#Max Castella
blinkinbrothershark · 5 months
Jack: While me and Davey are out, Race is in charge
Race: *Various sounds of triumph*
Jack, whispering: Crutchie, you're actually in charge
Crutchie: Obviously
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elijones94 · 8 months
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Melody, Flounder, and Tip 🐠🐧
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bigmack2go · 19 days
Newbie Newsies
A guide for new Newsie fans
Chapter two: Characters
Previous chapter: the basics->•
Chapter index ->•
Imma just start lf with a basic list of Characters. Only names. Nothing else. Then i‘ll give you the looks (and versions of that) and actors that played them and how to reckognise them (also split in versions) bc theres A L O T so like whos who‘sies
Then i‘ll tell you about some oc‘s and then i‘ll go into some lore for each of the characters that have one. That includes fannon
Imma try not to go TOO much into detail bc this is gonna be long enough as it is and there already are posts about them
This isn’t gonna have any specific order i literally not even sure if i didnt miss any.
Jack “Cowboy“ Kelly/ Francis Sullivan
Davey (“a walkin mouth”) Jacobs
Sarah Jacobs
Les Jacobs
Ed “Racetrack” Higgins
?“Spot” Conlon
Romeo ?
Katherine Plumber (but actually Pullitzer)
?“Mush” Meyers
Louis “Kid Blink” Balletti
Albert DaSilva
Isaac “Ike” ?
Michael “Mike”
Patrick ? ?
Hotshot “Hotshot” Hotshot
? Smalls ?
Jeany “Mack” MacDonald
Archie “Sniper” Wah
Niklas “York” ?
Samuel “Specs”?
Gabe “Boots” Argus
Patrick “Finch” Cortes
Elmer Kasprzak (pls tell me i spelled this right)
(Benjamin) “buttons” Davenport
Josephino Jorgelino “JoJo” De laGuerra (this is not a joke. That is his name.)
(Charlie) “Crutchie” Morris
? “Skittery”?
Gabriel “snaps” ?
?”pie eater”
Thomas “Tommy boy”?
Imma have to handle this w repost cuz u can only add ten photos and all that ykyk
His main four appearances are christian bale (92‘sies), jeremy jordan (obc and livesies), corey cott (broadway and toursies (i think)) michael ahomka (uk‘sies) and pierre marias (TUTS)
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Imma be honest i wanted to list everyone that plyed the characters but i don’t think i can even find that all so im just gonna go woth the most famous ones each
Basically the only thing thats always the same about him is the vest
Davey has been played by David Moscow(92‘sies) Ben Fankhauser (obc& live‘sies) ryan kopel (uk‘sies) and Ben Diamond (TUTS)
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He usually has a rather small face and a prominent nose. His hair has always been dark so far. He always has something blue about him sticking out/ is generally held in a blue vibe.
Sarah was played by ela keats. She was only in 92‘sies. She was originally planned to be in the theatre versions but her character was cut completely.
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She has lightbrown/darkblonde long hair and- well theres only one actress so u can see for urself
The most famous Race‘s have been Max Castella (92‘sies), Ryan breslin (obc), ben cook (livesies) and josh barnet (uk‘sies) and Cole Zieser (TUTS)
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pjsekaiupdates · 1 year
4★ Hatsune Miku (MORE MORE JUMP!) — 「A Foretaste of Yokohama Gourmet Through the Guidebook ♪」
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Attribute: Mysterious
Max Stats:
Performance - 10440 Technique - 11588 Stamina - 10011
Max Skill: Curry, Castella, and Then… - Recover 500 life; 100% score boost for 5 seconds
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sofakingr8 · 1 year
How I imagine The Azriel book is going to be.... part 1
Okay here me out. 
Koschei the sorcerer is prisoned on a continent. He according to legend takes women from all over the world... Like Zeus but he can't do that anymore as he is locked.
So, one day he sees a nymph wash up on his continent and is literally taken by her beauty. He houses her, takes care of her and they fall in love with each other and sorta get married and she gets preggers. and gives birth to twins. Things go smoothly for a year. But Castella the nymph is worried about why Koschei hasn't left the continent as she wants to go home.
Koschei hasn't told her about the curse afraid she will leave him too. Castella is not having it she wants to go as she feels like a prisoner. So one day she tricks him into venturing by 'singing' to him. He almost makes it out but the curse forms like a barrier just as he's about to leave. Here was the catch her daughters couldn't go too. That was when Castella became really afraid.
Castella with all her strength sings to the curse where she commands it to let her children go. Her voice is laced with fire and she half burns the curse. Successfully saves her daughters but seeing that Koschei held her captive withholding the truth--she leaves him. She swims away and reaches land for her daughters' safety. But by the time she reaches safety, everything in her is gone. She retreats to the ocean and abandons the children she so dearly saved. Losing memory of her human side as she stayed Nymph for too long and used her powers to a max.
Her twins are dropped at a monastry out of someone's kindness. Koschei having no memory of what happened... slowly starts putting the pieces together and writes to the bone carver. Only out of sheer curiosity does the bone carver visit. He leaves Suriel in charge of the children and also reveals to them that they are lightsingers.  Until one day their monastery was raided and one of the twins was killed. The other one Gywn was luckily saved by Azriel and brought to Clotho. Who took her in and helped her. 
This is when she recieves a letter from the bone carver telling her she needs a new 'Mentor' to learn using her powers as a lightsinger and connects her again to Koschei.  Koschei drowning in depths of guilt and shame seizes this opportunity to reunite with his daughter and they frequently exchange letters. 
Meanwhile a new friendship is formed with Nesta and upon her 'mentor's' urge to become closer to the high fae of the night court she starts coming to training. Through Suriel, Gwyn learns that her mentor is Koschei but not that he is her father. 
On the night of the winter solstice, she heads out to the wind palace to receive a special letter containing a gift from the mentor but that is almost when Azriel catches her practicing and she does play it off cool. However, an hour later she receives the letter but another figure enters. Its Eris and he blackmails Gwyn but he doesn't know that letter is from Koschei. 
Gwyn starts hanging out with him more following that as she is afraid he will tell someone. Azriel on the other with blooming feelings for Gwyn sees her preening with Eris and starts becoming jealous. Gwyn becomes vexed of Eris as he starts ordering her around so Gwyn decides to get him drunk and accidently push him over a cliff. He was a high fae almost indestructable and Gwyn was stupid to think her plan would work. 
Eris gets drunk just as planned, he starts talking and gets everyone's attention. 'I know Beron's biggest secret' he says in between a burp. 'Her' he points at Gwyn and passes out. Just then Guards come out to arrest Gwyn, siting she is a spy of Beron working to up throne Rhys. Azriel watching all this unfold is taken aback. 
Stop he orders... dont lay a finger on her. He cuffs her himself and takes her to interrogate her privately. 
writing part two and will develop this is with proper words just putting the mind map out here 
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❤️ Sprace or Javid?
🤍 The Character You Project Onto The Most?
💭 Any Headcanons?
🗯 Favorite Line/Lyric?
🎟 Favorite Cast Member(s)?
❤️ I love both but javid owns my heart
🤍 Racetrack
💭 I have many, my favorite is probably the hc that Jack and David had actually unofficially met before the strike, the Jacobs had bought papers from Jack before and David had seen him on the streets but they’d never actually spoken
🗯 “Neva fear Brooklyn is here” and “Try to walk all over us we’ll stomp all over you”
🎟 David Moscow, Ele Keats, Max Castella, and Kara Lindsay :)
Thanks for asking!
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rausule · 9 months
Faciamus sic proceditur exempla interpretativa de socialis mutatio. Per mutationem socialem significamus magnam et non temporalem mutationem in structura et in ordine sociali. Conflictus sociologi resolvere inaequalitates suas causas et pro- lucere conatur. hunc rerum statum tollere. Inter praecipuas theorias de declinationibus socialibus memoramus studia Roberti Merton de anomiis et de rebus qui a communissimis normis decedunt: innovatores, renuntiatores, rebelles et ritualistas. Richard Cloward et Lloyd E. Ohlin in luce collocantur in coetibus iuvenum deviantibus tria genera mutationum socialium quae ad culturam extenuanda sunt: ​​conflictus subculturae, subculturae renunciatoriae, subculturae criminalis. Theoristae pter " (theoria labella) contendunt definitionem identitatis uniuscuiusque pendere fundamentaliter a attributione sociali ab aliis data, praesertim pro condicionibus quas societas aestimat a communi, sicut deviatio socialis.
Functionalistae societatem vident tamquam organismum vivum, in quo varii coetus humani diversae habent functiones, quae efficiunt ut fines sociales assequantur. Differentiae sociales inevitabiles sunt et conflictus habitus praesentes sociales.
Sectatores symbolici interactionismi attendunt imprimis processibus communicativis et relativis qui intus fiunt of societas. sociali ordinum et varias formas classificationis socialis Per stratificationes sociales significamus dispositionem hierarchicam praedicamentorum hominum, qui ab invicem distinguuntur notis, uti sunt diversae pecuniae, potestatis et dignitatis socialis vel aliae notae sociales pertinentes. vos. Societates Stratificatae dividi possunt in castella, classes et classes sociales. Inter praecipuos phaenomeni scholares mentionem facimus Karl Marx et Max Weber.
Theoria socialis nugatio Subculturae et countercultures In complexis societatibus phaenomenon formationis subculturarum et counterculturarum crebra est. Exstant subculturae professionales insertae in corpus sociale et minoritatem subculturarum quae ex parte tantum cum reliquo populo integrantur, servatis propriis notis distinctis modo accentu. Aliae subculturae formae oriuntur a difficultatibus aptando ad structuram socialem dominantem (exempli gratia subculturae deviantes). Cum subcultura fit exemplar sociale plane alterum respectu culturae dominantis pro valoribus, moribus et linguis, habemus counterculturam.
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fivefootab1tch · 5 years
tagged by @levi-daddy-yeager to list 10 fave ships~♡
futaba/kou❣️blue spring ride
erza/jellal❣️fairy tail
max/chloe❣️life is strange
chloe/rachel❣️life is strange
sam/lonnie❣️gone home
tagging @sjokohama @momtaku @starry-raven @madcapraccoon @huntsman-ash @nightmare-fantasia @dropdeadvanessa @laffitine @matcha-castella @definitlynotatitanshifter @kahleniel
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newsiepedia · 5 years
Character Profile: Race
Real Name: (none) Higgins (Trading card) However, the real Racetrack Higgins was named Ed.
Nickname and Meaning: Racetrack, Racer, or Race, because he likes to gamble on horse races. (He also gambles using other games, but he probably either got into races first or likes them the most)
Age: Unsure, but he was 18 in the first draft of the film script. (Highlights of the 1991 Script)
Gender: Race is always played by a man.
Family: Race is an orphan, (Trading card) but he may have siblings we (and possibly Race himself) don’t know about. He does have three cousins who live in Brooklyn (one named Joey) (Interview with Adrienne Storrs) but again, its not clear if he knows of their existance.
Likes to gamble. Race is shown gambling with other newsies, (Newsies Film script, pages 6, 7, 13, 123, 134) frequently talks about gambling, (Newsies Film script, pages 35, 82, 84) (Newsies Live script, page 9) and even uses gambling- themed metaphors. When the price of the paper goes up, Race says “It's a rigged deck -- why waste time kiddin' ourselves? They set the price, we gotta pay it.” (Newsies Film script, page 40) He also seems to be pretty good at gambling- Race wins 10 games out of 10 with Snoddy (Newsies Film script, page 7) and has enough cash to spare that he can casually give Davey 25 cents. (Newsies Film script, page 17)
Isn’t afraid of anything. When Snyder, the man who could imprison him at any moment, shows up at the lodging house, Race doesn’t even flinch. He just focuses on distracting Snyder so Jack doesn’t get in trouble. (Newsies Film script, pages 73, 74) He also directly antagonizes the Delancey brothers many times, despite knowing that they will attack him,  (Newsies Live script, pages 8, 9) (Newsies Film script, page 12) and goes to attack Wiesel as soon as the fight breaks out. (Newsies Live script, page 44)
Constantly thinks about romance. His first line is asking Albert if he was dreaming about “a pretty girl”. (Newsies Live script, page 4) He also attempts to get his papes for free by sweet talking Wiesel (Newsies Live script, page 10) and flirts with Miss Medda. (Newsies Film script, page 84) Race’s romantic intentions may not be purely directed at girls- when Jack says that they can’t beat up anyone who doesn’t join the strike, Race replies “Whatta we s'pose to do, kiss 'em?”. Race could be making a joke, but Jack replies “I personally wouldn't go that far, Race”, making it seem like Race could be seriously considering seducing the working boys of Manhattan into striking. (Newsies Film script, page 80)
Is mean when he’s jealous. As soon as Davey and Les mention having parents, Race snaps at them, (Newsies Live script, page 23) and he mocks Crutchie’s picket sign behind his back when he sees that the other newsies like it. (Newsies Live script, page 40) He also attempts to keep Davey an outsider, by interrupting him when he tries to talk to Katherine. (Newsies Live script, page 49)
Feels a strong sense of community with the newsies. Race is the most upset when Jack scabs, and later when he leaves for Santa Fe. (Newsies Film script, pages 108, 134) He’s also the first one to notice when Crutchie comes back from the Refuge. (Newsies Live script, page 76) This could be because he lived at the lodging house for most of his life- the newsies became like his brothers. (Trading card)
Is actually pretty smart. When Les says that he has a mom and a dad, Race replies “Hey, ain’t we the hoi polloi?” (Newsies Live script, page 23) Hoi polloi is ancient Greek for “the common people”. Not only is Race speaking in an obscure language, his insult has several meanings- hoi polloi sounds like an insult even if you don’t know what it means, and the meaning could be taken as mocking Les for not being a normal newsie (by being a normal person), or as calling Les stuck up. It also takes a lot of smarts to be good at gambling- Race would have to have a firm grasp of probability and body language, and have a very good memory, to consistently win money on games of chance. 
May have ADHD. Race constantly has a cigar with him, but never smokes it- he could use it as a way to stim without drawing attention to himself. He is also very touchy, often without seeing if someone wants to be hugged first. Lastly, Race has a very short attention span. In Carrying the Banner, Albert steals his cigar while he’s buttoning his shirt. He doesn’t remember to finish buttoning it, and it stays that way for the rest of the show. In King of New York, he appears just as sad about Jack and Crutchie’s disappearances as the other newsies- until Kath tells him about their front page article. Then, he immediately forgets about them, even when the other newsies are having none of it. (Newsies Live script, page 47)
Headcanon Fuel:
If Race is Italian, why does he have such a non- Italian sounding last name?
What happened to Race’s family?
How did Race get into gambling?
Where did Race learn ancient Greek phrases? 
WHY did Race learn ancient Greek phrases?
Why is Race named after horse races instead of any other kind of betting?
Why does Race gamble at Sheepshead (a racetrack in Brooklyn) (Newsies Film script, page 7) if Spot is so territorial and frightening?
Actors and Physical Appearance:
Max Castella
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Ryan Breslin
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Giuseppe Bausilio
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Ben Tyler Cook
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Daniel Switzer
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Race is described as “an Italian beanpole” in the film script. (Newsies Film script, page 16) He is tall and thin, with messy brown hair and light eyes. He accessorizes with a (hopefully) unlit cigar that he keeps with him at all times. As he is Italian, he might have darker skin than some of the other Caucasian newsies.
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Transfert/Navetta Crotone
Tariffe  Clicca qui per la navetta Clicca qui per taxy km  DA 15 a 30 € 30(esempio 1/4 persone  kr ⇒ Le Castella )km DA 60 a 90 €40(esempio 1/4 persone  kr⇒ Rocca dineto)km DA 60 a 90€ 70(esempio 1/4 persone  kr⇒ cz Lido )km Da 90 a 150 € 90(esempio 1/4 persone  kr⇒ Lamezia terme )Tariffe Navetta a tratta non a persona(max 8 posti )km DA 15 a 30  € 40km Da 20 a 60   € 70 km DA 60 a 90 €100…
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mehmetkali · 3 years
Singapur Hava Yolları (SIA) Grubu bugün, yolcu ve kargo hava yollarındaki müşterilerin özel mikro siteler aracılığıyla kendi karbon emisyonlarını dengelemelerini sağlayacak gönüllü bir karbon azaltma programı başlattı.
Singapur Hava Yolları ve Scoot müşterileri, bir uçuştan önce veya sonra herhangi bir zamanda ilgili hava yolunun mikro sitelerinde karbon emisyonlarını bugün itibari ile dengeleyebilecekler. SIA ve Scoot, bu müşterilerin bu programın başlangıcından itibaren ilk altı ay boyunca satın aldıkları azaltımlarla da eşleşecek.
SIA Kargo müşterileri, Temmuz 2021’in sonlarında kullanıma sunulacak özel bir mikro site aracılığıyla emisyonlarını azaltabilecek. Kurumsal müşteriler programa 2021’in dördüncü çeyreğinden itibaren katılabilecekler.
Gönüllü karbon azaltma programı, SIA müşterilerinin 2021’in dördüncü çeyreğinden itibaren karbon emisyonlarını dengelemek için KrisFlyer millerini ve HighFlyer puanlarını kullanmalarına izin vermek için daha da geliştirilecektir.
Azaltmalar, Avustralya merkezli Tasman Environmental Markets (TEM) tarafından geliştirilen BlueHalo® dijital çözümü aracılığıyla sağlanacak. Bu, müşterilerin yolculuklarıyla ilişkili emisyonları anında hesaplamasına ve dengelemesine olanak tanıyacak.
SIA Grubu tarafından seçilen yüksek kaliteli karbon denkleştirme projelerinin topluluklar ve çevre üzerinde kanıtlanmış ve ölçülebilir bir etkisi vardır. SIA Group müşterilerinin katkıları Endonezya’daki ormanların korunmasına, Hindistan’daki yenilenebilir güneş enerjisi projelerinin desteklenmesine ve Nepal’deki kırsal ailelere verimli, temiz yanan ocaklar sağlanmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Daha fazla ayrıntı Ek A’da mevcuttur.
Singapur Hava Yolları Kurumsal Planlama Kıdemli Başkan Yardımcısı Lee Wen Fen şunları söyledi: “SIA Group’un gönüllü karbon denkleştirme programı sayesinde, müşterilerimiz artık insanlara ve gezegene net faydalar sağlayan akredite projeler aracılığıyla emisyonlarını dengeleme fırsatına sahipler. Aynı ölçüde azaltıma giderek yolcularımızı karbon nötr uçmaya teşvik etmeyi amaçlıyoruz. Program, Grubumuzun sürdürülebilirlik çabalarımızı destekleme taahhüdünü destekliyor ve Covid-19 pandemisinin etkisinden kurtulurken hava yolu endüstrisindeki liderlik konumumuzu pekiştiriyor.”
TEM CEO’su Peter Castellas şunları söyledi: “SIA, karbon emisyonlarını azaltma ve hava yolculuğunun çevresel etkileriyle mücadele etme çabalarında kararlıdır. Müşterileri, emisyonlarını dengeleyerek iklim değişikliği konusunda harekete geçmeye teşvik etmek, seyahate geri dönme şeklimiz açısından bir zorunluluktur. İnsanlar ve gezegen üzerinde güçlü bir pozitif etki yaratmak için güçlü bir küresel hava yolu ile ortak olmaktan heyecan duyuyoruz.”
Müşteriler, karbon emisyonlarını aşağıdaki web siteleri aracılığıyla dengeleyebilir:
Singapur Hava Yolları ve Sürdürülebilirlik
SIA Grubunun gönüllü karbon denkleştirme programı, devam eden sürdürülebilirlik yolculuğumuzun son adımıdır.
Mayıs 2021’de SIA Grubu, 2050 yılına kadar net sıfır karbon emisyonu elde etmeyi taahhüt etti. Bu, yeni nesil uçaklara yapılan yatırımlar, daha yüksek operasyonel verimlilik elde edilmesi, sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtları gibi düşük karbonlu teknolojilerin benimsenmesi ve yüksek kalite için kaynak sağlanması ile gerçekleşecektir.  
Bugün, bir hava yolunun emisyonlarını önemli ölçüde azaltmasının en iyi yolu, genç bir uçak filosu işletmektir. SIA Group’un filosunun bugün ortalama yaşı beş yıl on aydır. Grup ayrıca Airbus’ın A350-900 ve A320neo Ailesi gibi yeni nesil modellerinin yanı sıra Boeing’in 777-9, 787 Ailesi ve 737-8 Max modellerinden oluşan bir sipariş listesi ile en son teknolojiye yatırım yapmaya devam ediyor. Bu uçaklar, eski nesil modellere kıyasla %30’a kadar daha fazla yakıt verimliliğine ve daha düşük karbon emisyonuna sahiptir.
SIA aynı zamanda 2011 yılından bu yana Sürdürülebilir Havacılık Yakıt Kullanıcıları Grubu’nun (SAFUG) aktif bir üyesidir. 2017 yılında SIA, San Francisco’dan Singapur’a sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtları, yakıt tasarruflu uçaklar ve optimize edilmiş hava trafiğini içeren bir dizi yeşil paket uçuşu başlattı. 2020’de SIA, şehirden kalkan uçuşlarda sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtlarını artırmak için Stockholm’deki Swedavia Havalimanı ile birlikte çalıştı. Bu faaliyetler, Grubun yenilenebilir yakıtların lojistiği ve tedariki konusundaki anlayışını geliştirmeye yardımcı oldu.
Doğrudan emisyonları azaltmanın ötesinde, karbon denkleştirme önemli ve tamamlayıcı bir rol oynayabilir. SIA Grubu, 2020’den itibaren endüstrinin karbon emisyonlarındaki büyümesini sınırlamayı amaçlayan Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Örgütü’nün Uluslararası Havacılık için Karbon Dengeleme ve Azaltma Planının (CORSIA) bir katılımcısıdır. Dengeleme özellikle orta vadede önemli olmakla birlikte, ayrıca artık emisyonları azaltmak için uzun vadede ilgili kalması bekleniyor.
SIA, ağımız genelinde sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtlarının benimsenmesini artırma fırsatlarını araştırmak ve yüksek kaliteli karbon azaltmalarını güvence altına almak için paydaşlarla aktif olarak ortak olmaya devam edecektir.
SIA GRUP TÜM MÜŞTERİLERİ İÇİN GÖNÜLLÜ KARBON AZALTMA PROGRAMINI BAŞLATTI yazısı ilk önce Aeroportist I Güncel Havacılık Haberleri üzerinde ortaya çıktı.
from Aeroportist I Güncel Havacılık Haberleri https://ift.tt/3qqeUkP via IFTTT
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hsingasong · 7 years
what is it like living in korea?
This is a super vague question but I'll do my best... It's wonderful. It's exciting and things change so quickly - the weather, the trends, what's in. In the time I've been here I've seen "popular things" change from Castella cakes to UFO crane machine games to VR arcades... As far as the music scene there is constant competition to create better music so that's also super exciting. There's no better place in the world to be a kpop fan. You can generally make it around Seoul or Busan with no Korean knowledge and you can find almost anything you want in Seoul. The people are friendly generally and the food is generally cheap. The transportation both within and between cities is easy and convenient. Almost everything food wise can be delivered for no extra charge. Korean shipping takes max 2 days because the country is so small. You can travel anywhere in Korea in a day. There's so many beautiful places to see in Korea and I've only seen a few of them. People of all genders take care of their looks. The alcohol is cheap and the drinking culture is cray. People party harder than I've ever seen here in Korea. The culture is so beautiful and people are proud to be Korean and to help each other out. I've had people pay my bus fee for me, help me when I've dropped money, help me find directions. Just strangers. Because korean culture is rooted in collectivism and helping each other where we can. Making friends with Koreans is generally pretty easy when you find a common ground. Korean "older brothers" 오빠/형 and "older sisters" 언니/누나 will take very good care of you just because they are older because of hierarchy. It's also terrible. It's stressful and there are so many customs and rules. As a foreigner you will literally always be other'ed and will never fit in. You will also have to fight Koreans in an unemployment crisis for jobs if you want to stay as a non teacher. The streets aren't the cleanest and there are often weird smells in the air. We have pollution microdust to worry about in spring and fall. The weather is either so hot and humid you're melting or freezing cold. Ahjumma's and ahjussi will wreck. Your. Shit. Your superiors at work will wreck your shit. Because hierarchy is everything in Korea. You will get pushed and shoved like sardines on a bus or subway. Collectivism will also wreck your shit. There's a lot of pressure to look or act a certain way, to dress in trendy fashion, to have the latest things. Korean fashion tends to all look the same as a result. Korean culture is vain and shallow and about pictures and looks. Your looks determine your status and your job prospects... Which is massively fucked up lol. There's also as mentioned earlier a bad unemployment crisis in Korea so a lot of young people are living with their parents trying to compete with each other every year for the job exams. Korea revolves around exams and points and rankings. There's an obsession over being #1. Also, there's something wrong with you if you can't get an SO (me). People are overly interested in your personal life and "friends" often use you for personal gain and that's considered just fine. There are pros and cons. I love Korea and want to live here for at least 5 or 6 more years. If you want to know about something in particular please message me again!
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campaignsoftheworld · 5 years
BECO - Steal Our Staff, real jobs for real people in the UK who are visually impaired, disabled or disadvantaged
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1 in 5 people living in the UK are disabled and an estimated 48% are unemployed – that’s over one million job-seekers looking for opportunities and a disability unemployment gap of 30% (only 52% of disabled are employed vs 82% of the general working population). BECO is on a mission to change that. BECO is looking to draw attention through campaign #StealOurStaff to the Disability Employment Gap and disrupt employers’ outdated attitudes towards people with disabilities, which takes the impressive-meter off the charts. "There’s over a million disabled folks currently out of work. We’d like to hire them all, but we can’t do it on our own. Of course we don’t enjoy seeing some of our best friends go, but we’re happy to be a stepping stone to help them land their dream job."
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Visit here for more information #StealOurStaff BECO. It’s a whole lot better From the ingredients we pour in, to the benefits that pour back out, every product we create is Better Considered. All of our products create real jobs for real people in the UK who are visually impaired, disabled or disadvantaged. Source Credits Client: BECO Campaign: Steal Our Staff Head of Sustainable Growth, CLARITY & Co.: Camilla Marcus-Dew Marketing Manager, CLARITY & Co.: Diane Cheung Agency: TBWA London CCO: Andy Jex Creatives: Dan Kenny, Duncan Brooks & Tom Gong Producer: Holly Baker Business Director: Daisy Hampton Account Director: Max Phillips Social Media Planner: Sophie Elliott Senior Planner: Killian Kapfer Head of Design: Aaron Moss Business Affairs: Cath Pow Art buyer: Louise Cripps & Claire Delefons Photographer: Philip Haynes Photography Agent: The Peter Bailey Company Retouching: eg+ Production Company: Hoi Polloi Directo: Dan Castella Editor: Dan French Tags: BECO Steal Our Staff, Read the full article
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spavid · 7 years
Uhhhhh I'm Asher, eggs, Christian Borle, I like falling asleep while rabbiting and making fun of beth for no reason. I'm memes and I like to dance and be the best ever egg spot conlon I look like max Castella
scscreans this is accurate and i hate it
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tadaima2019 · 5 years
june 23
Before breakfast, Jiiji took Brandon, Mommy and I for a walk down to the beach. We skipped and collected rocks, enjoying the view and the weather. I think the max number of skips was 5, thrown by Brandon. 
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Me and Mommy collected quite different assortments:
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A picture taken and titled by Mommy: “Jiiji and Jasmine going where we told them not to go.”
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When skipping small rocks got old:
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Jiiji’s turn:
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The climb up the stairs was unforeseeably more exhausting than the sprint down. Brandon took this picture because he is more fit than all of us combined. 
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We had bread, baby castella, coffee, and juice for breakfast before moving our things out to the cars. We had a great stay and were re-energized for day two of our trip. :)
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Jiiji and Brandon found a kuwagata, a male stag beetle. This one is pretty friendly, so we brought him home in a paper cup to give to Sora. It has yet to be given a name.
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[Baaba running to join our picture]
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[The resulting pictures]
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Before we left, we took one last tour of the gardens. There were so many different types of flowers and plants outside the building, the weather was perfect, and it was a very peaceful morning in Toba.
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Yasuji-occhan snuck a few branches from the hydrangea bushes to bring home to grow in their own garden in Shinmachi. Apparently hydrangeas are very strong and take root even if you just stick a branch in the ground. 
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For lunch, Yasuji-occhan and Hiromi-no onechan brought us to Toba’s most famous restaurant, known for their giant shrimp tempura meal. Yasuji-occhan drove to this restaurant first thing in the morning to make a reservation for us, since it was a Sunday and they only serve 20 giant shrimp plates a day. 
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No surprise, the food was amazing!! I don’t usually eat much shrimp but this fried shrimp was amazing. Mommy and I shared the shrimp plate, and Brandon ate some shrimp along with his tonkatsu plate (also amazing). We were giggling throughout the meal because the background music sounded like Spongebob music, and because Brandon came to this super famous, super Japanese restaurant and asked for ketchup for his Tonkatsu. 
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I forget what these are called but Mommy said they were great. Mussels? 
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Another thing that I realized is amazing is Japanese tartar sauce. I hate American tartar sauce because of the dill pickles, but the tartar sauce at this restaurant was amazing. There were free tartar sauce refills, another thing that we didn’t need but found very amusing.
Since the tables weren’t big enough to fit all 7 of us, Mommy, Brandon and I sat at our own little table for three. Understandably so, because there were so many plates.
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After lunch, we drove about half an hour until we reached two famous Toba gift shops. The first one we went to was more like a farmer’s market, with local produce, fish, plants, and snacks. This one was right on the shore of the ocean! Toba is an ocean town, so it has a lot of seafood to show for it. The food court in this gift shop was selling shark spring rolls. 
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The next gift shop was much more commercialized, and had three floors packed with stands and aisles of well known snacks, foods, fish, and toys. We spent quite a lot of time here, wandering and exploring all the shops.  
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The adults all bought a looooot of gifts here for all of our family households, but the most famous gifts we bought were akafuku manju - basically an inverted manju, with mochi on the inside and red bean on the outside. They are super soft, and the red bean on the outside is shaped to mimic the tides of the ocean. These akafuku manjus originate from Okage Yokocho, right here in Mieken.
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Before we hopped back on the road, we ate gelato and soft serve ice cream from an ice cream shop called Minerva. The vanilla soft serve was so rich and velvety but I wanted something fruity. I went for this mikan gelato and it was perfect. It tasted exactly like a mikan orange!
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At a service area on the way home, we opted not to eat any more snacks because we were all still so full from lunch. However, Jiiji bought three jumbo takoyaki to bring home. This is just one of them. 
We debated and predicted what the inside would be like, whether there would be a proportionately jumbo piece of octopus inside, or if the octopus would be disappointingly average takoyaki size. It turned out there were a few small pieces of octopus, and lots of boiled egg. It was more like a round okonomiyaki than a takoyaki, but still fun. 
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When we got home, Sora greeted us very energetically, excited for us to be back home to play with him. He seemed mostly recovered from his fever and headache, but he now had open blisters and sores all over his hands, arms, feet, legs, and mouth. Hiromi-no onechan guessed that he had caught the ‘Hand Foot Mouth’ virus. Sounds fake but apparently is very real, especially in preschools. I felt so bad for Sora; of course he had no idea what was happening, all he knew was that his skin was itchy and the more he scratched, the worse it got. 
Mommy, Brandon, Baaba and I walked to Cosmos to buy some groceries and medicine. Jiiji showed up with his car and scooped Brandon and I up to go deliver the Toba gifts to his brother, Katchan-no onichan and his wife, Miyoko-no onechan. We met their 14 year old dog, Choco, who was half blind and really shy. We talked about our trip, and they gave me a pretty origami set and a special loaf of white bread. They also ordered three pizzas for us to take home, and I went with Katchan-no onichan in his pick up truck to go get it. 
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Katchan-no onichan can be very brash, but his presence has always made me feel the most comfortable, apart from Mommy, Jiiji and Baaba. I am not exactly sure what it is, but I find it really easy to talk to him about things I would not have thought my level of Japanese fluency would allow. On this trip to the Aoki’s Pizza, we talked about wild Japanese monkeys, kuwagata beetles and the business behind raising them; we talked about Mommy’s secret life as a rebel, talked about being bilingual and about being eccentric in your lifestyle. The other day, we talked for almost an hour about his experience last year having a stroke and surviving it. These kinds of conversations not only greatly expand my Japanese, but make me feel like I have a genuine connection with someone here, which is actually rarer than I used to think it was. 
I realized that he is one of the few people who speaks to me completely without worrying if I will understand. There are lots of times where I don’t know some of the words he uses, but he always stops to use other words without making me feel bad. He really listens when I speak and also tells me whatever he wants to say - there is never any ice to break. I tend to feel really shy or inhibited when I realize that people are talking to me like I’m a child - which I also understand and try to forgive, because I wasn’t raised here and we only meet once a year. But he is different and I have always enjoyed talking with him in his pick up truck. 
We arrived at Aoki’s Pizza and picked up two teriyaki chicken pizzas and one enchilada pizza. There were lots of mixed opinions, but my personal preference was the enchilada pizza. The teriyaki chicken one was okay, but too sweet. 
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Sora was very scared of the kuwagata at first, but he slowly built up the courage to attempt to touch it. Not pictured: him screaming and running away. Pictured for once: Tsukasa!
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I don’t know what it is but this little beetle guy is so adorable. I think all silent creatures have at least some degree of adorable in their blood, so maybe it’s a combination of that and the fact that he looks a bit vicious but just crawls around and hides ASAP. Maki-chan immediately went to go buy him a little tank, some dirt and kuwagata jelly. He drank the jelly so quickly it looked like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. He was visibly more genki after his meal :)
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