#Mitch marner blurb
hockeybabe · 4 months
mitchie marny please n thanks 🙏🏼
Photoshoot | M.Marner
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Not my gif
Pairings: Mitch Marner x fem!figure skater
Summary: you get an offer to represent leafs merch with Mitch
Warnings: swearing, make out session, fade to black smut, Mitch’s a nice guy
Word count: 612
Note: first off I choose a cute imagine. But I really want to thank you guys for the appreciation on Sneak Away like lots of love. Also major thank you for the 300 followers. Love you all so much.
When you had first got the call to do the shoot, you were over the moon. You’d been living in Toronto for as long as you could remember and living there also meant living so close to a rink to practice for all competitions. To most countries you were another figure skater, but to Canada you were a sensation, very close to Tessa Virtue. 
When your coach told you that the leafs wanted to partner with you, you couldn’t help but be excited. So here you were walking down a tunnel following your stylist and a leafs representative. “Okay so Y/N, you’re going to change into these and we’ll see you back in that room.” They told you, handing you a jersey.
It was a regular leafs jersey with the blue being the prominent colour however, this jersey had the All-Star patch on the shoulder. You examined the jersey, looking at the back number, number 16, Marner. Your heart gushed and a blush rose to your cheeks.
You walked out of the change room and headed to the studio for where you’d be taking the photos. “You look great!” Your stylist gushed. “So we’re gonna have you stand there and Mitch over here will be right behind you.” The photographer said, pointing to Mitch who was beside him.
You nod your head, allowing the stylist and photographer to walk away, leaving you alone with Mitch. “Hey, sorry about the late notice. I thought they would’ve told you,” Mitch says nervously while shaking your hand. “Oh, no it’s fine. Makes me feel less nervous.” You say, giving Mitch a bright smile.
“This makes you nervous?” He motions to the photoshoot going on behind him. “Not all the times you perform in front of hundred of people.” You laugh at his exaggeration. “between you and me, the ice is my home. There’s no fear, there is only peace.”
Mitch looks at you with such adoration. All the words you were saying to him about skating are just what he felt when he played hockey. Although no one enjoys losing, he still felt better on ice than walking on concrete.
“Okay, you two lovey eye makers, time to do the shoot!” The photographer shouts. You and Mitch both blush but comply. The photoshoot went on calmly. You felt more comfortable knowing Mitch was in the room and the fact that he was whispering nice things in your ear and some poses being of him holding your waist and you two smiling at each other.
“Last shot. Mitch, I want you to point to y/n’s back while she stands facing you. So her face won’t be in shot.” The guy explains. You turned around to face Mitch to see him already staring at you before posing for the camera. You stared at him during the time and you could see the smirk growing on Mitch’s face.
“That’s it, folks! Good job everyone!” The photographer yelled out, already putting his equipment away. “Well, that’s it.” You say, facing Mitch, fiddling with your hand. “Maybe it can be a bit more.” He says confidently.
A half an hour later, you back at Mitch’s apartment and you back against his door and your lips attached to one another. You moan into Mitch’s mouth as he runs his hands over your body, feeling very curve. “Good, you’re so beautiful.” He groans, looking up and down your body.
“We should probably take this to your bedroom.” You suggest playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. “Yeah, one hundred percent.” He says, trailing kisses from your neck to your lips. “If we make it there.” He mumbles before crashing his lips to yours.
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jackhues · 7 months
mmm, icing - mitch marner
notes: i hope you guys like this, second fic for 'it's the most wonderful time of the year', love mitch, and i love this!
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
part of naqia's end of the year celly!
gif not mine
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"mitchell marner, don't tell me you put your finger in the icing specifically after i told you not to," you placed your hands on your hips.
slowly, mitch pulled his finger out of the bowl, licking it clean, "okay. i won't tell you."
you narrowed your eyes at his smug expression, unable to help the small smile that creeped up on your own face.
"since someone can't be trusted with this, it's going in the fridge until we need it," you decided, picking up the bowl of icing and placing it in the fridge.
"look what you did, zeus," mitch shook his head at his dog.
"don't blame zeusy for your actions," you defended the dog. "he's nothing but an angel."
"well of course he's an angel, he takes after his dad."
"stop talking."
you rolled your eyes, laughing to yourself as you pulled up a recipe for sugar cookies. it was a rare day off for mitch -- one where he had no training or game -- and you'd decided to try and bake some sugar cookies.
"okay, i need you to get the flour," you listed the ingredients, allowing mitch to move around the kitchen and grab them.
that was one good thing about baking with your boyfriend. he would gladly run around as your little henchman while you mixed together the ingredients.
you made a good team.
as mitch collected the items, you began mixing them together. you hummed along to the christmas music that mitch had turned on.
mitch grabbed one of the spatulas as you mixed the flour, singing loudly.
"but the fire is so delightful," he sung, using the spatula as a microphone. "and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"
you rolled together the dough as mitch continued singing and dancing. zeus danced across the floor, excited to be a part of this. mitch laughed, playing with him.
"here, you wanna make the shapes with me?" you asked, holding up the cookie cutters.
"that's not even a question," he answered, taking the reindeer one from your hand.
the two of you made cookies in all different shapes, already planning on how to decorate them. once the last of the dough was used up, you propped the cookies in the oven and turned the timer on.
"mitchell marner, you better not be reaching for the icing," you threatened, fixing the timer.
there was a silent pause, before mitch answered, "what makes you say that?"
you turned around, finding him about to open the fridge door and motioned, "uh... that!"
"oh yeah," he grinned, leaving the fridge and making his way towards you. "it's not what it looks like."
"oh really?" you asked, putting your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your waist. "then what was that? because it looked like you were trying to get into the fridge while i wasn't looking so that you could eat the icing. the icing that we need to ice the cookies we're baking."
"okay, maybe it's exactly what it looks like," he muttered.
you laughed, burying your head in mitch's neck.
you didn't realize sugar cookies were going to cause this much chaos. but still, you wouldn't trade it for anything.
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bagopucks · 1 year
M. Marner - Depths Of Love
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Mitch Marner x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning(s): death of a loved one, angst, coping, moving on.
“We grew together, and now are grown. In her eyes, I see my heart. In her breath, I hear my soul. She is my land. She is my skin. My love.”
“All wounds heal. Even these."
“I'll never be healed of Eo. That pain will last forever.”
"Some things do not fade. Some things can never be made right.”
“There’s pain when I hold her, but it comes from the past…. She is something new, something hopeful. Like spring to my deep winter.”
Bonus points if you know the books these quotes are from!
I didn’t know what I wanted to write at first, I just knew I wanted to write for Mitch.
“Mitch?” Auston stepped up beside his friend, resting a hand on the chilly damp fabric of Mitch’s suit jacket.
“I know.. I know.. I’m gonna get there.”
“There’s no rush, bud. Take your time.”
They stood together for what felt like hours. Mitch held the red rose in his hands, as delicately as he held her hand when she passed. Auston’s hand remained on his back, occasionally rubbing in an effort to console his lost friend. Mitch’s eyes had been red since he woke up that morning. His body had been on autopilot, gathering the belongings and items that had to go home with her family. Putting on a black suit he stuffed in the back of the closet forever ago. A black suit he said he never wanted to wear because it was too mundane. He had cooler things to wear. Now he understood why black fit funerals so well.
“What’s going through your mind?”
Mitch let out a shaky sigh.
“She’s gone. I’m gonna drop this flower and that’s just that.. she’s gone. They’re gonna-“ he choked on a breath of air, tears spilling down his cheeks once again.
“Buddy, you have to drop it eventually.”
“I didn’t want her to go.”
It was untimely. They’d just gotten engaged. They just began a binder full of wedding plans. She just began her journalist career. She had an extensive article on Mitch’s career she wanted to publish.
Then she got sick. Mitch’s world slipped from his fingertips more and more every day. He didn’t know how to grip onto anything when it was all just sand, blowing away. He lost it all so quickly. He felt like his whole world lost its meaning. The sun set, and the moon was dull. The stars in the sky didn’t even entice him. Nothing sounded interesting when she wasn’t there next to him.
Mitch released the flower only as a means to free his hands to grab ahold of Auston. Matthews’ arms enveloped Mitch in a grasp that was desperate and understanding. Auston held onto Mitch while he sobbed, the simple sound of agony causing the others gathered to allow the tears of their own to fall.
Mitch clung to Auston through the transition. Cleaning his house, attending therapy, deciding how to move forward, returning to hockey. He kept in touch with her family for the first week or so, then at some point, they all stopped texting and calling. It took months before Mitch’s life returned to a routine normalcy that was much like the one before her. Zeus slept in the bed again, his late nights were spent watching tv in bed, his dishes were only cleaned when the sink was full.
Sometimes Mitch slipped up to his attic to visit her. The items of hers that he kept. The wedding plans, the ring, the few articles of clothing. Sometimes he’d spend so many hours up there, that he’d fall asleep. Then eventually, he stopped visiting. His life became hectic. Enveloped it hockey. A firm distraction. A good one.
Then we met. Mitch’s smiles reached his eyes again. His giggles sounded genuine. The center of his world shifted again, to hold myself and hockey. He was guarded at first, but I was patient. I met her before I met his family. Mitch told me of her. She seemed wonderful. Like somebody I would have been friends with. Which was why I made a silent promise to myself, that I would not turn him into somebody she would have hated. I made a silent promise to her, that I would protect him. Hold him, and care for him. And that’s what I did.
Some days were better than others. We’d stay in and cook, or go out for dinner and dessert. Sometimes Mitch wanted me to join him for a quick skate. Other days, he wanted to join me in bed while I read. It wasn’t always perfect. Sometimes he’d randomly cry. I learned, sometimes I simply had to stop whatever I was doing to be there for him. If he wanted it. He was good at hiding away when he didn’t want any consolation. Other times, he’d be gone so long that I’d go looking for him, only to find him struggling to breathe in the corner of his room, on the floor with his dog curled up by his feet.
“Mitchy?” I cooed as my feet padded down the hall, stepping into the bedroom I woke up in. He was laid out on his stomach, in bed. His muscles looked tense, easily noticeable due to the lack of a shirt. I couldn’t see his face, but I could tell by his heaving breaths that something wasn’t right. Then I heard his soft cries.
I slowly wandered over to the bed and climbed in next to him, laying on my stomach and tossing an arm over his back to gently rub his skin.
“Deep breaths, sweetie.” I’d press occasional kisses to the side of his arm.
“I know,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and broken.
“Don’t rush, hun.”
At some point, the tears stopped and the kisses began. Mitch would never forget her. She would never leave his heart, but he let go of the guilt. He told her of me. He told her how much he loved me. He showed her the ring he bought before he ever showed Auston.
“I think she’s really gonna love it.” Mitch smiled down at the ring box in his hands, seated in the grass by her headstone. “She loves square diamonds.“ He shook his head in disbelief. “I really hope she says yes.”
I did. It was a no brainer when he got down on one knee. When he asked me to spend his forever with him, I didn’t have any doubts. I worked far too hard, and loved him too much, to give him up.
There were moments after the engagement where he was tense. Nervous and stressed over recalling the moments when he lost his late fiancé. I had to remind Mitch that the uncertainty couldn’t stop him from living. I couldn’t assure him that he wouldn’t lose me. There would always be that possibility. What I did tell him, was that it was important to live in the moments while they last. To forget about the ‘what ifs.’
Mitch asked if his dog could be the ring bearer. I made him promise that Zeus wouldn’t jump on everybody. We comprised that Auston could walk the dog down the aisle.
“We are gathered here today…”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” He whispered through clenched teeth. Mitch’s smile was contagiously wide. We stood so close that the priest was almost unable to be seen between us.
“I love you,” I spoke in a hushed tone. Mitch’s cheeks flushed.
“Don’t say it yet.” He squeezed my hands.
“Are we done yet?” Our heads snapped in the priest’s direction, our faces flushing.
“Sorry.” Mitch muttered.
The ceremony went by in a twinkle of wonder. Mitch pulled his vows from his pocket in the form of notes on his phone. I had done the same on my own, but my dress didn’t have pockets, so my maid of honor had to hold my phone for me until I was ready for it.
“Okay..” Mitch blew out a tense puff of air. He held his phone up, big blue eyes flickering between myself and his phone.
“Mitchy.” I caught his attention. “There’s no rush. Take your time.” The tension eased from his shoulders, then he nodded.
“Your patience gave me time to grow. I didn’t know what to do with my life for a period of time. I was walking in circles, until you paved a new path, and held my hand every step of the way. I get lost easily. Incredibly easily. And I couldn’t have fallen more in love with you than I did. I know it wasn’t easy.” I wanted to wipe the tears from his cheeks, but for the sake of not distracting him, I kept my hands to myself. “I know I made it hard on you, but I’m so happy you stuck it out. I can’t wait to spend every tomorrow with you.”
Only when he put his phone away, did I reach out to cup his cheeks in my hands. Mitch sniffled quietly. I would have kissed him then and there, if not for tradition.
“I’m getting there.” I answered the priest with a quiet laugh. I pulled away from Mitch and turned to my bridesmaid to grab my phone. When I looked back at him, I reached for his hand with my free one.
“Mitchell,” the use of his full name made him smile. “You hold my soul. My entire being. You fulfill a part of me that nobody else could. We’ve grown together, and we’ll continue to do so. The timing with which we met each other, was perfect. One second later would have been too late. Please never forget my vow to love you for eternity. Even as the days pass by, and we grow old.”
When we kissed, I could feel the tears on Mitch’s cheeks. The cheering and excitement in the background was just that. Background noise. Our first kiss was as intimate as our first dance. We felt like the only two in the room, sharing moments we never thought we would have the privilege of sharing with anybody.
Mitch spun me around, content smiles on our lips. His hands found my hips when I faced him again.
At some point the song ended, but we never stopped swaying. Mitch’s arms wrapped around my midsection, and his chin came to rest on top of my head. There was the occasional flash from a camera, quiet whispers, but nobody said a word to us for a while. Until I heard Mitch’s mother from behind him.
“I’m not done yet.” He fussed, his grip tightening around my body.
“There’s no rush, baby. I just wanted a photo.” He slowly turned us in her direction. I lifted my head from where it had been resting against his chest.
“Smile for me, sweethearts.” The woman held her phone up. When the flash of her camera lit up the dim room, we both laughed.
“Okay, okay. I’ll leave you guys alone now.” She squeezed her son’s arm before slipping off to find her husband.
Mitch and I slowly looked back at one another.
“I can’t wait to get you home,” he confessed softly as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“No rush, baby.”
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hischierdevils · 1 year
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs” & “I love it when you talk dirty” with Marner plz❣️❣️
One of your friends from college was getting married and you had dragged him along as your plus one. Mitch went along willingly, he loved you and he loved having fun so why not?
You looked absolutely amazing in your bridesmaid dress and he couldn’t help but think about sneaking you away during the reception for a quickie.
After the ceremony, pictures, and first dances were out of the way, you plopped down in the empty seat next to him and rested your head on his arm.
“Remind me how exhausting all of this is when we get married.” You mumbled.
You two weren’t engaged yet but you had talked about marriage. Mitch wanted a big ceremony with all of your friends and family in attendance.
He chuckled and kissed your head. “Baby, you know I’m a party guy.”
You lift your head up and give him a smirk. “You’re also an ass guy.” His hand had in fact slid down to your ass while you were talking.
“You’re fucking hot, babe. I can’t help it.” He pinches your ass before kissing you, nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Mitchy you need to behave.” You giggle as you push him away, recognizing that your boyfriend is horny. You glance around the reception venue to make sure no one is watching you. “We’re in public.”
“I know.” He growls before moving your hair away from your neck and placing a gentle kiss on your skin. “If we weren’t in public right now I’d have my head between your legs.”
You shiver at his words as he continues to place kisses on your neck. “I love it when you talk dirty.” You whisper to him.
He smirks and stands up, pulling you to your feet as well. “There’s a private bathroom upstairs.”
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fallinallincurls · 7 months
hi bre i absolutely love you and i can't believe this funky little website brought us together you're literally one of my favorite people can i please request from prompt list number two the number 10 with mitch 🤍💙
g!! thank you so much!! i love you too! you're my best friend and one of my favorite people ever! i'll forever be so glad this funny little site brought us together. <3 thank you for this request & i hope you love it!
10. the kindest "i hate you" followed by a contagious laugh
you have always loved the holiday season, but it's your first in toronto since moving in with mitch. most of the decorating has already been done and the snow is falling outside once again so you decided it's the perfect time to get started on your annual holiday cookie baking.
by the time you have all the ingredients ready, cookbook open to all the well-loved, dogeared pages and the christmas music playing, the door to the apartment opens signaling mitch's arrival from morning skate.
"babe?" he calls out from the entryway as he greets a very happy zeus.
"kitchen!" you respond happily, starting to mix some of the batter for the cookies.
"what is going on in here?" mitch laughs when he sees the scene, the most adorable smile adorning his face. "you're making cookies?!" he exclaims before you can explain.
"i am! i figured it was time to get started on the holiday baking."
"can i help?" mitch asks with pure excitement. although you know the process will take double the time with him helping, you can't help but laugh and give him a nod.
in no time, the kitchen is filled with your and mitch's off key singing as he dances with you while the cookies bake. decorated cookies courtesy of mitch cover the counters and your heart is soaring with love.
"alright, last batch." you announce, starting to scoop the cookie dough out of the bowl. mitch hums in response as he continues frosting another dozen cookies behind you. but suddenly out of nowhere, a sticky goop of red frosting is put on your nose.
"ha! look babe, you've got a red nose like rudolph." mitch giggles, a happy but mischievous smile on his face. just seeing the kid-like excitement on his facial features makes you grin and you can't even be mad at him for the little joke.
"i hate you." you say in the kindest voice, laughter following right behind because you probably look ridiculous but you are just the happiest you've ever been.
"i love you too." mitch laughs before coming over to give you a sweet kiss.
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comphy-and-cozy · 2 years
hi bae happy 500 🌺 may I request #121 with mitch marner?
thanks so much love! I am not a leafs fan so this honestly felt a little blasphemous. I really don’t know much about mitch but I think this is still a cute lil bit 🤍
finishing up my 500 followers celly
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Prompt: #121 “My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
Pairing: Mitch Marner x Reader (f)
Word Count: 626
Warnings: Language, brief mention of cheating, some cute fluff
You’ve picked Mitch up from practice before, but today is different. Today, you walk in and feel like everyone knows a secret except you, like everyone heard the punchline of the joke and you completely missed it.
Upon seeing you, Mitch jumps up to come to your side, greeting you with a peck on your lips and a smile.
“Look out, everyone, it’s Saint Y/N,” Alex says in a mocking voice, doing a dramatic curtsy in your direction.
“Guess we’re not gonna hear from Mitchy for a few days, boys, so say your farewells now.”
“But when he does come back, all we’re gonna hear about for days is Y/N this, Y/N that,” Justin adds, then looks at you apologetically. “No offense, Y/N. You’re the shit.”
You hold your hand up with a smile. “Thank you, I think?”
Mitch rolls his eyes, letting the chirps hit him from every direction as he slips his hand in yours. “Can you shut the fuck up now?”
“He’s in love, boys, just let him be,” Mo’s voice cuts through, teasing as he sends you a wink. The love word makes you bristle slightly, a jolt of nerves coursing through your system.
“At least I’ve got a pretty girl on my arm,” Mitch finally says, like he couldn’t wait to get it out once the comeback came to him. “All you guys have is your right hand.”
A chorus of “ooooh”s mock him, his chirp doing nothing to save him from his thorough roasting. Mitch tugs your hand, flipping off the crowd of jeering boys behind him as you leave, a chorus of jeers and whipping sound effects following you out.
“You gonna tell me what all that was about?” you ask with a raised eyebrow as you approach the car.
“My friends get… annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes,” he admits bashfully, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Obviously, it’s become kind of a thing.”
“And why is that, Mitchell?” you giggle, teasing.
Mitch’s cheeks flush like he’s 14 again, embarrassed at the call out. “Well, I thought that was obvious.”
“If it is, I’m lost.”
“I, um, well, you see —” he stutters, fumbling over his words as he shifts anxiously on his heels.
“Spit it out, Marner.”
He clears his throat, willing himself to look you in the eyes. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your eyes widen in shock, not expecting Mo’s words from earlier to be even remotely true. Your relationship with Mitch had been a whirlwind up to this point, straight out of a movie, down to the spilled coffee at the coffee shop. He’s sweet, charming, holds the door open for you, sends you a good morning text every day.
But still, there’s always been part of you that’s uncertain about his commitment to you, his fame and follower count intimidating the hell out of you — not to mention his bank account. You’ve been burned before, cheated on before, and the thought of this wonderful person betraying you in the same way is almost too much to bear, fighting your feelings for him and keeping him at arm’s length — emotionally, at least.
Until now. When he’s standing in front of you, professing his love for you like a dorky, teenage boy instead of a muscular man, a professional athlete who makes more money than you can even really fathom having. He’s looking into your eyes, searching yours, and you can see the sincerity in them, hear it in his voice.
It’s also in that moment that you let the walls come tumbling down, your hidden feelings for him bursting through the seams of your heart as you lean forward to kiss him.
“I love you, too, Mitch.”
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thatsdemko · 1 year
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updated as of 6/05/2023 back to helpline
to find what players I write for please click here
↳ to look at part 2 masterlists please click: here
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Nico hischier
the fight
william nylander
mitch marner
paper rings
thomas bordeleau
ice and spice
moritz seider
mat barzal
Jack Hughes
mess around and find out
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killian hayes
comfort cuddles
Travis kelce
Super Bowl
live from New York
Patrick mahomes
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christian pulisic
one last time
confusion and confessions
lie detector part two
first timer
the apology
want one?
Mason mount
you belong to me
hate me
little mount
uncle Mason
Neymar jr.
five minutes
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nyck de vries
year one
charles leclerc
a sleepless night in monaco
the other man the right man
falling in love again
uncle Charles
summertime happiness
match point
love affair
brothers best friend
Carlos sainz
papa carlos
I see red
stay, stay
pining - mini series
max verstappen
secrets out
happiness comes in ice cream
the ways in which max shows you he loves you
lando norris
the right man
this love
little streamer
one too many
everybody’s friend
Pierre Gasly
one night with you
falling in love again
jealousy, jealousy
only him
one last ride for the alpha
I’m yours
lewis hamilton
it’s sir to you
drunk on you
ride that like a Mercedes
Daniel ricciardo
the return of the honey badger
dicked down in Dallas
Tim McGraw
home is whenever I’m with you
arthur leclerc
cruel summer
hard work
love affair
yuki tsunoda
sushi date
cherry blossom season
one last ride for the alpha
mick schumacher
you are in love
the ways in which mick schumacher shows you he loves you
toto wolff
ride that like a Mercedes
extra credit
George Russell
I think he knows
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brad marchand
Jeremy swayman
quinn hughes
cale makar
benjamin pavard 2
travis kelce
josh giddey
lando norris
max verstappen
carlos sainz
Daniel ricciardo
valentines day
fake it? - mini series
Taylor swift inspired works
dad + family works
three’s company works
pining - mini series
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huggybearluvr · 5 months
Next Thing You Know || Q.H
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Series Masterlist
Synopsis: After meeting Quinn at a bar in your 20's you can't believe how fast the time flies.
The song links:
Apple Music || Spotify || Youtube
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liked by yourbestfriend, quinnhughes, and others... y/nmathews met this guy at a bar and next thing you know he's my boyfriend....
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yourbestfriend I'll kill him. He better treat you right.
y/nmathews oh he is girl
austonmathews do i know him. does he play hockey. and how old is he.
y/nmathews idk. maybe. lols
quinnhughes seems like a stud
jackhughes that back looks familiar....
y/nmathews no it doesn't!
lukehughes YES IT DOES @quinnhughes
quinnhughes shut up.
jackhughes @austonmathews do we approve of this?
austonmathews i'm just glad it isn't you with your grubby hands.
jackhughes excuse me?
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liked by y/nmathews, lukehughes, and others
quinnhughes never thought I could love like this.
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jackhughes thought you said you were staying single for awhile
lukehughes he did infact say that.
quinnhughes don't be mad that you guys cant pull like I can
y/nmathews I love you <3
quinnhughes I love you more baby
ellenhughes such sweethearts
austonmathews this is...
jackhughes nasty?
lukehughes absoutely fucking crazy?
y/nmathews can you guys leave us alone please?
austonmathews sorry.
jackhughes im not
lukehughes me either
quinnhughes .
yourbestfriend OKAY THIS IS CUTE
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liked by y/nmathews, jackhughes, and others
quinnhughes next thing you know she moved in! ... and brought her weird ass dog with her...
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austonmathews the first picture...
y/nmathews is so cute!
austonmathews no.
y/nmathews WEIRD ASS DOG?! excuse me sir Zues is a little baby
quinnhughes he could squash us both.
y/nmathews hes. a. little. baby.
quinnhughes he ways 140 pounds...
y/nmathews shhhhh he's my baby.
mitchmarner @austonmathews YOU LET HER TAKE THE DOG?!
austonmathews its her dog?
mitchmarner NO NO NO It was yours as much as it was hers.
y/nmathews he didn't take care of that dog, it was all me.
mitchmarner zues squared tho :(...
y/nmathews ill bring him with me when I visit.
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liked by austonmathews, mitchmarner, and others...
y/nmathews Mrs. y/n hughes has a ring to it.
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quinnhughes I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby
y/nhughes I love you more than anything else in this world
austonmathews when he asked for my blessing, I didn't think he would propose so quickly.
quinnhughes oops?
austonmathews if she's happy, I'm happy.
y/nmathews im more than happy :)
jackhughes god she's gonna be moms favorite now
ellenhughes she already is :)
lukehughes MOM NO I AM
quinnhughes in your dreams Luke it was me before y/n
yourbestfrind AWWWW BABY
y/nmathews my maid of honor <3
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liked by y/nhughes, ellenhughes, and others...
quinnhughes the best weekend of my life. To my beautiful wife, I love you more than any words could ever say. You are the sunshine of my life and I have no idea where I would be without you. Thank you for choosing me to spend the rest of your life with.
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y/nhughes wouldn't wanna be doing life wiht anyone else. I love you quinn.
quinnhughes I love you too baby
jackhughes congrats to both of you! I love you both.
y/nhughes awww rowdy, we love you
ellenhughes Congratulations! welcome to the family officially y/n!
y/nhughes thank you!!
austonmathews You got a good one Quinn. Congrats to both of you!
lukehughes huggy is all grown up :(
quinnhughes i've been grown.
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liked by jackhughes, yourbestfriend, and others...
y/nhughes the honesymoon has been nothing short but amazing.
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austonmathews Zues misses his parents come back soon
y/nhughes or do you just miss me?
austonmathews ...
jackhughes QUINNS A SIMP
y/nhughes I can't deny that
quinnhughes for her yes I am a simp.
quinnhughes mrs. quinn hughes looking great!
y/nhughes mr. quinn hughes looking even better
lukehughes vomit.
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liked by quinnhughes, jackhughes, and others...
y/nhughes surprise! baby hughes on the way!
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austonmathews I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE?!
y/nhughes yes you are ALL gonna be uncles.
austonmathews so like whose the god father...?
jackhughes me
lukehughes uhmmmm no me.
quinnhughes both of you stop.
ellenhughes congrats! the baby is gonna be a little angel!
quinnhughes I am so excited baby!
y/nhughes me too! Can't wait for little nugget.
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liked by y/nhughes, jackhughes, and others...
quinnhughes surprise twin boys! Y/n and I are so excited to introduce Sawyer Warren Hughes and Seth Auston Hughes.
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y/nhughes I am so excited to be doing life with you and them! I can't picture a better family! I love your three more than anything in this entire world.
quinnhughes and we love you all the way to the moon and back baby.
austonmathews you named one of them after me?
mitchmarner he is quite literally crying rn.
y/nhughes awww Aus, come over and meet your god children :)
austonmathews are you being serious? I am the god father???
quinnhughes we couldn't think of any one more perfect for the role
lukehughes I am so honored.
y/nhughes we love you lukey.
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sweetiepoison · 25 days
Famous Baby (Social Media Blurb)
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It all started with posts you added to your instagram story. Your fans immediately began flooding your dms with questions about why you’re in Toronto.
You of course have friends that live in the city but since speculation has begun about you and a certain NHL player, it’s hard to believe you’re there just visiting friends.
Some news outlets started reporting that you were in Toronto with Shawn, “rekindling” your relationship. They used the fact that you went to his show months before and pictures taken of the two of you at the Drew House party.
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You post two more pictures to your insta story during the leafs game which had everyone going crazy.
Fan#1: (y/n) really said let me make it clear who my man is
Fan#2: No fr, the Matthews jersey in the second pic she posted like girl….you aren’t being subtle
Fan#3: (y/n) as a wag is what 2024 needed
-> Fan#4: Can you imagine being a wag for the leafs and now (y/f/n) (y/l/n) is also one and you get to hang out with her!
->Fan#5: She would be the ultimate wag!
Fan#6: Steph Marner posted a picture of the game to her insta story and she tagged (y/n)
->Fan#7: STOP! Mitch and Auston are best friends and now we’ll get (y/n) and Steph as best friends!
Fan#8: apparently some fans went up to her during the game and she was super sweet and took pictures
->Hater#1: people were saying she wasn’t wearing his jersey like that’s so unsupportive
->Fan#9: She doesn’t need to wear his jersey to be supportive like gtfo 😤
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@yourusername: Lover girl 💙🤍
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Fan#1: I know ya’ll also saw Auston’s post 👀
->Fan#2: They aren’t even trying to hide it
->Fan#3: fr the matching captions, the hearts being the leafs colors…might as well just tell us
Fan#4: I’m so happy that she’s happy!
Fan#5: I know that tattooed arm!!
Mitchmarner: Just move here already
->yourusername: Can I stay at your place?
->Mitchmarner: yeah you can sleep between Steph and I
->stephmarner: she’s actually taking your spot in our bed 🤷‍♀️
-> yourusername: say less…bags are packed
Fan#6: NOOO!!! It should be you and Harry!! If you ever loved him you would get back together
->Fan#7: Can people move on and accept reality like it’s so weird
->Fan#8: I loved her and Harry, but obviously it wasn’t meant to be and we can’t bash her for moving on with her life
Yourbff#1: It’s giving soft launch
Youbff#2: It’s giving my man my man my man
->yourusername: You two will always be my #1’s no matter what 💖
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@AustonMatthews: Lover boy 😮‍💨
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Fan#1: Alexa play that should be me
->Fan#2: Idk who I want to be more Auston or (y/n)
->Fan#3: No bc you are so real for that
Fan#4: It has to be (y/n), she’s worn those sweats before during tour rehearsals
Fan#6: oh he’s down bad for her
->Morganrielly: horrendously bad
Mitchmarner: World’s biggest simp
->Fan#7: the confirmation we’re getting from all their friends in the comments is crazy 🤯
->Fan#8: no literally there was probably a pr meeting they were supposed to attend and obviously no one showed up 💀😭
Hater#1: this is gonna be terrible for his game, she’s just gonna be a distraction
->Fan#9: she literally has a whole life and career outside of him. Like she doesn’t even have the time to be a distraction
->Fan#10: she’s the best distraction to have
->Fan#11: tell me your a hater and desperate without telling me your a hater
Fan#12: Kinda random, but I love that their styles compliment each other
->Fan#13: I was thinking the same thing! I love the lowkey matching
Fan#14: I love that (y/n) was trying to be subtle and Auston was like “no I’m showing off my girl”
Fan#15: hand her back to @harrystyles
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Multi-Grammy winning pop star, (y/f/n) (y/l/n) and NHL superstar, Auston Matthews have fans speculating (and fangirling) about a possible romance between the two. While we haven’t seen a picture of the two together, back and forth posts across social media platforms have fans suspecting there might be something more than friendship there.
It’s believed the two met through mutual friend, Justin Bieber. And while we don’t know exactly when it’s clear they started becoming closer at the beginning of this year, starting with the NHL all star games. (Y/n) attended the weekend in Toronto with friends to support Bieber who was a celebrity captain alongside Matthews.
The 7 Rings singer who has been on her world tour since the summer took a break before going overseas and seems to have spent a majority of that break in Toronto.
(Y/n) posted on her instagram story at a Toronto Maple Leafs game this past weekend as they took on the Edmonton Oilers at Scotiabank arena. One post in particular caught fans eyes. At first glance it’s simple enough, a glass of wine at the game, but fans focused on the fact that also featured in the picture was a fan in front of her with a Matthews jersey on, possible a tribute to her new relationship.
When asked about (y/l/n)’s attendance following his 2 point game, Mathew’s gave up very little info. “Yeah she decided to come to a game, but so did a few thousand other people.” Auston continued, “She’s an extremely popular celebrity who is insanely talented so I’m not surprised she received a lot of attention.”
He shut down further conversation about the pair’s relationship status by saying, “I’m not going to talk about my personal life. I know what you want me to say, but it’s not my place to speak for or about her without her permission.” When asked by another reporter if (y/l/n) reached out to him about his goals or the teams win he responded, “And that’s gonna wrap it up here” ending the press conference altogether.
Later in the week the two posted to Instagram within hours of each other and fans pointed out that many of the pictures are similar. (Y/n)’s post included a boat ride featuring the Toronto skyline. Auston was a little bit more bold as his post also included a boat ride with the Toronto skyline and kissing girl but her face can’t be seen. They also had similar captions with (y/n)’s being “lover girl” and Auston’s being “lover boy”.
While they are giving away very little, we along with the rest of the world are excited about this possibly new couple.
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uluvjay · 7 months
threesome w mitch and auston
- 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Auston Matthews x fem reader! x Mitch Marner
Best friends share everything right?
Warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(use protection), oral(m receiving), cursing, slight degradation, praising, risky sex, getting caught, I cant think of anymore.
Sorry for any errors!
Austons hand covered her mouth doing his best to keep her pathetic moans from spilling out and revealing what exactly they were doing in their basement.
The couple had lied and said they were running down to grab a few more bottles of wine for their large group of guests upstairs-but in reality Auston had taken her down there to fuck her stupid.
Hearing the squeak of the hinges from the door atop the carpeted stairs Auston leaned into the girls ear; whom was bent over the sectional that rested in front of the projector screen.
“If you get us caught so help me god you won’t be able to walk straight for a week, understood?” He questioned and the clench of the girls cunt around his cock was all he needed as an answer.
“Guys? You’ve been gone a while, everything okay?” They heard the all to familiar voice of Mitch call as his feet made their way down the stairs.
The couple tried to make up an excuse to keep him on the stairs but they were to late as the Brunette had already caught sight of them in a very unholy situation.
“Guys what the hell!” Mitch exclaimed at his friends, however his eyes never moved away.
Auston was about to yell at his closest friend to go back upstairs and act like this never happened but the feeling of his girlfriend’s cunt clenching around him, had a smirk appearing on his face.
And as he looked over to his best to find a slight blush covering his pale cheeks and eyes glued to where the couple connected under the skirt of his girlfriends flowy dress, another idea popped into his head.
“Mitch you either gotta stay or go back up stairs, your call but make it quick before she starts acting like a brat” the tattoo covered man spoke
“I-uh-what?” Mitch stumbled over himself, making sure he heard the man correctly.
“You can either stay or leave, but hurry up and make your pick” Auston shrugged as he began moving his hips again.
Auston smirked at the cry that escaped your throat as Mitch made his was further into the room, hesitantly trying to find where he should slot himself.
“Why don’t you show Mitchy how good that mouth is baby? Huh? Show him how good you can be” he cooed at her.
“Okay” she blushed and motioned for Mitch to come stand in front of her.
When Mitch finally managed to move his body into range of the girls hands she pulled him even closer by his belt and began removing it.
Pulling his pants and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring out the girl was met with a delightful sight. Mitch was about the same length as Auston just a tad bit skinner.
She worked his semi hard cock for a moment while Auston regained a pace behind her, his hands holding her hips.
A shudder ran down Mitches spine as her tongue finally came into contact with the head of his cock, slowly swirling around the angry tip.
“Fuck” the blue eyed man groaned as she finally took him into her mouth all the way, her cheeks hollowed as she began moving back and forth.
Her moans from Austons movements behind her were vibrating his cock and sending shocks through his body.
“Such a desperate thing for taking both of us” Auston hissed.
“M’ not desperate” she babbled as she pulled away from Mitches cock for some much needed air.
“Mhm sure” Auston laughed as he slowed his pace and fucked her deeper, coaxing an almost to loud moan that was muffled by Mitch pulling her back to his cock.
His hands tangled into her locks, guiding her movements this time round. Tears had began to stream down the girls face, pretty little tracks of her bleeding mascara messing up her flawlessly done makeup.
“Such a good mouth” Mitch groaned as a slight gag came from your throat.
Auston smirked at the sight of his friend, hands tangled in your locks while his head was thrown back with a clenched jaw and shut eyes.
“M’ getting close” she pulled away from Mitches cock for a moment to speak.
“Can feel you clenching me, c’mon and come for us pretty girl” Auston encouraged, feeling his own knot forming in his stomach.
You could came with a hard shudder at his words, the feeling of him splitting you open and Mitch taking you from the front was just too much for you to hold off.
“Shit, I’m gonna come pretty girl” Mitch groaned as he felt his thighs begin to shake and his thrusts become matched to austons-who was also coming up on his high.
“I’m gonna fill you and you’re gonna swallow Mitches come, understand baby?” Auston spoke, his thrusts becoming hurried and sloppy as he felt that euphoric feeling creeping up faster and faster.
“I understand” you breathed for a second before Mitch was pulling your mouth back onto his cock.
Within seconds both men reached their highs within milliseconds of one another, Auston growled as he filled your hot core with his cum.
Mitches thighs shook as he looked down at your fucked out face that was covered in sweat, spit, and tears-he didn’t think you’d ever looked prettier.
Slowly pulling out of her both men tucked themselves away before helping the girl to her feet, Auston ran a hand through her hair before lightly speaking.
“Gonna go tell everyone you got sick and then we can move this into the bedroom.”
“To the bedroom?” You questioned, and while your voice waivered the way your eyes lit up at his words had Auston knowing that you wanted nothing more than to get both men into your bed.
“Yeah, think mitchy should get to feel how tight that pretty little cunt of yours is” he smirked before taking off up the stairs and making sure you were safe in Mitches arms.
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hockeybabe · 1 year
Branded|| 𝘔. 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳
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*Gif not mine*
Pairings: Mitch Marner x gf!reader
Summary: You get Mitch’s number tattooed right above your ass.
Word count: 606
Warnings: fluff, ass slapping mentioned🫢, Mitch getting handsy, jealous Mitch.
Requested: no
Note: totally based off of One Tree Hill season one episode nineteen. Also keep sending requests
Reckless decisions.
One sober fun night out with the girls caused me to end up at a tattoo parlour and get the number sixteen tatted right above my ass. I made them swear to secrecy that they wouldn’t tell Mitch nor bring it up.
I’ve been hiding it from Mitch by keeping my pants high waisted and since Mitch is an ass guy, it makes it harder to hide it. Late at night, I’m sitting at my desk trying to get some emails answered. Mitch walks into the room. “Hi baby,” He greets taking a seat on the bed.
“Take a break.” He tells me in a whining tone. “I’ve got to get this done.” I try explaining, pulling the back of my shirt down. “It’s getting late and you’ve been answering emails all day.” Mitch slams his head back on a pillow.
I look over to the clock notice that it’s half past eleven, deciding that it’s getting late I shut off my computer and lay down on Mitch. I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his chest, looking up at him, batting my eyelashes.
“You’re pretty.” He coo’s, pulling my hair behind my ears. I blush in response, snuggling into his chest. “We should get to bed.” I yawn into his chest, unraveling my arms from him getting up and walk away with my back facing him.
Walking out of the bathroom makeup free and a set of pyjamas on, I settle myself into bed waiting for Mitch to get ready as well. “Babe,” Mitch calls softly getting onto bed. “If you ever did something you’d tell me right?” I furrow my brows, panic rising at the fear of him seeing the tattoo.
“Of course I would.” I respond quickly, turning my back to him on the comfortable side I sleep on drifting off to a dreamless sleep.
The sound of a shifting body and the bed moving with it wakes my mind and ears up but I have yet to open my eyes. Slowly opening my eyes I turn to the right seeing Mitch’s bare back facing me, clearly tense.
“Mitch.” I whisper, resting on my elbow caressing his back. Mitch’s back flex’s at my touch. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks in a low voice, turning to look at me. Confused I sit up, leaning on the headboard. “What do you mean?”
“The tattoo Y/N, the tattoo with my number right above your ass.” He grumbles, sitting right beside me. “Mitch, it’s just a tattoo. It was one decision and I made it.” I try to explain. “It’s not about the tattoo, it’s the fact that I wasn’t there and some guys hands were all over your.” He glares.
A smile graces my face realizing that Mitch is jealous. “Mitch, are you jealous?” I ask tilting my head and crawl into his lap. Mitch places his hands on my hips without thinking, pulling my closer. I rest my hands on his chest waiting for his answer.
“Just wish I was there.” He mumbles, tightening his grip. “Well if you must know, it was a girl.” I say laughing quietly. He furrows his brows in confusion. “A nice woman did the tattoo.” I explain, running my hands up his chest.
“Fuck, so all of this for that.” He sighs, grasping my ass. “Technically you’re the one who took it far.” I retort, squealing as his squeezes my ass. “But you were a bad girl for getting it without me there.” Mitch changes position so I’m laying against his legs with my ass in the air.
“Start counting.”
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jackhues · 6 months
you're all mine, you got that? i'm not sharing."
with mitch marner 🩶🩶
hope you like this nonnie :))
"who's a good boy?" you cooed, pulling zeus close to you.
the chocolate lab barked excitedly, jumping up and down to give you kisses. you laughed in response, sitting on the floor and holding him close.
"i missed you too," you grinned.
"excuse me?" mitch stood in front of you. "can't believe you love the dog more than me."
"i missed you too," you smiled at him, holding an arm out. "come here."
mitch took a seat next to you, moving zeus out of the way.
"hey!" you complained.
"you're all mine, you got that?" he looked up at you. "i'm not sharing."
send a ❄️, player + prompt (CLOSED NOW)
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bagopucks · 1 year
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Puck Control
“I just don’t see how this was the best option for our kid.”
“Seriously? I wasn’t going to let him play football under that asshole for two more years.”
“Two years where we could have done therapy for cheaper than what his college is going to cost.”
“I’d rather him be not depressed than getting a full ride to some college we can already afford.”
A sigh parted his lips. His parents had been fighting all night. Auston wasn’t happy when Mitch told him that he had to drop out of the football team. The look on his face when Mitch walked into the locker room to return his uniform, was a look of pure betrayal. Babs hadn’t been happy either. He was the reason why Mitch’s mom made him quit football though. Despite the boy’s attempts to ignore the harsh words, they stung when he left the locker room, and they stung even in bed. Listening to his parents argue.
“You’re a fucking useless child.”
He liked to call Mitch useless. He was good at making the kid feel useless.
He was supposed to be angry with his parents, but overall he simply felt numb. He didn’t know what to do. Or where to go. Or if he even had friends any more.
“Look, I gave the hockey coach a call-“
“Hockey? You think our kid is playing hockey? Jesus, Bonnie he’s a football player! Grass and cleats! He’s never used a pair of skates in his life.”
“He did at that one girl’s birthday party when he was five.”
“And do you remember how hard he busted his ass? He had a bruise the size of a baseball on his cheek.” Mitch could hear the floor creak beneath his mother’s pacing feet. His father was a stationary person when stressed. Bonnie was not.
“Paul, he’s older now. I think we should give it a shot.”
“Drag him out of football and throw him into hockey. That’s your idea?”
“I’ve heard good things about the hockey coaches. I think they could help.” His mother was desperate.
They thought there was something wrong with Mitch. There probably was. He hated himself. He hated himself and had an ego at the same time. Mitch felt guilty relaxing, and he never felt that he measured up when he was working. He would string himself thin and burn himself out to the point that he wouldn’t get out of bed on most weekends. Other than for food or the bathroom. He was always hyper focused on football. Now he had nothing to focus on. He felt useless.
Fucking useless child.
“Or a psychiatrist would help. Somebody who actually studies behavior.” His father was logical.
“He just needs better influences.” Bonnie was wrong. Mitch’s team and friends hadn’t been the issue. At least he didn’t think so.
“His last influence was fine!”
“Auston? The kid partied every night!”
He was going to hate Mitch. Auston was his best friend.
“So who’s on this hockey team that probably isn’t smoking weed and drinking on the weekends?”
“The Hughes boys are nice.”
Mitch and Quinn didn’t get along.
“Have you seen the thoughtless stares on those boys’ faces?”
“It’s genetics!” Bonnie was trying.
“It’s marijuana.” His dad was probably right.
Mitch never bothered with smoking. He had scholarships he had to look after. There was no time for throwing away any sports career over drinking and drugs.
“Paul.” Silence followed the angry snap in Mitch’s mother’s tone. He shifted onto his side and stared at the box of trophies on his floor. “Let’s give it a chance. The last thing our kid needs is a shit load of time with his thoughts.”
Mitch twisted the deep blue blanket beneath his body, between his fingers. Hockey? He’d suck at hockey. What if he couldn’t learn? Couldn’t keep up? Coach Babs would laugh himself to death over his failure.
The boy strained to hear in the silence, his eyes wandering up the wall as he awaited the next words from his father’s mouth.
“Fine. Theoretically, I’m on board. You said you called the coach?”
“Yes, and he said he’d love to have Mitch. They have conditioning that starts at the end of this week.”
“A month and a half out from the season?”
“I don’t know how hockey works, that’s just what he said.”
“What about Mitch not being able to skate?”
“He said he could handle that too. He just needed a physical and he said he wanted to meet our son.”
Mitch had heard of the hockey coach. Hockey was the school’s biggest sport. Football was a close second. Everybody knew the hockey players, the coaches, the booster club and the hockey club staff. It was like a religion. Everybody knew the coach’s daughter too.
Pretty. Loud. Aggressive and competitive. Headstrong and kind. Guys would line up at her doorstep just to try their luck at asking her out.
She remained single for so long that people began to spread rumors of her having a secret relationship with the eldest Hughes. They were best friends since middle school. Around the same time Auston and Mitch met.
“Oh! And that he needs gear. Like- a lot of it.”
“How much is that going to cost us?”
“We can make it work.”
Mitch would have to clear a space in his closet for the old trophies. He’d need something to fill in all the empty spaces where football momentous once resided.
“Paul, please. It’s for Mitch.”
Maybe he could decorate with model posters. He hadn’t tried that before. His mother got enough swimsuit magazines monthly to barely notice if one was missing.
“We’ll give it a shot. But any time he wants to pull out, that’s it. We’re not forcing him.”
Mitch decided he’d pull out after day one. He could almost guarantee it.
“I swear, they never shoot that damn puck.” Maeve glanced up at her father, leaned forward in the arm chair, a tablet in his lap and his brow furrowed. The same way it always was when he was focused on anything sports related.
“Quinn passes to his younger brother too much.” She glanced back at her phone as she spoke.
“He’s supportive.” He corrected.
“He’s too family oriented.”
“Now what does that mean?”
Maeve peeked up from her phone, and looked toward the tv where her father had been watching film from the last season.
“Jack relies on his brother because Quinn makes him feel safe. Quinn is such a good older brother, that all he wants to do is make Jack feel safe. You need to separate them.”
“Quinn is a defenseman, they don’t play on the same line.”
“I wouldn’t put Quinn on at the same time Jack is playing then.”
They broke eye contact to look back at their respective screens.
“Maybe I’ll switch Jack’s line up then. But Nico’s out for the year because of that knee surgery. And I’ve got a new kid coming in. I’d like to find him a spot first before I start moving other guys.”
“A new kid this late?”
“Yeah. One of the football boys decided to switch over.”
“Seriously?” Maeve peeked over at her father. He pursed his lips and nodded, eyes focused on the notebook where he began writing.
“Yeah. I’ll probably put him on the fourth line. I don’t see him doing too much damage there.”
“What’s his name?”
“Mitchell Marner. His mom said he just likes being called Mitch.”
Her eyes went wide.
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope. He’s gonna need some help though. His mom also said he’s never played hockey before.”
“Then why’d you say yes?”
“Because it’s an equal opportunity team. He’ll learn.” The girl’s father paused. “And I’ve seen some of the fights that kid has started on the football field. He’s got the heart of a hockey player.”
“Yeah. I’m sure you’ve seen how shitty his friends are too.”
“But is he?” The man looked up at Maeve, and for a moment she didn’t know how to answer. Mitch wasn’t kind, but he wasn’t cruel. He simply laughed when his friends did, and watched chaos ensue when his buddies decided to start it.
“Not necessarily, but you’re guilty by association.”
Wayne merely smirked and shrugged.
“He’ll learn.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“He will.” Her father stood up, “because I’m gonna be the one to teach him.” Maeve watched him toss his notebook down on the chair.
“Cause that kid’s been playing on a team where the only way you keep your spot is if you’re good and you bring in results. Those guys are constantly in competition with each other. I need him to understand my team is a family. Not a hierarchy.”
“They’re gonna hate him.”
“They’ll have to suck it up.”
“I’m gonna hate him.”
“It’s a good thing you’re on the women’s team then, huh?” She grimaced at the feeling of his hand ruffling her hair as he walked by and out of the living room.
Mitch and Maeve didn’t have many encounters, but she knew he and his friends didn’t get along with the boys hockey team. They always had something to fight over. She thought their quarrels were often meaningless, but teenage boys were always fighting to be on the top of an imaginary totem poll. At least that’s what her dad liked to say.
“Did you and your girl friends pick a day to go dress shopping?”
Maeve quickly stood up to follow the sound of her father’s voice. Into the kitchen.
“No. It’s a little early for the winter formal, and the dresses right now are all still fall themed.”
“You thinking about doing blue this year?” She leaned against the kitchen counter as her father pulled a water bottle from the fridge.
“I was thinking white and silver.”
“Got a date?”
“I’m just asking.” He held his hands up in surrender.
“Trevor did ask me if I’d go with him. He said Jack already had somebody.”
“That Jorja girl? The one that comes around every so often?”
“Yeah. They’ve been doing that awkward teenage puppy eyes thing for a while.”
“She seems nice though.”
“Oh she’s the best. I’m happy for her.”
“So you and Trevor?”
“Unless Quinn asks me to go, I’ll go with Z.”
“I’m surprised Quinn hasn’t asked yet. You guys have gone to every dance together since the seventh grade.”
“Well Jack told Luke, and Luke told me, that Jack thinks Quinn has his eyes on Kayleigh Jacobs.”
“She’s on the track team?”
“Jack says Quinn likes her legs,” Maeve spoke in a playfully dreamy tone. Her father chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.
“Well it’ll be nice for you to go with Trevor. Poor kid can’t seem to find a girl.”
“Yeah, because he scares them all off talking about his lizard.”
“He talks about his lizard?” An incredulous laugh fell from his lips.
“Yes! Somehow he thinks that’s gonna get a girl interested.” They both tried not to laugh, but at the end of the day, it was an amusing subject.
“I tried to tell him it’s not attractive, but he always argues with me.”
“He needs some major dating advice.”
“It’s bad enough kids know him as Wheezy, soon it’s gonna be lizard king.” Trevor certainly got the bad wrap in school for nicknames. With asthma in elementary school, and a laugh that forever reminded kids how his breathing used to be, he never outgrew the nickname, “wheezy.” His friends didn’t use it often, if at all, but other kids did.
“That’s rough.” Maeve’s father shook his head. “I’ll put a new nickname for Z on my list of things to do this season.”
“Put dating advice on there too while you’re at it.” She joked.
Wayne cracked the seal of his water bottle before twisting the cap off. He took a sip, his brow furrowing and face twisting into that thoughtful look again before he spoke.
“You think you’d wanna help me teach this Mitch kid?”
“Absolutely not.”
“How’s come?”
“Because you’ll have your hands full, and I’m not a teacher.”
“A kid his age helping out might be nice. And when was the last time we played hockey together?”
“Last night in the driveway? You said you wanted to work on my puck control.”
“I meant on real ice.”
She pursed her lips and tapped her fingers against the counter. Maeve knew it had been a while.
“I’ll skate with you any time, dad. Just not with Mitch.”
“You might change your mind.” His smirk made the girl roll her eyes.
“The faith you have in this kid is going to crumble the second you see him!” Maeve turned around to walk out of the kitchen.
“You should be more optimistic!” Her father called after her.
“When it comes to Mitch Marner, you should be pessimistic!” Maeve slipped into the living room to grab her phone before she walked toward the steps. Wayne quickly slipped into the hall to stop her.
“You going to bed?”
“Yeah. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”
“Don’t be late.”
“I never am.”
Sometimes she was, but time management was not something she wasn’t worried about working on.
“Goodnight, hun.”
“Night!” Maeve slipped up the steps and opened Quinn’s contact.
Her father never told her that this news of a new player was supposed to be a secret.
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hischierdevils · 1 year
Hiya Crystal! Can I request “i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.” And “Could he make you feel as good as i do?” With Mitch Marner please? Thanks so much!
Hi! I changed the prompt a teeny tiny bit. :)
Mitch wasn't worried.
He wasn't worried when you left him, claiming you needed a more stable home life. Something his NHL career couldn't provide for you. You two had been together for a couple years, but he could see how taking the back burner to support him had hurt you.
He wasn't worried when multiple common friends left subtle hints that you were dating again, because every time he was in town, he found himself in your bed.
Even when you had called him to tell him that one of these dates was getting serious, he wasn't worried. You were calling him for godsakes. If this new guy was so great, why wasn't he the one you wanted to talk to?
He fully believed the two of you would find your way back to each other. Even when he saw the engagement photos when he was innocently scrolling through social media. That same night, you were at his game. Sitting right at the glass wearing his jersey.
He scored his first hat trick that night, and when he walked out of the locker room later on, you were there to greet him. The next morning when he woke up, you were cuddled up close to his chest.
So, no. He wasn't worried. You were still his girl.
But then you called and asked if Mitch wanted to meet your fiance. He had reluctantly agreed, mainly to see if he truly had competition.
When you meet for lunch, your fiance Henry is running late.
"Are you happy?" Mitch asks you once your greetings are out of the way. He can't help but notice how your smile doesn't quite meet your eyes. The ring on your finger is the complete opposite of what you like and you keep spinning it nervously around your finger.
"I'm happy to see you. And for you to finally meet Henry." Your voice is quieter than normal and you look exhausted.
"Y/n, I still love you, you know." He tells you.
You sigh as you look into his eyes. He's surprised to find tears in yours. "I know. I've made a mess of everything haven't I?"
“I’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.” Mitch reaches over and wipes a tear off your cheek with his thumb.
"I can't keep doing this to Henry..."
"Does he make you feel as good as I do?" He asks as he tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
"Nobody makes me feel like you do." You admit, leaning into his touch.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
emotional bruises | luke hughes x matthews!reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: what ab a fic where reader and luke have been dating for a long time, say high school sweethearts. reader is the youngest sister of auston matthews (and by association, mitch marner). say after a win one night (or for any other reason) reader and luke go to a club. at said club, luke goes off with his friends and ignores reader. a random guy starts talking to reader and after seeing her talk to a random guy luke gets mad at her. they start fighting and after a bit of fighting reader calls auston to pick her up/rant or whatever and after hanging up/picking her up auston or mitch calls quinn or jack to talk some sense into luke and then reader and luke work through their problems
word count: 1.8k
it happened once you and Luke got back to michigan after Lukes season ended. a few of his university teammates were in town visiting, so everyone decided to go to a club now that everyone was finally legal. 
you of course went with the boys, having been dating Luke while he was at umich so you knew and were friends with all of the boys. usually, when you went out with Luke he was very attentive to you, but not tonight.
Luke's laugh echoed through the already loud club. you watched on from the sidelines as the group of friends chatted, sending you small glances every few minutes from the corner of their eyes. you were standing behind Luke who was standing in a circle with the guys. 
“I’m going to go get a drink!” you raised your voice so Luke could hear you, but he didn’t respond. you nodded your head in embarrassment and went over to the bar. 
The bar was crowded, and it took forever to get your drink. Luke hadn’t even looked in your direction, and you were dreading going back over to the group of boys. 
time went by and you just stood there next to the guys, no acknowledgement from Luke or anyone else for that matter. 
“Luke? do you wanna go dance?” you finally got the courage to ask, pulling on one of Luke’s sleeves so he’d look at you.
“uh, no not right now i’m talking to ethan” he barely glanced at you as he was talking to you. a minute later he shakes your hand off his arm and you feel your heart fall to the pits of your stomach. 
It's not like you were a clingy girlfriend. you understood that Luke wanted to spend time with your guys’ friends, but you wouldn’t let him just ignore you. you guys had been together since forever, and Luke had never acted like this. granted, he wasn’t much for pda but he always made sure to show you affection in other ways. 
you took another 10 minutes of Luke's dismissal before deciding to go off on your own. you didn’t even tell him you were leaving the group, you didn’t think he’d care anyway.
“we’re matching!” a girl shouted at you, grabbing onto your hands and pulling you into her group of friends. you laughed, your feelings of hurt fading away as a group of girls easily accepted you into their circle. 
you and your new friends all sang and danced together, and you were finally feeling like the night was turning out to be good. 
“hey, i’m going to go get another drink!” you shouted to the group as the taylor swift song you were just screaming too faded into another song. 
“hey! can you get me another beer?” the girl who originally seeked you out asked and you easily agreed.
as you were waiting for your drinks, a man approached you trying to make small talk.
“how are you doing tonight?” the dark haired brunette asked you as he leaned across the bar. 
“I’m fine, how are you?” you replied, looking in the bartenders direction to see how much longer your drinks would take. 
“I’m good. could be better though,” the guy smirked as he shifted his body to be angled towards yours.
“oh okay…” you trailed off awkwardly. you usually didn't have to talk to guys at bars because Luke would always volunteer to get your drinks for you but… here you were.
“okay?” the guy chuckled as he copied you. “what? you not interested or something?” 
“Uh no i have a boyfriend,” you squirmed. clearly uncomfortable with this whole interaction. you craned your neck to try and look for Luke, but you couldn’t see him through the crowd of people jumping around on the dance floor.
the man just laughed more, “yeah? I’ve heard that one before”
you honestly felt frozen as he moved closer to you, the drinks the bartender just placed in front of you easily ignored. 
“no please, i really do have a boyfriend hes…” you whipped around to try and catch a glance of Luke but he was nowhere to be found.
“Baby, you don’t have to play hard to get i'm right here” the guy moved even closer to you and you quickly tried backing away.
“what the fuck?” Luke interrupts the guy's speech angrily. 
The unnamed man was going to say something but Luke quickly interrupted, “y/n?? what are you doing?” Luke questioned you instead of the guy, causing the guy to smirk.
“ohh damnn… i didnt realize she was your girl she never told me!” the guy lied, his admission making Luke frown at you.
“Luke what? he wouldn’t leave me alone! I was literally looking for you,” you started but Luke cut you off.
“Yeah sure. Lets just go” luke grabbed one of your arms, pulling you away from the bar and to the outside of the club. 
you were so utterly confused. 
“why are you being so mean to me tonight?” you asked, feeling the start of a burn rise in your throat.
“are you seriously questioning me right now? you were literally just talking to some man at the bar!” Luke argued, clearly upset at you.
“like i said Luke, he was the one pursuing ME” you argued back, completely tired with how your boyfriend was acting tonight.
“yeah whatever, let's just go home” he rolled his eyes at you, tugging on your arm to take you back towards his car.
“no! you're being such a jerk to me!” you pulled your arm roughly from Lukes grasp, leaving him to just stare at you.
Luke ran a hand frustratingly through his hair. He sighed before continuing, “just get into the car y/n”
your chest was heaving as you slid into the passenger seat.
when you got back to the lake house you immediately set your things up in the empty guest room while Luke was in the bathroom. luckily for you, off season just started so there weren't many people at the house. 
As soon as you got settled, you we’re picking up your phone and calling your brother Auston Matthews. 
“Auston?” you croaked when you heard the call connect.
“y/n? whats wrong?” you heard Auston sit up in bed at your upset tone.
“Luke and i fought and he- and,” you cried, explaining all of the night's events to your brother who was absolutely fuming.
“I'll take care of it y/n don’t worry,” Auston said as he pulled your boyfriends contact up on his phone.
“Aus no!” you cried out, making Auston stop what he was doing. “I'll talk to him later, I just wanted to get it all out” you cried again, making Auston soften. He hated when you were so upset. 
“Okay, i won’t say anything to Luke” he relented, coming up with other strategies to yell at Luke to fix things. 
you ended the call ten minutes later and by pure coincidence Luke was knocking at the door.
“y/n i’m sorry about tonight i just…” Luke trailed off and you scrambled out of bed and pulled the door open.
“I don't want to talk to you right now,” you admitted with confidence. all of your sadness had run out and all you were left with was anger.
“y/n please, i’m sorry about tonight it was a misunderstanding and-”
“no seriously Luke, i don’t want to talk to you” 
you two went back and forth for awhile before Luke finally admitted defeat and sulked off to his bedroom. 
you got adjusted to the guest bedroom bed, eyes closing when you heard the familiar ring tone of your brother's best friend. 
“Mitchy?” you asked, and he hummed in reply.
“Aus told me what happened and I just wanted to see if you were okay. He didn’t tell me details or anything but he said you were pretty upset so…” he trailed off and you smiled softly. Mitch Marner never failed to amaze you. He was such a kind friend to not only your brother but to you as well. 
“I’m just upset… Luke was ignoring me all night and then he…”
“and then he what?” mitch questioned to which you gave him the full run down. 
By the time you finished re-explaining everything and Mitch was done giving you his advice, you were well and truly tired. 
As soon as the call ended you instantly drifted off to sleep.
When you woke up, there was a large bouquet of flowers on your night stand. They were pink peonies, a gift Luke usually got you when you were upset or having a bad day.
You messaged Luke to come meet you in the guest room. 
“I’m so sorry y/n,” Luke apologized as he rushed into the room and closed the door behind him.
“Flowers aren't going to fix this Luke. You really hurt me last night and I don't even think you understand” you began, already getting irritated. 
Luke listened intently to everything you had to say. “At first you ignored me the whole night! and then some guy is being a creep and you accuse me? As if I was the one to do something wrong. You didn't even ask if I was okay! You grabbed at me like I was a child” you tried not to raise your voice as you felt the hurt creep back into your heart.
Luke wholeheartedly agreed with you. He sat down next to you on the bed and you both talked about everything that went down last night.
“I was honestly just jealous that you were talking to somebody else… I get really protective over you and I know I had no right to act the way I did last night. I feel awful” Luke started, apologizing again and trying to explain his side of things. “There’s no excuse for me ignoring you. There’s no excuse for anything I did last night” Luke continued and you nodded along. you found it hard to forgive him, but you promised you’d work on your forgiveness. Luke wasn’t one to get angry at you like that, and it had shaken you up.
Later that night you got a text from your brother.
Auston: did your boy apologize to you yet?
You: what?? I told you not to talk to him? Wtf
Auston: I didn't talk to him… I talked to Quinn instead
You: ??? why
Auston: because you were upset last night and I dont want u to be upset
Auston: especially over some boy
you shut your phone off turning over to Luke. “Your brother told you to apologize to me this morning?” you asked the curly headed boy.
“No. He just made me realize how much I fucked up. your brother messaged Quinn actually,” Luke admitted sheepishly. 
You honestly didn't know how you felt about your brother talking to Quinn and then Quinn talking to Luke. You wanted Lukes apology to be genuine and to come from himself.
Luke must've picked up on your feelings because he frowned and held one of your hands, rubbing the side of it with his thumb.
“I really am sorry,” he whispered and you nodded, leaning into his side. You let Luke’s apologies and reassurance lure you into sleep.
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toasttt11 · 4 months
worth it ; joseph woll
She frowned as she walked into their shared apartment knowing that Joseph is usually at the couch these days when she gets home as he’s been recovering from an injury and waits at the couch for her when she is coming home.
“Jo baby?” She called out frowning in concern when she got no response, she set down her purse and keys at the entrance table, walking through their apartment in Toronto towards the kitchen seeing some light shine from there.
She walked around the corner into the kitchen pausing at the door and smiled slightly at the kitchen, candles lite around the kitchen and dinning table, multiple bouquets of flowers, she could smell her favorite meal and saw it on two plates, her favorite wine already poured into her wine glass, and she could see the cookies on the counter from the bakery that Joseph and her love and she saw Joseph standing there with his sweet smile and had on her favorite sweater on him.
“Jo my love whats all this?” She soflty questions walking towards him and gently grabbing his hands softly caressing them with her thumbs.
"i notice the little efforts you make for me.. and i just want you to know i appreciate it." Joseph Woll responded softly, smiling lovingly down at his beautiful girlfriend.
He knows she’s not the biggest in words and he’s more than okay with her showing her love in her actions. Even after long days of work she’s come home to him being grumpy and in pain and never complained once and he just needed to make sure that she knows he never takes her for granted.
She could feel her face softening even more, in complete adoration for her sweet boy and leaned up on her toes in her heels and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, “Thank you.” She smiled softly before her stomach rumbled making them break into laughter.
“Come on sweetheart let’s get you some food.” Joseph gently guided her to the dinning room table sliding out her chair for her, letting her sit down before he bent down and slipped of her heels setting them beside the table before he sat down at the spot next to her intertwining his hands to her.
He listened intently as she spoke about her day as they ate their dinner together.
“and then she-“ She trailed off seeing Joseph staring at her, “What?” She smiled looking at him.
“You’re beautiful.” He responded leaning down resting his forehead against hers, his thumb reached up and brushed the sauce off the corner of her lips and he licked it his thumb relishing in the sharp intake from his girlfriend.
“Joey… I want to at least wait to eat dessert first.” She playfully warned knowing fully well what he was doing having been on the receiving end of his flirtatious actions for many years now.
“Well i want mine now and besides it will be here after.” He leaned even closer brushing his lips against her and twirling her hair between his fingers.
“It better be worth it Joseph Woll.” She playfully smirked as she whispered her words against his lips.
“It always is my love.” Joseph whispered back before standing up and picking up his girlfriend with him, she squealed as he quickly picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist.
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