beware-the-water · 2 months
really gets me pissed when men see my frustration as amusement. thinking abt how i would get genuinely angry about something w my ex (unrelated to him in these cases, like getting cut off in traffic, etc) and he would look at me w this little smile on his face and say something along the lines of “youre so cute when youre mad” shut the fuck up i will rip ur fucking face apart
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bakugames-fr · 1 year
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Plentiful dragons, aka plentiful of love lol #gottem
Rework of my plentiful breed redesigns! With an added beastclan/anthro form for my lore.
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purrmoon · 1 year
🌙 dynamic abilities
alpha command — also referred to as the alpha voice. a deep, rumbling tone that triggers obedience & submission in those who hear it. it’s most effective on pack & those who already respect the alpha as an authority figure—but some particularly dominating people are capable of effecting those who don’t know / respect them. commands are also heightened when given after a scruff or submission bite. a command usually sound deep and rumbling; firm and commanding; or low and soothing.
beta scent-shifting — a beta is able to consciously (or unconsciously) shift their scent to mimic another’s. they can disguise themselves as an alpha, omega, or another beta—and even mimic a milky pup scent. this is typically used to calm packmates, and also makes them invaluable in the medical field or for calming those in a feral state. there are varying skill levels, with some being able to fool any nose, and others only able to fool those in distress / not thinking clearly.
omega suggestion — also referred to as the omega voice. it incites in people a desire to please, to protect, to make the omega happy. it can also have a relaxing effect. it’s most effective on other pack members, or those with a positive relationship with the omega—though some have particularly powerful voices, & can affect even those they aren’t close with/who actively dislike them. the sound is generally gentle & soothing; soft & crooning; or lyrical & melodious.
[ scent-shifting as an ability for betas was inspired by a fanfic i read once~ ]
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aberration-abbey · 11 months
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2nd Lt. Taffy, AstroLab's resident secret alien shapeshifter, and her enthusiastic bestie, Ensign Zesiro.
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quinfr · 17 days
Look at my impulse purchase, Pluck! Lesser god of prosperity.
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Give it a little rub on its nose (give a like or visit the page) to get a little luck!
Pluck was once a single coin, well worn and well traveled. It wished very deeply to be a dragon, as much as a coin could. One day its current owner flicked it into a very special well in hopes of having their own wish granted, but instead Pluck's wish for dragonhood came true. Sort of. It is still very much made of gold, and still very much coin-like in mind and spirit, and it certainly cannot fly, but at the very least Pluck can travel freely about without needing to hitch a ride in someone's pocket. Some would consider that quite lucky!
The magic current that brought Pluck to this state has left residual magic flowing through the coin. It has an aura that brings about luck and prosperity to those who are near it. Having caught wise for a while it would sneak into people's homes and then leave once fortune struck the household. After years of this though it has found that it would much rather stay still, as a good coin should, and resides on a perch in Klatschmon's merchant district, where people now rub its nose for good luck and toss coins into the divets of its coiled body. (It finds giving a coin a coin an odd choice, but it supposes it doesn't mind the company.)
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hdusa · 1 month
hi my friends post ur stuff all the time and i just found out it's actually u so,, why is ur username hdusa i am perplexed
Because I’m like medusa but imagine there was an h at the front. I built a bunch of h’s on the lifesteal smp as opposed to covering every build in obsidian (which is what medusa ((a player named Poafa)) would do on the lifesteal smp) and now I am hdusa.
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tyanis · 10 months
I ever tell you guys I used to live directly downhill from a haunted prison that Buzzfeed Unsolved did an episode on?
And that I also lived across a small parking lot from a haunted restaurant that was on an episode of Ghost Adventures?
And it was the same house in both cases.
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softwaring · 22 days
🗣️ fuck moms, fuck dads, yall are worthless so fuck both their holidays 🗣️
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fr-musings · 1 year
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A tunnel system deep beneath the earth once connected the Wispwillow Caverns to the greater Leviathan Chasm. When he was much younger, Aluinn traveled through those tunnels and made his home in the caverns. Now, many years later, those tunnels have long since collapsed and Aluinn is trapped in the caverns alone, cut off from any of his brethren that may remain.
For that reason, Aluinn turns to visitors with curiosity rather than aggression. He doesn’t get many. Most are unable to hold their breath for long and aren’t very good at swimming. Not like him. He can’t show them the treasures deep in the abyss that he has gathered into neat little piles over the year; but he can bring them a trinket from time to time, leaving it on one of the few ledges above the water level.
He enjoys their reactions to his collection. Looks of wonderment as though they are some sort of foreign object. Maybe they don’t have such things above the ceiling. They can’t understand one another, not with words anyway. He does understand when they ask if there’s more down there where even their best divers can’t reach.
He hesitates to show them everything. When he runs out of treasure to show them, will they stop visiting? He doesn’t want to feel those years of loneliness again. Not when he knows that there are others out there, somewhere above him. So he takes it slowly, drawing out a new treasure only once in a while.
It will be a long time before they run out of reasons to visit.
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chiimiraa · 8 months
Introducing the Interlooper! 🐠
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Huh, does it look like a familiar face? Well it is!! After seeing so many creative TADC Ocs I eventually decided to make one as well! Or uh... rather translate my main oc into one first hfdggdg
"Interlooper" is the nickname Caine gave her when she accidentally trespassed into circus grounds through the Void. She's still Hachiimi, just temporarily transformed?
The design is mainly based off of Waterful Ring Toss Toys, fish aquariums, and astronauts!
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Aand in order for this to make a decent amount of sense, Hachiimi is gonna be classified as an anomaly now! The rest of these tidbits of lore is said in this image above.
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weirdphilosopher · 7 days
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Malgam [they/any] — Clan Founder & Head of Clan
You can open their page in the linked text above ↑ Or just read the lore under the cut ↓
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Lore Bio
"Malgam has faced intolerance from dragons who do not accept others' differences since they first started searching for their charge. During their journey they found that there was a lack of clans who welcome dragons unlike them. Many communities would not trust you if you had the wrong skillset, were the wrong breed, were born into the wrong flight, or any other quality they rejected.
Because of this, Malgam looked to find his charge elsewhere and founded his own clan, setting out to give fellow dragons who have been turned away by other clans a home. When they began to take other misfit dragons under their wing, they felt an emptiness inside them fill up, and become a wholeness. He knew then that his charge was his clan and the outcasts he united and gave a home to."
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bakugames-fr · 1 year
working on some more worldbuilding: while my redesigns are actually much closer in size than canon (think of average dog sizes), reproduction is still based on magic.
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A pair of dragons who want to have eggs will stay close and share part of their magic energy. This energy gets filtered into the domain's element and will slowly accumulate into an egg.
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In the past, this process would have to be repeated various times to get results, as elemental energy would dissipate into the air, and dragons would create "nets" and blockages to help in the success rate. Nowadays, fertility statues are used, as they will attract the magic into one place, making eggs form more easily.
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after formed, incubation is done as either parent continue sharing their magic to help the growth of the hatchling. The more magic given, the quicker an egg hatches, though magic overload may lead into stillborns. Two weeks is the number recommended, but eggs will stay alive in stasis for decades (hence why unhatched eggs aren't unheard of!)
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enjoy your little menace!
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purrmoon · 1 year
🌙 lore: misc
[miscellaneous things that either didn’t fit in the other posts; i didn’t think of them in time; or i didn’t have enough of to group them together. will likely add to this in reblogs~]
Suppressants — Available in pill, shot, or intravenous form, listed in order of how strong each effect is. This blocks the hormones which cause heats / ruts. Doctors recommend going off of them for once cycle every two years. Not doing so is unhealthy and can lead to problems, including stress cycles or infertility.
Scent Patches / Blockers — A small, circular patch applied over the gland. These are usually wafer thin and nearly translucent on the skin, but can be thicker depending on the need. These block a person’s scent. How much depends on scent strength. If someone is particularly stressed they can “burn” through the patch, and cause it to lose its effectiveness. These can cause irritation if worn for too long.
Scent Concealer — An oil or powder applied directly to the scent gland. This changes or mingles with the natural smell to work as either a blocker, enhancer, or even to present as a different dynamic. Some will also use it if they have an “unpleasant” smell.
Sympathy Cycles — Sometimes when a packmate goes into heat or rut, their other, same-dynamic packmates will join them. This is especially common around just-presenting pups, or if someone is experiencing a stress cycle. A sympathy cycle can also trigger around a stranger. (And sometimes pups will have sympathy cycles with a parent or packmate they’re close to.)
Stress Cycles — When someone experiences a great upheaval or stress, they can be catapulted into heat/rut. It’s thought that this is meant to call/rally pack to comfort or protect someone. It may also happen to attract pack, if someone has gone without one for too long.
Feral — Like a stress cycle, a feral state is triggered by great upheaval or stress. It’s more likely if the stress is life or pack-threatening, or caused by overwhelm. Some people are more likely to go feral / go feral more regularly. Some people never experience a feral state. Instinct takes over completely. Someone who is feral can usually be coaxed from the state by a packmate—but packless people require more special care.
Heat / Rut Houses — Sometimes people will have, or want to experience, a fertile cycle without a partner to share it with. Heat/rut houses were built for that purpose. Some heat/rut houses are purely medical; for fertile cycles triggered on accident, by stress, or for health reasons. Others are purely for the pleasure of it. These may be legal or illegal depending on location / the standards of the time.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 month
I thought what you said about using Granite Falls as part of your Moonwood Mood storytelling was an neat idea. I would be interested to hear more about that!
Sorry it took me a minute to type up the response to this ask; I would absolutely LOVE to expand on this, thank you so much for asking!! I will warn you that this ended up being quite a longwinded explanation of my personal Werewolf world lore, so I'm sorry about that in advance! 🙈😂
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Let’s get into it! ↓
I've talked about how I don't treat sim worlds as isolated entities in the past, but I've never gotten deep into that - I'll start there so my Moonwood lore makes sense!
Basically, I see Granite Falls as a location within Moonwood Mill. To go one step further, I actually don't even see Moonwood Mill as its own isolated "world" but rather as a small town within a bigger city within a bigger state within a country and so on. Think of Granite Falls as a large property within Moonwood Mill, and Moonwood Mill as an industrial, dying small town that is within driving distance to its larger city counterpart Evergreen Harbor, and all of these places exist in the same state. For me, the states these worlds are a part of are usually real-life states! Of course not all the worlds feel "American" to me (Selvadorada, Tomorang, Mt. Komerebi being perfect examples) but the ones that do usually get categorized this way in my mind.
For example: San Sequoia and Del Sol Valley are the easiest and most widely accepted representation of this idea. I treat both of these "worlds" as large, neighboring cities that exist within the same state, much like their assumed real-world counterparts Los Angeles and San Francisco which both reside in California. Another example is San Myshuno which I've seen a lot of players think of in the same way they see New York City, which resides in New York State. Moonwood Mill, Granite Falls, and Evergreen Harbor all function this way in my mind and would all share the same state! (I'm not a geography whiz, so I've never given it much though which irl state they would be a part of, but with the greenery, industrial, and dreary/rainy vibes my money would be on Washington or, alternatively, I personally see them being in a state that falls somewhere in the Appalachian area, like West Virginia!)
Okay, that's the long explanation I had to get out of the way before I jump into this next lore part... sorry! I'm getting to the good stuff now though, I promise!
Granite Falls and Moonwood Mill are on an even smaller scale than the San Sequoia/Del Sol Valley relationship, in my opinion. To me, Granite Falls feels like a national park or forest/nature preserve that surrounds Moonwood Mill and therefore ultimately falls under their jurisdiction. HOWEVER, the primary caretakers of Granite Falls are technically an independent commune... better known as "The Moonwood Collective."
I don't think there's enough room in the town center of Moonwood Mill to accommodate two whole wolf packs AND the handful of human locals that remain. Additionally, when you take into consideration the canon growing tension between these two packs and their various different ways of life, I have a hard time seeing them effectively coexisting in such close proximity. Besides that, Modern Moonwood Mill in its broken down, industrial, haphazard state suits the Wildfangs more than The Moonwood Collective - I can see the influence that the Wildfangs have had on the area, but where is The Collective's influence? Even the layout of Moonwood Mill and the lots which are located within walking distance of the rowdy dive bar screams Wildfang energy to me.
We also know that The Collective is much older than the Wildfangs, as it was formed back when Moonwood Mill was just beginning to have settlers and refugees who were fleeing from conflict (the big magical war between spellcasters/vampires/werewolves). Referred to only as "Moonwood" back then due to the area's obvious connection to the moon's energy, the founders of the town established The Collective - in the sims lore, it seems to imply that The Collective is the first pack of its kind to organize werewolves into a hierarchal structure with the goal of encouraging self-sustainability, diplomatic communication, and communal contribution within its wolf members. In my mind, I've always seen The Collective as people who reject societal comforts and embrace naturalism, self-discipline/emotional control, herbalism and holistic medicine practices, minimalist living, homesteading, community caretaking, things of that nature... and there really isn't anywhere in Moonwood Mill specifically that conveys that kind of influence. Granite Falls, however, sure feels magical with its sprawling plantlife and natural oddities... that is a place that could support their lifestyle!
If you look at the maps of these two places, it isn't hard to imagine Granite Falls as the wooded area close to the Moonwood Lunvik Lake, the spot where werewolves can "awaken the wolf" if they swim there during a full moon, because Granite falls is surrounded by various bodies of water AND mountain structures on it's right side... just like the mountain structures and woods that frame Moonwood Mill in the upper left hand of its map! Let me give you two shitty graphics I made to help illustrate what I mean:
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It's not a one-for-one perfect comparison, but it's so damn close that it feels natural to see the worlds as complimentary! Especially with The Collective's connection to the ancient spiritualism of the original wolves and mooncasters, it just makes sense that they would opt live in a commune-esque community on the outskirts of Moonwood Mill, as opposed to being right in the epicenter of town. This way they're close to the sacred Lunvik Lake, just far enough outside of society to seclude their true nature, but still close enough to help the remaining human locals. I even have a silly headcanon that the "Big Foot" of Granite Falls is actually just the pack-less werewolf Greg, as we know he lives secluded, deep in the forest...it just makes sense that people might see him raging in wolf form at night and be like "Oh shit, big foot!"
With the Wildfangs being a newer pack that is more open to embracing the wolf parts of themselves, they wouldn't feel the need to "hide" and pull themselves out of society in the way that The Collective does. That being said, they also wouldn't have the resources, structure, and defined communal space that a very old pack like The Collective would have... therefore they're just scattered around Moonwood Mill in their family homes, the trailer park (some people do a motel instead - I can see both working well), and so on. Some lots even tell their buyers to ignore the "howling in the distance," and because the Collective hides their true nature, I feel this must be referring to the Wildfang's full moon antics and their willingness to "embrace the beast."
Either way, It seems to me that The Collective has always believed it best to stay hidden, so it makes sense that they would form their community on the outskirts of Moonwood Mill not just for their own safety, but for the safety of the human locals as well. I think they likely relocated to Granite Falls years before the Wildfangs existed and when a huge uptick in human settlers came in, chasing the riches associated with Moonwood's mines or, more likely, the mills which the town would be eventually named after. But as time went on and the town went to ruin (some people theorize due to the wolves, some people theorize the town's natural industries just became less profitable in the age of technology), people abandoned it and opted to move to the newer city - Evergreen Harbor. (See, we came full circle!)
That kind of leads us to where I'm at in my game, in "modern day." A lot of time has passed, and Moonwood Mill has changed dramatically since its inception. I prefer to imagine that the remaining human locals are not fully aware of the werewolves living among them with 100% certainty, but there are legends and stories. The oldest locals cultivate and pass down not just the stories but the protective practices to their children and grandchildren as well: don't go into the woods on a full moon, if the woods get quiet out of nowhere stay calm and find the closest way out, close all the blinds when it gets dark, don't go out on a full moon, bring the animals in or secure them in the barn for their protection on full moon nights, if you hear a whistle in the woods do not whistle back, and so on. Unfortunately, those stories, wives' tales, and superstitions tend to attract potential enemies to werewolf-kind: rogue vampires seeking to harm werewolves and even occult hunters. HOWEVER, by retreating into the woods, The Collective are closer to what they believe is their spiritual source - Lunvik Lake - where the original mooncasters created werewolves and Myshupotamians worshipped the moon. By being closer to their source, they are strengthened and therefore able to keep out potential threats, protect their own pack, and watch over Moonwood Mill as a whole more effectively. I don't think the Wildfangs are particularly interested in this part of their Lyncanthropy - its something uniquely embeded in the history of The Collective and why it was created in the first place.
LASTLY, my Moonwood Mill/magic world in general is actually years ahead of where we start in game, and in my mind the magic world is on the precipice of another war (a long anticipated response after the destruction caused by Operation Eternal Flame. Vlad isn't one to take losses, and the Spellcaster/Vampire tensions are still very much palpable). I'm not going to get fully into all that, but I will say that the Wildfangs are a far more established pack, still led by their alpha, Rory (albeit a much older, wiser Rory) and The Collective is led by Rory's adoptive brother, Jacob Volkov, after their father (and former alpha of The Collective) Kristopher died. Although the tensions between the Wildfangs and The Moonwood Collective aren't as severe any more, they do still have trouble coexisting from an occult governance/council perspective. Again, I have a whole lore about occult governance as well, but I won't get into all that either haha. The TLDR is that there are two big issues between the Wildfangs and The Collective at the present moment: the first being how Rory has gone about growing the Wildfangs (by recruiting pack-less werewolves outside of Moonwood Mill, something The Collective has always been against since its inception) and second, their willingness to work with spellcasters if another occult war breaks out.
Okay... I'm done now! I'm cutting myself off! That may have been more than you were looking for...I'm truly sorry!!!
I hope I managed to answer your question (and some). Thank you for asking me about this, I literally never get to talk occult lore and it is one of my favorite things to explore in the sims!! I feel like no one cares about my occult headcanons and such... but sometimes that's all I want to talk about lmao. If I had the time and talent to make a story about this very topic, I WOULD! But for now this is all I have to offer <3
Thank you again for this ask, it made my week!!
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genreweird · 5 months
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harrowhark nonagesimus earrings :)
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piosplayhouse · 3 months
I was so insanely obsessed with Kagerou Project in middle school and in particular I had the craziest gender envy for Kano and I wanted to be him so bad and also I thought his girl form was so hot
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still a banger song btwv
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