apebook · 9 months
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galavande · 2 months
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Though it's w h i m s i c a l , so what?
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kyuzjini · 1 month
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꒰ঌ ✩°。⋆ Shes a certified FREAK !
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beautifullytrvgic · 2 months
Welcome To The Neighborhood
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "Playing Dangerous - Lana Del Rey" 0:50 ━━━━●───── 04:57 ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
ღpairing: Toji Fushiguro x AFAB! reader | modern AU
ღwarnings: NSFW!! (minors DNI) , encouragement, praise, pet names, age gap, d!lf Toji, v!rgin Y/N
''Looking at me, then suddenly.. I'm in love, I'm in love, lovin' hurricane''
ღword count: 4.3k
ღ a/n: I DID IT YALL !! First-ever fic and smut DONE! I hate degradation so I made him kinda sweet? hope that's still ok! FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!! | divider by menschenopfer 
𓆸 summary: You decide to visit your new neighbor with a welcome gift and it seems like he caught your eye.. and you his.
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The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the kitchen countertops as you sighted to yourself, wiping the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. You didn't know how many hours you'd spent baking the cheesecake brownies that were in front of you, each square placed perfectly inside a basket with a white handmade bow on it- a nice welcome gift for the new neighbor next door, you mused. It was the morning when you started baking.. which only meant you'd spent pretty much all of your day. Great. Quickly, you walked over to the sink and turned the faucet lever up to wash your hands, which like your apron, had a little bit of flour. As you did so, you checked the clock on the pale yellow wall in front of you. It was exactly 5 PM, the perfect time. You glanced at the window which was near the clock, slightly balancing your body to the side. You could see the house in front of yours with the lights on, meaning the neighbor was home- probably finishing unpacking. Soon after his car, a black Ford, was seen parked on the outside of his home's garage a few days prior, a bunch of whispers started to arise about his arrival- that he was divorced with a kid whom he lost custody to, that he looked scary, that he wasn't the friendliest guy and that no one knew anything about him- he wasn't on the internet, social media, nothing (again, from what you've heard. Not like you've done any research yourself). Well, the only thing that was for certain known about him was his name- Toji. You repeated the name mentally, a note so that you'd remember it and not embarrass yourself.
Despite it all, you were determined to extend a warm welcome nonetheless since at the end of the day, rumors were just rumors and it isn't like he's secretly a serial killer, right? Forcing an enthusiastic smile, you placed your hair up in a messy bun and walked to your bedroom, grabbing the first shoes you could see on the floor before sitting down on the edge of your bed and putting them on. Once you finished, you walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed your keys, placed them inside one of the pockets of your apron, and gently grabbed the basket of brownies. Soon enough, you walked outside and locked the front door.
You made your way to the neighbor's doorstep, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. He'd accept the gift, right? I mean, who wouldn't? As you approached his front door under the archway, you swiped your apron in a swift motion, trying to remove the remains of the flour so that you'd look at least presentable. With a soft knock on the wooden door, your heart raced with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, waiting for someone to come out. However, there was nothing. Not a single sound. Your eyes, which now carried a confused expression, searched for a doorbell but you rapidly realized there was none. In response, you gently placed your head against the door as you tried to listen for any sign of movement before knocking again, except louder this time. Maybe he wasn't home and forgot to turn the lights off? After a few moments later, however, you heard some heavy footsteps coming closer and closer, making you step back onto the small rug on the stone tiled floor. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a man with striking features and piercing eyes. He seemed to be in his mid 30's and was tall- really tall, so you raised your head and glanced at him up and down. He was brawny and had straight black hair, wore a black tank top and some black jeans, seemed a bit sweaty. You realized how long you've been staring in silence when he moved, placing his hands on his hip and giving you a curious look with his dark blue eyes. Oops. You blinked, recalling why you were there in the first place before your eyes trailed downwards, realizing you were still holding the basket of brownies. Right, the brownies!
"Toji?" you asked, offering a tentative smile and your friendliest tone of voice.
The man raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "That's me." He responded in a nonchalant manner before crossing his arms and slightly leaning no the side of the door. "You need somethin’?” Toji stared into your eyes. His voice sounded slightly lyrical yet had a bit of roughness to it. Wasn't really what you expected him to sound like, which caught you a bit off guard.
The truth is, he really didn't expect anyone to visit him or to see a sight like you when he opened the door. A little lady wearing an apron over her dress, a bit covered with flour, wearing a bun, holding a basket? Unexpected, yes. But, I mean, it's not like he was bothered by it. In fact, you could say it was quite the opposite.
You cleared your throat, holding out the basket that was open so that he could see the inside. He peeked inside for some moments before looking at you again, the same stare as before. "I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood," you said, sounding more awkward than confident. At that moment, His gaze slowly softened as he took the basket from your hands, rough and soft fingers meeting with each other only for seconds before they parted, a hint of a smile starting to grow in the corners of his lips where a small scar lay. You had the urge to ask him how he got it, but of course, you refrained from it as you didn't want to sound disrespectful. Despite this though, you really couldn't help but look fixedly at it. Toji wasn't stupid, so he may have noticed. Probably.
''Ah, ain't that thoughtful of you.'' He said, sniffing the inside of the basket before stepping inside his home, extending his arm to motion you to follow him with his fingers. "Come on in," He chimed. And so, that's what you did- followed him into the living room, taking in the ambiance of his home as your eyes looked around. It seemed recently unpacked like you guessed before, and it was spacious; had a modern style to it, low lighting, simple but fancy. All the furniture had a black-and-white color palette, but the lamps placed on the floor and in the open kitchen emitted a warm glow, giving the place a more homey feeling. It was the home you'd expect a rich CEO or a bigshot lawyer to live in. You turned slowly to see the basket placed on his dinner table and Toji staring at you in a way you couldn't quite describe. He was leaning against the kitchen's isle, one of his hands lightly rubbing his hair while the other rested on the edge of the black-marbled surface. As he let out a small chuckle, what was a hint of a smile turned into a full one. "I finished unpacking a few minutes before you came. Looks good, doesn't it?" he asked, though it sounded more like a spoken fact than an actual question. He walked further into the kitchen, turning his back on you as you answered.
"Yeah, it does" you replied honestly, walking to the isle and gently taking one of the 3 white stools and sitting on it. You stared at him as he opened a kitchen cupboard and took some items out, placing them on the counter in front of him. Watching him from behind made you realise how brawny he truly was. The man seemed to take care of his body like a vessel, which was kinda admirable. Before you could continue your trail of thought, he spoke again. "Tea or Coffee? I don't expect to eat all the brownies by myself, y'know." he said in a teasing tone as his head and body turned to look at you. Now you could see the items in front of him- two dark blue cups with a tiny spoon inside on each, a box with white sugar packages and another with sweetner, a container with coffee, and an opened wooden box which had tea packages inside. In response, you smiled at him and leaned to take a better look. "[your choice] is fine" You answered before he walked over to the table, grabbed the basket of brownies and went back to the spot he was standing on to open another cupboard and grab two tiny white plates. A few moments later he turned around fully for you to see that he intended for both of you to sit on his couch- walking over to it with the two plates with brownies. "You can sit wherever you want, I don't mind." he told you as ge walked back to bring the cups. "Oh- yeah, thanks" You stood up and walked to the couch before sitting comfortably on it before he joined you, sitting next to you and placing the cups on the white table in front of you, steam coming from the cups as the drinks were just prepared. He let out a small sigh, his arms resting on the back of the couch. "So, you haven't told me your name yet." He said, the last words sounding more like a tiny chuckle. Your eyes widened, a small awkward "ah" escaping from your mouth. Oops. "Right- sorry! I forgot." you said, gently brushing some hair strands out of your face. "I'm Y/N."
"Y/N.." he repeated in almost a mere murmur, eyes shrinking a little bit and smirk of his disappearing. You weren't sure why, but he seemed to stop for a second, thinking for some moments as if your name was some sort of surreal and magical thing or unreal beauty. His gaze met yours as he spoke again. "You have a pretty name." he said. You felt butterflies rising in your stomach, a smile forming on your lips as you quickly looked to the other side, unable to meet his eyes for some moments. You didn't know if it was because of the way he said it, how he looked like while saying it, or because you never got complimented about it in the first place. But those simple words coming out of his mouth were enough to make you feel like this. "Thank you." you said almost breathlessly. You wondered if he noticed the effect he had on you at that moment, but to your surprise, it seemed like he didn't.
Both of you started to talk about each other, and you told him a little bit about you- how you recently moved away from your parent's constant grip on you, how you were attending university and finally free. You talked and talked about your special interests, hobbies, favorite movies, and tv shows, and whenever you would start wondering if you were annoying him, he let you know that he was in the moment, he was listening and he cared- all with his gaze and subtle movement of his head as if telling you to "keep going, don't stop, I'm invested. I care." He also told you about himself- turned out the rumors were right on the divorce and kid situation. He separated from his ex-wife a few months before and had lost custody of his only son, Megumi, after she tried so hard to make Toji look bad and won. All he could do was see his son every once in a while with supervised visits. He didn't have any other family apart from him, but he was coping- moved to the town you lived in and decided to start again. You told him how bad you felt for him, that you'd be there if he ever needed anyone to talk to, and he appreciated it.
You quickly switched the topic, trying to lighten the mood in the room. As both of you kept talking, you started to notice some things- the way he had this.. interesting demeanor around him, the way he paid complete attention and focus when you spoke and maintained eye contact, the way he spoke so smoothly yet carried this rasp with it. You didn't want to look like a creep, but he was just.. different. He seemed different. Of course, you didn't want him to notice the way you were starting to look at him, the way your eyes sometimes trailed off to his lips, how you sometimes found yourself playing with your nails nervously. Every time you liked someone, it always ended up in you having a broken heart. You never dated anybody, never kissed, never held hands. All of that was just a dream- something you'd read in a romance book or watched on the TV. Every single guy didn't seem to like something about you, there was always something that prevented them from seeing you in another light. "You're too chubby" "You're not my type" "I'm not interested in dating right now".. always alone, always the ugly friend or the comedic relief but never the pretty one. Besides, throwing yourself to a recently divorced man, an older man who had a kid, wasn't the most morally correct thing to do. You weren't that desperate, that low, that- "Hi, what."
A voice suddenly interrupted you. Toji's voice. He was staring at you, arms crossed. He was trying to figure you out, trying to understand the expression you had on your face, what were you thinking about for so long that you didn't realize you'd been staring directly into his eyes with an almost dreamy look for the past 15 minutes. "Hm?" you asked, blinking as if you'd just woken up from a long dream, staring confused. Shit shit shit. "Stop looking at me like that." He said with a tone that was so monotone it was hard to read. Was he angry? Puzzled? Happy? You didn't know. Your eyes widened, fingers fidgeting with each other as you attempted to act natural, to make him think it was all in his imagination. Yeah, that would work. "Like wwhat?" You asked with a kind smile, maintaining eye contact to show confidence, though you stammered in the middle. He sighed and looked at you up and down so quickly you didn't even notice he did. "Like that, like you're waitin' for something." He continued, making a motion with his head towards you as if stating the obvious- which pretty much was with the way you were acting. "Keep looking at me like that and see where that gets you."
You didn't move, you didn't stop looking at him. You probably looked so pathetic right now, so strange- but you didn't know how to respond, lips parting as if wanting to say something, to tell him he was being delusional, but that would be a lie. Instead, only a short breath came out, no words. "Son of a bitch," he muttered, shaking his head a little as he stared to the side, placing a hand over his eyes. Fuck, you angered him, didn't you? He probably wouldn't speak to you ever again. He was probably thinking about you immature you were, how desperate, how much of a creep you were. "C'mere." Those were the last words you heard before his lips crashed into yours, bodies coming together and becoming one on that couch, one of his strong hands cradling the back of your head while the other brought you closer to him by pulling on your cute little apron, sitting you on his lap as if you weighted like a feather. You didn't squirm away, nor did you want to as you felt his lips travel to your neck and give it soft pecks. You almost felt hypnotized, in a lucid dream except for the sole fact that this was real, this was happening. Both of you forgot about the brownies. "Shit- you really want this?" He asked, lips leaving your neck as he stared at you. He was serious, asking you for permission before going any further as he held you. You nodded, bringing your lips to his and giving him a kiss. "Yes." And so, that was all he needed to hear.
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You didn't exactly remember how you ended up sitting on the edge of the marbled kitchen isle, back arched and eyes shut close while you felt his lips and tongue explore your body and what felt like your soul, giving your neck, collarbone, arms, hands and then legs tiny little kisses and then bites and licks that made you part your lips and sigh as he moved lower and lower in a way that was so, oh, so painfully slow. In a swift motion, he lifted your dress and removed your white panties as he stood in front of you. You heard him say something, but he spoke in a whisper so you couldn't quite catch what he said. He placed the panties next to you and stared at you, breath hitching as if he'd just seen the most beautiful thing on earth. His arms held you on your hips, giving them a small squeeze. "Spread those legs for me." He ordered in a tone that was gentle yet firm. And of course, that's exactly what you did, spread them a little as your legs started to shake with a mix of nervousness and excitement, not knowing what would happen next. He seemed to notice because his eyes trailed down before meeting your eyes again. "Relax, let me take care of you." You felt like a cat got your tongue, so all you could do was nod before he kissed your legs, then your inner thighs, and then your cunt, giving it all his attention as he kissed and then You suddenly tensed in response to the unusual feeling, a soft gasp escaping your mouth. It felt so strange yet so good, an uncontrollable feeling of warmth and pleasure you couldn't quite put a name to. However, that stopped as he moved away to look at you. "You're so tense.." He said, voice trailing off and eyes looking to the side before they widened with a hint of realization. "You've done this before, right?" He asked, tone dead serious as he waited for an answer, mouth getting farther from your body yet his hands still holding you.
You quickly opened your eyes widely and you cursed yourself out in your mind. You should have told him you're a virgin the moment he started kissing you, but you didn't. You opened your mouth to speak, but you couldn't. He seemed to understand your point because he took a step behind and brushed his hair back "Fuck, I should have asked before I.." he sighed, shaking his head as he turned around. You sat up, closing your legs. "But I want to, I told you" you started, but he raised a hand before making a 'no' motion with one of his fingers, turning to stare at you. "Look, girls your age should be with boys their age. And besides, haven't your parents or friends told you your first time should be special and all of tha-" you suddenly cut him off, voice as firm as his. "boys my age don't look at me. And this is special to me." You said, crossing your arms. You didn't flinch when saying this, you truly meant every single word. He made a 'tch' sound and just stared at you for some moments, thinking. "Please?" You asked, naturally making a tiny little pout as you waited for his response. That seemed to convince him because as soon as you said that, he moved closer to you and used his hands to spread your legs before gently pushing you so that your back lay against the surface, him now standing between your legs. You gave him a silent thank you, and he kissed your inner thigh as a 'your welcome'. "Still, if you really want to do this, we're gonna have to do this a little differently." He whispered, taking a deep breath against your cunt, making your breath hitch. You gave him a small nod, and he started to slowly lick you again. Your hands found his hair, which you grabbed as you felt the unusual feeling of pleasure start to rise, eyes closing and lips parting with nothing but a breathless moan coming out of you. It felt so good, his tongue parting your folds and finding your sensitive clit as you wanted to close your legs but couldn't as he had a firm grip on them. ''ah- Toji..'' you moaned as he sucked and kissed, sucked and kissed and repeated while you squirmed beneath him, because of him. To say the view wasn't pretty would be the biggest lie he could ever tell- he was falling for you, he thought you were beautiful and the fact he was the one that was taking away your innocence.. he didn't want to admit how much that turned him on. He wanted you to feel pretty, to see yourself the way he was seeing you, to understand how fucking adorable you were. And so, with each lick, he gave you silent praises- that you were gorgeous, that you were doing so good for him. And he meant every word. He really did. ''I'm gonna put a finger inside, yeah?'' he whispered, almost out of breath as his hand moved to your clit, softly tapping on it before it moved to your pretty little hole. You gave him a quick yes, and slowly and carefully, his finger entered you. You made a small gasp both out of the sudden pain and pleasure, a reaction that was expected considering this was your first time. ''You alright?'' he asked you. He wanted you to be comfortable, he wanted to limit your pain as much he could. ''Yeah..yeah i'm okay.'' you replied. You wanted him to continue, and that's exactly what he did.
As his finger slid in and out of you slowly but starting to pick up a pace, you started to feel a burning heat inside, a rising pleasure so sharp your squirming grew and your moans became louder. You opened your mouth to speak, but only moans came out. Of course, he knew what that meant. And so, he started going faster, becoming more aggressive. Your legs were shaking, trying to close themselves when they couldn't, Toji's free hand caressing them as he kept going and going. And then- it happened. You felt free, released- as if the weight you had in your belly, the pressure, was leaving you. It felt so otherworldly, nothing compared to the feeling. Your breath quickened, toes curling and mouth opened as breathless moans escaped your lips. You simply weren't in control of your body anymore, or at least it felt like it. Toji watched your reactions as he grabbed one of your hands and kissed your knuckles softly, content with the fact he was the one making you react this way, making you feel pleasure like this for the first time ever. ''There you go, dove.'' he whispered as you calmed down, caressing your hand as a smirk started to form on his lips. ''That's a good girl.'' A smile immediately appeared on your lips, the heat on your body increasing even more as you heard his words. He had a way of speaking that he for sure knew what he was doing, and he wasn't shy about it. You liked that. You liked him, and in this moment, you could even say you loved him- though..that would probably be a bit too soon. He looked at you for some moments, simply admiring you. You looked beautiful- legs spread out, skin a bit red with the blush that had appeared, your cute dress up to your stomach. Truly divine.
A few moments later, you heard the noise of hands unbuckling a belt, his belt, dropping it to the floor and opening a plastic wrapper before taking off his boxers. He gently grabbed your legs, placed them comfortably over his shoulder as he gave them kisses. You knew what was about to happen, or at least thought you did, and you were ready. You were ready for him, willing to give your own soul for him at this point. He moved close to you until his lips were next to your ear so you could listen to him warn what he was about to do. Last chance, he said, before it was too late. You didn't move. You wanted him. And so, as careful and slow as he could, he slid his cock inside of you. He grunted as you tightened around him, and you moaned out his name, trying not to shout at that exact moment. He was big- huge even compared to you, but it felt fucking amazing, for both of you. Toji had to control every inch of his being not to fuck you restlessly right there, not to mark you so much that no man would ever dare to touch you, just him. You could say that, in that moment, he loved you. He started moving, sliding in an out of you as he took your virginity and claimed your body and soul. You were his, and he was yours. He groaned, moaning your name and like before, praising you. ''Look at me'' he ordered as he started to pick up his pace, gently using his thumb to lift your chin up. He wanted to see every reaction you made. ''There you go, you're taking me so well, hm?'' he praised between movement. As you started to feel the now familiar heat inside your tummy, you closed your eyes shut. ''Toji.. I..'' he started fucking you faster, kissing your cheek in response ''I know, m'too.'' he grunted. You almost clawed on his hand as you grabbed it tightly- you were so, so close. He kept going, in and out, in and out, in and out and repeat until both of you saw stars, until both of you collapsed together as one, as if you were no longer you- but Toji was you and you were Toji. And so, both of you had become one.
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Die TKKG Folge "Hinterhalt am schwarzen Fels" ist ein absoluter Fiebertraum
Hab mich vor ein paar Nächten spontan für diese Folge entschieden, da ich was zum einschlafen gebraucht habe und dann ist es so wild geworden, das ich bis zum Ende wach geblieben bin. Hier ein paar meiner Favoriten in (fast) chronologischer Reihenfolge:
TKKG haben einen Millionärssohn eines Fastfoodriesen inklusieve Bodyguard in der Klasse, der unbedingt mit Gabi zusammen kommen möchte. Sein genialer Plan ist, das sein Bodyguard ein paar Schlägertypen angagiert um Tim zusammenzuschlagen, damit sich Gabi von ihm abwendet. Absolut lückenloser Plan
Gleichzeitig macht sich eine Terrorgruppe fertig, dass Internat zu überfallen um zwei Schüler zu entführen
Die Terroristen stürmen also die Schule, bedrohen alle Anwesenden mit Waffen und fallen in der Klassenzimmer von TKKG ein
Aber Überraschung, Überraschung die ganze Klasse ist eine Woche früher auf Klassenfahrt gefahren als erwartet und die Terroristen stehen in einem leeren Zimmer und ziehen unverrichteter Dinge wieder ab.
Der Grund warum das die Terroristen nicht gewusst haben, war, das der Anführer sein Handy verloren hat, ihm es aber zu peinlich war es seinen Mitverschwören und Informanten zu sagen, bekommt also die Info nicht mit.
Gabi erfährt im Bus von ihrem Vater, das is diesen Überfall gegeben hat. Aber anstelle, das die Klasse, die ganz klar das Ziel dieser Attake war, wieder nach Hause fährt, setzen sie die Fahrt fort.
Sowohl die Terroristen als auch die Schlägertypen folgen ihnen also auf die Klassenfahrt
Angekommen machen sich TKKG, zusammen mit Rebecca (?) (Tochter eines Gefängnisdirektors, wird später noch wichtig) auf, einen Spaziergang im Wald zu machen. Dort treffen hören sie einen Schuss, rennen auf eine Lichtung und treffen auf besagten Millionärssohn mit Bodyguard, die allem Anschein nach eine geschützte Taube geschossen haben. Tim stürzt sich also auf sie und geigt ihnen seine Meinung und wendet ein minimum an Gewalt an.
Promt kommen die beiden Schläger um die Ecke, die nun einen Grund haben auf Tim los zu gehen, das sie ja nur die Bodyguard "verteidigen"
Tim schlägt die beiden promt Krankenhausreif und sie gehen wieder zurück in die Jugendherberge.
Dort wollen sie natürlch herausfinden was los ist und brechen in deren Zimmer ein, wo Tim eine Liste mit Telefonnummern findet, die er sich aufschreibt.
Obwohl die Schule gerade erst überfallen wurde, macht sich die Klasse auf den Weg zu einer Nachtwanderung um den im Titel genannten "Schwarzen Fels" zu besuchen an dem natürlich Menschenopfer stattgefunden haben.
Auf dem Weg kommen sie an einem Wolfsgehege vorbei, wo Tim von seine*r Lehrer*in aufgefordert wird dich mal zu heulen, da er das schienbar so gut kann. Und die Wölfe antworten sogar. Laut ihm übt er immer unter der Dusche.
Am Fels angekommen stürzen sich die Terroristen aus dem Gebüsch. Nachdem die ganze Gruppe eingeschüchtert ist, suchen sie sich ihre Geiseln raus. Neben dem Millionärsbubi und Rebecca suchen sie sich noch vier vollig unwichtige Nebenpersonen raus, die man gleich vergessen kann.
ENDLICH fährt die Klasse wieder nach Hause.
Es wird auch die zu erwartende Lösegeldforderung verschickt, aber natürlich erkennt TKKG das da mehr dahintersteckt. Und natürlich hat das was mit Rebecca zu tun, da im Gefängniss ihres Vaters vor kurzen eine Gruppe Terroristen festgesetzt wurde.
Als Gabi Rebeccas Vater anrufen möchte erkennt Tim die Nummer als eine von denen die auf der Liste des Bodyguards steht. Als Versuch ruft Tim eine der anderen Nummern an die eine durchgestrichene ersetzt und natürlch erkennt Tim die Stimme des Anführes der Terroristen.
Die nächste logische Aktion ist es natürlich nicht die Polizei zu rufen, stattdessen fährt Tim zu besagten Bodyguard und schlägt auch diesen krankenhausreif um alle Infos zu bekommen.
KKG kommen kurze Zeit später hinzu und das erste was Tim sagt ist: "Wisst ihr die Nummer vom Notarzt, der wird hier gebraucht" (oder so ähnlich).
Natürlcih dürfen die Vier mit auf diesen Einsatz um neun Terroristen zu verhaften. Sie sitzen im Mannschaftswagen und Tim hat das einzige Fernglas an sich gerissen und obwohl sie den Wagen natürlich nicht verlassen dürfen, stürmen sie sofort nach drausen sobald sie ihre Mitschüler sehen.
Meine Mitbewohnerin, die gar keine Hörspiele konsumiert, musste sich schon gestern meinen Rant anhören und sie war sehr verstört.
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✮⋆˙ 💥HELLO. I'm gems! this is a blog for fallout and mainly fallout self shipping. my main rn is The Ghoul/cooper Howard but once I play more of fallout 4 again, I'm sure my Travis and Nick Valentine love will come back. i still need to make s/is for them since I don't ship my vault dweller with them. 💥pronouns: any but mainly he/him
💥 my self-insert with coop is named James "Jambo" Bradley. They go by any pronouns. il make a whole post about them eventually.
💥 I have only played Fallout 4. I need to play the others. i just can't wrap my brain around nv. 💥only reblogs vaultghoul in a BROTP manner, not romantic.
💥 as a up and coming self-ship blog, I really want to get into said community and be open to ask memes and questions. will draw more of my ocs when i can. i already have jambo portraits. 💥 PROSHIPPERS DNI
💥 frames made by menschenopfer
💥 dividers made by florietas and saradika-graphics
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agsmicons · 3 months
(Very late) day 2 of editing event
Sorry that some of these were late!
Here’s what I did for day 2 of @courtt-jstr ‘s editing event
Prompt- a heavily introverted character
Kohane azusawa graphics
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“I decided to do this, so I've got to see it through.”
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icon masks used by luigraphics, revivalrequiem,and Vicky20049 on Pinterest(2nd one)
Dividers used from princessantisocial and saradika-graphics
Frames from nikolaismasquerade and menschenopfer
Thanks for stopping by! (Belated) hbd kohann!
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hazbinroomservice · 27 days
To Lucifer again
Heys I’m the person from last time here to answer your questions
1) not much
2)Humans are all pretty different some kind some not all pretty different
3)Tons of different ones
4)174 I think from what I read I could totally be wrong
5)They are all adorable!
also here’s a link to the duck song https://youtu.be/MtN1YnoL46Q?si=oPy_heKvlz3Kl7Bd
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hi again :))
i’m glad that some good was able to come from humanity :)
174!? HOLY SCHMOKESS, that makes me so HAPPY to hear. so MANY DUCKS.
what’s this? a link, okay i’ll watch it :)
oh wow! what’s that duck doing, he’s going, for grapes? at a lemonade stand? I LOVE IT. Humanity is WONDERRRFUL.
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creds: menschenopfer, estrellitqs, kgymz
A/N: seems lucifer is getting more creative with decorating his responses. Will preface every decoration on a character's post is DELIBERATE, look into that as you will. I like to think Lucifer goes for cute aesthetic firsts but his own insecurity sets in and starts going for a more demonic appearance to his replies.
We've seen Alastor has yet to put much effort in his responses, going for a more simpler style, but he may enjoy adding line dividers and images to his posts overtime. Vox is an internet fanatic, he can scour pages upon pages in an instant, his theme is almost apart of him.
Each character creates their own aesthetic, Husk hasn't discovered the art you can create in tumblr posts with cool dividers and photos, Angel will probably show him. I wanted to clarify it because the concept that each character was making a conscious choice to accessorise their posts was so exciting to me, so i hope you won't mind this long author's note. it includes lore! so i hope that makes up for rambling.
thank you for engaging, coffin anon.
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v0iddarl1ng · 2 months
"Come,eat without leaving anything"
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My first art in SAI I post here.My kinn song,or just fits my jokes that I'm eating my freinds and just everything.
Devider made by: @menschenopfer
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sixii · 14 days
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Spiderman(Live Action/ATSV)
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robertstripling · 4 months
wieder zu Hand schreiben; ich meine ›per Hand zu schreiben‹ nachdem alles mit mir stagniert war (will sagen ›stagniert HATTE‹) über Wochen …; wieder in Berührung zu kommen also, sich auf Tuchfühlung mit dem Material zu begeben, dessen Physis nun spürbar, also hinter dem ›Kleid der Aufzeichnung‹, sein Körper – es hatte doch Wahrheit darin gelegen nicht wahr?, dass ich mich vor Jahren beispielsweise mit Eugen Drewermanns Lektüre der Genesis 22, 1-19 auseinandergesetzt hatte – »Abrahams Opfer aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht« – das klang einerseits seltsam schrullig besorgt oder war nur meinem Misstrauen geschuldet, gegenüber derart psychologischen Deutungen? Hatte aber andererseits tatsächlich eine ›ganz ernstzunehmende‹ Tiefe : die Abkehr von den Naturreligionen durch den Verzicht auf das Menschenopfer;
oder aber ganz banal, sage ich mir, starrend, ›augäpfelverausgabend‹!; die Wahrheit von Unterstreichungen in einem kl. Heft mit Aufsätzen aus dem Jahr 1986, muss es mir irgendwann antiquarisch zugelegt haben, habe manchmal den Impuls Jahre später ›genau den Satz‹ hinter dem unterstrichenen zu markieren!; dass wir Kinder auf eine Weise selbst ›geopfert‹, es ist unsere Zukunft auf diesem Planeten, nicht wahr?, wem sage ich das? – DASS ICH SELBST OPFERTE & DAMIT ›FÜR IMMER‹ BEHIELT, WAS ICH OPFERTE – die Dichtkunst?, die Liebesübertragungen?, (»man behält nur, was man opfert«), dass es doch darum ginge, sagte mir auf einem Spaziergang im August durch den Wingert M., die Gewaltspiralen zu durchbrechen, darum ginge es doch! Man muss nur sehen, was man um sich scharrt, sage ich mir; all die Dinge ›lesen‹, eben, das PHYSISCHE MATERIAL,
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dynamischreisen · 2 years
Max, Tag 19
Die attraktive Tote
Mein Plan, die Eindrücke dieser Stadt einfach auf mich wirken zu lassen, ist heute aufgegangen. Den ganzen Tag bin ich hin und her gelaufen, habe hier mir fremdes Essen probiert und dort für einen Kaffee gehalten, um die vorbeiziehenden Menschen zu betrachten. Irgendwann dann fiel mir ein, dass Arequipa die Heimat der weltberühmten Juanita ist. Also ab ins Museum! Dort habe ich viel über die Kultur der Inca gelernt, die in der gesamten Region bis zur Eroberung durch die Spanier vorherrschend war. Wie alle, hatte auch diese Kultur ihre Schattenseiten: Menschenopfer zur Besänftigung der Götter. Nach einer Reihe von Ausbrüchen der bis heute aktiven, die Stadt umgebenden Vulkane, wurde Juanita den Göttern überlassen. Auf 6000 Metern Höhe, durch gleichbleibende Minus 20 Grad perfekt konserviert. Noch mehr Nerd-Infos erspare ich Euch an dieser Stelle, halte aber fest, dass der Besuch sehr spannend war und der leblose Körper der damals 12-14 jährigen einen bleibenden Eindruck auf mich hinterlassen hat. Vielleicht nicht auf die Art von Bill Clinton, der 1996 meinte, Juanita sähe gut aus und dass er sie, wenn er single wäre, gerne auf ein Date einladen würde. Aber ich bin ja niemand, der den Leuten in ihre Sexualität reinredet.
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Fotografieren war verboten, daher ausnahmsweise ein Foto aus dem Internet.
Danach das gleiche wie vorher: durch die Gegend streunern, wie auf Reisen üblich, nicht unter 20.000 Schritten bleiben. Alles andere würde sich falsch anfühlen und Versuche, es entspannter anzugehen, scheitern eh jedes Mal aufs Neue.
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Auf dem Plaza de Armas habe ich dann noch ein Ska-Punk Konzert angesehen. Zwar hat der FBC Melgar Arequipa gestern das Pokalfinale verloren, aber wen würde so etwas denn vom Feiern abhalten?
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Morgen werde ich mal wieder früh aufstehen - um 03:00 Uhr kommt der Bus, der mich für den Besuch des Colca Canyons abholt. Zwar ist es nicht die richtige Jahreszeit, aber dennoch meine größte Chance, einen Condor mit eigenen Augen zu sehen.
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seraphiccan · 4 days
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introduction ᜊ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ᜊ
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name | le nom ; seraph
age | âge ; 18 ( 2006 )
born | née ; february 14 | février 14
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1 ; @menschenopfer
2 ; @plutism
3 ; @aqualogia
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frankysguatemala · 4 months
Nach der 2.Schlacht von Quetzaltenango
Nach der Schlacht zogen die Spanier am nächsten Tag nach Salcaja, das heute wie damals nur einen Kilometer östlich liegt. Die Quichè konnten keinen Widerstand mehr leisten, sodass die Spanier den Ort kampflos einnahmen.
Bemerkenswerterweise feierten die Militärkaplane Juan Godinez und Juan Diaz hier mit den spanischen Soldaten eine Messe. Nach der Metzgerarbeit wird Gott für den Sieg gedankt. Was für einen perversen Gott diese Männer doch hatten. Nicht einen Deut besser als die Götter der Azteken, die Menschenopfer forderten. Ja sogar noch viel widerlicher, da sie angeblich im Namen eines Gottes der Liebe unterwegs waren.
Dazu habe ich ein passendes Gedicht gefunden.
Bedürft ihr Proben eures Muts,
So schlagt euch wie die Heiden weiland,
Vergießt so viel ihr mögt des Bluts,
Nur redet nicht dabei vom Heiland.
Seid was ihr wollt, doch ganz und frei,
Auf dieser Seite wie auf jener;
Verhaßt ist mir die Heuchelei
Der kriegerischen Nazarener.
Friedrich Martin von Bodenstädt (1819-1892)
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derschandstaatinfo · 4 months
Zensur, Massenüberwachung und Wanzen: Das Weltwirtschaftsforum gegen die freie Welt
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Das Nationen vernichtende Imperium des Weltwirtschaftsforums sieht aus wie eine Werkstatt, die Teile aus den schlimmsten Diktaturen der Welt gestohlen hat, um Frankensteins woke-Monster zu schaffen. Es hat die Vorliebe der Azteken für Menschenopfer zur Abwehr von schlechtem Wetter, die Vorliebe der chinesischen Kommunisten für totale Kontrolle und die Ausrottung traditioneller Kultur, die gesellschaftszerstörende Partnerschaft der italienischen Faschisten mit Unternehmensmonopolisten und den Glauben der deutschen Nazis an eine Herrenrasse geklaut – vor allem aber die Prominenten, Banker, Klientelkapitalisten und Potentaten, die sich in Davos und anderswo versammeln, um ihre eigenen Errungenschaften zu beklatschen und ihren Masterplan weiter umzusetzen, den das WEF liebevoll The Great Reset nennt. Wie Klaus Schwab selbst kürzlich vor seinem Potpourri fürstlicher Gäste erklärte, beabsichtigt das WEF, die Zukunft zu meistern, und wer könnte das, was noch nicht geschrieben wurde, besser meistern als diejenigen, die den Rest der Weltbevölkerung als wenig mehr als Diener und Leibeigene betrachten? Es wäre schön, zu denken, dass die totalitären Monster des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts der Menschheit als ausreichende Warnung gedient hätten, nie wieder unbedacht den blutigen Pfad des Autoritarismus zu beschreiten. Leider hat es den Anschein, dass die Lehren, die man aus einem Jahrhundert globaler Kriege, Völkermorde, Eroberungen und Revolutionen gezogen hat, wie die Samen einer Pusteblume verweht wurden, so dass das Böse erneut Wurzeln schlagen und wachsen kann. Das WEF sieht sich natürlich nicht als Stalin,Tojo, Mussolini, Pol Pot oder Mao. Es sieht sich selbst wie John Kerry: als eine ausgewählte Gruppe von Menschen, die den Planeten für alle anderen retten wird. Haben sich die Totalitaristen des letzten Jahrhunderts anders gesehen? Wie Albert Camus gefragt haben könnte: Wann war das Wohl der Menschheit nicht das Alibi der Tyrannen? Wenn sich die reichsten und mächtigsten Menschen des Planeten unter dem Schutz überwältigender militärischer Sicherheit versammeln, die sowohl ihre Sicherheit als auch den Ausschluss aller anderen gewährleistet, kommt einem eine Warnung aus Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations in den Sinn: Leute derselben Branche treffen sich selten, nicht einmal zum Vergnügen und zur Zerstreuung, sondern das Gespräch endet in einer Verschwörung gegen die Allgemeinheit oder in einem findigen Weg zur Erhöhung der Preise. Angesichts des wahnwitzigen Vorstoßes, Kohlenwasserstoff-Energien durch unzureichende grüne Alternativen zu ersetzen, die die Preise für Rohstoffe und Waren auf der ganzen Welt in die Höhe treiben, während die rasant steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten alle außer den Wohlhabendsten erdrücken, waren Smiths Worte noch nie so treffend wie heute. Wie John Kerry unverblümt erklärt, kann der Klimawandel, selbst wenn er noch so unbedeutend ist, nur durch Geld, Geld, Geld, Geld, Geld, Geld, Geld, Geld bekämpft werden. Es ist schon seltsam zu sehen, wie eine selbstverherrlichende, plutokratische Elite das Spiel aus der Hand gibt. Wenn jede dieser Geld-Ermahnungen für hundert Billionen Dollar steht, könnte er sogar nahe daran sein, etwas Wahrheit auszuspucken. Bevor die gehirngewaschenen Verteidiger des Club of Klaus schreien, dass die humanitären Beweggründe des Weltwirtschaftsforums nichts mit Geldverdienen zu tun haben, sollten sie sich den Irrsinn einer solchen Aussage vor Augen führen. Menschen, die über ein Vermögen verfügen, haben einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz, dieses hinter dem Anschein von Wohltätigkeit zu verstecken, um prüfende Blicke zu vermeiden, während sie ihr Vermögen noch weiter vergrößern. Hinter jedem Zentimeter besserer Wiederaufbau des Great Reset der Weltwirtschaft durch das WEF steht ein Unternehmenstitan, ein Bankenriese, ein machthungriger Politiker, ein bürokratisches Oberhaupt oder ein einfacher alter Aristokrat, der durch die vielen geheimen Transaktionen, die die ganze philanthropische Scharade untermauern, Geld verdient oder an Einfluss gewinnt. Liebe für die Menschheit ist nur etwas für die Autoaufkleber, die das WEF auf seine Elektroautos kleben kann; Gier ist immer noch der Antrieb für das geheime Händeschütteln der Mächtigsten, wenn sie sich treffen. Sie verlassen sich auf afrikanische Sklavenarbeit für den Abbau grüner Rohstoffe und chinesische Sklavenarbeit für die Herstellung grüner Technologien, während sie gleichzeitig jeden als Fanatiker beschimpfen, der sich gegen ihre Politik der offenen Grenzen wendet, die die westlichen Nationen mit endlosen billigen Arbeitskräften im eigenen Land überschwemmt. Es ist vorhersehbar, dass diejenigen, die am meisten für die Untergrabung von Arbeitnehmergruppen im eigenen Land verantwortlich sind, während sie die Sklaverei im Ausland subventionieren, dieselben sind, die der Welt Vorträge halten über Rassismus, faire Löhne und Menschenrechte. Wie bei allen Betrügereien, bei denen sich die Reichen und Mächtigen dafür entscheiden, den Armen und Machtlosen noch mehr zu stehlen, erscheint der Altruismus des WEF ziemlich mafiös. Ihre Agenten klopfen an die Türen von Unternehmen im Westen mit einem einfachen Vorschlag:  Sie haben es vielleicht noch nicht gehört, aber es gibt da draußen eine Menge böser Elemente, die Ihnen Schaden zufügen wollen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass wir Ihnen Schutz für nur fünfzig Prozent Ihres Gewinns bieten können. Die Geschäftsinhaber, die in der Vergangenheit keine Probleme hatten, Gewinne zu erzielen, lehnen dies zunächst ab. Ich glaube, Sie verstehen nicht, erklären ihre neuen Freunde, ohne uns könnten Bürgerrechtsgruppen Ihre Produkte als rassistisch und transphobisch boykottieren, Investmentgruppen Ihre Aktien abwerten, weil Sie sich nicht zu ESG-Verpflichtungen bekennen, und Banken sich weigern, künftige Kredite zu vergeben, weil Sie Hass und Fake News unterstützen. Alle unsere Firmennachrichten-Journalisten könnten gezwungen sein, negative Artikel über Ihr Unternehmen zu veröffentlichen. Es wäre eine Schande, ein so nettes kleines Unternehmen leiden zu sehen, wo wir doch hier sind, um zu helfen. Und wie könnte diese Hilfe aussehen? Ganz einfach, tun Sie, was Klaus Schwab's WEF sagt, machen Sie Geschäfte mit unseren anerkannten Banken und Anbietern, unterstützen Sie unsere anerkannten Ziele, und wir kümmern uns um den Rest. Hey, wir werden sogar die Politiker auf unsere Gehaltsliste setzen, um Ihnen öffentlich für die Rettung der Welt zu danken! Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Sie mögen in Privatjets fliegen und vergessen, wie viele Villen sie besitzen, aber letzten Endes ist die Kabale des Weltwirtschaftsforums nur die größte Ansammlung von Strolchen, die das organisierte Verbrechen je in einem Raum versammelt hat, um die effektivsten Pläne zu schmieden, die je entwickelt wurden, um ehemals freie Völker zu zwingen, genau das zu tun, was sie sagen. Es ist die Cosa Nostra, neu interpretiert als Klaus' Ding. In einer gerechteren Ära würde jeder, der an den Versammlungen des WEF teilnimmt, wegen Verschwörung zu Erpressung und Betrug verhaftet werden. Da die Herren unserer Zukunft viel Geld in die Wahlen der prominentesten Politiker des Westens investiert haben, sind die prominentesten Weltenführer, Präsidenten, Premierminister, Abgeordnete und sogar Militärs nur zu gern bereit, sich für ihre Sache einzusetzen. Der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen, António Guterres, erklärte seinem WEF-Publikum, dass die Weltwirtschaft in großer Gefahr sei, versäumte es aber, darauf hinzuweisen, dass es die eigene COVID-19-Abriegelungspolitik des WEF und die Versuche, die Pandemie als Great Reset für die Umstellung des Westens von Kohlenwasserstoff- auf grüne Energien zu nutzen, waren, die für einen Großteil des Schadens verantwortlich sind. Anstatt die globale Plattform als Chance zu nutzen, um ein dringend benötigtes Mea Culpa an die ganze Welt zu richten, war der UNO-Chef mehr daran interessiert, zwei andere Punkte anzusprechen: 1. sollte es eine juristische Rechenschaftspflicht für Social-Media-Plattformen geben, die Fake News verbreiten und 2. sollten Politiker ihrer Bevölkerung zu ihrem eigenen Wohl unpopuläre Maßnahmen aufzwingen. Im Wesentlichen verlangt der Leiter des von den Globalisten bevorzugten internationalen Regierungsgremiums, dass nationale Führer absichtlich den Willen ihres Volkes missachten und ein System zur Kriminalisierung der freien Meinungsäußerung einführen, so dass abweichende Meinungen auf magische Weise verschwinden, ähnlich wie ein Demonstrant in einem Umerziehungslager. Es sind dieselben WEF-Eliten, die anschliessend die Frechheit besitzen, sich umzudrehen und über Demokratie und westliche Werte zu predigen. Natürlich hatte der kolumbianische Präsident Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego kein Problem damit, den leisen Teil laut zu sagen. Direkt neben dem grünen Champion Al Gore sitzend, verkündete Petro Urrego, dass die Menschheit den Kapitalismus überwinden müsse, wenn sie überleben wolle. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Gore, ein Mitglied des WEF-Kuratoriums, nicht zu widersprechen schien, kann man mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass der Davoser Klub mehr Gefallen an einer von einer Elite kontrollierten Version des Kommunismus findet (gibt es überhaupt eine andere?) als an einem System der freien Marktwirtschaft, in dem normale Menschen gedeihen können. Wenn all dies in krassem Gegensatz zu den hart erkämpften westlichen Freiheiten steht, die dem Schutz der individuellen Rechte und Freiheiten Vorrang vor willkürlichen Eingriffen des Staates einräumen, dann liegt das daran, dass das Weltwirtschaftsforum das unschätzbare Erbe der westlichen Aufklärung auf den Kopf gestellt hat. Anlässlich seines Treffens hat das WEF einen Bericht veröffentlicht, in dem Fake News und Desinformation zu den wichtigsten globalen Risiken gezählt werden. WEF-Mitglieder sagen öffentlich voraus, dass es in den Vereinigten Staaten bald Gesetze gegen Hassrede geben wird – ein direkter Verstoß gegen den Schutz der Meinungsfreiheit durch den ersten Zusatzartikel der US-Verfassung. Die Rufe nach Tracking und Durchsetzung individueller Kohlenstoffgrenzwerte im endlosen Kampf gegen das sich ständig verändernde Klima der Erde werden immer lauter. Dieselben autoritären Kräfte drängen auf digitale Impfpässe, die Rückverfolgung von Kontakten, die obligatorische Verwendung experimenteller Impfstoffe und allgegenwärtige Tests. Und nachdem das WEF beschlossen hat, dass sich die Menschen im Westen von Insekten ernähren sollten, hat die Europäische Union nun den allgemeinen Verzehr von Grillen genehmigt. Zensur, Massenüberwachung und Ungeziefer – Willkommen in der Zukunft, wenn das WEF seinen Willen bekommt. Keines der weitreichenden Programme des WEF zur Umgestaltung der Welt nach den Interessen seiner Mitglieder klingt wie etwas, das freie westliche Menschen jemals freiwillig akzeptieren könnten. Sicherlich ist das der Grund, warum so viele Redner des WEF darauf drängen, diese Politiken ungeachtet der öffentlichen Unterstützung mit Nachdruck durchzusetzen. Vielleicht ist das auch der Grund, warum die Kommunistische Partei Chinas kürzlich dem diesjährigen Davoser Geist applaudierte. Kommunisten erkennen Kommunismus, wenn sie ihn sehen, und in Klaus Schwabs globalistischer Oligarchie der Eliten gefällt China, was es sieht. Übersetzt https://der-schandstaat.info/das-wetter-im-jahr-2025-besitzen-ein-forschungsbericht-vorgestellt-von-der-air-force-1996/ Read the full article
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agsmicons · 3 months
Day 1 of editing event
Here’s my day one of @courtt-jstr ‘s editing event!
Prompt -Your FAVORITE character with ur LEAST favorite colour
Grey Ai mikaze graphics
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“People say I'm brutally honest, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm just telling the truth.”
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icon masks by serrnz,the membersofthecabnet,star- -boyyy,and revivalrequiem
deviders cafekitsune and magicalboything
Frames nikolaismasquerade, menschenopfer,and respective credits from Picsart
thank you for saying this long! I also had made this is celebration of ai’s birthday! So HBD AIII!
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