#Louise Lee
el-ladron · 1 month
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Margot Robbie
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inthedarktrees · 7 months
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Natalie Wood in her dressing room after shooting a scene in Gypsy, the musical of the life of stripper Louise "Gypsy Rose Lee" Hovick, 1962
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michelle-yim · 2 years
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Happy Mid Autumn Festival! 中秋節快樂!
Moonlight Resonance | 溏心風暴之家好月圓 [TVB, 2008]
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recycledmoviecostumes · 10 months
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We have very few props and costumes from silent films here at Recycled Movie Costumes, so when we get them, I find them to be very special.
This stunning gown, adorned with sequined “Peacock feathers” was made for Norma Shearer to wear in the film Upstage. She wore it in both promotional images for the film, taken by photographer Ruth Harriet Louise, as well as in the film itself, which you can see here.
Norma is an interesting actress, as she is one of a hand full of talent that made the transition from silent films to talking pictures without too much trouble. She went on to wear some pretty magnificent costumes.
The gown appears to have been used for Gwen Lee, who also appeared in the film Upstage as the character Dixie Mason. However, it does not appear that she wore the dress in the film, and it is likely that the dress simply did double duty for the purpose of promotion.
Costume Credit: David via Normashearer.com
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faunary · 2 years
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“Aperitivo,” Hannibal | “Digestivo,” Hannibal | Phoebe Bridgers, “Killer” | Sylvia Plath, “Poem for a Birthday: Who” | Erica Jong, “Where it Begins” | Mitski, “Abbey” | Julia Kristeva, Powers of Horror | Li-Young Lee, “The Cleaving,” from The City In Which I Love You | deleted lines from “Ouef,” Hannibal | Ada Limón, “Lies About Sea Creatures,” from Bright Dead Things | Simone Weil, Waiting for God | Louise Glück, “Timor Mortis,” from Vita Nova | Catherynne M Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams | “The Wrath of the Lamb,” Hannibal | Anne Carson, “To Compostela,” Plainwater
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lgbtqreads · 4 months
Happy Black History Month 2024!
Happy Black History Month! Like the other eleven months, it’s an excellent time to buy queer books by Black authors! For even more recs, check out previous years’ posts! Books to Read Now Alex Wise vs. the End of the World by Terry J. Benton-Walker Alex Wise feels like his world is ending. His best friend, Loren, is leaving town for the summer, his former friend and maybe sort of crush Sky hasn’t…
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View On WordPress
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digitalfountains · 24 days
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Louise Mikkelsen by Jason Lee Parry
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garadinervi · 25 days
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The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church Poetry Reading Poster Flyer Oct. 1983, The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, New York, NY, 1983 [Granary Books, New York, NY]
Design: Rudy Burckhardt Readers include: Anselm Hollo, Maureen Owen, Paul Auster, Susan Noel, Lee Harwood, and Bobbie Louise Hawkins Poetry workshop: Jack Collom
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maybuds · 1 year
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suphil lee park, from “aerial view of maze” / “archaeologists uncover children’s hand and foot prints in what’s thought to be the oldest cave art to date” published on colossal / rebecca doverspike, from “every present thing, a ghost of something” / gabrielle bates, from “dear birmingham”/ ripples from ~2 billion years ago, from this post / louise glück, from “poem”
[Image descriptions in ALT text]
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katlizada · 2 months
fig in the orangutan mask and ALL i can think of is beefsquatch from bobs burgers
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el-ladron · 2 months
Emma Watson
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luztism · 10 months
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colour wheel! sick :)
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
favourite poems of january
tony hoagland note to reality
henri cole middle earth: “myself and cats”
minerva s.m. kamra chronic
stacie cassarino zero at the bone: “in the kitchen”
bonnie jo stufflebeam barking dog nocturnal
ron silliman the alphabet: “you, part i”
sara borjas a heart can only be broken once, like a window
karen an-hwei lee song of the oyamel
louise glück afterword
kai nham follow the moon
elisabeth houston standard american english: “re-peat! re-verse! re-hearse!”
victoria stitt the carolina quarterly: “autumn convalescence”
noor ibn najam you smelled like an animal
ben still concept pest control
ray dipalma obediant laughter: “after midnight”
sasha pimentel cats
thanh-tam nguyen a lit match to burn what your country doesn’t remember
sarah abbas collecting words in attempt to keep them the same
julia wong kcomt (tr. jennifer shyue) woman eaten by cats
lisa jarnot ring of fire: “the bridge”
torrin a. greathouse i am beginning to mistake the locust’s song for silence
siaara freeman when i speak of hunger
vandana khanna train to agra: “evening prayer”
ouyang jianghe (tr. austin woerner) mother, kitchen
kayleb rae candrilli sand & silt
antony hecht an offering for patricia
sara ellen fowler shed project notes, august 30, 2019 - la madera, nm 
vincent hiscock voice in the air: afterthought
margie piercy mars & her children: “the cat’s song”
eva chen how to bleed a ghost
sayuri ayers cordella magazine: “in the season of pink ladies”
buy me a coffee
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michelle-yim · 2 years
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50 Years, 50 Gifs
Heart and Greed | 溏心風暴3 [TVB, 2017]
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
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A superheroine wished into existence by Jimmy Olsen
2. Queen Lucy of Borgonia
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the queen of a fictional latin american country named Borgonia. She became queen because her parents died, and a Count named Norvello, kept her hidden from the public, in the hopes that she wouldn't steal the hearts of her citizens and allow him to quietly rule the country with an iron fist.
3. Linda Lee Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Earth-One)
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The original that sacrificed herself to save the multiverse/remaining people of the surviving universes. She was brought back in "Many Happy Returns" but then goes back to original Earth-One. I think she's now alive somewhere because of convergence??? She also showed up as Linda Danvers's guardian angel and visited Deadman on Christmas. She's met the original legion
4. Ellie Leeds
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She was the first to discover Supergirl's arrival, but was exposed to X-Kryptonite and fell into a coma. When she awoke years later - after a chance meeting with Supergirl - she started exhibiting Supergirl's powers, and also believed she was the Girl of Steel.
5. Louise-L
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the Supergirl of the 5020th Century; She traveled back in time, to prevent the goals of some villains named Toxus and Tal Belok
6. Matrix/Mae Kent
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Matrix, a protoplasmic creation of an alternate universe Lex Luthor. She's met the reboot legion
6/7. Earth-Angel of Fire Supergirl
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Linda Danvers, who fused with Matrix to become an Earth-Angel
7. Linda Danvers
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Linda and Matrix unfuse and Linda goes on an adventure to find Matrix. I think she's met one of the legions?
8. Ariella Kent
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Linda Danvers's daughter who was saved from the pre-crisis multiverse, and now exists in the future. She has pre-crisis kryptonian level powers
9. Cir-El
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thought to be Superman's daughter from the future, but was actually a personality grafted onto a separate person made by a future version of Brainiac to ensure that version's existence
10. Linda Lang/Kara Zor-El
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The Post-Crisis version of Supergirl, I think much of the weirdness in her origin was because of Kryptonite poisoning? She's met threeboot legion
11. Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
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The New 52 and onwards version of Kara Zor-El Supergirl, they showed much more of Argo's history in this version
12. Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr, First Supergirl, later Power Girl
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The New 52 Earth 2 version of Karen Starr, she has a similar origin to post-crisis and new 52 Supergirl where Superman grew up before she arrived on Earth, but like Earth-Two, the Superman and Lois of her world basically adopted her. She became Power Girl due to getting stranded on Earth 0
See Linda Lee Danvers
Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth-Two)
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(*sigh* also known as Paige Stetler) from Earth-Two, second Kara introduced, for a time, she was Atlantean. She is the only survivor of Earth-Two, except something something convergence :
3. Kara from Superman/Aliens
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The third Kara introduced, she is from a space colony named Argo (not the Kryptonian City, but instead from a planet named Odiline) that got destroyed by Xenomorphs, She and Superman tried to save the last Argonians, but they failed
4. See Kara Zor-El/Linda Lang
5. Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth 2) (Post-Infinite Crisis)
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A Power Girl from Earth 2, which seems to be a universe much in-line with Earth-Two, although there are differences here and there
6. See Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
7. See Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr
Honorable Mention Kara (She hasn't interacted with main continuity): Kara In-Ze
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the DCAU version of Supergirl. She comes from Krypton's sister planet named "Argo," she was adopted by the Kents, but then decided to stay in the future in the legion
Laurel Kent, despite not being here for Supergirl or Kara reasons, she is here due to Supergirl and the legion
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She was initially introduced as Clark's descendant. For some reason, despite being in the future, Legion of Superheroes had tie-ins for event annuals. Superman editorial (presumably because of Byrne) wanted to get rid of all kryptonians, so guess what happens during Millenium:
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anyways. the reason she is on this post:
Laurel Gand/(was called Andromeda pre-5YL) (5 Years Later)
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Due to editorial mandates, Kara was erased from the legion's history. Laurel Gand, a distant relative of Lar Gand takes her place. She basically has the same history as Kara except Khunds keep on trying to kill Daxamites
1.5/2. Laurel Gand/Andromeda (SW6)
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A time paradox duplicate of Laurel Gand.
3. Laurel Gand (Earth-247)
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She's a literal xenophobe now. She gets better and becomes a nun to atone
Sensor Girl
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(so she doesn't actually count, but it was noticeable enough to mention)
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Lesla-Lar was a kandorian scientist, who was an orphan that took the last name of her best friend Zora Vi-Lar. She was killed by phantom zone criminals she released, but then became a ghost where she still troubled Supergirl. Her initial plan was to replace Kara as Supergirl Also Lana Lang with a helmet
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The helmet supposedly gives superpowers to those who wield it - but it does not. Superboy tricks Lana into thinking it does due to Clark wearing the helmet while bullets bounced off of him
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valentinovamp · 1 year
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Gwen Lee by Ruth Harriet Louise (1930s)
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