in his private dojo, wielding each one with the skilled hands of an expert as he decimated training dummy after training dummy. Watching him had acquainted you well with the brutality he was able to inflict with said weapons at his disposal-the flayed dummies a brutal reminder that his gloating was not entirely bullshit. And it wasn’t just weapons either, the man had a knack for turning anything he laid hands on into a deadly device, be it a toothpick or a teddy bear. The damage he could do with an actual arsenal was more than enough to keep you from attempting anything haphazardly, forcing you into subservience to avoid upsetting him, fearful that he may eventually cast his ire your way.
However, even with his new found penchant for opening up, he seldom wielded his weaponry in your presence, mainly only taking them out for routine maintenance. This is how you gained most of your knowledge, by spying on him while he tended to and arranged his varying munitions. Though you did your best to be covert while you did so, you were pretty sure he was always aware you were near. He had asked you several times on cleaning days if you were interested in watching, but each time you bashfully declined, feigning ignorance to your own snooping. Truthfully, it upset you that he was able to read you so plainly, but you were thankful that he seemed to chock your research up to mild interest and not an assault plan.
After you felt you had a decent enough grasp on his hoard, including how they were secured and safeguarded, your plot was nearly to fruition. You had memorized the combination lock that let you into the vaulted room (after you had seen him do it once it was easy to remember, he had made the code your birth date after all), kept track of the different places he kept the keys that lead to each individual weapon case, snagging the one he was least likely to notice was missing. A date had been set for when he would be gone nearly the entire day, so all that was left for you to do was put your plan into action.
And that is how things had proceeded thus far, all according to plan. For a moment you thought maybe God or some other sort of powerful entity had thrown you a bone, pitying you enough that they finally decided to offer some divine intervention. Excitement buzzed throughout you, this was it! Everything had fallen into place and this was your moment to put all your hard work and planning into motion. You would be armed, you would hide, you would spring on Motobe as soon as he came through the door, stunning and wounding him, and then when he was downed you would run as fast as your goddamn legs would carry you and keep running until these past few months were just a horrible blur in the past.
It really was a shame that the key you managed to grab ended up unlocking the weapon you were least familiar with, one with a hidden blade concealed near the handle that you happened to learn about the hard way. Funny how after months of planning all your hope was quashed by one tiny misstep, the throbbing wound on your hand mocking you for even considering you had a chance of escape. If the God that assisted you thus far was watching, you wondered if he was laughing at you.
You frowned as you heard his heavy footsteps coming closer your way. “… Sweetie, can you hear me?”
You fumbled, slipping on your own fluids in an attempt to flee the scene and head to the relative safety of the bathroom. A hiss escaped your lips as your knees collided against the cold tile of the dojo floor with a dull thud, the resulting pain insignificant compared to that of your palm.
Apparently picking up on your blunder, the footsteps in the hall hastened until they stopped abruptly at the rooms entrance. You heard a sharp intake a breath, turning to find Motobe staring at the scene with wide eyes, a furrowed brow, and lips slightly parted as he took in the blood bath before him.
“Baby…” He cooed at you sickeningly, looking at you with such sad, pathetic eyes it made you want to vomit right on the spot. He took a few steps inside, making his way towards you. “What happened?”
His eyes flicked to the discarded weapon on the floor, and a brief shadow flitted across his features, “…You got into one of my caches?”
His voice wasn’t accusing so much as it was disappointed. He breathed a heavy sigh, coming upon your crumpled form with slow, calculated steps, as if you were a scared rabbit he was trying to keep from bolting. Instinctively you went to hide your wound, tucking your hand close to your body to shield your embarrassing faux pas from the man who hovered above you. You could practically feel the dissatisfaction radiating off him as you concealed yourself from him, a deep frown sure to be set on his face if you were to deign him the pleasure of eye contact.
“(Name),” his voice was sterner this time, punctuated by the use of your name and not one of his disgusting pet names, “Let me see your hand. This amount of blood loss is nothing to turn your nose at. You’ll need stitches at the very least. Please, let me see.”
He held out his hand patiently, which you stared at in consideration for several seconds before yielding. Shakily, you withdrew your hand from your chest, laying it gently in Motobe’s steady hold.
“Oh sweetheart” he clicked his tongue, gingerly holding your hand palm up, inspecting the gaping, self-inflicted wound, “Look at this! This is why I always tell you to ask me for help if you have an interest in any of the weapons, you’ll end up hurting yourself like this if you don’t know how to handle them properly.”
In every regard, Motobe was always so gentle with you. Speaking to you, touching you, being intimate with you, he always treated you as if you were made of glass ready to shatter at one mishandle. This interaction was no different, as he carefully turned your hand this way and that, a soft, sincere expression settled on his face. He was deeply concerned for you, worried and upset about the pain you were undoubtedly suffering through.
But even with all his apparent sincerity, the only feeling you could muster for him was contempt. If he hadn’t captured you and forced you into this suffocating house against your will, you would never have suffered an agony such as this. It didn’t matter how kindly he outwardly appeared, you would never give in to him, not when you knew what a monster he truly was.
He let out a low hum as he continued his inspection, “You damn near cut to the bone, we need to get you cleaned up so it doesn’t get infected,” He started to lean towards you, arms outstretched as they began to envelope you, “I’ll take you to the bathroom.”
Slapping his hands away, Motobe’s eyes widened as you scuttled back, your knees smearing your blood in a vibrant, gruesome streak.
“I can walk myself,” You hissed through clenched teeth, shooting him a hate filled glare. “Don’t touch me.”
He sighed, his brow furrowing, “Baby, look at how much blood you have lost. If you get up on your own, you are going to be dizzy. You already fell once, didn’t you?”
You continued to glare at him, jaw set in a harsh frown. You knew he was right, but couldn’t bring yourself to admit it. Your vision was already slightly blurred from the blood loss mixed with the anger that was coursing through your system, if you tried to stand on your own, you were sure to topple instantly.
Taking your silence as a go ahead, he slowly proceeded to wrap you in his arms, hoisting you up as one might a child. He made his way to the bathroom, being sure to avoid slipping on his way there.
With a grunt, he seated you on the toilet and proceeded to dig around for something to staunch the bleeding. It didn’t take him long to procure some gauze bandages and a warm, wet cloth to start cleaning the wound. He moved delicately, but you still cringed the moment he came to near to the torn flesh. Shooting you an empathetic look, he moved efficiently to minimize the time you spent in pain.
After he had gotten the wound moderately cleaned, he had you press a towel to it, catching the new blood that was seeping out. Your heart rate quickened as you saw him fish around for suturing supplies. The pain in your hand was already abysmal, and you weren’t looking forward to the new wave of agony a novice stick job was about to bring you.
He chuckled softly as he laid out his tools, preparing for the inevitable, “You know, I’m a little surprised. I always lock my weapons up securely, double checking them before I leave the room. I know I am getting older, but I am not so senile that I left one wide open…” He shot you a quick look, a definite questioning undertone to it that you found hard to face.
“It must have been some work getting to them,” his voice grew quieter as he turned his full attention your way. There was sternness to him that he didn’t typically use on you, making you want to shrink in on yourself. “Something tells me it wasn’t a mere coincidence that you had one in your possession, and judging by your lack of interest any other time I tried to teach you about them, I doubt you merely wanted to take a look.”
He crouched down, elbows resting on his knees as he stared deeply into your eyes, “(Name)… Why were you in my weapons? What were you trying to do?”
His voice was tinged with dismay, but remained disarmingly reserved. It was as if he knew your whole plan already and just wanted you to fess up to it. He was ready and waiting to hear you confess your sins, break down to him in a sobbing voice about how sorry you were, plead for his forgiveness. And he would give it to you, he always did. Because he loved you, because he cared for you more than anyone, because he was the only one on this entire planet who could ever hold such deep and profound affection for you. You felt like a little girl being scolded by her father, he may be let down by you, but his despondence over this moment would never overshadow the ceaseless adoration he has for you.
It made your blood boil.                                                                                                                         
“What was I trying to do?” You seethed, your body starting to slightly quake with your thinly concealed rage, “I was trying to get the fuck out of here! Escape to some place, any place, where I never have to see you again! You’re so deluded you probably conveniently forgot this, but you kidnapped me you asshole!”
You scooted as far back on the toilet as you could, giving yourself as much space as physically possible. You took a shuddering breath before continuing to spit your venom, meeting his gaze with daggers.
“You think I want to be here, trapped in this hell hole with you? You think I like having you paw at me, or that I get off to you forcing yourself on me? Do you think its fun to have every moment of my life under a microscope, all of my autonomy taken from me as you live out your sick little hero fantasy, convincing yourself that you are caring for me, helping me, or that you actually love me?”
You shook your head, fighting back angry tears that threatened to spill, “You’re SICK Itou, you have been for a very long time. I thought it was obvious at this point, but let me spell it out for you. I took the weapon to fucking attack you. I stole its so that I could hurt you bad enough to run away from this shit hole and get away from you forever.”
Your voice dropped as you stared into his tempestuous eyes, a small smirk tugging at your lips. Maybe you would never be strong or cunning enough to physically wound Motobe, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t hurt him in other ways.
“I fucking hate you,” your words were quiet, but clear, spoken with clear intent. “And no matter how much you pretend otherwise, I will always, always hate you.”
Silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the sound of your ragged breathing. A noticeable chill permeated the room, causing goose bumps to litter your flesh. You expected an intense reaction, a severe rebuttal to your stinging tirade, possibly even tears over how callously you were treating him. Instead, you received suffocating stillness, the man before you a rigid statue, his emotions impossible to read as you stared into his impassive face.
That scared you much more than his fury ever could.
“Hmmm,” he eventually hummed, eyes glazing over as they bored down on you, his grip slowly tightening around your arm, “I found you on your knees, but you must have fallen and hit your head too, huh sweetheart?”
“What’re you talking about-“
The exasperated words could barely leave your lips before he gave a tight squeeze, sending a wave of fresh pain up your already throbbing arm. You cried out, struggling to pull from his grasp, but it only made his grip stronger. You flopped around uselessly, trapped in his constricting hold, tears flooding your eyes as fresh blood seeped through the towel. Flowing freely from your palm down your wrist, it came in contact with Motobe’s hand and started to snake its way down his own arm, deep red trails cutting harsh lines across his unmarred flesh.
“Otherwise you wouldn’t be so cruel, so ungrateful, right? Not after all I’ve done. Not after all I continue to do for you.”
He removed the sopping cloth from your hand, discarding it with a wet slap as he threw it in the sink. He lowered his head to your palm as if he were inspecting your wound, planning how he would proceed in patching you up. His eyes flicked to yours briefly, a dangerous gleam flashing through them that caused a chill to course through you, disturbing you so deeply it froze you to your core.
His lips hovered over your damaged flesh, puffs of his breath causing discomfort when they hit your weeping cut. Gradually he lowered himself until his lips collided with your wound, a searing kiss pressed roughly against your mutilated skin. A pained whine squeaked from your throat, your body jolting in surprise upon contact. You felt violated, more so than you ever had, unimaginable pain driving you to the brink as he planted kiss after kiss upon your hand. Each smack of his lips was a new torture, your hand burning violently under his ministrations, coaxing cries of agony from your gut so vile they sounded nearly inhuman.
Your response did not deter him- instead he fed off of it. Pressing harder, drawing each kiss out as long as he could, letting his lips deliberately linger on your aching flesh, sparking wave after wave of misery the longer and deeper he dug in. You shuddered as you felt his tongue join in your torment, squirming past his fleshy lips to lap at the steady stream of blood gushing against his mouth.
After several endless moments he finally lifted his head, looking up at you with the same lovestruck, doe-eyed expression he reserved solely for you.
“A kiss to make you feel better, darlin’.”
You felt bile rise in your throat as you stared at him in horror, his lopsided grin tinged crimson with your fresh blood.  The bright, violent red that coated his mouth and dribbled down his chin gave him a feral edge. It looked like he had tried to devour you, tear you apart until there was nothing left but your flesh digesting in the pit of his belly-the wolf consuming the lamb.
“But please try and be more mindful in the future,” his tongue swept across his lips, your essence now staining his tongue as his droopy eyes leered at you, “You shouldn’t say things you don’t mean, sweetheart.”
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ladythot · 1 year
Just thinking about how the baki men would react when they see a porny picture of a girl in a website filled with ads or like an Instagram thirst trap makes me laugh. This is like, a funny fun kind of ask, I just wanna see what your thoughts about their reaction would be *snorts and slams the table numerous times before the joke even comes out*
Consider me snorting at the thought of one of them ending up jerking off to the picture
He's scrutinizing the picture if the girl caught his attention with no ill intent—but later on he finds himself riling up before he closes the web and calls for kozue.
Remember that one time baki domoe motobe izou magically formed into a girl as an illusion and it was making baki almost drool? A cheap trick could get him cowering on his knees. In my opinion, I mean my most certainly self opinionated conclusion, baki occasionally wonders how a body much different from kozue would feel like in a naive way of depicting imagination.
Has a deadpan expression plastered on his face before he stumbles onto one. His eyes would dilate at the picture as he mentally slaps himself before exiting out of the web. Immediately checks if his vpn is still on for some reason
Swipes the mouse way faster than he should but later scrolls back up little by little as curiosity kills him to think about taking in the picture once more even when he considers himself as a non coomer. And he should be looking at bankable jobs not girls
He'd be invested to think that the site showing him unsolicited ads could be handful or truthful for that matter, he's a guy with nothing to brag about. He's a man without much female companion and their company, let him caper in his shallow desire. But of course, he's still wary about scams—doesn't stop him from watching cute streamgirls though. He's gonna scourge and reverse the image just to find who the girl is shown in the picture
He's disappointed at women showing their bodies. Especially when he's just looking for a new shirt to wear, man. (That's jush how canon Jack is) but fanon Jack? Let me hear you say he could only live his fantasies within pictures of his type
It might just be me, but, I have a feeling he takes his time to look at egirls in their natural habit in all kind of pics especially if it's suggestive; knife, chains, and smoking? He gets the inspiration. But a stray porny advertisement being shoved in his face is like him being assaulted through the screen
Me thinks that he will click on the ad that says about a girl 200 meters away waiting for him and get hacked
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fangurlzrul3 · 10 months
Izou motobe headcanons
Smells like cigarettes and malt liquor
Prefers younger women
Has a mysterious and chill vibe to him.
Is into BDSM (definitely a Dom)
Is a surprisingly good kisser.
Listens to Lana del Rey and Rihanna
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