picklzdoesart · 2 months
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some magifolk from a doodle page i never finished
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pk-starst0rm · 5 months
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stearixx · 7 months
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cosmosgal · 1 year
my favorite gaming youtuber moment is vinesauce vinny finding out Fassad is the 7th magifolk, we dont get to see very many YouTubers play games like these and seeing vinnys reaction is great
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The cool part about the Mother series is that those "forced diversity" outcries you'd normally get for random headcanons and AUs applies even less than it usually does, and that's because having a diverse cast was the point from the start. Really, you're strengthening its themes when you do this. Itoi has literally said things like he included Tony and the Magifolk because he knew or was friends with people like them. It's about how anyone can make a great friend, despite appearances or differences. How could anyone be so against the whole point by complaining about diverse interpretations in this fandom? Talk about missing the point. For shame.
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butterflypistolking · 9 months
mother 3 localization is never coming and im going to be so real i dont think i want it. theyd have to/probably would change a shit ton of things. and like i'm fine with them changing the magifolk's name, i'm fine with them changing sprites like reggie and shimmy zmizz, but i feel like they would go too far and tone down tanetane island, or even tone down parts of wess and duster's relationships to try and make it less abusive, and i just dont ... want that? like its important. those things are important to the story in my eyes, especially tanetane island
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sudoscience · 1 year
Misread one of my own suggested tags and thought it said "#legalize mother 3", but actually, I watched a video the other day that suggested that intellectual property issues might be the main thing keeping Mother 3 from being localized in the west, so maybe "legalize Mother 3" isn't that far off.
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spiritofjustice · 2 years
kinda weird to me how Alec says the Magifolk are “not male or female,” a lot of the other humans call them men or use gender neutral language at most (aside from i think Thomas calls Ionia a girl specifically to get her to buy stuff from his shop GRGFVB), even Kumatora uses he/him sometimes for them, and then when you talk to the Magifolk they all exclusively refer to themselves as women and use she/her. just kinda. interesting.
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the-iron-shoulder · 2 months
if ma[slur] isn't something you want to say, some fans have taken to calling them "Magifolk".
I like that! Much better name for our drag queen demigod friends.
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professional-manwhore · 3 months
The game calls them a Romani slur
People call them magifolk
My dyslexia called them the Magi-pies or Maggy pies
And I adore them so fucking much
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twothpaste · 1 year
fassad frustrates me because i feel like he was almost an amazing character, a fantastic addition that would've added even more depth and nuance to a story that's already so rich. and then they just dropped the ball by not elaborating on his identity or motivation, like?? at all?? whatsoever?? on one hand i love him just being an unrepentantly hammy Bad For Badness' Sake kind of villain. but as the player, when chapter 8 rolls around, you are no longer at liberty to read him that way. 'cause he is very much a defected dragon guardian. a figure with all implications of a complicated history, who's supposed to stir conflicted sentiments. but since the game offers no hints, not even breadcrumbs, as to the how or why of it, i'm left feelin' instead like i'm missing some huge piece.
not even askin' for a full exposition dump about locria's heel turn, or flashbacks, or anything that'd eat up a lot of screentime. just literally any dialogue or details that might paint a picture in the player's mind. when did locria become fassad? how do the other magifolk (and kumatora) feel about their absence? why might they have aligned with porky of all people? could the game have called the slightest bit of attention to anything the two of 'em have in common - immortal, bored, harboring a general disdain for human life? does fassad, the most selfish of his kin, care that his actions will lead to his own demise when his needle is pulled? does he have plans to double-cross porky at the last minute? or does he have some nihilistic deathwish, for both himself and the world at large? like. take maybe two or three of these questions. give 'em even just one line of text a piece - it can even be vague as hell! do that, and mother 3 would've been cookin' somethin' with this character. as it is, locria is simply fassad for reasons we will never fathom. which may as well be no reason at all.
there is some cut dialogue involving locria, iirc from a version of the story where the player actually does encounter them as locria. while in most cases i think mother 3 works fine without its cut content (dare i say better - trim the fat, n' all that), i am awfully curious about whatever was goin' on there. makes me wonder if fassad used to be more fleshed out, only to end up a casualty of the game's rushed development. like with the version of locria we got, i suppose we'll never know…
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razzafrazzle · 10 months
I don't play Lisa, but I now know you'd love the Magifolk from Mother 3 please ignore their outdated canon name
lisa the painful was directly inspired by the mother series so i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of characters in lisa are direct references to mother characters :o] i do really love gender non-conformity and openly queer characters but it is important to note that a lot of characters like this, especially for older games like mother 3, are supposed to be transmisogynistic and intersexist stereotypes and their designs were supposed to be "funny" to the games' audiences, and these seem to be no different. while we can certainly try to reclaim these characters we do still have to accept why they were made and the bigotry that was present in the designers. i do like these designs, though! the outfits and colors are cute. makes me wish that they couldve been done by queer people with queer people in mind. also you werent lying, that name... oof
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myths-of-fantasy · 2 years
The Grimoire: An Informative Guide for Humans
What is a Demon?
According to the dictionary, a demon is 1; a supernatural being or a devil, 2; A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion or 3; one who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent.
For our purposes, a demon is defined as a sapient non-human being that is capable of manipulating mage craft and is biologically dependent on it. 
Now I know you may have heard- probably from your religion- that demons are creatures of pure evil. Aberrant and heartless, they spend their everyday hunting and killing every human being they come across.
This is widely untrue.
The average demon is much like the average human- they spend their lives working, living, loving and playing. Yes some are dangerous but so are some humans. All creatures are inherently dangerous and demons shouldn’t be treated different simply because of their appearances and stereotypes.
Within the newer demonic community, there’s been a push towards referring to them instead as “shadefolk” or “magifolk” but since this uncommon, I’m choosing to use to the more commonly known and reclaimed term, “demon.”
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rustedleopard · 1 year
“But Rusty, why the fuck would you give the Pokemon that attacks you if you’re emotional to the depressed kid???”
Lucas got his Hatterene as an egg from Ionia during the hot spring encounter as a part of the Magifolk’s assbackwards thinking on how to solve problems: If being depressed around this pokemon makes it attack you, then simply don’t be depressed!
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brightflights · 4 years
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Look at your tail.
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marauuders · 5 years
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Kind souls are not always rewarded. Destiny plays with them like a cruel child with broken toys.
Remus Lupin for @elfenbensord
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