ryukyurider · 3 months
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travel-akikazoo · 2 years
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【MODEL】KOMINE RAINWEAR 2022SS #雨 #キャンプ #rain #ツーリング #touring #moto #motorcycle #camp #camptouring #serow #セロー  #ツーリングセロー #セロー250 #ソロキャンプ #CAMP #Japan #コミネ @komine_official_1947 #model #モデル #model https://www.instagram.com/p/CgoR3DjuQcV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladysbike · 2 years
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MOTO TOURS JAPANはアテンダント・サポートカー付の北見発・北海道2泊3日DUCATIツアーの募集受付をスタート!ツアー日程は9月17日~19日(月)でとなっており、DUCATIのレンタルバイクを使用することはもちろん、DUCATIのバイクであれば自身のバイクで参加することも可能だ。
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cyssiesdiary · 9 months
100 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
Inspired by Zom 100
Do ballet
Perform the lac des signes
Get married
Drive an F1 car
Drive a motorcycle
Go to an F1 Grand Prix
Go to a Formula E GP
Climb a mountain
Release Music
Be the lead in a movie
Go on a Safari
See the Norwegian fjords
Go to Monaco
See the Northern Lights
Read the Whole Bible
Get my Master’s Degree 
Have a 4.0 GPA
Draw a self-portrait 
Paint a mural
See every Caravaggio paintings irl
See every Monet paintings irl
See every Goya Art piece irl
See every Basquiat paintings irl
Sculpt something
Plant a tree
Give a speech
Create a clothing brand
Do pottery
Work at a farm
Swim in the ocean
Hold a Spider
Perform a play
Go scuba diving
Go skiing
Get fluent in German
Get fluent in Mandarin
Get fluent in Italian
Get fluent in Korean
Eat at every Michelin 3 star restaurants in Paris
Get a cat
See a show on Broadway
Tour Tuscany alone
Get a bellybutton piercing
Make a vlog
Play a Tennis match against Serena Williams
Go see a ballet
Go see an Opera
Finish One Piece (or get up to date)
Interview Lewis Hamilton
Try out MMA
Get my driver's license
Learn how to ollie
Go whale watching in Iceland
Get a facial
Get laser
Go to Busan
Go Snorkling
Get to 58 kg
Have abs
Play golf
Stay in a luxury hotel
Stay the night in a castle
Go to Scotland
Travel with my bestie
Get a car
Do a concert
Do a 24h fast
Finish a giant(ish) lego
Read all of the books in my library
Make notes on every book in my library
Go on a road trip with friends
Go to the 24 Hours of Le Mans
Go to a moto GP
Visit Japan
Go to Transilvania
Go to Ibiza
Visit Australia
Go to Venice
Visit the Forbidden City in Beijing
Interview Daniel Ricciardo
Glow Up
See the Kilimanjaro
Go to Cusco, Peru
Donate Blood
Go skydiving
Go to New York City alone
Get a camera
Get an instant film camera
Go on a blind date
Make a music video
Win an escape game
Complete a triathlon
Visit the Admont Abbey Library
Take pretty ID pictures
Learn how to do the splits
Visit Switzerland
Get rid of my acne
Move out
Become financially independent
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Anonymous,
Well, since you’ve asked, you shall receive it. Here are my thoughts on AsoRyuu, one of my three favorite shippings.
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For any of you that have watched my Let’s Play on the first case, it didn’t take long for me to fall for these two. From the get-go, I knew they were going to be a reflection of Wrightworth in some way. As for if I knew I would ship them as hard as I do now, I was skeptical. Spirit of Justice also had a Prosecutor that was supposed to be Apollo’s Miles Edgeworth and it was the reason why I found Nahyuta Sahadmadhi to be one of the least interesting Prosecutors in Ace Attorney. So, I did not expect to fall for Kazuma Asogi as quickly as I did. Unfortunately, no thanks to my audio recording from my phone deciding to give me trouble, it never accurately showed how long it took for me to fall head-over-heels for Kazuma. To make the long story short, it took the first five minutes of him showing up and reprimanding the security guard for treating Ryunosuke like a criminal. This is where I will start with their relationship.
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Unlike Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth, Kazuma and Ryunosuke are much more openly affectionate to each other. Even in a professional setting, they never hide how close they truly are. In the DLC case from London’s Side, Ryunosuke makes mention about going to a Hot Spring with his best friend. Most can guess that best friend was Kazuma. In other words, these two are so openly close that they will strip naked and bathe each other in a public Hot Spring outside. They also call each other partner or aibou. I like the word aibou, because it’s a word commonly used in Japan to refer to someone you consider closer than your typical best friend. This is also the name Yami Yugi called Yugi Moto in Yu-Gi-Oh, whom he shared a body with and was considered the closest person he had in his life. I also once read that Japan does consider those kinds of friends to be closer than lovers. It was a long time ago, so I’d take that with a grain of salt. Either way, it should give you an idea of how close Kazuma and Ryunosuke are.
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We first are introduced to Kazuma and Ryunosuke during the first chapter of The Great Ace Attorney Adventures. Ryunosuke is arrested for the murder of a professor at his University and Kazuma is supposed to defend him in court. From just the first five minutes alone, we can see that Kazuma is the kind of man who would lay down his life for Ryunosuke. It’s something I’ve always valued in friendships. There is no greater love than a man that lays down his life for his friends. Without a doubt, Kazuma knows Ryunosuke is innocent. For this, Ryunosuke is grateful, but there is just one problem: Kazuma is risking everything to defend Ryunosuke.
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From Yujin Mikotoba, we learn that Kazuma is literally putting his one and only chance of going to London for the World Tour on the line. If Kazuma defends Ryunosuke in court and he’s proven Guilty, then his one and only chance will be taken from him. At this point, we don’t know the full context of why Kazuma is so passionate about going to London, but Ryunosuke knows that going there has been Kazuma’s dream that he’s studied and worked so hard for. He doesn’t need a reason or any context to understand how much going to London means to Kazuma. It’s for this reason that Ryunosuke decides to represent himself in court. Ryunosuke knows Kazuma is capable of defending him, but would never wish to put his aibou’s dream on the line for his sake. He’d rather risk the Guilty verdict than allow Kazuma to put his passionate dream to go to London on the line for him.
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It isn’t until The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve that we learn that the reason for Kazuma’s passion to go to London was to find the truth of his father and prove his innocence of the mass murders in London. Knowing this, it would mean that Kazuma was willing to give up the only chance he had to prove his father’s innocence and redeem the honor of his family in order to save Ryunosuke from a murder charge in a Supreme Court of Justice. I’ll bring this back up later, but I thought I would mention this.
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After the trial, we get a short episode of Ryunosuke looking for his student badge, then telling the story of how he and Kazuma first met. Prior to the trial, they had known each other for a year. Their first meeting was during a Speech Contest where they were to deliver a speech. Kazuma spoke well until the end when he stumbled upon a tongue twister. Meanwhile, Ryunosuke spoke perfectly in his speech despite the tongue twister at the end. Kazuma, being as competitive as he is, made it his mission to best Ryunosuke in tongue-twisting, thus why he wears his red bandana. Through the charades of besting Ryunosuke in tongue twisters, the two become thick as thieves and closer than friends. That just goes to show that great friendships can develop through friendly competition.
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About three months later, Kazuma makes the decision to bring Ryunosuke along with him to London. He makes the plan to stow him away in the steamship by stuffing him in his luggage, then hiding him in the wardrobe of his cabin. For the first several weeks, Kazuma sneaks food for Ryunosuke and keeps him hidden in his cabin without anyone else’s knowledge. During this time, in another mini episode, Kazuma comes across Herlock Sholmes, who is searching for the thief who stole three steaks. As it turns out, Ryunosuke had snatched a steak due to his hunger, but Herlock had taken the other two steaks. Cleverly, he is able to distract the sailors from pinning the blame on Kazuma, using his hunger as evidence for him not stealing the steaks, and keeping them from Ryunosuke. As it turns out, Herlock had seen Ryunosuke sneak out from the wardrobe to under the bed, having caught Kazuma bringing a stowaway. Thankfully, Herlock is understanding of having a partner you wish to bring with you on all your adventures. 
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Unfortunately, Ryunosuke would find himself framed for another murder or what looks to be a murder. This time, however, it is Kazuma who is the victim. He wakes up with a headache, only to find himself in cuffs. At first, he thinks he’s being arrested for being a stowaway until he realizes that Kazuma, his closest friend and partner, is dead. Of course, it is later revealed in The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve that Kazuma was never dead and Herlock had faked it to protect him from an assassination attempt. This will be important later on, but it does give Herlock an understandable reason to fake Kazuma’s death after having been so close to death at this point. 
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Ryunosuke is determined to find the culprit that murdered his closest friend. Susato is skeptical at first, being she doesn’t know him that well. However, as the investigation continues and two characters, Hosonaga and Herlock, both believe in Ryunosuke’s innocence without question due to his relationship with Kazuma, Susato begins feeling guilt. It’s only during the second game that we learn she has a close friend of her own, but before she had been grieving over the loss of someone she considered her older brother. She truly believed it was Ryunosuke that murdered Kazuma, even though the evidence and feelings the two men felt toward each other made no sense. It wasn’t about Susato accusing Ryunosuke of murder, since she was on the fence at best, but the fact she realized she should never have doubted Ryunosuke in the first place. When Ryunosuke was framed for murder the first time, Kazuma believed his words when he said it wasn’t him without question. Now, Ryunosuke is saying those same words about having not murdered Kazuma with an undercover agent and Herlock Sholmes himself believing Ryunosuke without question because of his friendship with Kazuma.
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Even a relationship can be considered evidence and it’s something I felt was missing in Turnabout Sisters. When you think about it, Ryunosuke is in a similar situation Maya was in, in Turnabout Sisters. He is being framed for murdering someone he considers to be the closest thing to him. Losing Kazuma, for Ryunosuke, was absolutely devastating and Susato’s grief blinded her from seeing it. It’s only through recognizing Ryunosuke’s grief that Susato no longer has any doubt of his innocence. After all, if that was her best friend that was killed, how would she handle being framed for her murder?
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By the end of this investigation, after the culprit is revealed, Ryunosuke takes it upon himself to carry Kazuma’s sword Karuma and wear his Defense Attorney’s armband. Throughout the rest of The Great Ace Attorney Adventures, Ryunosuke is determined to carry out the Will of Kazuma Asogi by continuing the World Tour. Little does he know, Kazuma’s Will is much more than tearing up London’s streets.
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Now, as we all know, Kazuma was never dead and had been in Hong Kong for six months before hitching a ride to London, then was taken in under Barok van Zieks’ care under Mael Stronghart’s orders. There is some debate about Kazuma’s amnesia during this time, but I’m going to leave that for a character essay on him. For any of you interested, please request a character essay on Kazuma Asogi.
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Anyways, Ryunosuke meets with Kazuma again right after he’s given permission to work in law again. He takes Albert Harebrayne’s case and finds Kazuma in Barok van Zieks’ office in a cloak and mask under the name Masked Apprentice. From the moment this mysterious apprentice approaches Barok van Zieks, Ryunosuke can’t help but feel he has met this man before. It’s only from Susato’s confirmation that Ryunosuke is certain this mysterious man is his long lost friend, Kazuma.
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Unfortunately, due to Kazuma’s amnesia, there is little Ryunosuke can do to bring his best friend back to him. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for Kazuma’s memories to return. From here, we get one of the most heartwarming scenes between the two. Ryunosuke returns Karuma back to Kazuma, who is thankful for his friend keeping his family’s possession safe. However, the fight isn’t over and Ryunosuke begins realizing that Kazuma’s mission to come to London wasn’t about becoming a Defense Attorney or just changing the Judicial System. 
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It comes as a whiplash when Ryunosuke realizes that Kazuma isn’t intending on returning back as a Defense Attorney. On top of that, Kazuma chooses to prosecute his mentor for Tobias Gregson’s murder. This doesn’t sound like the Kazuma Asogi Ryunosuke knew. Even though he still acts like the same Kazuma Asogi from before, there’s still something off about him. His soft smile now seems more smug, his bandana is no longer worn on his head, he’s no longer competing with Ryunosuke in tongue twisters, he intends on proving his mentor guilty of mass murders and he’s less calm than before. What puts the icing on the cake is when Kazuma admits to having agreed to an assassination which Ryunosuke discovered was agreed to before he entered the steamship to go to London. It was at this moment that Ryunosuke begins realizing that he had been looking at his best friend with rose colored glasses and doesn’t understand Kazuma as much as he had thought.
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It is at this point that Ryunosuke’s eyes begin to open to the fact that the path he had been following had not been Kazuma’s but his own. Kazuma’s path was never about becoming a Defense Attorney so much as it was a career he used to follow his path. It’s only at the end when we begin understanding why Kazuma had chosen his path as a Prosecutor. He had intended to be like Barok, thus one of the reasons why his days as an amnesic person do affect him. His path as an amnesic person is what led him to deciding to live his life as a Prosecutor. Before, he was only focusing on avenging his father and regaining back his clan’s honor. He never truly focused on what he wanted to do in life. Having his memories taken from him gave Kazuma a whole year to get his life together and decide what it was he truly wanted. So, even by the time he got back his memories, he already knew what he wanted and had a path set for him. The question then becomes if Ryunosuke can accept this new change in Kazuma.
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Thankfully, Ryunosuke and Kazuma come to understand each other’s chosen paths. They become much closer than before, intending on facing each other again in court. No matter how far apart they may be, their paths are destined to cross one day. It’s very exciting and heartwarming. I love how different this approach is to their relationship compared to Wrightworth. The trust and bond they share is similar, but the approach is the opposite. Kazuma and Ryunosuke are much more open and affectionate to how close they are and it’s the sweetest thing you’ll ever see.
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At one point, AsoRyuu was on the same level as Wrightworth and BaroAso. But, somehow BaroAso is starting to become more favored the more I get into it. Be expecting that essay by tonight.
- Chief Mod Edgeworth
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aketalog · 10 months
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pinkydoodlepoodle · 1 year
History 2022
Tour in Japan🇯🇵 and India🇮🇳 - May 14 (Sat) 7pm (Japan time) Acoustic Live @ ASAGAYA TEN in TOKYO - Jun 11 (Sat) 7pm (Japan time) Acoustic Live @ Koenji SUB store TOKYO - Jul 24 (Sun) 7pm (Japan time) Acoustic Live @ Storyhouse in Matsumoto, NAGANO - Aug 26 (Fri) 7pm (Japan time) Acoustic Live @ Echigoya Kewpie in Yamato, KANAGAWA - Aug 27 (Sat) 8pm (Japan time) Acoustic Live @ Warrior Celt in Ueno, TOKYO - Oct 2 (Sun) 6pm (Indian time) Electric band Live @ ZIRO FESTIVAL of Music in India🇮🇳 (Simba Uproar Pwlo Stage) - Oct 22 (Sat) Acoustic Live @ Echigoya Kewpie in Yamato, KANAGAWA - Nov 4 (Fri) Acoustic Live @ Community Bar “Hisyo” in Shizuoka, SHIZUOKA - Nov 5 (Sat) Acoustic Live @ Izakaya Moto Studio in Shimizu, SHIZUOKA - Nov 19 (Sat) Acoustic Live @ Live in Music Bar “Rock Gain” in Zama, KANAGAWA - Nov 27 (Sun) Electric band Live @ Echigoya Kewpie in Yamato, KANAGAWA - Dec 25 (Sun) Acoustic Live @ Blues Guitar Forever in Yokohama, KANAGAWA
2022年 日本とインドでのライブ - 5/14(土) 19:00〜アコースティックLIVE @ 阿佐ヶ谷 天 - 6/11(土) 19:00〜アコースティックLIVE @ 高円寺 SUB store Tokyo - 7/24(日) 19:00〜アコースティックLIVE @ 長野県松本市 Storyhouse - 8/26(金) 19:00〜アコースティックLIVE @ 神奈川県大和市鶴間  えちごや きゅ〜ぴ〜 - 8/27(土) 20:00〜アコースティックLIVE @ 上野 Warrior Celt - 10/2(日) 18:00〜ロックバンドLIVE @ インド共和国🇮🇳 ZIRO FESTIVAL of Music (Simba Uproar Pwlo Stage) - 10/22(土) アコースティックLIVE @ 神奈川県大和市鶴間  えちごや きゅ〜ぴ〜 - 11/4(金) アコースティックLIVE @ 静岡 コミュニティーBar 飛翔 - 11/5(土) アコースティックLIVE @ 清水 Izakaya Moto Studio - 11/19(土) アコースティックLIVE @ 小田急相模原 Live in Music Bar 六弦 (Rock Gain) - 11/27(日) ロックバンドLIVE @ 神奈川県大和市鶴間  えちごや きゅ〜ぴ〜 - 12/25(日) アコースティックLIVE @ 横浜 BLUES GUITAR FOREVER
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mototvwoodsfarm · 2 years
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luxconcordiae · 3 years
       The intent in coming to Japan was to meet for political affairs. To profer for peace and alliance with a country known for its deep reliance on tradition and mythology. To argue her case, and see her people are assured their freedom from the harshness of the non-mages - or to set about the means of taking them from these lands with as little trouble as necessary.
       So far, only the initial meeting had been done. Introductions, handshakes, pleasantries and pleasant faces. The real work would begin at the next gathering. Until then, Melody was free to wander and explore the lands as she sought fit to, and enjoy the change of air and environment. It'd been nearly four decades since the last time she'd come upon the land that had, no doubt, changed since then. 
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       In her touring, she’d overheard of a particular Onsen from a passing local. “Tsu..chi..moto...  Ryoken and Onsen.” She marks, stepping up to the establishment and pausing to look about before she makes her way in further, leaning forwards to glance about the main room.
@misericordes​ (For Riko!)
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Top 10 Cheapest Travel Destinations in the World
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In this tough economy, most people think that it is next to impossible to travel unless they spend a lot of money for it. If you are one of those who prefer to experience a little adventure without breaking the bank, you may want to check out these top 10 cheapest travel destinations for you and the whole family. Discover new sites and fascinating culture as you embark on an exciting journey to these must-see places - even when you are on a tight budget.
10. Northeastern USA
Top 3 cities in the northeastern part of the US including Washington DC, Boston and New York are great places to visit for penny pinchers out there. The best way to save money on your trip is by taking advantage of several budget bus companies that can connect you to various destinations such as Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Toronto. For as low as $5 on a one-way trip to these destinations, traveling is indeed as cheap as it can get. Aside from the relaxing ride in these buses, you can enjoy surfing on the web during a long trip because of the free wi-fi. So, forget about renting a car, and just ride these low-cost buses as you visit other parts of the US. more info here Traveling
9. Japan
As compared with other famous destinations that are loaded with almost similar types of attractions (amusement parks, botanical gardens, shopping centers), Japan is a much cheaper option for thrifty travelers. If what you look for is excitement such as theme parks and ski runs, then you can find the perfect place to visit in Tokyo. What's more, there are budget accommodations that will suit your budget just fine. In Tokyo, you can find charming guesthouses that will only cost you about $37 for an overnight stay.
8. Portugal
Now is the best time to visit Portugal, particularly the enchanting town of Porto. This cozy town boasts of its village-like plazas, beaches, and old-fashioned buildings decked in stunning azuelo tiles. For about $37 per night, you can find a decent accommodation such as inns furnished with charming antiques. To get around town, you can take a comfortable ride on a tram for less than $2, or hop on a ferry on your way to the beach - also at a cheap price of $2 for a ride. You can also explore nearby areas in a flat-bottomed boat for only $29, and that should be enough to let you have a glimpse of every beautiful places in this town.
7. Macedonia
Looking for a budget-friendly trip for you and your family? Macedonia is one of the finest places to explore because of its serene lakes, picturesque vineyards, and historic Byzantine churches. What's more, Macedonia is a great stopover on your exciting Balkan trip. Private rooms at Macedonia ate quite cheap, and you can find a nice B&B for about $72. In addition, there are bus services available, and these can take you to must-visit spots such as the Galičica National Park where you find places to hike, go on a boating trip or swim.
6. Vietnam
Explore several enigmatic sites in Vietnam that are worth your time and money. In fact, getting by these fabulous areas in the country is very simple, and you may either ride a bus or experience the convenience of hiring moto-taxis. Popular attractions include Chau Doc, Vinh Long floating markets, and Ben Tre. If you are not fond of highly-populated places, then the Tra Vinh and Ha Tien are excellent options. As for boat trips, you can find the best deals at $5 to $10, and guesthouses cost about $10 up to $25.
5. Peru
Typically, a 5-day cruise around Amazon may cost you about $3500 excluding air fare. However, you can cut down this amazingly high price by dealing with locals in Iquitos, which is also the biggest city in the world that cannot be reached by land. These locals can tailor a trip of your choice at cheap prices whether you are up for a tour at piranha fishing spots, go dolphin watching at the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, or visit the Otorongo Lodge located on the Colombian border.
4. Mexico
If you want to experience how it's like to tour around the culture-rich Mexico, then you should do so by visiting some of the country's historic places. For instance, you may rent historical homes that are converted into inns, and the cost is much cheaper than those at Cancun's top resorts. You will also be amazed by the Plaza Grande, which features remarkable 16th century cathedrals and art museums. If you happen to stop by the plaza on weekends, then you can get caught up in the excitement as the place becomes the center of street parties and dance performances. There are also exciting day trips to five historic Mayan sites that cost for only $40 when you opt for the Ruta Puuc public bus.
3. Northern Ireland
Get a load of Northern Ireland's literature, drama and music as you embark on this fascinating travel destination. In fact, Northern Ireland has invested more than $25 million into its local tourism, and foreign tourists can greatly benefit from this. Since the last quarter of 2012, there are more available flights coming from Belfast and London, and fares are much cheaper, as well. With more flights offered by several companies, you can take advantage of lower airfares for budget-conscious travelers.
2. Turkey
The impressive Turkish Riviera is a charming European destination that fits your budget perfectly. In the past year, hotel rates went down by 25 percent, which makes this place a must-visit location for economical travelers. One of the best places to begin your tour is in Antalya, a charming city in the southwestern coast of Turkey. It offers fantastic sights and placid ambience that will soothe your sense. What's more, for about $100 per night, you can find lovely accommodation from waterfront resorts in the country.
1. Greece
Greece has experienced financial difficulties in the past years, which coincidentally makes it a budget-friendly destination for every traveler. In fact, you can find a cheap package that include plane fare and flight for two for only $2,800 - and that already includes taxes. This is indeed a great deal, as compared to the skyrocketing prices years back. Once you are in Greece, you can start exploring breathtaking beaches, historic ruins, and have a taste of authentic Greek dishes that will make your mouth water.
Have a blast in these top 10 budget destinations even when you are low on cash. By booking a trip to these exciting places in the world, you can boost your savings while giving yourself a relaxing time during your vacation.
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travel-akikazoo · 2 years
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瀬戸内海の美しさ 赤が際立つ #multistradaadventurejapan #Ducati #日本の旬四国 #travel #touring #Japan #seaside  #Spring #discoverjapan #offroad #MOTO #motorcycle #ridersclub @ridersclub_1978 @ducati @ducatijapan #adventure #rock #dirt #trail #mountain #seaside https://www.instagram.com/p/CcFb7snrN5E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladysbike · 2 years
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MOTO TOURS JAPANはアテンダント・サポートカー付 岡山発 2泊3日中四国 DUCATI ツアーの募集受付をスタートした。ツアー日程は7月16日(土)~18日(月)までとなっており、ツアーで乗車する車両はDUCATIのバイクに限るのが特徴だ。
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poirott · 6 years
I'm so sad about Death on the Nile. :(
Hey there! I am too, though I’m coming to terms with the release date being pushed back 10 months, otherwise I’d be sad all the time. :/ Disney buying Fox changed the schedule of upcoming movies, and the new schedule sucks for a lot of fans.
Weird thing is, Deadline’s article from Nov 30 2018 says DOTN “is set to start shooting early in the New Year for Fox”, news that goes against what we’ve heard weeks ago. After all, another reason given for the release date change was Ken’s other movie Artemis Fowl overlapping too much with the production of DOTN. Artemis Fowl is currently in post-production and comes out in Aug 2019. DOTN starting to shoot in early 2019 used to be true before we’ve got news about the movie being pushed back to October 2020. Unless there’s been another change of plans about filming, Deadline’s article has conflicting info.
Ken having too much on his plate by juggling several projects at the same time may not be such a big issue, however. He’s good at multi-tasking, and could indeed start shooting DOTN early while Artemis Fowl is still in post. This year he managed to squeeze in another film in secret; he directed, produced and starred in All is True, a movie about Shakespeare’s final years, and it was filmed in just 30 days. The media’s still in shock because NOBODY knew the movie even existed before it was announced recently that it’s finished. The script wasn’t written before this year. Ken did 3-day preview screenings and Q&As earlier in the week (here’s a post about it from my other blog) for SAG and othersand the movie got positive reactions and standing ovations from the audience. It’s coming out on Dec 21 2018 for awards season and again in February 2019. Is there anything Ken can’t do?? He’s brilliant.
Until we know more, I’m guessing DOTN will still overlap a bit with the production of Artemis Fowl, but only towards the end when Fowl promo kicks into gear. Ken’s main focus should be on Fowl. He may stall the filming of DOTN temporarily to promote Fowl around the world (remember, he flew to Japan all by himself for Murder on the Orient Express, and, as the director, did more promo than everyone else), or maybe have a second unit director shoot DOTN scenes while he’s away. When the Fowl tour is finished, Ken can dedicate all his attention to DOTN.
My hope would be DOTN starting to shoot around April or May 2019, giving Ken three extra months compared to the old plan when DOTN was supposed to start filming in January 2019. And let’s not forget preparations and learning the lines for his Poirot begin several months ahead of shooting. For all we know, he’s already practicing lines and having people scout for DOTN shooting locations on top of doing all the work for Artemis Fowl. DOTN was in pre-production for several weeks when the Disney/Fox acquisition news broke. They cast several actors. Ken may have done Poirot costume fittings already. In September he was doing a special one night only play in Tangier, and a local said Ken spends a week there every year. Could Ken have been doing some DOTN location scouting in Morocco that week? :) The guy kept the existence of an entire movie under wraps for months, so who knows how far into production DOTN is right now? :)
Don’t feel sad! I’m sure we’ll have some DOTN news soon, and Ken may also talk about it during Fowl and All is True promo if he gets asked for an update, like he was about MOTOE during Dunkirk promo. :)
Thank you for your ask!
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somar78 · 5 years
The Rising Sun Workshop x Young Henrys Custom Postie Bike Chopper – The Hopper
The Postie Bike is an Australian institution, they’re a lightly modified version of the Honda CT110 specifically built for Australia Post – an Australian government institution famous for its ability to find new and creative ways to not deliver your mail.
This custom Postie Bike chopper was built as a collaborative effort between the Rising Sun Workshop and Young Henrys, two iconic Sydney establishments that are very high on the must see list for visitors to the harbour city who have a soft spot for motorcycles, or beer, or motorcycles and beer.
The Rising Sun Workshop
The Rising Sun Workshop is a motorcycle workshop and award winning restaurant, with elements of both a bar and a cafe thrown in for good measure. Anyone can go visit for coffee, tea, beer, lunch or dinner. Locals can sign up and become members, allowing them to bring their motorcycle in and work on it using one of four hydraulics lifts, with fully appointed tool kits and workshop equipment.
Perhaps most importantly there’s also a resident master motorcycle mechanic on site named Brad Coles, who provides advice, guidance, and assistance to people who have limited experience working on engines. Brad is known for having the skill and patience levels of a Shaolin monk and he’s a talented off-road rider to boot.
Young Henrys
We’ve featured the work of Young Henrys on Silodrome previously, they’re a rapidly growing craft brewery in Sydney located just down the road from the Rising Sun Workshop in Newtown, not far south of the CBD. The brewery has been going from strength to strength since it was founded in 2012 by Richard Adamson and Oscar McMahon.
The team are known for their frequent releases of limited edition batches, and for their welcoming bar that operates right out of the brewery inside an old warehouse. One of these limited edition batches was called Motorcycle Oil after its rich dark color, and another was “Foo Town” lager, a special beer created in collaboration with the Foo Fighters to celebrate their ninth studio album and their “Concrete and Gold” tour down under.
The Hopper – A Custom Postie Bike Chopper
The familiar purr of the Postie Bike is immediately familiar to all Australians, it usually means the junk mail has arrived. Thousands of retired Postie Bikes have now been sold into private hands and they’re proven popular as cheap daily transport.
This Postie is unlike any other, it’s the result of a months long project at Rising Sun Workshop involving dozens of workshop regulars and staff, all captained by resident wrench Brad.
The primary goal was to turn the Postie into an eye-catching and entirely unique custom motorcycle that could be displayed at music festivals, be put into liquor stores, bars, and pubs that stock Young Henrys beer, and most importantly, the bike had to function as a draught beer dispenser including a tap, hoses, and cooling. You just park the bike next to a keg, hook it up, and you’ve got ice cold draught beer on tap.
Fitting all that equipment onto a CT110 with its 87 kilogram (192 pound) kerb weight was always going to be a challenge, the choice to make the bike into an Easy Rider-inspired chopper made it more challenging still.
At this point I’m going to turn it over to Brad to explain the fabrication-intensive build in his own words:
We had a meeting at RSW, threw out some ideas on what we wanted it to look like, and took a lot of influences from the 70’s Easy Rider chopper scene. The bike had to have the ability to pour beer from it somehow. It had to be a rideable and registed bike, and had to be over the top.
From that meeting, I drew up a sketch of the bike, and then it was all built from that original sketch.
The fabrication work was quite involved, from the hand bent sissy bar, and forklift tires that would allow the fitment of a custom made mini pallet that allowed a “magic box” to be mounted. The magic box is a special esky (an Australian beer cooler) that allows the beer to be chilled down through the lines as it comes from the keg.
A springer front end was fitted to the bike, and lengthened 150mm. We fitted different wheels to the original hubs, and went with a 19” front, and 16” rear. With the front end and wheels changed, we now needed the frame stretched, so that also got 150mm length added into it. We made up special jigs to allow the frame and front end to be welded back together and remain straight and true. All of that work has been reinforced correctly to maintain structural integrity of the bike.
We hand-bent and welded up the very narrow handlebars, as well as fitted a 5 litre mini keg onto the backbone to supply the fuel to the bike, that runs through a hand bent copper line, that resembles a line on a still. It also conveniently holds a beer can, for display purposes only of course.
The seat pan was made from alloy, hand bent, shaped and welded up, then had it custom trimmed in 70’s metal flake vinyl. The gold and white colours of the seat are meant to resemble the colour of a beer, and beer head. Naturally we also had to get custom length cables made to fit.
We used the original lower frame support, but modified it to fit the new frame length with some custom detail pieces, like the spanner shape that connects the frame to the support. It now has forward control foot pegs, with a custom-made brake linkage fitted. Being a centrifugal clutch meant we could also make a hand shifter, that incorporates the old brewery tasting bar counter top beer tap handle.
The bike also has a custom exhaust with a 70’s style kick up at the back.
We had some alloy plates cut and machined for branding, as well as allowing the beer decal to be placed when being used at events. We also fitted a set of twin rectangle “Dixie” headlights that came out of Japan. Purpose Built Moto blinkers, and a mini speedo. Almost everything else is the original equipment like footpegs, controls etc, or been custom made for the bike.
The biggest challenge on this build was time. We had members help on the build, and that was always going to be the case, but like everyone, life gets in the way, so building a custom bike takes a back seat. We had many delays with the bike, like motorcycle accidents, deadlines shifting, running a workshop, overseas holidays and as the collaboration was always about building an amazing bike on a small budget, the labor or build hours would just be put in whenever possible. It did mean a bunch of 16 hour days, but the end result speaks for itself.
I don’t know how many hours went into the build, but it is safe to say between everyone involved, with everything around the build, including filming social media short videos etc we would have hundreds and hundreds of hours in it.
If you’d like to visit Rising Sun Workshop you can click here.
Follow the Rising Sun Workshop on Facebook – Instagram
All images: Chris Corboy – Corboy Photography
The post The Rising Sun Workshop x Young Henrys Custom Postie Bike Chopper – The Hopper appeared first on Silodrome.
source https://silodrome.com/custom-postie-bike-chopper/
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ijustwant2ride · 5 years
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  Turns out that for $38 (US) you can get a behind the curtain tour of the Harley Davidson factory in York, PA. Called the “Steel Toe” tour, you get a guided excursion to places in the plant (like paint and polish) that the free version does not.
  I purchased the tickets online Thursday for a Friday tour (click here for the Harley Steel Toe Tour website). We showed up a bit early for the 9:30 AM tour and, it turns out, there were only three of us for the tour; Debbie, me and a guy from New Jersey.
I wish I could say that we rode the motorcycle to the tour, but it was 25 degrees when we left the house for a 2+ hour trip to the plant. Yes, call me a wimp! (I am adding heated gear to my wish list).
Once we got to the “ Tour Center of the Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations” and checked in we were issued 2 commemorative pins, safety vest (which we got to keep (value $10? at WalMart), safety glasses and steel toe safety “booties” which we did not get to keep. Additionally, our receipts for the tour acted as a $5 off coupon for the gift shop. So, with all said and done, I think we got the tour for about $20.
Our tour guide, JoAnn, started the tour with a short 10-minute video overview of Harley Davidson. After the video and putting on our radio headsets (the plant is very noisy) we started the tour with the stamping of tanks and fenders.
Just a short note about JoAnn.  She has been giving the tours at the plant for 17 years.  It was obvious she knows her way around the facility and the details of how the bikes are assembled. IMHO she is an asset to the factory.
Though out the tour it was as if we were watching “Dancing with the Stars” industrial factory edition. Between the robot machines and the human workers there was an intricate play of just in time parts and assembly. We saw motorcycles being created for not only the US but Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada and other places around the globe.
After an hour and half tour, I have to say I was most impressed with the how the paint is applied in a two-day process. I understand why Harley motorcycle paint jobs look so much better than most other motorcycles. Every painted part is hand inspected for flaws by a team of auditors. If they can fix it there it, they do, otherwise it is sent back for a redo.
Some of the other items we learned during the tour is that the plant is expanding to include the Sportster and Street lines and maybe the Live wire as well. This is mainly because they are closing the Kanas City factory. The expansion is expected to be completed during 2019.
The one thing I did not like was the fact that we could not take photos during the tour. Really, like Indian and others could not buy a ticket, LOL.
We really enjoyed taking this tour. It is so much more interesting then the self-guided walk though of the annual York Open House. I highly recommend this tour, even if you don’t own a Harley Davidson.
  Tour Guide JoAnn
  Touring the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Plant. Turns out that for $38 (US) you can get a behind the curtain tour of the Harley Davidson factory in York, PA.
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pinkanddepressed · 6 years
*skipping in my blood,lost in japan,youth and nervous*
Like to be you- love the beat in the start.....ok they’re voice are beautiful together.....It’s cute...but I can see it being the forgotten song for most....
Fallin’ all in- TOUCH NOSES OK IT GOT ME THERE LOL....I love the feeling of this song it’s really soothing and chill....I can see this being really good on tour with really dim lights and maybe just a glow around him......MAKE LOVE BYE....but his vocals in this ugh i love love love
particular taste- MERCY, MERCY......and the yea’s fuck i’m a simple whipped bitch.....but the hums and growls i’m here for it.....I can see this being really going over well at the festivals because of the beat
Why- so this defiantly the Daniel ceaser song for sure right.....I feel this maybe honest 2.0 it’s a good song yes and i’m here for it but idk have a feeling he’ll not do it on tour or drop it! i want to be wrong because i love it!  but i would love if he did this super scaled back live maybe pink lighting.....
Because i had you- I’M DEAD NOW BYE THAT’S ALL....SEE ME AT THE TOUR GOING CRAZY TO THIS OK BYE....like emosh now the lyrics ugh yes yes yes 
Queen- HE DID THAT......La shawn whooooooooooooooooooooo ahahhahaha this is defiantly one of those la girls who thing they’re hot shit on insta lmao
mutual- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok I could see a string section on this...just me cool. “half of you is not enough for me”..... that’s it that’s the new life moto...this song reminds me of sitting in a cool bar that have a small band playing but in a good way!
perfectly wrong- MY HEART!!!! ok this feel like shawn like it’s so raw....MAKING LOVE AGAIN....i want this just him on the b stage with a piano with candles all over 
when you’re ready- I love the arrangement....i love his voice in this too! like as much as i love the falsetto shawn’s just voice being relaxed gives me chills
all in all I really love it!!!!! top favorites right now...
.because i had you
perfectly wrong
lost in japan
when you’re ready
particular taste
this could all change the more i listen! also these are just my opinions and we can agree to disagree!
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