#Maggie Bates
chantireviews · 2 years
RAVENS ROOST by Maggie Bates - Children's Nature Books, Illustrated Books, Children's Friendship Books
RAVENS ROOST by Maggie Bates – Children’s Nature Books, Illustrated Books, Children’s Friendship Books
Maggie Bates’s Ravens Roost is a Children’s book that explores the illustrated nighttime adventures of a woman with her friend, a small frog. This story teaches children how to be curious about forest animals, even in the middle of a wind storm. Bates is new to writing Children’s books, and cares deeply for the natural world. Her rapport with animals likely inspired her debut tale. Ravens Roost…
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polovision · 1 year
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this is the funniest thing i've ever fucking seen. rob babygirl this is too silly
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allieinarden · 5 months
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elliehopaunt · 6 months
Doo-lang! Doo-lang! Doo-lang!
Dame Maggie doing the choreography- get it.
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letterboxd-loggd · 4 months
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Quartet (1981) James Ivory
February 5th 2024
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facesinmovies · 1 year
Obviously the whole thing is gold but I wondered why there isn’t a montage of Maggie Smith being Maggie Smith in Nothing Like A Dame floating around so here it is.
CW: Olivier stinking up the joint in blackface but counterbalanced by Maggie relentlessly making fun of him so that’s something at least.
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"The Miracle Club" with Maggie Smith, Kathy Bates & Laura Linney (2023)
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motionpicturelover · 1 year
"Gosford Park" (2000) - Robert Altman
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"February Film Favourites" Day 7/28
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hogwarthoggle · 2 years
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ahs picspam per episode - edward mordrake (1) (4.3)
- if any freak performs on halloween,  they summon the spirit of edward mordrake and his demon half-face. - once he appears,  he never leaves alone.  that whispering face will choose one more freak to take with him back to hell.
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daily-coloring · 1 year
Watch "THE MIRACLE CLUB Trailer (2023) Maggie Smith, Kathy Bates, Comedy" on YouTube
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(Maggie's POV)(AN: This is a nice filler-ish post to provide a contrast to what the non-fundie siblings did with their summer vacation in comparison to the ones who went to camp with the family 😂 I also just really love Maggie's family.)
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(AN: The second picture is the one that they sent their families of them on holiday, this is also what Maggie posted to Simstagram of their vacation 😂)
Sulani has my heart, it's become our favourite place to vacation during the summer after coming here over the past few years. The older the kids get, the more we can do with them, over the week we got some nice family bonding time before going back home to the end of summer and the start of autumn. Usually we travel with Reece, Stacie, and the kids but this year our schedules just didn't align. They usually go to camp with a good chunk of my family either before or after we go to Sulani, but this year they ended up being busy before and after camp. It's fine though, we usually see them at Christmas anyway. Every year the family asks if we'll make the trek into Granite Falls for camp, and each year I have to find new ways to gently remind them that some of our convictions are different and that family bible camp isn't for our family anymore. I'm thankful that my siblings aren't judgmental of the fact that our personal convictions aren't exactly the same as our parents'. I was the first sibling to really 'break away' from our the standards our parents raised us with. Prior to me, the only married siblings were Adalynn and Barrett, who are the two who have stuck with all our parents biblical convictions to a t. I was the first sibling to be married and work outside the home, the first to chose to limit my family size, and (which is probably the biggest thing - some people are still hung up on this) the first to wear pants. That first year was definitely a trying time for me as we all went through an adjustment period, but now I'm happy to say that as more siblings marry and more opinions are brought into the family, everyone is making more of an effort to focus on the fact that it's up to each married couple to determine how to live their lives.
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Growing up, family vacations that weren't to family camp or other church related travelling were always to a local campground that was a drivable distance because by the time I had gotten there, there were already the first 4 kids, and by the time I got old enough to properly remember vacations there were 3 kids after me. While it was definitely fun having all my siblings there growing up, my goal for the twins is for them to look back on their childhood and have good memories with both Shane and I individually. Having that one on one time to play with them really helps us bond and get closer, even if they are still quite young.
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Our resort has babysitting services available, so every night once the kids were in bed, Shane and I would head to our favourite restaurant for dinner. It's always great to just talk with your spouse about your hopes, dreams, and goals that you have for the future. We're both so young that we forget that we have the rest of our lives still ahead of us. We sat and talked through our plans for the rest of the year, since Shane's family is drastically smaller compared to mine, so we can see them more spontaneously. With the sheer size of my family, there's more planning that is required due to there being so many events that take place. Between now and the end of the year there's a fundraising gala we're attending for my cousin Brittany and her husband, there's Harvestfest, there's my sister Priscilla's gender reveal for her 2nd kid, my sister-in-law Lorilee might do her gender reveal before Christmas but no one's sure yet, I'm due visits to Willowcreek and Windenburg after Harvestfest to see Amira and Zoe, there's the wedding anniversary of Shane and me before winter, then Christmas right at the end of the year. Some siblings and cousins are coming into the city to see us as well, so we're happy to have had this break to recharge before a whirlwind end to the yaer.
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ladyvictoriaa11 · 2 years
In my mind these are either Violet's or Rosamund's portraits. Perphaps one each?
The artist is @aliceblakeart , you can find her on Instagram too. If you take a look you would see her amazing job. Also if you are interested you can help Ukraine🇺🇦 through her Patreon, read more on her profile!
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fromthestacks · 1 year
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Gosford Park
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nicohischier · 13 days
they’ve introduced so many characters in the first ep and all of them have made me dislike them except one
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jonathanmoya1955 · 2 months
The Miracle Club:  Brits Go to the Lourdes .
Sony Pictures Classics MOVIE INFO VIA ROTTEN TOMATOES: Set in 1967, THE MIRACLE CLUB is a heartwarming film that follows the story of three generations of close friends, Lily (Maggie Smith), Eileen (Kathy Bates), and Dolly (Agnes O’Casey) of Ballygar, a hard-knocks community in Dublin, who have one tantalizing dream: to win a pilgrimage to the sacred French town of Lourdes, that place of…
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ulrichgebert · 4 months
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Quartet mit Maggie Smith (nicht zu verwechseln mit Quartet mit Maggie Smith hier), Alan Bates und Isabelle Adjani ist eine für ihre Eleganz, ihr funkelndes Paris in den 20er-Jahren und ihre Werktreue gepriesene, aber nicht so richtig interessante Ivory-Merchant-Romanverfilmung. Alan verfällt immer den neurasthenischen Mädchen, die zu ihm kommen, und denen er Hilfe aufdrängt. Das letzte Mal ist es nicht gut ausgegangen. Gattin Maggie sorgt sich bloß darum, daß die Öffentlichkeit nichts mitbekommt.
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