#Loose Skin Surgery Los Angeles
Male Breast Reduction Los Angeles: Your Guide to Gynecomastia Surgery
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Curious about male breast reduction in Los Angeles? Wondering how gynecomastia surgery can redefine your chest? Explore the comprehensive guide for insights into male breast reduction procedures. Learn about the process, benefits, and considerations to achieve a more sculpted physique. Ready to take the next step in addressing gynecomastia? Read this article for an in-depth understanding of male breast reduction in Los Angeles.
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What Are The Basic Facts About Tummy Tuck For Men In Los Angeles?
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Having a flat well, toned, and sculpted tummy with abs popping out is something every man desires. But what happens when you get the exact opposite: a flabby tummy with extra flesh? In that case, you can opt for a tummy tuck for men Los Angeles. One of the best yet transformative surgery processes designed to cut off the extra fat from the abdominal area. It helps men get a masculine and sculpted physique. So, let's move on and have an idea of the procedure.
Carrying out the initial consultation with a specialized surgeon
Once you are confined enough to get the tummy tuck surgery done, fix a consultation with the professional certified tummy tuck for men Los Angeles surgeon. Review the credentials and find out their success rate in men's body contouring. Besides, during the consultation, don't forget to put forth the exact medical history cases and discuss the aesthetic anticipation you have from this surgery.
Understanding the whole tummy tuck surgical process
The tummy tuck for men Los Angeles involves a few vital phases. It includes making the cut in the lower portion of the abdomen, taking off extra skin, tightening the loose muscles in the abdominal area, and refabricating the navel to appear natural. Well, you should remember that the intensity of the surgical techniques will differ depending on the correction required and the patient's unique anatomy.
Patients should comprehend The process of recovery
Patients are always keen to know about the recovery process and healing period. In that case, post-operative measures, pain management techniques, and medications are referred. The whole idea is to keep the comfort level optimised. Thus, it helps patients resume their activities within a couple of days, as per the tummy tuck for Men Los Angeles experts.
Final talk
The above said are some of the underlined steps says what you need to know about the tummy tuck for men. So, we need to have more information about body procedures for men from experienced surgeons.
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contourology · 3 months
Enhance Your Beauty with Skin Tightening in Los Angeles
Experience the latest in Skin Tightening Treatment in Los Angles with Contourology. Our innovative procedures utilize advanced technology to target loose or sagging skin, providing non-invasive solutions for a more youthful appearance. Whether you're looking to tighten skin on the face, neck, arms, or body, our customized treatments are tailored to your specific needs and goals. With Contourology, you can enjoy firmer, smoother skin without the need for surgery or downtime.
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goodskinclinics · 8 months
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Exploring Combination Treatments: Facetite with Dermal Fillers or Botox
Facial rejuvenation has evolved significantly, providing non-surgical alternatives to traditional facelift surgery. Facetite, a minimally invasive procedure, has gained popularity for its ability to tighten and lift the skin. However, for those seeking a comprehensive solution to multiple aspects of facial aging, combining Facetite with dermal fillers or Botox offers a powerful approach.
Facetite: A Quick Overview
Prior to discussing combination treatments, let's quickly review Facetite's features. With Facetite, a state-of-the-art non-surgical facial rejuvenation process, radiofrequency radiation is used to lift and tighten the skin. For people who wish to regain a more youthful appearance without having to go through the lengthy recovery and downtime associated with surgical facelifts, it is a great option.
The Synergy of Combination Treatments
When it comes to facial aging, no single treatment fits all. Different areas of the face may require different approaches. While Facetite is highly effective for skin tightening and addressing sagging, it might not fully address volume loss or dynamic wrinkles. This is where combining Facetite with dermal fillers or Botox can work wonders.
1. Combining Facetite with Dermal Fillers:
Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based products, are designed to restore lost volume, fill in wrinkles, and create a more youthful contour. When combined with Facetite, the results can be transformative. Facetite tightens loose skin and reduces sagging, while dermal fillers add volume to areas like the cheeks, lips, and under-eye hollows. This combination can create a balanced and harmonious rejuvenation, addressing both sagging and volume loss.
2. Combining Facetite with Botox:
Botox, or botulinum toxin, is well-known for its ability to temporarily relax muscle activity, effectively reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, such as crow's feet and forehead lines. When used in conjunction with Facetite, Botox can complement the effects of skin tightening. Facetite targets sagging skin, while Botox smooths out fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
Customized Solutions for Individual Needs
Combination treatments provide the advantage of being able to tailor the strategy to each patient's demands. To get the results you want, a knowledgeable and experienced professional can evaluate your unique issues and provide a customized treatment plan that incorporates Botox, dermal fillers, and/or Facetite.
The Recovery Process
Combination treatments have the benefit of frequently requiring little downtime. Even though you might have some bruising, redness, or swelling, these side effects are usually transient, so you can quickly resume your regular activities following the surgery.
In conclusion, the synergy of Facetite with dermal fillers or Botox can provide comprehensive facial rejuvenation, addressing various signs of aging in one go. If you're interested in this approach, particularly in the vibrant world of Facetite Los Angeles, consult with a board-certified practitioner who can assess your unique needs and help you achieve a more youthful and natural-looking result. Combination treatments offer a versatile solution for those seeking a non-surgical path to facial rejuvenation.
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arojasmd · 1 year
Gather Confidence And Beauty With Mommy Makeover In Los Angeles
Motherhood is a beautiful journey that brings joy and fulfillment to women all over the world. However, pregnancy and childbirth can alter a woman’s physical appearance, leaving behind stubborn fat deposits and loose skin. This can cause self-consciousness and a loss of confidence, leaving many women longing for their pre-pregnancy bodies. Fortunately, a Mommy Makeover can help restore a woman’s body and confidence. In Los Angeles, there are top-rated cosmetic surgeons who specialize in this transformative procedure. Read on to learn more about how a Mommy Makeover in Los Angeles can help you regain confidence and beauty.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures that aim to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body. The procedure typically involves a breast lift or augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Some women may opt for additional procedures such as a thigh lift, arm lift, or vaginal rejuvenation. A plastic surgeon will assess the patient’s individual needs and goals to create a personalized treatment plan.
Benefits of a Mommy Makeover
One of the main benefits of a Mommy Makeover is the ability to regain a woman’s pre-pregnancy body. The surgery can remove excess skin, tighten muscles, and eliminate stubborn fat deposits. This can improve the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful and toned body. Additionally, many women report increased confidence and self-esteem after the procedure, allowing them to fully embrace their post-baby bodies.
What to expect during the procedure
A Mommy Makeover is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the surgery can take several hours to complete. The plastic surgeon will make incisions in the desired areas, such as the breasts, abdomen, and thighs. Excess skin and fat deposits will be removed, and muscles will be tightened. The incisions will be closed with sutures, and patients will need to wear compression garments to aid in the healing process.
Recovery and Results
Recovery time for a Mommy Makeover varies depending on the extent of the procedure. Patients can expect some discomfort, swelling, and bruising immediately after the surgery. Pain medication and ample rest are recommended during the recovery process. Most patients can return to work and resume normal activities within 2-4 weeks. However, full recovery time can take up to three months. Patients will notice immediate changes in their physical appearance, with full results appearing in a few months.
Choosing a Plastic Surgeon and Planning for Mommy Makeover
Selecting a plastic surgeon for a Mommy Makeover procedure is an important decision. Potential patients should research plastic surgeons’ qualifications, experience, and reviews to ensure they are choosing a reputable and suitable surgeon. Patients should also consult with their doctor to discuss their medical history, ideal results, and post-operative plan, including recovery and follow-up appointments.
Mommy Makeover in Los Angeles
A Mommy Makeover can be a life-changing procedure for women who have undergone pregnancy and childbirth. The surgery can restore pre-pregnancy appearance, improve confidence, and help women embrace their post-baby bodies. With experienced and skilled plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, patients can be confident in achieving their desired results. If you’re considering a Mommy Makeover, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to learn more about how this procedure can benefit you!
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leifrogersmd · 1 year
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Addressing Post-Pregnancy Body Concerns: How Mommy Makeover Can Help
Pregnancy and childbirth can be a beautiful and transformative experience for women, but they often bring significant changes to the body. Many mothers find themselves dealing with post-pregnancy body concerns such as sagging breasts, excess abdominal skin, and stubborn fat deposits. In this blog post, we will explore how a Mommy Makeover can address these concerns and help women regain their confidence and restore their pre-pregnancy figure.
1. Understanding Post-Pregnancy Body Changes
The body changes dramatically during pregnancy to make room for the developing foetus. Stretched abdominal muscles, sagging breasts, hard-to-get-rid-of fat pockets, and loose skin can be the results of these alterations. Despite adopting a healthy lifestyle, these bodily changes can not respond to food and exercise by themselves. In order to treat these issues, a mommy makeover is a mix of surgical operations that often includes breast augmentation or lift, stomach tuck, and liposuction. A Mommy Makeover can assist women in achieving their aesthetic objectives by tailoring the operations to each patient's particular demands.
2. Restoring Breast Appearance and Volume
The reduction of breast volume and sagging breasts after breastfeeding are among the main worries for many women. To improve breast look and restore volume, Mommy Makeover provides breast augmentation or breast lift operations. Breast lifts raise and firm sagging breasts, whereas breast augmentation uses implants to increase breast size and improve shape. Women who undergo these operations may regain a breast contour that is more young and proportionate, increasing their sense of security and comfort in their postpartum bodies.
3. Reshaping the Abdomen
During pregnancy, the abdomen frequently experiences considerable changes that leave stretch marks, extra skin, and divided abdominal muscles. A stomach tuck, sometimes referred to as an abdominoplasty, is a key procedure in a Mommy Makeover. During this surgery, extra skin and fat are removed, the abdominal muscles are tightened, and the waistline is recontoured. A belly tuck can restore a flatter, firmer abdomen by treating these post-pregnancy alterations, giving women their pre-pregnancy form and confidence.
Motherhood is a remarkable journey, but it can bring physical changes that may impact a woman's self-esteem. A Mommy Makeover offers a comprehensive solution to address post-pregnancy body concerns, helping women regain their confidence and restore their pre-pregnancy figure. If you're considering a Mommy Makeover, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and determine the best approach for your unique needs. Dr. Leif Rogers is widely recognized as a highly skilled and reputable specialist who provides unparalleled expertise in performing mommy makeover surgery Los Angeles, ensuring the utmost effectiveness and safety for patients seeking to restore their post-pregnancy bodies. 
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blushbeverlyhills · 1 year
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Exploring Non-Surgical Body Contouring Options at Med Spas
In recent years, non-surgical body contouring has gained popularity as a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical procedures. Med spas offer a variety of non-invasive treatments that can help individuals achieve their desired body shape without the need for surgery. In this article, we will explore some of the top non-surgical body contouring options available at Med Spas.
1. Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening
Radiofrequency energy is used in the non-invasive technique of RF skin tightening to promote the creation of collagen and tighten the skin. It can be applied to deal with loose skin on several parts of the body, such as the face, neck, arms, belly, and thighs. Collagen fibres constrict as a result of the RF energy's heating of the deep skin layers, which helps to tighten the skin. This procedure is appealing for those looking for firmer, more youthful-looking skin because it is secure, relaxing, and doesn't require any recovery time.
2. Laser Liposuction
A tiny cannula with a laser fibre is introduced into the treatment area during the procedure. The fat cells are liquefied by the laser radiation, which makes it simpler to remove them using gentle suction. In addition to removing undesirable fat, laser liposuction also encourages the formation of collagen, which helps to tighten the skin in the treated area. The method usually produces observable outcomes with little downtime.
3. CoolSculpting 
The operation targets particular body parts like the love handles, thighs, arms, and tummy. A handheld device is used during the procedure to administer regulated cold to the targeted location and freeze the fat cells. The body gradually destroys these frozen fat cells over the coming weeks, giving the body a more sculpted appearance. Long-lasting results and little downtime are two advantages of CoolSculpting.
4. Ultrasound Cavitation
Ultrasound cavitation is a non-surgical body contouring treatment that uses ultrasound waves to target and destroy fat cells. The high-frequency sound waves create pressure within the fat cells, causing them to rupture and be eliminated by the body's natural processes. This treatment is commonly used on areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. Ultrasound cavitation is painless and requires no downtime, making it an appealing option for individuals looking to reduce stubborn fat deposits.
Non-surgical body contouring options at Med Spas offer individuals a range of effective and safe treatments to achieve their desired body shape without invasive surgery. Whether it's CoolSculpting, RF skin tightening, laser liposuction, or ultrasound cavitation, these non-invasive procedures can help individuals enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. Consult with a qualified professional at a Med Spa to determine the most suitable treatment for your specific needs and goals. BLUSH is widely recognized as one of the top-tier Med Spa Los Angeles, highly regarded for its exceptional quality of services and expertise in the field of medical aesthetics and wellness.
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bestdripology · 1 year
Check More Details on IV Drip in Santa Monica
In the medical field, people can see a lot of treatments are available and every person has different requirements in terms of treatment. These days, many people are more interested to know about IV (intravenous) therapy. Basically, it is a medical treatment in which fluids, medications, or blood products are delivered directly into a patient's bloodstream through a vein. This method of administration allows for rapid and efficient delivery of substances throughout the body, as the veins directly connect to the heart and circulatory system. IV therapy is commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings to treat a wide range of conditions, such as dehydration, infections, and chronic diseases.
IV therapy can also be used to administer medications, fluids, and nutrients, and to draw blood samples. Overall, IV therapy is a versatile and effective medical treatment that can provide many benefits for patients in need. IV Drip Santa Monica therapy is a popular alternative healthcare option that many people are turning to in order to boost their health and wellness. This type of therapy involves the administration of nutrients and hydration directly into the bloodstream through an IV drip, which is a small tube that is inserted into a vein in the arm or hand. IV drip therapy in Santa Monica is typically administered by a licensed medical professional, such as a nurse or doctor, and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, such as dehydration, jet lag, hangovers, and even the common cold. It can also be used to boost energy levels, improve athletic performance, and support overall wellness. Many people in Santa Monica also use IV drip therapy as a preventative measure to help maintain good health and vitality. IV drip therapy is a convenient, fast, and effective way to help improve your health and well-being. But it would be good to take treatment from a certified and licensed medical professional for effective results.
There are many people who are looking for Morpheus8. Basically, it is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment that is becoming increasingly popular in Los Angeles. Morpheus8 Skin Tightening Los Angeles treatment uses a device that delivers radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of the skin, which in turn stimulates collagen production, tightens loose skin, and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed on areas of the face, neck, and body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms. One of the benefits of Morpheus8 is that it can be used to target multiple areas of the body at once, making it a versatile treatment option. It is generally considered a safe and effective option for those looking to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance without the need for surgery or downtime. Many patients in Los Angeles have reported noticeable improvements in their skin's texture and tone after undergoing Morpheus8 treatment. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner to determine if Morpheus8 is the right treatment option for you and to ensure the best possible outcome.
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drdanielbarrett · 1 year
How to Get the Best Result of Abdominoplasty on Los Angeles
Sometimes dieting and exercise are not enough to give you the perfect waistline which you desire. In such cases, a patient might consider an abdominoplasty in Los Angeles or a tummy tuck. An abdominoplasty is a surgery to remove all the excess skin or fat deposits from the abdomen. Along with changing the position of the abdominal muscles into a tighter formation.
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Step To Get the Best Result of Abdominoplasty in Los Angeles
Below, are the steps to get the best result of abdominoplasty if you plan it perfectly.
Select Your Surgery At The Proper Time
To have the best result in abdominoplasty, plan out your surgery date at the right time before it gets delayed. Most people tend to wait until they increase their weight. It is bad for your surgery. If you require surgery, you need to do it on time.
Research Before You Choose A Surgeon
Choosing the best surgeon for your abdominoplasty is important. If you want a successful surgery, then you need to choose the expert because they offer specialized technique which is best for your surgery.
Combine Your Abdominoplasty With Liposuction
To have an abdominoplasty, you need to tighten loose skin and contour. Liposuction gives the surgeon the ability to suction away all the fat and create attractive contours for a more mini tummy.
Before, having an abdominoplasty in Los Angeles, you should consider these factors. It is about your body and you should know every detail about your surgery to ensure the best result. The surgeon will tell you all the procedures and according to that make a final decision.
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a-cai-jpg · 4 years
this is how the story ends.
Sometimes, she can barely remember the way he looked.
She can still hear his voice—breath curling around her name and low baritones tickling her ears. Sometimes, if she closes her eyes and tries hard enough, she can trace his features with the tips of her memories—grasping at his eyes, the curve of his lips, the slopes of his cheeks—only for them to slip away like smoke. 
He returns to her only as she drifts aimlessly between wake and sleep, teetering dangerously along the border as her eyes focus hazily on his smile. He fades in and out of her mind, and she thinks she can still feel the warmth his fingertips left around her wrist, on the curve of her waist, against the tips of her ears as he softly brushed back her hair.
As life shuttles her from one end of the hemisphere to the other, she wonders whether he had really existed. Whether they had really existed. But, even time and an aging mind can’t erase the scalding fingertips he had haphazardly left on her life. 
[m a d r i d,  s p a i n]
On the Amtrak from San Francisco to Los Angeles, she finds herself in Madrid, summer. He is next to her, an ice cream cone held loosely in one hand as he points with the other. They are laughing, her head thrown back as she lets the warm, slightly humid wind caress her cheeks. He pauses in the middle of suggesting Let’s sit at a café—the heat’s killing me to take in the way her eyes crescent and shine, like the blinking fairy lights drawing waves along their bedroom wall back home. She averts her attention from the scene around them—a street performer jubilantly strumming the strings of her guitar, a six or seven year old shrieking with laughter as his parents chase after him—and looks at him, head cocked to the side. He smiles and leans in.
[t o k y o,  j a p a n]
She drags her suitcase through her apartment door in Los Angeles and ends up at the top of the Tokyo Tower, nighttime. The sweet scent of cherry blossoms wafts even to the height of over three hundred meters. The night chill is a sliver harsher up here than the central streets of Shibuya. She’s anxious, sweat pooling at her palms as she looks down at the twinkling city lights below. Her fingers inadvertently twist themselves into the hem of his loose, white t-shirt. He glances at her and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close. I won’t let you fall, he whispers against her ear as he lightly brushes her hair with his lips. She smiles and huddles closer to him, feeling the warmth of his chest radiating against her side. 
The scene is picturesque—the hum of the city dimmed as the two of them lean against the floor-length glass separating them from the hurtling descent back to the winding streets of Tokyo. They watch the lights slowly blink off one by one as the city settles into its pseudo-slumber. Staticky music plays in the background. Her eyes drink in the miniature metropolis, and she feels “acrophobia” become just another foreign word she can’t understand in this foreign country. 
She wonders if this is what forever feels like. She wonders if this can last into eternity—her steadfastly leaning into him, stealing his presence and the scent of his Calvin Klein cologne, watching time pass them by. 
What are you thinking about? He asks, nudging her slightly. She cranes her head back to tell him, eyes crinkling as a chuckle bubbles in her throat, and falls. 
[l o s  a n g e l e s,  u s a]
She lands in a building on the edge of the LA financial district. She brushes through the office, balancing a thick stack of papers and a Starbucks coffee. Recently, her sweet tooth has abandoned her, and she finds the words an iced Americano, no cream or sugar please tumbling from her tongue. 
She reaches her cubicle and drops the papers onto her desk. Absently, she drags a finger across the thin layer of dust that has gathered at corners of her unusually neat, organized working area. It looks exactly like how she left it, one Thursday afternoon after mechanically organizing and re-organizing the objects on her desk. The uncanny feeling that someone has broken into the office and replaced every single one of her items with an exact duplicate settles uneasily in her gut.
It feels foreign. The sticky notes lining the plastic divider, the handful of her favorite pens gathered in a metallic mug, the photo frame placed face down, the PC monitor with the light blinking orange. It’s as if she is here to replace the girl who had previously occupied this space, a shadow of who she had once been.
She turns around, and he is behind her, grinning as he offers her a cup of coffee from the office Keurig. He’s wearing a light blue button down, the first two buttons undone because she always claimed, You look too stuffy with it buttoned to the top. His sleeves are rolled to his elbows because he never liked the way it interfered when he typed. She can smell the rich warmth of the coffee tempting her to reach out and grab it from him.
His eyes twinkle as he edges even closer, the coffee mug the only thing separating them. Her heart races, and she swears the vibrations are transmitted through the cup and into his fingers and up his arms until they are in sync with his own heart beat. Three creams and one sugar on Mondays, right? There’s a bit of a giggle in his voice, connotations of an inside joke, warm and familiar, lightly dusting his words. She doesn’t reply and stands on her tiptoes and kisses him.
“How was the business trip?”
The question registers too loudly, too jarring to her ears—like the lights of a surgery room switching on and glaring down at her. She reflexively lifts the corners of her lips, but the smile reaches her eyes a half-second too late. She watches her co-worker’s eyebrows furrow, her mouth pursing like it’s about to open and say something, so she beats her to it.
“It went smoothly,” she says. “A bit tiring, but fine.”
She tries for a small grin.
It must be lopsided, because her co-worker stretches out a hand and places it on her arm. She tries her best not to flinch and widens her smile despite the strain in her cheeks. One last sympathetic pat, and the hand is gone. There’s the sound of a chair wheeling away, the delayed “click-clack” of a keyboard, and she finally sinks into her own chair.
She feels strange. Like she has unzipped her skin, stepped out of it, and donned a replica that is slowly shrinking and suffocating her—figuratively-literally squeezing the life out of her.
Her computer shudders to life, the bright blue Windows screen doing nothing to startle her from her reverie. Her arms unconsciously wrap themselves around her torso, and she digs her nails into her side as if about to rip off this flesh-colored cloak she has sewn on.
The sight of her wallpaper forcibly drags her out of her mind. She scrambles for the mouse, fingers slipping—right click, personalize, change wallpaper, default. Her cursor hovers above save, entertaining a brief, wrenching moment of hesitation before she presses down on her mouse. The resulting click is dull with weariness.
The steadfast pain pounding away in the hollow area in her chest intensifies. 
She ignores it. 
They have lunch in a café a couple of blocks down from the office building. A chicken salad for me and a breakfast panini for the lady please. He orders without looking at the menu. He knows too well her idiosyncratic love for breakfast foods, no matter the time of the day. Why? He had asked once, as he amusedly watched her wolf down a McDonald’s hash brown at dinner. Because, she had replied with a cheeky wink, I don’t like endings. He hadn’t asked further—maybe he understood, maybe he didn’t—but he never forgot. Good thing this café serves breakfast 24/7. For weirdos just like you. He stresses the last word, eyebrows raised and lips parted in the faint beginnings of a laugh, and leans back in his chair. She looks at the way he lounges comfortably in the wicker-woven chair, the midday sunshine dancing across the dark crown of his hair and highlighting the warm browns and reds, and thinks she might be in love.
She reaches across the table to take his hand, but the scene fades to black and white, and her fingers close over thin wisps of smoke ghosting across her palm.
[n e w  y o r k,  u s a]
Her fingers ache as she presses them against her iced smoothie. The sun is partially hidden behind the clouds, its rays fighting futilely against the stubborn, autumnal, and distinctly New York-ian chill. She’s sitting on a park bench, staring straight ahead with contemplative eyes, as if she is trying very hard to recall a memory long buried in the abyss of her mind. She mindlessly rubs at the condensation dripping on her plastic to-go cup before placing it down on the bench, next to the sandwich wrap she’d nibbled around. 
The white noise of the New York office rumbles at a higher decibel than the LA one, humming a constant reminder that the day is fading. She had arrived early this morning to a nearly empty floor, but the space quickly filled up with the sound of office workers going about their routine—sharp peaks of laughter, chairs screeching as they drag against the linoleum, heels echoing as their wearers rush from one end of the building to the other. The sounds crescendoed as they bounced off the walls of her mind, and suddenly, the world was thrown into a sharper contrast and everything was a little more saturated than before. She took a deep breath she couldn’t let out, and then someone made eye contact and was walking towards her and speeding up and opening their mouth and she turned and walked down eight flights of stairs to the front door.
She takes another sip of her smoothie and feels someone settle their weight next to her. Why did you leave LA? he asks, reaching for the sandwich sitting in between them. He pauses, seems to think better of it, and rests his hand back onto his lap. He looks at her expectantly, but she continues to squint at the skyline.
He waits patiently and counts the number of bikers and joggers he can see. The wind crinkles the edges of the sandwich wrap, and he shivers. 
An eternity or two passes them. Time expands and crashes, the momentum shocking the core of the Earth and rolling off in waves of tremors imperceptible to everyone but her. She blinks rapidly. 
“So I can stop seeing you.”
She gets up, tosses the sandwich and smoothie away, and makes her way back to the office.
[I N T E R L U D E]
She sits at her makeshift desk, bedroom lit only by the singular lamp standing in the corner. Her hand is sore from gripping the pen and pressing the nib heavily into the ream of paper in front of her. Ink splashes lightly from the tip, and she drags it angrily across the sheet.
   I thought                   You promised                         
                           We were supposed to go to Taiwan this year     
       Your mom called the other day       
                                                             I can’t go anywhere without   
                                 I think I’m cracking from the inside out      
                                                   You lied.    
                                                                                                   YOU LIED.    
The sun had long set. She remembers watching the sky bleed splashes of fiery orange and navy from the living room floor, arms wrapped around her bent knees. She had sat with her head against the window for an immeasurable period of time, listening to the hushed echoes of off-tune carols and the sounds of her neighbor’s children welcoming their father home. The digital clock on her nightstand is blinking, red numbers flashing warningly.
She takes a deep breath and loosens her fingers. Her knuckles creak as she stretches them. She wipes at her cheeks and starts over.
It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow. 
Your mom called the other day to wish me a Merry Christmas and ask if I was going to return home for the holidays. She said she wanted to make me dinner. She said I should visit home often, and visit her, and visit you.
I think she’s lonely.
On March 21st, I cancelled our plane tickets to Taiwan. They wouldn’t refund the ticket price because it was too close to the departure date. 
You know, I think I was waiting. I think I thought you would come back, and in April, we would be driving from Taipei to Kaohsiung. You always said you wanted to visit the motherland. December’s almost over.
It’s really cold in New York. I don’t think you would like it. The snow isn’t the soft, fluffy kind you see in Michigan. Do you remember when we went to visit Jackelyn? It was the first time I had seen snowfall. I ran outside at 8PM and you had to chase after me with a jacket and a scarf. It didn’t matter though, because you ended up stuffing a snowball down my sweater.
The snow in New York is grey. It turns into wet, slippery slush as soon as it touches the pavement, and by the time it accumulates into a pile, it becomes dirty ice. 
The other day, I slipped on a patch right in front of my apartment and cut my palm against the jagged pavement when I tried to break my fall. When I got home, I realized I didn’t have any Band-aids, so I had to go back outside to buy some. You were always the one with the first aid kits and disaster kits. If an apocalypse hit now, I don’t think I would last very long.
Like right now, the world is ending. The world is falling apart, crashing down around me, and I’m sitting at this desk. I’m writing these words on this sheet of paper, and when I’m done, I’ll stick it in an envelope and scrawl your name on the front, and then I’ll drop it in the mailbox and pray that God will take pity on me and it will get to you. But I know it goes nowhere. It goes in the shredder, and then the trash can, and then the landfill, and then maybe it’ll become one with the earth, and I guess in one way or another it reaches you. The paper, I mean. I don’t know if the words do.
I hope—
I’ve been having a recurring dream. I’m in our apartment in LA again. It’s morning, maybe a Sunday because the sun is already filtering through our blinds. I feel it warm my cheek. I can hear the sound of the water boiler in the kitchen. I roll over to feel your side of the bed, but it’s cold. Something in me jolts, like my body is trying to remind me of something I have forgotten. I panic, but then I remember. You’re probably buying breakfast.
I like eating ham, egg, and cheese bagels for Sunday morning breakfast.
The doorbell rings, and I get out of bed blearily, grumbling under my breath about how you forgot to bring the keys with you. A small voice in my head asks how you got into the building in the first place, but my brain is still sleepy and slow so the thought filters away. The doorbell sounds insistently, and it feels like I’m dragging myself through sludge. When I finally yank the door open, the shrill ringing doesn’t cease. You’re not there.
Instead, it’s me. I’m pressing the doorbell again and again. There’s a desperate look on my face as I increase the frequency of the rings. Finally, it’s just one long, sustained pitch.
Then, it hits me.
I realize it’s always going to be me ringing the doorbell. It’s always going to be me opening the door.
Suddenly, the me outside the door stops the noise. She places her cold palms against my cheeks and says something I can’t hear.
This is usually when I wake up, sometime between late night and early morning.
It’s during these hours that I miss you the most.
Lately, I’ve been seeing you less and less.
When I see your face, it’s blurry, smudged around the edges. When I hear your voice, it’s a wavering pitch, like it’s trying to find the key of a melody it hasn’t sung in a very long time. When I feel your touch, it’s the ghost of a breeze the wind leaves behind.
She stops writing and takes a shuddering breath. Her hand is trembling.
I’m afraid I’m going to forget you.
The pen falls from her grasp. The clatter interrupts the dark silence but is quickly swallowed by the night. Ink smears where her tears splatter across the page.
k a o h s i u n g,  t a i w a n
The camera clicks, and she pulls it away to inspect the photo. There’s a streak of blue across the bottom, and then it’s the green of Cijin island and the striking white of the Cihou Lighthouse. She looks back up at the structure on the other side of the water and sees a movie play on the television.
She’s in LA, sprawled across the couch with her legs over his lap. He grabs the bag of popcorn she’s hugging in her arms and stuffs a handful in his mouth. We should do that some time, he says. Don’t speak with your mouth full, she admonishes, kicking her heels lightly against his thigh. Do what? He gestures at the screen. Drive around Japan and explore every lighthouse. 
She takes the popcorn back. You do realize she’s just finding the lighthouses in the Setouchi region, right? Not all of Japan? He shrugs. Well, we can do all of Japan. Or find a list of the coolest lighthouses in Japan and go to all of them. She laughs. But the coolest lighthouses are probably the hidden ones that aren’t on any tourist itineraries.
He ponders that for a moment, watching the screen intently as the female protagonist smokes a cigarette. They sit in silence for a moment, letting the sounds of the movie filter into the space between them. Then, he wraps his arms over her legs and pulls them close to his chest.
You’re right. I guess we have to find them on our own then. It’ll take a while, wouldn’t it? We can take a week off every year and just drive up and down the coasts of Japan. I feel like by the time we’re 80, we would’ve covered all of them.
Yeah. But, why?
Because lighthouses are great. She learns the contours of his history through the landscape of the lighthouses. Even in a coma, he is helping her unravel the pain and fear and confusion, guiding her forward with each unexplored lighthouse on the map. 
The horn of the ferry sounds. She hands her ticket to the attendant and boards the boat. She leans against the railing of the top deck, watching as the lighthouse looms closer. The spring, April air smells sweet and young. Soft sunlight glistens off the crests of the rocking waves and throws patches of brilliant blue and green into sharp relief.
As the ferry draws her nearer to Cijin island and the lighthouse, the wind caresses the side of her face and whispers a question in her ear. 
Are you still afraid?
She smiles and closes her eyes. Her reply is lost in the sounds of waves lapping against the edge of the boat.
author’s note
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Parfaire Medical Aesthetics
Parfaire Medical Aesthetics is leading skincare and aesthetics provider in Pasadena which was established in 2015. At Parfaire, you will find the best treatment for all your skin problems at our well-equipped medical spa. Here, you will be treated by one of the world’s best specialists in skincare Dr. Winnie Moses whose passion is to help you look amazing and boost your confidence when facing daily tasks out in the World. Dr. Moses is well known for delivering world-class cosmetic treatments through effective non- invasive surgery methods. At Parfaire, you can trust and be confident that you will receive the best level of results and will be treated to the highest standards of service, attention, and care. Our services are: Botox Treatments – Improve your facial shape, treat crow’s feet, or smoothen your forehead to give you a more youthful appearance through Botox injections. Acne Scar Treatment
Dermal Fillers Treatment – Minimize the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. We use fillers like Juvederm Pasadena, Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Voluma, Radiesse, Restylane and Sculptra to help you look your best. Forma Treatment – We offer a unique treatment that tightens and revitalizes your skin tone making you look younger and more radiant. The Forma treatment procedure focuses on saggy eyelids, double chins, crows’ feet, under eye bags, stretch marks and many more. Fractora – One of the most productive form of Fractional Radiofrequency resurfacing treatment that gives your skin a restoration treatment which is also a great anti-aging solution. We correct and improve a wide range of skin problems like; Aging face, scar removal (including acne scars) deep wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, uneven texture, stretch marks, etc. Lumecca Treatment – This procedure uses a technology called Lumecca. Lumecca is a broad-spectrum laser-like intense pulsed light (IPL) and energy targeting and treating skin conditions like active acne, pigment spots, dull skin tone, Melasma, large skin pores, Rosacea, visible veins on the face and many more. Micro-needling Treatment – This is a skin treatment that transforms rough, scarred and damaged skin giving it a healthy appearance and smooth texture. Silkpeel Facial Treatment (microdermabrasion) – At Parfaire, we use a microdermabrasion system to smoothen your tired skin making it feel refreshed. This helps in treating severe skin conditions like hyperpigmentation, photoaging dryness, wrinkles, acne, and scarring. Scupltra Injections – Sculptra is a chain of lactic acid which is drawn from natural components and promotes the production of your own collagen to slowly replace lost collagen. This reduces age-related bone loss and diminishes deep wrinkles restoring your face and body to a youthful form. The injections add volume to the following areas; flattened cheeks, sunken chin, saggy jawline, buttocks, and many other body areas. Acne & Acne Scar Treatment – At Parfaire, we use energy based micro-pin resurfacing treatment, accompanied by stem cell therapy which enables us to treat and reconstruct deep and widespread acne scars. This is achieved by various layers of the scar tissue being regenerated with our most advanced technology known as Fractora. Double Chin Reduction Kybella Treatment – An advanced treatment given through an injection to eliminate and moderate unwanted fat deposits located under the chin giving you a more sculpted face. This treatment is also used on bra bulge, abdomen, love handles, thighs and back of arms. Neck PDO Thread Lift – A polydioxanone thread lift or PDO is a special protein fiber to stimulate threads to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It also helps in scar revision and texture improvement. This is ideal for patients who don’t want a surgical facelift and people generally between the age of 30 - 65 years who have moderate skin elasticity. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy – This is a procedure where we collect a small amount of blood and obtain a high concentration of your blood platelets in a small volume. It is then reintroduced onto and into your skin where it begins to initiate growth factors immediately. This treatment helps in facial and neck rejuvenation, acne scars revision, hair loss prevention, and female vaginal rejuvenation. Body Sculpting – Our non-invasive body contouring and body sculpting treatment focus directly on fatty tissues using Radio Frequency. This treatment focuses on heating the skin directly to achieve contraction and body shaping. It reduces fat from unwanted areas like love handles, stomach, back of arms, hips, inner and outer thighs, buttocks and back fat. Cellulite Reduction – Cellulite is fat which has accumulated under the skin.  We combine the use of our new precision-controlled radio frequency (RF) energy and high-voltage electroporation adiplolysis (fat reduction) to target all core problems of cellulite; smoothing out unwanted recurring pockets of fat, tightening tissue and breaking off the Septa that causes dimpling. Laser Hair Removal – Are you looking to have smooth, hair-free skin year-round? At Parfaire we have a solution for you. Our hair removal treatment with Diolaze offers a permanent result for both men and women. With this treatment, the unwanted hair will disappear quickly and painlessly. Excessive Sweat Reduction Treatment – If you are suffering from Hyperhidrosis (a condition where a person sweats excessively and unpredictably) we have a treatment for you. Botox is injected in the affected areas and works effectively in stopping the release of sweat. Stretch Mark Treatment – For a long-lasting solution to deal with stretch marks, we use the latest and most powerful energy-based technologies and medical skin care products to remove them. In the event of a more serious case, we use Intense Pulse Light (IPL) laser to address the issue. Men's Aesthetic Treatments – we offer cosmetic medical services for men who aim at looking good by reversing aging signs, removing unwanted hair, sculpting body areas and many more. The treatments we give to achieve these expectations are; Total skin tightening and restoration, skin clearing, body sculpting, laser hair removal, injectables, and facials. Wedding Medi Spa Treatments – Weddings are an unforgettable special moment where two people embark on new chapters of their lives together. At Parfaire, we welcome everyone from the bride and groom and wedding parties at our medical spa to have natural looking improvements, skin tightening, correction and clearing to give them a restored and refreshed appearance for the big day. We also offer a customized bridal package for you and anyone needing treatments in the bridal party. About The Dr. Parfaire Medical Aesthetics is leading skin care and aesthetics provider located in Pasadena. Its founder Dr. Winnie Moses has a master’s degree in Biochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines and completed her training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine where she was awarded the prestigious Janet M. Glasgow Award for being the top student in her class. Contact us for any more info on how to give your skin that perfect look.
Parfaire Medical Aesthetics
101 S. Madison Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101 626-844-7273 [email protected]
Hours of Operation Mon – Closed Tue – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Wed – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Thu – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Fri – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Sat – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Sun – Closed
We offer our services to the whole of Los Angeles County California in the following cities:
Agoura Hills, Alhambra, Arcadia, Artesia, Avalon, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bell, Bell Gardens, Bellflower, Beverly Hills, Bradbury, Burbank, Calabasas, Carson, Cerritos, Claremont, Commerce, Compton, Covina, Cudahy, Culver City, Diamond Bar, Downey, Duarte, El Monte, El Segundo, Gardena, Glendale, Glendora, Hawaiian Gardens, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Hidden Hills, Huntington Park, Industry, Inglewood, Irwindale, La Cañada Flintridge, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, La Puente, La Verne, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lawndale, Lomita, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Lynwood, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Maywood, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, Norwalk, Palmdale, Palos Verdes Estates, Paramount, Pasadena, Pico Rivera, Pomona, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, Rosemead, San Dimas, San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, Santa Clarita, Santa Fe Springs, Santa Monica, Sierra Madre, Signal Hill, South El Monte, South Gate, South Pasadena, Temple City, Torrance, Vernon, Walnut, West Covina, West Hollywood, Westlake Village and Whittier
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Confidence Redefined: Gynecomastia Surgery in Los Angeles
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Rediscover confidence with Gynecomastia Surgery in Los Angeles. Tailored procedures address male chest concerns for a sculpted, masculine appearance. Explore the possibilities of aesthetic refinement.
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voidendron · 5 years
The Outside: Chapter 53
Series Ask Blog: @asktheoutside​
I forgot I had this saved to drafts. I'll just have to post it to here without editing, and hope I get Internet back soon so I can also put it on AO3 and FanFiction. This is getting annoying. :/
Chapter 53: Driving Lessons Chapter Warnings: Swearing, Manipulation
March 23, 2031, 11:22 AM Los Angeles, California
“No, no, no! That is fucking deathtrap on two wheels! You are insane if you want me driving it!”
“The guy don’t even know how t’drive a car. He’ll fuckin’ kill himself on Wheelie.”
“You named the bike?!”
“Then teach him with Box first. ‘Least she can’t buck him off.”
“Come on, Mare! Box ain’t no fun.”
“What do you say, Hen?”
“I told you not to call me that!”
Natemare made a face as he snatched the motorcycle helmet from the doctor’s hands. Schneep could only return the expression. The difference in height between the two was almost laughable, but the Sharp stood his ground; helmet propped on his hip and a scowl in place as he looked up. Schneep was the first to break; scoffing good-naturedly. Mare had taken some getting used to but really, he thought the Sharp was similar to Edward in some ways. Sarcastic, cocky, but easy to get along with if you weren’t a reckless dumbass.
Adjusting the lapels on his new lab coat and scuffing his boots over the ground, he kicked a loose bolt toward the mechanic who had simply watched the ordeal with a brow raised. She was leaning back against the bike in a way that made Schneep worry she was going to tip it over, but he then figured she wasn’t actually putting any weight on it. He’d learned her name was Dottie, and that she was the Devil’s head mechanic.
“I trust this ‘Box’ more than Wheelie. What is it?”
“Big brown van. Ugly as hell, can’t hit speeds over fifty, and always sounds like she’s about to fall apart. But,” he drew the word out, shifting his weight to the other foot and the helmet swapping sides with the motion, “she’s reliable despite the sounds of things. Easy handling, and great for driving lessons, even if she’d suck as a getaway car.”
“Getaway car?”
The Sharp waved it off, and Schneep arched a brow.
“Where’s Box at?” Natemare asked instead.
The mechanic tapped her chin thoughtfully and Schneep half-wondered if she even knew, before, “Garage C. Think they were using her to transfer groceries there or somethin’?”
Needless to say, Schneep did not know how to drive when they finally got out to the site. Dottie tried, she really did. Pointing everything out from the passenger seat, seeming unending in patience as the van jerked and swerved and stopped so suddenly they might as well all have whiplash by the time they stopped. Natemare had wound up with a bloody nose after being thrown into the back of the doctor’s seat, and then proceeded to be thoroughly scolded by said doctor for not wearing his seat belt like the other two.
Overall, it wasn’t going well. They could only be glad they’d chosen a patch of ill-used road far out of the city for the lessons, or there would have definitely been tickets involved.
“Oh my god, no! Don’t use both feet! What the fuck?” The mechanic started laughing while Schneep struggled between the brakes and gas. Don’t use both feet? But there were three fucking pedals, and he didn’t even know what the third one was for! “No, no, no. Just your right foot. Switch it between the pedals as you need to.”
He could hear Natemare snickering right behind him, but any time Schneep glared into the rear view, the Sharp would duck out of view behind the Septic’s seat. “Do you want to drive?” he growled. Their laughter was making it a lot harder than it had to be.
“I’m a lot better than you!”
“Agh! Dottie!”
“Oh my god you two are like children. And there were seriously no vehicles where you’re from?”
It was still taking Schneep some getting use to that the humans working for the Devil were aware of the Egos. Made it easier working alongside them, but… After months of trying to hide from humans, it took some adjusting.
“Of course there were! Just not in many territories!” Schneep grumbled, “Is no use with the teleporters galore!”
Schneep could see the other Ego opening his mouth to say something (probably to argue since he was a teleporter, after all), and opted then to slam the breaks. Instead of words, Natemare made a wheezing grunt when the seat belt tightened around his chest as he jerked forward. Schneep really couldn’t help but laugh at the glare cast his way.
Dottie’s hands flashed up to the dashboard so she could steady herself, and Schneep heard both of his companions grumbling something to themselves.
“Just… You’re trying to tell him too many things at once. Do it step-by-step or somethin’.” Natemare rubbed at the back of his neck. “I’d kinda like to keep my head on my shoulders and I’m starting to think whiplash is gonna end up throwing it out the fucking window.”
The doctor could only snort at the look Dottie cast the other Ego. That’s what she’d been doing. The entire time. Step-by-step. Over and over. Part of the problem was Schneep’s annoyance with the damn vehicle. Gear shift? He was sort of getting the hang of it, but why were there so many positions for it? And there were too many things on the dash to pay attention to, and too many knobs in the middle, and too many things on the rode for one damn eye to pick up on as they zipped by. He couldn’t even see Dottie or the rear view or even the damn volume dials unless he turned his head enough to bring them into his left eye’s field of vision. It made him too tunnel-visioned for driving, dammit.
He could perform a surgery right in front of his nose, but everything moved too quickly in a vehicle. The van was too big, the lane seemed too small, and he kept hitting the shoulder on the side. The rumble strips were about to drive him crazy he’d hit them so many times.
“Hey, whoa! You trying to run us off the road?!” Dottie’s shrill cry made him flinch, jerk the wheel, and slam the breaks for the umpteenth time.
Natemare was rubbing at his chest where the belt kept digging into it as he leaned forward. “Henrik, it’s not that hard! What’s make it so difficult?”
The bantering from before was gone, along with any of the humor the doctor had been feeling not long ago. Now, he was just…frustrated. With himself, but still. “It is hard!” He brought his forehead down on the wheel a little more forcefully than he’d intended, the resulting honk sending him to bolt back upright. “I can’t fucking focus on everything at once!”
“Okay, okay. Let’s try again,” the mechanic suggested, “but ignore Mare and go slow as ya think you need, yeah?”
By the time they’d finished for the day, Schneep still definitely wasn’t an expert, but he’d at least be able to say he…eventually…stopped hitting the rumble strips at the shoulder. As often. That was something, right?
The humor had slowly eased its way back into the van with Dottie behind the wheel to get them back to Garage A. Yes, that humor was mostly the other two teasing the doctor for his horrible lack of driving skills, but he was right back to laughing alongside them and taking his own jabs at the other Ego and even occasionally the human.
“Henrik, you almost ran us into a stop sign!” the mechanic laughed. “That’s the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to do at those!”
“So I used the wrong pedal! That is what practice is for, yes?”
Dottie shook her head and snickered as she pulled up to one of the garage doors. Natemare leaned in from the back and waved his hand up; the door opened effortlessly in time with his hand. The human didn’t even seem to acknowledge the use of magic.
When Box rolled to a stop, the Egos crawled out so Dottie could return it to Garage C.
“I can’t wait to see you try riding Wheelie,” the Sharp grinned as he combed his fingers through disheveled hair. It was funny that it never had knots considering Schneep had never once seen the guy brush it. “I—oh—hey! Mad! The fuck you doing?”
For his size, Natemare sure had lungs on him. His sudden shout startled the doctor enough that he about jumped out of his skin.
Gaze following the Sharp’s, Schneep’s lip twisted into a disapproving frown. “MadPat, you are on bedrest! You’re going to pull your fucking stitches out!”
“Easy, Doc,” Mad gave a small wave as he leaned over the railing above their heads. At least he was only just outside the clinic so hadn’t walked very far. “Just needed to stretch my legs.”
“No, no, no,” the doctor grumbled as he made a beeline for the stairs leading up to the metal walkway, “you need rest is what you need! Come with—eh?” A sudden warmth was radiating from his pocket. But what could that… Oh, shit. He started cursing in German as he dug for the crumpled ball of paperboard buried in one of the pockets in his lab coat. No, no, no, no. That couldn’t be. Where was the card? Where the hell was the card?
When he found it and pulled it free of the confines of his pocket, it was glowing. It was glowing. Bright blue; the same bright, electric, sparkly blue as Marvin’s aura. Schneep could only stare wide-eyed at the object as panic settled into his gut. No, no, no, no. They couldn’t have… They hadn’t even been trying! They hadn’t been trying! Why was Marvin Tracking him now?! Why now? Why now, when he’d finally found his place? Why when he was finally happy?
Mad was staring at him like a deer in the headlights, lips parted with something he’d wanted to say and never managed to get out.
Schneep couldn’t find the words in English to tell the other what was wrong. They kept catching in his throat, or coming out in German to just make that expression plastered over Mad’s features even more confused. They couldn’t be Tracking him. They couldn’t. They couldn’t!
“Your ‘friends’ don’t actually want you back. You know that, right?” Mad asked as he stared down the card. Was it that obvious that’s what it was? “They’ll just drag you away from here and toss you aside again.”
He felt the air shift; smelled cigars as the Devil appeared at his side. Natemare must have gotten him when he noticed something was wrong. He still couldn’t find the words as he stared into the Iplier’s dark eyes. His tongue kept fumbling; his hands were shaking. Why were they shaking. Stop fucking shaking. Stop it!
“He’s right, Henrik,” the Devil murmured. His voice was soft like silk; his hands grounding as they moved up to hold the doctor’s wrists almost too tightly. “Your place is here. With us. You don’t miss them, do you?”
The scent of cigar smoke made him dizzy; it seemed heavier than usual, casting a haze around them. He could only make out the Devil’s eyes, and latched onto that one single thing that wasn’t swimming in almost nauseating ways. “Miss…them? No. Nein. Ich…” It hurt to think.
“Give MadPat your card.”
And he did. Why fight it? He didn’t…need to see the others again. No, no, they didn’t want to see him again. That’s what it was! So why would Marvin be..? He swallowed thickly, practically choking on the cigar smoke permeating the air.
“Your friends are here, now. Think of how you laugh with Natemare, and bicker with MadPat.” The Devil’s hands loosened as the doctor nodded. “You work here. You belong here. In Garage A, working as my most trusted doctor. Yes?”
Another nod. There was bright light at the corner of his vision. Yellow-orange and hot.
When the Devil released him and was gone with his aura, teleporting away, the doctor blinked at the light. Fire in the palm of Mad’s hand. Burning the card. The blue fighting with the orange; the orange winning out. Killing the blue. Swallowing it, suffocating it until it was forced to get smaller, and smaller.
Schneep could only watch as the ashen remains of the card fell through the other Ego’s fingers; through the grating of the metal platform and to the concrete below.
He belonged at the garage. Not with the Septics. And they couldn’t take him away now.
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contourology · 10 months
Body sculpting- what is it and its benefits. 
For instance, body sculpting in Los Angeles will help to tighten some parts of your body without any means of surgery. Sometimes, you can even have loose skin, which can look pretty weird, and it is with the help of a body sculpting method you can repair this part of your body. This process is also known as body countering. 
For more information kindly read this Article - https://contourology.livepositively.com/body-sculpting-what-is-it-and-its-benefits/
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fuckinsteverogers · 6 years
All These Broken Rules: Part 1
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader : Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Rating: 18++++ SERIES
Warnings: Nothing. 
Synopsis: You and Chris Evans have been best friends since high school and when he becomes a part of the Marvel family and makes some new, very attractive friends, some ground rules need to be set… But rules are made to be broken… right?
Author’s Note: Wow, this is the most I’ve written in months. Wtf is happening. I am so not happy with how this is going so far. I am trying to get my creative juices flowing and getting this thing going, but it’s sorta boring atm. I promise shit is going to get better as it goes. 
When I said this was based on ‘The Kissing Booth’, I meant loosely, like very loosely. I am basically just using the rules part and best friends angle, but less teenager centric and less ‘I won’t talk to you ever again’ vibes (Chris is too mature for that), plus Chris x Reader is always a good angle... right?
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You wipe your sweaty hands on your scrubs and move towards the receptionist desk in the hospital.
“Already leaving?” Hannah, the receptionist, asks. She looks just as tired as you feel. You nod, smiling at her tiredly.
“Yes, thank God. If they didn’t let me leave, I’d have had to find a spare bed,” You joke, watching her hand over your booklet, to write your hours in for the day. Your hospital had yet to upgrade to a booking system, another thing on the to-do list.
“Going home to that handsome boyfriend of yours?” Hannah smiles and you furrow your brows at her, confused as to if she’s mistaking you for another female doctor in your large hospital.
“Boyfriend?” You question, signing the paperwork and handing it back to her.
“Chris Evans, right? I see you guys all over the internet. He’s so dreamy,” Hannah quirks up, the comment almost makes your stomach churn but who are you kidding? You’d be lucky to have a guy as great as Chris even glance at you.
You begin to laugh, hunching over the desk.
“No, no, no. He and I...” You stop for a moment and regard her expression, she’s looking up at you with the same look every girl gives you when you tell them Chris is single. “We are best friends, have been since high school.”
“Better secure him soon, honey. He has definitely got his options,” The comment sounds so sweet coming out of her mouth, which is why you’re confused when it stings. 
“Thanks, Hannah. See you tomorrow, yeah?” She nods and you leave, nursing the sore she just created. 
Surely, you have options too right? You’re a doctor. A doctor in Los Angeles. You’re best friends with Captain freaking America. You live in a big house, drive a nice car. You’re sweet, compassionate, selfless. Fuck, any guy would be lucky to have you... At least that’s what you tell yourself.
You push the self-doubt to the back of your head and drive in the direction of Chris’ home, looking forward to a nice, hot shower and some good ole leftovers, maybe a beer to go along with it.
“Honey, I’m home,” You yell out as you shut the front door. You hear the vague sound of voices from what seems to be the living room, but with how damn big your millionaire friends house is, you can’t really tell.
“In the living room, darling,” Chris’ voice echos back, and you smile to yourself at the pet name, something you and Chris embraced from a young age. 
So many people in high school, from classmates to teacher told you both that you were destined to be together, which eventually evolved into pet names that only served to stir the pot, but didn’t actually mean anything.
“Did you order food? I’m starving,” You note aloud when entering the living room, chucking your handbag onto the floor and moving towards Chris, only to notice the two other men seated in the living room. “Oh, I didn’t know you had company.”
You stop and regard the two ridiculously attractive men looking directly at you.
“You’re still going to stay, right?” Chris raises an eyebrow at you and a smile spreads across your face.
“Yeah, but I should probably shower and change,” You reply, looking down at your blood splattered scrubs.
“Surgery?” Anthony asks, looking down to where you’ve got blood dried into the fabric. You nod, wiping your sweaty hands onto your thighs; your eyes momentarily shifting towards the dark-haired Romanian man that has his eyes boring into you.
“Open heart. Patient forgot to mention he was a haemophilia sufferer, so it wasn’t the cleanest.” You watch Mackie’s face twist into disgust and a smile tugs on your lips.
“Couldn’t do what you do, doll,” Sebastian perks up, leaning back and taking a swig of the stella he’s nursing in his hands.
“My little worker bee,” Chris contributes, which only serves to drag your eyes away from Sebastian’s fucking ridiculously handsome face and grin at your best friend.
“My little performer bee,” You add, quickly making your way over to him. You wrap your hands around his shoulders and nuzzle your face into his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of home.
“Okay, now get away from me, you smell like death,” Chris chuckles, painting a peck onto your cheek and pushing you off of him. You laugh and throw your hands up, moving for your handbag.
“Did you wash my clothes?” You ask, picking your handbag up and moving for the stairs.
“Yeah, I left them on my bed,” Chris replies, and with one final glance at the three men, you climb the stairs to where your relaxing, hot shower awaits.
The boys have fresh beers and are watching football when you return in sweats and a t-shirt, hair wet and smelling like roses. Chris greets you with open arms and an already opened beer, tugging your body into his as you settle beside him to watch the Patriots.
Though, your attention is almost non-existent on the television when Sebastian’s movements catch your eye. He sweeps his long, tanned fingers through his dark hair and shifts to cross his legs, his thighs thicker than the last time you saw him, probably due to the men just having finished filming their latest Marvel movie.
The sight sends heat throughout your body, it’s unnerving how attracted to him you are. The thought of Rule #2 sends you slamming back to Earth. Sebastian is off-limits, you know that you’ve known that since the moment Chris pulled you aside, you’ve known it since the moment you knew you were attracted to him, but there’s this pull, this unmistakable need for him that won’t leave you alone.
Attempting to forget about the thoughts rushing through your head, you lean back against Chris’ chest and press the empty bottle of Stella between your thighs, shutting your eyes as he wraps his arm around your chest.
You listen to the shouts from the men, vibrations travelling through you when Chris perks up, and slowly fall into a deep sleep after the gruelling 16-hour shift.
“Sweetheart,” Is what you wake to, the sound of velvet in your ears. Humming, you roll over, towards the sound, seeking the comfort of the soft voice, you reach your hand out, only to come in contact with rough stubble on top of soft skin and you keep your hand there, just feeling. “Food’s here, sweetheart.”
The voice is so soft, yet rugged and you can’t help but hum, still too groggy to open your eyes, you do notice that you’re no longer propped against Chris’ chest, but laid on the couch with no heat of a man’s body to protect you from the coldness of the room.
“Is she okay?” You hear another voice, deep and manly, and almost makes your chest vibrate with how low the octaves are.
“Yeah, but I think she thinks I’m you,” The velvety voice says, and it makes you wake up a tiny bit. Who are you touching? Please don’t be a stranger, oh god.
When you crack your eyes open, your hand still encasing a sharp jawline and rough stubble, you see the gorgeous sight beside you.
“There she is,” Sebastian says, his hand coming up to yours that is laid on his cheek and bringing it to be encased between his hands, the warmth against the cold makes you shiver.
“I got your favourite, honey,” Chris talks, and you shift your gaze from the brunette beauty to your best friend who is standing tall in the doorway. 
“Just give me a moment,” You say, lightly tugging your hand from within Sebastian’s grasp, feeling mildly guilty for liking the feeling of his soft, warm skin against yours.
You take a moment to lift yourself from the couch, your body aching from the long day and lift your eyes back to the brunette beauty who moves to let you get up.
“Okay, doll?” He asks, a bright smile lifting up onto his face. You feel your cheeks heat up, and hope he doesn’t notice the way you quickly duck your head and shuffle past him; avoiding the burning stare of such an attractive man.
“I’m all good,” You reply, rolling your shoulders to relieve the tension.
Chris smiles as you walk towards him, draping his arm across his shoulder, pressing a tight kiss into your temple as he does.
“So what favourite did you get me?” You ask, tipping your head back slightly to look at the taller man. His eyes gleam as he looks down at you. Twenty years of friendship meant that Chris and you knew basically every food, every snack, every drink that you both preferred and Chris made a habit of always providing, not even giving you a chance to step up your friendship game.
“Seb, why don’t you go start without us? I just want to talk to Y/N for a second,” Chris says, disregarding your question, and you don’t have to look at Sebastian to know he’s confused. You are confused too, furrowing your eyebrows up at Chris, who just smiles lightly at you and pulls you towards the stairs.
“You like him, don’t you?” He asks when you make it into the bedroom. 
You pull yourself from under his arm and look at him, because fuck are you really that obvious, but is it really a like situation?
“Are you accusing me of breaking the rules?” You demand playfully, not wanting this to end in a fight, because you know if you admit to anything, then Chris will not take kindly. Chris smiles at your tone and moves to sit on the bed, stretching his long, long legs out in front of him.
“I know you haven’t slept with him. I’m just asking,” He admits, looking tentatively at you. The look in his eyes tells you he’s panicking. You know why he set the rules, you feel guilty for indulging in your emotions openly enough to harm your best friend.
“Chris,” You murmur, padding towards him slowly. 
You plaster your front to his and stand between his stretched legs, hugging his body into yours. Chris lays his head gently into your chest and his hot breath hits your skin, sending automatic shivers across your skin. He wraps his arms around your waist and you feel the tension soak from him to you.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” You say honestly, and this only proves to make his shoulders tense up.
“Then tell me the truth,” He replies. Like it’s that easy.
You huff out a breath, tilting your head down and leaning your head against the top of his, just feeling the soft hair against your face.
This situation shouldn’t be as difficult as it is, but you know that losing you and Sebastian is a constant threat to him.
As you pucker your lips and press a kiss to his head, in what would seem intimite from an outside perspective but from inside, you know it’s just best friends showing affection; you hear Sebastian’s loud laugh from downstairs and you breathe in slowly, calming your heart rate. 
What are you meant to say without breaking your best friends heart? Maybe, that should be rule #3: A little white lie to avoid hurting your bestie is acceptable.
But how little is this white lie?
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arojasmd · 2 years
Standard Or Hd Liposuction in Los Angeles?
If you are somebody who has been considering undergoing liposuction, then we are sure that you will have come across one or two terms that you might not completely understand. Something that can confuse a lot of people when researching their options is the fact that there isn’t just one ‘type’ of liposuction treatment like there might have been ten or twenty years ago. In the modern landscape of liposuction in Los Angeles, there are standard lipo, HD, and Vaser Lipo. All methods are common and popular, but many top cosmetic surgeons tend to promote HD over others. With this in mind, here are some of the best reasons why you should opt for HD lipo over standard.
HD Lipo Has A Much Shorter Recovery Time
One of the main differences between standard lipo and HD lipo is that the ‘traditional’ method requires a much longer recovery period after the treatment. Due to the fact that HD lipo is far less invasive than older methods, you will need less downtime, experience less pain, and recover in a much quicker time. This is because the tools used like cannulas are much smaller, making the entire process more precise and producing less trauma for the body.
HD Lipo Offers More Effective Fat Removal
HD lipo uses cutting-edge ultrasound technology, which works to break up your stubborn fat cells prior to removal. This does a far better job at both the top and lower layers of fat in your body, leading to more effective and noticeable results overall. This ability allows for the contouring of muscles underneath the fat, effectively creating abs for you!
No Need For Additional Surgeries with HD Lipo
With normal liposuction, you may find that you are required to undergo some additional procedures. These can include things like loose skin after the procedure. With HD lipo, however, the ultrasound technology aids in the tightening of skin whilst the actual procedure is being performed, therefore lessening the chances that you will need a follow-up treatment later in life.
Reduced Amount Of Trauma with HD Lipo
In past decades, normal liposuction has sometimes come with risks of trauma such as blood loss that can be dangerous if it occurs on too large a scale. With HD lipo, the fat cells are broken down with ultrasound before anything invasive even happens, and this makes the physical removal process a much less aggressive and traumatic experience. It also minimizes the amounts of pain and bruising at the removal sites, leading to a much more fast and more comfortable recovery.
So, if these points have helped you consider HD liposuction in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the best in the business. That is, of course, Dr. Rojas at the Venice Beach Surgical Center! Make an appointment for a consultation and one of the many dedicated professionals on staff will be more than happy to answer any questions that you have. We look forward to being able to help you.
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