#Mocha the flood
hgmason-hellion · 7 months
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Forgoooooot to post these, so I'll do it now
First is my blog pic digitalized (10/4 is the sketch date, 11/18 is the digital date)
Second two pictures are all Vanitas and Mocha from @letoasai 's series Secrets, specially Secrets Kept
I just really love them, and this series is one I've read at least twice now (in the last month don't @ me)
Miiiiight digitalize the other two, but I'll just add them to a reblog of this lol
Mocha protecc, Mocha atack, but most importantly he got Vani's back
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st4rbwrry · 1 year
y’all remember these? had me in a mf chokehold.
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rory-cakes · 29 days
The Child
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She was here…
“Alastor! She’s here! In heaven!!!” 
“Who Birdy?”
“Oh, I HAVE to go meet her! I’ll get approval for her to come down and visit you too!”
His daughter was here…
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“Everything’s so bright up here…” 
Eudora was in awe of the sights of heaven. Her jaw dropped for a moment while she looked around. 
Emily giggled, “Yeah! It’s so great!!” 
“Emily, there was someone I hoped you could help me find. Her name was-”
The woman could have been her twin. Sure, there were little differences here and there, but overall, the two were one and the same. Despite having never met her, Eudora could never forget the face of the woman in the painting in her family home—the woman who gave her life for her own. The woman was her mother, without a doubt. 
Tears welled in the singer’s eyes,
“Oh, my baby!!!” 
The women rush forward in a crushing embrace. Y/n’s body shook from the sheer emotion of being able to hold her child for the first time. She finally got to hold her baby. 
“Hi mama.”
“Hi baby.”
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A certain antlered man was a lot more quiet than usual.
Normally, Alastor would delight in the chaos that the hotel provided. Even Husk started to get anxious as that man hadn’t threatened him in a good three days. 
“Soooooo, anyone know what’s wrong with smiles over there?”
“Now that you mention it, he hasn’t been meddling lately.”
“I’m taken it as a blessing.”
“Come on guys we should go see what’s wrong!”
“Uh Char, I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“Why not?”
“Cause smiles ‘ll rip ya head off?” 
“You don’t know that…”
“Okay maybe! But-”
The front door is opened and a golden glow floods into the space. 
“Hi everyone I’m back!!”
“Y/n! I’m so glad your here! What’s wrong with Alastor?” 
“What ever do you mean?”
“Well he’s been mopey for days!”
“Mopey? My husband? Really?”
“Uh Mama?”
Everyone freezes. 
In the doorway is another angel. 
She is the spitting image of their angel friend. 
“Ah right! Everyone this is mine and Alastor’s daughter Eudora!”
Alastor has a what? 
“The deer procreated?”
“The what?”
“Birdy is that you?”
“Yes my darling! Come here!”
Alastor’s heart stopped.
She was so beautiful. 
“Hi Pop…”
“My little doe…”
The facade falls. 
The members of the hazbin hotel watch as the small family is reunited. 
The Child Is Home…
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A/n: I hope you all enjoyed the family reuniting!!
Taglist: @crazed-flower, @nanamunath, @preferably-fictional, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @leximus98, @cupidsgift, @mag-chan, @stygianoir, @thereeallink, @yelloeukulele, @mariaclarade-la-cruz1, blurpleuni-squid, @galaxywing-has-adhd, @just-here-reading, @deez-nuts0, @strawberry-gothic, @purplerose291,@1-800-mocha, @trashbin-nie, @queenmizuki, @nkirukaj @bennythebitch @otherthoughtsofbu, @fantasycantasy, @hunnybee11626, @notally-tormal, @valerie-36, @lovingyeet, @holographicage, @har-har-harvey, @i-love-jafar, @cupidsgift, @meow-meowo, @theblueslytherin, @deadt3tinside, @lyralibra, @the-unhinged-raccoon, @avitute, @alastorswifeee, @stygianoir, @sideshow-b0b, @deadlymouse123, @mysingularitybts, @emotionalfangirl2002, @t0xic1vi, @goodlittlepup, @starsatmyhome, @wendds, @reader3, @redfoxgotlost, @hurthermore, @frostychurro, @isa-dragon
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anthroposeen · 2 months
tmagp 11 relisten notes!
- fell asleep in a random place/teleported to a random place while sleeping! (potentially related to how she universe hopped? or correlation to how sje used to see a fire ghost?)
- mentions a guy named jack who shes meeting! this could be a new character OR we're tying in tmagp universe jack barnabas, since lynne hammond (celia in tma universe pre-s5) saw what is thought to be agnes' ghost.
- sense of being followed and watched in london -> dont think this is related to mr bonzo, i think its directly caused from visiting the ruins either as psychological hallucinations or the unknown entity is actually following her
- dreamt about the ruins
- got celia a mocha but intentionally did not get gwen anything.
- doesnt mention the same symptoms as alice, i wonder if hes too used to the feeling or if his previous time in the institute changed his reaction to it
- still wants further insight into connecting incidents, rip ceaseless watcher you wouldve loved this special little boy
- knows the mocha isnt for gwen but still gives it to her, interesting especially knowing he likes celia
- wants celia to excuse her absence, calls them subordinates
- implies she can keep them from leaving if the work load isnt complete (100% confident she cant do that)
- seems to be overcompensating for her lack of real control in this position by exercising authority over her coworkers (oh s1 jon, how i didn't miss you)
- unfazed by gwen or mr bonzo
- "did you scream? you should... and they usually like it" implying this universe does somewhat operate under the basis of the fears, similar to needles need for fear validation
- says gwen has the ability/context to work out who the hit was on, and to refer to the incidents to confirm the hit went right.
- "why comes later. process the what"
- "ill have the cinnamon swirl" sam
- "its nothing" alice
- "what have i told you about thinking?"/ "dont?" [glitch after 'dont'] sam
- "there was an emergency at home" celia
- "my radiator sprung a leak and flooded the lounge" celia
- gordon "gordy" -> gordon "gordy" goodman appears in mag84, different to "gordon j" in this incident. i dont think its another universe hop/duplicate
- excavation of cemetery and graves, ordered by the uk government
- old fears/elements involved: the end, the buried, the vast
- potential alchemy connections: salt, sea, death, tattoo symbolizing water/ship/being followed
- ink5oul is back! we've established they have a connection to salt through alchemy symbols in their online presence, may tie into the sea and preservation of dead bodies.
- david, the man working on the body, died. definitely not a coincidence
tattoo description:
- ship, sailing across open sea to the horizon. the sun is low, a shape in the water behind the ship chasing them
new names, mentioned by ink5oul:
- tattoo is by an artist named oscar jared
- sutherland mcdonald
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xcherryerim · 3 months
Strange Fascination
Part One: A Mocha With A side Of Your Sight
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Stalker!Mike x gn!reader
“Every morning, in front of you at last, I stand again, as if I'm enchanted. I'm still half-awake, the haziness guiding me towards you.” — Iced Coffee by Red velvet
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This story will lead to smut (not this part but the second) If you’re not up for that, do not read this!
Warning: obsession/ stalking | mentions of over-usage (with sleeping pills but yk) | Breaking in readers house
Notes: This part is meant to describe Mike’s fascination on reader and how he ends up breaking into reader’s house so, this part mainly focuses on Mike along side Abby. Part two will focus mainly on reader. (also this was revised like 3 times so, yk not that perfect)
Summary: After not seeing you at school to pick up your brother, his mind is flooded with worry. In an excuse to hangout with his sister, Mike drove near your place, observing your every move through the cafe window.
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Mike tends to obsess easily. Whether it's with re-living the events of his lost brother, collecting nostalgic artifacts, or reading a stack load of psychology books. It’s an innocent hobby and it’s not harming anyone, but lately, he started to be captivated by a new subject.
Four months have passed since Abby began attending middle school, but Mike can still vividly recall the very first moment he laid eyes on you. That fateful day remains etched in his memory, as though it happened just yesterday.
Despite the mounting stress surrounding his impending court case against his Aunt, Mike attempted to maintain a composed demeanor for Abby's sake. She was embarking on a significant transition, moving from her familiar surroundings to a larger and more complex educational environment.
As he patiently awaited Abby’s emergence from the classroom, his nerves were further tested when a stranger appeared and positioned themselves near him, close enough for the musky Vanilla scent to reach his nose.
Under normal circumstances, Mike would shy away from making eye contact with strangers, unless he had a specific reason to engage with them. However, on this particular day, he found himself inexplicably drawn to look up, and there you are, standing before him. In his eyes, you appeared as a divine being, an angel who had descended from the heavens, sent to watch over him and him alone.
Your presence sent a shiver down his spine, heightening his nervous energy while simultaneously eliciting a sense of comfort and security.
Though Mike remained silent, his eyes meticulously took in every detail of your visage, committing your likeness to memory. His behavior was not intended to be unsettling; rather, it stemmed from an innate need to capture your image in his mind.
Suddenly, you broke the silence with a timid "Hi," which caught him off guard. Taken aback, Mike responded with a soft, "Hello, you."
While seeing you for mere moments each weekday may seem like a fleeting encounter, Mike's keen observation skills allowed him to make the most of these brief instances. He meticulously studied your routine, scrutinizing the subtle variations in the timing of your arrival to collect your brother.
On Mondays and Thursdays, you could be found arriving precisely at 3:20, while Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays offered slightly longer windows, ranging from 3:30 to 3:46.
Through diligent study and careful attention, Mike managed to piece together a comprehensive understanding of your schedule, ensuring that he wouldn't miss a single opportunity to catch a glimpse of you.
In addition to monitoring your schedule, Mike began to decode the nuances of your moods based on your daily attire. Although you generally stuck to the same color scheme, he discerned subtle differences that hinted at your emotional state.
For instance, a particular long-sleeve shirt signaled haste, while an oversized graphic tee indicated fatigue. Even minor alterations to your hairstyle served as clues to your mental landscape. Over time, Mike committed countless details to memory, even going so far as to surreptitiously follow your vehicle to ascertain your home address.
However, despite these extensive efforts at understanding and learning about you, the interactions remained limited to brief greetings - a tantalizing taste of connection amidst the vast sea of unspoken longing.
On this particular Wednesday, chaos reigned as students spilled from the classroom, jostling one another in their rush to leave. Amidst the pandemonium, Abby found herself standing beside Mike, sensing the turmoil in his gaze.
Intrigued, she queried, "Why are we still here?" Her question snapped him back to the present, and he stammered, struggling to formulate a coherent thought.
Remembering the purpose of their wait, he asked, "Um, Abbs, did your classmate... was it Gregory? Did he come to school today?"
Abby couldn't help but furrow her brow, wondering if Mike's preoccupation was related to you. "No," she replied briefly before leading the way, prompting him to follow reluctantly.
Attempting to shift gears, he inquired about the solar system project Mike helped her with.
"So, how did your presentation go? Did you score a hundred?"
Abby sighed, clarifying, "The science teacher never gives hundreds, but I managed to snag a ninety-seven."
“That’s still pretty good, Abbs. Don’t worry.” He smiled.
Mike struggled to suppress his desire to visit your residence, the concern for your well-being clouding his judgment. His anxiety threatened to derail his focus on the road, nearly resulting in a collision and earning him seven irate honks from fellow drivers.
Abby wondered if her mental prayers on the road helped them get home safely. She was now standing in front of the kitchen table, as his brother, still with his anxious look served her spaghetti. As she polished off her meal, she observed Mike's restless hands continuously picking at his uneaten food.
Unsure whether to approach him about his obvious distress, she hesitated, suspecting that he might dismiss her concerns. Enveloped by the deafening silence, she contemplated retreating to her room or remaining to offer support. Ultimately, it was Mike who broke the quiet standoff, tentatively proposing, "Do you want to go for a walk?"
This unexpected invitation perplexed her; sibling bonds between the two had predominantly revolved around shared chores, academic assistance from Mike, and marathon sessions of cheesy films.
However, the unfamiliarity of a walk piqued Abby’s interest. Sensing hidden intentions, she inquired, "Why?"
Mike attempted to deflect his sister's probing gaze, replying casually, "Just feel like getting some fresh air."
With that, he grabbed his keys and confidently declared, "I know a great spot."
Mike navigated his vehicle to a parking spot near the park, consciously avoiding your location to not seem suspicious. As they walked, Mike maintained a brisk pace, pushing Abby to her limits as she struggled to keep up.
After a few exhausting minutes, the excuse he needed to invite Abby to the coffee shop on your street appeared.
"Oh, you're tired?" he feigned innocence, wiping imaginary sweat from his brow. "I think I recall seeing a coffee shop nearby."
Upon reaching the coffee shop, the once-unfamiliar street suddenly held an uncanny familiarity for Abby. Though she couldn't comprehend the reasoning behind this sensation, she was relieved to see a genuine grin spread across Mike's face. While appreciative of his newfound composure, the peculiar nature of his smile continued to nag at her subconscious. Little did she know, her apprehension foreshadowed the depth of his new fixation.
Mike's gaze roamed the coffee shop, absorbing the ambiance - the warm lighting, the rich scent of coffee beans, and the soothing fragrance of lavender. His imagination ran wild, conjuring visions of an intimate date with you in this very locale.
He envisioned himself sitting across from you at a cozy café. As you brought the mug to your lips, he reached out gently, wiping away a stray dollop from your mouth. Your eyes met his, filled with warmth and understanding.
In this fantasy, he leaned in, lips meeting softly in a tender kiss. His fingers traced the softness of your cheek, feeling the warmth beneath his touch. The taste of espresso mingled with the sweetness of your lips, a unique blend that only you could create. In this dream reality, there was no fear, no anxiety, just two people finding comfort in each other's presence.
“What would you like to order?” The Barista on the register repeated.
Startled from his reverie, Mike hastily blurted out his order, "A latte and a mocha, both small!"
Aware of his volume, he flushed with embarrassment, but his impassioned state rendered him indifferent to etiquette. Paying for the drinks without delay, he claimed a seat by the window facing your house, his heart pounding with anticipation.
Despite the glaring sunlight and the parade of cars obscuring his view, Mike strained his eyes to catch sight of you through the window. Your shadowy outline offered solace, indicating that you were safe and sound. In contrast, your brother Gregory appeared increasingly agitated, doodling with shaky hands.
Concerned, you checked on him intermittently, hoping to ease his discomfort.
Your house consumed Mike's attention, leaving him oblivious to the arrival of the drinks. Abby stepped in to retrieve their coffees, presenting Mike with a gentle nudge back to reality.
"How's yours?" she inquired, attempting to break his trance. Snapped out of his daydream, Mike took a sip and confirmed, "Yeah, it's good." Almost immediately, his gaze returned to the reflection of your house in the mirror.
Fixated on your home, Mike caught a glimpse of you speaking on the phone, setting off a barrage of questions in his mind. Who were you speaking to? Was there someone else in your life? Dismissing the thought of a secret partner, he rationalized that he would have detected indicators of such-jewelry, perhaps a ring. Unless…
"You seem to like that house," Abby observed, taking a sip of her latte.
“I like the design. You know I wanted to be a—“
"Contractor," Abby concluded, and Mike nodded vigorously. His fascination with architecture was well-known, but the true extent of his infatuation remained shrouded in mystery.
"Hopefully, you'll get to live in a beautiful home someday, Abby," Mike responded earnestly, his stare fixed on the distant house. While not prone to overt displays of emotion, his wishes for her happiness emanated sincerely. He genuinely cherishes his sister.
"I hope you do too," Abby whispered, her tone laced with warmth. Pondering whether this excursion sprang from simple brotherly camaraderie rather than anything sinister, she allowed herself a flicker of optimism.
Though his gaze remained trained on your place, the tenderness in Abby's voice elicited a faint smile from Mike.
"Let's get a better look," she proposed, rising from her seat.
Inside, Mike wrestled with uncertainty, questioning the wisdom of their actions. Nonetheless, the need to observe you closely trumped his reservations, justifying this intrusion into your privacy.
“I like how you think.” He replied, following his sister out of the coffee shop.
Fortuitously, the absence of traffic allowed Mike to traverse the street without incident, his impulsive stride mirroring a moth drawn to a flickering flame. Unaware of the potential danger, he followed you with unwavering determination, guided by an insatiable curiosity.
While Abby visualized herself residing in such a picturesque abode, lost in dreams of interior decor, Mike scrutinized the property, seeking vulnerabilities. Numerous avenues of entry loomed ominously, igniting a protective instinct within him. The last thing Mike wanted was for a total stranger to be near your house.
Fixated on identifying threats, Mike scanned the landscape from left to right. His focus alighted upon a window, likely your room, taunting him with easy access. Steeling himself against temptation, he decided to not to cross that line- at least, for now.
The sudden noise of crunchy leaves being stomped upon immediately made Mike walk away from the property as he forced Abby out of there, yet his eyes analyzed the new stranger, walking cluelessly at your house with a box of Pizza at hand.
Relief washed over Mike as his insecurities dissolved, only to be supplanted by irritation at the presumed flirtatiousness of the pizza delivery boy. Perhaps he was overreacting, yet his protective instincts screamed for confrontation, longing to rain down retribution upon the perceived transgressor.
Yet, Mike resisted allowing his fury to dictate his actions. With a renewed sense of purpose, he hastily departed from the scene. Your safety brought him solace, but your home's vulnerability haunted him.
As the clock struck 10:30 pm, Mike found himself unable to sleep, despite having ingested more than the recommended dose of his sleeping pills. Typically, these medications ensured a swift descent into slumber, but tonight, they failed to deliver their usual sedative effect.
Despite the meticulously arranged bedding, the soft hum of nature sounds, and the impeccably positioned Nebraska poster, Mike's restlessness persisted. Could it be that thoughts of you encroached upon his subconscious? Unsure of how to quell his turbulent emotions, he lay awake, grappling with his feelings.
At 11:16 am, the silence of the night echoed through. In this deserted hour, as others slumbered, Mike contemplated a surreptitious visit. Perhaps, under the cloak of darkness, he could safeguard your sanctuary from unseen threats.
Wrapping himself in a mantle of darkness, Mike donned a black cap, hoodie, and athletic bottoms - attire atypical for him. Mike did this to devise an alibi. if someone sees him making sure you're safe (which he knows in the sight of strangers it might look weird) he can just say he was exercising. Perfect solution.
Mike walked on his tippy toes, making sure to make no noise, as he grabbed his keys and made sure the house was locked tightly. Locks secure, keys in hand, he commenced the engine.
Despite the pill-induced haze clouding his senses, his concentration sharpened as he navigated deserted streets, only semi-trailers punctuating his journey. Finally arriving at your residence, he prepared to watch over you from the shadows.
The closer Mike got to you, the more his heart raced, pumping blood like a freight train against his ribcage. Every step he took brought forth a flurry of emotions - excitement mingled with anxiety, fear intertwined with anticipation. The fine line between obsession and love blurred in his mind, and it fueled him further into the unknown.
He stopped mere feet away from the window of your room. Peering through the glass pane, he could see the faint silhouette of you under the covers, sleeping peacefully. A wave of relief washed over him, replacing the earlier dread with a strange sense of satisfaction.
He watched you breathe rhythmically, your chest rising and falling gently with each breath. Despite the late hour, there was something comforting about seeing you safe and sound.
His fingers traced the cold surface of the glass, feeling its smooth texture against his palm. A mix of longing and protectiveness swelled within him, making his chest tighten. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed next to you, hold you close, and keep you safe from all harm. Yet, he knew better than to disturb your slumber. This was as close as he dared get.
Mike's heart pounded in his chest as the lights flickered on inside the house. His instincts kicked in, propelling him into the nearest hiding spot - a cluster of dense bushes. He pressed himself against the cool ground, hoping to remain unseen.
What could have caused you to switch on the lights so suddenly? Were you disturbed by something? Or did you have a nightmare?
In the glow of the moonlight, he could see you standing by the window, looking out into the night. Your posture seemed tense and your hoodie confirmed it.
There was an unmistakable air of distress around you, which resonated deeply with Mike's own experiences. Could it be possible that you were going through something similar?
A wave of empathy surged through Mike. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you, to offer you a shoulder to lean on, a warm embrace to banish your fears away. But he knew better than to intrude on your privacy. Instead, he stayed hidden, watching over you from the darkness, praying silently for your well-being.
As you emerged from the room, Mike hesitated briefly. His instincts screamed at him to hide, to disappear into the shadows before being discovered. But something within him rebelled, urging him forward. Before he could think twice, he was lifting the window sash, the squeaky hinge echoing in the silence of the night.
Once inside, he hurriedly shut the window, heart pounding wildly in his chest. He knew this was reckless, yet it felt necessary. As he scanned the slightly messy room, his eyes fell upon the forgotten spot beneath the bed - a haven of security amidst uncertainty. Without giving it a second thought, he squeezed himself underneath, his body brushing against discarded clothes and half-filled notebooks.
In this cramped space, he listened closely for any signs of detection. Sweat trickled down his forehead, mingling with the grit and dust from the floor. He felt exposed yet strangely protected, like a child playing hide and seek.
"Sorry," he whispered under his breath, hoping you would understand his intentions.
Mike was already anxious, the adrenaline of being in your room and the effects of the dosage made him a panicked mess.
The sound of you entering the room sent a ripple of dread through Mike. His heart pounded against his ribcage, beating out an erratic rhythm that threatened to give him away. Sweat dripped from his brow, pooling in the dimly lit corner where he lay concealed. His breath hitched in his throat, each gasp amplified in the quiet space.
When you moved closer to the bed, Mike held his breath, bracing for impact. But instead of anger or fear, a scream echoed through the room. Startled, he scrambled back, knocking into a pile of books that had somehow ended up under the bed. Papers rustled and pages fluttered, creating a symphony of noise that seemed deafening in the silent bedroom.
"I'm fucked," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
To be continued…
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Thank you so much for reading. Hope you will support this mini series! xoxo (if you want to be tagged on the next part let me know!)
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eiflawriting · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐡ō𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚
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(✧) ─ 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦.
(✧) ─ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔! 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦/𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴. 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 𝙄𝙎 𝙃𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘼 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙮. 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘸𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘦, 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 ─ 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘺, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺, 𝘦𝘵𝘤. 𝘦𝘥𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 (𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙧 𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙖𝙨𝙢 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚, 𝙨𝙤 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙡. 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙚𝙬.) 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘬𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵, 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘰𝘮. 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘵─𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙞𝙩.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(✧) ─ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔
𝘬𝘶𝘣𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘬𝘢 𝘐𝘔𝘔𝘌𝘋𝘐𝘈𝘛𝘌𝘓𝘠 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘸. 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪'𝘮 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦. 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭. 𝘪 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺. 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥. ♡ 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔. 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙊 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙏. 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩 - @ 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘹_𝘥 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘰3.
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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝒀𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑰𝑵 𝒀/𝑵’𝒔 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑭𝑬𝑳𝑻 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑵 𝑼𝑺𝑼𝑨𝑳. Lucid is the word to describe it. She sees a man with skin deep as cacao and eyes as golden as the sunrise she wishes to see first thing in the morning. His locks resembled a white blanket of snow during a perfect winter season. It was safe to say this man was beautiful. More so, ethereal. 
But these dreams weren't ordinary. They were erotic. 
The image of this man popped into Y/N's dreams every night while she slept peacefully. He took care of Y/N, taking his time to learn her body to deliver great pleasures. He'd leave a trail of soft kisses along her flesh to watch how she reacted. The white-haired man enjoyed seeing how a pool of wetness flooded between her thighs. She was weak for him, and he was the same. However, he did a much better job of containing his composure. 
Such as tonight. 
The two stood before the bed, bodies bare as his index finger rested under Y/N's chin to examine her beauty. The warmth in his touch was enough to spread heat underneath her skin. She gazed at the dark-skinned man through lidded eyes, only to set her sight on his lips. They were plush. A perfect shade of mocha. Y/N nipped on her own, eager to feel his lips pressed against hers. The man smirked at her neediness. She was like this every night and it pleased him.
"Focus, pretty," he whispered, which immediately caused Y/N to snap her eyes back to his golden irises. The sensuality in his tone felt like a cool breeze on a lonely night. Y/N now looked at him through her lashes, big brown eyes blown with pure lust, screaming, "fuck me." And he knew that. He knew Y/N wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him. But she had to wait—and she knew this. 
There was just something about his demeanor that made Y/N submissive to a man she didn't know. The first time he appeared in her dreams, she became infatuated. A strong sense of desire leaked from her emotions upon seeing him. He was enticing. Her wet dreams were good, yes. But they were nothing compared to her meetings with this man. 
At last, he would meet with Y/N's lips to slowly kiss her. She knew to already part her mouth so they could connect tongues. His eyes remained open for a few seconds to watch how she reacted to finally feeling his lips, but soon he closed his eyes to relish the moment. His hands would find comfort wrapped around Y/N's neck as the other was used to explore her body. 
Y/N felt her knees going numb from the firm grips he was leaving. He gave her breasts a quick massage, then descended his fingers into her puffy folds, rubbing circles around her clit. She nipped on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood before sucking it in her mouth. He hissed at her intense actions before letting out a dry chuckle through their lip-locking. The white-haired man gently tangled his fingers through Y/N's coils to pull her head away from his lips. 
He stared at Y/N, tsking at her behavior and how her chest heaved in desperation. He continued to flick Y/N's throbbing bud in an infinity shape, at which moans that were even foreign to her slipped through her mouth. His pace quickened, and Y/N's abdomen tightened due to a near orgasm. Her eyes lolled somewhere she never thought they could go. However, just when she thought she was about to climax—it was snatched away. 
"I don't recall giving you permission to cum, Y/N. Are we forgetting my rules now?" He spat out. 
He smirked, enjoying how she nearly crumbled before him. "How badly do you want to cum, pretty girl?"
"So badly, Chika. Please, I want you to fuck me."
"Look at you—so pathetic, desperately begging for my cock. You look so pretty like this." 
The words "I want you" came out in a whisper from Y/N. She begged and pleaded with Chika to fuck her. And he would watch her whine like a bitch in heat until he was satisfied. Although Chika exhibited dominance, he would never allow that trait to get in the way of his cock being marinated in her juices. 
His tongue fluttered across Y/N's neck, ascending to her jaw until he reached her lips again. He released Y/N's coils to wrap his arms around her thick waist, caressing her back and occasionally creeping his hands to knead her soft ass. Without waiting further, Chika swiped Y/N like a feather on the ground to wrap her legs around his waist. 
Chika placed Y/N's back against the nearest wall. He gave her a few more smooches before he returned to her neck to leave love marks. Chika sucked on Y/N's flesh, causing her to yelp softly, but soon after, she whimpered from feeling his cock rest between her thighs. She attempted to give him a few strokes, to which he nipped harshly on her clavicle. Such a needy woman Y/N was. However, Chika is the one to blame for making her this way. 
He held his cock to swipe along her folds. He began taunting Y/N, cooing, "this is what you want, lovey?" She snapped her brows together and eagerly nodded. The sensation of Chika teasing Y/N had her on the verge of despair. Her mouth was held agape, but no words came through. To think a man she met in her dreams could have her on edge like this? Pathetic, she would think. But being in the comfort of her dreams allowed her to be as feral as she wanted.
After teasing, Chika hooked his forearms under Y/N's knees to align himself with her entrance. His cock crept into her pussy, slowly to ensure she felt every inch of him pass through her walls. The thick vein under his shaft imprinted her insides, leaving a lingering feeling of pleasure. He allowed his cock to be warmed by Y/N's wetness, which had a sense of a sauna after a long workout. 
Beauty decorated Y/N's cheeks while being filled with Chika. He was big. Maybe too big for her, but she always sucked him in perfectly. Drool dripped down the side of her lips, similar to the essences leaking from her cunt with every stroke Chika made. 
Those sweet whimpers pulled from Y/N's chest were melodic, increasing in volume every time her cushion was touched. Y/N wanted to be fucked harder. She told him that, and he would give it to her, rutting mercilessly in her pussy. Cock creaming and juices spilling between them. The moans of his name originated from the pit of her stomach, seconds away from cumming—
But he took it away. 
"Chika!" Y/N whined. 
"What's wrong? You wanted to cum? So soon?"
"I was so close, baby. S'close."
He licked the curve of her earlobe before pulling it between his teeth, whispering, "You're so needy tonight, Y/N. I enjoy seeing you this way for me, but if you want to cum—do it yourself."
Y/N's eyes lit with confusion. She parted her mouth to speak. However, Chika continued, "You heard correctly, pretty girl. Since you won't allow me to please you how I want, you'll ride my cock until I give you permission to cum."
Chika sat comfortably, legs spread on the love sofa, to instruct Y/N to return his cock inside her. She was hesitant, being used to Chika delivering her pleasure, but her whiny tendencies left her cumming on her own. 
Y/N held his cock while lifting up her body to bury him with her pussy. Her head lolled, cursing softly due to the feeling of being split open. The returned heat to his cock, also had heat spreading throughout his cheeks. Y/N was tentative about riding Chika, especially in this position, since he would be deep inside her. But that wouldn't stop her from getting the orgasm she desired. 
The second Y/N felt his tip kissing her sweet spot, she began slapping her ass on him. Her hands took purchase on his chest to keep balance. Lust burned in her eyes as she held contact with Chika. Nipping on her bottom lip, shuddering above him. Such obscene noises her cunt created while riding his cock. And her audible moans made it seem like the two were filming a sex tape.
Watching Y/N use him to make herself cum was a pleasant sight. She was so desperate for her release, and he was, too. Chika admired being swallowed by the warmth of her tight, wet pussy. Fat pussylips acted as a turtleneck to keep him warm on the first day of winter. She jumped vigorously on his cock, slamming every once of her weight on him. 
He caressed Y/N's cheek, slowly sinking into the curve of her face to glide two fingers in her mouth, pressing on her tongue. The moans that slipped through her lips now turned into soft pants. Y/N pushed herself on him to ensure she took all eight-in-half inches of Chika. 
"P-Praise me, Chika. Does this feel good?" Y/N managed to stammer through his fingers on her tongue.
He hummed. "I suppose you are doing well. Making such a mess on my cock. There's cream everywhere." Chika removed his fingers to press them into her cheeks to pout her lips. A soft fuck, aired from his mouth. Y/N was so fucking pretty. He was obsessed with her beauty. "Good girl. You look so cute when you try hard like this to make yourself cum."
"I want you to fuck me, Chika. Please."
"Oh? Is that so? I tried to before, but you were so whiny earlier."
"'M sorry, baby. Fuck me. I'll let you fuck me how you want. Please, I just wanna cum," Y/N whimpered.
"Fuck, you made it so hard for me to say no when you're begging like a needy slut like that." 
They say to be careful what you wish for, but Y/N was more than careful. She wanted this. She wanted Chika gripping her love handles to snap his hips into her pelvis, fucking her like a wild animal. Calling her a pretty slut while she screamed his name repeatedly. Pulling his face into her breasts to suck on her nipples. She wanted to be his favorite fuck toy, and she was.
Y/N's body shattered into pieces, being edged by Chika. He would slam a few thrusts into her dripping pussy to pull out a second before cumming to meet with a sloppy kiss. Holding in her complaints of wanting to orgasm was challenging for Y/N–but she had no choice. She felt embarrassed from knowing the leakage of her juices saturating his balls and the sofa. 
Despite that, she continued to clench and unclench around him.
Taunting was Chika's specialty for Y/N. She could complain all she wanted, but based on how her walls fluttered around him, he knew she enjoyed it. But, unfortunately, Chika—even had his limits. Her pussy was too fucking good. At times, he amazed himself by not busting inside her so quickly. However, he had to hold off as long as possible to fulfill the orgasm she deserved. 
"You're going to allow me to cum in your pussy again, my pretty?" He cooed, to which Y/N eagerly nodded. "Hmph. Of course, you are. You've been such a good girl for me, taking me so well. I told you I'm here to please you. Let me do that, okay? Now cum for me, Y/N."
The last few thrusts Chika pounded into her pussy were sloppy but filled with power. They shared incoherent moans of each other's names while climaxing. His hot ropes of cum melted into Y/N to stain her walls, jerking his hips upwards to ensure nothing spilled out. All the burning tension in the pit of Y/N's abdomen was now cooling down. She repeatedly thanked Chika for giving her the release she yearned for.
As Y/N relaxed her body onto his, a blaring noise went off in her ear. It sounded familiar, almost like an alarm clock. This was the part of her dreams she dreaded the most. Y/N met Chika's lips once more. His final words were, "I'll see you soon, pretty girl," and just like that—
She woke up.
Y/N's eyes opened to be met with the sun that resembled those golden irises she remembers vividly kissing her skin. She sat up to do a quick stretch but soon held her cheeks that grew warm from feeling the pool of wetness oozing through her panties. Y/N's eyes bored into the wall, lightly massaging her lips while remembering the events of her dream.
"Chika…" her voice drifted.
Just who was this man?
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙. ♡
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 ── @dejwrites @beniswife @maydayaisha @ayyy-pee @maginxlia @babykaz @meloswifeysstuff @kazutohanemi @luffyspiratequeen @hoohoohope @homewithnobodies @sexbob-ombbeck @aiyaaayei @niicevibe @sailewhoremoon @nutheadgeenat @gingerspicelattemix @comatosebunny09 @forgottenvip @lawscorazon @glxssyhexrts @solaneaa @nyonymph-o @blackreaderstation @shysinterlude @erensl1ut @persephonaeee @loveupeople @undecided-simp @syynnaaah @uziskqri @depressedmemescream @p-powerr @shyartnerd564 @parallel-ink @venussyy @softimgyu @sunnytalia3
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mncxbe · 8 months
Jimmy,Jimmy cocoa puff☆
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ slice of life/ Dazai in Greece <little warning for mentions of scars> kinktober is here so ofc I serve Dazai fluff
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That's how this could be called. On a deserted beach somewhere in Greece, far away from home. With you under a cheap umbrella bought from a store nearby.
Colours seemed to have been sucked out of the world: the jade green and deep blue of the sea and the sky above were replaced by silver grey. Even the golden sand had a muted colour, the shade of oat milk, and rain poured down from the clouds; steadily, never ending.
But you... you were as radiant as always. Even now in this pearly light your face was bathed in glow.
Your features stood out on the dulled background. The mocha brown of your hair and eyes; the latter dotted with specs of gold, your tiger stripe red nail polish (a silly design you picked as a joke after your visit to the Kanazawa Gardens back in Yokohama, two weeks ago) and the charcoal black of your bathing suit were all so vivid.
He watched as you rose a bottle of green tea to your lips and took a sip.
"So... what do we do now?" you asked suddenly, your words muffled by the sound of falling rain.
Dazai only shrugged in response, gaze scanning his suroundings. The sky seemed to melt into the sea before his eyes, lines of droplets connecting the above and below, forming a capsule around the two of you. And behind, the rocky road that went back to town, which seemed to be flooding.
"Leaving certainly isn't an option" he replied, pointing at the swamped road and you turned your head to take a look; letting out a disappointed huff.
"Guess we gotta stay here for a while."
You moved your deckchair closer to his in attempt to shelter yourself from the rain and reached for your bag, checking to see if your belongings were still dry.
Dazai watched your every movement the same way an artist looks at his muse; with adoration, longing and just a shadow of sadness. Still, he couldn't deny how ironic this whole situation was:
"Don't let the rain upset you bella. It'll pass soon" he cooed "Plus. It could've started raining when we were in town or something."
"Oh spare me love" you chuckled in response. "It's cold and my book and clothes got wet"
Despite your complains you didn't seem mad at all. There was a certain aura of peace surrounding you at all times, especially now.
"It is beautiful tho." you added, pointing a manicured finger towards the horizon "It's like the world caved in and now it's just us left."
The brunette reached for your hand and took it in his own, softly running his thumb over your knuckles. "That wouldn't be bad at all actually"
Suddenly you got up from your chair at tip-toed towards the water, pulling Dazai after you. Your boyfriend's lips curled into a playful smile as you stepped into the water.
"Bella... you know I can't-"
"Shut up 'same. Your bandages are gonna get wet from the rain anyway. Come on"
And indeed, the humid air and droplets of rain made his loose shirt stick to his skin and he felt his bandages dampen.
And so he followed you into the grey sea, water rising around the two of you with each step you took. Ankel level, knee high, to your thighs and hips and soon enough waist. Still, you didn't stop until you were almost completely submerged.
Just then you turned to face him, hair moist and sticking up from place to place, a wide smile stretched on your lips. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pulled yourself closer to him as his hands instinctively came to rest on your plush hips.
Before he got a chance to say anything you closed your eyes and tiled your head back, allowing the cold rain to dapple your skin.
And oh how beautiful you looked. In this very moment Dazai stopped paying attention to his slowly loosening bandages, to the cold breeze that made his skin tingle; it was only you and him now.
Soon enough you began humming a tune, a nostalgic melody he recognized but couldn't remember the name of. Lulled by your song he closed his eyes, lowering his forehead to yours.
Sweet minutes have passed like this, the two of you completely absorbed in one another until Dazai finally opened his eyes to meet your own and his heart sank.
Your expression conveyed an image of pure adoration and devotion which made his blood rush to his cheeks, a soft blush tinting his face.
"What you looking at me like that for?" he teased, doing his best to cover up his emotions but failing miserably.
"Like what?" you responded in the same mischevious tone, nails lightly grazing the back of his neck.
Dazai sighed deeply, inching closer to you until his lips were touching yours and he whispered.
"Like you love me"
You smiled against his lips. "Well I do love you Osamu". You spoked those words in a matter of fact way, like it was the most natural and obvious thing in existence. But they meant so much to him. No one had told him they loved him. Ever.
Closing the distance between you your boyfriend pulled you in for a gentle kiss, cold lips lingering against your own as he uttered a hushed "I love you too Y/N"; like a promise made to the Gods.
Just then a loud rumble sounded from somewhere above, causing you to pull away and swiftly swim towards the shore.
"Shit. Maybe we should get out of the water. I heard people got struck by lightning here."
"There's no way that happened." he chuckled but followed you close by.
"I mean technically it could happen. It's an open space"
"Whatever you say bella." he said back, amused by your pointless worries.
When you got back to the beach Dazai wrapped a towel around your bare shoulders and began pulling at the ends of his unraveled bandages.
"Guess that's it for them"
You watch him pull the soaked strings of cloth through the holes of his sleeve and did your best not to look at his skin which was painfully visible through the translucent material of his shirt.
Instead you handed him a towel and reached for the bottle of green tea.
"Want some too?" you asked when he took a seat on his chair, towel draped over his shoulders.
The rain showed no signs of stopping so you simply laid back and made yourself comfortable in the mesh fabric of your chair, gaze lost somewhere in the distance.
Dazai took a sip of the tea, the taste of synthetic sweetener and fresh tea lingering on his tongue.
He watched you watch sea, the horizon, the mass of grey that your world was and wished, for only a split second, that this moment would last forever. That the two of you could spend the rest of eternity on this forgotten beach, far away from your actual life, in this sanctuary of nature.
And by the look in your eyes when you finally turned to face him, he could tell that you wished for the same thing.
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
More Than I Should {pt. 2}
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pairing: riri ✘ black!fem!reader
chapter summary: headaches, everyone gets them! your most recent one stems from poor decision making. but the one that reoccurs has a name: riri williams. she's in your head, and alone time with her only causes more pain, and more problems.
word count: 12.9k (juh vibe twin)
chapter contents: angst(barely tbh), cussing, arguing, more of riri being an asshole, reader says something vaguely homophobic, VERY brief mention of menstruation
tags: @verachii @rxcently @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @n7cje @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @mocha-aya @uhwhatsay @shinsousliya @bratydoll @shuriri4life @letitias-fav @axailslink @chidinma @xoxo-dede @percsane @generallysapphic @mbakuetshurisprincess @quintessencewrites @adeola-the-explorer @dejaonline @bubshri @zayswriting @la-reine-insane @shurisjournal @shurismainbxtch @playhousedistee @cafehyunji @bigbigbigfan @andibecamethestars @saintwrld @mysticalmarss @sweetalittleselfish-honey @ogbells16 @marsolgy @randomhoex @chatitajens @cuddl3s4shur1 @abenomeiiii @6-noir @melanated-queen @yamsthoughts @lppriceisright @shuriislut @playgurlxoxo @kya-rose @shuriszn
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: okay i'm keeping this note short and sweet. hope y'all like this literal dissertation lmao. also sorry if you asked to be tagged and i didn't, just learned i can't tag more than 50 people soo yeah, yikes! love you still though. enjoy! mwah mwah!! <33
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There was hardly any action that came without consequence. An irrefutable fact, you knew this. But knowing a fact, and acknowledging a fact, differed vastly from your ability to care about it. This was the manner in which you behaved last night, there was no care for repercussions, no worry about aftermaths; the promise of consequence fueled you as you ignored your burning throat and staggered steps.
You could not, however, ignore any of it now though. The pounding in your head made sure of that. Heavy eyelids stayed hammered shut, rejecting your pleas for them to open, and your body ached in sync with your throbbing brain.
The night was but a distant memory as you tried, and failed, to recall its events in full. Small flashes appeared behind your locked lids: Music. Dancing. Hakeem’s hands on you, his lips. He smelled good. Drinking, lots of drinking. You were alone and then you weren’t. Riri. Her hands. Her eyes.
Riri had driven you home, held you close, and made sure you were safe. You mulled that thought over, surely that couldn't be right. The rattling in your skull made it hard to discern if your mind was just conjuring things, filling in blank spaces with what you wanted the truth to be. And your phone’s neverending pinging on your cluttered nightstand only worsened your splitting headache.
You groaned, eyes finally peeling themselves open, and reached for the device. It was nine in the morning and you had work in an hour. Great. Tired eyes adjusted to the blinding brightness and fluttered down to the notifications rolling in.
Keem: I'm sorry
Keem: Baby please don't be mad
Keem: Text me back, I’m sorry
Keem: I should've come back I know
Keem: Can you answer the phone, please
Keem: Riri said you got drunk and she took you home
Keem: Are you okay?
Keem: Are you awake yet? Want me to bring you breakfast?
Keem: I know you're mad at me, can we just talk?
Keem: At least leave me on read so I can know you're okay?
That string of texts solidified it all. You were not making anything up. Vivid glimpses flooded back to you now, one apologetic message after the other. Hakeem had left you. You were at the party only because he’d asked, a party in which you knew no one, and he just left you behind. No call, no text, and with Riri of all people. With the girl who despised your presence, though some of her behavior last night could counter that claim. You granted Hakeem’s request, tapping the messages app on your phone and leaving him on read.
The notifications stopped coming after that. It made you smile a little, knowing he was anxiously waiting for you to acknowledge his messages. He was aware you were awake, he knew you'd read his texts, seen the missed calls, and he would have to sit with your decision to willfully ignore him.
You pushed your cozy pink duvet off your body, preparing to stand. Truthfully, there was no recollection of falling asleep inside your head. Everything after getting into Riri’s car was foggy. And there it was, that sensation you'd experienced only a handful of times, but each occurrence came with such intensity, you recognized it instantly. Dread. It was collecting inside you, pooling in your stomach and mixing with your growing nausea as you tried recounting your conversation with Riri. Surely there was one, you talked a lot when you were drunk.
If your past encounters with alcohol were to be used as evidence, there was no doubt that you'd made a fool of yourself.
So maybe this hangover was a blessing, certainly not the one that arrived in disguise, no. You felt every ounce of pain, every whir inside your brain, and your world shifted when your toes dug into the carpet. Nothing about this was concealed or covered, you were well aware of everything going wrong inside you, but it was a blessing all the same. Anything that provided aid in your forgetting a drunken conversation with Riri would be deemed a blessing.
Another groan, this one long, this one annoyed as you wiped your eyes and trekked to the bathroom. There was absolutely no way you'd be turning on the light, the sliver of sunlight peeking through your curtains would have to be enough. But even that was too much.
You spared a glance at yourself in the mirror and you rolled your eyes. One of Hakeem’s shirts draped loosely over your tired exterior, making you all the more irritated the longer you stared at your reflection. “Ahh fuck.”
Sleeping in makeup, another thing that has never once worked out for you. Your eyeliner was smudged off at the ends, no longer holding its sharp winged shape. There was one strip lash stuck to your cheek, and the other one stayed put, sitting pretty right along your lash line. Your hair, oh your hair. She was doing her own thing, and you thought it best to leave your frizzy curls alone. Everything about your appearance was disastrous, coordinated perfectly with your innards. A matching set, both scheming with plans to demolish you. And it was working, their scheme.
There was no desire to fight back, not even a pinch. Brushing your teeth was painful. Washing your face, exhausting. Warm water cascading down your body though, that would remedy you, all of you.
It was immediate, your mind's trailing to her, to Riri. You’d hardly stood under the drizzling showerhead for long before your thoughts decided to betray you. But the two of you resided on different pages as of late, which was a thing you weren’t used to, considering your brain was usually your best friend. The muddling of that relationship was all your doing though, with your recklessness, and your impulsiveness. One could also blame Riri for your being at odds with your head. She always clawed her way in, in spite of all your efforts to keep her out.
You tried not to think about her as you lathered your wash rag, closing your eyes in attempts to push her away, but her face stood fierce in your mind's eye. Riri’s face. Despite the permanent scowl she wore when around you, Riri was very beautiful. It was an objective observation, calling her anything but would be a lie.
As you washed your body, as you let the soapy streams from your rag trickle down you, you couldn't help your drifting thoughts, couldn't fight them. What did Riri’s face, her beautiful face, look like last night as she drove you home? She was probably annoyed, that was a given. What did you say to her on the drive? There were remnants of accusing questions on your tongue, the taste they abandoned in your mouth rancid as it blended with the minty freshness of toothpaste.
Being curious about what you’d said to her was reasonable, it was rational. Your mission was to make her like you, get Riri to be something resembling a friend to you, and if you’d said anything to offend her last night, wanting to know was a warranted response. Right? No matter the level of embarrassment. Especially given that she was gracious enough to take you home. She didn't have to, she didn't want to, but she did. You ran the warm cloth along your neck, your shoulders, across the small of your back.
She’d touched you there. That you remembered. It was dizzying: the press of her digits, the way they indented your flesh. Riri was kind in her embrace. You were still having a hard time accepting that Riri Williams would be kind to you. Why would she be kind to you? Perhaps it was pity that drove her. The girl abandoned by her boyfriend. Drunk. Sad. Lonely. Of course she pitied you, you gave her ample reason to. If only you retained more, if only the specks behind your eyes would arrange themselves accordingly.
You decided to end your shower, your headache was subsiding, but thinking about Riri, trying to understand Riri was pulling it back. The shower had to remain your sanctuary, a safe place that she was not allowed to infiltrate. You deserved that at least.
Once you were dressed in your work uniform: blue polo with the Freeda’s logo, tan khakis, and your beat-up black vans, you exited your room. Dealing with your hair, you decided, would be tomorrow's problem. Your body still housed exhaustion, but the Tylenol you swallowed alleviated some discomfort. Opting for a low-tension hairstyle was your best bet: a low, very loose puff that poked out the back of your matching Freeda’s cap.
When you emerged into the living room, the sight of your roommate lounging on the couch with a bowl of Lucky Charms cradled in her palms, startled you. She had not been home in days and you’d grown used to living alone. You also enjoyed having the food you paid for to yourself as well. “Talia, what I tell you bout eating my shit?”
Her eyes did not leave the Tv screen as she scooped another spoonful into her mouth. You eyed her, watching as droplets of milk tumbled from the utensil to the cushions, growing annoyed with her lack of effort to clean it, or eat at the table. “I thought you bought it for both of us.”
You rolled your eyes, heading to the kitchen to fill your water bottle before leaving. There was already too much bouncing around in your head, and you refused to add Talia being a slob to that list. The time on the clock read 10:15. You were already late. Fantastic. A quick text to your manager would at least buy you some time, an hour at best, but you couldn't complain.
“Oh, those came for you.” Your gaze followed Talia’s finger and landed on a bouquet of flowers sitting on the floor, leaning against the door. The image pulled a memory to the forefront of your mind, the memory of you in that same position. Your back pressed flush against the door, you trying to catch your breath.
Something about last night made your heart race, even now. Your mind omitted that part, maybe it was best you couldn't remember, even though a small part of you yearned to know. Riri was involved, undoubtedly. Her essence always found itself present whenever your heart sprinted.
Your groan made your roommate turn her head, clearly more interested in your relationship drama than the show on the screen. Did Hakeem really think flowers, you picked them up and examined them, with a corny note would fix things? He was unbelievable.
“He dropped them off when you were in the shower. I ain't let him in though. He was fidgeting and looking all forlorn, so I just guessed y’all was fighting or something.” She stood, taking her bowl to the empty sink, and instead of washing it, she just set it down. Another thing that irked you about Talia. But she was real, the closest thing you had to a friend on campus, which was sad. Maybe this was why you sought after Riri so much; you needed female friendships. Talia would do for now though, even if she was messy and she ate all of your food.
“We are. But it’s whatever,” You lied, reaching for your bag. “I’m finna head out, and please wash that damn bowl T. You see it wasn’t nothing in the sink.”
“Don’t do me, Ima wash it, damn.”
Taking the bus did not tend to be an activity enjoyed by most, and that was understandable. The fumes, the strangers, the waiting; these were all deterrents. None that affected you, however. The smells: burnt diesel and other mystery aromas were not favorites of yours, and the waiting was certainly not ideal, especially when you were almost an hour late to work already. But, you enjoyed people watching, guessing the destination of unknown persons. The authenticity of taking public transit was a lore that enticed you for some reason.
And it had ever since you were a child. It was not a stretch to say you loved taking the T. It cleared your head, made you think less. The morning rides consisted only of you and Steve Lacy massaging your eardrums. Quite literally no thoughts, solely vibes. This was your constant, a constant that never varied. Until now, as you sat, head vibrating against the window of the rumbling bus.
Your trip to work was one you looked forward to, it was your peace. Dealing with entitled customers was a stressor, evidently, so you reveled in your tranquil journey. Your music calmed you and kept you sane until you had to face the inevitable.
But Hakeem’s likeness being present in your mind only served as a source of agitation, his audacity. Flowers? Flowers were supposed to make you forgive him? Had he bothered to get your favorites, then maybe you’d be willing to hear him out. Did he even know your favorite flowers were Tulips? Ignoring your bubbling annoyance was near impossible, your brain refused to erase the image of wilted weeds on your floor. Using The Lo-Fis as an instrument of escape was not working either.
The texts were back, and every buzz felt from your phone tucked between your thighs made your eye twitch.
Keem: You get my flowers?
Keem: You at work yet? Can I swing by after I pick up my car?
Keem: I miss you baby
Keem: I know I fucked up, but can you please talk to me?
You: I hate Daisies.
The vibrations ceased and you grinned, but your leg continued its aggravated bouncing. The elderly lady seated next to you shifted some, clearly uncomfortable with your movements. Could she feel how angry you were? Possibly, but she would just have to deal with it. Two more stops until you got off. So much for enjoying your bus ride to work.
Your eyes rolled at the mere thought of Hakeem's face again. His pretty face, his pretty stupid face. Were relationships supposed to feel this way? This could very well be standard. It wasn’t like you’d know, you had nothing else to compare this one to, no other notches in your belt. Couples fought, your parents did, but they still loved each other.
It was possible you were overreacting. Many of your friends from high school would be urging you to forgive Hakeem. Should you? A question you pondered as you stepped off the bus and into the busy street. Forgiving him so soon didn’t feel right, primarily when you considered the severity of the situation. He left you alone at a party with dozens of strangers. Any number of things could've happened to you in that house. It was a huge fuck up, he knew this, and it was not something you were prepared to move past. And certainly not without a conversation.
But there was no desire to speak to him, so a conversation was off the table. Blowing up your phone would not change that.
Steve Lacy still sang sweetly to you on your upward trek, the question still thunderous in your mind. Your walk was short and familiar enough as you approached your destination. Daze ended, effortlessly transitioning into Out of Me Head, and you knocked.
Once. Twice. The door flung open right as you prepared for a third. “Yo, I told you to give me another hour, why you–”
Riri’s stunned expression forced you to smile hesitantly. “Hi, Riri.”
She glanced over her shoulder quickly, then back at you. Emotionless eyes on a stern face took you in, and you watched the way she sifted through expressions. Riri peered behind her again, before stepping completely out of her garage and shutting the door. She stood in front of you now: arms crossed and biceps flexing in her white tank top. Her braids were in a ponytail today, accentuating her facial features. The style brought those cheekbones out of hiding, simple, but cute.
She sounded bored when addressing you, “Aren't you supposed to be at work?”
It dawned on you then, that you were indeed supposed to be at work, and some of that off-the-hook buzzing your phone was doing could very likely be Benny. Realization settled in when you assessed your surroundings. You missed your stop, unconsciously, and somehow ended up here. At Riri’s garage. This wasn't something that's happened before. You never missed your stop, not ever. Every day, you rang the bell two stops after passing the KFC on the corner of Anchor Street, then you walked ten minutes up the road to the crosswalk, before finally arriving at the back of Freeda’s.
This was your routine, it had been for months. Usually, you followed a strict schedule, one that you rarely ever strayed from. Organization was important to you, punctuality was important to you, so it was safe to say you felt thrown.
But these were the consequences stemming from your decisions last night, the ones you claimed not to care about. The waking up late, the unsatisfactory ride, and the ending up here. All repercussions of your actions.
“Oh! Um, y-yeah I–” Stumbling over words around Riri was apparently your brand, you were trying, but the way she eyed you intently made it difficult. More difficult than need be. Damn those eyes of hers. Striking, intense, and curious. Enunciating in her presence was an impossible feat.
Staring back at her with the same intensity, that was your body's defense. Involuntary, but it seemingly did the job, because she shifted, and her arms loosened.
Riri cleared her throat, pushing her fists into the pockets of her sweats. It was only now that you realized she seemed fidgety. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was sweaty. She huffed, but it wasn't in annoyance, which was a first for her. “Um, what are you doing here?”
“I came to uh, say thank you. For taking me home I mean. I know you didn't have to but–” Was that why you were there?
She shook her head, “Nah it's cool. Not like I was gon leave you there.”
Ouch. That stung, and you could tell she knew that, that's why she said it. Riri only studied you like she was breaking you apart, digging beneath your surface in search of something. Something she wanted and could only find in you. It iced your skin, even in the warm air and you hugged your middle, making her chuckle knowingly.
“That all you came for? To say thank you? Cause I got shit to do today.”
You nodded, and she took that as her cue to leave. Desire to ask her about last night scorched your throat, the things you’d said. There was little reason to believe you hadn't embarrassed yourself, any time you had alcohol swiveling in your system, this was a given. So it was not a matter of if you had, but more so the extent. Riri held all the answers, but you weren't entirely confident in her willingness to bestow them upon you. Every encounter with her was evidence to back this claim.
Riri Williams enjoyed having the upper hand, in every situation really, and with everyone, but dominating you — besting you, scratched a particular itch she seemed to always have. It did not take long to pick up on this fact, and you knew she would dangle the answers you sought over your head if need be. You decided to ask anyway because what did you have to lose? Dignity? Shame? Surely you’d already lost those in Riri’s eyes.
“Actually th–” The door opened before she could turn the knob and you gasped.
A girl, almost the same height as you, maybe a few inches taller, emerged gracefully from inside the garage. Stunning. That was the only word your brain allowed you to think. She was stunning, breathtakingly so.
Tattoos covered her arms, twisting, turning, stretching, and connecting with the ones on her neck and chest. Each one of them a chapter in an overarching story. You wanted to read that story. They complimented her deep complexion well, so did the gold jewelry in both her nostrils, and the ones that ran along the length of her ears. A star-shaped ring poked through her septum, and it matched the one dangling from her belly button. And when she spoke, you took notice of the bead in her tongue.
“Oh hi! You're cute, who are you?” The compliment struck you. Hard. Her smile sucked you in as your eyes scanned her body. It curved in all the right places, all the places yours did not. This girl — this woman — exuded self-assurance. All the confidence in the world belonged to her, and she wasn't opposed to sharing, but only if you deserved it. You had to earn it. You wanted to earn it. Desperation drove your need to absorb the beams flowing off her person, and your face said as much.
Riri’s sly smirk did not go unnoticed, your awe amused her, but it was something you'd pay attention to later. Right now, all efforts were focused on her mystery girl. She made you feel small and insignificant, but there was no doubt she would build you a wall of security if you begged. You wanted to beg: for her name, her friendship.
Dark eyes and fiery hair colored your world as you racked your brain for your name. You had one and you knew it up until a second ago, the syllables danced right on your tongue.
You blinked. She was dead set on getting an answer, but you hadn't one to give. “I'm…”
Riri pulled the taller girl in by her perfect hips, fingers sliding over the many waist beads decorating the base of her spine. “That's Keem’s girl.”
Mystery girl’s arms draped Riri’s neck. She dragged them along her damp skin and your eyes chased her short manicured nails; you watched every move they made against Riri. How her thumbs grazed her jawline, how fingertips pushed against the nape of Riri’s neck, brushing the stray curls sitting there softly. She smoothed her palms over Riri’s throat, and the scientist grinned darkly. “Ahh, Keem’s girl.”
Your existence slipped their minds, this you were sure of. And you were proven correct when Riri squeezed Mystery girl’s ass in her flared, patterned, yoga pants. When you gasped again, Riri flicked her eyes to you, but it was only briefly. Her smirk, the one you'd witnessed hundreds of times over the past three months, was now in its deadliest form. She shot it directly at you with the intent to kill. And if you hadn't known better, you would have thought yourself dead.
Riri nodded against Mystery girl’s forehead. “Yup, Keem’s girl.”
You did not enjoy the way they placed emphasis on his name, Keem’s girl. They slurred it like you belonged to him, something possessed and owned. The two of them behaved as though you were some part of a secret only they shared, and you despised that too. How did this girl know you? How well did she know your boyfriend?
Mystery girl pulled away from Riri, but Riri yanked her back. The image of that exchange sparked a flicker of familiarity inside you. Riri was strong, her hold willful. You knew this from experience and you felt sorry for the girl. She did not at all look perturbed by Riri’s grip though, in fact, she looked as though she enjoyed it.
“Ri baby, I gotta go.” She whined, but Riri refused to let her go.
She giggled when Riri got on her tippy toes to kiss her neck. “I know.”
“So let me go? I was with you all night.” She giggled again, this time from Riri’s hands trailing her exposed back. She was with Riri all night? After she dropped you off?
This was an intimate moment between two women who were comfortable with each other in every way imaginable. You should look away, you should leave, go to work. But your pupils were locked on their embrace, locked on the way Riri showed affection.
“I'm seeing you later?” Riri laced her fingers through Mystery girl’s hand and she smirked down at the smaller girl.
She stayed silent for a beat, only eyeing Riri, making her anticipate an answer. And Riri was very much on her toes as she waited, eager to know. You too, found yourself anxious to know as you pursued her unspoken words. Would Riri indeed be seeing this Crimson-haired goddess later?
She bit her lip and Riri gasped, “Ion know. You wasn't really nice to me last night.”
“You know you love when I'm mean.”
Your body's reaction to that line was odd. A strange feeling, one you were unaccustomed to. A whimper? You swallowed it back down and blinked, you should really get to work. But your feet were planted in the gravel, unmoving and awkwardly standing as the two women devoured each other before you.
Riri was the first to break the kiss, and she exhaled. “So I'm seeing you later.”
“I ain't say all that.”
She wiped her lip with the pad of her thumb, “But I am seeing you.” A statement, not a question. Riri was confident in this, she was certain of it.
Mystery goddess girl rolled her eyes and kissed Riri on her cheek, “You gon see me Ri baby.”
“You know I love when you say my shit like that.”
The girl smiled and backed away slowly, eyes still locked on Riri’s frame. “Yeah? I’ll make sure to say it like that tonight then.”
“Bye Keem’s girl.” And with a flirty wave, she was off, strutting toward a jeep that rivaled her afro’s flames.
Her scent danced past you as it followed her, lingering in your air, permeating your pores. She smelled of shea butter and incense. Jojoba oil and fresh vanilla. It was all too much, too heady, and that throb from this morning returned. Only this time you welcomed it, this time the pain was necessary if you planned to keep her aroma in your memory. “B-Bye…”
Your eyes scurried after her, widening at the way her hips switched. Your own hips couldn't — wouldn't — move that way if you dedicated your life to making them. It was obvious she was a lot, but a lot was enough, it would have to be if you planned to make Riri’s gorgeous, goddess, mystery girl your friend.
Riri watched you watch her girl, and those searing eyes of hers rose in temperature the longer you stared. She’d been eyeing you for a minute, so long you were beginning to sense her bustling...annoyance, was it? When you spun to face her, you learned you were indeed correct, Riri was annoyed.
Funny how that worked. Minutes ago she was making out with the most gorgeous girl, blissfully ignoring your existence, and now, your existence was all she paid attention to. Her quick way of shifting between emotions was truly something. She scrutinized you in that tense way she did, and you wanted to shy away from her glare.
“Why are you still here again?” She didn't wait for your response. Riri opened the door and stepped through, so naturally, you followed her like the lost puppy you were.
The garage was messier than when you were there last. Riri’s tools were scattered about, half-done sketches and crumpled sheets of paper littered the floor, scrap metal too. Dull, clunky, and unpolished.
There was a lack of organization, lack of structure in the way the parts were disbursed, like she’d just dragged them in and left them wherever. You stepped over each of them carefully, inspecting them intently. It was eerie really; you’d imagined what Riri’s brain would look like if it were to explode countless times, and the scene before you now, matched your conjured scenario perfectly. The accuracy astonished you.
The endless scribbles on her board were to be expected, dimensions for something she was clearly building, or rather something she was enhancing. The dented steel and iron plates in the corner told you as much, but identifying the something was another task entirely. It had your gears turning though, your own mind alive and brimming with possibility.
Fighting the impulse to touch her things was hard, they were pretty, and you were curious. But you heeded her previous outburst; upsetting her once more was not in your plans.
Riri disregarded you completely, attention stolen away by her work on Hakeem’s silver Toyota.
That stupid Toyota. He’d kissed you for the first time in that car, after your second date. He was sweet, so gentle in the way he'd held your face and brushed your lips. The pair of you had many memories wrapped up in that car, but now, you only wanted to smash it. Break the frame you placed it in, the frame that housed your memories, and undo all of Riri’s work on the vehicle.
“Ugh.” Your scoff was loud and apparently alarming enough to perk Riri’s ears, and she let a chuckle slip.
She seemed fine with your still being there, unperturbed and content to continue ignoring you. Why were you still there? Why weren't you at work? You’d texted Benny a half-assed lie about cramps, he didn't question you, and it made you grateful for the terror menstruation awoke in most men.
So now here you stood, aimlessly gazing and fidgeting around Riri’s safe space, a safe space you'd infiltrated twice now. As your brain spun in deliberation, you shifted your weight from your right leg to your left with a huff. You still wanted to ask her about last night, but you could not decide on the best approach.
“Bruh, if you just gon stand there looking lost, can you just be quiet or something? Damn. All that heavy breathing.”
Her admonishment caught you off guard, you weren't aware she was paying attention to you and you truly didn't know what to say. “Uh...”
Riri’s head emerged from under the car’s hood and she leaned on the front of it. Her eyes were glued to you immediately after, scanning your work uniform up and down. Yours, however, panned to every other thing that occupied the same space as the two of you: the car tires, the cloaked bike sitting unbothered next to her car, her computer screens.
Another staring match would not be smart, you hadn't the stomach for it. The goal was nonchalance, but it was a failed attempt, you knew this the moment you caught her snide chuckle.
“If you insist on being here, for whatever reason, you could at least help me.”
Surely you didn't hear her correctly. Riri Williams wanted your help? Your face must've given your bewilderment away, because she rolled her eyes and parted her lips to clarify, “I meant like hand me tools and shit. No way Ima actually trust you to work on Keem’s car. You might fuck around and pour peroxide in his gas tank or something.”
You bit back a laugh and she quirked a brow. She wasn't wrong, fantasies about sabotaging his motor, slashing his tires, and removing his spark plugs were rattling around in your head, especially with it sitting right in front of you. But you'd never do anything too crazy.
“Peroxide in the gas tank is definitely an idea. Luckily for him I'm not insane.” You stepped over to her hesitantly and stood beside the vehicle, awaiting instruction.
Riri huffed, holding in her own laughter, “Right...” Gloved hands pushed off the car’s hood and her head disappeared again.
“Hand me that ten millimeter.” Riri outstretched her palm, waiting for you to press the tool into it.
She loosened the bolts with the socket and you watched her wrist twist with practiced precision, popping them all off one by one, and a line of sweat trickled down your back.
“His alternator is fucked up, ain't it?” Your neck craned nosily as she examined the way the serpentine belt was wound, paying close attention to its connection to other components around it. You knew she'd have to reroute it again once finished, back around all the engine pulleys. Once she had the belt removed completely, she scanned it for frays. And just as you’d suspected, there were many. She’d have to replace that too.
All those times you’d warned him about his dimming headlights, the countless times you'd pointed out his check engine light, his battery light. Hakeem’s dashboard always twinkled and blinked. And he promptly ignored all of the flickering. You knew something was up with his car, long before that grinding noise emerged too. His car was old, and with old age came problems, but a lot of this could've been avoided if he wasn't as stubborn as he was.
“Yup.” Riri plucked the corroded car part off the side of the engine and presented it to you. Luckily, replacing it was a quick fix, even quicker with Riri at work. She bit her glove off before swatting sweat from her temples with her bare hands and you swallowed harshly.
You coursed each of her motions, watching as she walked over to her messy work table and rummaged through the clutter for the replacement part. Her shoulder blades flexed as she dug around and Riri spoke to you with her back turned. “So, you gon tell me the real reason you showed up here? And why you ain't at work?”
“Just to say thank you. For last night.” She was in front of you again, swirling the part in her hand and your mind alike. It was larger than her entire palm, but she fisted it like a pro.
That smirk was back, less murderous, still as sly. “You sticking to that, huh?”
“You think there's another reason I'm here?” The warmness of the garage and the heat radiating off Riri who stood impossibly close were on a mission to strangle you, you were sure of it. She inspected the alternator in her palm, then her eyes panned to you. She inspected your posture, assessed your breathing, then shook her head.
Your hip was still pressed into Hakeem’s car, the socket wrench still dangled from your digits. Averting her glare was never a thing you could do for long, so eventually, your eyes met. Amusement clouded her pupils, amusement and intrigue. Something else too, but you wouldn't touch that, not now.
She bit her lip, eyes still taunting you. “I know why you're here.”
“Why am I here?” Immediately, you regretted the question. The tilt of her head, the curve of her lips, and the narrowing of her eyes alerted you that her answer would not be one you enjoyed.
“You wanna know if you said any weird shit in the car when I drove you home. If you revealed your deepest darkest secrets to me and what not.” She snorted.
You didn't speak, too stunned at her blatant expression of knowledge. Were you that readable? Were you that predictable? Your inhales were uneven, Riri knew this. Her focus on your floating chest told you that. Your polo cloaked your sternum, sheltered those previously exposed parts from the night in question, yet somehow Riri Williams still stripped you bare with those brown orbs of hers.
Riri stepped away from you and back to the car, but her eyes lingered on your bearing, marking down its abrupt shift. “You ain't say nothing for real. I mean you said stuff, but not like nun crazy. Well, I mean...”
“What did I say?”
“You wanna hand me that?” She pointed to the belt tensioner bar with a grin and you obliged anxiously, though you could tell she had no plans to answer your question.
Gloved fingers grazed yours delicately, and the sensation tugged on a raspy exhale. You knew this contact; the feeling, the picture was fresh in your memory, albeit skewed. Hands, fingers, reluctance to let go. Riri’s hands, Riri’s fingers, Riri’s reluctance to let go. Of you, of your hand. You blinked, struggling to arrange your thoughts behind your lids.
Another blink. A snapshot of an image. The image of Riri at your door. One more image. Riri’s palm protectively holding yours: tentative, reassuring, grounding.
Fingers snapping in your face pulled you out of your head and back into the world around you. You had to adjust to the lights and your eyes panned down to your boyfriend's car just in time to see Riri replace the battery. She tightened the hold down bracket as a final step and shut the hood, making you jump.
“Aye, can you go start the car for me real quick? The keys are on the seat.”
You nodded slowly, mouth agape, and those amused irises stalked you as you hopped in the front seat. When you turned the key, the engine roared to life, and missing the little self-satisfied smirk that formed on Riri’s lips was impossible. She was proud of herself; it was endearing. You were grinning soon after, voluntarily, as you watched her clean her hands with a nearby rag.
She was thorough with it. She swiped the cloth between her greasy digits and your mind ran back to the detail you uncovered moments ago: Riri Williams held your hand. Those same fingers held yours. What were you to do with that information?
“Aww shit, my baby sounding nice Ri.” The chipper chime of Hakeem’s voice caused your eyes to roll, and it returned your irritation at full force. His footsteps approached the car and you shoved the door open before he could speak to you, jabbing him right in the abdomen.
You were beginning to understand Riri’s love for a good scowl, the one you tossed his way was dangerous, and seeing him recoil satisfied. Hakeem held his stomach, watching you exit his vehicle winningly, and without so much as a word. You caught Riri’s expression, and you were stunned to see her laugh. This laugh was real, one that harbored no sympathy for her best friend. She was genuinely delighted at the sight of him doubled over in pain.
Having Riri on your side made your empty stomach flutter. You’d made her laugh. A step in the right direction, you thought. Possibly.
“Damn baby, not gon say I ain't deserve that, but damn.”
You rolled your eyes again at his words and backed away when he tried pulling you in for a hug. “Fuck away from me.”
Hakeem threw his hands up, “Aight, aight, you got it. But why you not at work? I was gon pull up after I got my car.”
“Ion know what would make you think I would want that. Ion even wanna see you now.” You spat, and his eyes pleaded with you. It wasn't working though, it wouldn't work this time. “And if you must know, I'm not at work because I came here to thank Riri for making sure I got home safely after your bum ass left me to go do whatever the fuck you was doing with random ass niggas last night.”
He tried stepping closer, but you cut your eyes as a warning, and he stepped back again. “I shouldn't have left, but I can't lie, I knew you'd be good with Riri.”
“Aht aht, leave my name out of it.” Riri had taken to tidying up her clutter a bit, tossing things she had no use for. The moment Hakeem mentioned her name however, she readily put a stop to it, and her scolding eyes knocked her best friend down a few notches.
You nodded, letting his words sink in. “So no apology, no accountability? Right, okay. Yeah, fuck you Hakeem.”
His steps were quick behind you as you trotted toward the door, you knew they would be. A small part of you wanted him to follow you. When his fingers brushed your wrist, your legs halted and he spun you. “I'm sorry. I am, I'll never do no shit like that again, that's a promise.”
“Anything could've happened to me in that house Hakeem. I ain't know them people,” Your glare remained stern. “And your bitch ass just decided that it was okay to dip. And let's not forget you did say you were coming back. Didn't you say that?”
Your words were nails, spiteful as they hammered into his chest with force. You took note of the way his face twisted as you recounted his wrongdoings, he was hurt and disappointed in himself. Good. He deserved to hurt, you wanted him to. “I should've believed Riri when she told me you weren't coming back.”
“I'm sorry. I know it ain't enough, but I really am sorry baby girl.”
That rogue baby girl tossed in there should do the trick, it should be the thing to compel your immediate forgiveness. Because those remorseful eyes, and those dimples he kept hidden weren't holding it down on their own. His pretty frown did not move you, so he relied solely on those two words. Unfortunately for Hakeem though, you would not be so easily swayed. It just would not happen, not on his terms.
“You can be sorry. I believe that you are, but you're not forgiven.” You spared a glance at Riri who'd stopped what she was doing. She listened to your word exchange with your boyfriend, and her eyes dazzled with something akin to pride.
She cleared her throat, crossing her arms as she leaned against the parked Toyota. “Y’all done? Cause Keem I need you to get this relic out my garage. Just sitting here it's devaluing all my other shit.”
“Yeah and I gotta get to work. Bye Riri, thanks, again for not being a lame ass piece of shit.”
He reached for your wrist once more, and you let him, despite all of your fibers fighting against it. “Please, just let me drive you? Just let me do this one thing before I leave for the weekend?”
Your eyeroll was to be your yes. It was all he’d get. He grinned softly, and fuck, there they were. Those fucking dimples. Why were you so weak over a division in a person's zygomaticus major? You would have to conduct a study on this very question eventually.
He moonwalked away like a dork, a very cute dork, and you reprimanded yourself for nearly giving in completely. “Alright Ri, talk to me. What's wrong with my baby?”
She regarded him with disgust, and the sight was nice. Seeing that glower directed at him and not you made you blush a little, and you scolded yourself for that too.
“Well ain't shit wrong with her now. But you had hella misfire which was cause of your rusty ass alternator. I replaced that. And your serpentine belt cause that was tore up. Battery was damn near fried. Ima be honest Keem, I really don't know how you was getting around in this car.”
He laughed, because only Hakeem would find hilarity in a situation so dire. “How many times I done told you about that damn car Hakeem?!” You yelled from your spot at the door, arms crossed in annoyance.
“Ain't my fault I'm God's favorite.”
Riri scoffed at the same time you did, and she met your eye line briefly before turning all her attention back to your boyfriend and his death trap. “You not nobody favorite.”
“Nigga did you sleep here?!” You became alarmed by his immediate disregarding of his car. Seconds ago his voice held its signature cheery beat, now though, Hakeem's tone dipped far below the octave you were familiar with. His eyes turned erratic and accusing, darting between Riri and the pillows and blankets on the tattered couch perched at the back of the space.
She tensed instantly at the question. Her jaw locked, there was a gulp, and you studied the measured way she exhaled. You recognized panic, exceedingly well, and that's what Riri did now. She panicked. Hakeem’s question flared fright inside her, and she stumbled over a reply. “Nigga why you in my business?”
A deflection, and a weak one at that. Hakeem thought so too, his expression unimpressed and demanding, but it softened as he looked at her. “Ri, did you sleep here for real?”
“My girl was over last night.” This was your first time hearing her voice emerge so small from her throat. Riri, who always seemed sure of herself, sounded meek, and wounded. Shame stormed her eyes and she flinched when Hakeem spoke again.
He shook his head, “That's not what I asked you.”
“Hakeem, if you wanna drive me to work Ima need you to get on that like right now. Cause I'm already late.”
He ripped his stare from Riri to you, contemplating. You could tell he wanted to continue hounding his best friend, but he also wanted to ease back into your good graces. And if Riri’s quivering lips were an indicator, she wanted an out from this conversation, needed one. So you decided to grant her that by stealing Hakeem's attention. It didn't take long for her to catch wind of your gesture, and those eyes of hers brimmed with appreciation. Riri appreciated you.
You tried not to read into it. You fought your smile. And you lost.
Watching her only broadened it, and you could've sworn there was a slight rise in the right corner of her lips. Or maybe you just wanted there to be.
Hakeem grumbled, “Alright baby let's go.” He glared at Riri. “But we ain't done.”
You walked over to where they stood, and climbed into the front seat with your bag. Riri pressed the garage door opener, and her thumb stuttered. She was still shaken. Miraculous. It was miraculous that you caught that, it was such a subtle thing, barely anything. But you were attentive, you noticed most things about everyone. Observing was a hobby, and it was a hobby you exceeded at.
Hakeem climbed inside and turned the key, cheering when the vehicle revved awake. He rubbed the dash, pressing his face to the wheel and you groaned. “That's my girl. I knew you still had some fight in you.”
As he backed out, your anxiety grew. After having a look under his hood, you weren't entirely confident in this car’s ability to take you anywhere. The bus was safer. “If you kill me in this thing Hakeem we done for real.”
“Ima see you Ri.” He laughed and you waved hopefully at Riri. She didn't return it; expecting her to was wishful thinking
Hakeem was zipping down the street moments later. Your nausea was back now, and with it came that same dread from this morning as well.
Fifteen minutes later, Hakeem pulled up to Freeda’s. All his attempts to talk to you on the drive were proven failures; you drowned him out with your airpods.
“Thanks.” It was emotionless, but you feigned that. Emotions were in fact flowing through you, bubbling ones, ones that scorched. But you swallowed them and allowed them to simmer. He was leaving the city in a few hours. You wouldn't see him and he wouldn't hear from you for the next two days, longer if you had any say in it.
Hakeem's hand grazed your thigh as you moved to get out and you shot him a look. “Just, can you do me a favor while I'm gone?”
“No.” You shifted again, but he pulled you back. “Nigga, don't–”
He reached for your hand, you wanted to snatch it away, but a tender kiss to your knuckles softened your hard exterior. Damn him. “What do you need?”
“Check on Riri for me? Just swing by her dorm, make sure she good?”
You laughed, but his face never moved. Hakeem was authentic in his concern, making you sigh. “Riri don't like me, Keem. And she damn sure won't want me checking up on her.”
“Just, please. She got some stuff going on and I just wanna make sure she don't work herself to death or nothing. That's it.”
Unrest on Hakeem was not a sight you were used to, and it was all for Riri. It made you revisit the panic you witnessed in her eyes. That was strange for her, strange for the Riri you knew. The Riri you’d grown to know carried herself with unshakeable confidence, and you’d never seen even a crack in that. Until today, until Hakeem questioned her about where she spent the night.
It was a question you saw no fault in, if you had noticed the scene he did you would've wondered the same. Inquiring about it would've been off the table, you didn't share the relationship they did, so you couldn't. But it would've been a thought.
Something about that sentiment bothered you. “Okay.”
“Thank you baby.”
You moved for the door again, but you stopped. Your own question barring you this time. “Keem, do you know a girl with a red afro, lots of tattoos, lots of piercings?”
Your description of Riri’s Mystery girl was kept vague on purpose, surely if he knew her that would be more than enough to garner you an answer though.
“Kinda tall, big ass…” He trailed off and you tilted your head, urging him to continue, daring him to try you. “Big ass smile, um, that's what I was gon say. Yeah I know her, Zariyah. She got a big ass smile.” He was audacious. Dumb and stupid and immensely audacious.
“And how you know her exactly?” Your brow quirked, and he shifted uncomfortably under your scrutiny.
Hakeem cleared his throat dramatically and your eyes rolled. “Uh that's Riri’s girl.”
“As in girlfriend?”
He made a curious sound as he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb and it served as nothing more than an irritant. “I mean…”
There was no doubt your face displayed confusion. Was it not a simple yes or no question? “Do you know her in the way Riri knows her?”
This made him chuckle, and it was loud too. “Oh nah nah nah. Zariyah do not swing that way.”
“She’s gay. Like, gay gay. And she's all about Riri.”
Gay gay. And all about Riri. Okay… The way she spoke earlier made it seem like she knew Hakeem personally. But maybe you read into it too much? Her energy was obscuring that's for sure, and that could've been a factor in your misunderstanding. “She's a lesbian?”
“But she’s so pretty.” It was the wrong thing to say. Hakeem's face told you as much. You didn't plan to say it, but the words were on your tongue and out of your mouth before you had the chance to bite them back.
He let your hand go, practically shoved you away, and it startled you. “What you mean by that?”
“No, she's like, I–” Fuck. Words, you needed words to explain your slip up, but even they wanted nothing to do with you now. They avoided you; disappointed and disgusted, and it was with those same emotions that your boyfriend looked at you.
“Bae, you can't be saying shit like that.”
You nodded, you agreed with him. The mere utterance of the sentence crawled your skin. You were trying, unlearning. “I know. I didn't mean it like that. I know pretty girls can be lesbians I just–”
Your breathing increased rapidly and you spluttered nonsensical words. “Baby relax. You're good.”
“I'm sorry.” He guided you through an exhale with a small smile and once again those dimples centered you. Hakeem grounded you just by being, it was a skill, your favorite thing about him. He’d learned you so wholly and the ease in which he did it astonished you.
“You're good. Just, don't say nothing like that again.”
You nodded once more, and this time you smiled back at him.
He squinted at you in that mischievous way he often did and you mentally prepared yourself for what would come. “Why you asking about Riy anyway?”
“So she's Riy now?”
It sank in for him then, and your drive to crawl into a hole was at its strongest. “Oh, she's jealous. You jealous of Riy baby girl?”
Were you jealous? You rolled your eyes at him, “Don't be doing all that. Ain't nobody jealous. I just saw her with Riri earlier and she seemed to know you, and me. So… I was just curious.”
“Mhmm. Okay. We already done established she’s gay as hell. And don't look at nobody who ain't Riri. And if she know anything about you, it's cause I be talking bout you a lot, so you're good, I promise.”
He grinned and you groaned, “I gotta go.”
“Can I get a kiss?” The pearly whites were on full display, so bright and blinding that you almost gave in. But then you remembered you were still angry with him, and he was not forgiven.
You opened the door and leapt out, then slammed it. That was answer enough, but his grin did not waiver. He smiled at you the entire time, waiting for you to make it all the way inside before pulling off.
After your shift, you craved only a single thing: your bed. Your comfy duvet, the plushness of pillows against moisturized skin. Aching muscles yearned for that sensation, to sink into your mattress and be whisked into slumber.
Unfortunately, this luxury was not awarded to you. Because you had homework. And you happened to be a good girlfriend. Which is how you found yourself at Riri’s dorm clutching your backpack and preparing to knock.
Your knuckles rapped at the wood and it took less than a minute for the door to open. Riri’s nose was in her phone, grinning as she swiftly typed a message, and curiosity got the better of you. Prying eyes stole a quick glance at her screen before she caught you and she stuffed the device into her back pocket. The only information you were able to gather was the contact name: Z Baby.
Her decision to acknowledge you was not one made lightly, her grimace displayed that. Her decision to acknowledge you with contempt, however, that you knew came with ease.
“Bruh, you have got to be kidding me. The fuck do you want now?”
You swallowed hard and cleared your throat. You came prepared for this question, for this reaction. “Hey Riri.”
“What do you want?”
Stern irritation glazed her words and you could empathize with that. This was the second time in one day you’d shown up at her door. Well, doors, plural. And you did so unprompted, though your being here now was only to bring your boyfriend comfort. “I thought maybe we could do our homework together?”
“And why the hell would you think I would want that?”
You hadn't expected her to say yes. Yes was easy, and Riri was everything but. “Ion know, I kinda been struggling with some of the concepts and since you're pretty good at this stuff, I just thought maybe you could help me?”
This was not entirely true. Yes, some of the concepts in your differential equations class were hard, but they were supposed to be. You were fine with that, it didn't hinder your ability, you were only looking for a way into her room.
Riri tapped the small whiteboard pinned to her door with her pointer finger, gesturing to the problem written on it. “What does that say?”
“Collatz Conjecture has never been solved, Riri.” You rolled your eyes. So much animosity in such a small body, no way she wasn't exhausted.
“Then why did you knock? The instructions was right in your face. Solve, or don't knock. You know, the way you keep showing up kinda feels like that.” She pointed to the board again.
“What? Like I’m putting you in the 4 2 1 loop?”
She smirked, “Exactly.”
You huffed, growing impatient with her antics. Instances like these reminded you why you avoided her, but that ceased to be the case these days. “Look, I know you don't like me but–”
“Oh? You know that?”
You sighed again, “But, my roommate’s out with her friends, Keem’s out of town and we aren't really in the best place anyway, as you know. And I hate studying and doing homework alone so I wanted to study with you. We have the same class so it makes sense.”
Most of that was a lie. Being left alone was something you enjoyed a lot. You hated unwanted persons being in your space, which was why you understood Riri’s attitude towards you showing up out of the blue. But again, you were a good girlfriend, and Riri deserved to have someone check on her. Even if she made the deed impossible.
“You don't got friends?”
“No.” You spat it harshly, but it was a truthful spit. Something shone in her eyes at your admission. Understanding? Relation?
Riri shifted, pulling her phone out and checking the time. “I got company coming over in an hour, and you gon be up outta here before she get here.” She stepped aside, allowing you in and you shot her a winning smile, one that she scoffed at.
“Sit on the bed, don't touch shit.” Powerful words, shaking words. They drilled into you, her tone laid their foundation, and you did exactly as you were told.
Once settled, legs crossed and bag unpacked, you jumped straight into your work. You chewed on your eraser, deep in thought as you pondered over the questions before you. Riri sat inches from you at her desk, submerged entirely in her phone screen.
Surprisingly, she hadn't shifted her eyes to you one time in the past twenty minutes. This, you weren't expecting. Riri’s exacting gaze was one you’d found yourself used to, one you anticipated whenever you were around her. Whether she shielded it, which she hardly ever did, or not.
But now, even as you sat, unattended on her bed, she paid you no mind. It wasn't an action that you were bothered by, just one you weren't prepared for. It was new, but you could adjust to new. A sigh escaped you as you moved on to the next problem on your homework, and you looked over at Riri. Her smile was still resting on her face like something built in and permanent.
“Your girlfriend is really pretty.” The rumble of your own voice startled you with the drawl of each syllable. This was not something you'd plan to admit, but it was out, and the statement had Riri’s attention.
She spun in her chair to face you, and there they were. Deep brown globes; melted and murky, and forceful as hell. They forced their way beneath the surface of your skin, scanning, searching. “What?”
“Your girlfriend. She's really pretty and seems really cool.” You’d been thinking about Riri’s Mystery girl all day. Her aura, her fragrance, that gold bead punched into her tongue. She was an unforgettable being. A being, you’d found this was the best way to describe her. Otherworldly.
Riri laughed, shaking her head as she eyed you. “Yeah. Zariyah is real cool.”
“She looking for friends by any chance?” You knew your eyes bore desperation. It was hard to care though.
“You wanna be friends with Zariyah?”
You nodded, excited. “I mean, well, yeah.”
“Riy would eat you alive.” And the way she said that sparked a thrill of intrigue. “You ain't ready for that.”
“Ready for what?” Desperate eyes turned curious, and you squinted at her.
Riri’s laugh was always a tad jeering when it was genuine, and you noticed that now with the way she chuckled at you and your request to befriend her girlfriend? Was Zariyah her girlfriend? Hakeem hadn't exactly clarified that for you. “Focus on them problems you working on and stop asking bout my peoples.”
“Can I ask about last night then?” You watched as she sucked in a breath and visibly tensed. Glazed eyes froze on you; their amused tint disappeared, and now, Riri regarded you with uncertainty.
One eye twitched, only for a second, but you saw it. Her panic from earlier brewed beneath that twitching eye, preparing for a spill, but Riri was not the type to let it boil over, especially not in front of you. You weren't Hakeem and you had no exacting effect over her emotions. None that were positive anyway, and none that got her to open up. She could hide whatever was going on from you, and feel no guilt or shame.
That's the other thing you noticed earlier. Shame, painted so prominently across her beautiful face. It complicated her features, blurred them sort of. Shame did not belong there. You couldn't comment on it though, not now. Because that wasn't why you were there. You showed up only to ease Hakeem’s mind, not to pick at Riri's.
“Last night?” Her question was guarded, like she was waiting for something.
You sighed with a nod, “You said I didn't reveal my deepest darkest secrets.”
“You didn't.”
“But I did embarrass myself?” This question’s answer existed already, but you asked anyway because apparently you had a humiliation kink.
Her eyes stilled, relaxing once she realized your inquiries weren't going to be about her. “Oh most definitely.”
“What did I say?”
Riri tilted her head curiously, allowing her pupils to fill with mirth. “You really don't remember what happened last night?”
Your own words of the night eluded you, that was correct. Something else cloaked them. Riri’s hand on you, in yours, those images transcended anything you could've said. Those you had no choice but to remember. Riri’s touch lingered on you still, the heat of her caress was…so much. It was mainly the shock of it really, because you didn't understand it. She puzzled you with her hot and cold, and you didn't like that.
You shook your head, and her body loosened some more, regaining her signature nonchalant slouch. “Well, you cried. Like a lot. And you screamed at me to get away from you, and not to touch you.”
“I think I would remember crying.” You didn't, but it tracked.
“You did, and you tried to run away from me, then you fell, so.”
You groaned at this, slamming your closed textbook against your forehead. “No...”
“You also accused me of being in love with my best friend, which was just…yeah.”
Another groan, this time accompanied by a heated blush. “Fuck...”
“Then you choked yourself with the seatbelt tryna get out the car after tryna convince me you was strong quote ‘like that iron girl from youtube.’” She let herself laugh as she recounted your behavior, and you did the same, even though you were stewing in a pot of embarrassment. It was nice though, seeing her this lax. It gave you a semblance of hope. Maybe you hadn't screwed things up so terribly, and Riri was not entirely closed off to the idea of friendship.
You did, however, pay attention to her purposeful omission of certain details. She did not mention embracing you, nor did she bring up her lingering fingers.
“Was that all? Please tell me that was all, god I can't take anymore.” A test.
One that she failed. “Yeah. I think that's it.” Probably the first test Riri Williams had ever failed in her life. It left you more perplexed than before, but you were beginning to suspect constant confusion would be your new normal when it came to her.
Like her warm fingers, Riri’s gaze lingered on your body as you sat with your legs crisscrossed on her bed. Your laughter subsided, and the cycle was spinning once again. Your skin prickled and tightened. She blinked and you exhaled. Riri licked her lips, fixating specifically on your thighs. And suddenly, the air in the room was too thick to breathe in. Your shorts felt too short and you regretted not opting for sweats. Goosebumps crowded your arms and your neck heated the longer she watched you.
When her phone pinged, it stole her attention and you thanked the universe for making that happen. If Riri stared at you for any longer, you were sure spontaneous combustion would be the end result.
She was once again consumed with her phone and the conversation happening within it. And she'd done it again, flicked the switch that made you an afterthought. The action only cemented how trivial you and your presence were to her.
Returning to your homework was a smart idea, though it took you a minute. You were waiting to see if she would turn around again, but she did not. So you copied her, letting your work consume you and you tuned out her small chuckles whenever a new text message rolled in.
Your professor had assigned some tough problems, but they weren't anything you couldn't handle. A few sighs of frustration did slip whenever you hit a roadblock, though. Which was where you were now, stumped by a particular equation. You sighed again, this one long, this one grabbing Riri’s attention finally.
“Bruh, you gotta shut up or go. You fucking with my concentration.” You weren't entirely sure what she'd enraptured herself with at her desk, but it was not homework. She tinkered with something, and it buzzed lowly. Truthfully, she too was fucking with your own concentration, but you couldn't tell her that, not when she was allowing you to be in her room.
“This problem is really hard, it's just taking me a minute.”
She huffed and you could only assume an eyeroll came along with it as well. “I don't care. Like I said, shut up or get out.”
“Is it in your nature to be bitchy all the damn time?” You dropped your pencil, eyeing her back.
Riri made no move to turn, she only grumbled a response, shoving her face closer to her desk and whatever she was fiddling with. “You in my space blowing your hot ass breath every five seconds. I got the right to be bitchy.”
“Ugh. I’ll go once I solve this.”
“Well hurry up. And I'm not helping you, if that's what all that huffing and puffing is about.”
You scoffed at her, there was absolutely no way she thought you were begging for her help. “Girl, ain't nobody asked for your help.”
She laughed smugly and you watched her fingers clamp around a small screwdriver. “Oh, you didn't?”
“Nah.” Tossing her infamous line back at her made you feel triumphant, because it seemed to still her movements. She dropped her tools and wheeled her chair closer to where you sat on her bed, intrigued. Riri snatched your notebook, scanning the page and the equations you had scribbled on it.
“You got some shitty ass handwriting.” Once she was finished, she tossed it back at you. “And ain't no way you solving that tonight.”
“I can.”
She stood, spinning the chair so the back was facing you before sitting back down with her front pressed against it. Her eyes screamed for a challenge, and you were prepared to give her one. “You really believe that you can, this is so interesting.”
Your glower made her laugh some. You were one eye roll away from yet another splitting headache, it was draining, but Riri Williams was relentless. “You know we're in the same class right?”
“Yeah, but I done seen you almost break your neck tryna stay awake in there.”
“Doesn't mean I don't know the material.”
“I've never seen you confident before.” The way she spoke her sentence made your insides bustle. There was some underlying meaning, but it wasn't one you could figure out. You were focused on the problem at hand, and you were focused on proving yourself.
Your quipped response made Riri’s eyes flare. For a second, it shook you, but only slightly. You stood firm in your declaration because you knew your potential. “I'm confident in my ability to solve this equation.”
“Bet money.” It flew out of her quick and you groaned. Of course she would take this route. A childish one, but you were willing to indulge.
“Five dollars says I can.”
She shook her head, unconvinced, “That's baby money. And for a problem that long, nah.”
“Well Riri, that's all I have in my wallet right now.” You whined. She was truly impossible.
“Fine. Five bucks, but you gotta solve it in five minutes.”
You rejected this proposal, because it was insane. “That's not fair.”
“Well.” She shrugged and you could tell that she wouldn't change her mind. Accepting was your only way out. You would not be bested, and you quite liked the idea of being five dollars richer.
“Okay, fine.”
You grabbed your pencil again, this time determination fueled you. Before, you were ready to give up, eager, but Riri’s taunting put a stop to all that. You would show her, she would see just how capable you were.
Examining the equation before you with a straight face was not easy. Honestly, a lot about what you were looking at puzzled you, but Riri didn't need to know that. Your eraser tapped your chin, mind whirring. “Okay… so I can't separate it because there's two terms on the bottom.”
“This is hilarious because it's so easy.”
“Bruh shut up! I'm tryna think.” Her eyes widened, and she flinched at your outburst. You startled yourself with it too, but it only seemed to make her already existing grin wider.
Again, you went over the different ways to solve it, there were a few, but you were after the easiest route. Time was of the essence. “Fuck, substitution!”
Riri hummed approvingly beside you, “There you go.”
“All I have to do is let u equal the square root of y, but then I’ll have to find du, ugh!” You looked at your work, then over at your laptop. Two minutes, you had enough time. “Okay, okay square both sides. Now I have u squared equals y. Take the derivative, so 2udu equals dy…”
“Times ticking ma.” She was so smug about it, so sure you’d lose. It enraged you. Having others doubt your capabilities was not something you were used to. If it happened, you were never made aware. Until Riri. She doubted you, and merely for her own enjoyment. You envisioned smacking that smirk right off that pretty face. You could do it, right now. Her strength rivaled yours, sure, but she wasn't very big. You could do a lot to her, a lot that she would not be able to counter.
You scribble the last of your answer right as she called, “Time.”
She reached for the paper, inspecting it thoroughly. Her eyebrows raised and your face grew hot the longer she revised your work. Now you were doubting yourself. Did you make a mistake? It was possible. A mistake would throw the entire answer off. And Riri would catch a mistake, however minuscule. You studied her face, searching tirelessly for a tell, anything that would let you know where her head was at.
No. You wouldn't do that to yourself. You refuted the idea that you’d failed. That was not a possibility. You did the work, you studied the material and Riri Williams would not make you feel–
“Damn. Guess I owe you that five.”
Your smile spread like a Cheshire cat’s. It consumed your entire face, every corner, and Riri only watched you, eyes colored with something resembling wonder. “I told you!”
She wheeled her chair back over to her junky desk and plucked a crisp five dollar bill from her wallet. She then presented it to you, only to snatch it back when your fingers grabbed for it. Riri rested her chin on the back of the desk chair, smiling softly to herself at each of your failed attempts to capture the cash. God, she was annoying.
You frowned and on the seventh try, you’d finally had enough. “Just keep the damn money Riri.”
“Slow ass. Here.” She awarded it to you: palm up and bill sitting still inside it. You could seize hold of it, but how were you to know this wasn't another trick? You squinted, and she smirked daringly. It was sick, the way she gained pleasure from taunting you. You reached for the money anyway, and Riri didn't snatch it back. Instead, she captured your hand, lacing your fingers together. Your eyes instantly shot to hers with a low gasp, only to find she was already watching you.
Riri held onto your hand for what felt like forever, and you let her. She kept those deep browns on you, picking apart your reaction to her touch with a soft grin. Your own eyes were locked on the way she clasped your fingers. Something about the stark contrast of your long lavender acrylics, entwined with her short silver nails entranced you. The bill was still pressed between your palms, but its feel was lost on you. You just felt her: the heat of her palm, the tight of her grip.
She eventually let you go, she let you take the money too, and not once did she speak a word. But there was reluctance in her release, just like there was the night before. And there was a stutter in your chest. Your body blazed under continued inspection. How the hell did she do that? Why?
A ding sounded from her desk making the pair of you jump. She regarded you quickly before scooting over to check her messages. You needed to exhale; you were becoming lightheaded from all the gasping you’d been doing.
Anxious eyes panned around the room, and a picture in a bizarre looking frame on her nightstand stuck out to you. You ran your fingertips along it, it was crafted with care, you could tell. Cute. The picture residing within it was of a tall dark skinned man and two little girls with pigtails. He embraced them both as they stuck their tongues out. You smiled at the image, knowing immediately who one of the girls had to be. “Oh, is this you? Baby Ri–”
“What the fuck, don't touch that! I told you to leave my shit alone!” Riri flew to your side, yanking the frame from your hands. A hurricane of emotions flooded through her, its waves were rapid, and it worked hard to drown the Riri you knew from moments ago. This unforeseen monsoon altered her entire demeanor before your very eyes. Her shoulders knotted, she tightened her jaw, and there was lightning in her irises.
The picture was obviously important, and this reaction shouldn't be one that surprised you. You’d gotten comfortable, a foolish move. Your own guard was let down, and you’d assume Riri was doing the same. This assumption was an inaccurate one.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to–” Your outstretched arm was to be an olive branch, but her body jerked away from you, and your hand collided with the frame instead. You watched it plunge to the floor. You waited for the clatter, for the sound of glass breaking. The shattering of shards pierced your ears and you winced, letting your eyes flutter shut.
Terror stirred inside you as you honed in on the tatters of the picture frame. Meeting Riri’s gaze right now struck real fear into you. You could already feel her rage, taste her fury.
“Get out.” She whispered it. Two words made every hair on your body stand tall and you shivered under their hiss.
You found her face for a few seconds, and you gaped at her. Words had forsaken you once more, and you couldn't blame them. “Riri, I–”
“Get the fuck out of my dorm.” She dragged her hands down her face in attempts to wipe away some of her exasperation. “Why the fuck are you still here? I said get the fuck out!”
Riri’s voice cracked at the end of the sentence, stretching your guilt, widening it until it encompassed you and stiffened your entire being. But you obeyed her demand nonetheless, and you began gathering your things in the silent room. Even sound knew to make itself scarce in order to avoid Riri’s wrath. Her eyes were glued to the shards on her floor, and she barely moved.
You mumbled nervously under your breath as you repacked your bag, “I told Hakeem coming here was a bad idea, fuck!”
“Hakeem told you to do what?” The deepness there in her tone was enough to immerse you in the abyss that was now the space you shared with Riri. Or rather her space that she shared with you, and it put a stop to your movements.
“What?” You stared hesitantly at her and she narrowed her eyes.
“Did Hakeem tell you to come check on me? Is that the whole reason you showed up here to fucking bother me and break my shit like a dummy?” Venomous, each word intended to puncture and kill. “You know what, ion care, don't answer that. I'm sure your answer will just piss me off even more. Just fucking go.”
Your inability to leave well enough alone would be your demise one day. You nodded, and headed for the door. “I really am sor–”
Riri slammed the door angrily in your face, and you sighed. You’d deluded yourself into believing a breakthrough was made tonight, that you’d scratched the surface on some of her walls. You sought her friendship, but after tonight, there was no doubt she'd built new barriers. Fences that shot up to the skies. Walls that were impenetrable. And remain that way they would, for their sole purpose was to keep you out.
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leakyweep · 5 months
@fengxinwifutobecalled says: Hiiii hope you're having a great day! Congrats on 500 followers! -- A2
A/N: Hello my love! Thank you for joining Leaky's bingo! I hope you enjoy your drabble and thank you for your support!
A2 - Rosinante / Modern AU
Words; 0.6k
No warnings, only fluff <3
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The soft pitter-patter of rain made you sigh and cross your arms. You surely hadn’t expected it to rain here, as the sky was blue only minutes ago, but as you grumbled about your hair Cora laughed and grabbed your hand. His mocha eyes swirled with excitement as he exclaimed, “We gotta dance in it!”
You scoffed and lifted your grocery bags, raising your brows. “We got these. Plus, what about our clothes? And we’d be cold!” You counted each qualm on your fingers until suddenly your grocery bags were on the ground under the awning and your hand engulfed in your silly boyfriend’s. He tugged you out into the parking lot and into the drizzle, making you squeal.
“Let’s have some fun! Dance with me!” He giggled and pulled you close.
“There’s not even any music!”
"We'll make our own."
Cora's strong arms pulled you onto his shoes, despite how expensive they were, and spun you both around in the rain. The drizzle had accelerated to a steady rain, and it made your clothing stick to your body as you both twirled under the cool droplets. While you first thought of all the things wrong with it, watching as families and couples rushed to their cars through the parking lot now flooding with puddles of reflective mirrors, you considered the laid back and carefree nature of your tall partner. He often told you all he wanted to see you was relaxed, happy, tranquil.
And you couldn't think of anything more tranquil (or romantic) than dancing with your partner in the rain, whether it be on top of his toes or not.
Clothing clung to your skin, yet his warm chest against you and his giant hands engulfing you made you forget every care you've ever had. He had a way of making you feel blissful. Around and around you spun on top of his loafers, his mind transfixed on that beautiful smile gracing your features. He was head over heels for you and everyone knew it-- and it was a relief that Rosi's usually indifferent adopted nephew enjoyed spending time with you and telling you all about his favorite super heroes.
Cora leaned in to press his forehead to yours with a gentle sigh. It had been a while since he was able to just relax and have fun like this. He didn’t care who was looking; Corazon only cared about you, how you were feeling, if you were happy. And he could tell with that sparkle in your eye, despite all the grumbling, you were. You were his missing puzzle piece. He was so, so grateful to be raising Traf with such an amazing person like you for him to look up to.
"Alright, we gotta get back to the apartment to feed Bepo. Traf isn't gonna be happy if we miss his dinner time again.” Cora snapped himself from his thoughts to kiss you and throw an arm around you, leading you to the car. Before that, though, he wrung out your hair and gave you his hat to shield you from the rain further. “You know how he likes to be punctual.”
“How could I forget? Remember that one time-“
“He gave you a 30 minute lecture for being late to sit down with his superhero show? The image of that little bastard staring daggers through you is forever etched into my brain folds.”
You laughed, which was like the sound of a bell to Rosi, and he helped you into the car to head back home to Traffy. You didn’t even realize the giant, goofy smile on your face, hair stuck to your face and neck, the seat emitting a gentle heat onto your bum to comfort you. But nothing could be more comforting than the man beside you.
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Remain By His Side Chp.6 Heat (smut)
Chp.5 Chp.7
It was late at night, and Leon was thinking of you.
Warning: Smut, masturbation, Leon needs a hug, he really hates himself, Jerking off thinking of reader, a bit of angst at the end
Another hour. What was it? 3AM? 4?
Leon turned onto his back. He had one hand behind his head while the other was on his abdomen. 
He couldn’t sleep. His mind was running with feelings of you. Wanting you. Desiring you.
“God…damnit…” He rubbed his eyes, groggy and tired. The breath he released did little to calm his nerves.
To make matters worse, in his turmoil, blood flow decided to go to his groin. It was an irritating heat at his center.
How long has it been since he…?
He’s been with people. Girlfriends, mostly. He always needed a connection before becoming intimate with someone. He’s jerked off before, but it was only to scratch an itch. It gave him a physical release, let off some steam.
Ever since Racoon City, he’s never felt such a need. Even if he did, military barracks offered no privacy.
But now? He was back in his own room with privacy and you were flooding his mind. 
You looked wonderful today. Your smile. Your happiness. 
How would you look without your clothes?
Leon took in a sharp breath. His mind conjured up pictures of you. 
You were naked below him, touching yourself. Your lips were parted as you moaned his name. Your eyes were on him. 
Stop it. 
You weren’t something he should ogle and jerk off to. Leon touching himself to thoughts of you was no better than looking at you like a sex object. 
His fingers ghosted his abs, traveling lower to his half-hard cock. 
He let out a tense sigh. This night was long, way too long…
Just an orgasm. That’ll help him get some sleep. He wouldn’t think of you. Not at all. 
Leon grasped his dick in his hand. Immediately he felt lightning up his body, ripping a moan passed his lips. His free hand slapped over his mouth, silencing himself.
Fuck, its been too long since hes been touched by anyone. Himself included.
The former rookie swallowed and closed his eyes. With a deep breath, he began to stroke his cock to full hardness. His fingers were light as he touched himself from base to head. 
He must’ve been pent up, because it didn’t take much to have his dick completely erect. His cock was throbbing now and he used the precum beading at the slit for lubrication. He felt hot under the duvet, but was too ashamed and embarrassed to shove it off. 
He didn’t want to see his own dick. He didn’t want to see it twitching in his palm as he rubbed the entire length. He was already self conscious jerking off as is. 
The pads of his fingers focused on rubbing the underside of the head. The pleasure was enough to have Leon whimper into the palm of his hand. He still needed to remain silent, in case he woke you. 
The chances of you hearing his actions were slim. His door was closed and his room was on the other side of the apartment. In your closed bedroom, you were probably asleep in your bed, blissfully unaware of the crude and shameful display. Mocha would probably be with you, asleep at your feet. 
But the former rookie still worried. If you, or even the fucking cat had an idea of what he was doing, he’d die on the spot. 
Leon continued to stroke his aching cock. He tried to repress his moans and whines, keeping his free hand over his lips. 
Hot. Hot! He felt hot. Too hot. Sweat beaded on his skin.
His head tilted back, pace picking up. He was stroking harder and faster, trying to bring himself over the edge. He could feel the head of his dick weeping precum. His center felt tight. Like a coil primed to break.
But it just wasn’t enough. He needed more.
More. More!
His skin felt raw. It was starting to hurt. But he was right on the edge. Just a little bit more and he’d fall to ecstasy.
Leon breathed through his nose. His eyes were closed tightly as he jerked off. He kept going, kept stroking and rubbing, desperate for release. 
After a minute of tight, burning pleasure, he stopped, letting out a frustrated sob. 
It wasn't enough. 
He groaned, running the fingers over his lips through his messy blonde hair. 
“God…damnit…” His breath was hot and heavy, “Please…fuck…” He gave himself a few more moments to breathe before his shaky hand wrapped around his length. 
Another shot of pleasure ran up his spine and he shuddered. 
“Oh fuck.” He swallowed. 
He resumed his strokes and touches. His hips trembled. Sweat dripped down his temple. His eyes closed tightly.
It still wasn’t enough!
Desperation and pleasure ran through his blood. His mind was breaking under the pressure for release. He was primed to burst. 
Leon just needed a little bit more. Just a small push to send him tumbling towards bliss.
Please! Need to cum!
He silently begged his body to let him cum. Let him finally feel that white, hot ecstasy he desperately ran towards. 
The rookie finally snapped under the pure need to release. He thought of you. 
Such filthy images filled his mind. Pictures of you playing with his hard cock. Your fingers were on his body, feeling his skin. You were touching him, whispering and cooing words to encouragement in his ear. 
That's all it took to have him cumming. He moaned your name as his orgasm rolled over him like a wave. It started at his curled toes and traveled up his body. His muscles tensed and trembled as the burning pleasure reached its peak. 
He couldn't breathe.
His body had gone catatonic. His nerves short-circuited, muscles locked. His orgasm was stronger than he’s ever felt before. Pure white bliss flooded his sight as his eyes rolled back. 
Finally, finally, he managed to take a breath. His sweaty body went slack. His abdomen was dirtied with his cum.
Leon remained still, breathed heavily. He licked his lips, trying to calm his rapid heart beat. With a shaky swallow, the self loathing finally set in. 
Oh, god. What did he do? 
Hatred filled his mind now. Hatred for himself. 
He was no better than some horny teenager. He jerked off to you. You, who has done nothing but show him kindness. You, who had housed him and given him something close to a family. 
The former rookie had objectified you. Turned you into some sort of twisted fantasy to rub himself to.
Leon turned to his side and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 4:47AM…
So much for sleep now.
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hgmason-hellion · 5 months
The digitals of the other two sketches from this post.
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Let Mocha be a silly little goof @letoasai
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straightboyfriend · 10 months
not my damn job being open tomorrow. what dumb fuck floridian thinks that going to starbucks in the middle of 80 MPH winds & 6 feet of flooding for their frivolous pink drink & mocha cookie crumble frappuccino is a good idea
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Are You Ready To Talk
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Josh x Reader (f)
Find All Parts Here
Warnings: implied alcohol consumption, cursing
As the warm morning light flooded your room, you yawned and stretched. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, it all came flooding back.
Josh saying he loved you and wanted more than just friendship. Josh trying to kiss you. You stopping him.
Taking a deep breath, you shake your head. He probably won't even remember what happened, you thought.Sighing, you get out of bed and head to the kitchen.
Just as you finish making your cup of coffee, you hear your phone go off in the other room. Grabbing your mug, you walk back to check your phone. Picking it up off the nightstand, you unlock it and see it's a message from Josh.
Josh: Hey can I come over? I'm in dire need of my birdy's hangover cure.
Me: Yeah, come on over. I'll start making it now.
You knew it. He didn't remember. It's probably for the best. At least this way, your friendship would stay unaffected.
Walking back to the kitchen, you start making cheddar bacon spinach egg muffins. Once those were in the oven, you got out all the ingredients for frozen mocha. After making a shot of espresso, you pour it in the blender and ice, vanilla ice cream, white chocolate syrup, dark chocolate syrup and milk. Turning on the blender, you turn to grab some cups.
When you turn, you see Josh standing there. Letting out a yelp and knocking into the counter, you hold your chest trying to calm your racing heart. All the while Josh is laughing historically.
Turning off the blender, you turn and say, "You scared the shit out of me! When did you get here?”
“I’m sorry. I just got here. Thank you for this by the way. You’re the best.” He says with a smile, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s no problem.” You say as the oven timer goes off. “Hey can you grab some cups while I get the food?”
He nods and goes to grab them. You grab an oven mitt and go to grab the egg muffins.  As you’re bending down to open the oven door, Josh brushes against you. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you quickly get out the can and sit it on the stove. Taking a deep breath, you go grab plates and forks. 
Sitting everything out on the table, you ask Josh if he wants some fruit with his breakfast. He shrugs his shoulders and says sure.
Once everything is plated, you sit across from Josh and motion for him to eat. The two of you enjoy your breakfast in silence. After Josh finishes the last of his, he wipes his mouth with a napkin. “Bird, that was amazing. Almost as amazing as you.” He says with a wink.
Rolling your eyes, you say thanks and grab the dishes to put them in the sink. You decide you’ll wash them later. Turning around, you ask, “Hey, what are your plans for today?”
“Nothing really, I thought about doing some grocery shopping, but honestly I think I’ll just wait until tomorrow.” He replies.
“Want to hang out with me and watch old movies? It’s my day off and I missed hanging out with you while you were gone. Plus there’s a movie I wanted to watch with you.” You say.
“I’d love to bird. What movie?” He asks.
“Barefoot in the Park. It has Jane Fonda and Robert Redford in it.”
“Sounds good to me, lead the way my lady.” He says motioning for you to walk ahead.
Walking into the living room, you go over and grab your laptop and hook it up to your tv. Once everything is set up, you hit play and go sit next to Josh on the couch. Once you’re seated, Josh grabs your legs and places them across his lap. Throughout the movie, Josh gently rubs your legs. Only occasionally rubbing high enough to make your heart flutter. 
This is just Josh being Josh. He definitely doesn’t remember last night or he would’ve said something by now, you thought. Once the movie ended, the two of you stayed just as you were. Just as you swung your legs off his lap and were about to get up and pull up another movie, Josh grabs your hand and says, “I meant what I said last night. Are you ready to talk?”
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tiredsalaryman · 7 months
11/25 (Sat) TS blog #4
Good morning. ☁️
This is Very Tired Salaryman Tim. 🛌
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Suffering the consequences of my poor choices. Delicious choices, but poor nonetheless.
Today's rank: 5
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A so and so day. I had already mentioned how having (2) peppermint mocha lattes was the highlight of my day last time. The consequence of this was poor sleep. Unexpectedly, my downstairs neighbors decided to play bass guitar until 10PM. I had felt my brain pulsing to the beat and feeling the vibrations through the floor.
Typically, I should be asleep by 5 or 6PM and wake up at 1AM for work. This did not happen and I decided to just skip work for the night with no consequence. If I had gone to work with poor health, things would have been worse all around. I hate the holidays and I hate the weather. I could have one or the other, not both.
Yesterday's gaming endeavor was me trying to work with a buggy UI when trying to play Mabinogi. I saw it on Steam with mostly positive reviews and thought to give it a go. It was not a go. I couldn't click anything after my inventory got flooded by the director's gifts.
Purchased FFXIV Complete Edition for the Endwalker DLC. Going to live my best life now. So I thought. The game started me in A Realm Reborn. 😭
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Today's lucky color is purple. I customized my character with this palette. It wasn't an easy conclusion to come to. I'm glad I consulted my friend D while I was playing with the features. Otherwise, I might have had a few regrets.
Data Center: Aether
Home World: Adamantoise
Name: Hani Vee (Sprout)
Race / Clan: Viera / Veena (M)
Nameday / Guardian: 28S 3rd AM / Oschon
Class: Archer (Lv. 9) as of this post
The server keeps ejecting me because of poor wifi, with my bedroom being the farthest from the router. There's nothing I can do about that.
My wish for this game is I want to experience the organic friendship formed from an in-game encounter. The nostalgia of making friends online and not stressing about looking for people IRL to play with. I don't think I'm doing very well.
I regret being an archer a little bit. In theory, I thought it was a good idea to gain some distance from whatever I was attacking. In practice, I don't know if I'm just clumsy but trying to back off while shooting a monster that is coming at me fast is not my idea of a great time.
I'm figuring out this game as I go. I try to think of the dedicated players of this game and how some have been playing for a decade. How?
Please, I just wanted to be a farmer...
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omnipointmuses · 25 days
Snau reached up a touched the wet spot on her head where the rock had hit her coaxing her to turn to look at her assailant to see a rabbit boy a bit older than herself, maybe around 10 or 11 but she couldn't say for certain, she didn't even know her name, but he seemed to know everything about her or at least he thought he did. He knew that her sister Mocha left with her friends to explore a new dungeon that was discovered nearby and that she came back alone, he knew she was a coward who abandoned her friends why else would she hide herself away in her room for so long? He knew that Snau had been attacked by the same thing Mocha had encountered in the dungeon. With a cruel smile from atop the hill of self importance he built for himself the boy reared a hand back with another rock as he spoke another fact he knew.
"Y'know if you sister just did her job and died everyone would be a lot better off."
In all the months since Snau had awoken from her coma, the loneliness, the stares, the rumors, the pain, she didn't feel a single thing, not joy, not sadness, not even curiosity but at that moment she felt something in her head snap. Her chest felt heavy as her lungs and heart seemed to go into overtime and her eyes burned as dried out tear ducts suddenly swelled with an oncoming flood as a single word dragged itself through her vocal cords, sparsely used up until this moment.
Snau had actually meant to say "Rot in hell" before a sudden coughing fit had her doubled back over onto her knees and heaving. When she looked back up she expected the boy to be laughing at her sorry state only to see him standing there, so very still with a thin film rapidly covering his eyes and smothering the light behind them. Then, he fell backwards the stone falling out of his small, limp fingers.
Snau can't recall seeing the boy again after that day, but she did recall her parents talking about moving in hushed whispers to each other more often.
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Some Girl Talk (Obey Me! fic)
summary: Retha sits with Thirteen and Asmodeus to just chat it up.
Characters: OC (who is NOT the MC just a 3rd exchange student), Asmodeus, Thirteen, MC
content: mention of depression, casual talk, discussing NSFW lemons, talk about romance
Cafe Lament was noticeably vacant this fine day in the Devildom. Save for one group that was sitting and chatting at a far table in the corner by the full length windows. Two of the exchange students sitting with Asmodeus and Thirteen to be working on a school project for one of their classes. The human that had a pact with the Demon Brothers soon reaching for their D.D.D. to groan when they see it's Lucifer texting them. Which has Retha raise an eyebrow to ask with a huff of humor, "Lemme guess. Mammon is involved? Or is it Satan?"
Asmodeus sighs when the poor human notes with a bit of dread, "Both of them. Apparently, they decided to try a summoning circle for class in the library. Which ended in demon spiders going all over the place. I have to fetch Solomon and Barbatos for a tag team effort of pest control." Thirteen smirks to hand the dejected exchange student their bag as well as some gloves. "That actually sounds like a simple matter to me in comparison to other things. See if you can sneak a few out in a jar for me? I'll pay you top Grimm."
Retha walked their friend to the door of Cafe Lament to then stand there and watch them sprint off towards the Demon Lord's Castle. Her tail flicking about as she shifted her weight from one talon foot to the other. Soon returning to watch how she sits back down so as not to catch that tail on the chair as Asmodeus smiles with a cheeky grin. "Oh. Retha? Do I dare to hope you caught something other than a cold from my precious pact human? Maybe the love bug?" Retha huffed to reach a scaled hand out and gently tap Asmodeus on the nose. "Do not for one second start posting that kind of drivel on my personal blog, Asmo. I was just debating on if I should go and help. But I am sure if we are needed for anything, the will of Lucifer shall be known to us."
Thirteen snickered before taking another sip from her frosted death mocha. A hum of thought escaping the grim reaper before she looked to Retha with expectation in her gaze. "So not the sheeple then. Although I love how you nicknamed them that. But I did hear that you've got a fancy towards a certain someone the other day. Luke told me you've been writing love songs on your guitar a ton while staying with the angels at Purgatory Hall. Although Simeon said the lyrics are pretty death metal type stuff. It honestly scared him."
Asmodeus turned his gaze to a now blushing Retha to look like a shark on the prowl and all but jump out of his chair. His squeak soon flooding over with a babbling of questions as Retha huffed a breath out. "Wait! What?! You've been writing songs about love?! Oh you have to tell me everything! What are the lyrics and do you drop names?! Are you going to perform for the upcoming music festival this month?! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
Thirteen openly laughs as Asmodeus almost falls over onto the table. Thankfully, Retha plucks the Avatar of Lust up by the collar so as not to tip the table or their drinks over. Which has the light catch her dragon scales and the lush sheen of her horns in the process. Her violet eyes staring into Asmodeus to make her point with her words. "There is one song I am going to perform at the music festival for everyone. But not the one you are dying to hear about. That one is to get my pent up feelings and urges out of my system without grabbing said love interest and tossing them into a bed. You are not going to hear me play that song with the lyrics unless I am severely drunk. But I will tell you something that you will take with you to the grave, Asmodeus."
Asmodeus nodded so fast to then lean in as Retha pressed her lips to his ear. While Thirteen watched as Retha gave several deep rumbles of words that had Asmodeus openly blushing. Both his hands coming up to cover his mouth after a second before he started squealing and snickering in delight. His own words silken and sinful as Retha pulled away for Asmodeus to put both hands to his heart and swoon. "Oh my goodness! Retha! I never would have pictured such a daring and zestful side of you in a million years! Now I'm getting such naughty and delightful ideas! Oh my heart might just burst at this rate!" Thirteen looks about ready to demand answers as Retha chuckled out loud. "Asmo. Breathe. You blowing a piston would mean messy clean up. As well as a flood of flowers and Lucifer losing more sleep. So let's be kind to your beloved eldest brother and not give him heart and head aches." Thirteen is tapping her foot at this point for Retha to smirk and lean over so she can whisper to Thirteen. Who all but goes wide eyed for her jaw to drop open and gasp when Retha is finished. the reaper openly taken aback as the dragon hybrid leans back into her chair. Thirteen then just throws her head back and laughs. "Wow! If I had not heard you say that yourself, I would never have believed you! But that does sound like something you shouldn't be singing in public!"
Asmodeus instantly giggles to then look more serious as his gaze goes back to Retha with a hum of notation. "To think the former ordinary human would have that kind of skeleton in her closet. Guess it answers a bit on how you survived being changed into a hybrid. Nobody even thought it was possible to fuse Demon, Angel, Vampire and Sorcerer into one being that I know of. Which Satan and Solomon have been so curious about they chase down any book or lead. You have a strength of confidence and willpower that is uncanny, Retha. Yes, you do show weakness and you cry when you get sad. But you own it as part of who you are at heart. You don't hide how you feel or what you think. Instead, you make it into your foundation and stand firm. I love that about you, Retha."
Thirteen nods as Retha blushed at the compliment. The reaper nodding to extend her hand and make a comment. "It is evident when I see your soul. Actually, it's like a glossy shine of polished metal. But it has a kind of color to it that is more like a gemstone. Like Amethyst. Kinda why I wanted to get to know you as soon as I heard about you."
Retha gave a shy smile for all three of them to jump in their seats. Since all three of their D.D.D's started to ring. Which had them openly groan in unison at the fact it was Lucifer calling them all. Which meant more trouble.
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