#Meta Sudans
violottie · 3 months
🇵🇸 IMPORTANT. Please share. 🇵🇸
If you have Instagram, Meta has set an automatic limit on "political content" as a means to stop the spread of awareness about Palestine, Sudan, Congo and more places where genocide and injustice are being enacted.
You can remove the limit in your settings. Instructions:
1. Go to Settings and Activity
2. Scroll down and click go to Suggested Content
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3. Click on Political Content
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4. Select "Don't Limit"
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Please share so more people know about this and what to do
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jdunlevy · 1 year
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Colosseum, Meta Sudans, and the Arch of Constantine in Rome, around the last decade of the 19th Century or turn of the 20th Century (“[The Colisuem and Meta Sudans, Rome, Italy]” Photograph. Detroit, Mich: Detroit Publishing Co., c1890-c1900. From Library of Congress: Photochrome Prints. https://loc.gov/​pictures/​resource/​ppmsc.06599/)
The Meta Sudans … was a large monumental conical fountain in ancient Rome.
The ruins of Meta Sudans survived until the 20th century. In 1936 Benito Mussolini had its remains wantonly demolished and paved over to make room for the new traffic circle around the Colosseum. A commemorative plaque was set in the road.
“Meta Sudans,” Wikipedia
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totallynotcensorship · 3 months
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tags update: US politics is 3rd on trending with tiktok ban trending under it
for context:
the US house of representatives passed a legislation on Wednesday last Wednesday and it is currently at the senate for being "a national security risk".
tiktok(while i don't like it my self for many reasons) has been useful to spread news of ongoing atrocities around the world and for driving donations for places like palestine, congo, sudan, ect. banning it constitutes an act of censorship. and while such a bill has been suggested for years now the hastiness of it's passing around the same time the site is flooded with content covering an on going genocide the US is complicit in is specious
while yes, tiktok does collect your data and is obligated to send it to the Chinese government if it ask. the data collected is equivalent to the data collected by american companies like meta or google. it is a matter of who you would rather your data be with, companies who will exploit it for profit that then will be used to fund this genocide or the chinese government(who aren't saints btw. the persecution of the uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in xinjiang is an ethnic cleansing in EVERTHING but name, and their acts of censorship are arguably even worse)
the best answer is neither. but "how to protect your data online" isn't the subject of this blog
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gudaho · 1 month
and in regards to palestine, the civil war in sudan and the fight for freedom in the congo I hate the US/European sentiment that "oh well Africas doing something again" as if we (white ppl) haven't been intentionally suppressing people and creating violence in Africa for literal centuries
the fight in the congo is because chinese real estate companies own mines which contain minerals for high-technology so that apple and meta and google and GE can release annual products for maximum profit instead of longevity/usability. western technology is built with child slave labor and we have known this but people still pretend that African conflict is isolated from our economic growth
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marenostrum-ac-dc · 1 year
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Roma, circa 1850. La foto ritrae  l'arco di Costantino.  È  stata scattata dal Colosseo. A destra il Palatino. È ancora visibile  la Meta Sudans
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corporialus · 3 months
Coins of the 12 Caesars: Titus
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Titus, aureus struck in 71 or 72, during his tenure as Caesar under his father Vespasian. Obverse depicts Titus facing right. Legend reads "T CAES IMP VESP PON TR POT" Reverse is a "Judaea Capta" type, depicting a Jewish woman seated and mourning to the right of a palm tree, to the left is Titus, holding scepter and parazonium with his foot resting on a globe.
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Same type as above, but this one has toning indicative of this coin being a part of the Boscoreale hoard found in Pompeii, with said toning being caused by the heat of the volcanic eruption.
Out of the Flavian dynasty's coinage I'd say Titus just barely takes second to Vespasian in terms of interesting coin types, only because I think Vespasian had the benefit of having more time to strike cool coins.
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Sestertius of Titus as Caesar, struck in 72 AD. Obverse depicts Titus facing right. Legend reads "T CAESAR VESPASIAN IMP III PON TR POT II COS II Reverse depicts Titus in a triumphal quadriga holding scepter and olive branch, the side of the quadriga depicts Titus putting his hand on the head of a captive, his other hand holding a palm branch..
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This is an interesting type; the reverse depicts an elephant as a commemoration of the inaugural games held at the Flavian Ampitheater (the colosseum). Elephants such as the one on this coin would have been brought in for entertainment.
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The famous Colosseum sestertius, struck between 80 and 81 AD. Obverse depicts the newly completed colosseum in the center, the Meta Sudans fountain to the left, and a porticoed building to the right. Reverse depicts Titus seated on a curule chair surrounded by a pile of arms, holding a branch. Legend reads "IMP T CAES VESP AVG PM TR P P P COS VIII
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swampstew · 6 months
Seasons Greetings ~
Hi all! I know I've been largely absent on here and socially, popping up here and there to dump memes, quotes, and hellos to people at random. It's the end of the year and I'm simply tired, still have to work cause I have no PTO, and I'm entertaining family and friends irl.
That said, it is unlikely I will do anything special for Christmas or New Years because I'll be offline but I am around in general. My ask box is always open (not for writing requests) and I look forward to the events and updates I have planned for next year!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, happy new year and I wish everyone the best and a drama free end of 2023.
Don't stop talking about Palestine, Sudan, Congo, and the fight against genocide for many more, and protest every country being exploited for resources using human slave trade and unfair practices, eat ethically sourced chocolate [shout out to Tony's Chocolonely], and keep boycotting to support BDS {fuck Starbucks and McDonalds}.
Most importantly, be kind to one another. Life if hard, we're all struggling in one way or another, the least we can do is be empathetic to each other on this platform while everyone else crash and burns on Meta and Twitter.
Peace and love on Planet Earth
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troythecatfish · 4 months
If our voices supposedly didn’t matter then META wouldn’t be trying to silence political content.
Keep talking about Palestine 🇵🇸
Keep talking about Congo 🇨🇩
Keep talking about Abortion
Keep talking about Sudan 🇸🇩
Keep talking about Immigration
Keep talking about LGBTQ+ matters 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Keep talking about Politics
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ask-vladimir-makarov · 5 months
This blog is going on hiatus until further notice.
This will be a long post. Please read it anyway.
I've gone back and forth on this for a while now. I've been dealing with health problems and real life responsibilities that make it difficult to keep up with my regular posting, let alone with projects like this, which is why I haven't posted in so long. However, in the end, I decided I don't want to anymore.
I like Vladimir Makarov, as a character. I’ve been drawn to him since high school. He’s an interesting character to pick apart and analyze, both in the context of his fictional world and the larger meta context of his place in the narrative and how he’s received by his audience, especially in the realm of fandom.
However, he's also a character who has canonically committed genocide against the Chechen people during the First Chechen War. He is a character who, during his operations as a terrorist, profits from genocide in the Global South, particularly on the continent of Africa. And his reboot incarnation is no better, having taken part in Barkov’s occupation of Urzikstan and seeking to reoccupy it—timeline discrepancies aside, this is the character Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer wrote. And it’s for a reason.
I can sit here and talk about the nuances of fiction and reality and what it means to like a fictional character all day. However, I cannot and will not run a fan blog for a fictional genocider when my country, the United States, is funding, conducting, and aiding and abetting in multiple genocides across the world. I cannot draw Makarov cheekily answering asks about his love life and personal tastes while people suffer in Palestine, in Sudan, in Congo and elsewhere. I cannot contribute to a fandom environment where colonialism, oppression, and genocide are glossed over, whether fictional or real.
I implore everyone who follows this blog, or who reads this post, to do something within your ability if you aren't already. Attend a protest, participate in strikes like the one currently underway, and contact your representatives and implore them to denounce genocide and apartheid. Boycott companies on the BDS list and give your financial support to those who need it, whether that means donating to trustworthy organizations, purchasing e-sims for people on the ground in Gaza, or donating directly to those in need. Buy your electronics used and refurbished, not new. Create art—draw, write, make music, whatever it is you do—in solidarity for the peoples affected by colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. If you use social media frequently, follow those affected by these conflicts, pay attention to the news they share. Take the time to put the present into context and educate yourselves on the history of these conflicts and the systems at play. Encourage others to do the same.
Here is a very small list of resources on Palestine, Sudan, and the DRC to get you started. I may add more links in the near future, but keep in mind this is no way meant to be exhaustive; it is imperative that y’all take the time to inform and investigate yourselves. I nor anyone else can spoon-feed the facts. I've linked directly to donation pages for some, but I encourage y'all to dig through their sites to learn more and find more resources.
🇵🇸 Eye on Palestine + Taawon Association + Palestinian Children's Relief Fund 🇵🇸
🇸🇩 NasAlSudan: The Sudanese Revolution + What is Happening in Sudan? 🇸🇩
🇸🇩 Darfur Women Action Group 🇸🇩
🇨🇩 Friends of the Congo + their Resource Center 🇨🇩
>> kandakat_alhaqq on Twitter also has an extensive linktree of resources on many countries and groups in need of aid, including Sudan and South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Morocco, and the Uyghur people Some of the links I've already listed here.
>> Genocide Watch tracks genocide around the world. They have a list of reports by region and many resources on educating oneself about genocide, including a breakdown of the Ten Stages of Genocide.
Finally, as fans of Call of Duty, it’s important to acknowledge and reckon with the fact that these games are military propaganda. I’ve seen this refrain passed around the fandom time and time again, but very rarely do I see it actively engaged with; most often it’s used as a way of dismissing the game’s narratives in favor of doing whatever one wants with the characters. And as someone who’s made it My Thing to do whatever I want with the characters while also staying cognizant of the themes of the stories these characters come from, I’m going to challenge y’all to do the same.
Engage with the propaganda.
Take the time to analyze and deconstruct the games and their themes and pay attention to what viewpoints they’re encouraging. Pay attention to who you, the player, will have your guns pointed at most often, and why.
(Also, please please PLEASE watch Jacob Geller's excellent video, "Does Call of Duty Believe in Anything?")
And for those of us who like Makarov the character, take the time to educate yourselves on the very real things this fictional character was involved in, whether in the context of the original trilogy or the ongoing reboot. Put the present into context. Consider the role this character plays in the narrative, and why.
Do these things privately and publicly. Post about it alongside whatever else you share in fandom, whether that's art, fanfic, headcanons or meta analysis. Discuss it with your fellow fans.
I may one day come back to this blog, or I may not. Please do not hold your breath either way—this blog was a short and fun thing while it lasted, but to me, paying attention to the real world and treating these games with the gravity and depth they require is a more important use of my time. None of us are free until all of us are.
Thank you to the kind people who've followed this blog and sent asks, and thank you for reading this post all the way through.
I’ll see y’all downrange.
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huginsmemory · 1 year
Thought it might be a good idea to put together my lil essay posts into one place because I sure as hell myself cannot filter and find posts on my blog (it works for other people's... But not my own? Tagging is weird).
Donations for Palestine master post
Vetted donations for Palestine post
Website of vetted donations for Palestine
Scammers using Palestine master post
Post for medical donations to Sudan
Also! DM and inbox are always open for discussions on trigun :)
Trigun and Christianity
Trigun and the Bride of Christ
Edit (Feb. 25): First Meetings: Wolfwood and Vash
Edit (Mar. 4): Wolfwood, the Symbolism of the Punisher and Tragic Narratives
Edit (Mar. 24): Wolfwood and Vash Characterizations in Tristamp vs Trimax, and how it relates to Femininity and Yaoi Tropes (opinion piece)
Edit (June 6): Eye of Micheal and the Zia Sun symbol (informational post)
Non-meta (fanfiction baby!):
Edit (Apr. 11): blackbird (vashwood, M, 5.5k)
Edit (May 5): I'm no pale faced saint (vashwood, E, 11k)
Edit (May 27): All ao3 works have been put behind registered users only due to AI scraping of ao3 works :(
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catofadifferentcolor · 10 months
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The Old Guard (2020)
A fine justification. I’ve heard it so many times before.
I stumbled quite by accident on The Old Guard two weeks ago, as part of a crossover with another fandom. At that point I'd only heard of the comic as the inspiration for a movie that came out on Netflix shortly after I got rid of my account, but I was intrigued enough that I went looking for more.
Contrary to my usual order of things, I ended up reading a lot of the fanfic first - and then went looking for the movie. Unfortunately, it was only on available on Netflix - and such was my intrigue that after three days of wrestling with myself I reopened my account just to watch the movie.
And I was hooked.
Having just finished watching it for the third fourth time in a week, I have several strong feeling about the 2020 movie... many of which are similar to my feelings for Opening Fire, which it closely follows - and which I read for the first time the other morning.
First: Charlize Theron looks amazing with dark hair, and puts up a masterful performance as Andy. It took me a couple of rewatches to get the full depth of her character, but she is fascinating and I can't wait to see more of her in the next movie.
Second: Though closely following the first installation of the comics, the changes it makes from the source are ones that only improve the narrative. Giving us glimpses of Joe and Nicky's torture while they're being held by Merrick not only ups the stakes, but lifts the pair from a gay interracial couple we know little about to a gay interracial couple which we empathize with and who provide more than background color to the narrative. Having Nile meet Joe and Nicky before they're taken - and chose to come back to help them after leaving - also adds something that is missing from the comic. And the cold, immoral Meta Kozak and sleazy, bottom-line driven Steve Merrick are only improved as antagonists by the additional screen time. As are most of the characters. Booker's motivations admittedly feel clearer in the movie than the comics, though his speech is mostly the same. The slight changes of venue - Barcelona to Marrakech, a Paris safe house to an abandoned church - give events a more global, more historic feel and a more interesting backdrop - though I am curious to the chain of events that moved the climax from Dubai to London.
Third: I have very strong feelings about the first half of the movie and am vaguely indifferent to the second. It's not that I dislike the rescue and climax, but more that I want to know everything about the Old Guard themselves before the betrayal and addition of Nile to their number. And watching you can very much tell Booker is the baby of the group, stuck doing the things the others can't or won't - Andy gets a hugs in Marrakesh, Booker does not; Booker closes doors and opens gates and buries ruined gear - very much the youngest sibling despite his apparent age - and is a part of the group, but easily able to convince himself he's not. I could easily read a half a million words about the Guard and their dynamics, Merrick or no Merrick.
That being said, I feel the scene with the woman in the pharmacy patching up Andy's wounds is the heart of the movie. It hits the perfect tone for everything that the Guard has done - everything they stand for - in a way that doesn't feel preachy or overdone. Though my favorite scene by far is when they open the armored van to find Joe and Nicky sitting lazily amongst the carnage. The casual way Nicky flexes his fingers and asked to be released... well, it is a thing of beauty.
Also, I love that Nicky's hoodie in Sudan gives off a vague Crusader-like silhouette, especially when paired with his body armor. Subtle, but a lovely callback. Less lovely was my realization halfway through watch three that the actor who plays Booker looks exactly like one my coworkers, just with better hair and a French accent. I will never be able to unsee that now.
Otherwise... I'm eager to see what they do with the sequel, and hope they expound upon the various origins of the characters and the actions they've undertaken throughout history. I came largely for the Joe and Nicky - and rewound multiple times to delight in the subtle interactions between the two, happy to have a healthy gay relationship on screen that's played as causally as most heterosexual background relationships - and would love to see more. (Though, to be fair, I rewound and lingered on most of the quiet team dynamic establishing scenes. As much as I harp about plot, I fall in love with characters.)
There's definite rewatch value here - a solid four out of five - but also sections I'd fast forward though on any future rewatch. Even so, it remains one of the better comic book movies I've seen.
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rvps2001 · 7 months
Russia-Ukraine Daily Briefing
🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Monday Briefing:
- Israel, Ukraine aid unlikely before 2024, GOP’s Turner says - Fire reported at Russian plant manufacturing engines for military equipment - Ukrainian special forces fight Russia's Wagner in Sudan - Russia puts Meta spokesman on wanted list - Russia wages electronic warfare ‘using UK-made tech’, Ukraine dossier claims - Intercepted calls from the front lines show a growing number of Russian soldiers want out - Biden compares Russia’s actions in Ukraine to Holodomor famine - Ukraine plans to protect Black Sea corridor with special convoys - Kremlin bot network spreads fake quotes from celebrities with demands to stop aid to Ukraine - US official to visit Turkey to discuss Russia sanctions
--------------------------------- 📨 More in a daily newsletter: https://russia-ukraine-newsletter.beehiiv.com/
💬 My socials: https://linktr.ee/rvps2001
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chasing-chimeras · 1 year
what’s up with that map in 6x16?
has anyone done some sort of meta post about the world state in tw? i think we see a couple maps (a few town maps and one of where bh actually is in 6x6 but idk if the surrounding towns are real?) but the one that’s so strange to me is in 6x16 that shows the location of the other nemetons.
it’s weird bc it’s a normal map w all the countries (up to date at the time too bc it has south sudan) but then the oceans and lakes are just wild. i don’t have a screenshot but most of n+s america looks normal aside from a few extra lakes in the western us/sw canada. but then if you look at west asia, north+west+east africa, and central+east europe it’s like……there’s just lakes. so many fucking lakes and bays and rising sea levels but not bc most low lying areas are normal (netherlands, florida, etc). places that’re already hit hard by climate change like bangladesh seem fine but then mountainous areas like central turkey are just under wanter. and the lakes? i need someone to explain the lakes or at least make something up bc i can’t stop trying to figure out how they stuck this thing to the wall and no one thought it looked a little funky? idk man i gotta go to sleep
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marenostrum-ac-dc · 11 days
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Arco di Costantino, arco trionfale a tre fornici (con un passaggio centrale affiancato da due passaggi laterali più piccoli)
Fotografia mostrante la condizione dell'arco e della Meta Sudans nel 1850
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mariacallous · 11 months
Greece’s Data Protection Authority, DPA, after a months-long investigation that started in July 2022, has found that numerous mobile phone users received misleading messages related to attempted installations of the illegal spyware Predator.
Following complaints received from five people, the DPA identified more than 350 SMS messages related to these attempts, of which more than 220 contained a misleading web link.
More than 120 messages are believed to have been sent for test purposes to unidentified mobile phones for temporary, short-term use (“burner phones”), the DPA said in a press release; 92 mobile users who received an SMS message with these characteristics have already been informed.
According to the DPA, the SMS were sent via web services (Web to SMS) using prepaid cards. The sender’s details were modified to trick the user into activating the contained web link and install the spyware.
In a statement, the left-wing SYRIZA party urged the Ministry of Justice to support the Athens District Attorney’s Office in completing the investigation of the cases as quickly as possible, while at the same time verifying whether the secret services had also monitored these 92 people.
The centrist PASOK party, on Twitter, stressed that the DPA’s report is the first public institutional record of the scope of the wiretapping scandal.
So far, the government has not commented on the DPA’s revelations.
The Greek intelligence service, the EYP, has been accused of using illegal Predator software for to monitor politicians, journalists and other individuals.
The European Parliament in June urged Greece to investigate allegations of Predator’s illegal export, among others, to Sudan. It also urged it to withdraw a law amendment which abolished the obligation of the Greek Authority for Communication Security and Privacy ADAE to notify citizens of the lifting of the confidentiality of communications and reverse the 2019 legislative amendment that placed the EYP under the direct control of the Prime Minister.
A small number of SMS messages initially appeared to be related to the government’s electronic COVID vaccination application. Artemis Seaford, a former security manager of META (Facebook) with US and Greek citizenship, was under surveillance for several months by the EYP and Predator.
After checking the state platform for vaccination, the DPA clarified that the app is not connected to misleading Predator messages.
The DPA and National Transparency Authority in May signed a memorandum of cooperation to fight corruption and strengthen transparency and accountability and for the protection of information and personal data.
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nymeere · 4 days
Due to Meta's recent decision to train its AI with public posts, I have now deactivated my Instagram account. It's hard to say if I will return to the platform or even Tumblr as an art account now that I'm working three non-art jobs at the same time. It guts me to say that I cannot do art as often as I used to, though I still hope to go back to drawing and painting fan art and other stuff in the future, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. The good news is that I still have a lot of WIPs I would love to revisit, so maybe you will see me posting stuff here again. At the moment, my works will still remain on Tumblr (I turned off the AI permission). Have a nice day everyone <3 (And remember, Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, and those under oppression).
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