#Loz replies
lozenger8 · 1 year
Thanks to @mordororbust for tagging me.
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favourite followers ✨🎶
Stromae - Santé/Jessie Ware - Hot N' Heavy/Tim Minchin for the Groundhog Day Musical - Seeing You/Rina Sawayama - Catch Me in the Air/Nothing But Thieves - Real Love Song
I tag: @anomalagous, @matsuorka, @skittlestrash, @saphyrenights, @jentnova, @mighty-alphalpha, @freddieslater, @tofixtheshadows, @zimes89 & @galwednesday
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A few moments later…
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Link learns a new ability!
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emberglowfox · 1 year
Also love how u draw teba. Like to think he could give relationship advice to Sidon and yoga too, while link is hanging with tulin!
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YEAHHH TEBA i think hes fun
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bobbincosplays · 1 year
*Zelda reuniting with Link*
Link: "next time something starts fucking around, we're not finding out."
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pichichustudios · 9 months
👋 I want to say your art is very great, and your Link and Midna drawings are cute and sweet. Also, I like the pairing because I'm short for a guy, and seeing a tall queen like Midna be affectionate with Link heals my soul.
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Thank you so much! I’m glad you love them too! ☺️❤️❤️
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ketchupkio · 19 days
Your Twilight being cute, wrt tiny doodles?
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Sky and Twilight for you!!! Pubby get spoiled
Sky and Twilight belong to @ageless-soul-au, pls don't tag any other AUs!
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wayfayrr · 5 days
The Menace is back with a Self-Aware ask and your weekly words. So here we go with the Self-Aware!
So I think about a Self-Aware Wind and Spirit would be a good idea. You ask who Spirits is? Well the Link from Spirit Tracks because I'm sure he is a reincarnation of Wind as there were things that wouldn't make sense if he was the same. Niko is old but Spirit isn't, Zelda and Spirit don't recognise each other, Spirit doesn't have a sister or a grandma only old man Niko and Niko tells him the story of Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.
I believe that Wind tries to be sneaky like when Reader looks away he turns his head towards them. Reader also catched him a few times but just thought their eyes were playing tricks on them same with Spirit. But I think it would be interesting when both of them break out at the same time.
Like the scenario is like that. Reader plays Phantom Hourglass on their DS and their little/older sibling comes to them as they are stuck somewhere in Spirit Tracks and it was Reader's game after all, they don't know that Spirit planned it. So Reader just say leave it with them and put their DS down to look at the problem. Only to notice that it seems as there isn't one, Link just runs around the overworld. So Reader thinks it's a glitch and runs around with Spirit to find a next town, they are really far away if you don't use the train. So Wind gets jealous and looks for methods to get their attention. How? He runs out of the safety zone from Bellum's temple and has a monster running after his life. So if Reader plays with sound on they immediately switch DSs to save Wind. And these two do that the whole time. Oh, there is the train geek? Sorry Spirit, but Wind just fell down somewhere and Reader has to go the whole way back so they don't lose progress and heal him. Oh, Wind has a puzzle that Reader tries to solve? Sorry Wind, but Spirit just rolled against a tree with a bees/horns nest, Reader has to save him. Oh, Spirit sees and Overworld Boss and it does nothing and Reader wants to take pictures of it T posing?! Sorry Spirit, But Wind needs their help as he lost all of the ore for smith Zauz and now has to collect them again!! Oh, Wind just got a heart container after he defeated a boss?! Well Sorry Wind But Spirits RUNS ON WATER! OH LOOK WIND FELL DOWN FROM THE BOAT AND NEEDS TO BE SAVED!! SORRY SPIRIT, BUT YOUR JESUS JOURNEY HAS TO BE CUT SHORT!! OH READER FINALLY FOUNDS THE TRAIN?! WELL EXCUUUSEE ME SPIRIT BUT WIND RAN INTO FREAKING BELLUM IN THE OVERWORLD!!! OH...
And so on. These two will go into extreme lengths to get Readers attention on one of them. So they will probably break out as Reader didn't fold any of the two DS to help their parents who called them. But at first the two will fight. Obviously they love Wind more they played his games a dozens of time! Nooo, they love Spirit more they could've given him back to their sibling but they didn't he was still there. When Reader returns they just demand to know who Reader's favourite is. Reader completely stunned as both games start talk to them think they go nuts as they pulled an all-nighter before. The two won't stop and slammed against the glass until it breaks and... why are they so small? Why is Reader so tall?! WHY ARE THESE TWO HERO CHIBIS!? AND WHY HAS ONE OF THEM A JOB!?!
And your words are.
Ice blue
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Hello menace! you've discovered one of my utter weaknesses that I've never mentioned on here - spirit is my son/lh/j. I love that silly little train kiddo, he's just! So silly goofy!!!
also firm believer that if they both get out - or actually speak to one another then they'll get along really really well. they're twins and I can't be convinced otherwise.
I think the idea of them both spiting the other until reader leaves them both to go and destress would be an eye opener to the both of them, being bitter and not working together is worse for BOTH of them. Of course they'll both bicker about who is the favourite but when push comes to shove, two is always more effective than one.
ALSO LITTLE MENACE SPIRIT???? LOVE HIM oh he deserves to be an absolute little shit for attention, he's just a baby that can do no wrong after all!!!! just a tiny little guy!!!! Baby boy!!!!! he's got his train so now he just needs his older sib's attention!!! so what if he has to mess with someone else's game to do that - it worked so how can you hate him for it?
also the jesus journey bit is actually sending me- he's so desperate for attention he'll break all the rules in order to keep your eyes on him ;-; hopefully you won't reset his game seeing as he's breaking it so much now
heheheheheh tiny baby spirit who can sit in your hand or a baby wind who can fit in your pockets they're just little tiny babies!!!!! little itty bitty guys!!!!! (reminds me of some imgs peep's sent in asks lmao) so what if they shouldn't be there! now they are and that's your problem to deal with!!! they won't cause issues - pinky promise <3
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(both of these guys are by @artsy-moonwalker, I adore these two little guys beyond belief and spirit looking so scruffy is just so!!!!!! literally baby and I love him so!!!)
as for the words hmmmmm, I think I'll go with ice blue for this one (sorry for the late response too, I know these were last week's after all)
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zelinkdragons · 10 months
@hellenicheart3610 replied to your post:
i love how much link looks like farosh 🥹 we need more triforce imagery in loz ong
Thanks! I’m glad people like him! 😊
I loved how the Light Dragon’s horns and spikes were blue, the colour associated with the Triforce of Wisdom, and the Demon Dragon’s spikes were red like the Triforce of Power. That’s why I just couldn’t make Link a green dragon, his spikes and horn had to be green instead 💚 I think the silver scales and green look nice together, and complement the Light Dragon’s gold accents.
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To compare him and the others to the Servants of the Spring dragons, notice how the Demon Dragon’s horns have this rough, bonelike texture like Dinraal’s, with ridges and sections to them.
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Similarly, the Light Dragon’s horns are smooth and crystal-like, like Naydra’s, and point backwards too.
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So I figured Link, like Farosh, should have a single horn facing forward. I don’t like how wide Farosh’s horn is though, that’s why I wanted Link’s horn to take inspiration from the decayed Master Sword, and to fit in with his Knight Dragon name with a swordlike horn.
Dragon Link AU | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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solargeist · 11 months
do u think tp link still has dog habits, do u think zelda walks out and sees him digging in the courtyard covered in dirt
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absolutely , he is a farm dog
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theelvishfiddler · 2 years
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its her! the legend! zelda!
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wutheringmights · 6 months
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Chapter 24: The War Ended & The Heroes Reunited Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Alternate Universe, Character Study, War, world building, Trauma, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Political Intrigue, Found Family, Angst and Humor, Warriors is a very complicated person, Warriors also does not know Time is Mask, Warriors (Linked Universe)-centric, Canon-Typical Violence, Heavy Angst, Manipulation, Morally Ambiguous Character, Please read content warnings before each chapter, Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Power Imbalance, Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Injury, Disabled Character Summary: “You are going to hear a lot of terrible things about me. Most of it is going to be true.” Being the hero who saved Hyrule from a bloody war was a thankless job that left Warriors with more regrets than he cared to remember. He only started to heal after meeting his fellow heroes from across time and joining them on their quest to defeat the black-blooded monsters. But when his time-hopping journey takes him back home, he finds his kingdom on the brink of war once more. This war threatens to ensnare not only Warriors, but his newfound family as well. Warriors will do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if that means becoming a traitor to the kingdom he gave up everything to save. But the harder Warriors works to protect his family, the more the secrets of his dark past come to life. Who is Captain Link Walton, the Hero of Warriors? What happened to the two other heroes he had once fought alongside all those years ago? When this is over, will Warriors even have a family left to save or is he doomed to repeat his past mistakes? (Once, there were three brothers: the captain, the engineer, and the child. Their story did not have a happy ending.)
Surprise update!
Guess who was so surprised that she finished the chapter that she didn't have time to tease it?
Please note that while the rating for CTB has been upgraded to Mature, this story is not going to be any darker than it already is. The people have spoken via poll, and I can finally acknowledge that CTB should have been marked as Mature since the beginning.
In this chapter of my 100% adult, no kiddie bumper fan fiction:
Link cries over a pudding bun
Time and Warriors have an honest talk about what happened in the past and what the future will look like
A newly rescued Twilight enters pack leader mode and cleans house
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linkvcr · 2 months
I'm such a chronic replier like I Will be in the replies. I just cannot stfu it seems
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lukadarkwater · 1 year
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I noticed it too!! Both of them have a much wider range. Like when Link first gets Ultrahand, you can see his face express how unsure and uncomfortable he is with the whole thing. And same with Zelda, when she assures him that she knows they’ll be okay because she’s with him, you get much more of the subtle touches that add depth.
It’s really cool and I love it so much. I never thought much about BOTW’s character animations because they were great at the time, but you can really feel the care they’ve taken here.
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whats your favourite zelda game and why?
twilight princess All The Way. it was my first zelda game, it came out the year i was born, my mom printed out the entire guide because we had spotty internet and baby ravio Needed to watch her play it.
i have wonderful memories of just messing around on our finished file, running around and scaring townsfolk as an angry little puppydog.
but also the story and aesthetic.. the golden skies of the twilight realm, the sense of home from ordon village, the castle being Dead Silent in the courtyard, aside from the rain.
don't get me started on midnas lament or midna in general. ive always thought she was really cool. shes sassy and absolutely isnt helping you for the right reasons at first, but then she changes. and shes still sassy, but she cares.
also you can pick up the cats. important. you can also play fetch with the dogs. also important.
i have other faves, botw was solid for me, windwaker is a classic and i adore the style and story of that as well, majoras mask has vibes for days too, but twilight princess has been and always will be my favorite zelda game.
ive never beaten it myself though, actually. i tried, but our wii broke when i got to gerudo :/
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ketchupkio · 9 months
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... what am I doing with my life
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Hi my hand slipped 💕🌷✨🏳‍⚧
(If this breaches containment, this is not LU, thanks)
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ival-eon · 1 year
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wanted to draw zelda with a hooked nose <3
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