#Master your fears
jollyhaunt · 1 year
coruscant has the space equivalent to the cosmopolitan magazine, including those celebrity quizzes pertaining to things such as "which actor is your bestie" etc. except they come out with an issue about the jedi INCLUDING "which jedi master would be your soulmate"
the troopers have a riot with this, the jedi amused just as much if not more (no one has heard yoda laugh this much since a prank some padawans *cough cough obiwanandquinlan COUGH* had pulled on mace). cody had refused to participate in the quiz no matter how much heckling he received from the 212th. on the other hand, obiwan is having a riot with it.
when obiwan hears troopers who got him, he becomes more friendly than before—overuses terms of endearments, more pats on the shoulders, smiling a little sweeter, those sorts of things. 212th troopers who got jedi like anakin or plokoon, obiwan just waggles a teasing brow and makes teasing little comments whenever they're teamed up.
it's rex that finally gets cody to take the quiz. some off hand comment about obiwan and his eyes or something along those lines. cody just yanks out the nearest datapad and does the questionnaire with much more thought than he ought to.
and what'd ya know—he got obiwan.
rex leaks it to the 212th and cody receives so much crap for that. obiwan overhears it and bc he is such a bastard, participates in all the teasing, just outright starts flirting bc isn't it so fun to see cody, marshall commander of the 3rd system army, become pink in the face from all the implications?
the next issue is of the high ranking officers of the GAR, including the clones. obiwan gets cody and anakin gives him so much crap for it as well. cody gives obiwan a taste of his own medicine
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kurohaai · 1 year
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「あ〜ぁ やっちゃったな…」
"Aa~h, you've done it now..."
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guardian-of-da-gay · 1 year
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inspired by this post cuz the only thing I love more than my OP blorbo losing it and going apeshit is my OP blorbo losing control completely
also this is my first Sonic fanart yay
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this-simplefeeling · 7 months
currently thinking abt how in The Mind of Evil we learn that the Doctor's deepest phobia is fire SPECIFICALLY bc he was traumatized by seeing a planet burn to death... and Oh Boy does that add a layer to the way Gallifrey's destruction must have affected the Doctor..
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ashleyfableblack · 6 months
Queen Twilight says "Read Banned Books".
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Inspired by Bangsandteeth
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driftwoodthrone · 1 year
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You have a chance to return to your lives. And I hope to be a part of them.
STAR TREK: PICARD S03E05 “Imposter”
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tiny-planet-13 · 5 months
finally watching season 2 of tgcf and one of my friends is reading it for the first time I can't wait for them to be completely emotionally destroyed!!
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picturejasper20 · 10 months
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Some parallels i found between Vlad Masters' arc in ¨Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time¨ novel and Sasha Waybright's arc in Amphibia
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
Just wanted to plant an idea if you wanted a bit of fuel: Mahiru asking Yuno to come to her cell before everything goes down.
Edit: I forgot the ask didn't say it but this is part of Kyanako's incredible Order Of Attack AU!
Didn't mean for this to become a mini Mappi study but here we are ✨ Thank you for the request! I fully intended to write them hanging out, but it's more right before they hang out lol. Went a bit on-the-nose with foreshadowing, but isn't that the fun part? It has become Emotional Over Mahiru Hour...
I kept things vague, but TW for mentioning her boyfriend's state of potential self-harm
Mahiru tried not to act superstitious, she really did. As much as she loved the idea of little luck charms, or avoided easy signs of misfortune, it was easier to keep quiet about such ridiculous things.
Maybe catching a bride’s bouquet meant no guarantees; maybe there was no real harm in stepping underneath ladders, maybe a coin tossed into a fountain had no real magic to its wish. However, the one thing she knew for sure held power was a lucky presence. Being in the right place at the right time could alter everything. And today was the right time for something. There was this waiting in the air. The prison had been holding its breath. Mahiru knew it was time to release it all.
“You must be so lonely, why don’t you let big sis Mahiru keep you company?” She beamed at Amane.
She often recalled the good fortune that she and a certain young man had crossed paths on the university terrace. She used to laugh with him about the wonderful coincidence of bumping into each other outside of the bakery, then the convenience store. 
Though she’d never spoken about it to him, she was also grateful for many occasions where she walked in on him at the precise moment to talk him out of something reckless. She always told him that they’d do everything together. He didn’t need to be alone anymore. 
“I wish to be alone. I need peace of mind to think.” Amane turned away from the cell door.
It was a good thing, too. Mahiru’s smile wasn’t as convincing as she said, “o-oh. Of course.”
She made her way around the panopticon, hearing Fuuta pace his cell in anticipation. He must have felt it too, this holding of breath. 
Or perhaps not. He turned down her offer for a bit of company, including a few more colorful words than Amane had. Mahiru just apologized for bothering him and headed back to her cell. She wasn’t sure where Mikoto was at this hour, but she didn’t feel like smiling through a third rejection.
She shook her head back and forth. She wished the motion could rattle the voices inside, she wished she could shake them all away. With her arms secured in place she could no longer cover her ears. She used to hum to keep them at bay, but lately they’d been too loud to stifle. They just kept on talking.
Their words told her the two were right. Nobody needed her company. No – nobody wanted it. Being together hadn’t helped her boyfriend. In fact, being together had been the very thing that got him killed. No wonder Amane and Fuuta wanted to avoid her. 
So then, this was for the best. She would rather deal with the brief sting of refusal than stumble in one day to find them hurt… or worse. As much as she tried to avoid the superstition of it all, the voices reminded her that her very presence could mean life or death. 
“Mappi, are you alright?” Mahiru hadn’t realized a tear had slipped down her cheek until she hurried to swipe it away in front of Yuno. 
“Hah, I’m fine! Just fine.” It was impossible to fool her, Mahiru had learned, but that never stopped her from trying. 
At least she always spoke tactfully. “Rough morning?”
Mahiru shifted her arms in her uniform, making a small sound of agreement.
“Can I do anything to help? What if I stay with you for a bit? I can do your hair, and…”
The voices were right. Amane and Fuuta knew it, too. Presences did hold power, and Mahiru’s was cursed.
But she would sound foolish admitting such a fear to Yuno. She'd heard plenty from the voices about how stupid and airheaded she was, there was no use in getting the same lecture from someone as grounded as her.
Mahiru managed a weak protest, unable to explain her real reasoning. Yuno was insistent. She didn’t give much of a choice. Could she feel the strangeness of the prison, as well? 
At last, Mahiru allowed her shoulders to sag. Yuno was lucky. And kind. Having her nearby would do her good. Amane and Fuuta would be alright. Mahiru had tried spending more time with them after verdicts were announced. Now, she made a mental note to pull back. If her love couldn’t save anyone, at least she could spare them from her curse. They would be safe. 
“Yes. Please stay. The truth is... I don't want to be alone.”
#milgram#mahiru shiina#yuno kashiki#amane and fuuta mentioned#i dont know how well this all fits in with your vision of the au but i had a ton of fun with this lmao sorry 😂#oh hey if anyone knows any japanese superstitions like those in the beginning lmk#i was trying to research them but i kept getting lucky symbols/words - not necessarily actions like that#anyway thank you so much for this!! it was a really interesting moment to capture >:0#drabbles that take me way too long to combine my three brain cells but im really pleased with the end result#i had a lot of Mahiru Thoughts but it took a bit of fiddling to make them fit together#the superstitiousness - the focus on one's presence - the parallels with his bf - what she's dealing with from the voices#im glad it came together semi-smoothly in the end asdfsd#i didnt mean for mahiru t break the fourth wall or anything --#i always saw her as a master at picking up on social changes/cues so she can tell when things are most tense/kotoko is fully prepared#but she doesnt consciously know it -- she just knows that things feel Off#not only do the attacks confirm mahirus fear that shes cursed - but yunos involvement confirms her belief that shes extra lucky#i wonder if shed still end up spending all her time with yuno now that she thought she was such a protective person...#i couldnt articulate it right since the end was wrapping up so nicely - but mahiru starts to wonder if most people are fine being left alon#and *shes* the odd one out for craving company#then she feels isolated because by getting what she wants shes dooming someone else#i mean... if everyone you try to get close to starts getting hurt... wouldnt you worry about the same...?#AHAHAHAHA hope you enjoyed 🙃#*posts this then retreats back into the void for a bit*#drabbles
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author-main · 1 year
idk if this is a hot take or something but I will forever be upset at koei tecmo for giving the other characters flurry rush and not let it be Link exclusive
No, I will not be talked down from this.
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penofwildfire · 10 months
I love projecting onto Garmadon because I have parental and religious trauma and his dad is god so like, it works out y'know?
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tillman · 9 months
speaking of autism ive been listening to feel a fear on repeat for over an hour
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marioriobreskic · 1 month
As someone who suffers from sleep apnea looks back on bad sleep and attention hygiene
Late night movies, saturday morning cartoons, late night talk shows, erotica after midnight, clubs and discos.
There was a lot of missing out on sleep. I imagine that missing out on sleep turns us all into less of ourselves. I imagine that staying awake when you could easily fall asleep is a sort of poison for our minds.
Imagine being well‑rested.
Looking at the amount of sleep‑debt since 2021 (since that was the last time I reset the data my quantified self device has gathered on my sleep debt), I imagine the following as ideal:
become a cat for the time being.
What magic things will come from this? Let’s find out by going back to bed as soon as possible for the rest of our lives.
Call me Nemo. I am going back to sleep after posting this.
I think/believe that the following ideas are all true:
if I want to be more concentrated on what I do, I need to pay less attention to everything else.
the more I rest, the better my concentration is.
the more well‑rested I am, the kinder, smarter, and more stress‑resilient I can be.
All in favor of a better life, say Zzz
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 10 months
It’s really cool seeing how the dragons don’t dive after their riders after they’ve been thrown off during the fight with the Red Death, whereas later on in the franchise they would have. That’s what we call character growth, folks.
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surprise starter for @greedbent bc I'm low-key foaming at the mouth for these two master manipulators to meet 👀👀💦
"Excuse me, I do hope this seat isn't taken." The cheerful velvet of Kaeya's voice eased through the chatter in the Cat's Tail. He offered a grin and brief thanks as he claimed an empty bar stool next to a man clad in all black. A stranger, technically, although Kaeya had his suspicions.
Once settled he flagged over a bartender, striking up easy conversation and ordering a glass of Dandelion Wine. Casual. An ordinary patron here for drinks and socializing. Certainly not here out of curiosity towards the "random" patron he'd sat beside. He was dressed down, forsaking the outer layers of his outfit for only his plain white shirt, and his Vision was hidden out of sight, tucked up inside billowing fabric. Better to keep his cards close to the chest at a time like this.
Kaeya didn't address the other man again. He continued chatting with the bartender as she poured his drink, which he then leisurely sipped as his gaze wandered the night's customers. Only when his eye trailed naturally to the one beside him did Kaeya pause, scrutinizing his features as if he'd just noticed anything peculiar.
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"I don't think I've seen you in the Cat's Tail before," he remarked, paired with an easygoing smile. "Are you new to Mondstadt?"
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
The Grey Fear, right before you fight him: "I forsake my master of old!" The Grey Fear being summoned by Mandos mere moments later: "noooooo My Lord don't summon me!! I didn't mean it....... 🥺🥺🥺"
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