#Maybe challenge yourself more
thefloatingstone · 1 year
Seriously tho what a fucking stupid mindset.
"We must prevent children from experiencing difficulty through fictional work!"
And how exactly do you expect this child once they grow up to handle difficult and complex situations involving experiences, ESPECIALLY with other human beings with different perspectives and experiences, when you have literally prevented them their whole lives from even being AWARE that life and people are a lot more complicated and messy and sometimes bad things happen to good people and sometimes bad people pretend to be good and sometimes good people can do bad things????
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dizquized · 2 months
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FOR YOUR OWN SANITY, do not look in the tags, dont do it. its not worth it. a demon possessed me or something, i dont know.
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sysig · 7 months
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Didn’t know you had it in you, did you (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#What? Me? Enjoying a self/ ship ft. two dorks wearing glasses? Haha couldn't be me that doesn't sound like me at all#Trading one Tom Kenny brainworms for another sheesh - Tom Kenny stop voicing queer scientists challenge (impossible)#I hadn't drawn Simon before but I have known he's a massive cute for a heck while now lol#And yeah confirmed - he's Really fun to draw especially this iteration#His crows feet and hair streak ugh <3#Plus I've just missed this style of eye more than I realized haha#And Winter just flows off my pencil like water like woah#I blame Spamton at least partially for that lol although he's easier to draw than Spamton :0#Spamton is very fun! Winter's just easier for some reason :0#Maybe 'cause he's so soft-faced haha ♥ And I don't use my colours on him lol#Honestly I only count this as self-slash on a technicality - yes they're both Simon bodily but that's not really Simon in Winter anymore huh#Maybe to some extent - he's still a scientist and all but honestly there's a comment I can't stop thinking about since I saw it#About how really that's The Crown using Simon as a host just without the madness - and his skills aid in keeping him lucid#So it's like a ghost puppeting your clone's still-living corpse more so than kissing yourself :) In my opinion lol#And I don't say that to get away from self-shipping! I love that stuff!! That's just genuinely how I read Winter now haha#Not that he wouldn't play into it lol#I've seen a ''I am like this so you are also like this :) Right Simon? :) You're like this'' and I enjoy that very much#Manipulative so and so <3
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haridraws · 2 years
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non-dominant hand drawing challenge (from here)
setting myself an october drawing challenge of 'have fun and do whatever you want'. stay tuned for more, or not maybe, who knows
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villainsidestep · 2 months
evil beckers thought….. just how many autopsies Did they send chen ?
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You know how you hc that the twins battle each other all the time, and thus are basically their hardest opponents? That post you made about Ingo's brutal Path of Solitude made me desperately want Ingo and Emmet challenging each other to various versions, sometimes with Ingo having the upperhand like in the game, sometimes with Emmet making Ingo use a wurmple against a staraptor. And sometimes, for fun, they even make it a double battle. They make the most buff pokemon in existence and everyone is sufficiently terrified
they so would frfrfr. wait this reminds me i had two sort of mutually exclusive path of solitude points i wanted to make in the same post i'm just gonna do it here hang on
1) ingo was really like, here's a new style of battle challenge i'm introducing that's literally not done anywhere else even in the future, i invented it myself. the challenge is you have one single pokemon and you have to face a very difficult opponent and you're not allowed any other help than what you go in with and you're all alone forever. this is based on absolutely nothing at all and was inspired by nothing. i am fine.
2) path of solitude is really like turbo single battles honestly like of course the guy who is The Single Battles One came up with this. what do you think emmet would have done if he was here instead. would he be like ok pick a pokemon and i'm giving you an entirely random partner. no planning beforehand gotta figure it out when you open the pokeball and we start the battle. dwi.
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superboy: the man of tomorrow 1 spoilers
(it's just one panel but below the cut just in case)
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memory identification: go!
#dc spoilers#memory identification CHALLENGE#okay so: obviously there's the 'waking up in cadmus'#the friends don't seem like a reference to anything - i mean ig it could be donna's death but i think they're just a generic memory#or possibly it's yj:dc and there's just nothing that actually happened to reference?#i think that's tara dying#and then the last one: match punching him?or is it superboy-prime punching him?#(to be conner is to be constantly getting punched by alternate superboys dsfdsfs)#anyway (despite this one angsty panel) this was fun and zippy#v. light-hearted and not a whole lot to it - looks like it'll be space adventure + punching-stuff#there isn't enough here to really hook me but the art is cute and conner's narration is bouncy#so if they keep putting it on the app i'll probably keep reading#i really wish. mm. okay WARNING RANT INCOMING this is kind of tangential and maybe it's just the comics that i pick up#but i feel like of the few modern comics i've picked up - a lot of them are very light on the characters having concrete problems#even problems as simple as 'getting bad grades in school' or 'have to lie to my dad' or 'need a job to pay the rent'#like. i feel like tim in robin '93 had concrete problems that couldn't be solved with a pep talk and 'you just gotta believe in yourself'#dick in nightwing '97 - same! concrete personal life problems that could not be resolved by a pep talk!#and i really miss. like. characters experiencing dilemmas or having to make trade-offs#and just generally i miss a bit more realism - like. conner feels unneeded. okay? so?#shouldn't he be going to school or something? why is costume-stuff top of mind? where are the authority figures/external forces?#i think these kinds of intensely-internal problems can work in non-visual fiction bc you're in the character's head BUT#comics are largely visual and everything with real emotional punch works way better if it's concrete things that i can see#anyway that's just my personal preferences though and it's not superboy's fault!#conner's never been a realistic character - he had goofy merchandising and was a kid celebrity and so forth#and although i didn't read his preboot solo i don't think he ever went to school there either? except in adventure comics?#so he seems very well-suited to plucky space-adventure#and i wish him the best. go forth and prosper conner!! punch those aliens!!
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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redraw of this post but i inverted it because it looked better this way lmao
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#postlyn#postlyn art#emily rodda#roddaverse#deltora quest#barda of del#//#if you dont know i have a hc that barda got a sleeve tattoo in the broome style at some point post-DQ3#currently my hc of broome tradition is women have tattoos on their heads#and as star-bribery first headcanoned they extend further and further down their back as they grow older#and then men have sleeve tattoos because they can <3#sometimes on their chest too#in ''modern'' broome aka during lief's reign things are more flexible#being in broome is about embracing yourself and being happy#there are no tattoo gatekeepers#except maybe outsiders who are like ACTUALLY THATS OFFENSIVE or wahtever and then a broome person would be like actually shut the hell up#and then challenge them to a dance off / fight#anyway#transmen might choose to have tattoos on their chest <3#i havnet really thought about tattoo removal actually but i do think that broome tattoos are a source of pride to them#it's culture and makes them happy and stuff#it's normal#so idk maybe someone who transitions further in adulthood might be uncomfortable with their head tatts#maybe they wont#who knows#i believe that generally though broome folk would be pretty chill with the way theyd interact with each other#adn if anything theyd just be like#yo youre trying something different?!?!? good on ya bruh love that for you#i also have a headcanon that theres a range of products used for the broome patterns#tattoos are the permanent patterns obviously
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 month
Got a save manager to work! (thank you pawnguild mwah) and god. Its so funny watching the cutscenes with Fe'gahl as the Arisen because he just looks like he doesn't want to be there so much compared to Odessa who looks like yeah this feels like everyday business
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13eyond13 · 3 months
#here's some of the classics on that list i have beef with btw:#i have tried to read A Confederacy of Dunces several times and it's funny but it's also so cringe and Ignatius is so obnoxious#that i find it too difficult to finish like i just feel depressed and bad for everybody around him too much#i tried reading Infinite Jest like a decade ago and i got like 200 pages in and i remember thinking it felt like#such a slog the entire time because he's just so gd wordy and also i stopped liking DFW after i heard the abuse allegations against him#frankenstein i didnt read that long ago but i just remember finding it so boring for some reason?? i feel i might need to read it again#dracula ngl i feel like im cheating a bit saying ive completely read it because i loved the beginning and then HATED so much of the rest#the characters were just so boring and melodramatic hahaha i just liked the part where jonathan was doing a travel diary#and trapped in the castle tbh and after that i skimmed quite a bit#i almost flipped my shit when i saw ender's game on there because I ALWAYS mix it up with ready player one by ernest cline#which i bought the audiobook of a while back and hated every minute of it i dont think its good at all#but it wasnt that so phew my faith in this list is somewhat restored#i read most of the first game of thrones book and was disappointed tbh maybe because id seen the show already#so i was like 'this feels almost exactly the same except worse?' because i'd been expecting it to give me more depth and insight#into the characters but instead it felt exactly the same and i still didnt love any of the characters enough to feel attached to them#also i am fully aware me not personally liking or vibing with a book doesnt mean it doesnt deserve to be considered great btw#but i think if youre gonna be like me and force yourself to go through a bunch of lists like this very seriously then you also need to just#let yourself be like 'yeah not for me' without feeling too bad about it sometimes too#often times i dont particularly love the classics or 'important books' but at the same time#i still feel like im getting more out of reading them than just grabbing the newest hyped up books that also dont do anything for me#maybe not in a 'wow i loved reading this' way but in like a#'i now have first-hand knowledge of this thing that is so influential / so frequently referenced'#or 'this challenged me and i feel like i did a mental/emotional workout or gave me some new food for thought'#or 'made me more aware of what gaps in my knowledge and reading skills and what my tastes are too'#sort of way...#it really just depends on what you're reading for and why and what you're hoping to get out of it a lot of the time maybe#it's like the homework i give myself to go through these lists that i also intersperse with the stuff i read more just for fun#p
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as per earlier tag asides:
astronaut winston with an opaque / reflective helmet does a face reveal for merperson taylor, because they’re in love (and then they kiss)
prior art of this au
#not obvious but that's taylor's fins behind them in their own reflection....#ft'd in part for fun swoops; in part to draw fewer sparkles that can be stars or smthing else; in part to ft more of their oceanicness#not that winston's exactly Obviously the space cadet his is w/o context. giving him more of a like retrofuturistic helmet style#not to mention here he's in a hoodie still lol this is all like soft scimagic. ppl are floating in mediums between locations on land...#winston is an astronaut w/glasses....maybe he has a force field semipermeable bubble.#maybe it's both him controlling the permeation but other ppl can find it a Wall on their own prerogative....#[see those tags in that post] like same as how winston is controlling ''i'm taking off my helmet'' but also#he has to be Recognized by taylor first....validate winston; validate yourself#heart shaped visor thank you also....#also we can have the flipside of this moment in another tayston au: taylor has a sword (is a knight) (errant)#winston is their clairvoyant companion#i.e. taylor also could have a helmet to dramatically remove at some point. it can have a heart shape element to its design too#and then they kiss =]#going ''oh god it's been too long since i drew tayston'' then going ''you drew winston giving taylor head just the other week''#then going ''omg. hell yeah i did :')''#winston billions#tayston#corned beef#god it's 9am lol nonbinary bisexual autistics who've done an all nighter on niche fantascienza romance illustrations: go to bed challenge
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blk-xniverse · 8 months
This year's just... yearing.
#So tired of folks thinking they can play in my face + continue to be disrespectful with little to no consequences in return#I am NOT the same girl I used to be#I'm not just gon sit on my hands + take it AND that infuriates them SO bad#cause it's like... 'who do you think you are??? you think you allowed to take up for yourself??? defend yourself?? set BOUNDARIES???'#and that shit blows bc then they feel like they can challenge me to see if I'll fold or not which is even more disrespectful on top of the -#- shit that was already going on in the first place#like if I gotta go through AAAALLL that for a weak ass connection then I gladly let it go but don't let me say that -#- bc then it's an even BIGGER showdown bc I be letting em know that if they gon keep disrespecting me + my folks then they need to get tf on#very simple terms imo but mfs want to fight + be passive-aggressive all day like.... ain't nobody got the time nor the energy for allat fr#and as soon as me and my sisters stand our ground we magically become the villains and the bad guys#and this shit is spread to whoever is willing to listen and this shit irks so bad sometimes ngl bc idfw ppl lying on our characters#this year has completely SUCKED in terms of my connections with ppl and that makes me real life not want to talk to anybody ever again bc#ppl always pretending to be something they not to get what they want out of us#+ as soon as we fall short/make a mistake/unable to do a thing then the mask falls off + they become the most disgusting person ever!!!!!#and it's like... who tf is this person???? this aint who i befriended???? hello?????#and the lamest part about all of that is that we are always 1000% ourselves so we automatically expect folks to do the same with us#and maybe that's our fault for thinking like that idk but at the end of the day the shit is wack#and I just plan on being in hermit mode for as long as time permits + until i get a sign/message to do something else#if anybody read all of this: thanks for reading + sending you so so so much love + kindness into your life! We for sure all need it 🫶🏾✨️✨️#abtme#4:26 pm
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
i wanna try to read task force z again because the panels from its ending i've seen do interest me a lot
#i love utrh jason to pieces#i love young and angry and deeply damaging to himself and other people jason i love him#but im really curious to see what jason who tries to heal might go#because he was convinced he was going to die. and now that he's alive well. what does he do?#and i think he will continue the damaging lifestyle the one that takes and takes and hurts until he cannot take it anymore#i think he'll come to a point where he realizes that he cannot continue without consuming himself and he will make the conscious choice to#live. maybe not the first time but someday he will and after that well. what does he do?#i do not want to see him go soft and stop killing and give up this new mindset of pro active actions and this view of justice and society#but i do want him to sort of mellow out. grow older and calmer#maybe let some of weight of the task he decided to shoulder go. let himself live. meet new people. have connections#that is firmly a middle to late 20s jason in my mind this is when he's done a loooot of way and work#but it's something im interested in you know#the 'and now what?' mood#you've challenged your father you've challenged your city you've challenged yourself and this left you with nothing to claim for yourself#so now what are you going to do#and i think. a healed jason will have taken out the clown himself and then done some self reflecting and learned to properly love and care#learned to forgive himself for what happened and be more grounded. he wont let emotions get to himself so easily and overwhelm him#he will get a real home for himself and maybe a pet or two and continue his idea of justice maybe not being a kingpin#but still very much controlling his city#idk im thinking of 27yo jason and who he might be
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
girl help i am rotting from the inside out
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ahalliance · 2 years
ooo just stumbled onto a new analysis pet peeve i think . dismissing a character’s actions as “OOC” without even trying to make sense of them
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romantically-yours · 15 days
I desire romantically doing makeup with somebody
#thoughts#oni talks#Oni yearns#like the intimacy of holding their face to readjust and getting close and also the closeness of like making each other over#but also like the mutual service aspect of doing a fun thing for each other where you just take care of each other and also like the pride#like look at my partner and how beautiful they are and also look at how pretty I am that was her work!!#and also like the shared creativity of it like there’s fucking endless options yall can make each other look like anything!#also maybe it’s in part the struggle for me coz I can’t fucking see doing my makeup coz glasses and like the vulnerability of that trust!#In knowing no matter what they do it will be beautiful and also back to the creativity thing#imagine the fucking prompts! like making each other over based on the colors you associate with them or the things they love about you#and sharing that together and like seeing yourself reflected as they see themselves reflected and just!! seeing yourself through their eyes#and also the reverse in the intimacy of showing your partner all the stuff you love and notice about them#and it’s also so like versatile y’all can have stuff on the background yall can just do this as the lead up to like most dates#also the intimacy of taking each others makeup off at the end of the day too! and the looking forward to the next day and like#also the concept of learning the stuff your partner enjoys and being able to look forward to doing that for them!!#also I’m just a sucker for like couple aesthetics! and also maybe I watched too many lesbians couple channels but idk I always wanted to do#those like cute lil challenges that people do with their partner it just seems so fun#also if anyone remembers those images back in the day of like the one where the girl was just on top of the other one doing her makeup or#the one with the girl in her lap! and also I’m a sucker for like photography and just being able to save those moments and highlight them#also you don’t have to just do like face or anything like that date idea a while back where ppl would paint a picture on their partner!!#I’m also a sucker for art prompts and like the concept of the mutual muse where you inspire each other and create together and just aahhh#also you can like sneak kisses and hand holding and stuff during! or have like a comfort show in the back#like there’s OPTIONS! and it just feels so cute! I don’t see makeup ones as much but I have seen like doing your gfs hair and that’s also#just so top tier to me idk. I love designing shit and mutual designing just feels like it would be so much fun#like those craft dates I love but this is like more physical#date ideas#coz like you could just make a whole show of it like you could have a theme night where you watch shows related and just have fun together#idk man I’ve just been in hardcore sapphic yearning mode recently idk why 😭🫠
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