#Matt Tiabbi
odinsblog · 9 months
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Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, The Young TERFs, Briahna Joy Gray, Matt Taibbi and many many other prominent “leftists” have turned the corner and are straight up regurgitating right wing talking points—from antivaxxer & anti-masking bullshit, to pro-TERF bullshit, to thinly veiled antisemitism, to pro-Trump, to pro-Putin & anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Practically indistinguishable from Republicans.
By the way, without even getting into Putin’s time as a KGB agent and all of the political adversaries and journalists who he has jailed or had poisoned or assassinated, Putin has ALSO unleashed some extremely harsh anti-LGBTQ laws in Russia. It’s not funny and it’s not anything to be belittled and made light of.
SN: And before any tankies try to derail this by pointing out how homophobic America is, nobody is denying that fact. But if homophobia and transphobia is wrong when America does it, then it’s also wrong when Russian does it. Be consistent.
Honestly, I cannot take anyone seriously if they take a blathering clown like Jimmy Dore seriously. It’s no different than taking financial advice from someone who gets their financial advice from Grimace.
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trump24news · 1 year
Twitter Files – Matt Tiabbi Sniffing Around the Senate Intel Committee Connection to Manipulation of Social Media
Matt Tiabbi is a smart guy, he’ll get there.  I’m not sure why my gut says to trust him, but it does – and I do. Recently he’s been getting hit by the leftists who are asking why Tiabbi is not looking at the Trump administration pressure on social media to control and manipulate public […] The post Twitter Files – Matt Tiabbi Sniffing Around the Senate Intel Committee Connection to Manipulation of Social Media appeared first on The Last Refuge. http://dlvr.it/Sjkh0H
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whitehotharlots · 5 years
I love your prose. Who are your favorite writers? (Preferably the non-fiction ones.)
Thanks for the compliment!
I’ve got tons of favorite writers. If you’re looking for non-fiction that’s kinda sorta similar to the stuff I write about, I’d suggest Class Notes by Adolph Reed, Revolutionaries to Race Leaders by Cedric Johnson, and Race Craft by Barbara and Karen Fields. I’m also a huge fan of the guys who wrote for the old Exiled: Mark Ames, John Dolan, Matt Tiabbi, and Yascha Levine. If you’re looking for non-fiction that’s a bit older and doesn’t get discussed all that often today, take a look at the work of Walter Karp, especially The Politics of War. He’s similar to Howard Zinn only a bit more direct and cutting. 
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circularfire · 5 years
The news media is now loathed in the same way banks, tobacco companies, and health insurance companies are, and it refuses to understand this. Mistakes like WMDs are a problem, but the media’s biggest issue is exactly its bubble-ness, and clubby inability to respond to criticism in any way except to denounce it as misinformation and error. Equating all criticism of media with Trumpism is pouring gasoline on the fire. “The public is not stupid. It sees that companies like CNN and NBC are billion-dollar properties, pushing shows anchored by big-city millionaires. A Vanderbilt like Anderson Cooper or a half-wit legacy pledge like Chris Cuomo shoveling coal for Comcast, Amazon, AT&T, or Rupert Murdoch is the standard setup
Matt Tiabbi
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peterbromley · 5 years
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Where are we headed? Is that where we want to go? America’s political establishment has created vast inequities not only in the economy, but in criminal justice (where street crime is heavily punished, but white collar crime is not), war (it’s mostly not the sons and daughters of politicians and CEOs getting killed in overseas conflicts), health care (where much of the population lives in fear that getting sick will trigger bankruptcy), debt forgiveness (Wall Street bailout recipients got to write off losses, but people suffering foreclosures and student loan defaults are ruined), and other arenas. Matt Tiabbi, Journalist, columnist to Rolling Stone . . . . @rollingstone #leadership #inequality #politics #value #values #healthcare #war #education #inequality #success #corporateculture #clearlightevolution #peace #civility (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B57y3QYpz0Y/?igshid=1p4m8mofptio6
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brainpickings · 11 years
Looting the Pension Fund
Thanks to a deadly combination of unscrupulous states illegally borrowing from their pensioners, and unscrupulous banks whose mass sales of fraudulent toxic subprime products crashed the market, these funds were out some $930 billion. Yet the public was being told that the problem was state workers' benefits were simply too expensive.
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niv · 12 years
worldwide market manipulation via the libor rate, you should watch this...
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Whew boy 🙄
Somebody please save us from out of touch, white libertarians
Republicans are literally banning books, passing “Don’t say gay” bills, blocking unions, and outlawing protests all around the country, but somehow Matt Taibbi thinks “Republicans are irrelevant on speech”
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June 2011 (a little outdated) via Keith Olbermann:
but good interview with Matt Taibbi, the writer of the Rolling Stone article, "Michele Bachmann's Holy War"
Joan of Arc + Machiavelli as a campaigner, her marriage as a "divine vision," Bachmann's choice to be stuck on a deserted island with Olbermann, and the weirdest Bachmann moments
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circularfire · 5 years
Anyone who reads blogs from all political viewpoints has long known that the DNC/Hillary/Steele documents were utter bullshit, and the FBI was 100% partisan in trying to overthrow the results of a democratic election. But when a lie is broadcast non-stop on the media, and pushed by so-called "progressive" pundits, and constantly promoted by the New York Times, people buy it uncritically. Matt Tiabbi is a real progressive who does impeccable journalism - and here he absolutely lays waste to the shabby partisan "journalists" who have promoted this fantasy crusade to bring down a sitting president. They should hang their heads in shame, but of course they'll just pretend that it never happened. And how dare anyone who supports anti-democratic behavior by the FBI and the CIA call themselves "progressive!" For shame!
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