mittensmorgul · 6 years
I was watching 9.18 this morning, and meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking about stories and their meanings, and how we engage with them in ways both healthy and unhealthy... THANKS METATRON!
I was gonna postulate two distinct reactions I’ve noticed: People who go in to any piece of media with an open mind and engage with what actually pans out in the story, and people who go in with a checklist of impossible expectations and are therefore never gonna be satisfied with what the thing actually *is*.
Like people who are *irate* over a particular theme not being addressed "properly" in canon, like Cas's depression. Or Dean's ptsd, or Cas never having expressed his grievances to Chuck, or whatever thing people just absolutely get hung up on, expecting it to happen on screen and NEVER being able to just let go of the fact that all these things are still being addressed, just not the way they HOPED they would be.
That the show is never going to have an episode where characters just flat-out TALK about all this stuff, because that's not how storytelling WORKS. This isn't journalism, you know? They're not going to synopsize all the characters' long lists of issues and tick them all off point by point with actual conversations about these things. It's just... it would be awful storytelling.
(heyo... "If the scene is about what the scene is about, you're in deep shit.")
Much as people want satisfaction on these things, they're unwilling to let go when it's demonstrated that the characters HAVE let these things go (like the apologies between Dean and Cas after 11.03...) Folks got SO hung up on them having an explicit conversation that there are STILL people absolutely convinced that the scene was written and filmed, and then cut.
(I mean, I was one of those people who were hung up on it, but by 11.07 or so I realized I had unrealistic expectations based on what was ACTUALLY HAPPENING ON SCREEN, and then let go of my toxic obsession and insistence that the issue clearly hadn’t been resolved just because it didn’t pan out with a specific conversation I felt the show “owed” me... because I am an adult with critical thinking skills and understand how fiction works as compared to how these things are best dealt with in real life, and can accept that fictional characters are not real people, and that we also don’t have a 24/7 portal through which to view the characters’ entire existence, and can safely assume if they begin acting as if their past disagreement has been resolved, then we’re being informed as an audience to accept that their past disagreement has been resolved)
It's frustrating sometimes, but this is how stories work.
I often wonder just how genre savvy people who complain about things like the glacial pace of destiel actually are. Supernatural was and still is a HORROR narrative. It’s not and never has been (and hopefully never WILL be) a romcom. We don’t WANT it to become a romcom.
Yes, they borrow tropes and themes from romantic stories, but they will never be the focus of Supernatural, and they will never play out the same way they would in a romcom.
I've explained this to people, and they still insist that it would be easy to include that sort of storyline anyway, but that would change what the show *is* and people hate to hear that.
THIS is what it means when the showrunners say they’re not writing it that way, or when the actors say they’re not acting it that way. They’re not denying the ship, nor the romantic themes and tropes, they’re denying that they’re writing a romcom.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
A metaphor
Just because "all readings are valid!" does not mean "all readings are EQUALLY valid!" That's what meta is for, critical analysis to arrive at the most PROBABLE conclusion.
I mean, one read you could technically take away from Supernatural is that Cas's true final form will be as a literal fish swimming out to sea. There's so much fish imagery around him, it's a legit interpretation of canon. But I think we can all agree it's not actually likely, and is more metaphorical than literal.
But if I'm personally emotionally invested in endgame fish!Cas, and refuse to offer any supporting evidence for this theory beyond "I WANT HIM TO JUST KEEP SWIMMING! I’M NOT GONNA APOLOGIZE FOR LOVING THAT FISH! NOT TO YOU, NOT TO ANYONE!", it's impossible to engage in a rational debate on it, to test the theory, or to accept it in good faith as "equally valid" to other interpretations that are based on the whole of canon, and which can be documented, debated, and defended in meta.
Great. Now I can't stop thinking about fish!Cas swimming off into the sunset with Salmon!Dean.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Sometimes when I seestatements like "the GA has to see it too before it can acutally happen" regarding Destiel, I have to think of other shows where I'm like: wtf why are they kissing? 2 episodes ago these characters barely spoke to each other&now u want to convince me they're in love just bc they're a boy&a girl. I don't know if u watch Riverdale but that's mostly where this is coming from for me. and if it's trauma that's bringing people toghether, dean/cas have plenty of that. ur the best btw
Hi there, and first off, thanks! I do try… but here we go…
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. The writers aren’t engineering their story to grab the collective hands of some nebulous portion of the audience who doesn’t sincerely care about the show enough to follow the character development, plot, etc. and is incapable of understanding and interpreting and engaging with what they’re watching and dumb down their own story to give some sort of remedial tutorial to what they’ve been writing for years.
Dabb has said this. He’s going to write the story as he sees it. Period.
Now, I haven’t watched Riverdale, so I have zero idea what’s going on there, or how it relates to Supernatural, so I can’t really offer any insight on that one. But the “He’s a boy, she’s a girl, of course it’s true love!” thing is so common and laughable… it’s just everywhere. One lingering glance, a raised eyebrow or a smile… they share a pencil… 
If destiel went canon the next time the two of these morons see one another face to face… like imagine if their reunion scene were the perfect fanfic ideal of Dean scooping up Cas into a clenching embrace, weeping with joy because Cas came back to him, that he’s alive it’s a miracle don’t you ever do that again… because I love you Cas, and I want you to stay with me, and I don’t care about anything else as long as you’re here with me… honestly? At this point? If ANYONE said that was out of the blue or uncalled for or inexplicable or the like, they just haven’t been paying attention for the last 10 years.
Or they’re homophobic (or biphobic).
I could hear shouts of BUT DEAN’S STRAIGHT WTF?! And that has zero to do with what is actually going on in the narrative and EVERYTHING to do with the person who has steadfastly refused to engage with the narrative.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Wow... remember the s12 Hellatus Meta Wank-A-Thon? Remember how toxic and awful it was? If you’re not in the mood to relive it, you probably don’t want to click the read more.
Or: the one where Mittens picked on an innocent crack post because I was sick of reading Dean Character Assassination.
AKA: That one where Mittens goes spare defending actual meta from wanky crack that completely misrepresented Dean Winchester.
i.e. That one where Mittens explains the difference between Dean’s instincts and the quality of information those instincts supply him with, and the fact that Dean’s instincts really are never wrong per se but also don’t imbue him with the power of Omniscience.
also, read at your own risk... there’s a reason this is under a cut. However if you’re an unapologetic Dean girl you’ll probably enjoy it.
From this post (which I do understand as crack, due to the fact it pulls random scenarios entirely out of context to support a headcanon that contradicts pretty much every bit of meta I’ve ever read... including this post and the attendant photo/gif set that also went around recently, which I can’t seem to find on my blog but essentially proves the opposite of this-- and honestly y’all can’t have it both ways just because the opposite interpretation is convenient):
Dean: Cas would never say 'no' to me, it's not Cas. Trust me, I'm the Cas expert Sam: Hold on Dean: What? Get the Holy Fire! Sam: *Pulls out list, puts on reading glasses, begins reading from list* Won't acknowledge Castiel gone dark side, when he was working with Crowley. Although all the signs were there. Made up false memories from purgatory because you couldn't accept Cas choosing to leave you Dean: Shut uppp Sam: Didn't realise Cas was possessed by Lucifer
Because yes, Dean IS the Cas expert, even when he doesn’t understand the fact.
Let’s go point by point:
1. in 6.20 Dean refused to accept that Cas had gone “dark side” until he had evidence to prove that Cas could do something so horrifying. Just the same as Dean has spent basically the entire series giving SAM the benefit of the doubt. Dean is not quite so eager to condemn his loved ones without undeniable proof that they’ve betrayed him, you know? Let’s look at 2.05 for evidence of this, because that example also conveniently includes a form of mind control:
Andy: Tell the truth! Sam: That's what I'm - Dean: We hunt demons. Andy: What? Sam: Dean! Dean: Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother... Sam: Dean, shut up! Dean: I'm trying. He's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And, I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right.
Or perhaps we should look at Dean’s low-level suspicions of Sam’s “demon powers” in s4, carefully noting that he refused to prematurely make accusations against Sam until he had evidence to base his ~gut instinct feelings~ on.
Despite months of suspicions, despite NUMEROUS attempts at practically BEGGING Cas to let him help, to at least listen to what Cas was involved with, Sam and Dean spent most of s6 entirely in the dark. It’s not that they didn’t CARE about Cas, it’s that Cas REFUSED TO INVOLVE THEM. From 6.03:
CASTIEL: I can explain later. Right now we have to -- DEAN: No, not later. Now. Stop, all right? Too many angels, Cas! I don't know who's on first, what's on second. CASTIEL: What is "second"?! DEAN: Don't start that. CASTIEL: It is simple: Raphael and his followers, they want him to rule Heaven. I -- and many others -- the last thing we want is to let him take over. It would be catastrophic.
DEAN: Why does Raphael want to bring back all this crap? CASTIEL: He's a traditionalist. DEAN: Cas, why didn't you tell us this? CASTIEL: I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers. I'm sorry. Now I need your blood.
At this point Dean has been out of the loop on EVERYTHING for near on a year, and Sam is currently soulless (but we don’t know that yet, aside from the fact that Dean is side-eyeing Sam and having uneasy and wary ~feelings~ that something is not quite right with Sam). Dean’s playing a game of Cosmic Catch-Up set to the highest difficulty level. He’s not about to go flinging around accusations that he can’t back up with evidence. His ~gut feeling~ isn’t enough to condemn his loved ones. They’ve earned better from him than that.
Even Death warning Dean in 6.11 about Cas, and the dangerous road he was traveling down regarding “the souls” (despite it being so vague as to be entirely unhelpful to Dean, other than to give some credit to that gut feeling of ~wrongness~ about Cas’s behavior, without giving him any direct evidence to bring to Cas and confront him in a way that Cas can’t wriggle out of yet again).
Like the end of 6.15:
SAM Cas, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion? CASTIEL It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing. DEAN That's not comforting, Cas. CASTIEL When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything. DEAN Yeah, Cas. We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us! CASTIEL I'm sorry about all this. I'll explain when I can.
As we learn in 6.20, we understand that even in 6.15, or in 6.17, or 6.18, or 6.19-- all episodes where Cas had an opportunity to come clean to Dean and Sam and yet CONTINUED to hide the truth from them, not because he was short on time but because he knew what he was doing was morally wrong and that he would lose their support, yet he was far too deep in his web of lies (can you see why this “reimagining” of canon is infuriating yet? And how horrifyingly painful s6 is when you look at it honestly as the narrative presents these cold facts?)--
CASTIEL I had no choice. I did it to protect the boys. Or to protect myself. I-I don't know anymore.
SAM Castiel...This is really important, okay? Um...We really need to talk to you. DEAN Castiel...Come on in. CASTIEL But I didn't go to them...Because I knew they would have questions I couldn't answer...Because I was afraid.
CASTIEL Wonders never cease. They trusted me again. But it was just another lie.
Or the fact that Cas asked God for a sign, to let him know he was doing the right thing... and despite it really being too little too late, God sent him the sign. Dean literally told him to stop. That was the sign. Cas plowed right over it anyway.
And it is clear REPEATEDLY throughout s6 that Dean KNOWS there’s really important stuff that Cas has not told him, but again... he still TRUSTS Cas to be honest with him. That trust doesn’t break until 6.20, and it breaks so horribly that he doesn’t even know who or what to trust in again. That’s essentially his entire s7 arc, after all. Cas’s betrayal practically destroys him.
But sure, he refused to accept Cas’s betrayal without actual evidence in 6.20 because he’s an idiot with bad instincts.
On to point the second: Dean creating a false memory of his escape from Purgatory because he couldn’t bear the thought that Cas wouldn’t want to leave with him.
When he first arrived back, one of the first things Dean tells Sam in 8.01 is this:
SAM: What about Cas? Was he there? DEAN walks a few steps away and speaks with his back to SAM. DEAN: Yeah, Cas didn't make it. SAM: What exactly does that mean? DEAN: Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go. SAM: So Cas is dead? You saw him die? DEAN: I saw enough. SAM: So, then what, you're not sure? DEAN: [turning back to SAM] I said I saw enough, Sam. SAM: Right. Dean, I'm sorry.
This is the first and last time he admits out loud in words that Cas LET GO. That it wasn’t HIS fault that Cas didn’t make it out. He does honestly admit it here, when the wound is so painfully raw. And when Sam presses him for details, for clarification, he shuts that conversation down, but the wound’s been poked at now.
Yet life goes on, and Dean’s back in it but Cas isn’t. The reality of that takes a bit to settle in for him, the fact that Cas DID let go, and the only explanation he can think of for WHY he’d do that was because Dean himself wasn’t worth holding on to. And dear me, without being able to ASK Cas about it, all the while spiraling into a horrible guilt and depression, grieving the loss of the best friend he ever had yet again, Dean began to turn that memory into something that wouldn’t drive him straight to the bottom of a bottle. He knew the truth of it, just as well as he was suspicious of Cas from the MOMENT he arrived back from Purgatory, but for Dean Whiskey-And-Denial Winchester the only way to keep going is to shove all that down.
Nobody said that was a healthy response to horrifying loss, tragedy, and grief, but it was all Dean had back then.
So no, that’s not a valid point either.
On to point the third: “Didn’t notice Cas was possessed by Lucifer”
Except what basis did he have to believe that was even a remote possibility? As far as EVERYONE knew at first, Rowena’s spell sending Lucifer back to the cage had been a success. Sure, Cas didn’t return to the bunker like he told Dean he would at the end of 11.10, but Dean knows how this goes. In his mind, Cas has better things to do than hang out with him and Sam (because Dean’s self-deprecation is one of the longest running themes in the whole series), and at the beginning of 11.11, only a day or two post 11.10, we have this as proof:
SAM: And what about the Darkness? What about Cas? We haven't heard from them. DEAN: Okay, first of all, we've got zero on Amara. And Cas -- Cas will be fine. He always is.
What was he about to say there? In that stuttering blank? “Cas does what he wants, why would he suddenly think I’m more important than whatever he wants to do?”
But right from the start, he’s wary of Cas and his sudden appearance at the bunker. Go rewatch all of his exchanges with Cas(ifer) in 11.11. He has no reason to suspect that Cas had said yes to Lucifer and currently WAS NOT CAS, but he’s confused by Cas’s unusual behavior. I think we spent that entire week between episodes screaming about Dean’s discomfort and confusion and WRONG SHOULDER OMG, Everything about that scene is jarring and uncomfortable and awkward... But again, Dean doesn’t lob unfounded gut-instinct accusations at his loved ones. He gives them the benefit of the doubt until his suspicions are confirmed.
Not to mention the fact that Dean is only just then beginning to come to grips with the fact that Amara is exerting some sort of control over HIM, and he doesn’t really know how to deal with HIS OWN MANIPULATED FEELINGS.
(seriously, do ALL of these references actually mirror directly to possession and mind control? Hmmm, I’m sure that’s entirely coincidental...)
That doesn’t mean he’s NOT suspicious when his SOMETHING’S WRONG alarm bells are going off... from the end of 11.11:
SAM: Is Cas gone? DEAN: Yeah, I guess so. SAM: What was he doing here anyway? DEAN: He was looking for lore on the Darkness. Something a little off about him, too. SAM: Something always seems a little bit off about Cas. [Scoffs] Yeah, you know, being so close to Lucifer probably wasn't easy for him, either. DEAN: We'll just keep an eye on him.
The VERY NEXT TIME they interact with Cas(ifer) in 11.14 the entire truth comes out. And they are shocked and horrified by it.
The exact same way they’re ALL shocked and horrified to learn that Lucifer is still at liberty in 12.22, and Cas is equally shocked and horrified to learn that fact in 12.23. Dean had no reason to even believe it was a possibility in s11 until his uneasy feelings about Cas’s odd behavior were revealed to be Lucifer possessing Cas.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t see the odd behavior and react accordingly.
Okay. THIS is meta. The other is crack. That’s the difference.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Can we talk about how down hill supernatural went after season 5? Honestly it's time for this show to end. They've been beating a dead horse since season 8. The most positive things people say about the show now are "that episode was really good compared to the rest of the season." But compared to old school supernatural that I fell in love with? It sucks. After Eric Kripke left and his story that he created was over, it went way down hill.
*restrains myself from just attaching that gif of Dean indignantly asking what show you been watching and leave it at that*
I have no idea what you’re talking about? Have you read anything I’ve ever written? Because I don’t think you’ve actually read anything I’ve ever written about this show.
Or you’d understand how ridiculous the entire premise of your question sounds to me. I don’t think Supernatural went downhill at all. The only thing beating a dead horse around here is questions like yours. 
I’m sorry you don’t enjoy the show anymore. I don’t happen to agree with you. At all. Because I’m enjoying the hell out of it. And if you’d read my blog at all, you’d know that. You’d know that in the corner of the fandom I occupy, I rarely hear anything so negative as “that episode was really good compared to the rest of the season.”
That’s how off the track I feel your question is.
I mean, I have no idea why you would even wish to raise such a topic with someone who is clearly, by all the evidence of the fact on my blog, in love with the show, feels the writing and the storylines have only improved over the years, and spends most of my time expressing my aforementioned love for it.
Unless you’re some sort of negativity troll.
I mean, I’m sorry you personally feel the show went in a direction you don’t enjoy. But if you feel that way, the show absolutely CAN end any time you want it to. You aren’t required to waste your time and energy on it. I can’t even imagine spending seven years of my life engaging with a thing I found no enjoyment in.
If you don’t like it, then walk away. Easy as that.
For those of us who DO like it, we’ll be over here being happy it’s still running.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
A THOUSAND TIMES YES to that post about not asking bloggers permission, etc. It's one of the most disturbing things i've seen on tumblr in general. This whole "shit, i'd better ask tumblr if it's ok to feel this way or like this thing" attitude, because this site has a nasty habit of appointing itself the morality police. "You like this musician? Well friendly reminder that 15 years ago he said something wrong!" And so on. As far as specific bloggers, i've seen so many develop MASSIVE egos:P
Yeah, I mean this is the EXACT reason I absolutely, 100% do not give a flying fig what “anti’s” think, or what the GA thinks, or what people who disagree with me think. I’m in no position to suggest their ideas or opinions or feelings are any less valid than mine are. It’s not my job to police how other people do fandom, you know?
I mean, I read stuff that I disagree with all the time. I mean, *I* think my read of the show and themes and characters is *correct*, but I’m just sitting here in my jammies typing stuff, just like the people I don’t agree with. They’re just as entitled to post *their* thoughts as I am. I find it interesting to challenge my read by seeing what other people are saying, even if I ultimately don’t agree with them.At least it helps remind me that my thoughts aren’t the only thoughts in the world. But I also recognize that it’s not my job to tell anyone else that their opinions or theories or thoughts are wrong.
(I mean I don’t even reblog factually wrong info-- like blatant misquotes and the like-- to correct it. It’s not my job, and there’s a line where you’re not being helpful by doing that, you’re just being a jerk, you know? I don’t wanna be a jerk. :P)
I’m not talking about people whose opinion is based on hating a thing here. That’s just toxic, and I do my best not to engage with that, because that’s not based on objective analysis, but a vitriolic mindset that isn’t even rooted in reality. It’s just so… beyond even the pretense of objectivity.
The difference is when people come *to my inbox* asking my opinion directly (or tagging me in posts asking me to comment). If someone directly asks me for my opinion, I’m gonna give it.
ETA: This is from at least six months ago and has been sitting in my drafts. 
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Sam spent s12 essentially experiencing his own s1 arc inside out and in reverse, ending in a flipped version of where the entire series began, with Sam as a witness to the Yellow Eyed Monster in an infant’s nursery.
Mary spent s12 essentially living out a similar arc to what Cas experienced during s6 (and honestly what Sam experienced during s4 and 5), finding redemption before being dragged into the AU by Lucifer.
Cas... well, his s12 arc was frequently paralleled to Mary’s, often running concurrent to hers but just as frequently mirroring his own past arcs, mostly from s4 and s8.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Another in a series of parallels between early s12 and late s12:
The first time Mary meets Jody, Jody becomes possessed by a demon and tries to taunt Sam and Dean into killing Mary, asserting that it’s Mary who’s possessed instead. Mary’s first impulse is to kill Jody, but Sam and Dean stop her. A “team effort” exorcism saves Jody.
The last time Mary meets Jody, Mary is under the influence of the MoL brainwashing (which really resembles demonic possession), and tries to kill Jody. Sam and Dean work on a “team effort exorcism” by each tackling half the problem-- Sam destroys the physical MoL while Dean destroys the psychological.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
I don’t mind folks coming to my inbox to vent. I mean, anonymous or not, if you just need to get something off your chest and for whatever reason yelling it into the void isn’t as satisfying as typing it, by all means, consider my inbox your personal void.
(under a cut for 3 am baffled rambling)
That said, I am frequently baffled by some of the messages I do get. I just... can’t figure out what compels someone to seek out a blog dedicated to a thing they don’t like just to tell that blogger they don’t understand the thing, they have no desire to understand the thing, and they personally hate everything the blogger blogs about in general. I mean... why?
I assume the people who send me these messages aren’t following me. It’s really easy to avoid seeing my posts. I don’t post to the standard fandom tags very much. You really have to be looking for specific content to run across my blog. The fact that someone went to the trouble to seek me out specifically to leave me rambling messages, none of which I am personally upset about or anything, more just... confused by.
What motivates someone to spend time even FINDING me, let alone feel so personally offended by things I enjoy spending my time on, things that make me personally happy, that they feel the need to comment negatively on it?
And again, it’s not like I feel personally attacked, or outraged, or upset, or much of anything really... maybe just a little bit sad. I mean, it’s kinda pitiful, really. Does nothing inspire y’all to joy? Do you not feel happy with yourself? Why are you seeking out things you clearly find upsetting and then focusing your energy and attention  and time on them?
Do you not understand hobbies?
Or is your life so devoid of meaning that your hobby is actually shitting on other people’s hobbies?
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Mittens we'd all love to hear your rants and rambles, in fact, we would be blessed
Hi there. I just spent another few hours going through my drafts, and thinking I should probably post them. Some of the oldest of them go back a couple of years, and it’s weird and giving me hives to see just how little some things change...
From another anon:
Can we see some of the best/funniest of the "gray face" delusional messages you've gotten?? Like a Greatest Hits compilation? I mean if it makes you uncomfortable or you think it'll stir something up obviously don't, I just really love reading some of the attempts at arguing:P My favorite is "I can't explain this so i'm going to verbally attack *you* and not the argument" or "I'm just going to keep repeating the you're delusional argument like a broken record because i don't have anything else."
And yep, that’s ad hominem (i.e. attacking the person instead of their argument). The fact that I STILL get nearly identical “LOL YOU DELUSIONAL DESTIHELLER” anons, and they don’t actually look any different than the anons I got years ago, despite the fact that I’ve continued to blog about the show adding mountains of additional support for my personal read of the show, the subtext, the storylines. I find it pathetically amusing that despite that, the arguments against haven’t evolved in the slightest. I mean... for all intents and purposes, the inability to write a cohesive contradictory argument based on canon facts does nothing but support my conclusions, you know?
So with all this in mind, I’m gonna go ahead and post a few of my weird rantythings. Some are replies to negative anons, and a few are just my baffled reaction to being swamped with negative anons, and a few are just posts on genre or subtext or meta or whatever. Some will be posted under read more links, some will be presented as-is, but ALL of them will be tagged #MMMoRDOR. so block that tag if you don’t care to see them. :)
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
This was in my drafts for like a year and a half. Don’t remember if I ever wrote proper meta based on it or not, but it’s just a transcript of a conversation I had with Lizbob from early s12 while rewatching 4.03, wondering what the heck John must’ve thought all those years about how Mary’s parents both died that night in 1973...
Not wanky at all, just rambly thoughts.
All those 10 years, I wonder if John always thought Mary killed Samuel and Deanna? He probably did... I mean the last thing he remembered was Mary being manhandled and hurt by Samuel, then he wakes up and Samuel's dead of a stab wound. And Mary's cradling him Did he even see Dean there? I don't think so. And they go back to Mary's, but Deanna's dead on the kitchen floor, also of a stab wound, and Mary had fled the house crying and demanding to be taken away Right Then. how does he reconcile all that? wow
elizabethrobertajones she SAID it was a heart attack I suppose with that evidence he wouldn't argue :P
elizabethrobertajones I'm still trying to work out how Mary covered everything up to John
mittensmorgul same
elizabethrobertajones maybe if Samuel slumped over and John was shell-shocked, she drove him home and called the ambulance for Samuel (I mean to his home)
mittensmorgul I can float the chattybubbles converastion  in a post and see what happens
elizabethrobertajones and then by the time he came back over the next day she'd got her parents shipped off to the funeral home
mittensmorgul He had a stab wound in his stomach tho
elizabethrobertajones yeah and there's no criminal investigation??
mittensmorgul yeah
elizabethrobertajones "he uh fell and stabbed himself while he was having a heart attack"
mittensmorgul pffft
elizabethrobertajones "look at me I am a tiny blonde girl do you think I could have done this?" oldey timey sexism saves the day
mittensmorgul I think "heart attack" was code for "he lost that fight to mary" maybe it was an "accident" in John's eyes, but he would protect Mary from that especially if Mary said Samuel was the one who killed Deanna in a rage or whatever Even if it had also been an accident (did she die of a stab wound, or just from the trauma of being tossed around)
elizabethrobertajones did Azazel stab her or snap her neck? mittensmorgul It's never really clear. He tosses her around the room a bit, and as Dean leaves the house we see her lying on the floor dead, but nothing to indicate how she died
elizabethrobertajones hm, okay so yeah Samuel attacked her in a rage, then died of ~natural causes~ closed case domestic small town thing they don't want to get too much coverage :P mittensmorgul yeah
And even if John knows all along that something's fishy, because bloody stab wounds aren't symptoms of heart attacks >.> he winks and buys into Mary’s story because he saw how Samuel had been trying to hurt her, and he probably blamed himself for that He was the "bad boy" trying to drag Mary away from her family She was nearly about to confess to him before he proposed in the car, but then Samuel showed up...
ETA: I’m watching 4.03 right now, and Samuel/Azazel kills Deanna by breaking her neck, so Mary could just tell John that Samuel killed her in a fit of rage, and then himself? So at least Deanna’s death is clear... 
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
I don't get why fans would ship destiel I mean can dean and cas just be friends and not turn it into sex? Also dean is straight that's canon and dean can have any woman he wants. Patience being gay is just too much but I don't care about her and I don't care about jody. Dean was the real hero! Sam is an asshole! Cas should stay dead and jack needs to go away
Okay… I mean, I know my ask message policy states that anyone’s free to leave messages, even if it’s just venting or whatever, and that I don’t normally reply to wanky messages because I really don’t enjoy participating in fandom drama. I am here (in fandom) because I’m enjoying myself, as well as this dumb show and the other fans of said dumb show who like similar things about it and enjoy talking about it and generally doing this for funsies. So I already have a very limited understanding of the sort of person who deliberately seeks out people who like a thing that they don’t like just to leave anonymous messages like this one.
And I do get a fair number of anonymous messages that I never reply to for one reason or another. I get quite a goodly number of messages along the lines of “I don’t get why people ship destiel.” Some of them are more genuinely interested in understanding the actual reasons, but this message strikes me as being thinly veiled homophobia, and outright hate, and that’s just something I don’t understand.
I’m sure you’re aware of the content of my blog. I’m sure you’re aware that I spent a significant portion of my time talking about all these things you apparently hate. And yet… you took the time out of your day to bother seeking me out to tell me this.
Boy, do I have a surprise for you! I ALREADY KNOW THERE ARE HORRIBLE HATEFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! You have surprised me not one whit.
I’m sorry that you feel so insecure about the things you enjoy that you feel threatened by random people on the internet who are here for fun. I’m just baffled that anyone can let hatred take over their lives to the degree that they’d seek out someone who specifically avoids using general fandom tags specifically because I just do not care that anyone hates what I enjoy. I honestly don’t care that you don’t understand why I ship destiel, why I love Patience, or Jody, or Sam Winchester, or any character on this show.
I mean, the show you’re proposing would be Dean Winchester in the Empty, just sorta floating through nothingness, in abject misery, because DEAN wouldn’t want to live in a world without Sam, or Cas, or Jody, or Patience (I have a feeling his grief-addled opinions on Jack will evolve, too, because Dean is Not An Asshole).
I’ve been struggling with this message because it just seems… so freaking over the top ridiculous as to seem like crack masquerading as anon hate. Like, how can anyone be this gross and clueless?
So I’m gonna assume that this is someone’s idea of a joke, because I have a hard time believing anyone is actually this pitiful.
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