#Merlyn shower screens
bestbathroomuk · 1 year
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benebathroomsonline · 3 years
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benebathroomsuk · 3 years
Wetroom Panels are now available with huge savings across the entire range. Browse the collection by size and thickness. Ideal for adding a designer edge, enjoy the range of Wet Room Shower Screens from Bene Bathrooms. 10mm & 8mm thick toughened safety glass shower screens and shower enclosures. Sizes from 400mm - 1400mm. Buy Wetroom Panels Online for sale at Bene Bathrooms.
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Enjoy a minimalist feel with a Wet Room Screen. Ideal for adding a designer edge, enjoy the range of Wet Room Shower Screens from Best Quality Bathrooms. Buy Merlyn series Walk in wetroom panels for sale at the lowest prices onilne!
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Dr Y/n Lance - Dr Sarah Reese x Fem!Lance!Reader
You let out a breath as your bus finally pulled up to your stop, Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. You were going to do your residency for Psychiatry at Chicago ED, starting today.
“Ah, Dr Lance, great to have you onboard. I’m Dr Charles. Dr Reese, this is Dr Lance, she’s going to be conducting her Psychiatry residency with us.” You smiled, shaking hands with Dr Charles as the brunette next him smiled. “Hi.”
“Hey. I’m Y/n Lance...”
“Sarah Reese.”
“Where’s she from anyway?” Reese asked Dr Charles who frowned, fiddling with his glasses before realising. “Who? Y/n? Why don’t you ask her instead of me, Dr Reese. You’ll find Y/n will be quite forthcoming.” 
Reese just frowned slightly before nodding, heading out of Dr Charles’ office to find you.
“Hey, Dr Lance.” Reese announced,  causing you to look up from your computer. “Hey, Dr Reese. How are you today?” You questioned, glancing up at Reese for a moment before looking down at the computer screen again.
“I’m okay, thank you... I was just wondering where you were from?” Reese questioned, not noticing how Maggie and April were now watching the two of you. Your eyes flickered around for a second before you sighed. “I was born in Star City... Starling City back then, but I moved to Central City after the Undertaking to stay with my mother...” You explained, grimacing at Connor Rhodes paused as he walked by.
“What’s the Undertaking?” He questioned causing you to sigh.
“The Undertaking consisted of two earthquake machines planted under specific areas of Star City, The Glades. It was a poor, crime ridden area. One machine was deactivated by the Green Arrow, back then, the Hood with the help of my dad, the other device activated, killing 503 people including your doppelganger, Tommy Merlyn as he went to save my big sister from her collapsing workplace. The mastermind behind the scheme was Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy’s father as his wife and Tommy’s mother, Rebecca was mugged and shot, left to bleed out on the streets of the Glades.” You explained, clenching your jaw at the end.
“You’re saying Rhodes had a twin?” You rolled your eyes at the question, pulling your phone out to go through the camera roll.
“There, Tommy Merlyn with my sister, Laurel.” You stated, passing your phone to Connor. “That’s not creepy at all.” Connor remarked causing you to deadpan.
“How do you think I felt seeing you the first time, I thought I was seeing the ghost of my sister’s ex for a moment. Then I realised it was just more doppelgangers... uh long story...”
“So, Y/n...” Dr Halstead began causing you to roll your eyes.
“Yes I was there when the Particle Accelerator exploded in Central City, showering it in dark matter.” You deadpanned causing him to frown.
“How’d you know that? Do you have powers?” He questioned causing you to roll your eyes. “It’s a regular question as soon as someone mentions they’re from or were in Central around 2013.” You responded, clicking the biro pen in your hand several times before walking away.
“You didn’t answer my question? She didn’t answer my question, did she?” You just rolled your eyes, feeling Reese’s curiousity from a mile away.
The next time Dr Reese saw you, you were sat in the doctor’s lounge, your head in your hands as you focussed on your breathing.
“Y/n? You okay?” You flinched for a moment, glancing up before rubbing your eyes.
“Hi... Dr Reese... ” You acknowledged, letting out another breath before explaining. “After the particle accelerator explosion, I was affected...” You began to explain causing Reese to freeze.
“You have powers?” 
“I have power-dampeners from S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City... I just can’t wear them all the time but taking them off used to lead to a massive sensory overload back in 2013. I worked with some experts in meta-human powers to help me adjust to controlling my powers without the dampeners. I keep the dampeners with me though.” You reassured, gesturing to the bands around the tops of your forearms which you had switched back on as soon as you felt Reese's plan to approach.
“Do Dr Charles and Ms Goodwin know?” Reese questioned next causing you to nod.
“Meta-humans, post-crisis, have to register their powers if they want to work in certain professions, they’re also working on installing dampeners in areas off-grid in case of a meta-human attack since Chicago doesn’t have a team like Central City to help. There are meta-humans actually assisting the Chicago Police Department, part of my powers assessment involved me working with them as well. I also required approval to do my residency here and Dr Charles was interested in my powers, so...” You explained before you noticed Reese had moved closer.
“I can get you a copy of all the paper work if you want, but there’s going to be a memo and attached files sent out tonight to all staff about the three new metahuman staff members at Gaffney...” You elaborated, pausing as you realised Reese was sat across from you.
“What are your powers?” She asked next, causing you to pause as you messed with your phone.
“I’m an empath and telepath... I can sense emotions and read minds with permission of the person. The emotions thing is harder to block out but minds is easy. Emotions kinda radiate... sorry I’m rambling.” You admitted, glancing down at your hands before your eyes lingered on your arms, fingers trailing over your tattoos.
“Emotions radiate?” Reese prompted causing you to glance up.
“Sometimes it’s like a glow around a person if its a positive emotion...negative emotions are a bit more... sadness and grief ripple off people, anger kinda feels like vibrations, a low level earthquake, someone who doesn’t have emotions is just cold, it’s an empty feeling. Fear is like you can feel people shivering, shock or surprise is like a flicker or a flash... it’s weird but I’m used to feeling everything, especially in the hospital. When I first got my powers, I fainted a few times, sensory overload and migraines are also banes of my existence too but my powers help people if I have their permission to use them, so... yeah...”
Reese just nodded, causing you to pause.
“I’m not overwhelming you, am I?” 
“No, it’s interesting, actually, I’ve never been to Central City or Star City for that matter. I’ve not met many meta-humans.” Reese explained causing you to just shrug, sipping from your water bottle.
“Meta-humans are everywhere, good and bad, it’s just where and when the media portrays them that you find out about them.” You replied, revealing an article from The Central City Citizen.
“Flash Returns, Stops Crisis?”
“You ever want accurate meta-human news? Iris West-Allen and Central City Citizen is your go-to... I need to go check up on that patient, you coming?” You paused in the doorway, tilting your head to the side as Reese just nodded.
If you didn’t have your dampeners on, you would have sensed Reese’s interest in you...
“Y/n, I need your help with a patient, now. Dr Reese, you should observe this.” Dr Charles announced causing you to raise an eyebrow as you walked in.
“What kind of- whoah, okay, that!” You exclaimed, ducking the flying medical equipment. “Seems we have a meta-human patient whose powers have become unstable due the accident they were involved in.” Dr Charles explained causing you to nod, ducking another flying piece.
“We can’t get close enough to administer anything or even put the dampeners in place.” Dr Choi added causing you to withhold a “no shit” look as you approached.
“I can’t make it stop. P-please, I can’t stop it!” 
You swallowed, processing what was going on before you spoke, moving before another object hit you. “I need your permission to use my powers of telepathy to figure out why your powers have become unstable, usually, it’s the trauma... but I need your permission to read your mind.” You explained, watching as the patient stared at you.
“You have powers too... I’m not alone...” The patient began to ramble causing you to grimace, whacking a flying bin away with your hands.
“I need your permission to read your mind. If you want to control your powers, we need to find the cause of why they’re unstable. Right now, there’s stuff flying, but if the range of your powers gets stronger, the people in the hospital are at risk.” You began to explain again but the patient finally answered.
“Do it, I give you permission to use your powers, stop this please, I don’t wannt hurt anyone!”
That was all you needed as you eyes changed colour from their regular e/c to a bright violet as you felt your powers activate and the dampeners on your arms turned off with your touch.
Dr Reese, Dr Choi and Dr Charles all stepped back as the objects in the hospital went from flying everywhere to just hoovering.
You grimaced as you slipped back out of the patient’s mind and back to your own, switching the dampeners back on, automatically.
“Dr Lance?” Reese questioned, seeing a weirdness in your eyes as you stepped out of the treatment room.
“Call CPD. Ask for Detective Lindsay then someone by the codename Starburst. It wasn’t an ordinary incident... Dr Charles, you need to talk to the patient themselves along with eye-witness intake to walk them back through it... I need to make a call to Central City.” You explained causing everyone to frown.
“Y/n... what’s going on?” Dr Choi enquired causing you to grimace, tapping away on your phone.
“My first thought was one of the Cicada’s but the Flash took them both down last year... this is a copycat using meta-tech. Hey, Ramon, I need some help in Chicago, we’ve got a meta-tech Cicada copycat.” You explained, turning away to down the phone.
It took a few days but Team Flash were able to obtain and destroy the meta-tech and Chicago P.D. were able to arrest the person using the tech to try kill meta-humans.
You were shaking as you stood outside the ED, waiting for Reese since you knew she was coming. You’d turned your dampeners off all day to stop a developing migraine yet your emotions were a mess as events replayed in your head.
Pre-crisis and post-crisis memories were floating about your head as a tear dripped down your face. Nadia Decotis died pre-crisis but you’d asked Oliver/Spectre last second to right that wrong. Your father was still dead and you weren’t sure about your sister, Earth 1 version anyway. Earth 2 Laurel had gone off on a mission and Sara was with the Legends. You still spoke to your mother over the phone but sometimes, you’d just break down over the phone, so, you stopped calling.
“Y/n?” You sniffled as you turned around, Reese frowning as she realised there were tears flooding down your face and how much you were shaking.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Reese began before she realised you were trembling.
“Right, okay, come on... let’s get you out of here.” Reese whispered, leading you away to drive you back to her apartment. You were curled up in the passenger seat when Reese pulled up. 
“I’m sorry...” You whispered as Reese turned the engine off causing her to frown. “Don’t, don’t apologise... do you want to come inside or do I drive you to your apartment? I just don’t think you should be alone right now.” Reese stated causing you to just let out a breath as you followed Reese to her apartment.
“You remember how I would ramble about having two sets of memories right?” You asked after a while of just sitting in silence on Reese’s couch.
“Yeah, pre-crisis, post-crisis or something.” Reese replied causing you to nod.
“All roads lead to the Crisis but only one road led out of Crisis... some people’s fates were changed by that event, some people lived who died, people who were erased were brought back and some people chose their other choices... it’s overwhelming when I see how much changed... Nadia, Erin, you, Dr Charles, Connor and Ava, Laurel, Oliver... everthing... it’s too much...” You broke down in Sarah’s arms as she held you close to her.
You woke up the next day in Sarah’s arms causing you to just lean your head back into her neck, snuggling into her. You felt Sarah hum as she pulled you closer. You two of you swore as your alarms began to go off.
“Crap, we’re late...” Reese began to panic causing you to fall off the couch in your scramble to grab your bag. You watched Reese hurry to the bathroom as you washed your face in the kitchen sink, finding your travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your bag as Reese threw a shirt at you and ran back into her bedroom.
You swore more under your breath as you eyes landed on the clock, you quickly changed before you and Reese hurried to the ED.
“Everyone’s been staring at me all day...” Reese whispered causing you to just snort, continuing to tap away on your tablet.
“Yeah, I’m getting the same looks but also, everyone’s thinking the same thing to the point where they’re projecting their thoughts. They’re all wondering why I’m wearing your shirt. They think we’re either hooking up or dating. On that note, I have to go...” You remarked, hurrying over to help Dr Manning with a patient.
Reese paused for a moment before she ran after you causing you to turn around in confusion before Reese’s hands went to your face as she kissed you. Your mind blanked as you kissed back momentarily before realising everyone was either staring or waiting.
“Work... people...public...patient.” You mumbled as you and Reese both looked at each other with wide-eyes before hurrying to your work stations.
Your cheeks were bright pink as you hurried over to Dr Manning who raised an eyebrow at you.
Reese cleared her throat as Dr Charles raised an eyebrow at her.
“I won’t ask...” Dr Charles drawled causing Reese to just nod in appreciation.
“Doctor Y/n Lance, always trying to save the people.” A voice teased causing you to roll your eyes. Reese raised an eyebrow at you as you just glanced at the blonde entering.
“Laurel’s version’s still better. Uh, this is my sister, Sara Lance.” You explained to Reese. “So, this is Sarah...” Your sister began to tease.
“Dr Sarah Reese...” You interrupted causing your sister to shrug as Reese raised an eyebrow before realising. “Thought projection?” 
“Thought projection.” You answered causing Reese to just nod as Sara frowned.
“Your thoughts are so loud it’s like you’re shouting at me, also don’t. No. Say that out loud and I’ll tell Ava.” You growled causing Reese to take your hand.
“O-kay, I will not ask what Dr Reese’s intentions are with my baby sister.” Sara stated causing you to groan. “I’m going to order, you guys want anything lunch-wise?” You questioned causing Reese to just tapped her forehead causing you to just raise an eyebrow before nodding.
“Uh you know my order right?” Your sister asked causing you to raise an eyebrow. “This isn’t Big Belly Burger so you just want a cheese burger and chips?” You questioned your sister who just shrugged.
“Sure. Now, what are your intentions with my sister?” Sara asked as you walked up to order. You didn’t hear what your girlfriend had to say but Sara’s face suggested she approved.
You raised an eyebrow as you sat back down, fiddling with the receipt in your hand before Reese gently entwined her fingers with yours. You let out a breath as you leaned into Reese’s side.
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19. tibny
Prompt from the drabble challenge list
Part of the “Take It Back Now Y’all” (TIBNY) timeline; follow-up to this
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
Connor comes to with a half-snort just in time for what feels like a newspaper to smack him full in the face.
“The hell, Tommy?” he grouses, doing his best to disguise the high-pitched whine underneath a jaw-cracking yawn. He flounders with the blankets to groggily push himself up into a seated position against the wall behind the bed, before belatedly snapping, “Get out of my room, asshole” like a sullen teenager.
“Happy to oblige,” his brother replies cheerfully, yet Connor doesn’t hear any shuffling or footfalls to corroborate that statement. After a moment, he finally cracks one eye open (immediately protesting the sun’s glare through an opening in the curtains) to see Tommy standing directly in the doorway, making jazz hands.
“Threshold, it doesn’t count!” The Cheshire grin doesn’t waver—it grows, even—when Tommy contorts his body to evade the pillow that Connor subsequently lobs at him.
Not willing to try again and further feed into this childish back-and-forth, Connor lets his head fall back against the wall as he scrubs a hand over his face. “Do I want to know why you thought it was necessary to use the spare key I gave you for emergencies and come barging into my place at…” He fumbles his free hand blindly over the nightstand. “…where’s my phone…?”
The very distinctive sound of a throat clearing makes Connor pause in his poorly-planned search. “If you’d turn your attention to your morning briefing,” Tommy prompts, nodding towards the jettisoned paper now resting in Connor’s lap. He clearly means to phrase it like a joke, but there’s an undercurrent of unease in his tone.
The reason for it becomes clear once Connor’s vision defogs enough for him to make out the contents of the front page.
(It’s admittedly not very difficult to do so, not with the font choice and very recognizable subjects of the blown-up photo positioned front-and-center.)
“Yeah, ‘oh’,” Tommy parrots, finally sinking down to sit with his back propped against one side of the doorframe. “Just wanted to make sure you knew that this is what you signed up for and very casually accepted when we told Dad.”
“I guess I just… wasn’t quite expecting it to be on this level,” Connor confesses, a whole truth that he so rarely tells these days. He had, indeed, been ready for the Starling City media outlets catching wind of a lookalike to one of their questionably-favorite headline-makers, and whatever fallout ensued from telling their father.
(So far, it’s just been a simple press release pulled together through the preferred Merlyn Global PR channels—Malcolm forwent any sort of public address, likely so he could regroup and reexamine how being pulled into the spotlight like this might affect his plans moving forward. Neither of the twins have crossed paths with him since securing the future of the clinic, putting them into direct contrast with Malcolm’s ghostwritten wishes of “reuniting and getting to be a family with [his] two sons.”)
But this?
Connor could maybe live—albeit uncomfortably—with being demoted from (up-and-coming, at this point) surgeon to just “that Rhodes.” Being called Malcolm’s son is toeing a line, but it’s an admittedly necessary evil. Even the accompanying photo—snapped by some paparazzo or another during one of Connor’s carefully-coordinated excursions through downtown Starling City—gets a pass, having captured Connor with his eyes squeezed shut in laughter and Tommy’s arm slung playfully around his neck.
No, the thing that really smacks Connor with his miscalculation is the newspaper’s logo printed across the top, and how it decidedly does not match that of any of the local publications.
“This is a big day for you,” Tommy says, falling just short of teasing as he rolls his head towards Connor and his eyebrows shoot up. “You made national news, you overnight celebrity, you.”
Connor groans, tipping to the side and unceremoniously face-planting into the mattress.
. . .
“You are seriously lucky that you told Claire that all of this was coming down before word got out,” Tommy declares around the slice of toast dangling out of his mouth when Connor steps into the kitchen, freshly showered and dressed for casual comfort.
(Evidently, he’s not going to be showing his face outside of his apartment today, so faded jeans and the first t-shirt blindly unearthed from one of the boxes yet to be unpacked it is.
…At least the sunglasses-wearing Golden Retriever screen-printed on the front is adorable.)
Cringing—both at the reminder and the ill-mannered voicing of it—Connor yanks open the refrigerator to retrieve the orange juice bottle. “I know, I know, and I should be grateful that you were the one who pushed me to do so…”
“Damn right.” Tommy takes a bite and then waves the remainder of the bread for emphasis. Miraculously, not a single glob of cherry-berry jam slips off and plops onto the kitchen island as he does so. “You almost forgot entirely.”
“I didn’t… forget entirely,” Connor counters weakly. He ignores Tommy’s displeased look in favor of grabbing a clean juice glass from the cupboard. “I was trying to handle one reveal at a time, and getting the clinic back was the higher priority.”
“Right. And that’s why you yelled, ‘Oh shit, Claire!’ and whacked your knee on the dashboard as we were about to pull out of the parking lot after dropping the bomb on Dad. Clearly a smooth transition into the next stage—I commend your planning skills.”
Connor takes a swig of orange juice rather than giving that a verbal reply, daintily lifting a finger that’s decidedly not his pinky as he does so.
“Hey, it might be made for spreading delicious jams and jellies, but I will use this knife if you keep being rude,” Tommy warns, pointing the utensil at Connor threateningly enough that the dulled edges can be excused.
Withdrawing the glass from his lips, Connor raises his hands in casual surrender before setting it down on the counter. “Alright,” he starts, blowing out a deep breath, “so maybe I had a bit of… tunnel vision about all of this.”
Really, that’s the nicest way Connor can phrase it, without exposing the full ugliness of the truths underneath. Tommy’s right—Connor owes him credit for getting that conversation with Claire in motion immediately after the realization hit. But he’s also mistaken, thinking that this was something that just slipped Connor’s mind and to-do list.
In actuality, the idea had never truly crossed his mind, not until after they’d confronted Malcolm.
It’s a cruel confession, one with many layers that drive the knife in deeper and deeper. Connor had been single-mindedly focused on saving Tommy’s life, uniquely capable of doing so due to his knowledge of the months to come—as a result, everything else took an automatic backseat. And while that alone admittedly isn’t the healthiest mindset, the situation worsens the more Connor thinks on it and can rationalize what might have been, had Tommy not intervened.
He can tell himself that things would have been fine, leaving Claire be for a while. He’s lived through this before, knows that his relationship with his sister was as simple and distant as exchanging a few texts on birthdays and major holidays at this point in the timeline. It would still be a few years yet before they’d begin to repair things, after both are in Chicago again and Russell is brought in and Claire reaches out and Connor finally breaks, one mid-May night. He has time.
That would have been justification—cold, but still reasonable—enough, had things transpired as they did before. But with Connor doing everything in his power to alter the timeline, to avert mass casualties and his own personal loss… if everything goes right, he’s never going to hit that breaking point. Never going to move back to Chicago, at least not under the same circumstances. Any time he thought he had doesn’t so much run out as become nonexistent—no progress with rebuilding their relationship, but also no further decay.
At least, that’s what would have been the case if he didn’t fix things with Claire and didn’t reveal himself to Malcolm. It was moving forward with the latter that finally sent the consequences careening into Connor’s face, and slapped a definitive countdown clock on the former.
Saving Tommy while flying under the radar like Connor’s always done would be one thing. Doing so by coming forward as a Merlyn, and leaving the Rhodes family to hear the news along with the rest of the public, though?
Banging his knee against the dash at the realization was only going to be the beginning of Connor’s pain, if he didn’t handle things right and immediately.
Sacrificing his relationship with his older sister has never been on the table, even if Connor wants nothing to do with Cornelius Rhodes ever again. Yes, they aren’t blood-related, and yes, Claire’s loyalty to Cornelius (and discrediting of Connor’s issues with him outside of genetics) was still a rift even after reconciliation the first time around, but those are, in no way, grounds for complete severance.
“You can’t risk irreparable damage with one sibling just so you can officially be recognized as a brother to the other,” Tommy sighs, dragging Connor out of his thoughts even as the sentiment grounds them. Brushing stray toast crumbs off the island and onto his plate, Tommy slides off his chair to bring the dish over to the sink. “So no more of that ‘tunnel vision’, okay? I was actually hoping to invite Claire out for a visit once things settle down, and that isn’t going to go well if the two of you aren’t talking.”
Connor’s stomach twists at Tommy’s request—it’s too easy to equate giving up that laser-focus with risking Tommy’s life—only to plummet, heavy with guilt, when the rest hits him. “You were?”
“Well, yeah.” Tommy shoots Connor a confused look over his shoulder as he turns on the faucet. “She’s your sister, and even if that doesn’t really make her mine too, I still want to get to know her. Especially since I’ve had ‘Claire for Fashion Help Only’ saved in my contacts list for years and never put two-and-two together.”
Right, that had been a surprise. Knowing that Claire and Tommy had met once before at Dolan Rhodes and that Claire remembered it enough that she kept the receipt had been one thing; finding out that she’d given Tommy a means to contact her and he held onto it even as the memory of where it came from faded was something else entirely.
It meant that, even as Tommy’s existence shattered the truths she thought she knew about her family, Claire still cared enough to quietly anchor him to the Rhodeses and ensure that he wouldn’t be lost again. It meant that, even though the encounter didn’t linger and the gravity of it was concealed, Tommy was just aware enough of that tether to keep a grip on it.
Most importantly, though, it meant that this was a link that had existed in Connor’s original timeline, and could have surfaced in a quieter and more personal way than over a hastily-placed phone call, warning Claire of the oncoming explosion of her family’s private life.
It would have been entirely possible to keep both—eventually all, with the addition of Thea—of his siblings and forge bonds between them without causing a big fuss. Claire might have balked at first over not telling Cornelius anything, but Connor has enough faith that her wishes to reconnect with one brother and accept a new one would have won out in the end. Tommy, if his latest confession says anything, would have smothered the eagerness, but still jumped at the chance to acquire a new sibling. All Connor would have had to do was give his two family ties a tug, and that thin, invisible connection between them would keep the ends close while drifting to center.
But that was a could-have-been in a timeline gone by, one that Connor had never grasped for even though it was fully in his power to do so. Any second chance he has this time around is going to come with a sea of new complications and resistance, and that’s after he almost let it slip from his fingers at the very start.
It’s a certain painful irony, Tommy salvaging Connor’s fraying family life while Connor does his damndest to ensure that Tommy remains alive in general.
“We’ll shoot for this summer to get together,” Connor finally says, throat tightening around the words as if fearful he’s promising too much. “Let the fifteen minutes run out and give the media time to go rabid over something else.”
Tommy hums in acknowledgement, setting his clean plate on the drying rack next to the sink. “We could probably make it a little earlier, really—beat out the summer heat wave, but still leave enough time for the story run its full course. She could come in mid-, late spring, maybe?”
Connor is incredibly grateful that Tommy’s back is still turned, because the agonized cringe that suggestion provokes is insuppressible.
Tommy is going to survive—Connor won’t accept any other outcome (never again). But in the event that he can’t bring an end to Malcolm’s plans ahead of time, or prevent them from being put in motion, or…
“Nah, I’m thinking July,” Connor manages after a moment, keeping his voice level and casual before he takes a final swig of orange juice. “We’ll get Claire in town for a few days, then maybe do a short road trip. Get out, see some sights—you know, family bonding stuff.”
Tommy lets out a snort of laughter at that and flicks some lingering soap suds at Connor’s face before toweling off his hands. “Long hours in an overstuffed, overheated car with your adult siblings—that sounds like the perfect set-up for a successful fratricide.”
“Come on, a little positivity here. Claire’s going to love you.”
“Oh, no, I’m not the victim here, and neither is she,” Tommy corrects. “If you pass out in the back and start saying weird shit in your sleep again, I get the feeling that she’ll be on the same page as me about booting you out of the car in the middle of nowhere.”
Connor allows himself an exaggerated eye-roll at that, but otherwise lets it slide.
Tommy shoots his balled-up paper towel into the kitchen trash can before turning his attention back to Connor, his eyes stopping pointedly on the grinning, shades-sporting Golden. “Alright, since you’re clearly not dressed to be going anywhere in broad daylight, what do you say I run you off Rainbow Road a couple times? Don’t think I didn’t notice that you prioritized hooking up the Wii over all of your other unpacking.”
“Big talk for a guy with a shell-shaped target on his back,” Connor swipes back, but he grins and heads into the living room to grab the remotes and wheel controllers.
As driven as he is to save his brother’s life, a few Mario Kart victories are a worthy-enough detour.
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
Find Your best Shower Enclosure
In case you are looking to make an arresting statement in the bathroom or just want somewhat to fit into a small size shower room you will surely be able to search a Merlyn series eight shower enclosure to completely match your requirements and tastes. There are a broad selection of Iconic shower enclosures available varying from quadrant shower enclosures, walk in showers, bi-fold shower doors, sliding shower doors to hinged shower doors as well as smooth wet room glass panels thus you can confirm you will find out a shower enclosure to perfectly fit with the space you have.
A famous option of shower enclosure and Shower trays uk is the hinged shower door, this specific style has the opening door outwards that permits you to simply get out and in of the shower, but only be conscious that you do want more bathroom space to allow for the door to fully open, it can even limit where you wish to install the shower enclosures uk. If talking about hinged shower doors then they are available with a semi-frameless and framed design that will give a minimalistic look in the bathroom. These hinged doors can be united with a good quality side panel or installed into an indentation that seems fantastic as the just door’s glass panel.
On the other hand, bi-fold shower door enclosures and shower screens uk are best for small size bathrooms as the door effectively folds back on itself indicating that you don’t want any additional flooring space in the bathroom. These good looking bi-fold shower doors let for simple access out and in of the shower and can be utilized with a fitted into a recess or side panel.
A corner bathscreen uk or shower enclosure is even best for where space is inadequate in the bathroom and have the doors situated on the front side corner, usually the doors are sliding but there are even versions of hinged door available too.
If talking about sliding shower door enclosures and Merlyn bathscreens feature two glass panels with one sliding back into some other; it indicates that you do not want any additional space to allow for the door to open. You should know that sliding shower doors can give the bathroom space with a smooth look and the more recent styles feature a semi-frameless design with highly effective chrome rollers at the top side of the sliding doors for an avant-garde look.
You should understand that quadrant shower bath screens and enclosures are a really famous choice for a compact bathroom because they assist to maximize the vacant space but still give you with lots of space for showering in. There are two major styles of quadrant shower enclosures together with a standard quadrant that differs in size from 1000x1000mm to 800x800mm and the counterbalance quadrant style that varies in size from more spacious 1200x900mm to 900x760mm.
In case you wish to add some attractive style to the bathroom select a walk in shower. These showers are best for those people that lead hectic lifestyles and for those people who are less transportable. 
Merlyn shower screens
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benebathroomsonline · 3 years
Wetroom Panels are now available with huge savings across the entire range. Browse the collection by size and thickness. Ideal for adding a designer edge, enjoy the range of Wet Room Shower Screens from Bene Bathrooms. 10mm & 8mm thick toughened safety glass shower screens and shower enclosures. Sizes from 400mm - 1400mm. Buy Wetroom Panels Online for sale at Bene Bathrooms.
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benebathroomsuk · 3 years
Buy Bath Shower Screens Online here at Bene Bathrooms. Find the perfect fixed, hinged or sliding bath screen in a range of styles and materials. We stock a full range of Bath Shower Screens from Kudos, Merlyn showering and many other major brands from the UK.
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
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Showeringselect.com has merlyn products available - merlyn shower enclosures, cubicles, shower screens and merlyn showering. Buy now online and get free delivery.
Merlyn shower cubicles
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benebathroomsonline · 3 years
Buy Bath Shower Screens Online here at Bene Bathrooms. Find the perfect fixed, hinged or sliding bath screen in a range of styles and materials. We stock a full range of Bath Shower Screens from Kudos, Merlyn showering and many other major brands from the UK.
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Browse Our Quality Merlyn Range Inc Shower Enclosures, Doors, Trays Etc. MERLYN Series is our signature collection of premium shower enclosures and combines luxury living with designer credentials. Merlyn collection of shower trays are beautifully crafted to above industry standard, and come with the MERLYN Guarantee. A choice of shape too. Our specially crafted range of shower enclosures is uniquely designed to cater to various spaces, tastes, and lifestyles, to help you create your ultimate bathroom experience. We have all the products of Merlyn including Shower Trays, Merlyn Quadrant Shower enclosures, Merlyn Offset Quadrant Shower Enclosures, shower doors, bath screens, Merlyn Black range, wetroom panels, etc.
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Friday The 13th
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome Back To Duke's Monsterween...
Where Today We're Starting A New Franchise With Friday The 13th...
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No Introduction Today, Let's Watch Friday The 13th...
The Film Starts At Camp Crystal Lake In 1958, Where 2 Teenage Camp Councillors Go Up To The Barn After A Campfire Song To Attempt To Have Sex Only To Be Confronted By An Unseen Person Who Stabs The 2 Of Them Before The Opening Credits Roll...
Years Later, A Teen Named Annie Phillips Asks For Directions To Camp Crystal Lake, With A Truck Driver Named Enos Knows The Way And Offers Her A Lift But Not Before Running Into Crazy Ralph Who Tells Her...
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While Driving, Enos Tells Her About The Incidents That Have Happened At Camp Crystal Lake (Which Includes A Young Boy Drowning, The 2 Councillors From Earlier, A Bunch Of Fires And An Incident Of Water Poisoning) And Says That If She Was Wise, She'd Quit Now...
But With Annie Having No Intention Of Quitting, Enos Instead Drops Her Off At The Cemetery...
What The Hell, She'll Be There Soon Anyway...
Meanwhile, 3 More Teens Named Ned Rubenstein, Marcie Stanler And Jack Burrell...
You Know, The Actor Who Plays Jack Looks Familiar, So Familiar In Fact It's Bugging Me...
I'm Never Going To Get This Out Of My Head Until I Figure It Out, I Need To Go For A Drive...
(End At 2:55)
Now I Know Who That Is...That's Kevin Bacon!...
Yeah, I Knew That Was Kevin Bacon All Along And That Was Just A Scene From Footloose But I Had You Fooled For A Minute Though Didn't I?
Anyway, Marcie, Jack And Ned Arrive At Camp Crystal Lake And Meet The New Owner, Steve Christie Who's There With Another Councillor Alice Hardy As He Puts The 4 Of Them To Work To Spruce Up Camp Crystal Lake So They Can Open It...
As They Work We Meet 2 Other Councilors, Bill Brown And Brenda Jones (Who To Me Looks Like 80's Carrie Fisher) Who Are Also Working On The Camp While Steve Goes Into Town To Stock Up On Supplies...
Back On The Road, Annie Gets A Ride To Camp By An Unseen Person, But When They Pass The Entrance To The Camp, Annie Jumps Out Of The Car...
(Start At 0:40, End At 2:10)
With Some Of The Councilors Going For A Swim While The Others Work On The Rafts, Marcie Notice That Ned Is Drowning Which Leads Jack And Brenda To Go Rescue Him But When Brenda Attempts To Do CPR, Ned Wakes Up And Kisses Brenda Revealing That He Was Faking..
Later In The Day, Alice Gets Dinner Ready Only To Discover There's A Snake In The Drawer...
Well, I Guess A Snake In A Drawer Is Better Than A Snake In Your Boot...
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Either Way, Jack Kills It As Ned Is Playing AroundOnly For The Camp To Get A Visit From An Officer Who's Looking For Crazy Ralph But Having Not Seen Him Around, The Officer Leaves...
Only For Annie To Discover Him A Few Minutes Later...
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As Ned And Marcie Walk Along The Lake, Ned Goes The Other Way Only To Notice Someone In Brown Slacks And A Brown Plaid Shirt Standing Outside Of Ned And Marcie's Cabin...
With Ned Going In, Jack And Marcie Hear Thunder And Lightning And Decide To Go Into Ned And Marcie's Cabin Where They Have Sex In The Bunk Bed Not Noticing That Above Them Is Ned Who Is Dead...
With Marcie Going To The Bathroom Afterwards, Jack Goes To Have A Cigarette Only To Be Killed By The Killer Who's Underneath The Bed...
Meanwhile In The Bathroom, Marcie Hears A Noise (Believing It To Be Jack) But When She Attempts To Leave The Bathroom After Talking To Herself In The Mirror, She Hears A Noise From The Shower Room...
(End At 0:41)
Back In Alice's Cabin, Brenda Gets Bored And Decides To Play A Game Of Strip Monopoly But Just As The Game Starts To Get Good...
At Least For Me, I Was Kinda Hoping Brenda's Boobs Would Be Better Than Marcie's...
Brenda Realizes She Forgot To Shut The Windows In Her Cabin And Decides To Call It A Night...
But When She Attempts To Go To Bed, She Hears A Child Like Voice And Decides To Look Where It's Coming From With The Outdoor Lights, Revealing To Brenda That She's In The Archery Range, Brenda Is Trapped By The Killer Who Kills Her Off Screen...
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Hey, I Agree This Death Kinda Sucks, I Mean I Had A Joke Planned Where It Was Revealed That Malcolm Merlyn From Arrow Killed Brenda...
As Bill Returns After A Jaunt Outside, Alice Tells Him That He Heard Screaming Which Sounded Like Brenda, Looking In Brenda's Cabin They Discover The Axe That Killed Marcie...
Finding No One Around They Believe It To Be Some Kind Of Prank, But When They Get To Steve's Office, They Discover That The Phone Lines Have Been Cut...
They Attempt To Take Jack's Car Into Town But It Won't Start Which Leaves Them Very Little Choice But To Wait For Steve To Return...
But, Steve's Not Coming Back As After He Got Dinner At The Diner In Town, He Was Killed By An Unknown Person That He Recognized At The Gates Of The Camp...
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With The Killer Going After The Power, Bill Goes To Turn On The Power As Alice Stays In The Cabin, But Becoming Concerned After A While Alice Decides To Go Out Only To Discover Bill Dead, Pinned To Her Door By Several Arrows...
As Alice Runs Inside, Screaming As She Barricades The Door, Brenda' s Corpse Is Thrown Through The Window A Few Minutes Later...
Hearing A Car, Alice Heads Out, Hoping It's Steve But Instead She Finds...Betsy Palmer?...
(End At 0:49)
As They Look At The Horror That Is Brenda's Dead Body, Mrs Voorhees Stars Criticizing Steve For Opening The Camp As She Tells Alice The Story Of How Her Son, Jason Drowned At The Camp In 1957...
Saying That She Was The Camp's Cook And How Jason Drowned In The Lake After The 2 Councillors Left To Go Have Sex...
Well, It's No Wonder As One Of The Councilors Was Freddy Kruger (Who We'll Be Looking At Next Week So, Stay Tuned)
Revealing That Today Is Jason's Birthday, Mrs. Voorhees Is Revealed To Be The Killer As She Pulls Out A Hunting Knife To Attack Alice, Which Leads To A Lengthy Chase Between Mrs. Voorhees And Alice Which Ends At The Lake...
(Start At 1:03, End At 1:25)
Taking A Boat Out On The Lake, Alice Waits For Police To Arrive But As The Police Arrive, Alice Is Attacked By Jason, Who Pulls Her Under...
But Our Shock That Whole Sequence With Jason Was Just A Dream Despite Alice Believing That It Was Real...
But Anyway, That Was Friday The 13th And It Was Pretty Good...
While I Originally Hated The Film For Not Having Jason In It, I've Kind Of Gotten Used To It Over The Years, I Like Mrs. Voorhees Though I Still Prefer Jason...
Either Way, I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
Showeringselect.com has merlyn products available - merlyn shower enclosures, cubicles, shower screens and merlyn showering. Buy now online and get free delivery.
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hope-for-olicity · 7 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - October 13th, 2017
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them.
Times Like These multi-chapter by @anthfan - A man from Felicity's past she never thought she'd see again suddenly appears in Starling City, bringing with him memories she'd rather keep forgotten, and a new threat. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1108116/chapters/2230074
About Last Night multi-chapter by @wrldtravler - As a favor, Felicity reluctantly hired none other than Oliver Queen to be her executive assistant. What she never agreed to was how distracting it would be having him only a few feet away with only a wall of glass between them. Apparently, Felicity isn't the only one struggling with the close proximity. Otherwise known as a shameless AU in which Felicity is a CEO, and her assistant Oliver Queen is more than willing to give her a hand. http://archiveofourown.org/works/10550150/chapters/23301288
Time for a Story multi-chapter by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
In-Flight multi-chapter by @geneshaven - Oliver and Felicity set off on their honeymoon, part 2 https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/166128309359/in-flight
If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Want To Be Right) multi-chapter by @smkkbert - They live in a society where the Ministry for Procreation decides who you get to marry. Once you get the letter with the contact details of your partner, you are supposed to marry within few months. Sexual relationships with any other partner are forbidden, even before you receive the contact details. Everyone who disobeys that law will be punished brutally.  Oliver and Nyssa have come to terms with that. Although they are married, Nyssa can secretly be with Sara, and Oliver can do whatever he wants to do. When Oliver decides to make changes, he falls madly in love with Felicity. Therefore, his life takes a pleasant turn because although they cannot publicly be together, at least they can be in secret. Things soon get complicated, though, when Felicity receives a letter that shall change her life. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11847900/chapters/26747613
In Flight (Coming in for Landing) multi-chapter by @geneshaven - Part 3 Oliver and Felicity take a flight to get to their honeymoon destination https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/166179020894/in-flight-coming-in-for-a-landing
We Loved With A Love That Was More Than Love multi-chapter by @wrldtravler - When Felicity's father leaves her and her mother behind, she loses all her faith in the very idea of soulmates. After Donna Smoak remarries into the Merlyn family, events are put into motion that bring Felicity into proximity the very destiny she never wanted to be apart of, and the family she never knew she needed. After years of unknowingly fighting and dancing around her fate, Felicity finally receives her soulmark on her 18th birthday. With the truth revealed, Felicity's fate is left in her hands, and only she can decide whether to let him in before it's too late. http://archiveofourown.org/works/10216829/chapters/22672961
C is for Complications by @smoakmonster - As Felicity wrestles with her unrequited feelings for Oliver, she devises a way to help herself overcome them. But sometimes good plans lead to unexpected results. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12299901
(Don't) Let Me Go multi-chapter by @emmilynestill - Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for. Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11591223/chapters/26051715
Untitled by @wherethereissmoak - Prompt: "Excuse me for falling in love with you" https://wherethereissmoak.tumblr.com/post/166203781352/for-the-prompt-excuse-me-for-falling-in-love
Untitled by @foreverfelicityqueen - Prompt: "Don't you dare step one foot in this house!" http://foreverfelicityqueen.tumblr.com/post/166204163471/for-your-one-line-prompt-dont-you-dare-step
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Prompt: Olicity #4 I'm too sober for this. Extra challenge: Oliver walking in on Felicity doing something weird http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/166205685859/olicity-4-im-too-sober-for-this-extra
Untitled by @foreverfelicityqueen - Prompt: "If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away." http://foreverfelicityqueen.tumblr.com/post/166207711671/for-the-prompt-if-i-trip-over-one-more-of-your
Untitled by @wherethereissmoak - Prompt: "Are you ever going to let me cook again?" https://wherethereissmoak.tumblr.com/post/166205041942/are-you-ever-going-to-let-me-cook-again
Untitled by @foreverfelicityqueen - Prompt: "I don't think I've ever wished on a star" http://foreverfelicityqueen.tumblr.com/post/166204807201/one-line-prompt-i-dont-think-ive-ever-wished
Pieces of Always multi-chapter by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Things Left Unsaid by ClaudiaRain - Felicity falls ill, but it might be the best thing that's ever happened to her. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12312921
Untitled by @wherethereissmoak - Prompt: “You don’t strike me as the kind of person who likes normal girls.” “You’re right, of course. Normal is boring. But you’re not normal at all - are you?”  https://wherethereissmoak.tumblr.com/post/166227010752/you-dont-strike-me-as-the-kind-of-person-who
Untitled by @wherethereissmoak - Prompt: "Why are there 12 pregnancy tests on our bathroom counter?" https://wherethereissmoak.tumblr.com/post/166225599637/for-your-one-line-prompts-why-are-there-12
Untitled by @wherethereissmoak - Prompt: ""I heard you, but I care too much about you to give you what you want right now." https://wherethereissmoak.tumblr.com/post/166226012487/for-the-one-line-prompt-if-youre-still-accepting#notes
You Had Me at Hello multi-chapter by @tdgal1 - Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak met at a Gala and had an instant attraction but Smoak Technologies and Queen Consolidated have to work together. Can they make that sexual chemistry work and still work together.http://archiveofourown.org/works/11075379
Untitled by @writewithurheart - Prompt: Give me a reason to believe http://writewithurheart.tumblr.com/post/166234352714/olicity-give-me-a-reason-to-believe
Blue Eyed Angel: Trust by @tdgal1 - Oliver and Felicity go to a baby shower http://archiveofourown.org/works/11069859/chapters/28009125
Technical Difficulties by @jedichick04 - "It's personal." Felicity growled in frustration -- actually growled -- and jabbed at the screen again. Set post 4x02. http://archiveofourown.org/works/5043265
Thursday multi-chapter by @someonesaidcake - There is something about the girl next door that Oliver Queen is only now noticing... Felicity is moving to college just down the road from where Oliver is a senior.  He suddenly becomes very protective of the girl next door.  Thursday night dinners might not ever be the same again. This story gets better and better! http://archiveofourown.org/works/10688658/chapters/23670255
The Life They Knew multi-chapter by @bytemegeekette - AU - Olicity - Felicity loved watching the happy life that her best friend had built for herself. Oliver watched his best friend reach every milestone he himself feared. An unexpected tragedy thrusts their lives together in a way neither could imagine. Could they over come their hate for each other to help fulfill the last wishes of their best friends. Loosely inspired by the movie 'Life as We Know It' http://archiveofourown.org/works/4944559/chapters/11349703
May I Be Your Shield multi-chapter by @aussieforgood and @yespleasehawkeyee - She could always tell him about her day. She could always tell him anything. Except she didn’t. The woman closest to him was keeping the biggest secret of all; a dark secret, a dangerous secret. Felicity Smoak is not safe, that much is true, but whether Oliver can save her from that is another matter. Sooner or later, we find out exactly how far we’ll go to protect the person we love most. http://archiveofourown.org/works/5721514/chapters/13182745
Bound to You multi-chapter by @bindy417 - Felicity is an ARGUS agent and Oliver with the Bratva but they met long before that! This story gives the past and the present. SO AWESOME.  http://archiveofourown.org/works/6602668/chapters/15105862
Killer Frost Smoak multi-chapter by @tdgal1 - Felicity is with Barry during the particle accelerator and becomes Killer Frost. How does she handle this and does she tell Oliver? http://archiveofourown.org/works/8654356/chapters/19846777
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