#pretty sure this one came in during the s12 hellatus too
mittensmorgul · 6 years
Can we talk about how down hill supernatural went after season 5? Honestly it's time for this show to end. They've been beating a dead horse since season 8. The most positive things people say about the show now are "that episode was really good compared to the rest of the season." But compared to old school supernatural that I fell in love with? It sucks. After Eric Kripke left and his story that he created was over, it went way down hill.
*restrains myself from just attaching that gif of Dean indignantly asking what show you been watching and leave it at that*
I have no idea what you’re talking about? Have you read anything I’ve ever written? Because I don’t think you’ve actually read anything I’ve ever written about this show.
Or you’d understand how ridiculous the entire premise of your question sounds to me. I don’t think Supernatural went downhill at all. The only thing beating a dead horse around here is questions like yours. 
I’m sorry you don’t enjoy the show anymore. I don’t happen to agree with you. At all. Because I’m enjoying the hell out of it. And if you’d read my blog at all, you’d know that. You’d know that in the corner of the fandom I occupy, I rarely hear anything so negative as “that episode was really good compared to the rest of the season.”
That’s how off the track I feel your question is.
I mean, I have no idea why you would even wish to raise such a topic with someone who is clearly, by all the evidence of the fact on my blog, in love with the show, feels the writing and the storylines have only improved over the years, and spends most of my time expressing my aforementioned love for it.
Unless you’re some sort of negativity troll.
I mean, I’m sorry you personally feel the show went in a direction you don’t enjoy. But if you feel that way, the show absolutely CAN end any time you want it to. You aren’t required to waste your time and energy on it. I can’t even imagine spending seven years of my life engaging with a thing I found no enjoyment in.
If you don’t like it, then walk away. Easy as that.
For those of us who DO like it, we’ll be over here being happy it’s still running.
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