lovegatha · 1 year
Love and Fear: An Unlikely Embrace in the Shadows
#Love and #fear entwined, a captivating dance of emotions!" a blog
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lovegatha · 1 year
The Mysterious World of Love Hormones: Discovering the Science Behind Love
Discover the fascinating world of love hormones and their impact on our relationships." #love, #loveHormones, #relationship
Hey there! So, have you ever heard of the “love hormone”? It’s called oxytocin, and it’s a pretty fascinating molecule. A lot of research has been done on its effects on social behavior and bonding. The Chemistry of Love: Exploring the Power of Oxytocin and More One study published in the Harvard Gazette suggests that oxytocin might play a key role in promoting trust, empathy, and social…
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lovegatha · 1 year
Cupid Connection: Exploring the Fascinating World of Mythology
"Fall in love with the mythological god of desire and explore his journey from cherub to young man in our latest blog." #cupid #love #lovegatha #latest blog
Cupid: A Symbol of Love and Desire Cupid, also known as Eros in Greek mythology, is a well-known mythological figure who has been a symbol of love and desire for centuries. He is known for his bow and arrow that he used to shoot people with arrows of love, making them fall in love with the first person they saw. Mythological Tales According to myth, Cupid was the son of Venus, the goddess of…
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lovegatha · 1 year
Happily Ever After: A Modern Myth
"Get ready to challenge your beliefs about happy endings! Our blog examines the modern obsession with happily ever after and why it's time to break the mold." #love #lovestory #happyending #lovegatha
The Modern Obsession with Happy Endings Ah, the happy ending. It’s the staple of modern romance novels, rom-coms, and fairy tales. From childhood, we’ve all grown up with the idea that love conquers all and that every story should have a happily ever after. But have you ever wondered where this obsession with happy endings comes from? Well, let me tell you – it’s a modern thing! In fact, it’s…
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lovegatha · 1 year
Aging Like Fine Wine: The Benefits of Old Age Romance
Experience is key - why old age romance is like a fine wine that only gets better with time. Check out our latest blog post to find out why! #love #romance #lovegatha #oldageromance #experiencecounts #nodramaallowed #betterwithage
“Old age romance is like a fine wine – it only gets better with time.” – Why Old Age Romance is Better than Young Love When it comes to romance, old age has a lot going for it. Many people believe that young love is the epitome of romance and excitement, but they often forget about the beauty and depth that comes with old age romance. Here are some reasons why old age romance is the way to…
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lovegatha · 1 year
The Truth About Love Clichés
Love clichés may be overused, but they hold some truth. Research shows that love can blind us, opposites may not attract, and communication is key. Humorously explored with case studies. #LoveCliches #RelationshipHumor #ResearchOnLove #CaseStudyLove #Coup
“Love is like a box of chocolates, it’s sweet, messy, and you never know what you’re gonna get,” as Forrest Gump famously said. But one thing we do know is that love is full of clichés that we just can’t help but use. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones and see if they really hold any weight. Love Is Blind “Love is blind,” or is it? According to studies, when we’re in love, our…
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lovegatha · 1 year
7 Signs You're in Love: Understanding the Science Behind Romantic Feelings
Researchers have discovered that being in love triggers distinct changes in the brain that set it apart from other emotional experiences. Scientists, including Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, have identified a unique period of time called the “in love” phase, characterized by specific signs and behaviors. Here are some of the key findings from studies on the science of…
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lovegatha · 1 year
When Love Turns Toxic: Understanding Obsessive Attachments
Love is a beautiful and powerful emotion that can enrich our lives in many ways. However, when love turns into an obsession, it can become unhealthy and detrimental to our well-being. “When love becomes an unhealthy obsession, it can poison even the sweetest of emotions.” – Karen Salmansohn Obsessive love, also known as love addiction, is characterized by an intense and overwhelming…
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lovegatha · 1 year
Love at First Bite: A Culinary Romance
"Indulge in the deliciousness of "Love at First Bite" - a heartwarming story of culinary passion, romance, and adventure. #LoveAtFirstBite #FoodieLoveStory #Romance
Six years ago, on a chilly evening in the small town of Wageningen, Netherlands, a man named Arjun showed up at a student party with a big batch of piping hot samosas that he had made by hand. The tantalizing aroma of the crispy pastries filled the air, and it was love at first bite for Sarah, a fellow student at the party. Sarah couldn’t resist the delicious samosas, and she struck up a…
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lovegatha · 1 year
Samosas and Relationships: A Fun and Flavorful Comparison!
Love, like a hot and crispy samosa, can come in unexpected ways, leaving a lasting impression. Just like how we savor every bite of a delicious samosa, relationships also have their unique flavors and experiences that can be relished. Crispy on the outside, Soft on the inside: Just like a samosa, relationships can also have a tough exterior but a soft and tender core. You never know what you’re…
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lovegatha · 1 year
The Power of Truly Listening in Relationships: Building Stronger Connections Through Active Listening
Listening is not just about hearing the words being spoken, but about being present, attentive, and showing genuine empathy
In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is more important than ever, especially in our relationships. Whether it’s with our romantic partners, family members, friends, or colleagues, the ability to truly listen can make a profound difference in the quality of our relationships. Listening is not just about hearing the words being spoken, but about being present, attentive, and showing…
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lovegatha · 2 years
प्यार का क्या है जब चाहे आ सकता है। जब आता है तो बेहद और बेहिसाब आता है। तूफान की तरह झूम कर आता है। सावन की तरह बरसता है। पहाड़ों से उतर कर नदियों में पानी की तरह बहता है। बचने वाले छिपते रह जाते हैं और डूबने वाले इश्क के दरिया में भीग जाते हैं। शरीर ही नहीं आत्मा तक तर हो जाती है। इसलिए सोलमेट की बातें होती हैं.. वैसे धोखे भी बहुत हैं इस राह में। एक कलमकार ने ये लाइनें लिख कर कलम तोड़ दी बाबूजी…
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lovegatha · 2 years
असली ‘चीनी कम’ LOVE STORY
असली ‘चीनी कम’ LOVE STORY
उम्र को मात देने वाली LOVE STORY “हमें आपसे मोहब्बत है हलीमा” “हमें भी आपको दिलो जान से चाहते हैं रशद जी” “हमें निकाह कर लेना चाहिए लेकिन जमाना क्या कहेगा” “कहने दीजिए हमें फर्क नहीं पड़ता।“कुछ ऐसी ही बातें हुई होंगी 78 साल के रशद और 18 साल की हलीमा के बीच। कहानी फिल्मी लगती है ना। वो फिल्म तो आपने देखी होगी ‘चीनी कम’ है।  वो फिल्मी कहानी थी लेकिन उससे भी चार कदम आगे बढ़कर चीनी कम है रियल…
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lovegatha · 2 years
Best Quotes about Love and Pain
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. Quotes About #Love And #Pain
Best Quotes about Love and Pain People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. Elizabeth Gilbert “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find…
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lovegatha · 2 years
जाम ने जीना मुश्किल किया तब दीपक ने ऐसा कुछ किया कि जया ,... #love #lovestory #hindi #प्रेमकहानी
अधूरा फ्लाईओवर पूरी लव स्टोरी ये कहानी है हाईटेक सिटी कहे जाने वाली बेंगलुरू की। वो शहर जिसे सिलिकॉन वैली कहा जाता है कि क्योंकि देश की कई IT कंपनियां यहीं काम करती हैं। करीब सवा करोड़ की आबादी वाला ये शहर हजारों प्रेम कहानियों को समेटे है। लेकिन एक बेहद दिलचस्प प्रेम कहानी है दीपक और जया की।   हजारों की भीड़ में दोनों एक दूसरे से अनजान थे लेकिन किस्मत दोनों को साथ खींच लाई। दोनों एक ही आईटी…
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lovegatha · 2 years
Best Quotes about Love and Unity
“One #love, one #heart . . . Let’s get together and feel all right” #quotes #bestQuotes #lovegram #Unity
1“One love, one heart . . .Let’s get together and feel all right”― Bob Marley Love and Unity quotes lovegatha 1 2“When love has fused and mingled two beings in a sacred and angelic unity, the secret of life has been discovered so far as they are concerned; they are no longer anything more than the two boundaries of the same destiny; they are no longer anything but the two wings of the same…
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