#Mexican hat flowers
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New to my garden: Red Mexican hat (Ratibida columnifera), a drought-tolerant wildflower. It may not survive a typically chilly, wet Oregon winter so it's good to enjoy it for now, right?
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oliviarosaline · 2 months
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Mexican Hat
Ratibida columnifera
I found this lonely blooming Mexican hat plant gleaming like a beacon light amongst a sea of non-native, invasive teasel growing in a dry, disturbed, almost waste-like land near Interstate 55 in Missouri.
This sombrero-resembling prairie coneflower is native to North America, where its historic native range primarily spanned the Great Plains and surrounding areas to the west, to Missouri on the very eastern edge of its adventive range. However, there are now naturalized populations east of Missouri. It's commonly grown in gardens and can escape from them. This species prefers dry, sunny habitats such as prairies, savannas and some disturbed areas with well-drained, neutral to alkaline soils. Its flowers provide food for an array of insect species, including bees, beetles, moths, wasps, and many more.
June 20th, 2023
Arnold, Jefferson County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
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textless · 4 months
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volleypearlfan · 3 months
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Mitchlendez ❤️🧡
Based on this Spy x Family panel
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izaartstyles · 9 months
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Horned lizards (as a kid they were called horny toads) are hands down my favorite reptile. Most have no issue being picked up (just do it gently!) and are great at eating ants.
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thekimdelacreme · 11 months
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alyss-erulisse · 2 years
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Garden Fence
Mexican hat flowers dance around white pickets in the forefront of this potted landscape.
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isa-ghost · 3 months
isa my bestie. do u have any tallulah and phil headcanons
Always famsquad
Other qPhil headcanons
Take one look at this man and tell me with your whole chest he's confident. NO HE IS NOT. He gets so insecure about being a good adoptive dad for her. He internalizes the full extent of it but oh my god is he terrified she thinks he loves her less than Chayanne or only took her in out of obligation or isn't good enough for her in general
She makes him laugh SO MUCH. Her dramatics, her comedic timing, the Mexican culture things/memes she shares with him once in a while. Even when she doesn't intend to, she makes him laugh so often. Genuinely she makes The Horrors more bearable for him.
He hates not being great at words bc he feels like he isn't the best advocate for her that he could be. Example: when she was wary of the new eggs. He didn't know how to vouch for her beyond reassurances she'd come around. He wishes he could've articulated himself better bc he Understands her but can't put it into words to other people to the degree he'd like to.
He will literally never look at flowers the same way again. Tallulah literally overwrote his association of them with Rose. Now his first thought is "peepoHappy Tallulah!!" Instead of Rose. Rose is now second.
Tallulah genuinely brings out a gentler side to him. This man is hardened by survival and bloodshed and at least one death in his past. He's a bit closed off and suspicious out of second nature. She brings him out of that shell so easily, he doesn't even realize it's happening.
She can see right through his bullshit and it's so fucking funny. "I'm doing fine m8" and she's just like "[cocks gun] Doubt. Bitch. Try again." She WILL cure this man of his emotional constipation.
I firmly believe she'll be the one to motivate Phil to finally build smth on a Hardcore Project scale one day. Somehow. He'd do it for her.
If he ever says he doesn't like when she acts like a little shit, don't listen to him. He's lying through his teeth. Tallulah being a little shit amuses him endlessly.
Tallulah doesn't swear a Ton, at least not as often as he does. He wishes she did, bc whenever she does it's super funny and usually perfectly timed.
Her wing hugs mean the fucking world to him they make him so ;-; every time
Tallulah has somewhat adopted Phil's over-caution. She's a bit more traumatized by The Nightmare than Chayanne is. The "abuel" sign haunts her
Phil will sing stupid songs along to her flute until she hits him for his goofy nonsense lyrics
Speaking of her flute, her playing Sweden unironically gives him nostalgia and kinda soothes his nerves. It's like his cue of "the kids are okay, they're safe and happy." The first time he heard it again after Purgatory & the eggs' recovery, he cried a little (I'm projecting)
One of the reasons he was most salty about The Reset was because it meant they can't go to Tallulah's botanical garden, her farm in the wall, or any of her other cool builds
Phil found her the purple striped hat she has in Phil's chat emote. She has it fr so she can be Just Like Papa :D
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crystalofmoon19 · 7 months
Día de los Muertos (Day of Death) - Striker x Mexican Catrina Reader! 🌼🌹💀
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POV: You invited your boyfriend, Striker, to the Día de Muertos celebration with your family. Striker doesn't know much about the holiday, luckily you were there to help him.
"So you're saying you don't celebrate Halloween, darlin'?"
"No, mi amor, I celebrate "El Día de Muertos" with my family."
"The what?"
"The Day of the Dead, as they usually call them on this side of Wrath."
"Oh yeah, The Day of Death, I've heard of that. Is it the day where they dress up like skeletons?"
"Those are called the catrinas and the catrines, mi amor."
Striker looked at you a little confused, to which you just laughed, you had invited your boyfriend to celebrate the "Day of the Dead" with your family. Your grandma was preparing the food together with your aunts and your mom, your dad was preparing the altar with your uncle, your younger siblings were playing while painting their faces like skulls and you and your siblings close to your age were decorating your home. Around him, more people came to see the wonderful altar that you and your family had made together.
Striker, although he had accepted your invitation to spend the night with you and your family, he was still confused about the holiday, he knew of its existence but did not understand the great background behind it.
Luckily you were there to help him.
"What do you want to know about "El Día de los Muertos", mi amor?" .- You said caressing Striker's cheek, which made him rattle his tail like a rattlesnake and laugh a little, you knew how to make your boyfriend happy when he was disconcerted.
"Well, sugarcube, I'd like to know what exactly you're celebrating? And why are you celebrating death?"
"You know what? I think I'd better show you! Come on, Striker! Do you want to see my family altars?" .- You took your boyfriend's hand and your eyes lit up like stars.
"I'd love to, darlin'. Besides, I can't say 'no' to your pretty face."
"Okay let's go!"
You led Striker running out of your house and took him to where your father and uncle were, they greeted you and your boyfriend, you told them that you were going to show Striker your family altar. To which your dad, a little distrustful of Striker, admitted that he doubted your idea, but in the end you convinced him to give in so your dad and your uncle left for a moment; although your father gave Striker a questioning look and made him adjust his hat a little nervously but you comforted him by taking his hand.
"Look, Striker, this is the tradition of the Día de los Muertos, the altar; here we place a photo of our relatives who have passed away and on this day it feels like they come to visit us. Because as long as we remember them, they will continue to live on our hearts!" .- You put your hand to your heart while you continued explaining.
"In addition to the photos, we place candles to light the way of their arrival, we put the cempasúchil flower..."
"The flower of what...?" .- Striker interrupted you, confused about the Spanish name of the flower, to which you just laughed.
"It's the marigold flower, Striker!"
"Oh, good. Go on, darlin'."
"The name of this flower means "twenty flowers" or "several flowers." Its yellow color made our ancestors associate it with the sun. That is why they always placed them in their offerings!" .- You explained, putting a cempasúchil flower in your hair and smiled. Now Striker had no doubt that you were a radiant sunshine in his eyes.
"We also place typical food of the festival such as bread of the dead, tamales, hot chocolate, candy skulls and the favorite food of the beloved one who has the altar. For example, my grandpa loved my grandma's enchiladas, that's why they're here! So you better not try to eat anything!" .- When you looked towards Striker, he was already about to take one of the snacks from the offering. His snake-like appetite may have gotten the better of him but you weren't going to allow him to eat anything.
"Striker!" .- Your hand slapped Striker's hand who was about to steal a candy skull.
"What? We can't waste food!"
"It's not wasted food if it's for those who come to visit us! Plus if you're hungry we can go eat, I'm sure my grandma already has the food ready."
And said and done, your grandma called everyone to eat, with this you indicated Striker to follow you to the dining room of your house. So when they entered, the table was full of delicious food, which included pozole (a broth seasoned with vegetables such as corn, chili and meat), mole (a sauce that is a combination of several types of sauces seasoned with chili peppers and spices), and tamales (food made from corn, filled with various ingredients, cooked in a package of vegetable leaves).
"Hey darlin'?"
"Si, mi amor?"
"Are you sure your family isn't from Gluttony, instead of Wrath?"
"Why do you ask, mi vida?"
"Because I see that you and your family eat a lot, and you have also served me a lot of food." .- Striker said, satisfied with his food but that he still had not been able to finish his plate. To which you just laughed.
"And wait until you eat the bread of the dead with the atole, mi amor."
"Ay mijo, you are so thin, you should eat more!" .- This time your grandma spoke, serving Striker more pozole, which made him throw his head back, although she thanked your grandma for this. You just laughed softly.
"If you're not from Gluttony, then you must have like three stomachs, right?"
"Yeah, something like that." .- You said enjoying your food while your family also ate theirs. Although Striker still couldn't stop looking at the huge appetite your family had, he had seen many Wrath imps be hungry, but you and your family were on another level.
However, Striker did not mind this trait of you or your family, on the contrary he was grateful that your family was very warm to him (perhaps with the exception of your father) since they let him be there as part of one of them, He also felt that this had been one of the best meals he had had in a long time. There were days when he would only eat a can of beans or instant noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and now having an entire feast with you and your family was something that had warmed his heart as well as his stomach.
So Striker took advantage of the fact that no one was looking to hold your hand under the table, which made your cheeks turn pink, and you also held his hand while they ate.
Later, when they finished eating, it was already starting to get dark and you told Striker to take care of your little brothers while you waited in the living room. Clearly the rattlesnake demon was quick to protest.
"Hey, I'm not gonna-!"
"Do it!" .- You gave Striker an angry look and how he already knew that if he didn't obey you it would end up with him sleeping on the couch for a week or more.
"Fine." .- The rattlesnake demon said resignedly as he watched you climb the stairs of your house in the company of your sisters.
"Just wait until I finish getting ready. I won't be long!" .- You told Striker until you went up to the second floor of your house. But Striker knew that when you said that, it was actually going to take a long time, so he just resigned himself to taking care of your little brothers while he waited.
Which wasn't an easy task, Striker wasn't one to take care of children, but your little brothers were getting on his nerves. Since they started running around the room and even though the cowboy scolded them not to do it, they did it anyway and one of them stole his hat.
"Give that, you little one!" .- Striker said annoyed while only your little brother made fun of him by sticking out his tongue and putting on his hat even though it was too big for him.
The only one who didn't seem to cause Striker any problems was your little sister, who was the youngest of the family, barely being about two years old, as soon as she had found Striker's leg she clung to his. For a second Striker calmed down a little for the baby, he even carried her to his chest, everything was fine until the baby started crying.
Striker complained loudly, he swore that he would be careful not to have as many children with you, at least in the amount that your parents had. He really felt that time flew by when he was taking care of your little siblings, although he was able to retrieve the hat from him he still wasn't enjoying this and when he was close to catching one of them that's when he saw you coming down the stairs. stairs.
You were dressed as a catrina, where you had made up your face as if it were a skull, you combed your black hair in a braid and you were wearing a red dress with an opening on your right leg that was decorated with yellow flowers very similar to the cempasúchil flower that decorated your entire outfit. You were also wearing red shoes along with a red hat that matched your dress and was decorated with flowers and pink feathers.
Striker when he saw you, his tail stood on end and his eyes widened when he saw how beautiful you were, you had practically left him speechless by your beauty.
"Y/N! You look so pretty!" .- One of your little brothers said when he saw you.
"Gracias." .- You thanked your little brother as you went down the stairs and headed towards where Striker was.
"How do I look, mi amor?"
"You look like a real angel in hell, darlin'." .- As soon as you approached him, Striker had taken your hand to kiss it, to which you laughed.
"Gracias, mi amor." .- You smiled at your boyfriend, who now approached to kiss you, but you stopped him with your hands while you laughed.
"Eww!" .- Your little brothers said in chorus for the show of affection.
"Not in front of my little siblings, Striker!"
"Why not? They are not your dad."
Without warning your dad appeared and stared at you and your boyfriend, this made Striker eat his own words and with that he distanced himself from you. You reassured your father that everything was fine and with a lot of effort on your part, you managed to get your father to leave you alone, with this done you had fun with Striker for the rest of the night.
There was a moment when you returned to your grandpa's altar, there you noticed that Striker behaved differently than usual, so you asked him what was happening. To which he in response tipped his hat to you.
"Is something wrong, mi amor?"
"I... I'm very grateful to you and your family for showing me the "Día de Muertos" holiday, did I say that right?" .- He asked you, seeking your approval in the pronunciation of his Spanish.
"Yes, that's fine."
"Well, I also enjoyed how well your family treated me, the delicious food I ate, and seeing you more beautiful than ever." .- He said caressing your cheek to which you smiled and took the hand he was caressing you with.
"Oh, mi amor, I'm glad to know that you liked the celebration."
"And I want to show you somethin' too, darlin'." .- He removed his hand from your face to take out a somewhat neglected photo from his jacket pocket and showed it to you.
At first you couldn't tell who it was, it didn't look like anyone you'd ever met, until when you looked closer at the photo you noticed that it was a snake demon. She was a young woman, with a green scale and snake fangs but she had white hair, when she saw her eyes that were an intense yellowish green you immediately knew how much the woman looked like Striker.
"Striker, is that your…?"
"Yes, that's my ma'." .- Striker answered you before you finished asking.
You looked closer and compared her to Striker, the resemblance was undeniable, you were sure that if Striker was a full snake demon she would completely resemble his mother.
"Mi amor, I haven't seen your mother before, what happened to her?" .- You tried to sound as soft as possible, but you still couldn't stop Striker from lowering his gaze a little.
"She was murdered by royalty." - Striker said with some resentment in his voice.
"I'm so sorry, mi amor. I had no idea." .- You put one hand to your mouth and another to your heart surprised.
"It's okay, darlin'. I didn't want to tell you about my ma' before either, because I didn't think you were close to those deceased relativies until now." .- This time Striker sounded a little more understanding, leaving his resentment for royalty aside and he did something you hadn't seen him do before; he took off his signature red handkerchief and handed it to you.
"Striker, what are you doing-?"
"This used to be my ma's and she gave it to me when I became independent enough from her." .- Striker explained, adjusting his hat again while he looked at you.
"Listen, darlin'. Before I met you, I used to think that life was something to be taken for granted, and death was the only way to give value to a life. When I was in a near-death situation I would run away fearing for my life; but when I met you, you gave value to my life and taught me the purpose of this holiday, I remembered ma' and the good times I had with her." .- You noticed how your boyfriend's tone of voice had changed and it was the first time that he was vulnerable to you in this way and you were going to support him.
"Your mother is here, Striker. She will continue to live as long as you remember her in your heart, and when you remember her you will always feel the warmth of her, but it is similar to the love you feel when you are with your loved ones." .- You said, putting your hand on Striker's chest and smiling at him with your warmest smile while still holding the photo and his handkerchief in your other hand.
"Can you feel her?"
"I think… I can feel her."
You smiled as you silently handed Striker the photo of his mother and placed his handkerchief around his neck. The rattlesnake was nostalgic. This gesture had not worn his handkerchief like that since he was a child. It reminded him of his mother, you may not have been a snake demon like her but you still had the same love that she gave and you gave it to him as his lover.
Striker moved much closer to you and you gladly accepted it, moving closer until his lips were a few centimeters away.
"Can I-?"
"Yes, you can." .- It was your turn to interrupt your boyfriend so that you could give him a kiss on your lips and he gladly reciprocated while both of you put your tails together and your hats fell to the ground but that didn't matter to you now.
You had a "telenovela kiss" with Striker, like he was taken from a clip of a Hell-a-Novela episode with Gabriella kissing Alejandro. After the party you told Striker that next year you were going to prepare an altar for his mother and he couldn't but agree with that and even told you that he was going to help you do it as long as you told him how to do it. one.
Thanks to you he not only now had a new favorite holiday and now he could always honor the memory of his mother thanks to you.
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eva-knits12 · 2 months
More CE characters as dads
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Pete Brenner
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Pete loves being a dad.
You both wake up before Zoe.
Every day, you bring lunch and Zoe to the office.
Pete gets to spend every afternoon with his daughter.
Pete is very protective of you and Zoe.
"She's not dating until she's 30!"
Pete loves watching Zoe dance.
He watches Bluey with her.
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Pete loves cooking for both you and Zoe.
He finds cooking to be very relaxing.
He loves making ribs and chicken bites.
He loves making soups, chili, and even tacos and fajitas.
Movie nights involve Disney films, and even stuff that you and Pete will watch after you put Zoe to bed.
Pete loves reading to Zoe.
Family days are often spent at the library, the bookstore, picnics in the park, apple and pumpkin picking in the fall, and decorating the Christmas tree in the winter.
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Halloween involves you staying back to pass out candy, but Pete and Zoe often go trick or treating.
Pete will have some decaf coffee, while he pulls Zoe in her wagon or even walk her in her stroller.
Zoe gets tons of candy.
Pete is an amazing dad.
When you were pregnant with Zoe, Pete was a doting partner.
Foot rub and back rubs were a must!
Pete wouldn't let you carry anything, walk without assistance, or do anything without assistance.
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Pete takes Zoe and you out on a nice, casual family night.
Pizza is a must with Zoe.
You and Pete often get Mexican food or even Chinese.
Pete wouldn't trade this for the world.
You and Zoe are his world.
Zoe eventually gets a sibling! She gets a sister!
Now, Pete has three favorite girls!
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Cole Turner
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Cole is a doting partner.
He's more nervous and anxious than you are.
You have to push the twins out!
Every day, Cole goes through the hospital bag.
He prepares for each scenario, including needing to give birth before you guys get to the hospital.
You actually give birth to the twins-when Cole is rushing you to the hospital!
You give birth to the twins in the back of the car!
Lucas is born first, then Dawn is born.
Cole called an ambulance, but the twins were coming, whether you wanted them to come out or not.
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Luckily, Cole has seen this quite often on the farm, so he immediately sprung into action.
He knew how to check to see how far you were dilating, and you were at ten centimeters before you got the hospital, and your contractions got to two minutes apart, Cole removed your pants and your panties, and told you to start pushing!
Yep, you're one of the few wives who can say that her husband delivered her babies. He didn't help deliver them, Cole actually delivered them.
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The ambulance arrives, and you were taken to the hospital, with Cole following.
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Who knew that the same place where you got a flat tire, wound wind up being the same place where you gave birth to Lucas and Dawn?
Cole teaches Lucas and Dawn about plants and animals.
He reads to them, because Cole is an avid reader.
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At the end of the day, Cole cooks for you.
Hot sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy, meatloaf, burgers, sausages, pork chops, baked chicken, fried chicken, Cole cooks it.
Cole finds cooking helps him relax, and it helps with his anxiety.
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Movie nights with Cole involve popcorn, pillows, cuddling, and foot rubs.
Cole loves giving you a foot rub at the end of a long day of teaching.
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For your birthday, anniversary, even a date night, Cole always remembers your favorite flowers and chocolates.
Cole loves making the baby food-he insisted that the baby food be homemade by him using vegetables from the garden and that it's organic and low in sugar-and giving Lucas and Dawn their bottles.
When Lucas and Dawn are older, they have a little outfit they wear when they are helping daddy on the farm. It involves a bucket hat, jeans, and a cute denim over shirt for Lucas, and cute overalls, a cute sun hat, and cute rubber boots for Dawn. Lucas has his own pair of rubber boots with the Captain America shield on it.
Lucas and Dawn follow Cole with their cute, plastic watering cans, pails, and shovels.
They even have baskets to pick the veggies.
Date nights are the best!
It involves the theatre, the movies, the beach, even the museum.
Cole wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Ari Levinson
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Ari is an amazing husband.
You have your kids later than most couples.
You were diagnosed with cervical cancer during your first year of marriage.
Ari was with you the entire time.
He would fuss over you.
You could only keep down pancakes and chicken broth when you were undergoing chemo.
When you found out were pregnant, Ari wouldn't let you lift anything, carry anything, or do anything.
You could go on walks.
You give birth to Zachary Andrew and Elijah Matthew.
A few years later, you give birth to Lillian Eve.
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Ari loves taking you on date nights.
Family movie nights involve watching a movie that both boys pick out without arguing.
Popcorn is a must.
So is dollar store candy.
You and Ari often cook together.
Gyros are a family favorite.
(I love gyros, and they're popular around here. I like lots of Tzatziki sauce on mine.)
Ari will often a make a Greek salad to have on the side.
Ari loves making breakfast.
Ari and you often enjoy some coffee when you can actually have some peace, and that's after you put Lillian down for a nap.
Ari works from home, since he's runs an online import business.
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He used to run a resort at one point.
He was even a high school geography teacher.
But, he quit those to run an online import business.
You work as a medical coder, and work from home.
You and Ari both have a shared office.
It works out, because you are both home with the twins and the baby.
Date nights are amazing.
It can involve an escape room, watching the sunset, going to open mic night, an evening picnic, even seeing a movie in the theatre.
Ari and you get the kids and Ari gets Lillian to sleep.
He puts the covers over you, and kisses your cheek just as you go to sleep.
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sillymapache · 4 months
Matphen hcs 2 bc I need joyous yaoi
- Both are CUDDLERS, They literally have their arms around each other as much as they can, Matt especially, he loves how Stephen feels and how warm he is. They’re both very touch starved and always fall asleep holding each other
- After they get more comfortable with each other, Stephen is actually the huge romantic, he always gives Matt a flower or smth (maybe with a note taped to it), he leaves notes around for him to find and always goes all out on Valentine’s Day or his birthday. He’s actually the one who gives the most kisses bc he likes seeing how surprised and giddy Matt gets
- Matthew likes showing off to him, always trying to look cool and kinda brags abt himself. He’s always flirting with Stephen but if Stephen does it back he folds immediately
- Stephen insists on doing the cooking and cleaning himself but Matt always joins
- Stephen likes watching Matt apply his eyeliner and stuff and Matt will be like “why are you looking at me like that…” and Stephen is like “Wdym 🥰”
- Matt likes watching Stephen try on outfits or do anything in general, Stephen is like “why are you staring at me so much” and Matt is like “I’m liking the view” or something corny like that. He’s corny af
- Stephen has no idea why Matt finds him attractive, everytime Matt calls him handsome or hot he’s like “????? I think you need to start using both eyes to see bc I don’t understand” and Matt is like 😐…
- They try to teach other different phrases in their languages (Stephen is Mexican to me)
- They get a dog or cat eventually and Matt is like “I’m not gonna get attached” then starts acting like the pet is his child after a week
- They say “bye” to each other like 4 times until they actually part ways
- Even though Matt talks the most out of them, when they cuddle or smth he can stay quiet for like an hour bc he enjoys the moment so much
- Stephen surprised Matt once by getting Matt’s name printed on his hat and Matt folded real fast
Idc if these are out of character or whatever, I need joyous yaoi and they’re basically my ocs now bc my Stephen looks nothing like canon Stephen
Hoping Matphen nation will grow if I keep being ill and cringe abt it 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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textless · 5 months
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bitchinfawkseh · 2 months
Heaven Knows Your Name, I've Been Praying: Chapter 16
Summary: Cheryl and Dean find themselves at a frat party on Halloween in hunt for a ghost.
W.C: 5742
Warnings: N/A
[A/N] this chapter was so fun to write!!! Cheryl's Halloween costume is a reference to the movie Bandidas that Salma Hayek stared in
Masterlist | AO3
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They'd been tracking this ghost in California for a couple of days now, it had killed the previous couple that resided in an old home. A poltergeist, a quick salt and burn, nothing to worry about. The poltergeist had a schedule it liked to stick to. It came around every year on October thirty-first, Halloween, which was today, and it killed whoever resided in the home. But, the house was now owned by a fraternity, and luckily for them, they were throwing a Halloween party that gave them the perfect chance to end the ghost for good. 
Cheryl set a beige cowboy hat on her head and adjusted her hair. She had claimed the bathroom, she was a woman, and she got first dibs anyway. She wanted something practical but sexy to wear for this case, so obviously she had to choose the cowgirl costume. It showed off plenty of cleavage but had a proper pair of pants so she could still move around. Cheryl pouted her lips together and swiped some lip gloss along her bottom lip. She felt good about herself – desirable – maybe Dean would finally kiss her. He was a man, it was his job to make the first move. It was a little old-fashioned, but it was what she liked in romantic relationships. She liked to be treated like a princess – within reason.
“Cher, you ready?” Dean's voice sounded from outside the door. He was a little buzzed, she could tell because he slurred her name a little. But, she found Dean worked better when he was a little buzzed – plus, it was a frat party they were going to. They had to blend in. Cheryl tucked her clear lip gloss into one of the pockets on the sides of her jeans and fluffed up her hair one final time. “Yeah! Just a second.” She called back. She didn't tell Dean what she decided to dress as, she decided to keep it a surprise. It made him a little ticked off at first – because she bought him and Sam matching costumes as well. Mario and Luigi. But, he was excited to see what she chose. Maybe a sexy nurse, or cop, or a devil! The choices were endless. 
The door clicked open and Dean's eyes widened when Cheryl stepped out of the bathroom looking gorgeous as ever. A cowgirl… He flushed and tugged at the collar of his shirt, he only decided to wear the hat from his Mario costume, the other stuff was too small. “C–Cher.” He stammered, cringing when his voice cracked. Cheryl only smiled and did a small twirl for him, flaunting her backside to him which only made his butterflies worse. “You like?” She asked. 
“Yeah!” He answered quickly. Dean swiped his tongue across his bottom lip as he focused on her ass in those jeans. They were high-waisted, tight around the butt but the legs were wide and flared with plenty of pockets and cow print accents. She looked great. “You look…” 
“Beautiful.” He corrected. Cheryl blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears. She couldn't help but smile, being called beautiful made her feel beautiful. “Gracias.” She whispered.
Her arms awkwardly dropped to her sides and she bit her lower lip. “Where's the rest of your costume?” She asked. 
“Didn't fit.” He answered, tucking his hands into his pockets. Cheryl frowned and looked everywhere but at Dean, she was a little shy after his compliment. “Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure what would fit.” 
“It's okay,” He smiled, “Sammy and Carlos are waiting for us outside, let's go.” 
Cheryl nodded, “Okay, you know – today is the Day of the Dead? It's a Mexican holiday.” 
“Oh yeah, I've heard of that. What do you do on the Day of the Dead?” He asked. 
“We honour the family members that are no longer with us, visit their plots and decorate them with sugar skulls and flowers. My Mother and Rosità and I used to wear costumes that we made together and baked all day before we got together with family.” Cheryl explained. She glanced up at him, smiling when she saw that he was listening to her every word intently. “You'd like it, I think.” 
Dean smiled gently, “It sounds nice.” 
“You'd also like what we do for Christmas, we have parades – parties, we even set off fireworks. It's a big deal.” She raved. Dean cocked a brow and took his hands out of his pockets. “Yeah? Do you miss it? Mexico I mean.” 
“Sometimes… not really though.” 
“Why not?” 
“Bad memories.” She answered simply. Silently telling him that she didn't want to talk about Mexico anymore. 
Dean paced towards the door and grasped the door handle. He held the door open for Cheryl before walking out himself, he had to be chivalrous. He has to court her.
 Cheryl quickly thanked him before jogging over to Carlos. He had on a pirate's hat with a skull and crossbones on the front. She was a little disappointed that his costume was so boring. “Hey,” She whispered, “did you get the stuff?” She asked. Carlos nodded and glanced around before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small tin. He handed it to her and she cracked open the tin, grinning when she saw half a dozen pre-rolled joints. “Sweet, it's safe, right?” 
“Of course, it is. Alejandro sent it, it's medical stuff.” He replied with a scoff. Cheryl pursed her lips together and nodded, it's been a while since she smoked weed, but she was excited to try it again. She glanced back up at Carlos, “Can I take one now?” 
“I mean, if you want. I'd save it for later though.” He said. 
Cheryl sighed, “Yeah… you're right.” She closed the lid and made sure it clicked shut before passing it back to Carlos. Hunting while high was a bad idea. 
She tucked her hands into her back pockets and tilted her head, “Is Sam gonna ride with you?” She questioned. Carlos nodded and looked back at the motel, “Yeah, he decided to change out of his costume when he learned that Dean was just gonna wear the hat.” He turned to look back down at her and grinned knowingly. “You and Dean are gonna ride together… alone… huh?” 
She blushed, “Guess so… it's probably gonna be awkward though.” 
“Oh, no it won't. Don't be dramatic. You know what you should ask him – ask him why he's such a bitch.” 
Cheryl glanced over at Dean and her lips thinned, they'd been silent for the majority of the car ride, and things were getting awkward now. She glanced down at her thighs and sucked in a breath, trying to think of a conversation starter. She swallowed hard and pursed her lips together. “A–are you excited for the party?” She asked. 
“Yeah, never been to a frat party.” He grinned. 
“Seriously? I would've thought that you totally have gone to one before.” 
“Never went to college, remember?” Dean chuckled. He set one of his hands on his thigh and tapped his fingers against his jeans. “Are you excited?” 
“Sorta, it's mostly a job for us.” 
They fell into another spell of silence, but this time it was a little less awkward. They were almost at the frat house, just a couple more minutes and they were fine. Carlos and Sam were good buffers – they made things less awkward. She and Dean were good friends – great friends – before she caught feelings, and now things were weird. Things were mostly fine when they were drunk together – but they couldn't be drunk all of the time. Cheryl glanced up at him, suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of anxiety. Did he know that she liked him? Was he trying to tell her that he wasn't interested? Was he mad at her? Cheryl shyly looked down at her feet, “Are you mad at me?” She asked quietly. 
Dean's eyes widened and his heart dropped, why did she think that he was mad at her? “I– no, no I'm not mad at you, Cher. Why the hell do you think I'm mad at you?” 
“I dunno… we just… we don't talk like we used to. Everything is so awkward now – and it's like… ugh, I don't know.” 
“Things are just complicated right now, it's nothing you did.” He muttered. He crept down the street in the Impala, looking for an empty parking spot. The streets were lined with cars, probably for the frat party. Cheryl sighed, “Oh… well, if there's anything that I can do for you, let me know.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks.” 
Cheryl knew that the complicated thing was likely about the deal that he made. She didn't know why he made the deal, only that he had a year left. To be honest, she was waiting for him to tell her on his own time, but it was taking a lot longer than she hoped. All she knew was that he had a year left because of a demon deal, and she wanted to make the most of that year. She wanted to be with him if he'd still have her after everything. 
“Okay, I got the salt, lighter and gasoline,” Sam said as he checked through the backpack he was going to carry around the party. Cheryl nodded and crossed her arms square against her chest, they knew which house it was – lights were flashing from inside the house and music was blaring. It seemed the neighbours were either at the party or didn't care. “Do we know where the body is?” She asked. Sam and Carlos both shook their heads, all they knew was that Margaret May's remains were somewhere in the house. “Our best guess is the attic or the walls.” 
Dean's eyebrows raised, “The walls?” 
“Margaret May was a schizophrenic woman in the mid eighteen hundreds, husband's of mentally ill wives often kept them in hidden rooms behind the walls,” Carlos replied. 
Cheryl frowned, “That's so sad…” 
“Yeah, if you were still my wife I would have stuffed you in the walls a long time ago.” Carlos snorted. Cheryl rolled her eyes and ignored his comment, “Okay, anyway. So our best bet is a secret room behind the walls?” 
“Yup,” Sam said. He swung the backpack over so he could loop his arm through the last strap. “We should split up, cover more ground in the house. It's huge and busy.” Sam added. Carlos nodded in agreement and glanced down at Cheryl and Dean. He and Sam discussed on the way over a perfect plan to get them to talk to each other and work together. It was fool-proof, nothing could go wrong. “Sam and I will check out the first floor and the basement, you guys check upstairs.” He smirked. Dean cocked a brow, seemingly not noticing that Cheryl flushed and was glaring at Carlos. “You guys are gettin’ pretty close, huh?” He asked, his eyes landing on Sam who only shrugged. 
“Yeah, Carlos is cool.” 
“Yeah,” Carlos jutted his thumb towards Sam, “and he's better than you.” 
Dean's lips thinned, “Yeah, all right.” 
“Carlos, stop being rude to Dean. He has done nothing to you, so quit it.” Cheryl hissed. She has had it with Carlos being mean to Dean, it wasn't funny anymore. He sighed, “Okay, I'm sorry, Dean.” 
“Uh, thanks.” He replied. Carlos gestured towards Cheryl and pursed his lips together. “I'm doing you a favour anyway, she can see ghosts and all.” He said nonchalantly, assuming that they already knew. Sam and Dean's jaws went slack and their eyes widened. Cheryl could see ghosts? “She can do what–” Dean started. 
Cheryl raised her hands quickly, “Barely – it's just a little clairvoyance. All of the women in my family have the gift, some stronger than others.” She explained. “I'm more in tune with energies than seeing the actual ghosts.” 
“What the fuck?” Dean squinted. A chick who could sense ghosts – a hunter who could sense ghosts, was hot. Cheryl just became even sexier to him somehow. 
“So you can sense energies?” Sam asked. “Does it make the job easier for you?” 
“Sometimes, most of the time I clue in too late, don't realize or it isn't useful.” She explained. Cheryl let her arms fall to rest at her side and exhaled heavily. “But enough about me, we should head inside, the faster we get rid of this thing, the sooner we can party.” She said giddily. 
“I like the way you think,” Dean smirked. He glanced at Sam and Carlos, “You heard her, let's get going.” 
They walked up the front steps to the house, all excited for their own reasons. A very drunk young man with bleached yellow hair and ski goggles sat perched on a stool by the open front door. He belched, “Hey! No entry if you ain't got anything good.” They could give them the weed that they have… but Cheryl did not want to do that. She glanced around and pouted her lips together before taking a step forward. She lifted the hem of her shirt along with her bra, flashing the frat bro for a couple of seconds before lowering her shirt again. He seemed starstruck for a couple of seconds, his mouth hung open and his eyes were still settled on her chest. Quickly, the frat bro shook his head and grinned. “Go on in.” He said. 
Cheryl smiled wide and turned on her heel to face the three boys. “Come on.” She chirped before strolling into the house. Dean and Sam were a little starstruck themselves, Carlos on the other hand was used to her antics. Sam looked over at Dean and snorted, “Hey, maybe you'll get your turn soon.” He joked. 
“Shut the hell up.” Dean huffed. 
Neon lights flashed and EDM music blared through the house, it felt as if it were shaking the floorboards. Cheryl wrinkled her nose and stepped over a puddle of chunky vomit. They could just barely hear some sexual moaning over the music – which was to be expected. People had sex at parties. “God, this was never my scene.” She muttered. 
“What?!” Dean yelled. He raised his finger to his ear and yelled again: “I can't hear you!” 
“I said this was never my scene!”
“Oh!” He sucked in a breath and squinted down at her, this music was really loud. “I still can't hear you!” He said. Cheryl sighed and rolled her eyes, she looked around for any room that didn't have sex sounds coming from it. Without another thought, Cheryl took his hand and pulled him into an empty closet across the hall. 
Thankfully, it was a little spacious, given the fact that it was a walk-in – but with all of the useless crap on the shelves, it sort of squished them together. Cheryl panted and bit her lip, “Oh geez…” She whispered. Dean let out a little groan and backed as far away from her as he could. It didn't do much, but at least he wasn't touching her anymore. “Right, what were you saying so we can get outta here?” He asked hoarsely. He could barely see her, except for when little flashes of blue and green lights would shine from the crack under the door. Those would illuminate her face and make her lips gleam. “Oh… I was just saying that this isn't really my scene.” She replied. Cheryl tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “And we've searched most of the upstairs, except for some of the rooms… and you know why. I don't think the secret room is up here.” 
He sighed, “Maybe… we should go find Sam and Carlos. Maybe they found the room.” 
Dean grasped the doorknob and attempted to twist it, but it wouldn't budge. His brows furrowed and he pulled on it hard, “What the fuck – this thing is locked.” He growled. 
“What? No, it's not.” Cheryl took a turn trying to get the door open but to no avail. Her lips parted and she flicked her eyes up to meet his, and in unison, they both said: “Shit.” 
Sam aimed the flashlight down either end of the dimly lit basement littered with Halloween decorations. “What do you think they're doing?” He asked. Carlos let out a laugh and peeked under the stairs, there were many things that they could be doing. “Probably fucking.” He answered. 
Sam wrinkled his nose, “Ew.” 
“Hey, you know it's likely.” 
“I mean, yeah. But it's gross thinking about it. That's my brother and friend.” 
“Oh, yeah. I know.” He snorted. “But hey, if it makes ‘em happy.” He said. Sam nodded in agreement, if Cheryl and Dean were happy together (finally), he was happy for them. He'd seen them act like weird teenagers with crushes for way too long. 
“Who do you think is gonna kiss who first?” Sam asked. Carlos pursed his lips together and shrugged, it could be either of them. “Cheryl, surprisingly.” 
“Really? I think Dean will.” 
“Wanna bet on it?” 
“How much?” 
“An even twenty.” He shrugged. Carlos outstretched his hand for them to “shake on it,” a common thing he did when making bets. Sam took his hand and squeezed it as he shook it, “Deal.” 
Dean and Cheryl sat side-by-side, which was the last thing that either of them wanted. She had butterflies in her stomach and goosebumps on her skin, and his ears were tinged red and his heart was beating a million miles an hour. They tried getting out, yelling for help, and calling Sam and Carlos numerous times, but nothing. The music was too loud, and they were stuck in here for the time being. At least when they were stuck in the basement with Casey, they had room to roam. “So, um…” Cheryl started. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled on it, focusing on the lights under the crack under the door. “Have you ever thought about going to a concert? Like Metallica or something?” 
“Uh, nah,” Dean answered. 
“Really? Why?” 
“Dunno, nobody I liked happened to be playing at the same time I was there.” 
“Oh,” Cheryl whispered. 
“I'd like to go to a concert, maybe for Bon Jovi or Def Leppard.” She said. Cheryl reluctantly glanced up at him and smiled faintly. Dean cocked a brow and grinned, “Def Leppard is good… Pour Some Sugar On Me… Woman… Hysteria… Love Bites…” He trailed off. 
“You like Def Leppard?” 
“Wouldn't be my first choice, but yeah.” 
“Your first choice is probably Led Zeppelin, huh?” Cheryl smiled. 
“You remembered that?” 
“Yup, it's all you ever play in the Impala most of the time. Hard to forget.” 
Dean chuckled, “Guess so…” He inhaled deeply and glanced around the cramped closet. “So, uh,” He looked back at her, “how's your Mom?” 
“Oh, she's good. She finally got a phone so we talk a lot now.” 
“She didn't have a phone before?” 
“Had to sell it for some of Rosità's funeral costs.” 
Cheryl picked at the chipped nail polish on her fingernails and chewed on her bottom lip. She had gotten so used to not being around or hearing from her Mom all the time, she forgot that she missed her until they started talking over the phone weekly. “You know, she keeps asking about you.” She said. 
Dean's brows shot up, “Oh yeah? What does she say?” He asked. 
“Mostly asks how you are, if you're eating good ‘n stuff… she also asks if we're dating.” Dean was silent for a moment, it was nice that Maria cared to ask how he was, but what got him was her thinking that they were together. To be honest, he liked that she thought that. “...Do you want to be?” He asked hoarsely. Her breath caught and her eyes widened, she couldn't believe her ears. “What?” 
“Do you wanna… you know. Date?” Dean repeated. He felt like a loser asking a girl out like this, this wasn't flirty or sexy. Hell – it was so bad that he'd understand if she said no. 
Cheryl's eyes flickered up to his face, searching it for any sign of deceit, but when she saw nothing but sincerity, her heart soared. Her tongue swiped across her bottom lip and she slowly nodded. “Si… I do.” She whispered finally. Dean leaned closer to her as if he were a moth to a flame, completely enamoured by her. “Yeah?” He breathed. His breath fanned across her lips and she nodded again. Instead of tensing, she relaxed. “Si, and I promise you I won't leave this time. It's my fault we never got to go on that date, ojos de angel…” She purred softly. He grinned gently, his gaze still stuck on her face. He's wanted to hear that for so long, that promise. A promise that she wouldn't leave. “What does that mean? Ojos de angel?” He asked. Cheryl crept closer to his face, “Guess.”
“Sweetheart?” Dean whispered. 
She smiled softly, “No…” 
He could feel the warmth coming from her mouth now, she was so close, yet so far from where he wanted. Dean swallowed, “Darling?” 
“No…” Cheryl stared up at him through her lashes, “It means angel eyes.” She said. And at last, she gently pressed her lips against his, and he could have sworn that the Earth had stopped spinning on its axis. 
Sam jumped when an animatronic clown suddenly came to life and crackled beside him. “Holy shit–” He stammered, stumbling back into a laughing Carlos. Sam hates clowns, and he hates them even more when they jump out at him. Carlos wheezed and slapped his stomach, “Oh fuck! That was glorious.” 
“It was not!” Sam said, exasperated. 
“Chicken shit scared of clowns!” He snorted. Carlos shook his head and ran his fingers through the ends of his tightly curly hair. “Oh man, phew. That was funny.” He sighed. 
A ghastly-looking woman descended the stairs in a white nightgown. She had frazzled hair sunken eyes, and deep laceration marks and rashes around her wrists. Her cracked blue lips parted as she glanced around the room. A ghost haunting a fraternity house, how humorous. 
A man with skull face paint smeared all over his face looked the woman up and down before giving her a thumbs up. “Sick costume!” He exclaimed. The woman tilted her head and squinted at him, he looked real enough, but the facepaint was what confused her. “I am not ill.” She echoed. The frat bros brows knitted together and he nodded slowly. “Uh, okay…” He muttered. As the man walked away, she raised her chin before fading away into nothing, as if she were never there. It was time for the hunt: the hunt of those residing in the house. It was her house, her home, and there were strangers in it. She had to protect her home. 
Unfortunately for Sam and Carlos, they didn't notice the ghost's appearance. It was a Halloween party, with tons of people, it'd be impressive if they did notice her. 
Cheryl straddled Dean's lap, her lips working over his fervently and with such passion that Dean thought it may be a dream. He threaded his hands through her hair and urged her closer to him, desperate to feel every inch of her soft skin. “Cher…” He murmured. Cheryl cupped his cheek and stroked it sweetly as she pulled back briefly. “You okay?” She asked gently. Even though she doubted that he wanted to stop, she still wanted to make sure. His comfort meant everything to her. Dean grinned and nodded, “Oh yeah, I'm perfect.” He said before leaning in to kiss her again. His hands settled on her hips and he started to get a little too excited when she pressed her hands square against his chest and pinned him to the shelves. 
Dean panted against her lips and his brows furrowed when a weird sphere object dug into his lower back. At first, he tried to ignore it, but it was getting pretty annoying. He pecked her lips one last time and reluctantly pulled back, “Hold on,” He grumbled. 
“What's wrong?” Cheryl asked. He reached behind him and felt at the little knob. “Something's digging into my back,” Dean muttered. He twisted it and the wall behind him gave out unexpectedly. Dean fell back and smoked his head and fingers off of the shelf when he ducked Cheryl's head down to his chest so she wouldn't get hurt. “Holy fuck.” Dean groaned. Cheryl gasped and her eyes widened, she had lost her hat during their makeout session and fall, but that was the least of her worries.
 “Oh shit, are you okay?” Cheryl asked. He blinked hard and glanced up at her, “Think so.” He muttered. Now that he confirmed he was okay, she was hyper-aware of the fact that she was completely on top of him. Her knees were on either side of his hips, her chest pressed against him, and their noses centimetres apart from each other. Sure, they had just shared their first kiss, but they were far from where being on top of one another would happen. Cheryl flushed deeply, “Sorry.” Dean only smirked, “Nah, I like a woman on top. It's… hot.” 
“Dean, we are not having sex in here.” 
“Hey, you mentioned it. Not me.” He raised his hands in defence. Cheryl rolled her eyes and looked up to the wall that seemingly just caved in. “Wait…” She whispered. Cheryl slid off of him and army crawled towards the small dark opening. “I think this is the secret room!” 
She crawled through the door and climbed to her feet, feeling around the ripped wallpaper to try and find a light switch. “Dean!” Cheryl whisper-shouted. Suddenly, his hot breath fanned down her neck, “What?” He whispered back. Cheryl flinched and clenched her jaw, “Don't do that. You scared me.” 
“Sorry.” He snorted. He reached into his pocket and flicked open his lighter. The tiny flame illuminated a small portion of the room, they could see the vague outlines of furniture. Cheryl glanced around and rubbed her dust-covered hands on her pants. She felt around the dresser in the corner of the room and let out a relieved sigh when she grasped a candle stick. “Here, I found a candle. Light me up.” She outstretched her hands towards Dean and he quickly flicked the flame from the lighter over the candle wick which caught fire almost immediately. 
“Gracias.” Cheryl smiled faintly. Dean sent her a nod and brushed past her, continuing to search the room. “So, why do you think Marge is killing all these folks who buy the house?” He asked in an attempt to make conversation. 
“Her name is Margaret, and she was a mentally ill woman whose husband abused her and kept her locked up in this room… she probably thinks people are trying to hurt her.” Dean was silent for a moment, a little taken aback by the empathy she had for the ghost. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and nodded slowly. “Yeah, maybe. But hey, at least she'll be at rest when we salt and burn her bones, right?” 
When Cheryl didn't reply, he spun around to look at her. His brows raised when he noticed that she stood over a small bed in the corner. In the bed lay brittle bones draped in the nightgown that Margaret died in. She had leather cuffs looped around her wrists that were attached to the bed. Margaret May, the schizophrenic woman who was terribly mistreated by the man who was supposed to love and protect her. Margaret May, starved to death after her husband strapped her down and abandoned the home. Cheryl's lips thinned and she set the candlestick into a candle holder on the nightstand. “Help me move the bed away from the wall, don't want the house to catch fire.” She sighed. Dean flipped the lighter shut and tucked it into his pocket before moving to the headboard of the bed. “You get the footboard.” He said, jutting his chin forward. 
Cheryl crouched down and tucked her fingers under the base of the bed and Dean did the same. They counted to three before both lifting at the same time and shimmying back to set the bed down in the middle of the room. Cheryl swallowed hard and crossed her arms against her chest, “Do you mind if I say a prayer for her?” She asked quietly. 
“No, uh, go ahead…” He murmured. Cheryl nodded and took a hesitant step forward, crossing herself and then the remains of Margaret. She whispered in Spanish a Catholic prayer, a way of showing respect for Margaret. 
The candle on the nightstand flickered and the creaking of the rocking chair facing the back wall started to sound. Cheryl's eyes widened and she slowly turned, the apparition of Margaret sat in the rocking chair. Her fluffy hair poked through the bars of the chair and all she did was hum. Dean gulped and shot Cheryl a look, Margaret was a bit unpredictable as a human, even more so now. “My love, my love, my love…” Margaret hummed. She stopped rocking in the chair and stopped humming. “Where is my husband? I miss him.” She croaked. She looked over her shoulder at Cheryl and Dean and blinked slowly. “There are people in my home, I am scared. I need my husband.” 
Cheryl straightened her posture, “Your husband? He went to work, Margaret, he'll be home soon.” She soothed. Margaret beamed and rose out of her spot, padding towards Cheryl carefully. “Really? Oh… I best go to bed then. He will be home when I wake up and he will send our guests away.” 
Without another word, Margaret climbed into bed and became one with her remains. The candle stopped flickering almost immediately, and the eerie vibe was no longer in the room. Dean opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the bed erupted into flames. He jumped back, his eyes blown wide. A ghost had never taken care of its remains before, this was a first. Cheryl exhaled sharply and squinted at the flames. “She wanted to go…” She whispered, slightly shocked. Dean's lips parted and he swallowed, “I haven't ever seen a ghost do that before, have you?” 
“No… I haven't.” 
Dean's phone buzzed in his pocket and he hastily fished it out, not even bothering to look at who was calling before picking up. “Sam?!” 
“Oof, wrong.” Carlos chuckled. Dean's face fell and his lips thinned into a straight line. Carlos sighed, “Where the hell are you guys?” 
“Found the room upstairs, burned the old gals bones. The door we came in through is locked though so can ya come let us out?” 
“Sure thing, buddy.” 
None of them were in the mood to stick around for the rest of the party, so they decided to go back to the motel and turn in early. Sam and Carlos went to grab food after changing, leaving Cheryl and Dean alone yet again. 
Cheryl set a pink rose in front of a small oval photo frame with a portrait of a beaming young woman with eyes full of life. Carefully, she lit the small tea light and set it beside the photograph and clasped her hands in her lap before smiling softly. The shower squeaked as the water stopped running, but she wasn't worried about Dean finding her like this. Honouring her sister's memory. 
“Rosità… I miss you.” She started hoarsely. Cheryl tucked her hair behind her ear and stared into her dark eyes in the photograph. “Mom does too. I'm sure she lit a candle for you today.” She added. The bathroom door swung open and Dean emerged, rubbing his head with a towel aggressively to dry his short hair. He glanced up, and when he noticed the small altar that Cheryl was sitting in front of, he stopped. “Hey… what's that?” He asked. 
“A memorial. For Rosità.” Cheryl answered with a soft smile. Dean pursed his lips together and nodded slowly before coming to park next to her on the edge of the bed. He'd never seen a picture of Rosità before, she looked quite like Cheryl. Just… happier. 
She inhaled deeply and leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees. She changed into something more comfortable while Dean was showering – an oversized t-shirt (courtesy to Carlos) and sweats. “I have an extra candle… if you wanna light one for your Dad.” Cheryl offered. Dean scoffed and shook his head before tossing the wet towel onto an empty chair. “Nah, thanks though.” He answered. 
They fell into a spell of silence, but this time it wasn't as awkward. Cheryl swiped her tongue across her bottom lip before biting it. “So, we kissed.” She whispered. He nodded and pursed his lips together, “We did…” 
Silence again. 
“I liked it.” Cheryl confessed. She glanced up at him, meeting his eyes and showing nothing but sincerity. “I like you.” She added. Dean swallowed hard and his heart started to race, he felt the same… it was just hard to say. So, all he said was: “Me too.” Dean averted his eyes to his feet and set a hand on his knee. “It wasn't just the closet talkin’. I wanna… you know, date you.” He said finally. 
“Can I ask what that means?” 
“Like… is it open… are you gonna hook up with other girls – because I'm not for that.” 
“Fuck no!” He blurted. Dean's lips thinned and his brows furrowed, he didn't want to be seeing anyone else. He didn't want to hook up with other girls anymore. “I'd like to be exclusive…” 
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend?” 
“If you want labels… yeah. I guess boyfriend and girlfriend.” He grinned a little. Cheryl smiled and lifted her hand to set it on his thigh. “Yes, I'd like that.” 
He dipped down and peered into her eyes, a soft smile on his face. “So…” He trailed off. 
“So?” Cheryl beamed. 
“Can I kiss you this time?” Dean asked. Somehow, her elated grin widened and she nodded excitedly. “Si… you may,” Cheryl whispered against his lips. Without wasting another second, he pressed his lips against hers and cupped her face in his hands, holding her as if she were porcelain. And for the first time in a while, Dean felt alive. 
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Shoutout to Mexican Hat flowers. Definitely not missing spring here while writing a story of my ocs where they’re in a big field and talking about flowers ahaha
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thekimdelacreme · 2 years
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alyss-erulisse · 2 years
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Chocolate Shop Garden
Flower pots overflow with greenery and vibrant bursts of color as the chaos of nature is contained by white lattice.
Taken in front of Martin Greer's Candies.
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