#Iconic shower enclosures
Elevate Your Home's Charm with Aesthetic Small Bathroom Renovations in Sydney
In the world of home renovations, small spaces can often present a unique challenge. However, when it comes to transforming your home, even the smallest rooms, like bathrooms, can make a significant impact. Sydney, known for its unique blend of modern and classic architecture, provides the perfect backdrop for aesthetic home renovations. In this blog, we'll explore the art of small bathroom renovations Sydney and how they can elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of your home.
The Sydney Vibe:
Sydney, with its vibrant lifestyle and cultural diversity, is a city that values aesthetics and design. From the iconic Opera House to the picturesque coastal landscapes, the city exudes a sense of style that is reflected in its homes. Small bathroom renovations in Sydney are an opportunity to infuse this unique Sydney vibe into your living space, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.
Space Optimization:
One of the key challenges in small bathroom renovations is optimizing the available space. A professional small bathroom renovation in Sydney involves a meticulous approach to design, ensuring that every inch is used effectively. Innovative storage solutions, compact fixtures, and strategic layout planning are essential components of a successful small bathroom renovation project.
Aesthetic Elements:
Aesthetic considerations play a crucial role in small bathroom renovations. Sydney homeowners often lean towards contemporary and minimalist designs that maximize visual appeal while maintaining functionality. Sleek fixtures, modern color palettes, and thoughtful lighting choices can transform a small bathroom into a chic and inviting space.
Natural Light and Openness:
Sydney's abundant natural light is a valuable asset that can be leveraged in small bathroom renovations. Maximizing natural light not only creates an open and airy feel but also contributes to energy efficiency. Consider incorporating large windows, skylights, or glass shower enclosures to allow light to flood the space, giving it a refreshing and welcoming ambiance.
Trendy Tile Choices:
Tiles play a pivotal role in the aesthetics of any bathroom renovation. In Sydney, homeowners often opt for trendy tile choices that add character and style to the space. From subway tiles to geometric patterns, the options are diverse. Choose tiles that complement the overall theme of your home while making a statement in your small bathroom.
Sydney's Sustainable Touch:
In line with global trends, Sydney homeowners are increasingly prioritizing sustainability in home renovations. Opting for eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient fixtures, and water-saving technologies not only contribute to a greener environment but also add value to your home. Consider incorporating sustainable elements into your small bathroom renovation for a truly modern and responsible touch.
Small bathroom renovations in Sydney are a perfect opportunity to infuse your home with the city's unique aesthetic. By combining functionality with contemporary design, optimizing space, and embracing Sydney's cultural influences, you can create a small bathroom that not only meets your practical needs but also becomes a stylish and inviting oasis within your home. Whether you're a lifelong Sydney resident or a newcomer to this vibrant city, let your small bathroom renovation reflect the beauty and charm that define Sydney's architectural landscape.
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gssoftwareposts · 9 months
Unveiling the Beauty and Affordability of Glass Facades: Exploring Tempered Glass Price and Innovations by Glass Techno India
In the world of architecture and design, glass facades stand as iconic symbols of modernity, elegance, and sustainability. Glass Techno India, a frontrunner in the industry, is redefining the landscape with its innovative glass solutions. This article takes you on a journey through the world of glass facades, delving into the aspects of tempered glass price, and showcasing the groundbreaking innovations by Glass Techno India.
Embracing the Splendor of Glass Facades:
Glass facades have become a hallmark of contemporary architecture, seamlessly merging the interior and exterior, and creating visually captivating structures. Glass Techno India's range of glass facades presents an array of benefits that redefine the concept of architectural beauty:
Transparency and Light: Glass facades harness natural light, infusing interiors with a sense of openness, reducing the need for artificial lighting.
Aesthetic Versatility: Glass facades blend effortlessly with various architectural styles, from sleek modern designs to classic aesthetics.
Energy Efficiency: Advanced glass technology helps regulate indoor temperatures, contributing to reduced energy consumption.
Sustainable Charm: Glass facades promote sustainability by optimizing daylight, reducing energy usage, and enhancing indoor comfort.
Connection with Nature: Glass facades establish a harmonious connection with the outdoors, offering occupants stunning panoramic views.
Understanding Tempered Glass Price and Value:
Tempered glass is a cornerstone of glass facades, celebrated for its strength, safety features, and value for money. Glass Techno India offers insights into tempered glass pricing and its advantages:
Durability: Tempered glass is four to five times stronger than standard glass, ensuring enhanced protection against impact and breakage.
Safety: In the event of breakage, tempered glass shatters into small, relatively harmless pieces, reducing the risk of injury.
Affordability: Despite its premium qualities, tempered glass price is relatively budget-friendly, offering value without compromising quality.
Heat Resistance: Tempered glass can withstand higher temperatures, making it an ideal choice for glass facades exposed to varying weather conditions.
Versatility: From glass facades to shower enclosures and windows, tempered glass finds applications across diverse architectural projects.
Innovations Redefining the Glass Industry:
Glass Techno India's commitment to innovation has led to groundbreaking advancements that reshape the possibilities of glass facades:
Smart Glass: Incorporating smart technology, Glass Techno India offers glass facades with adjustable transparency, enabling control over light and privacy.
Decorative Glass: Infusing artistry into architecture, decorative glass facades enhance aesthetics through custom patterns, textures, and designs.
Energy-Efficient Coatings: Glass Techno India integrates energy-efficient coatings that minimize heat transfer, improving the building's energy performance.
Acoustic Control: Glass facades are enhanced with acoustic insulation features, ensuring tranquility in bustling urban environments.
Integrated Sustainability: Glass Techno India's glass facades contribute to green building certifications, promoting a sustainable built environment.
Navigating Tempered Glass Pricing:
Glass Techno India offers tempered glass pricing that aligns with client needs and architectural visions:
Varied Budgets: Tempered glass pricing caters to different budgets, making premium glass facades accessible to a wide range of projects.
Value Proposition: The benefits of durability, safety, and energy efficiency offered by tempered glass justify the investment.
Customized Solutions: Glass Techno India's pricing structure takes into account the unique requirements of each project, ensuring a tailored approach.
Long-Term Savings: The durability of tempered glass translates to reduced maintenance and replacement costs over the building's lifespan.
Quality Assurance: Glass Techno India prioritizes quality materials and manufacturing processes, guaranteeing a superior product.
Empowering Architecture with Glass Techno India:
Glass Techno India's contributions to the architectural world extend beyond products; they encompass innovation, quality, and value:
Expertise: With years of experience, Glass Techno India boasts a team of experts who understand the intricacies of glass facades and their applications.
Innovative Approach: Glass Techno India stays at the forefront of technological advancements, infusing its offerings with innovation and cutting-edge features.
Customer-Centric: The relationship with clients goes beyond transactions. Glass Techno India offers comprehensive support and consultation.
Sustainable Vision: Glass Techno India's glass facades contribute to energy-efficient and sustainable architectural practices, aligning with global environmental goals.
Elevated Aesthetics: Beyond function, Glass Techno India elevates architectural aesthetics, creating structures that inspire awe and admiration.
Glass facades have evolved from architectural trends to timeless symbols of modernity and functionality. Glass Techno India's commitment to excellence, innovation, and affordability has catapulted them to the forefront of the glass industry.
Through tempered glass pricing that offers value and innovation that redefines possibilities, Glass Techno India is not just transforming buildings; it's shaping environments that reflect the aspirations of contemporary design. As glass facades continue to captivate our imagination, Glass Techno India remains a guiding force, weaving elegance, sustainability, and affordability into the very fabric of architectural innovation.
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Exploring the Most Sought-After Shower Enclosure Styles
In the realm of modern bathroom design, shower enclosures have become more than just functional fixtures – they are statements of style and comfort. With an array of choices available, one particular kind of shower enclosure has risen to prominence due to its aesthetic appeal, versatility, and functionality.
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Let's delve into the most demanded kind of shower enclosure and why it has captured the hearts of homeowners and designers alike.
Frameless Glass Shower Enclosures: Where Elegance Meets Functionality
The frameless glass shower enclosure has emerged as the most sought-after option for modern bathrooms. Characterized by its minimalist design, unobstructed view, and sleek aesthetic, it encapsulates the perfect blend of elegance and functionality. Here's why this kind of shower enclosure has garnered such high demand:
1. Aesthetic Sophistication
Frameless glass shower enclosures exude a sense of timeless elegance that seamlessly fits into various interior styles. The absence of bulky frames creates an illusion of spaciousness, making even compact bathrooms feel more open and inviting. The clear, unobstructed glass panels allow natural light to flow freely, enhancing the overall ambiance of the space.
2. Versatile Design
One of the most appealing aspects of frameless glass enclosures is their versatility. They can be customized to fit various layouts and sizes, from small corner showers to spacious walk-ins. This adaptability allows homeowners and designers to create a shower space that suits their specific needs and preferences, resulting in a harmonious integration with the rest of the bathroom.
3. Easy Maintenance
Cleaning a frameless glass enclosure is a breeze. The absence of frames reduces areas where dirt and grime can accumulate, and the smooth glass surface is easy to wipe down. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that the enclosure retains its pristine look over time.
4. Enhanced Visual Appeal
Frameless glass enclosures contribute to a sense of openness and flow in the bathroom. They allow intricate tiles or attractive shower fixtures to take center stage, creating a visually appealing focal point. This minimalist design ensures that the shower enclosure becomes a captivating part of the overall bathroom aesthetics.
5. Modern Minimalism
The demand for frameless glass shower enclosures aligns with the prevailing trend of modern minimalism in interior design. Homeowners are increasingly drawn to clean lines, clutter-free spaces, and a sense of tranquility in their living spaces. Frameless enclosures embody these principles, offering a sleek and unassuming look that resonates with those seeking a contemporary and tranquil bathroom retreat.
6. Long-Term Investment
Investing in a frameless glass shower enclosure is a decision that pays off over the long term. Their durable construction and high-quality materials ensure that they stand the test of time without losing their appeal. Homeowners view these enclosures as a valuable addition to their property, enhancing both its aesthetics and resale value.
In the ever-evolving world of bathroom design, the frameless glass shower enclosure stands as the pinnacle of style and functionality. Its ability to seamlessly integrate with various design aesthetics, provide an open and spacious feel, and require minimal maintenance has propelled it to the forefront of demand.
As homeowners and designers continue to seek versatile solutions that elevate the bathing experience, the frameless glass shower enclosure remains an iconic choice that promises both elegance and enduring appeal.
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doggirlboy · 3 years
♧ Hi
You’re my: girlboss husband (and mortal enemy)
How I met you: you liked one of my posts so i stalked you for a month bc i was too scared to approach and eventually messaged u 👍
Why I follow you: im studying you
Your blog is: SEXY
Your URL is: ALSO SEXY AND CREATIVE it makes me wanna draw u as a chimera ant i need to do that eventually
Your icon is: you irl!! (and once again sexy)
A random fact I know about you: you shower with socks on and sleep with jeans on
General opinion: guys i might be gay
A random thought I have: please stick your fingers between the bars of my enclosure please please please please please i promise i wont bite you again i am friendly and entirely nonthreatening
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
Find Your best Shower Enclosure
In case you are looking to make an arresting statement in the bathroom or just want somewhat to fit into a small size shower room you will surely be able to search a Merlyn series eight shower enclosure to completely match your requirements and tastes. There are a broad selection of Iconic shower enclosures available varying from quadrant shower enclosures, walk in showers, bi-fold shower doors, sliding shower doors to hinged shower doors as well as smooth wet room glass panels thus you can confirm you will find out a shower enclosure to perfectly fit with the space you have.
A famous option of shower enclosure and Shower trays uk is the hinged shower door, this specific style has the opening door outwards that permits you to simply get out and in of the shower, but only be conscious that you do want more bathroom space to allow for the door to fully open, it can even limit where you wish to install the shower enclosures uk. If talking about hinged shower doors then they are available with a semi-frameless and framed design that will give a minimalistic look in the bathroom. These hinged doors can be united with a good quality side panel or installed into an indentation that seems fantastic as the just door’s glass panel.
On the other hand, bi-fold shower door enclosures and shower screens uk are best for small size bathrooms as the door effectively folds back on itself indicating that you don’t want any additional flooring space in the bathroom. These good looking bi-fold shower doors let for simple access out and in of the shower and can be utilized with a fitted into a recess or side panel.
A corner bathscreen uk or shower enclosure is even best for where space is inadequate in the bathroom and have the doors situated on the front side corner, usually the doors are sliding but there are even versions of hinged door available too.
If talking about sliding shower door enclosures and Merlyn bathscreens feature two glass panels with one sliding back into some other; it indicates that you do not want any additional space to allow for the door to open. You should know that sliding shower doors can give the bathroom space with a smooth look and the more recent styles feature a semi-frameless design with highly effective chrome rollers at the top side of the sliding doors for an avant-garde look.
You should understand that quadrant shower bath screens and enclosures are a really famous choice for a compact bathroom because they assist to maximize the vacant space but still give you with lots of space for showering in. There are two major styles of quadrant shower enclosures together with a standard quadrant that differs in size from 1000x1000mm to 800x800mm and the counterbalance quadrant style that varies in size from more spacious 1200x900mm to 900x760mm.
In case you wish to add some attractive style to the bathroom select a walk in shower. These showers are best for those people that lead hectic lifestyles and for those people who are less transportable. 
Merlyn shower screens
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obrienfeddersen7 · 2 years
Spectacular Fashionable Colonial Style House Design Ideas
The use of a rainfall shower for the enclosure and the shade chandelier on high of the bath surround are elegant touches that still keep the room spacious by utilizing ceiling area. The strong white Venetian blinds adorn the numerous white windows of the master suite. The wall mirror situated above the head of the queen sized mattress additional adds visual spaciousness to the world. Queen Anne architecture is most typical in properties, however can additionally be seen in colleges, churches, and workplace buildings. Cape Cod properties are constructed of native wooden and stone to resist the north-eastern weather. This exterior weathering offers an iconic weathered-blue colour to these homes. The widespread spaces—living room, kitchen, dining room, and family room—are traditionally positioned on the primary floor, with bedrooms on the second and third flooring. Traditionally constructed with an emphasis on symmetry, these homes are often one room deep and three rooms extensive, although their rectangular form makes it easy to add onto, either on the edges or back. Another feature you will see in plenty of colonial properties is a big central hearth, or two fireplaces on both facet of the home . While there are a quantity of defining traits of Colonial structure, there are some regional nuances; a results of the settlers in the area and the obtainable materials on the time. Cape Cod properties are much like the British or American Colonial houses, although they originated further north in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These are sometimes seen because the classic American family home because the style’s revival within the twentieth Century. House styles have evolved for centuries to accommodate changes in style, life-style, and setting. Exploring the house styles that create American neighborhoods allows you to envision your dream home and know precisely what you’re on the lookout for before you’re ready to purchase. These basements are sometimes used as a recreation area given the spacious layout that differs from the more compartmentalized primary flooring. This added house may find yourself in having the ability to mix extra recreation, entertainment and presumably bedrooms and baths into the floor plan. The Tudor home style was delivered to the united states by European-trained architects in the late 1800s, and gained recognition in the Twenties. Late Medieval and early Renaissance architectural elements impressed the Tudor style’s stone masonry, timber framing, steep gable roofs, and classic leaded windows. These early 20th-century Garrison Colonial Revivals were earnest and conscientious adaptations of unique garrison homes. Historic garrison homes were rare, a proven fact that was emphasised in a journal feature in 1913. One 17th-century model was described as “portraying a sort of architecture not discovered anywhere else.” That was soon to vary. © Copyright by designer/architect Drawings and photographs might differ barely. Even although they have tall columns alongside the entrance, they nonetheless feature big verandas. Some have balconies that wrap across the prime story, and all have big windows protruding from the roof. If you're keen on components of this style you'll benefit from the inspiration on my Pinterest boards. I would love to pay attention to from you if you have used any of those adorning elements in your latest initiatives or have plans to. Image – Fanimation.comSo if you want to recreate British Colonial Style in its entirety you actually need all of the parts in my list. Few unique saltboxes survive, and plenty of are museums, like this house in East Hampton, New York. The earliest settler homes went up rapidly, using probably the most ample materials around—wood—to protect in opposition to the cruel climate. Log cabins were widespread within the center Atlantic colonies, like this Appalachian house. colonial style windows The centralized place of the entrance door signifies that it opens up right in front of the staircase space. Grand entryways are a major design factor that is frequent throughout most Colonial homes. GORGEOUS… virtually hate to paint unless it’s wanted or you’re uninterested in it. Later Dutch-style buildings became identified for his or her elaborately formed gables, dormers, and parapets. The simple, rectangular homes well-liked in 20th-century suburbs originated in Colonial New England. You'll see this style the most in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, since that's where the majority settled.
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iconmarketresearch · 2 years
Global Shower Enclosure and Cubicles Market to Witness Great Growth in Forecasted Period 2021-2028
In 2021, the Global Shower Enclosure and Cubicles Market’s size was valued at USD XX.XX billion and is estimated to reach USD xx. xx billion by 2028 and is expected to be growing at a CAGR of 5.96 % throughout the forecast period. In this report, 2021 has been taken as the base year while 2020 is the historical year. The forecast year for the report is 2028 to approximate the size of the market for Shower Enclosure and Cubicles.
Get Exclusive Sample Report: @ https://iconmarketresearch.com/inquiry/sample/IMR1512
 The major players in this market are:
·         Acorn Engineering Company, Inc.,
·         American Shower Door Corporation.
·         Arblu s.r.l.
·         Awwal Fibre Glass Pvt. Ltd.
·         Baltijos Brasta.
·         BluBleu s.r.l.
·         Foshan Korra Bath Ware Co., Ltd.
·         The Jaquar Group.      
 Regional Analysis
The Shower Enclosure and Cubicles market report provides a study for more than 20 countries and their market players The report covers a regional and country-level analysis that covers North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Africa, and the Middle East. The market is deeply analyzed for each region, which helps in identifying the market trends for each region, growth opportunities, and restraining factors.
 The Report Provides Insights on The Following Pointers:
·         It gives a forecast analysis of factors that are driving or restraining the development of the Shower Enclosure and Cubicles market.
·         The report gives a seven-year forecast value evaluated on the basis of the current market performance of the manufacturing and construction industry.
·         It helps in understanding the main segments of the products and their future.
·         The report gives a deep analysis of changing competition in the market which keeps you ahead of your competitors.
·         The report gives the market definition of the Shower Enclosure and Cubicles market along with the analysis of different factors influencing the market such as drivers, opportunities, and restraints.            
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 Thanks & Regards,                                            
Pankaj Katkar
Digital Marketing Executive
Company: Icon Market Research
Phone: (+1) 812 506 4440
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shower enclosures and cubicles market share, growth by top company, region, applications, drivers, trends & forecast to 2028
in 2021, the global shower enclosures and cubicles market’s size was valued at usd xx.xx billion and is estimated to reach usd xx. xx billion by 2028 and is expected to be growing at a cagr of 8.65 % throughout the forecast period. in this report, 2021 has been taken as the base year while 2020 is the historical year. the forecast year for the report is 2028 to approximate the size of the market for shower enclosures and cubicles.
Get Sample https://iconmarketresearch.com/inquiry/sample/imr1535
competitive landscape
the report provides a competitive landscape on both the quantitative as well as qualitative research of shower enclosures and cubicles market. the report also provides detailed insights on the development methods used by the key market players. the report offers deep research on the key market players and details on the competitiveness of these players. the main business strategies used by these players such as mergers and acquisitions (m&a), collaborations, affiliations, and contracts are also and analyzed in the report. for each competitor, the report studies their global presence, service offerings, competitors, and specification. the main players covered by the study on the global shower enclosures and cubicles market are: american shower door corporation, lakes bathrooms, fleurco, ritec, holcam, roda, and korraware.  
icon market research’s report on shower enclosures and cubicles studies the past and current opportunities of growth and trends to get a clear picture of the growth indicators of the market for the forecast period 2021 to 2028
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architectnews · 3 years
Malmaison York luxury hotel, Yorkshire
Malmaison York hotel, North Yorkshire luxury accommodation, English architecture news
Malmaison York luxury hotel, UK
6 Aug 2021
Design: Dexter Moren Associates
Aviva building – 1960s Brutalist structure
Brute reboot: interior design for Malmaison York unlocks the beauty of a landmark brutalist structure
Location: York, North Yorkshire, northeast England, UK
Photos © Jack Hardy
York Castle Museum Redevelopment News
6th August 2021 – Global hospitality design specialist Dexter Moren Associates (DMA) is celebrating the opening of Malmaison York, a 150-room luxury hotel that boasts York’s highest rooftop bar with breath-taking views of York Minster and the historic city beyond.
Working closely with York-based developer North Star, Project Manager Gleeds and brand and operator Malmaison on behalf of the project’s funder Lothbury, DMA’s interior design concept for the transformation of the former Yorkshire House building in Rougier Street takes inspiration directly from the 1960’s brutalist architecture of the existing structure, as well as York’s strong links with confectionary manufacturing.
Lindsey Bean-Pearce, Head of Interior Design at DMA, explains: “Our philosophy is to create original and unique designs specific to the requirements of each individual project. We draw our design inspiration from a building’s context and local neighbourhood to create spaces with longevity that are authentic and, above all, have character. Our design for Malmaison York sensitively retains and refurbishes this concrete building to celebrate the architecture and vibrancy of the sixties, unlocking the beauty of this once austere office block to create a truly memorable hotel.”
Locally known as the Aviva building, the 1960s brutalist structure truly reflects the principles of the mid-century style and features eight levels of concrete floorplates, façade and waffle ceilings that have been sensitively retained and restored where possible as an integral part of the scheme.
Yves Klein blue painted concrete waffle ceilings feature in the reception, bar & restaurant and breakout spaces, and sit alongside bold block colour mid-century graphic inspired rugs and upholsteries. These stronger elements are accented by a more pared back base palette including terrazzo and timber flooring as well as black stained oak panelling and black lavastone bar fronts.
A bespoke feature acrylic rod chandelier welcomes guests into the reception, while brass ‘flower pot’ pendants by Sixties icon Verner Panton sit adjacent to the façade of the building throughout the bar and restaurant space. DMA collaborated with Malmaison and art consultancy Elegant Clutter to develop the concept for the artwork which features extensively throughout the hotel, with inspiration taken from Sixties greats such as Warhol, Hockney, Lichtenstein and Yves Klein.
Both the reception and bar spaces connect to the signature Malmaison Work+Play in a new extension to the rear of the building. The area features bookable meeting pods, extensive breakout spaces and self-service kitchens which all receive daylight from a centrally located clerestory. The conference rooms and ballroom have been optimised to create divisible multifunctional spaces with feature marquetry veneer wallcovering and signature artworks.
DMA, North Star and Malmaison spent considerable collaboration time building sample guestrooms to test the layouts and maximise the space within the existing building’s rigid concrete shell and core. Room layouts were designed to be wider rather than longer, allowing beds to be located opposite windows and take full advantage of the views of York Minster and the River Ouse.
“The idea behind the space planning of the rooms is to walk in and it be completely open,” explains David Harte, Associate and lead designer on the project. “By deconstructing the standard box-like bathroom, and utilising the wide rooms we were able to position the beds opposite the windows and create a wide vanity with glazing above for privacy yet create openness and maximise the views and daylight for the guests at every level.”
Within the guestrooms, dark stained maple millwork sits on grey marble tiling. Recycled coconut shell marmoleum-lined walls meet part-height glazing and amber-tinted glass shower enclosures. Tan leather upholstery is punctuated with black metalwork and bronze accents. Yves Klein blue, burnt orange, mustard yellow and the signature Malmaison pink – all key colours of the Sixties – are playfully positioned as accents throughout, whilst bold geometric patterns are applied in the wallcovering and fabrics to further bolster the link to the brutalist architecture and design of the 1960s. Each guestroom has a feature artwork panel which conceals the TV, designed by Elegant Clutter which references the alchemy behind the making of the famous fruit pastille of the nearby Rowntree’s factory and is complemented by smaller brutalist architecture inspired framed pieces.
Rooftop Bar
The seventh floor of the hotel boasts Sora, a wrap-around destination restaurant and bar with panoramic views of York. The bar is purposely set lower to allow for guests to have uninterrupted views of York Minster when ordering beverages.
It is reached by a dedicated express lift lined in gold metal and a smoked oak floor. On arrival guests are greeted by a large bespoke moveable glass wall; designed meticulously with North Star’s joinery division, each fluted glass panel features a swivel mechanism to obscure or reveal the view beyond and create a bespoke view and artwork each day for guests.
Conceptually, the space is separate from the hotel, focusing on the industrial heritage and extensive green spaces of York. Nature inspired upholsteries and soft furnishings contrast against crittall dividing screens. The spaces are designed with the view in mind, with the main features – the bar and striped feature ceiling to the centre of the space directing the guest’s gaze towards York Minster.
Photos © Jack Hardy 2021
Malmaison York hotel in North Yorkshire images / information from Dexter Moren Associates
Location: York, Yorkshire, England, UK
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Comments / photos for the Malmaison York luxury hotel, Yorkshire Architecture design by Dexter Moren Associates page welcome
The post Malmaison York luxury hotel, Yorkshire appeared first on e-architect.
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markknowlesuk-blog · 6 years
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Iconic shower enclosures is a product of Merlyn available at showeringselect.com. Buy now online to avail discount and free delivery.
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how to find glass partition in dubai
Structurally, glass partition walls offer a number of additional advantages over traditional walls or barriers in Dubai. Glass Mirror Company Glass partitioning walls are customizable in shapes and sizes, they are movable, glass partition for shower they are easy maintenance, and they offer excellent sound insulation for maximum privacy.
Glass Mirror Company offers a number of finishes for varying degrees of opacity and privacy. Etched glass, patterned glass or fire molded glass partitioning walls offer plenty of light to transfer through while still providing enough privacy to maximize productivity. Glass Mirror Company design also offers carved glass textures or fire-polished glass techniques in addition to etched or carved glass allowing for custom logos and designs to be added to your glass partition wall systems.
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Frameless glass partitions make a great addition to any office, Shower Enclosure dubai you may be looking to create meeting rooms, additional offices or just form divisions within your offices, and these are all options that can be created easily and quickly through the installation of glass partitions.
Glass Mirror Company.ae is the UAE’s emerging website for office and glass partitioning.We are specialists in the supply and installation of all types of office and glass partition systems ranging from all solid and part glazed partitions to full height single & double glazed glass walls in Dubai. Our extensive range can be used to create stylish, modern and functional office interiors. Our products are specifically designed to suit all budgetary requirements whether seeking a low cost solution or a high end specification.
At Glass Mirror Company we understand the needs of every individual. Whether you are looking for glass partitioning in-home or at the office, we provide a tailored solution. We are open to discuss your requirements and our design engineers will quote you the best price in town. Contact us to discuss your project with us.
Structurally, glass partition walls offer a number of additional advantages over traditional walls or barriers in Dubai. Glass Mirror Company Glass partitioning walls are customizable in shapes and sizes, mirror works in dubai they are movable, they are easy maintenance, and they offer excellent sound insulation for maximum privacy.
Glass Mirror Company offers a number of finishes for varying degrees of opacity and privacy. Etched glass, patterned glass or fire molded glass partitioning walls offer plenty of light to transfer through while still providing enough privacy to maximize productivity. Glass Mirror Company design also offers carved glass textures or fire polished glass techniques in addition to etched or carved glass allowing for custom logos and designs to be added to your glass partition wall systems.
At Glass Mirror Company we understand the needs of every individual. Whether you are looking for glass partitioning in-home or at the office, we provide a tailored solution. We are open to discuss your requirements and our design engineers will quote you the best price in town. shower cubical dubai Contact us to discuss your project with us. We have manufacturing facilities in Dubai and are well experienced in the glass partitioning industry. We pride ourselves on offering exceptional service and beautifully designed glass partitions and doors which exude quality in every state of UAE. Glass Mirror Company is wholly dedicated to helping our clients create effective and innovative workspaces in some of the UAE’s most iconic buildings.
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Standard Single Glazed Frameless Partitioning in Dubai. This partition is quoted with the following details: – Includes professional on-site survey/measure and full installation – New single glazed “Frameless” glass partitioning. – Layout: Inline Wall/Partition – To be installed on the Ground Floor. – Standard DDA Dots or Squares Film Manifestation. – To comply with Building Regulations, we include the supply and application of basic filmed manifestation in opal frost film from either 2 rows of: 50mm diameter dots or 50mm squares.  
Frameless glass partitions make a great addition to any office, you may be looking to create meeting rooms, additional offices or just form divisions within your offices, and these are all options that can be created easily and quickly through the installation of glass partitions. glass for showers Glass Mirror Company.ae is the UAE’s emerging website for office and glass partitioning. We are specialists in the supply and installation of all types of office and glass partition systems ranging from all solid and part glazed partitions to full height single & double glazed glass walls in Dubai. Our extensive range can be used to create stylish, modern and functional office interiors. Our products are specifically designed to suit all budgetary requirements whether seeking a low-cost solution or a high-end specification.
At Glass Mirror Company we understand the needs of every individual. Whether you are looking for glass partitioning in-home or at the office, we provide a tailored solutions. We are open to discuss your requirements and our design engineers will quote you the best price in town. Contact us to discuss your project with us.
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blankdblank · 7 years
Scotland Pt 7
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Lee’s picture popped up as the phone rang, your finger tapped the green icon and lifted it to your ear as he said, “It looks incredible, is that your land?”
“Part of it, it’s one of my favorite spots, it’s not too late is it?”
“No, couldn’t sleep anyway. Big party when you got back?”
“Just crawled into bed, saw my future cousin in law again he gave us a lift from the airport.”
“Was that awkward?”
You let out a sigh, “Well seeing as the last time I did was six years ago and I’d just caught him with my Cousin, so ya pretty awkward. Easier over the phone and face time. But it should be easier from here out.”
“Well if he gives you a hard time, give me a call.”
“He won’t, too many people here to go after him if he does, starting with his fiancé.”
“How is it with her?”
“Haven’t seen her yet, but I saw her a few months ago when she visited New York for her registration gifts. I was never really mad with her about it. How’s your home? The pictures looked incredible.”
“I am glad to be back, I really missed my Family and my dogs, Maybe after my trip out you could come for a visit if you can get some time off.” Biting his lip as he waited for your answer.
“Sounds like fun, I’m sure you’ll be needing some sun after all the rain.”
He chuckled, “Well if it’s better than the pictures I may not want to leave.”
“I know there’ll be a large group of women who won’t want you to either.”
“Hopefully you’ll be part of that list.” Mouthing, ‘Why?’ as soon as he’d said it, crouching and waving his free hand, turning in a small half circle, glancing around his quiet living room, before running his hand through his hair.
His body relaxing at your giggle, “I’m sure I’ll be at the top of that list. Though my Cousins will be pulling knives for that spot.”
He let out a laugh, “Too bad for them your name’s already on it so they can just fight for 2nd place.”
You spoke out it between giggles, “Oh it’s going to be a bloodbath.” Earning another laugh from him, “Did work go well?”
“Yes, want any autographs?”
You giggled, “I’m not sending you poaching for autographs for me, especially at your work.”
“Oh what good is it to be so close to famous people if you can’t ask for favors.”
Making you giggle again, “I’m not asking you for favors,” as your horse let out a huff before standing up.
His eyebrows pressed together, “Your horse?”
“Ya she’s ready to head out again.”
He chuckled, “Alright, I should let you get back to it.”
“And you should get some sleep too.”
He let out a sigh, ���When’s a good time to call you later?”
“Whenever is good for you, not much here to work around.”
“Have a great day.”
“I’ll try my best, enjoy your work and relaxing. Sweet dreams you giant teddy bear.”
He chuckled again, “Sure thing Snuggle Bear I’ll talk to you later.”
Giggling again as you stood, “Bye.” As he hung up squeaking out, “Snuggle Bear?” as he shoved his face into a couch cushion before dropping it with a groan as he stood and headed for bed dropping onto it with a groan curling around his pillow imagining it was you, slipping off into sleep as he imagined you riding around through the green countryside you’d sent him pictures of.
You strapped the saddle back onto your horse, glancing at her head saying, “What do you think Felienne, you think he’s single?” Giggling at her snort and ears wiggling, “You’re right, why would he be so affectionate if he wasn’t,” securing the last strap and climbed back on letting her choose your path again, heading deeper into the tree coated part of your land, wandering through the hidden pathway out to your families hidden sanctuary for your stag herds at the base of four massive hills, dismounting at the top of the hill eyeing the massive herd with a smile seeing the large number of pregnant does, most of them with pure white coats mixed in with more in a reddish hue grouped with a small number of mixed bucks surrounding their grazing spot at a distance and the massive white Buck at the top of the hill next to yours eyeing you both. 
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His head turning back to his herd as you sat on the side of the hill as your horse slowly headed to join the group, the other stags eyeing her before allowing her inside to mingle with the does as you rested your chin in your palm making sure to silence your phone not to startle them. Your head turned as the soft pressing of hooves beside you spotting the massive white stag as it lowered it’s head to sniff you recognizing your bright eyes and apple scent rubbing its snout against your cheek as you said, “Hey Bobo,” his ear wiggling before stepping behind you and pressing its head to your back to make you stand, leaving you barely reaching his shoulder, forcing a giggle from you as it led you to join the herd. Each stag along the way sniffing you and allowing you to stroke their faces, each doe doing the same before swarming around you and letting you run you hands over their sides and stomachs checking the progress of their growing fawns each responding to their nicknames.
By your estimates within the next few weeks they would move their herds in closer to your cottage so you could help them in their birthing, a traditions for the five herds through your property had taken on after you’d saved Bobo’s and his mates’ lives. When you were 12 you’d been caught in a storm finding him and his pregnant mate injured by falling branches, he’d been much smaller then and far from the head of the herd, but after you’d finally managed to calm him they let you lead them to the stable where you stitched them up and helped birth her fawns. His trust growing as he watched their wounds heal quickly and how you treated your other animals who trusted you completely, tending to them until they were able to head out safely, mounting your horse and guiding them to where you’d found them and watching as they headed out into the trees. 
It had been nearly a month before you’d seen a few stag heads in the distance scouting around then disappearing again, leading to a loud braying coming from stables causing you to shoot out of bed and rush outside to find hundreds of does and Stags from all your herds here for assistance with their births, all claiming the empty fields around the enclosed pasture. The pregnant does and young fawns being led into the pens by the bucks as they guarded the perimeter as you worked through the herds, making note of each as best as you could, gaining a massive load of practice as they chased everyone else away allowing only you near the herds, lingering for nearly a week eyeing the men who timidly tried to help you tend the other animals while keeping their distance from the stags before heading back to their territories with their new fawns.
Your Families crest had a white stag in the center rumored to have your own herd of white stags for generations but with the superstition about approaching them no one dared to test that theory, and with the sudden surge of trust from them and the sudden swarm your town had renewed its trust in your families legends leaving your lands off limits to visitors during that time to respect the precious creatures. The next year they had claimed the large stable you’d built at the opposite end of the enclosure allowing your Uncle and the other workers more space to tend to your other animals all gratefully accepting their more protected enclosure for their stay. Their visits had been your safe haven leaving Collin and your distant relatives who didn’t live on the property including your Cousin during your visits for the birthing seasons, enjoying your home and the silence and solitude during your heartbreak.
Happily snuggling with your furry family until Bobo signaled it was time for the herd to move, all allowing you to leave before they left, mounting your horse again and letting her lead you back to your stables where you freed her from her bridle and saddle letting her eat her fill and rejoin the other horses in the pen. Running your fingers through your ponytail and tightening it before checking on the large Bull you had, the massive black beast letting out a snort as he heard your footsteps approaching heading to the fence then relaxing as he caught your scent, you giggled and slid through the bars on the fence and wrapping your arms around his head as he pressed it against you wagging its tail and ears letting out a happy grumble, “Morning Angus. I missed you too.” Leading him to his own small pasture with a small group of sheep who happily pranced around you as you both entered allowing you to rub their heads as well, staying with them for a short time till your stomach started to growl before heading to your house after another hug and kiss on the head for Angus.
Your phone lit up as you finished cooking your breakfast, happy that your Grandfather had filled your fridge and pantry with food and snacks, checking your phone seeing a message from Collin asking if you’d be coming to the pub that night for a welcome home dinner for you and your family. Quickly replying that you’d be there, silently dreading it but smiling again as your phone buzzed with a message from Richard about your picture you’d sent him, complimenting them and your home and informing you that he was headed out for the day taking his Nephew to the Zoo for the day promising to send pictures and call you later. 
Cleaning after and heading to your door meeting the movers who helped you unload your furniture after unloading Steve’s at his house, spending the rest of your day shifting your boxes to the proper rooms and unpacking your clothes, breaking for lunch and continuing again until you had to get ready. Showering and drying off pulling on a new pair of clean tight jeans and a thickly woven snug green sweater with matching knee length socks with your heeled leather wedge booties, leaving your hair down and adding some simple makeup before filling your pockets and heading out to the pub early adding your jacket before you left. Taking in the scenery on the familiar path as you walked, making it nearly halfway before hearing an old truck on the road behind you, turning as you heard your Cousin Drew’s voice call out, “You aren’t driving?”
“Wanted to walk.”
He nodded with a smirk, “Looks like rain.”
You smirked back at him, “It always looks like rain.”
He chuckled, “Hop in.” Unlocking the door allowing you to climb in as his eyes slid over you, “Bell’s going to be shocked at your new figure, she’d hoped you’d still be twins.”
Both chuckling as he started driving again, “I’m sure she won’t be too upset about it.”
“Checked on the herds yet?”
“Earlier, nearly all the does are pregnant, a few possible sets of twins.”
He chuckled again, “Well we’ll be happy to hear the numbers on the pale Elk’s herd especially, any chance of some pictures again this year?”
“Possibly they still get a bit skittish around cameras and phones. But I’ll try, any news on that storm front coming in?”
“Still coming in, they’re just hoping the construction work can be finished before then.”
Your eyes going forward as he pulled off the paved road into the gravel parking lot for the pub and parking before both of you climbed out, closing the doors, you walked around the front to meet your Cousin who chuckled as he curled you in a hug, wrapping his arm around your back and leading you to the door. The pub’s regulars sitting outside playing checkers and all giving you a wave as you passed them, Drew opened the door for you, helped you out of your coat hanging it on the hook on the wall and showing you inside as the crowded room all turned to you with large smiles as they greeted you. Each of them curling you in quick warm hugs as you greeted them, ending with Collin and your triplet Cousins, Bell, Bonnie, Billie, hugging Collin quickly again as your Cousins all eyed you curiously, their eyebrows raising as Bell said, “You’re definitely not a size 0 anymore, what happened?”
You forced your smile to stay on as you shrugged, “Just grew up, and out I guess.”
Bonnie walked to your right as Billie walked to your left, comparing each other to your new figure, as Billie said, “So much for matching in our pictures.” Crossing her arms with a pout as Collin clenched his jaw while his eyebrow started to twitch.
Bonnie, “How do you even find clothes now?”
Your Aunt Jill, their Mother – Your Mother’s Twin, crossing her arms across her large chest, with a figure and eyes matching yours but several inches taller than you, “And just what’s wrong with her figure? If you three bothered to sit down and eat with our family once and a while you’d have the family figure too!” Skimming her eyes down her daughter’s bodies partially ashamed at their hateful comments about you, turning to you with a large smile and hugged you tightly, “Don’t listen to them love.” Pulling back and eyeing you fully before sliding her hands over your cheeks, “Your Mother and Father would be so proud of you.” Brushing her hair behind your shoulders, before heading over to have a word with her Ex-Husband about their daughters behavior.
You turned back to see your Cousins standing together again with their arms crossed over their small chests, each in tight dresses on their slim frames with their dark brown curly hair and green eyes, all looking at you apologetically as Bell said, “We didn’t mean it like that.”
You forced out a smile, “Don’t worry about it, it’s a big change, I get it.”
Bell, “I was just hoping that we would all match in our dresses, even Mark is wearing a pink shirt to match us.”
Your eyebrow raising, “Mark?”
She smiled widely, “He’s going to be my Maid of Honor, oh he’s so incredible, his husband can’t get off work but he said he wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Collin couldn’t hide his smirk at your confused expression, clearing his throat, “I was actually meaning to talk to you about that, I was wondering if you’d be my Best Man, since we’re having a, modern, ceremony that I could have my oldest friend to help me through this.”
Your smile grew as you brushed your hair behind your ear, forcing back your urge to punch both of them as the whole room watched, “I would love to.”
Seeing his smile growing at your acceptance as you were dragged away by your aunt Jill, a shot of whiskey being forced into your hand same as everyone else’s for a welcome home toast before pints were passed around as you took your seats at the food covered tables claiming your spot near your Aunt and Collin who filled you in on all of the details. After hours of hearing several stories and more about the impending wedding, downing several more pints through the night to hold back your comments about the triplets and Collin’s conversations around you filled with the Triplets’ nasally machine gun laughter, thankfully your pubs tap was the only brew that you actually liked, other beers made you want to hurl just at the smell, sticking mainly to whiskey.  Finally having your fill, quietly making your way to the door grabbing your coat as you exited, getting another set of greetings and cheers from the larger group of old men crowded around the tables outside as you headed off into the cool night.
Thoughts swirling about your returning anger and pain especially at your stupidly accepting the role of Best Man especially at the closeness to Collin that you’d need to fulfill those duties, letting out another breath as your phone buzzed with a call from Richard, answering on the first ring, “Hey Handsome.”
His eyebrow raising as he smirked at your sudden nickname, “You alright?”
“Mhmm, best I can be after 6 pints and a shot of whiskey and 4 massive servings of food.”
He chuckled, “Welcome home party?”
“Started out that way, ended up with me somehow agreeing to be my Exes Best Man!! What the hell was I thinking?!”
“You sure it was Best Man?”
Taking in a quick breath as you took in the long road ahead of you eying the stars and the rolling green hills and pastures around you, “Ya, I’m sure, the Bride’s got a male Maid of Honor so to make It even he asked me to be his Best Man.”
“You alright with that?”
You let out a massive huff, “Other than wanting to hit them repeatedly with chairs until they stop trying to get up, sure.”
“It ended that badly?”
“He was my first boyfriend, I got accepted to Yale, he cheated with my Cousin, who happens to be the bride.”
You groaned again as he let out a huff of his own as he settled deeper in his armchair, “Wow, that’s, wow.”
“Yup, it’s going to be a long few months.”
“If you need to get away or someone to come and throw a punch you can call me.” Adding a chuckle.
You let out a quick chuckle trying to guess a topic to switch to, “How was the Zoo?”
His smile grew, “He loved it, my legs are throbbing but it was incredible watching him bouncing about all day. How was the rest of your morning?”
“Spent it with the animals we have on the property and unpacking. Not very exciting to most people.”
“I love animals, it sounds plenty exciting. Ooof.” A soft giggling was heard on his end of the phone from his Nephew who grabbed his phone that he dropped and saying, “Hi, who’s this?”
“Jaqi.” Smiling brightly at his adorable voice.
He giggled, “She sounds pretty…Are you pretty?”
You heard Richard chuckling and his muffled voice saying, “She’s very beautiful.”
Nephew, “Where are you, why don’t you come over?”
Richard, “She’s in Scotland, it’s a long trip.”
Nephew, “Aww.” Another male voice sounded on the other end of the line and a shuffling was heard before Richard chuckled again as a door was shut, “Sorry bout that he pounced on me.”
You giggled as you turned down your mile long driveway, your cottage finally in sight, “Not a problem, he sounds adorable, I think I want nine of him.”
He chuckled, “I think I’d settle for twelve, you should see his painting skills.”
“Oh that changes everything, adorable and talented, he likes animals?”
“Loves them.”
“Oh twelve then definitely.”
He chuckled again, “You sure you don’t need me to come out?”
You huffed again, “I’m not tearing you away from your family, I can manage through it, it’s only just over a month then they’ll be off traveling and back to living in their seasonal homes.”
“Seasonal homes?”
“He’s a Laird, his family has a home for each of the seasons.”
“You dated a Lord?”
“Laird, it’s a bit different, owner of an estate, he has an Uncle that’s a duke though. But he technically won’t get the title until his Father passes.”
“Did his family approve of you?”
You giggled as you finally reached the front door pulling out your keys and unlocking it, “My Grandfather’s a Duke, I’m ranked higher than he is I actually have a title, if anything my Grandfather had a harder time of us as we got older.”
His eyebrow raised, “Your Grandfather’s a Duke? What does that make you?”
“A Lady.” Giggling.
“An actual, Royal Title, Lady?”
“Yes, I’m next in line for Duchess in our line. Are you still breathing?”
His face was frozen in shock, “I, I’m still breathing. So I..”
Rolling your head back, “Please do not apologize again, I swear I will hang up on you. I don’t like to spread it around, doesn’t help with dates.”
He chuckled out of nerves, “I won’t. I guess it wouldn’t. I know I would have treated you better which sounds terrible to say out loud.”
“It’s honest though, more than most will admit to.” Sitting down on your bed and tossing your shoes to the floor nest to your bed.
“Did you fall?”
You giggled, “Just taking off my shoes.” Stretching out on the bed.
“You, um, I was wondering if you’ve seen the news lately?” Rubbing his neck.
“For what?”
“You’re on it, they got a picture of you leaving his hotel.”
“Haven’t seen it, watched a movie with Lee, the group all joined us, we hung out till they had to pack for their flights.”
“Oh. Did you tell them about us?”
“They seemed upset at first, but I think they’re better about it since we talked it over, don’t worry about it, if they give you a hard time let me know.”
He chuckled, “Not sure that would work, they’ve been mad with me for some time now, I’ll just have to win them back over no matter how long it takes. But thank you just the same.” He listened to your breathing deepening with a smile, “You’re going to fall asleep on me aren’t you?”
He let out a laugh, “Get some sleep Love.”
“Sure thing, you too Handsome.” Making him chuckle again as you hung up the phone, going out to say goodnight to his Family as they left and going to bed himself with a smile plastered on his face while you plugged in your phone and fell asleep.
Waking up with cramps in your stomach from missing breakfast as your phone rang, raising it to your ear after unplugging it seeing Lee’s picture, hearing, “Morning Snuggle Bear.” Again mouthing ‘Why?’
You giggled, “Evening Teddy Bear, how was work?” letting out a sigh as you stretched and sat up pushing your hair out of your face.
He chuckled relaxing at your acceptance of the name, “Did I wake you?”
“I need to get up, I’m starving. So work?”
He chuckled again, shirtless and barefoot in pajama pants, running his hand through his hair as he circled his living room as his dogs watched him from the couch as he filled you in about his day as you cooked your breakfast as you listened to him, before filling him in on yours including about your news about your new status in the wedding, eventually having to hang up as his Manager called to talk to him about work.
Over the next week you started your rounds at your vets office shifting between your job and your calls, emails and texts between Richard and Lee, meals and tending to your animals, waking in your second week to your phone ringing, answering it to hear that the storm front was coming in, jerking out of bed and puling on your thick knee length socks, jeans, tank top with a t shirt over it and adding a flannel shirt before jerking on your boots, putting your phone in a waterproof case and putting it in your pocket and heading out after tying your hair in a ponytail. 
Jumping in the back of Drew’s truck to help the families in the lower areas get to higher ground as the rain poured down heavily, stopping along the way to pick up more of your relatives to help, jumping out to help them load up their vehicles with their belongings and heading to your and Collin’s family homes as their cattle and as much of their crops and farming equipment was being sent there as well, having been sure to mark all their belongings and cattle in the week before as the storm built up around them, hearing along the way that the dam they had been repairing miles away had broken in the growing storms. 
For hours you found yourself nearly waist deep in the river in the pouring rain helping to guide the frightened animals across, by their bridles and carrying the younger and smaller ones, you and all of the men and women from the town who wanted to stay and help did as the others went to the castles to take care of the children and elders. As the lines of cattle and animals ended more and more people went to the next phase of the plan, taking all the tractors they could collecting every shovel that in the town including all of the shovels in stock in the hardware and gardening shops, each person available heading to dig a massive ditch to the cliffs to try and direct the rain away from the town to lessen the damage.
Your feet sunk deeper in the mud as you made the last pass before turning to the sound of wild deer calling out across the rising water, lifting your feet and swimming back again, calling them over cautiously, cradling the first one as it timidly stepped closer to you and Drew before heading back to the other side as a small pack of wolves swam across. The youngest ones flinching on the other side as you arrived again, leaping into your chest as the thunder crashed nearly causing you to fall backwards, steadying yourself and carrying it across and passing it to the few men waiting to grab them, assuring that there was no other animals wishing to cross, going to step out of the water as your legs sank deeper into the water catching Collin’s attention. 
Squinting through the thick sheets of rain he let out a chuckle, stepping in the water, “Around my neck Lady bug” his pulse spiking as he curled his arm around your back pressing you flat against him as he lifted you out with a faint pop, your skin felt like crawling while he set you down on solid ground with another nervous chuckle as you released his neck, eyeing your legs now caked in mud as he released you before taking a step back.
Both turning as the men around you chuckled, before all climbing into Drew’s truck to join the ditch digging, several hours later as the water poured out of the lower parts of town away from the houses in the lower plains, once again being lifted out of the ditch as they finished it, every inch of your body aching including the growing blisters on your palms and cuts along your hands and lower arms with heavy bruising on your shins and ribs from the animals trying to bolt out of your arms. Settling down to rest for a moment against a tractor with the other exhausted men near Collin accepting the bottled water and jerky they had brought for you all, glancing across at Mr Clint, the owner of the hardware and gardening chain stores who was eyeing the shovels he had lent to the storm as you called out, “Send me a bill for them.”
Collin, “Me as well, and we’ll see to getting the repairs for the town after the storms pass.”
Mr Clint laughed loudly, “No need, I’ll just mark them as gently used and Quality tested.”
Clive raised his brother Calvin’s shovel, “Except for his, we’ll buy this one, he’s managed to crack it.” Making the rest of the group laugh as you joined them.
Resting there for a short while before heading to your family homes taking their farming equipment with them as you were lifted into the back of the truck again heading to your families castle to get a status report on everyone before going to your stables ensuring your animals were all secure, spotting the massive herds of Elks poured in their stable and the other stables as well. Carefully sliding through the scared animals all laying on the ground snugly, but shifting as you climbed over their backs checking each of them and their growing fawns that the does were carrying steadying their nerves as you spread out the food you’ve stored for their stay and resting on the stairs as you pulled out your phone, unwrapping it from the several zip lock bags and the waterproof case before turning it on happy to see the two bars, seeing the dozens of calls from Lee and Richard, sending them both quick texts that you were safe.
Halfway through his day on the set his phone lit up from calls and texts from his Hobbit CoStars, all messaging about the massive storm hitting your part of Scotland, all asking if you were safe, distracted and panicked he’d struggled through the last half of his shift before heading home in a panic after his first unanswered message to you. Parking in his garage and feeding his dogs as he turned on his laptop bringing it out to the living room to watch the weather and news channels covering the storm as he frantically typed out an email to you as he called you at the same time leaving yet another message as he tried to contact you through facetime. Barely able to focus through the night, pulling together a breakfast with his phone gripped in one hand nearly dropping it as your picture popped up on his phone, scrambling to get it right side up seeing your text before dialing you waiting for you to answer it, nearly shouting out in a panic, “Jaqi!”
“Teddy Bear, sorry bout not calling, had to help get everyone out of the flood zones.” Stroking a does’ head as she laid it on your lap.
He let out a relieved sigh as he set out his breakfast, “You’re alright then?”
“Yes, soaked and coated in mud, you didn’t sleep at all did you? There’s dozens of messages from you on my phone.”
“Got a few hours, why mud?” Forcing himself to eat while you were talking.
You gave an exhausted chuckle, “Had to get the animals across a rising river, then finish the draining ditch that we dug to carry the floodwater out of the lower parts of town to the cliffs.”
“What about this dam, it’s on the news that it busted?”
“We heard it busted ya, the water shouldn’t hit us until later today, part of our preparations, packing all their houses and belongings bringing them to safer ground over the last week. We’ve prepared as best as we can, all we can do now is wait for the storm to end and see what needs repairing.”
“I wish I could be out there with you.”
“It’s not that bad, when do you have to leave for work?”
“Here in a little bit.”
You let out a quiet chuckle, “Well don’t you worry about it out here, the signal might go out later but I’ll try and get you on the landline.”
“What’s that number?” Grabbing a pen and paper and scribbling it down with a smirk, “Good, I’ll try you on it later then, after your cell, if I can’t reach you that way.”
“Good, have fun at work, and get some sleep tonight.”
He chuckled, “I will try, keep safe Snuggle Bear.”
You giggled eyeing the does curled in the stable around you, “I’ll do my best Teddy Bear.”
He chuckled again before you said your goodbyes and hung up before he finished eating, adding your new number to his phone before getting ready and heading out to work, sending a message to the Hobbit Cast that you were safe.
After your call ended you laid back against the stairs you’d settled against, keeping an eye on the herd through the night as they slept and the storm thundered around you, straying through your thoughts as the night went on, your phone buzzing again shortly after as Richard’s name popped up on your phone in a phone call that you answered quickly so it wouldn’t disturb the does around you.
He had yet another full day with his relatives, sneaking off to bed and getting some rest only to be woken by several texts asking about you, jumping out of bed and heading for his tv and computer, quickly reading about what was happening, glancing through his curtains at the gentle storm outside his home. Grumbling in a slight panic as he headed for his phone and quickly calling texting and emailing you unable to reach you at all through the night and most of the next day leaving him pacing in his underwear through his house death gripping his phone and watching everything he could find about the storm. Your message popped up, drawing his eyes to his freshly charged phone in his hand, dialing your number as fast as he could, “Jaqi!”
“Hey, sorry if you’ve been worried, took some hours to get everyone out of the flood zones and get the town ready for the dam water that’s going to be coming through town.”
“You’re somewhere safe now though?”
“I’m curled up in a large herd of pregnant Elks in my stables at the moment.”
“Your house isn’t safe?”
“No it is, but they’re due soon and they were terrified out in the storm, it’s a wild herd they only come to our stables for shelter and help for their birthings, I have to be out here for any possible labors.”
“Is it just you?”
“They only trust me, it’s kind of a long story, but the stags attack anyone else who tries to come near their herd.”
“You’ll have to explain that to me sometime.” With a small smirk.
“I will another time. How’s your family?”
He let out a sigh, “Got a bit worried today, mostly at how concerned I was about you. Other than that they’re all good.. I’m really so glad you’re alright.”
“What time is it?”
He glanced at his watch saying, “It’s nearly 3.” You let out a groan as your stomach growled, “Are you alright?”
“Just starving, I’m gonna head to the house and cook something, see if I have internet so we can facetime or something, if not I’ll call on the landline.”
He nodded even though you couldn’t see it, “I’ll get my laptop set up, talk to you in a few minutes.”
You stood as your legs wobbled, “Might be closer to about ten possibly fifteen.”
He chuckled, “Take as long as you need Love.”
Bumps rose on your skin under the thick layer of mud at his nickname, remembering it through the haze of your drunken conversation with the incredibly sexy man, saying, “Bye” softly then hanging up and wrapping your phone again and sliding it into your pocket as you crawled over the stags again, slipping outside happily as they stayed asleep, making the short trip back to your cottage after turning on the baby monitor in there, that you used to monitor them through their visits. Jerking off our boots and still wet socks, heading to the laundry room and throwing them in the sink in there to soak along with your dripping flannel shirt after scrubbing your hands and arms, your cold sore feet crossing the floors as you headed for the kitchen after grabbing your laptop and calling Richard, setting it up so he could see you while you cooked.
His smile grew when he saw you, happily scouring over your body as you drew all the food out on the counter, “You’re covered in mud.” Chuckling as he settled down with a plate of food as well.
“It’s going to take hours to scrub it all off.”
He chuckled again, “I bet, so tell me what happened Love.”
Leaning back and crossing his ankle on his other knee holding his plate in the center of his chest allowing you to see him in nothing but his small boxer briefs, filling him in on the story before deciding to try and scrub clean, taking a small table in the bathroom facing the laptop away from the tub so he could still talk to you as you pried yourself out of your clothes and scrub clean, before turning it back so he could see your face as you soaked, then turning it away again as you got out and dried off. Leaving him in the bathroom with the monitor as you dressed in another pair of jeans, thick knee length socks and a t shirt and sweater before pulling your hair back in a ponytail before grabbing him for the trip to add your jeans and shirts to the soaking tub before stretching out on your bed and plugging in your laptop, talking for almost another hour until both of you started nodding off, calling it a night as you ended the call and plugged in your phone while turning up the noise on the monitor to wake you if something happened.
The next few days everyone stayed in their new  castle shelters until the storms finally broke, starting the first of the trips through the town to check the structures, both you and Collin finding it mostly intact with ten houses in the lowest flood zone nearest the dam severely damaged from the storms. With the clear weather came the camera crews, all flocking around you as the inspections from the repair companies came out, each of them trying their best to push back the dates for the rebuilds until they heard they were dealing with the Laird and the Duke’s Granddaughter, severely rushing the repair dates to within the next week. 
Between you and Collin your families both owned nearly all of the town, the damaged houses nearly all out of your territories but you still threw your names into the mix and promised to cover the costs that they could not manage promising they could pay it off over time at a later date. Ending the day at the pub again, all happy that it was safe from the storm, grouping food for everyone for a dinner and pints, sharing a toast for your town and everyone making it through safely. Everyone staying through the week mostly, before moving their belongings and animals back to their lands, deciding to keep the ditch for the last of the waters from the dam still flowing through it leaving everyone through the flood zones and their things still in your houses.
Part 8
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Sweet Home Depot Sauna
Shop our selection of Radiant Sauna, 120 in the Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Enjoy the time honored Finnish tradition of sauna bathing in the comfort of your own home with the Southport 3-Person sauna. This spacious traditonal Finnish sauna features a 3kW Harvia heater that produces. This Pin was discovered by homedesigns. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. This Infrared Sauna model is perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating, comfortably seating 1 to 2 people on the extra deep bench that runs along the back wall of the sauna. The EZ-touch dual interior and exterior LED control panels allow for easy . The Canadian Spa Company Toronto provides an unbeatable combination of seating capacity, quality, features, and design which are sure to satisfy any household. Our spas come with valuable customer and technical support for the lifetime of the spa, and the knowledge that you’re supporting a Canadian company. An inviting set of colour-changing LEDs . Subscribe to Home Depot . 2018/07/15 – Hurry over and score this Tru Heat 4 Bio2 Person Home Depot Deal while the price is this low. They are currently taking $500 off. Operate your sauna for those times of rest and relaxation by choosing this ALEKO Pine Electric Heater Sauna. Comes partially pre-assembled. Upgrade your home by choosing LIfeSauna Tru Heat Bio Person Ceramic FAR Infrared Sauna Heaters with Light and Programmable Controls. 2019/03/12 – ALEKO Outdoor Hemlock Canadian Wood Sauna brings all the luxury and comfort of the outdoor Sauna at a more accessible . ALEKO 4-Person Canadian Hemlock Electric Heater Sauna-STO4KEMI-HD – The Home Depot . 2 person versatile wet or dry steam capable indoor sauna with (1) bench (1) level. Included with Sauna Purchase: Sauna, Wooden Bucket with Scoop, Thermometer/Hydrometer, Anti-explosive Lamp, Heater Fence, ETL approved 3 kW . Shop our selection of Radiant Sauna, 120 in the Department at The Home Depot. . Radiant Sauna 2-Person Hemlock Infrared Sauna with 6 Carbon Heaters . Radiant Sauna 4-Person Cedar Corner Infrared Sauna with 10 Carbon Heaters. HOME SAUNA KITS $1799 up * 174 sauna kit sizes, home sauna heaters $459 up * Low DIY sauna kit prices * Home sauna kit factory since 1974. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. 2018/11/26 – formalebeaut electric countertop stove. Buy Summit . Categories: Pool. formalebeaut electric garage doors prices south africa . Range Velo . Shop our selection of Electric Cooktops in the Appliances Department at The Home Depot. . Downdraft Sanding Table Box – Learn how to make a simple box that will SAUNA, WOODPortable steam saunaStove AccessoriesSauna IdeasFinnish . Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . Maxxus Infracolor 3-Person Upgraded Far Infrared Sauna with 7 Dual Tech Heaters. Model# LSIF-03. (10). $1,49900. $3,599.00. Save $2,100.00 (58%). Enjoy the benefits of a sauna at home with your own personal sauna. Personal saunas installed in the home have become increasingly common with the introduction of prefabricated kits. These sauna kits eliminate the need for a professional . Shop our selection of Electric Heater, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. If you’re looking for a Joyous 2 Person Infrared Sauna that’s beautiful, comfortable, and gives you all the wonderful . HomeDepot #1 Best Seller Infrared Sauna. icon Seven (7) Carbon Fiber Far Infrared Heaters. Equipped with Latest high quality Carbon Fiber Far Infrared Heaters. The natural wood scent is lovely. Bliss reaches a whole new level with this amazing roundup of steam shower sauna combinations. The word . Steam Shower Enclosure Kit in – The Home Depot . Lovely Sublime 23 Cool Attic Bathroom Design Ideas ideacoration.co/… 2018/06/19 – Sauna, sauna. When Ken drew up the plans for our master bath renovation years ago, he knew he could knock out a weird corner linen closet Tell me: what’s something out-of-the-box you’ve made in your own home lately? 2018/07/14 – home dry sauna hemlock mini far infrared sauna home home depot dry sauna. . home sauna big homes big cars big cheeseburgers but we have to building a home dry sauna home dry sauna kit. . home dry sauna saunas perfect home dry sauna lovely best pool sauna hot tub images on building a home . 2018/07/19 – in home sauna home sauna home saunas can be custom designed and built but basic sauna kits are sauna home depot . in home sauna sauna home depot canada. . in home sauna best home sauna lovely infrared sauna therapy and awesome home sauna ideas compact home sauna installation cost. Items 80 – 100 – Virtu USA Caroline Estate 36 in. Single Square Basin Vanity in White with Marble Vanity Top in Italian Carrara White and – The Home Depot. J Fan Amerec Onyx Residential Sauna with Digital Heater and Controls 72 x 84 x 84. J Fan This could be really cute for the kitchen table. Comes in aluminum and . Resources. Specials & Offers · DIY Projects & Ideas · Truck & Tool Rental · Home Services · Moving Supplies & Rentals · Real Estate Floor Plan Services · Protection Plans · Rebate Center · Gift Cards · Catalog . Enjoy the great outdoors with patio furniture, BBQs, Gazebos, Pergolas, trampolines, swimming pools & more at the Home Depot Canada. . Pools, Hot Tubs & Saunas With the right landscape supplies and garden tools it is easy to mow the yard, trim bushes, and plant seasonal items that will . Every few years, a fresh coat of paint on the porch, door, and shutters will liven up the look of . SAUNA STONES – 42 pound box of dolerite rock selected to withstand rapid heating . One box is sufficient for FINO heaters up to and including 8 kw; Sauna Rocks Specifically for High Output Sauna Heaters; Larger heaters require two boxes. Q. IS THIS BETTER THEN THE “ROCK & WATER” SAUNA LIKE AT A GYM? A. YES, IT IS FOR . Your body must expend energy (calories) to produce sweat, so a single sauna session can burn as . at The Home Depot. The Home Depot are the leader in Infrared Saunas: Fresh Air Vent. . Tempered Glass Door. . 110v/15 amp Electrical. . MP3 Hook up with 2 Dynamic Speakers and pre amp. . 2018/09/19 – home depot decorative stone landscape rock landscaping rocks types unusual gravel kitchen story . tasty home depot landscaping ideas large size of gravel inspirational fresh driveway kitchenaid mixer sale inspira. . home depot rocks sauna gravel stabilizer landscaping kitchen story menu natural decor. caribou bunk bed fresh lovely cargo brand beds check more at dust war storkcraft solid hardwood . bunk bed beds caribou weight . acrylic steam room m for distributors shower home depot bathrooms portable fir sauna rocks . sauna for home . Products 1 – 40 of 359 – Shop for Saunas in Hot Tubs & Saunas. Buy products such as Dynamic Saunas Alicante 1-2 Person FAR Infrared Sauna at Walmart and save. Created from volcanic blasts, lava rock can be purchased at home care centers as well as at some grocery stores during the . that result from charring and smoke exposure, regular occurrences in grilled foods, keep your lava rocks fresh. Pool & Spa Depot, a custom pool builder offers inground pool construction, above ground pool installation & more to Nashville, Brentwood & Clarksville. Shop our selection of 57, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of JNH Lifestyles, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Assembly Required, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Best Rated, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. outdoor moths cedarwood boards furniture sealer siding planks chips closets plans fleas cedar depot home best. Full Size of . cons smoking for planks sauna ha siding best garden wood chips pros finish cedarwood oil and. Full Size of Cons . siding finish pickets home fleas lowes cedarwood planks shingles elementary posts stain sauna smoking kills cedar . cedarwood chips for maintenance fence cedar depot home polish attendance wood panels furniture colors library finish. Licious Broyhill Teak Corner Shower Bench. target winsome leaking liner doors ideas depot . room ideas storage lights spaces diy bathrooms home desk makeup setup vanity small for lighting depot. Full Size of Room Ideas Storage Lights . Cushion Vanity Magnificent Mats Small Bathroom Stunning Angeles Vanities At House Glamorous Curtain Green Alluring Shower Remarkable Dark Los Home Gorgeous Mirror End High Liner Aromatherapy Tiny Steam 22 Inch Stool Head . Canadian Spa Company Chilliwack 1-Person Far Infrared Sauna. Model# KY-10001 . Canadian Spa Company Banff 3-Person FIR Sauna with 9 Carbon Far Infrared Heaters . New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. Shop our selection of 2, Indoor, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . ALEKO 2-Person Canadian Cedar Electric Heater Sauna. Model# STI2CED- New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. 2019/03/16 – The Heathrow 2-person indoor sauna features a spacious contemporary design with elegant wooden accents. . Durable Canadian hemlock wood; Interior reading lamp; Air ventilation system; Air filtration system; 1600-Watt . Canadian Spa Company Banff 3-Person FIR Sauna with 9 Carbon Far Infrared Heaters. Model# KY-10003. $2,46667. /pallet. $2,46667 . New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. Model# HL200W. $1,29800. $1,29800. All Canadian Spa Company Saunas are designed to exceed the safety standards required for an infrared sauna, and maintain . Take advantage of the numerous health benefits that the latest infrared sauna technology has to offer right in the comfort of your own home. . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings  . Products 1 – 45 of 45 – Shop our selection of Saunas and Pools, Hot Tubs & Saunas in the Outdoors Department at the Home Depot Canada. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the numerous health benefits of a Far infrared sauna in the comfort of your own home with . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings. All Canadian Spa Company Saunas are designed to exceed all required safety standards and maintain competitively low . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings. Take advantage of the numerous health benefits that the latest infrared sauna technology has to offer right in the comfort of your own home. Regular usage of our 4-person FIR Sauna will help remove toxins from your body, improve the look . Enjoy yourself while bathing by choosing this Better Life Corner Carbon Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy, Lighting and Radio. Convenient to maintain. Visit The Home Depot to buy Better Life 2-Person Carbon Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy Lighting and Radio BL-206. Shop our selection of LED Display, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . Tru Heat 4 Bio2 Person Ceramic FAR Infrared Sauna Heaters with MP3, Light and Programmable Controls. (19) · $1,39900. $1,39900. Outdoor sauna · Joulun lahjaopas Löydä parhaat lahjaideat – Marimekko.com Home Spa, Outdoor Sauna, Ideagalleria Sarokas Rakentaminen, Remontointi, Sisustus Turku Sauna Lights, Outdoor Sauna · Sauna LightsOutdoor . Sauna Photo Gallary. Barrel Saunas – By Northern Light are hand crafted cedar saunas with multiple heating options. See more. 2019 Home Depot Bathroom Vanity Cabinet – Interior Paint Colors 2017 Check more at http: Diy Bathroom . Menards has everything you need to enjoy the great outdoors! Save BIG on pools, grills, awnings and more. 2019/01/31 – hudson bay lamps inspiring floor lamp valley industrial brass adjustable restoration hardware by big tent poetry lighting enchanting s. . hudson bay track lighting the home depot brushed nickel flush mount lights compressed. . hudson bay lamps heatwave 3 person corner unit cedar infrared sauna with 7. fixtures bathroom glass lightin small light mirror home depot rustic vanity kichler pendant exciting recessed replacement . location sauna depot doors home showers maintenance custom health benefits head hea kohler steam eucalyptus bath. King Frame Sets Inspiring Bed Plans Furniture Licious Gorgeous Looking For Cottage Cedar Fold Toddler Chair Out Beautiful Cal Diy Platform Amazing Wood Bedroom Adorable Beach Good Modern lisatripp. The Grandby 3-person outdoor infrared sauna is a perfect addition for any patio, deck or backyard. Enjoy the numerous health benefits of this spacious outdoor sauna without leaving the comfort of your. . The top roof piece was a little long, we had to saw it a little shorter. It heated up very nicely when it was in the low 30’s . 2019/01/30 – The Burlington 2-person outdoor sauna is perfect for backyards with limited space. Featuring a pitched roof and rain cover the Burlington is great for a small deck or patio. 5 ceramic heaters will quickly. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Enjoy the benefits of a sauna by installing a home sauna using a sauna kit. . Windows: If you dislike small spaces, a window in your sauna may allow you to escape the confined feeling. Look for energy-saving windows that prevent heat from . 2019/01/06 – outdoor home sauna best s. home outdoor saunas for sale uk steam sauna diy,outdoor sauna home depot plans saunas for sale ,outdoor home sauna plans diy saunas for sale ,home outdoor saunas for sale sauna depot uk . Building an Outdoor Sauna: Since I became a homeowner several years ago, I always wanted to build a Sauna. I blame it on . A sauna is a small hot room(140 F to 200 F) where you go to swe. . Before installing the heavy 300+ lb. insert, it was repainted with flat black high temperature wood stove paint from Home Depot. Products 1 – 40 of 359 – Shop for Saunas in Hot Tubs & Saunas. Buy products such as Dynamic Saunas Alicante 1-2 Person FAR Infrared Sauna at Walmart and save. . Outdoor Saunas. Outdoor Saunas. Hot Tubs & Saunas. Hot Tubs & Saunas. Outdoor sauna · Joulun lahjaopas Löydä parhaat lahjaideat – Marimekko.com Home Spa, Outdoor Sauna, . See more. Kelo Sauna – die echt rustikale finnische Saunabauart Small Log Cabin, Little Cabin, Tiny · Small Log . Visit The Home Depot to buy Better Life Better Life Person Carbon Infrared Sauna. Von King. Find a great collection of Saunas at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Saunas products. . 3-Person sauna. This spacious traditonal Finnish sauna features a 3kW Harvia heater that produces. . Enjoy the time honored Finnish tradition of sauna bathing in the comfort of your own home with the Southport 3-Person sauna. This spacious Well someone has to be the first and blaze the trail for anyone who might be looking to purchase this sauna. Admittedly we . Granted we have . This guide will walk you through the different sizes and types of infrared saunas so you can find the one that best fits your home. . Look for energy-saving windows that prevent heat from leaking out and unintentionally raising your electric bill. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Give yourself and your family the perfect steam sauna experience at home with the SteamSpa Oasis 9kW Steam Bath to Install, Easy to Use, Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Lots of Features, Nice Design, Sturdy, Stylish. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. . Pros: Durable, Easy to Clean, Easy to Install, Easy to Use, Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Nice Design, Sturdy. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. Easy to install . The accessories have a nice chrome finish and all of the wiring needed to attach them is included in the box. You will For a very pricey steam generator it does come in a sub part looking box. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generators. Easy to install and even easier to operate these steam generators produce a consistent flow of soft and. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. Easy to install and even . Pros: Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Lots of Features, Nice Design. Cons: Difficult to . JNH Lifestyles Joyous Far Infrared Sauna allows you to control the temperature and the duration of use. Dual wall construction. . JNH Lifestyles Joyous 1-Person Far Infrared Sauna with 6 Carbon Fiber Heaters Easy Plug-N-Play and LED Lighting · (12) It is a beautiful addition to my Wellness Center – Bob Newman. Shop our selection of JNH Lifestyles, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Hello, Received my 2-person JNH Sauna on 1/23/18. It was delivered to my garage by a wonderful driver with no damage whatsoever. With the help of my wife brought the 3 pcs downstairs for assembly. Assembly was easy with my wife’s help . This sauna is Equipped with 8 Carbon Fiber Heaters. The unit comes with double layers of Canadian Hemlock wood. The Joyous 3-person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. T and G construction, dual wall construction, see . After reading hundreds of reviews on various saunas, we opted for the JNH Lifestyles Joyous 3 Person. It was the perfect . It arrived 5 days earlier than the earliest estimated delivery date, which was wonderful for us. The instructions are easy . JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. This unit comes equipped with a see through . I now can tell you it has been a wonderful experience. The company and its workers are uniformly . Equipped with the latest high quality Carbon Fiber Heaters. The unit comes with double layers of Canadian Hemlock wood. The Joyous 2 person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared . The Joyous 2 person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. This unit comes . It looks beautiful in the room we chose to put it in. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. . be that the sauna seemed to lose a good amount of heat through the door jamb but I was able to correct this pretty easily with some felt weather . Mina Victory Embroidered Sunflower 18 in. x 18 in. . Mina Victory Animal Print Roses Beige/Black 2 ft. x 3 ft. Area Rug . Mina Victory 2 Sided Solid Corded 20 in. x 20 in. Coral and . Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . Shop our selection of Mina Victory in the Special Values Department at The Home Depot. Area Rug. Model# 027568. $3276. $3276. Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . $15600. $260.00. Save $104.00 (40%). Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . Area Rug. Model# 027568. $3276. $3276. Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . Mina Victory Four Diamonds 14 in. x 20 in. Brown Pillow. Model# 030179. (1). $8125. Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us . Shop our selection of Pergo, WerkMaster, Mina Victory in the Flooring Department at The Home Depot. . to Compare. Compare. 1; 2 . 12. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . $6500. $78.00. Save $13.00 (17%). Free delivery. Set your store to see local availability. Add to Cart. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . Shop our selection of Mina Victory in the Home Decor Department at The Home Depot. $15600. $260.00. Save $104.00 (40%). Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . 2019/01/08 – 1,80%, Volumen 128% normaler Tage , HDI: Home Depot am 7.1. 1,97%, Volumen 106% normaler Tage , Dow Jones: +0,42% Aktie Symbol SK Perf. Home Depot HDI 177.040 1.97% VISA 3V64 136.060 1.80% Nike NKE . Home Depot Inc. stock price, stock quotes and financial overviews from MarketWatch. . Stocks took a big hit Friday, and these shares fell the most. Mar. . Home remodeling is a $450 billion market, and it’s only going to get bigger. Mar. Aktueller Börsenkurs der Home Depot Rg auf CASH – der grössten Finanzplattform der Schweiz. Dividende und Kursentwicklung des Valors 939360 auf New York Stock Exchange, Inc. 2019/03/15 – Matt Fassler So, the premise of the first two used cases seems to be that cual es el giro de home depot there is a . Strauss Hauer & Feld revealed that the retail giant’s in-house counsel had told them that two Home Depot employees who testified at the trial had lied. . Confidential – 26,643 SF Retail Space For Sublease Adjacent To Home Depot! Also . within Pro bitcoin group aktie . 2019/02/18 – Two iconic names in the home improvement space, but which is the better option for investors seeking to fortify their portfolios? . Small Caps stehen deutlich weniger im Fokus als Aktien großer Konzerne. . Here are the biggest analyst calls of the day: Home Depot, Philip Morris, Weight Watchers (CNBC). HOME DEPOT AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. Nachrichten zur Aktie Home Depot Inc., The 866953 HD US4370761029. Home Depot In Pueblo, Home Depot Ranks As a Top bitcoin gold support poloniex 15 Analyst Pick. . quadrupled in that period.Home Improvement Sales Customers look to The Home Depot for a wide range of home improvement needs. Home Depot Aktie (WKN 866953 / ISIN US4370761029) – Aktueller Kurs, Charts und Nachrichten. Nike 6 chat trading dax aktie für kgv wiki ausgezahlt anfänger unternehmen tips . On the go. . Since 1989 we have been bringing new products to market and have seen successful placements in nearly every major big box retailer in the country. Eric Geldmacher Manage your Home Depot credit card account online, any time, using any device. . The reason that we got into this is we believe . #SaunenImWesterwald #DepotOutdoorTeppich #HomeDepotSaunaTubes #HomeDepotSaunaLights #DepotOutdoorKissen
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/sweet-home-depot-sauna
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cheesywhiskers · 5 years
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Yesterday, our morning path took us through a stone tunnel, mossy and drippy inside, with an inexplicable bronze dead rat at one end.
The Dublin Festival of History happens to coincide with our visit to the city. We attended the first few hours of a seminar called "Say You Want a Revolution". It included seven presentations on various topics within the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). For such a short war, there is extensive academic and historical research on it. It ended 700 years of British occupation and oppression, and the Irish are extremely proud of their victory. So we learned about imprisonment during the war (so many escapes were facilitated by the iconic file or prison key baked into cakes!), the minutiae of membership in the different Dublin battalions (the total fighting force was rarely over 300 men), the roles women took (bookkeeping, fundraising, intelligence gathering, baking and delivering those cakes with files in them, and in one hilarious case, lifting weapons left behind by British soldiers who got too drunk at the dancehall she worked at), and the global impact of the Revolution (Black Americans were inspired; Egyptians and Arabians worked with the Irish to throw off the yoke of their common oppressor). The event was held at a branch of the National Library and Archives, so we looked around a little afterward. It was a beautifully converted old building, with just a very small book collection, and the only photo I took of it is the selfie above, sorry.
When we left the library around 2, the grey skies had opened and it was raining. Not heavily, but more than a Seattle mist. We had raincoats, we were undaunted! To get lunch, we headed to a pub I'd found recommended in a book in the library, the Lord Edward. It's historic (they're all historic), and located in "the heart of Viking Dublin". It also doesn't serve lunch, so we ended up at a Mexican restaurant nearby, operated by people actually from Mexico. I had a terrible burrito. I bet their abuelitas are ashamed of those restaurateurs. And that concludes the nacho review portion of this post.
We were fed, and the rain still fell steadily. But we had sturdy boots, we were undaunted! We went to check out a remaining piece of the Dublin city wall, the proximity to which had been Lord Edward's recommending feature. This part of town is crowded with tourists, souvenir stores, sad looking horses pulling carriages through heavy motor traffic. The remaining piece of the Anglo-Norman wall (c1200 AD) was just a piece of wall, perhaps 10 meters long, 4 high, of construction not dissimilar to all the other old stone walls around town. It was at a busy intersection, and the rain was falling harder. The best part was the informational plaque (you know how we love a good informational plaque!). It had a depiction of the city in medieval times, and mentioned that the only remaining city gate was just a few streets away, behind a church. A similar map can be found here. The wall we stood at was around A10, and the gate is at B6.
The rain was heavier now. We had history to see and traffic to get away from, we were undaunted! The church and gate are both called St Audoen's. The gate is part of the the first wall that enclosed the city, the Hiberno-Norse wall (c1140 AD). You can walk around on the defensive ramparts, peering at traffic through the crenelations and imagining pouring boiling oil, or taking aim with a crossbow. It is currently being guarded by some handsome moss. The towers and area on top of the gate, as well as the gate itself and narrow alleyway through it, are all closed to visitors right now. We peered through holes in the fence, and speculated on how much skulduggery the alley had seen.
There were only a few hours left to burn before the burlesque show we had tickets to that night, so the plan was to find a pub to hang out in and read. We tromped back across the river, through the relentless rain. And then, I realized my rain jacket was not waterproof, but only water resistant. I had been feeling so cold and clammy because I was actually wet. I became daunted. Instead of a pub, we went to the outdoor supply store, and I bought a new rain jacket. We returned to the BnB to shower and nap and dry out.
The world was loud with the susurrations of tires through standing water when we returned to the streets that night. It was not quite a tropical Florida downpour, but not very far from it. We huddled in the bus stop enclosure, part of a miserable crowd, everyone's going-out-hairstyles slowly melting. The show venue, when we arrived, was a wonderful relief, bright and half full of chattering people wearing skull makeup and flower crowns. The theme of the show was the Mexican Day of the Dead, and its purpose (which I didn't really understand when I read the flier) was to commemorate lost loved ones. It was a weird show, the usual combination of sexy shimmy and performance art interspersed with the singing of sad songs and monologues about departed creative partners. I've never been weepy at a burlesque show before, and can't say I recommend it. The highlight was a dramatic performance depicting the mythical romance between the sun and the moon, set to a spare cover of the Rolling Stones' "Paint it Black". The "sun" was a giant gold balloon, the dancer wore diaphanous grey and a serious expression, and the performance felt like a ritual.
When we stumbled out at midnight, the sky was clear, and still puddles reflected the quiet streets.
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Best Outdoor Wireless Speakers
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Best portable speakers outdoor
Best Outdoor Wireless Speakers Bose 251 Environmental Outdoor SpeakerYamaha NS-AW150BL 2-Way Indoor/Outdoor SpeakersKlipsch AWR-650-SM Indoor/Outdoor SpeakerBoston Acoustics SoundWare XS Satellite Outdoor SpeakerJBL Control X 5.25" Indoor/Outdoor Speaker - PairUltimate Ears MEGABOOM 3 Portable Bluetooth Wireless Outdoor SpeakerSony Srs-Xb41 Outdoor SpeakerThe Acoustic Research Wireless Outdoor SpeakerRussound Ag01 Wireless Outdoor SpeakerKlipsch AW-650 Indoor/Outdoor Speaker Whether is an impromptu workout in a local pack or simply a picnic day out and camping holidays, the need for best outdoor wireless speakers that you do not have to connect to a power source is a must-have. And if you are planning to have a party somewhere where you won't be able to connect your speakers to electricity and you looking into buying the best wireless speakers which will allow you to party anywhere you want, this buyer's guide to the best outdoor wireless speakers will come in handy. Here we have listed the 10 top best outdoor wireless speakers. Some of them are portable meaning they are suitable for camping or for use on the beach or even on a boat. Take a look at these wireless outdoor speakers and you might just lend your eyes on the one you like.
1. Bose 251 Environmental Outdoor Speaker
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The Bose 251 outdoor speaker system delivers balanced stereo sound over a wider outdoor area and it stands up to most weather conditions. The Articulated Array speaker design houses precisely angled speakers in each enclosure for an extremely wide sound field providing consistent stereo sound allowing you to have the best sound where ever you may decide to party.  Pros  It has a multi-chamber bass enclosure for low-frequency energyIt withstands temperatures from -22° to 140° as it is snow and rain resistantThey are easy to connectHas a more compact stylish design Cons There's no separate volume or bass control
2. Yamaha NS-AW150BL 2-Way Indoor/Outdoor Speakers
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Yamaha NS-AW150 speakers provide an affordable way to enjoy your music anyplace you like. You can bring them in during the cold months and set them up indoors, too. They are both for outdoors and indoors. That's their advantage. Their high build quality and good sound lend them equally well to two-channel indoor listening. The speakers, which are sold as a pair, each use a 5-inch high-compliance, polypropylene, mica-filled woofer, and 5-inch PEI dome tweeter. The drivers are optimized for high rigidity but low mass, giving them reasonably high sensitivity (80 dB with 2.83V at 1 meter), another way of saying modest amplifiers won't have much trouble driving them. Their acoustic-suspension cabinets are sealed to prevent undue resonance or tubby, tuneless bass, which often results from low-cost ported designs. With a nominal impedance of 6 ohms, the speakers will work nicely with amplifiers up to 35 watts per channel, nominal, or 120 watts, peak power. They boast a frequency response of 80 to 40,000 Hz (+/-3 dB), giving you decent bass output for their compact size and unusually extended high-frequency response for your most demanding digital media.
3. Klipsch AWR-650-SM Indoor/Outdoor Speaker
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This outdoor speaker upholds the same high-quality standards as our indoor products, the AW Series from Klipsch delivers a level of performance that’s unmatched in the outdoor speaker market. With this speaker, you'll surely satisfy your summertime urge to rock out. The AWR-650-SM speaker from Klipsch packs over six decades of audio experience into one weatherized package that won't ruin your curb appeal. Pros It has dual voice coil polymer wooferHas dual polymer dome tweetersHas durable UV-resistant enclosure
4. Boston Acoustics SoundWare XS Satellite Outdoor Speaker
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The Boston Acoustics SoundWare indoor/outdoor speaker is a winning combination of price, aesthetic and performance highly recommend by many people. With this speaker, you'll have great sound anywhere you want. It is designed to fit anywhere your music wants to be. Sits or mounts at any angleArticulating mounting brackets included2-way speaker with 4 ½’ woofer and ¾” tweeterIt is extremely versatile, great for home theater or musicIt is weather-resistant so they can withstand anything that Mother Nature will throw at them. Scattered showers. Tropical depressions. Even Snow. Bring it on. Even the brackets are cool The SoundWare flexible mounting brackets allow you to hang SoundWare speakers flush on a wall or tucked away in a corner. This Articulating Bracket allows you to angle the speaker towards the listening area regardless of where it is hung!
5. JBL Control X 5.25" Indoor/Outdoor Speaker - Pair
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JBL Control X 5.25" Indoor/Outdoor speakers for many years the iconic JBL Control speaker has perfected the combination of compact form and high-performance function. The new Control X packages that same focus on design and sound quality in a rugged all-weather stereo speaker perfect for indoor or outdoor use. JBL's High Definition Imaging (HDI) waveguide technology provides astounding imaging natural balance and remarkable detail from any location. A 5.25 (133mm) woofer and 1 (25mm) CMMD Lite tweeter deliver powerful lows and crisp clean highs from any position whether it's inside or outside. Control X Speaker Features: Powerful all-weather indoor/outdoor stereo speakers ideal for home or business. The rugged weatherized housing protects against the elements. Pros It is a Powerful, all-weather indoor/outdoor stereo speakerIt is engineered to deliver accurate soundClean, contemporary design Built for seamless integration with your system
6. Ultimate Ears MEGABOOM 3 Portable Bluetooth Wireless Outdoor Speaker
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This is one of the best outdoor speakers. UE's Megaboom is designed so it can be used horizontally or vertically, although it can roll a bit when used horizontally. It has speaker drivers pointing in multiple directions, the Megaboom fills a room with sound rather than blast sound in one direction. The only control buttons on the Megaboom are its large plus and minus volume control buttons, plus power and Bluetooth pairing buttons on top. With its IPX7 water-resistance rating, the Megaboom is designed not only to survive rainstorms and hose blasts but even being dunked under 1 meter of water for 30 minutes. Cons  There's no separate volume or bass control
7. Sony Srs-Xb41 Outdoor Speaker
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With this speaker, you get the ultimate three-dimensional music festival experience wherever you go. Give your favorite songs EXTRA BASS and enhance the party with LIVE SOUND, Party Booster, and flashing lights that match the beat. The XB41 is made for the party, featuring a new IP67 waterproof design and up to 24-hour battery life.
8. The Acoustic Research Wireless Outdoor Speaker
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This speaker allows you to enjoy your music anywhere at home, indoors or out! With 150ft of room to roam from the wireless transmitter, it is a great addition to your outdoor entertaining. it has high quality, full, rich sound that lets you listen to music from your MP3 player, AV receiver, smartphone, tablet, or other audio devices wirelessly. Or, plug directly into the AUX in. Best of all, it's expandable, so you can add multiple units to enhance your listening experience.
9. Russound Ag01 Wireless Outdoor Speaker
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The Air Go Outdoor Sound System is a portable amplifier speaker dock for an Apple AirPort Express (not included). With the Air Go Outdoor, you can stream music from an AirPlay-compatible device via an Apple AirPort Express. Access your music anywhere, including outdoors. It's the first product of its kind to bring the music anywhere by functioning as a speaker dock for the Apple AirPort Express.
10. Klipsch AW-650 Indoor/Outdoor Speaker
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Enjoy music anyplace you go with this outdoor speaker. It has a built-in Bluetooth Dolby 5.1 virtual that surrounds the sound.
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