#Marathon Tamil Nadu
healthfile24 · 1 year
Tamil Nadu at the Comrades Marathon | Six runners speak about clocking the gruelling 87.7 km run
(From Right) Erika Patel, Chandrasekhar G, Vasu Rangachary, Dharmendar Bafna, Rose Naidu, Yasmin Gulab The road to success at the gruelling Comrades Marathon in South Africa is pock-marked with perseverance, sweat, and tireless hours of running. People from around the world begin preparing at least five months ahead, running nearly 100 kilometres each week, to ensure they can tackle this…
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comradejoanmir · 5 months
thank youuuuuuuu @suzuki-ecstar for the tag! saving me from paying attention in class I'm so serious this prof sucks
rules: answer these 15 questions then tag 15 people you'd like to know better 💐
1. are you named after anyone?
not a person no
2. when was the last time you cried?
couple months ago I think, around when I got my internal marks for this really horrific prof's
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
rn I'm on the college volleyball team but before that I used to play badminton, ran relays and smaller marathons, a couple years of table tennis, and a year each of gymnastics, karate, and classical dance; I also played outside like every evening from ages 8-14 hashtag not like other girls in that my apartment literally did not have any girls my age 😔
(note: I wasn't particularly good at any of those except maybe badminton but I had fun so who cares)
5. do you use sarcasm?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I have no idea
7. what’s your eye color?
dark brown
8. scary movies or happy endings?
not a horror fan unless I'm making fun of it with friends
9. any talents?
being hot lmao but also ig I'm kinda good at academic writing, essays and the kind
10. where were you born?
tamil nadu, india
11. what are your hobbies
drawing, playing the guitar/ singing usually with my sister (been a while though), reading (trying to get back in) and watching motorsportssss
12. do you have any pets?
13. how tall are you?
5'3 last I checked
14. favorite subject in school?
english, bio, history but no.1 for me and all my classmates was always sports/pe which is a distinctly not-american thing I think
Edit: it might be a distinctly my school thing the more I think- we Loved pe 🤷
15. dream job
don't really have one, I don't Mind my degree but it's not my fav thing in the world. I'd love to work at my first internship place but the pay's not great and more importantly I'll have to live in This state so....hmmm.
Tagging @menstitsillness@gianniisantetokounmpo @lewisfencer and anyone who wants to do this!
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14 avril : l’anniversaire du Dr Ambedkar, l’un des fondateurs de l’Inde actuelle
C’est le 134e anniversaire de Babasaheb Ambedkar et son aura n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. Cet homme, né dans un milieu défavorisé et qui sera l’un des premiers intouchables à faire des études supérieures, à bénéficier d’une bouse pour étudier aux États-Unis et à Londres, et à se hisser au plus haut niveau de l’État indien dont il a participé à la fondation. Il fut député, ministre de la Justice, du Travail… On lui doit pour l’essentiel la constitution indienne, notamment les articles sur la laïcité, la lutte contre les discriminations. Très jeune, il a lutté contre le système des castes et, une fois au gouvernement, il a mis en place une discrimination positive.
Bhimrao Ramjo Ambedkar est né le 14 avril 1891 à Mhow (appelé aujourd'hui Ambedkar Nagar) dans le Madhya Pradesh. Son anniversaire a été fêté publiquement pour la première fois à Pune en 1928 par ses partisans. Mais il a fallu attendre 1990, à la veille de son centenaire, pour que le Dr Ambdekar reçoit à titre posthume le Bharat Ratna, la plus haute distinction civile indienne. En outre, la période 1990-91 avait été déclarée « Année de la justice sociale ». Certains État de l’Inde célèbrent le 14 avril une journée de l’équité. Babasaheb Ambedkar (son surnom) est particulièrement vénéré par les intouchables qu’il appelait les datits, et basses castes dont il était (car sa famille était de la la caste des Mahars) ; mais aussi des bouddhistes, car un an avant sa mort, en 1956, il s’était converti au Bouddhisme pour protester contre le maintien de l’esprit des castes (pourtant abolies par la constitution) et la sur-représentation des hautes castes au sommet de l’État. Il avait entraîné avec lui la conversion en masse de plusieurs centaines de milliers d’intouchables.
Ambedkar Jayanti n'est pas une fête nationale en Inde. Mais, c'est un jour férié dans 25 États et territoires de l'Union indienne (sur 36) , dont Andhra Pradesh , Bihar , Chandigarh , Chhattisgarh , Goa , Gujarat , Haryana , Himachal Pradesh , Jammu-et-Cachemire , Jharkhand , Karnataka , Kerala , Ladakh , Madhya Pradesh. , Maharashtra , Odisha , Pondichéry , Pendjab , Rajasthan , Sikkim , Tamil Nadu , Telangana , Uttarakhand , Uttar Pradesh , Bengale occidental…
Ce sont ces deux dernières décennies que le culte d’Ambdekar a pris de l’ampleur. Le jour de son anniversaire, les gens se rassemblent devant les statues et les mémoriaux du Dr Ambedkar pour lui rendre hommage. Les autorités indiennes ont fini par s’y plier et à déclarer, localement, la journée du 14 avril comme fériée. Les écoles et les universités organisent des séminaires, des conférences et des discussions pour informer les jeunes générations sur la vie, les philosophies et les contributions d'Ambedkar. Les processions et rassemblements publics sont très courants dans le cadre des célébrations. On organise chaque année un marathon, « Run for Ambdekar » , des spectacles de danse et de musique traditionnelles illustrant les thèmes de l'égalité et de la justice sociale ajoutent une dimension culturelle aux célébrations. On prononce des discours et organise des débats sur des questions liées à la justice sociale et à la discrimination de caste.
Il n’est pas vraiment dans la droite ligne de l’Inde de Narendra Modi mais son culte n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. On célèbre aussi l’anniversaire de sa mort, chaque 6 décembre, Mahaparinirvan Diwas.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 13 avril 2024
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nitesh-123n · 2 months
How to learn Tamil in 30 days.
From Vanakkam to Valargal: Crash Course Tamil in 30 Days!
Ever dreamt of strolling along the Marina Beach in Chennai, the cultural heart of Tamil Nadu, and understanding the chatter around you? Or maybe you're yearning to delve into the ancient literary world of Sangam poetry. Whatever your reason, mastering Tamil in a month might seem like an ambitious feat. But fret not, language enthusiast! With the right approach, you can unlock the basics of this beautiful Dravidian language and take your first steps on an exciting linguistic journey.
Laying the Foundation: The Alphabet and Sounds
Tamil boasts a unique writing system unlike its Indo-European counterparts. Don't be intimidated! The Tamil alphabet, with its 18 consonants and 12 vowels, is quite logical. Start by familiarizing yourself with the consonant and vowel characters, along with their pronunciations. Resources like mnemonic flashcards or apps like "Learn Tamil Alphabets" can make this process engaging.
Everyday Essentials: Building Your Vocabulary
Now that you can recognize the building blocks, it's time to construct some meaning! Focus on everyday greetings, essential verbs like "to be," "to have," and "to go," and common nouns for food, family, and places. Use spaced repetition apps like Anki to solidify these words in your memory.
Tune In and Talk Up: Embrace the Power of Immersion
Learning a language isn't a passive pursuit. Immerse yourself in the world of Tamil! Here's how:
Music Magic: Listen to Tamil film soundtracks or create playlists of popular Tamil singers like A.R. Rahman. Pay attention to recurring words and their context.
Movie Marathon: Dive into Tamil cinema! Start with movies that have subtitles in your native language, then gradually transition to those with English subtitles.
Language Exchange Partner: Find a native Tamil speaker online or in your community for language exchange from Hindustani tongue. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – embrace them as stepping stones to fluency!
Make it Fun: Gamify Your Learning
Language learning shouldn't feel like a chore. Make it a game!
Label it Up: Write down the Tamil names of everyday objects in your house and stick them on. This constant visual reinforcement will boost your vocabulary.
Think in Tamil: Challenge yourself to think in simple Tamil sentences throughout the day. This will prime your brain for speaking the language.
Find a Tamil Buddy: Learning with a friend is always more motivating. Partner up with someone who's also interested in Tamil and quiz each other on vocabulary or have mini-conversations.
Conclusion: A Month of Milestones, A Lifetime of Language
While achieving fluency in a month might not be realistic, you can definitely build a strong foundation for further learning. Remember, consistency is key. Dedicate a specific time each day to Tamil practice, even if it's just 20 minutes. Celebrate your milestones, no matter how small. By the end of the month, you'll be able to hold basic conversations, understand common phrases, and most importantly, develop a love for this rich and vibrant language. So, what are you waiting for? Embark on your Tamil adventure today – Vanakkam (வணக்கம்)!
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mangowheel-7 · 5 months
Tasty Mangoes Online
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Mango season might be transient, yet the hankering for their delicious flawlessness is never-ending. Thankfully, fruit market marathons are a thing of the past! At Mango Wheel, we bring the sun-soaked, natural decency of Salem, Tamil Nadu straightforwardly to your entryway. Truth be told, delicious tasty mangoes online are here, and they're ready to go!
Envision Alphonsos softening on your tongue, their botanical pleasantness a tropical excursion in each nibble. Or on the other hand enjoy the tart, dynamic eruption of Malgovas, a sunshiney blast in your mouth. These are only a brief look at the mango sorcery looking for you at Mango Wheel.
Each mango is selected by hand from the best orchards in Salem, where traditional farming methods meet modern freshness. No synthetic substances, no counterfeit aging, simply nature's unadulterated creativity brought to your doorstep.
Disregard the disappointment of wounded produce and untrustworthy merchants. Our web-based stage interfaces you straightforwardly with Salem's energetic ranchers, offering straightforward evaluation and unmatched quality. Request whenever it might suit you, track your mangoes' excursion, and plan to invite an eruption of summer daylight into your kitchen.
Things being what they are, the reason for pause? Ditch the mango market frenzy and jump into the universe of delightful accommodation. Find Mango Wheel on the internet, select your mango adventure, and take in the flavor of Salem one juicy bite at a time. Cheerful mango licious devouring!
People can easily buy tasty mangoes online through the mango wheel
For more info,
Call Now - +91 90420 34551Web: https://www.mangowheel.com/
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indivahandlooms · 11 months
Sarees and Styles: A Journey Through Time and Trends for 2023
Sarees and Styles: A Journey Through Time and Trends for 2023
Introduction: The Timeless Elegance of Sarees and Their Cultural Tapestry
The saree, an emblem of grace and sophistication, has been woven into the fabric of Indian culture for countless generations. More than just a garment, the saree is a cultural symbol that has gracefully evolved with the changing tides of fashion, all while preserving its traditional roots. From the vibrant handloom sarees of Andhra Pradesh to the luxurious silk sarees of Tamil Nadu and the Nauvari of Maharashtra, each region of India contributes to the rich and diverse tapestry of saree styles that make up our cultural heritage.
The Story and Charm of Sarees: A Journey through History
Sarees, those elegant and timeless garments, have graced the women of India for centuries. The word "sari" originates from Sanskrit, meaning "strip of cloth". But for the women (and even a few men) who have adorned themselves with these exquisite fabrics, sarees hold a deeper meaning. They symbolize national pride, showcase traditional craftsmanship, and serve as ambassadors of India's diverse culture.
The origins of sarees date back to ancient times, mentioned in the Rig Veda, a Hindu book of hymns from 3,000 B.C. They have been depicted in sculptures from the first through sixth centuries, showcasing the versatility and beauty of this "magical unstitched garment". The saree's design perfectly suits India's hot climate and the modest-dress customs of both Hindu and Muslim communities.
India, with its 29 states, is a treasure trove of saree styles and craftsmanship. It remains a powerhouse for dyeing, printing, and silk weaving, contributing to the diverse regional varieties of sarees. For example, in Varanasi, weavers create the famous Banarasi silk sarees on traditional wooden looms, often adorned with bright red hues and metallic zari thread, cherished by brides. In Kerala, the predominantly white Sett Mundu sarees reflect traditional styles that have endured for centuries.
The journey of sarees has seen an evolution in style, yet their beauty remains unaltered. Women across the country carry themselves with impeccable grace, showcasing various draping styles that differ from region to region and generation to generation. The saree's charm has endured the test of time, adapting to changing trends while maintaining its essence.
From historical figures like Rani Lakshmibai, who fought against the British army donning a traditional Maharashtrian Kachche style saree, to modern-day marathon runner Kranti Salvi, who broke the Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon run in a nauvari saree, the saree has proven its versatility and adaptability.
As we delve into the history of sarees, we uncover a tapestry of stories, traditions, and cultural significance. The allure of the Indian traditional saree lies in its ability to transcend time and connect generations. It remains a symbol of India's rich heritage and the emotions associated with its legacy.
So, the next time you drape yourself in a saree, remember the journey it has undertaken, representing centuries of craftsmanship, diversity, and the spirit of Indian culture. Let the saree become a part of your story, an embodiment of grace, beauty, and the timeless elegance that defines this cherished garment.
The Many Faces of Sarees: Styles We Adore and How to Don Them
The cultural mosaic that is India offers a myriad of saree styles, each with its unique design, fabric, and draping method. Silk sarees, celebrated for their lustrous beauty, are perhaps the most renowned and widely worn type of saree. They are spun from the silk produced by silkworms, making them breathable, cool, and versatile. Cotton sarees, known for their comfort and durability, are the perfect companion for the sweltering Indian summers. Block-printed sarees, with their intricate designs and vibrant hues, are a testament to the skilled craftsmanship of Indian artisans.
Handloom sarees, woven with love and care, carry the rich weaving tradition of India. Hand-embroidered sarees, adorned with intricate embroidery work, are a favourite for festive occasions and weddings. SICO sarees, a blend of silk and cotton, offer the best of both worlds - the elegance of silk and the comfort of cotton. Mangalgiri sarees, made in the town of Mangalgiri in Andhra Pradesh, are known for their fine cotton weave and striking zari work. Kantha embroidered sarees, featuring the traditional embroidery style of West Bengal, are a work of art in themselves.
Andhra Handloom cotton sarees, known for their soft texture and lightweight, are perfect for everyday wear. Patteda Anchu sarees, a traditional saree style from Karnataka, are known for their checked design and vibrant colours. Ilkal sarees, originating from the town of Ilkal in Karnataka, are known for their unique pallu design and the use of cotton and silk in their making.
Creating Unique Looks with Different Saree Drapes
The beauty of the saree lies in its versatility. The same saree can be draped in different ways to create different looks. Each state in India has its unique saree draping style. For instance, the Nivi style of draping, which is the most common style, is from Andhra Pradesh. The Bengali style, with its unique box pleats and pallu thrown over the left shoulder, is another popular style. The Gujarati style, where the pallu is draped over the right shoulder, is often seen in traditional Gujarati weddings. The Coorgi style, from the Coorg region of Karnataka, is unique in that the pleats are tucked at the back of the saree.
Accessorizing Your Saree: An Inspirational Look Book Guide
Styling a saree is an art form in itself. The right accessories can elevate your saree look, making you stand out in a crowd. Ethnic wear fashion accessories, such as statement jewellery, can add a touch of glamour to your saree ensemble. Stylish dupattas can be paired with sari blouses for a chic and trendy look. Remember, the key is to balance your accessories with your saree. If your saree is heavily embellished, go for minimalistic jewellery. If your saree is simple, you can opt for statement pieces to add a pop of colour and style.
The Saree Trends of 2023: A Glimpse into the Future
As we step into 2023, the saree fashion trends are all about blending tradition with modernity. Designer Indian ethnic wear dresses are evolving, with new styles and patterns making their way into the fashion scene. From bold prints to unconventional draping styles, the saree is being reinvented while keeping its traditional charm intact. The focus is on sustainable fashion, with more and more designers opting for eco-friendly fabrics and dyes. The trend is also leaning toward minimalistic designs, with an emphasis on comfort without compromising on style.
Conclusion: Embrace Your Style - Stand Out from the Crowd
In conclusion, the saree is a timeless piece of clothing that has evolved over the years, adapting to changing fashion trends while preserving its cultural significance. Whether it's a traditional silk saree or a trendy net saree, each type of saree has its own charm and elegance. The key to looking stunning in a saree is to wear it with confidence and style it in a way that reflects your personality. Remember, fashion is all about expressing yourself. So, don't be afraid to experiment with different saree styles and accessories. Make a statement with your own style and stand out from the crowd. After all, the beauty of the saree lies in its versatility - it can be as traditional or as contemporary as you want it to be.
As we embrace the new fashion trends of 2023, let's not forget the rich cultural history of sarees. Let's celebrate the timeless beauty of sarees and continue to keep this beautiful tradition alive. Whether you're a saree enthusiast or a fashion-forward individual, there's a saree out there for everyone. So, drape on that beautiful piece of fabric and let your style speak for itself.
Remember, a saree is not just a garment; it's a symbol of our rich cultural heritage, a reflection of our past, and a beacon of our future. As we step into 2023, let's carry forward this legacy with pride and elegance. Here's to celebrating the timeless beauty of sarees and the new styles that 2023 has to offer!
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news-venue · 11 months
Madras High Court delivers split verdict on release of Tamil Nadu Minister Senthil Balaji
Justices J Nisha Banu and D Bharatha Chakravarthy gave the ruling on the HCP filed by Balaji's wife against her husband's "illegal detention".
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CHENNAI: The Madras High Court on Tuesday delivered a split verdict on a habeas corpus petition (HCP) seeking to declare Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji’s arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on money laundering charges was illegal and setting him free.
While Justice J Nisha Banu, presiding the bench, held that the HCP is maintainable and the ED was not entrusted to get police custody under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and ordered setting Senthil Balaji free, Justice D Bharatha Chakravarthy dissented saying the petition was not maintainable as the petitioner has not made out a case to prove the remand was illegal.
The dissenting judge ruled that ED is entitled to take him under custody.
“It is in the interest of the detenue that he was admitted to the hospital due to his health condition. He was not under the custody of the ED for even a minute. So, the hospitalisation period can be excluded from the first fifteen days and the ED is entitled to take him under custody,” the dissenting judge ruled.
He ordered, “Therefore, HCP shall stand dismissed. The period from June 14 till such time the accused is fit for custody of the respondent shall be deducted from the initial period of fifteen days. The detenue accused shall continue to take treatment at the Kauvery Hospital until discharge or for a period of ten days from today or whichever is earlier. Thereafter, if he requires further treatment, it can be done only at the prison hospital.”
Since the judges differed on the matter, it will be placed before Chief Justice SV Gangapurwala for further orders.
The HCP was filed by Megala, wife of Senthil Balaji, after he was arrested by the ED in the wee hours of June 14 after a marathon search and grilling at his official residence.
After complaining of chest pain, he was admitted to the Govt Multi-Speciality Hospital where the doctors diagnosed him with blocks in the heart and recommended immediate surgery.
Based on an interim order of the division bench on the HCP, he was shifted to Kauvery Hospital and underwent bypass surgery.
In the meantime, the principal sessions court, which had ordered his judicial custody for fourteen days, granted police custody for the ED to interrogate him subject to his health conditions.
Since the doctors advised against custodial interrogation, the ED gave up the exercise.
Senthil Balaji was booked under PMLA by the ED in 2021 based on the FIR filed by the Central Crime Branch, of Chennai City police, on the cash-for-jobs scam committed when he was the Transport Minster during the AIADMK government.
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kingsmenkarthi · 2 years
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Chennai Chess Marathon was organized to bring Chess Olympiad to the masses. Ministers Meyyanathan, M. Subramanian and Sekar Babu were present. #ChessChennai2022 (at Manaparai, Tamil Nadu, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgjxzfkv6qT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tamil Nadu Students Set Record in 'Reading Marathon' as Part of 'Illam Thedi Kalvi'
Tamil Nadu Students Set Record in ‘Reading Marathon’ as Part of ‘Illam Thedi Kalvi’
Currently, over 33 lakh students are benefiting from the scheme. (Representational Image) The Department of School Education has set up home-based education centers in all districts in the state to rectify the learning gap caused to school children owing to Covid-19. News18.com Chennai Last Updated:June 14, 2022, 12:00 IST FOLLOW US ON: The first of its kind, 12-day reading marathon movement…
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entryeticket-blog · 5 years
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deepakverma123 · 3 years
Indian Famous Sports Person Govindan Lakshmanan
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On June 5, 1990, Govindan Lakshmanan was born in the Sokkurani village of Pudukottai district located in Tamil Nadu. His father was a hard-working farmer who unfortunately died in an accident when the little boy was six years old. Jayalakshmi, the mother of the child, was a daily wage worker and single-handled looked after three children. She worked day-to-day for feeding and supporting the kids in the misfortune. Even in the time of crises, the loving mum encouraged the children to follow their dream. She played an essential part in making her son an athlete despite not knowing anything regarding the sport.
Loganathan, who was the kind neighbour of the little one and the owner of the Youth Sports Club, adopted the poor child to develop his future. The training of Govindan Lakshmanan started at the age of sixteen at the club. He ran barefoot with a talented girl Surya, who was the daughter of Loganathan, on the roads of Pudukottai for practising long-distance running. The emerging runner worked hard every day with the determination to make the country proud. The desire of being a famous sportsperson in India was very vital for the teenager, and so, the boy was punctual about the coaching.
Govindan Lakshmanan attained the first position in the 5 km at the Indian Championships in 2013 held in Ranchi, Jarkhand. The athlete completed the half marathon organised between Vasai and Virar in 1 hour 7 minutes and 6 secs, reaching the finishing line first. In 2015, he made his mark by completing the 5000 meters race in 13:35:69s and winning the Bronze at Asian Championships in Wuhan, China. At the same event, he grabbed a silver medal by finishing 1000 meters in 29:42:81s. The gifted star achieved first in national and state tournaments in the 5 km and 10 km categories in 2015 that are Indian National Games, Indian Championships, Interstate Championships, Indian Inter-Services Championships and National Open Athletics Championships. Each victory encouraged the emerging player to practice more and never look back. With the passing of days, his dedication towards running increased, and he began to set new targets for himself.
Govindan Lakshmanan accomplished Indian Inter-State Championships and Federation Cup Athletics in 5 km and 10 km category in the leading place. The long-distance runner number one position in 5000 meters at Indian Grand Prix in Bangalore, Karnataka. He successfully reached the finishing line leaving other competitors behind in the 5 km and the 10 km groups in Inter-Services Championships organised in Delhi. The famous player of India won the 10000 meters and 5000 meters at the Indian Open Championship held in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The youngster stood first in the 25 km race organised by Tata Steel Kolkata on 18 December 2016, which he completed in 1 hour, 17 minutes and 16 seconds.
In 2017, Govindan Lakshmanan won a gold medal in a 5 km run at Asian Athletics Championships held in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. In the same tournament, he also won gold in 10000 meters which were completed by him in 29:55.87s. The victory made him the third Indian to receive a gold medal at the Asian Athletics Championships since 1993. He is the first athlete in India to achieve gold medals in the 5000 meters and 10000 meters category in the Asian Athletics Championship. Subsequently, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Odisha, awarded twenty Lakhs cash prizes respectively for his skill and efforts. The famous Indian sports player made the country proud with his outstanding performance and perseverance. The capable competitor attained a gold medal at the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 3000 meters organised in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The brilliant player successfully accomplished the 5000-meter race at the 57th National Open Athletics Championships at the Nehru Stadium in the year 2017.
Govindan Lakshmanan mastered the sport with his sweat and willpower. The athlete never looked back after the first achievement and worked hard each day for fulfilling his target. He is an inspiration for those who take a step behind after facing an obstacle. The player has taught everyone to grab every opportunity and be determined to attain them.
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Corporate T-Shirts Manufacturer in Bangalore
Fitwell Clothing Inc. is all about T-Shirts and more. Headquarter in Bangalore and our manufacturing unit in Tirupur, Tamil Nadu. Fitwell Clothing Inc. is a complete blend of technological excellence, quality products, and infrastructure and on time delivery of products. We supply our products to a wide customer base spanning across India.
We manufactures bulk T-Shirts namely: Polos, Round and V-Necks, Full Sleeves, Sweatshirts, Hoodies and Marathon Wear for Ladies, Girls, Men, Boys, Children and Infants. We manufacture, supply and export a wide range of products. We are specialized in printing and embroidery. We offer stiff competition to the other garment manufacturers for our expertise in ground breaking printing and embroidery technologies. We import top-notch quality cotton from authentic vendors.
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myshitblogger-blog · 6 years
In Tamil Nadu, Gold-Winning Marathon Runner Sells Tea To Make A Living
In Tamil Nadu, Gold-Winning Marathon Runner Sells Tea To Make A Living
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State-level athlete A Kalaimani makes not more than 500 per day from her tea stall.
Coimbatore:  A state-level runner from Tamil Nadu, who has four gold medals to her credit, is selling tea in order to raise her family and three children. A Kalaimani, 45, who has participated in 41-km marathons, now spends most of her time at a tea stall in Coimbatore.
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champsharvesh · 2 years
The Tamil Nadu Marathon met and greeted our guest ambassadors and officials.
My little conversation at this wonderful moment.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks once again to Varsha Ashwin ( Bron to Win ) for choosing me as The Ambassador for the Tamil Nadu Marathon.
Get Set Ready #Chennai for #NammaMarathon - G Square Group Presents Tamilnadu Marathon - 2022, Supported by Tamilnadu Athletic Association & Rotary Club of Chennai Costal in association with Times of India.
Register now and be a part of the First Ever Awareness Run for Woman & Child Safety in the State.
Log on to www.sportzpro.in for more details
#HalfMarathon #GSquare #TamilnaduAthleticAssociation #RotaryClubofChennaiCostal #Norwood #SlamFitness #GREvents
#Metaplast #B2WBORNTOWIN
#ChennaiRunners #Fitness #WomanAndChildSaftey #FitIndia #healthyindia #running #Champsharvesh #mastersharvesh #littlechamp #goldenboy
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sassytravelertree · 2 years
Tripura Women Sucheta Deb Burman Create Record swum 34 Kms. in 10 hours and 9 minutes.
Tripura Women Sucheta Deb Burman Create Record swum 34 Kms. in 10 hours and 9 minutes.
Sucheta Deb Burman, an ultra-marathon swimmer has created a record by swimming across the Palk Strait from Dhanuskodi in Tamil Nadu to Talaimannar in Sri Lanka, a distance of 34 Kms. in 10 hours and 9 minutes on 23 March, 2022 (Wednesday). Sucheta Deb Burman She is the only Indian to have achieved this feat, swimming the Palk Strait from India to Sri Lanka. By achieving the feat, Sucheta,…
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refreshmarathon · 2 years
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#Refreshmarathon #Refresh #Marathon #India #Tamilnadu #Chennai #College #Employees #IT #youth #Running #Jogging #Pandemic #Stress #Cheer #Stepup #Chill #Athlete #Health #Exercise #Virtual #Students #Stuboard #Parents #Family #Runforacause #Champion #Awards #Sports #refreshindiachallenge (at Tamil Nadu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cay4JXklgtO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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