jeongin-lvr · 3 months
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currently thinking about Hyunjin who loves messy make outs; he loves when they last for hours and when he can have you perched on his lap so he can feel you all over. Just think anywhere he can grip or tug at he’s grabbing and he’s grabbing hard. He is absolutely whipped for the way you taste and feel. He’ll run his tongue around your mouth until he has to pull away and take a breath. Hyunjin will pull back and pull your mouth agape only to spit into your mouth, only adding to the nasty mess brewing on your tongue and down your jaw. And when you utter his name between each kiss? Well, now he has to fuck you. He’s hasty when he flips you around and presses himself against you, every inch and indent of his pretty bulge pressing into you. Hyunjin’s cold frame of his glasses brushing past your ear as he whispers softly, “Say it again, please.”
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skywerse · 3 months
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agentmika · 2 years
there is something so delicious about the old guard's concept of temporary immortality. you will die and you will not stay dead. you have no hint or warning that this will happen before it happens for the first time and if other immortals do not find you to teach you, you have no idea of its limits, and actually, even then, you don't know. the oldest of you has been alive for millennia. the second other that she knew died after only a few hundred years presumably, and no one knows why. nile reminded andy what it felt like to feel unbreakable. but because you are immortal and it is temporary and you don't know when it will end, can you really live life that much differently? lower stakes, perhaps, but death, still, is always a possibility. you're too new, andy tells nile. but what if someone came along, and died after only ten years. after only ten deaths?
you will die and you will not stay dead except that one day you will.
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deliicacymercy · 10 months
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"Damn shawty, does he make you feel held"
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dolliebabs · 3 months
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montague,,, my silly man,,,
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stretchydyke · 6 months
do you ever think about the way sanji only knows "tough love" from men in his life and can only communicate his respect and love to the men around him by bickering and picking fights but then there's luffy who looks at him with stars in his eyes like he's just found the eighth wonder of the world and sanji has never been loved this way before and doesnt know how to handle it..
because i'm thinking about it
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tapakah0 · 7 months
So i read the whole ladder again :DD
And i have points to show!
So now i understand what leo meant whe he say "shell", i though it was just a way to talk (since they are turtles, dah)) B U T that was not the case...
It was the chair! The whole sistem is called shell wich is still funny 'cause they are turtles.
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That chair is the one that make 6 holes in donnie softshell, aparently it was more than just a few "normal cables".
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And i'm not so sure but i think they also made one BIG hole in kendra back... Maybe it's just a port in the "shells"...but if is not, god... That wound should have hurt like a b*tch
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I would also like to mark that she is wearing the yellow glasses of her friend :DD
Another point in Donnie is that is not eating well or sleeping... I also think he looks skinnier than in the first page... Donno just guessing
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Baby boy...
I think his mind is just protecting him from the trauma that he have... The trauma and pain of losing everyone he loves. His dad, april, cassandra... Casey jr (first)
Because we can see him moving on his own
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And he is also aware of his surroundings, he just can't talk... He needs a lot more of healing but i don't think is a good idea to just let him be... Like maybe they should talk (dunno what to do in this situation honestly)
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Donnie in one parte say that the last time he talk was 87 day ago... That is around 2 months and a half... And probably was around that time that Casey Jr (first) die.
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That's way he "wake up" for abit with him and the reason of Donnie acepting the baby even after everything...
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metaruu · 3 months
daniel howell throwin ass was not what i expected to see after waking up from a nap
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thinking about how all 3 coworkers can understand and empathize with each other - all of them, to an extent, *know* where the other one is coming from. All of them have gone through something similar, they all know how they felt, and how the others must feel going through that. And that's so. I think about it. Because no one else is really, *properly*, going to understand where any of the 3 of them are coming from/came from - they can explain it, but understanding it like they'd understand each other is a diffrent story entirely. And I'm. So normal about it. Even if they're apart - they still *know* each other; I think Ari and Ven, Ven especially, made it clear they know how Icarus reacts to things as big as Fable getting hurt, and how *bad* theyre doing right now, and. I just. I hold it so gently.
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Sighs...these frames...
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bonefall · 4 months
is there any death in the rewrite that you consider to be really graphic? where do you draw the line in the violence of a character's death?
Hmmm... Probably Tigerstar honestly! The cats wrote a song about his organs falling out.
I think when it comes to the "line" of a character's death, it's very subjective. Me and every other kid who read WC pogged out when Tigerstar had a really drawn out, horrific death on-screen, but I'm still haunted by Sootfur with his broken leg, falling down towards a badger while Squilf couldn't save him and seeing the aftermath of his "sightless eyes" when the animal moved off him.
One of those was objectively less graphic, but imo a LOT more harrowing. I think emotions are a lot more important in how deaths are received by an audience than the actual blood and guts, which I think gives you a decent idea of what you're gonna get here.
I think Leopardstar's rock concert is the "ceiling" of how intensely I describe deaths. I think that one's pretty graphic, but it's for a reason. The point is that it's a brutal killing that haunts Mistystar, you get me? And I try to write "around" the gore, describing sounds, the rest of the body, etc.
There is also cosmic/body horror with the Ancestor Rats, and more importantly, BB!Cats do food processing. They skin dead animals and separate the organs and such. When I get around to doing an entry on animal fat, I would also like to show WHERE in the body the fat is stored on certain animals. It's a lot more important to nutrition than you think it is.
BUT whenever I feel like I'm "around" Leopardstar's Boulder Appointment or an Ancestor Rat, I always always tag that. Less "violent" things like the song about the organs (Tiger's In A Heap) and more gentle food processing (like an offhanded mention of removing entrails or skinning) isn't tagged.
If I ever end up including a "diagram" of where fat is stored in the body or "how to properly skin a small rodent" It will be tagged as gore and I'd try to stay tasteful to begin with, I would ABSOLUTELY never drop something like that on anyone untagged and unwarned.
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plush-railey · 7 months
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lile6969 · 20 days
Josh makes me feel little tingly things
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Dabi: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, it's “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Dabi: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
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lunian · 2 years
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thinking about them 🥺
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soullessjack · 2 months
idk maybe it’s corny but I think it’s kind of morbidly poetic that the Venture bros symbol/logo is a giant skull…something about a universal symbol of death representing the family that literally defines itself by how it cheats death with scientific manmade horrors beyond comprehension… it’s just so perfect to me sorry
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