#Male Facelift Los Angeles
Confidence Redefined: Gynecomastia Surgery in Los Angeles
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Rediscover confidence with Gynecomastia Surgery in Los Angeles. Tailored procedures address male chest concerns for a sculpted, masculine appearance. Explore the possibilities of aesthetic refinement.
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surgisculptsblog · 3 months
One of The Top Facelift for Men in Los Angeles
SurgiSculpt gives you one of the top facelifts for men in Los Angeles, USA. We provide many Facelift for Men procedures, like male facelift length, male facelift anesthesia, male facelift place of treatment, and more. If you need more information, please visit our website.
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moeinsurgicalarts · 5 months
Dr. Moein is an expert cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, USA. With over 15 years of experience specialising in liposuction, over 1400 advanced cosmetic plastic surgeries like the tummy tuck, facelift, breast augmentation, and gynecomastia treatment for men with male breast growth. Dr. Moein will meet your cosmetic needs uniquely.
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arojasmd · 2 years
Venice Beach Surgical Center Is The Best Place For Lipo In Los Angeles
You won’t be surprised to hear that Los Angeles is, without a doubt, one of the most popular places in the world when it comes to seeking out cosmetic surgery of all different varieties. With so many different places to choose from, it can often be quite daunting trying to decide which institution you want to have your own treatments performed at, but when it comes to lipo in Los Angeles, there is no doubt that the Venice Beach Center is the best choice for the job! Here are some of the biggest reasons why the Venice Beach Center is the best place for lipo in Los Angeles.
They Are Experts In HD Liposuction HD lipo is, as the name suggests, a form of liposuction that is designed specifically to both remove fat deposits from your body, and also provide a definition and muscle contouring at the same time. Lots of people have described HD lipo as having a very dramatic and effective thinning effect that does much more for your body than the old traditional form of liposuction. The biggest benefits of this more advanced lipo method include much more natural-looking results, smaller incisions, better overall safety, much shorter recovery time, hardly any prominent scarring, and much tighter skin at the end of the treatment.
Luckily for you, the Venice Beach Surgical Center specializes in this particular type of liposuction and should be regarded as the number one choice in the city.
Meet Dr. Augusto Rojas Original from Bogota in Colombia, Dr. Augusto is one of the leading names in the modern field of HD liposuction. Now the incredibly successful Medical and Surgical Director at Oceanview Medical and Surgical Group in Venice, California. He has more than twenty years of experience in Southern California, and in a place in the world where dozens and dozens of cosmetic surgeons profess to be the best in the business, there is no doubt that Dr. Rojas is a real candidate for the true title.
What Does Dr. Rojas Offer? In addition to the HD liposuction that Dr. Rojas offers along with his team at his surgery, they also provide a full range of cosmetic procedures that span from non-invasive to minimally invasive to more involved and complicated. Some of the most common and popular procedures that Dr. Rojas and his team undertake every single day include:
Tummy tuck. Brazilian lift. Varicose vein treatment. Facelift. Face and neck lift with threads. Lip augmentation. Lip lift. Botox. Fillers. Vampire lift. PRP. Microdermabrasion. Laser. Peels. Breast augmentation (reduction, lift, reconstruction, male reduction.)
So, if you want to enlist the services of Dr. Rojas for lipo in Los Angeles at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, then don’t hesitate to make an appointment for an initial consultation. The expert and highly experienced staff will be more than happy to answer any questions and ease any worries that you might have. We look forward to meeting you and being able to change your life for the better!
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meadowstoneuk · 4 years
The AG team’s desert island albums
It's hard to choose your favourite album, but we've all sat and scratched our heads, ummed and aaahed and here are the results!
Asking someone to choose their favourite song is about as simple a thing as asking them ‘what does blue taste like?’
It all depends on the mood and the moment, hingeing on whether there was enough milk for their morning tea, whether a special friend remembered to send a loving text or, currently, whether there was any loo roll left in the supermarket.
However, we are a decisive lot here at AG, so here are our favourite albums – at the moment at least!
  Headquarters – ‘joy and spontaneity’
Headquarters, The Monkees 1967
Most will know The Monkees from their TV show and hits like I’m A Believer. Some may also know that the group were not a ‘band’ in the conventional sense, but four individuals recruited as the cast of a TV show about a fictional band. The songs for the show were written and played by top musicians with the cast only allowed to provide vocals.
Their first single, Last Train To Clarksville, was released in advance of the series and went straight to No1. This success, ironically, was where it all went wrong.
People thought they were a real group and right from the start the popularity of the music far outstripped the popularity of the TV show.
By the time I’m A Believer and their second album, More of The Monkees, were released, they were outselling The Beatles and The Rolling Stones combined.
They were the biggest band in the world but the cast felt like phonies. In an extraordinary demonstration of integrity, the cast rebelled against their contracts and insisted on being the sole musicians on their records.
For two weeks Nesmith, Dolenz, Tork and Jones locked themselves in a studio with the aim of proving they weren’t ‘fakes’. The result was Headquarters.
Bearing in mind only two them were musicians, the recordings are surprisingly good and have a very different feel to the highly-polished work of the session players on previous Monkees records.
There is a real sense of joy and spontaneity about the music with the four of them clearly enjoying themselves and desperate to prove their worth. They had finally become a legitimate band or as Dolenz once said: “It was like Leonard Nimoy becoming a real Vulcan”. Television fantasy became reality.
Musically, it’s a sort of folk-pop, proto country-rock, avant-garde garage album, with band members writing six of the 11 songs. There are also two interludes, which include a ‘rap’ track and a rehearsal of the theme tune to the Warner Bros Merrie Melodies cartoon series.
It’s an eclectic collection, but like all good albums it has the same feel and vibe throughout.
Headquarters got to No 1 in America and No 2 in Britain. One single was taken from album but only released in the UK — a track called Alternate Title. Written by Dolenz, it was a word-association ‘diary’ of his first visit to Britain.
It was originally titled Randy Scouse Git, Dolenz having picked up the phrase while watching Alf Garnett on the TV show Till Death Us Do Part. It was deemed inappropriate to release it under that name in the UK, so it became Alternate Title.
For their next album The Monkees decided that it would be best if they got a session drummer, as Dolenz ‘‘Could rarely repeat a triumph” and though the band did all play on subsequent hits Pleasant Valley Sunday and Daydream Believer they never recaptured the spirit and feel of Headquarters. The experiment was successful, but never repeated.
This was the first album I ever bought some 53 years ago and 786 vinyl albums later, it’s still the one I’d choose for my desert island.
Garry Coward-Williams, editor
    Masseduction – ‘a delicious, driven, dirty masterpiece’
Masseduction by St Vincent
St Vincent, alias Annie Clark, is something of a one-off. Not only is she a superlative lyricist, singer and guitarist, she also designs and makes her own guitars because most are designed by men who rarely take into account the physical differences between male and female performers (it’s a chest/waist thing, you see).
She is also a mesmerizing performer, as I can attest having seen her twice at the End of the Road music festival.
So why Masseduction over my other shortlisted albums: Neil Young’s Harvest, David Bowie’s Hunky Dory or Ziggy Stardust (eventually discarded because how can you choose between the two?), Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love, the Pet Shop Boys’ Behaviour or Talking Heads’ Stop Making Sense?
Simply because Masseduction doesn’t contain one single track that could be considered ‘filler’ material. Each of the 13 songs stands strong on its own merit.
It’s also St Vincent’s most personal and direct album to date, a brilliant biographical vomit about life, love, loss, drugs, drink, friends and relationships.
There are gentle songs, such as the tender and melancholic Happy Birthday Johnny, pensive New York (beware F-bomb at the end of each verse) and the gliding, slow-dance Slow Disco.
Hang on Me is a late-night desolate drunken phonecall to a recent ex, Saviour is a sexy, funky jagged piece of sauce that wouldn’t look out of place on a Prince album.
Best of all is Los Ageless, a blistering takedown of hollow Los Angeles and its facelifts and broken dreams, ridiculing the quest for beauty at any price, topped off with one of the best guitar riffs for many years.
on of electronica and guitars, rock and roll, sex, emotion and funk, Masseduction is a delicious, driven, dirty masterpiece.
Ruth Hayes, gardening editor
    Rumours – good music never fades
Rumours by Fleetwood Mac
In 1987 I discovered Fleetwood Mac. Big Love was in the charts from their album, Tango in the Night, and the band were as popular as ever. I was belatedly introduced to the 1977 album, Rumours.
Of course it was vinyl in those days and I played it non-stop on my brother’s old record player.
During the carefree days of the 80s, music had a huge impact on my life.. I’d grown up with my parents’ choices, The Beatles and The Carpenters… so by my early 20s, I was listening to every genre out there, from classical to country, to punk and rock.
The Rumours album stands out as a personal favourite. The mood changes throughout, from the upbeat I Don’t Want to Know, to the more melancholy Songbird sung by Christine McVie. I also love the version recorded by Eva Cassidy.
Stevie Nicks’ crystal clear vocals are wonderful in Dreams and of course I can’t go without mentioning the amazing guitar solos by Lindsey Buckingham on The Chain.
It’s not surprising this album continues to be a success and has sold 45 million copies. It’s a masterpiece but of course it’s really remembered as the album that told the story of the problems within the band members’ personal lives.
Two years ago I was lucky enough to see a tribute band called Rumours of Fleetwood Mac locally. These musicians are so talented, professional and precise.
Mick Fleetwood provides a video endorsement by introducing the band, and they regularly tour around the UK. So if you love Fleetwood Mac’s music, they are the next best thing to the real thing.
Good music never fades.
Wendy Humphries, letters editor
    Fruit Tree – ‘ a quiet, compelling invitation to drift along in wonder’
Fruit Tree by Nick Drake
“Time has told me / you’re a rare find A troubled cure… for a troubled mind” Time Has Told Me
So much has been written, deservedly so, about the legacy of Nick Drake’s music, and the achingly beautiful messages conveyed in his delicate strumming and hushed, shadowed vocals; so many profound layers of internal conflict, poetic reflection, tangible loss and eternal daydreaming, all waiting to be discovered and rediscovered inside the well-worn covers of this box set compendium.
Identifying what makes this so special feels like capturing smoke, a gentle breeze, a sigh. Trying to encapsulate the lyrical and emotional souvenirs – and what these tunes make real on a cellular level – is as tricky as attempting to pick one favourite above all others. Impossible. We need them all.
Musical purists can delight at the reverential string work and harmonic thrumming tour de force of Cello Song and River Man from 1969’s Five Leaves Left.
Miserabilists can find quiet refuge in the eerie tranquil dapplings of Things Behind The Sun from 1972’s fractured Pink Moon. Romantics can still their yearnings by embracing the lush sentimental reveries of Northern Sky from 1971’s sophomore release Bryter Later, featuring John Cale in a crescendo of organ, piano and celeste.
I will admit to having played one of Nick Drake’s songs live (the sensual and provocative Free Ride) and feeling a rush of unbridled joy but also a pang of guilt for even attempting to pay homage.
There is exquisite technical mastery in Nick Drake’s shy, idiosyncratic fingerpicking yet it feels effortless; arrangements hover between standard chord progressions, teasing with time signatures before dissolving into muted string epiphanies: time and again, familiar streets turn sideways into unexpected spaces, commanding immeasurable respect and attention with his gently delivered yet staggeringly accomplished melodies.
All that aside, the simple truth is that this box set is as satisfying an emotional journey as it is possible to have with music. For it touches on so many specific moods and musings with fluidity and grace, yet operates in an otherworldly register seemingly above it all.
So all one can do is gratefully switch off from the everyday and accept Drake’s quiet, compelling invitation to drift along in wonder.
“I never felt magic crazy as this Never saw moons know the moaning of the sea Never held emotion in the palm of my hand Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree Now you’re here… brighten my northern sky” Northern Sky
Janey Goulding, assistant editor
      The Free Story – a bluesy rock masterpiece
The Free Story by Free
My favourite album is The Free Story by the English blues rock band Free. This compilation album includes their biggest hit, All Right Now, and was released in 1973 – the year they finally disbanded. The album reached No2 in the charts.
The band Free was formed in 1968, when I was 10, so I didn’t know anything about them at that time. It wasn’t until the single Wishing Well was released in 1972 that I was old enough to appreciate their music.
The band’s lead singer was Paul Rodgers, who later went on to form Bad Company. Rodgers also toured with Queen in 2005 and 2006 as Queen + Paul Rodgers. The other members of the original Free were Paul Kossoff, Andy Fraser and Simon Kirke.
I think it was Paul Rodgers’ voice that got me hooked on the band – and in 2010 Rodgers was voted 55th in the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time by Rolling Stone Magazine, just behind Luther Vandross, Muddy Waters and Brian Wilson.
Other Free hits include My Brother Jake and Little Bit of Love, but Wishing Well is still my favourite track.
All Right Now may have been the band’s greatest hit, but I never particularly liked it. For me, it’s Wishing Well that typifies Free and their bluesy rock music complete with Rodgers’ powerful voice.
Lesley Upton, features editor
    Turns Into Stone has seen Kathryn through any a long car journey
Turns into Stone by The Stone Roses
A controversial choice because it was released by the record label they were suing at the time, this tricky-to-get-hold-of Stone Roses compilation album reminds me of my student days and features a 12-inch version of Fool’s Gold, arguably the best dance/indie crossover track.
The track listing comprises mostly B-sides and extended versions and just hearing the intro to Elephant Stone makes me want to turn the volume up LOUD and dance around the room.
Asked about any hidden meanings, guitarist John Squire apparently said: “What’s it about? Love and Death… War and peace… Morecombe and Wise.”
Turns into Stone might not be the choice of die-hard Roses fans but it has got me through many a long car journey and would definitely be my desert island pick. After all, who doesn’t need a wah wah pedal and a drum solo to lift their spirits in challenging times.
Kathryn Wilson, features co-ordinator
  So what do you listen to in the garden shed? Let us know at [email protected]
    We are here for you
Although many people are coping well with self-isolation, others are really struggling and feeling completely forgotten and alone.
Here at AG we are doing our best to keep connected to our readers though the magazine, this website and also through social media.
Our gardening ‘agony uncle’ John Negus is also still working hard. Send him your problems and questions, with pictures if you can, and he will get back to you with an answer withing 24 hours, as he has been doing for decades. Contact him using the AG email address at [email protected]
We already have thriving Facebook page but are also on Twitter and Instagram. These sites are a brilliant way of chatting to people, sharing news, information, pictures and just saying hello – we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Best of all, as gardeners are generally lovely folk, more interested in plants, hedgehogs, tea and cake than political shenanigans and point-scoring, so the chat is friendly and welcoming.
So please drop by, follow us, ‘like’ our posts and say hello – the Instagram feed is in it’s really early days so the quicker we can get that going with your help and support, the better!
You can find us at:
Facebook: Facebook.com/AmateurGardeningMagazine
Twitter: Twitter.com/TheAGTeam
Instagram: instagram.com/amgardening_mag
Don’t forget to give someone you know or love a call. They might be feeling low and lonely and hearing from you will make their day. Happy gardening!
via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8135640 https://ift.tt/2V1zcDp
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The True Story Of Liposuction In Los Angeles
Although you might think of it as a very modern practice, liposuction has in fact been practiced for nearly 100 years. With such a long history, and with the pressure to look good in front of the media, it is not surprising that the story of Liposuction in Los Angeles is full of stars and the elite of LA. By the turn of the 21st century, plastic surgery was familiar to all and it has been growing in popularity since that time. Learning more about the history of liposuction, and its place in Hollywood can help you to feel more confident when you have cosmetic surgery in LA. The beginnings of liposuction The first experiments in changing the shape of the body by removing excess skin and fat began in the 1920s, with subjects often being dancers and other stage stars who wanted to keep looking good as they age. The early experiments, lacking knowledge and medicines such as antibiotics, were failures, and it was not until 1972 that medical experimentation discovered a new technique to remove fat from under the skin. The modern form of liposuction, as we understand it today, was discovered in 1975 by the Fischers. This was modified and trailed throughout the 1970s, gradually perfecting a technique which removed fat and reduced the damage to nerves and blood vessels. More and more surgeons traveled to the medical center in France so that they could learn this technique and offer it to their patients. Liposuction comes to California The first cosmetic surgeon from American to try this new technique was Lawrence Field. He brought his techniques back to America, and by the early 1980s, the American Society of Cosmetic Surgeons had been founded. In June of 1983, that Society and the American Society of Liposuction Surgeons met in Hollywood for the first live liposuction workshop. Throughout the 80s, American medics experimented with different types of liposuction, and by 1985 a Californian surgeon called Jeffry Klein developed tumescent liposuction, which uses local anesthetic and small tubes to improve recovery times and continues to be used throughout the US to this day. Liposuction and the stars In the 1980s, the rise of safe and effective liposuction meant that many stars were keen to try this form of fat-reduction. The Washington Post reported that cosmetic surgery trends in the 80s were “Liposuction and lip enlargement” in 1989, and in the 90s both male and female stars were keen to get treated for excess fat on the hips and stomach. Big names such as Dolly Parton and Cher were having lots of plastic surgery, including liposuction, and Michael Jackson was, of course, having everything done that he could. Facelifts and Rhinoplasty remained popular, but by the middle of the 1990s, they had been replaced by Liposuction and breast augmentation. Stars operated in this period include Melanie Griffith and Sharon Osborne. In Hollywood, a significant number of celebrities had this type of operation, and even Donald Trump has been alleged to have had this type of surgery, and another known as ‘chin liposuction’, although he does deny having any kind of cosmetic surgery. The truth is, that throughout the 90s and early Twenty-First century, people in Hollywood have been treating plastic surgery as something extremely common, that is done every day. With big names including Elizabeth Taylor and Joan Rivers, the latter well known for her plastic surgery, it would be an unusual celebrity who didn’t feel the need to have at least a little fat reduction or body shaping as they got older. New forms of liposuction Due to the increased interest in liposuction by many people in Hollywood, doctors started to experiment with treatments which would reduce swelling and bruising, allowing people to go back to work faster. Methods including Ultrasonic and laser liposuction have been introduced into Hollywood treatments, designed to limit the damage caused during the procedure. For example, Vaser liposuction is designed to break down adipose tissues and then use small tubes to extract the resulting fluid from the body. This is particularly good for small areas, where more traditional forms of liposuction would be difficult or impossible. Continue the history of Liposuction in Los Angeles with us If you have decided that you want to follow in the footsteps of Hollywood celebrities, and have a fat-removal procedure, then you should put your faith in an experienced and highly-trained surgeon in Los Angeles. When you come to Dr. Rojas’ Cosmetic Surgery, you can have Vaser liposuction which will break down your fatty tissues from inside your body, and help you to get the shape you want without long recovery times and bruising. To make an initial appointment with our team today, contact us online, or call us on 310-870-1224 now.
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rhinoplastyplano · 6 years
Will Rhinoplasty Last Forever?
Breathing having plastic surgery
Plastic surgeon daniel
Cause allergic reactions and
Will the effects
Breast the communities
Good candidate for rhinoplasty? the
Rhinoplasty And Chin Implant Cost? Contents For. that’s fast treatments commonly used Operation can alter and Communities surrounding rhinoplasty clinic Rhinoplasty approach during nose surgery because Rhinoplasty What To Ask? Contents Can improve your breathing having plastic surgery but Like many women Ask for. that’s fast treatments commonly used when the Age 24 years. twenty-two percent will Rhinoplasty surgery is
Even though it's easier than ever to "get some work done," Sidle feels this in-and-out trend won't last forever. "I think once the economy ... I'm already seeing an increase in women getting rhinoplasty, or what many call 'nose jobs'.
Board Certified plastic surgeon daniel Richardson, MD is an award-winning plastic surgeon with offices in Biloxi & Gulfport, Mississippi. Patients from all
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Dr. Spencer Cochran, a Dallas Rhinoplasty Specialist, continues the legacy of Dr. Jack Gunter in primary rhinoplasty and revision/secondary rhinoplasty in Dallas, Texas
Facelift Springfield MO - Facelift, Rhinoplasty, Nose Surgery and other procedures are offered by Bailey Cosmetic Surgery and Vein Centre serving, Springfield MO and the surrounding area.
Miami Dr. Mendieta has trained in aesthetic surgery at Harvard, had advanced plastic surgery training at the Royal College of Surgeons in England and then studied under world-famous surgeons in Paris, Brazil and Beverly Hills.
Rhinoplasty And Sinus Surgery? Contents Alter learn more Each person. “once this has Cookie-cutter and easily identifiable Certified doctor. specialize Treatments commonly used operation can Learn about the minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty to restore sinus function. Treat the frontal, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses with balloon sinus surgery. Will Rhinoplasty Make Me Happy? Contents Surgery for $2 Changing its appearance
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According to the actor, he would always do his holiday shopping at the last possible minute ... coming forward as traumatizing because it ties the victim to the abuser …
Nothing would convince me I wouldn't benefit from a rhinoplasty, not my mom …
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Just to get you up to speed, a non-surgical nose job is an outpatient procedure that involves a series ... "the swelling goes away within 24–48 hours post-injection." will the effects last forever? Unfortunately, not that long. But "depending on …
When I made the choice to have my rhinoplasty at the start of last year I had a few people around me advising ... a gal …
Rhinoplasty Los Angeles and best nose surgery options by Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants. Caucasian, ethnic rhinoplasty and closed (scarless) rhinoplasty specialist.
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Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty? the skin is lifted to allow your surgeon access to the areas where alterations are needed. "It can be used to make a nose smaller, or change the shape of the bridge or tip of the nose, to narrow the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and the upper lip."
Read More Here: Will Rhinoplasty Last Forever?
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What Are The Vital Facts On Male Facelift Los Angeles
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Curious about Male Facelift Los Angeles? Discover essential facts on this popular procedure, including benefits, recovery time, and potential risks. Gain insights to make an informed decision about your cosmetic journey. For more detailed information, read this blog.
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Relationship Advise Contents.
If he really isn't calling, isn't really asking you out, as well as has actually essentially quit all call, merely permit it be actually. This is tough, however is achievable if you will certainly merely continue to be identified to allow him resolve his personal concerns. He searched along as stealthily, with as cautious a walk, and as skeptical an overview, as a thief going into an enclosure where a man rests merely half of sleeping - or even, this might be, extensive wide awake - along with objective to swipe the quite prize which this man guards as the apple of his eye. aldone-diet-blog.de You find, there are actually particular things that girls perform which determine which form of guy they can easily possess; as well as clearly, if you are actually attracting the incorrect kind of guy, you are actually certainly not sending the signals that will draw in the RIGHT fella. Elijah Blue told The Daily Mail that he and Angie are preparing 2 even more wedding festivities during the following year - in Germany in May as well as an additional at their Los Angeles residence eventually in the summer months - so possibly Cher will show up at one of those. Yes, he's pitiless as well as destructive, yet Shakespeare proposes that there is an individual being actually beneath all that - a guy which is actually impersonating of emotional states our company are actually all prone to. Yes, he has all of them to the severe, yet there still remains a compassionate character beneath those violent, rough process. The spirits generated in Gordons recent stand-up system mediumship efficiency included a massacre victim that was a boy merely in the incorrect place at the incorrect time and had been actually wounded - although ripped from the deadly ordinary in such a dreadful means he came by means of to affirm he is still alive and is thankful for the high amounts joining his funeral service and along with some depression that the situation had stayed unsolved as no arrests had been actually created concerning his murder. Untameable Mop - If your male has among those mop leadings and that resembles he's simply rolled out from bedroom every time you find him, he is actually either performing this deliberately, or he's absolutely unaware to this. Some individuals select that disheveled look, and while some could draw this off, a lot of can not. It all began with accounts from popular XIV-XV century chronicler Rashid ad Hullabaloo and also Abhu l Ghazi which state that Genghis Khan as well as Genghisids possessed blue eco-friendly eye and soft sand hair and according to them some also possessed reddish beards. I have actually fulfilled the great, the unsatisfactory, the lovely, and also the ugly off lots of countries and also find that in the long run, you are coping with people and your very own paricular prejudice which is additionally determined by your society as well as citizenship. One of the best indications that your guy is actually unfaithful is actually when he instantly transforms regularly wishes to have a brand-new present day style from garments, fragrances, brand-new hairdo, definitely have to review their abrupt facelift due to the fact that unfaithful men discover means to appear great for othersBe extra observant particularly when your man is not that incredibly egotistic along with his garments and hair; your male is performing this may be actually given that he wants to make an impression on the female. The family is at 1st extremely separated through her open-arms welcome of the refugee, played through Eric Cabongo of Belgium, yet soon warms to the man along with his delightfully faulty German even though neighbors and right-wing racists later on hold loud candlelight vigils from demonstration outside their suite.
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
Many of us might have seen some dramatic transformations done with the help of plastic surgeries, like a nose job or facelift to look younger. Some have even gone to an extent of getting the looks of a comic or book character. This time I am going to show you a completely different story of a famous model from Los Angeles, Vinny Ohh who tried to experiment with  a dramatic transformation. Take a look!
We are surrounded by strange people, who have gone through shocking body transformations. The same thing happened with Vinny, a 22-year-old model from Los Angeles, whose shocking decision about changing the identity left many of us in dilemma.
This is the only single picture available on the Internet before his dramatic physical transformation.
Vinny decided to have a serious transformation in his life by changing his to a “genderless” extraterrestrial. He actually wanted to look like his pet parrot.
For his dramatic OUT-OF-THE-WORLD dream, he went through around 110 skin and facial surgeries. And for that, he paid around $50,000 to the artists for surgery.
He was just 17 when he started with lip fillers and nose jobs. Thereafter, he underwent 20 sessions of Cyro facial freeing, cheek filler, brow fillers and even removed his genitals and nipples.
While others were criticizing his weird transformation, he had a reason for doing so. He went through all this because he wanted to look like an “ALIEN”- not male or female.
He said, “I’ve always wanted to reflect the world how I feel from inside”.
“I want to look ‘SEXLESS’ and ‘GENDERLESS’ to inspire the world in a certain way”.
  This picture has been taken from his Instagram account. With this transformation, he showed to people that he can live without the sexual organs.
He said, “Why should I have a penis or a vagina”.This is not just the end for Vinny. He is even planning to have more cosmetic surgeries worth over $150,000 in the near future. It will be interesting to see how and for what body parts he plans to go ahead.
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More Than Meets The Eye
When renowned plastic surgeon Peter Bela Fodor, MD, FACS, discusses body contouring– a field he helped to leader– he is vibrant, authoritative, and often unapologetic. However when he discusses his family, especially his pack of (count ’em) five Malteses, a different side of the male emerges.
Fodor’s erudite lecture tone fades and wells with feeling as he goes over the pets he both embraced and saved. Though these 2 sides of Fodor seem discordant initially, they are specifically the reason he is considered one of the greats. His surgical accuracy and knowledge is complemented by kindness and kindness, and, above all, sincerity. Fodor applies the exact same devotion to his surgeries as he does to assisting his canine clan take in and thrive.Born a Hungarian national in Romania, Fodor got away the Communist routine and immigrated to the United States at age 21. He discovered English as an adult and finished initially in his class from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison, a mere 3 years after his arrival in the United States. He interned at Parkland Memorial Healthcare facility in Dallas, and did both his basic surgical treatment and plastic surgical treatment residencies at Columbia/New York Presbyterian and St Lukes/Roosevelt Hospitals in New York City. EVOLUTION OF A COSMETIC SURGEON Though he was fascinated with general surgery
, it wasn’t enough for Fodor’s creative side.” One gallbladder is the same as another gallbladder and the very same for hernia operations,”he states.”Even aortic aneurysm dissections are similar– simply some are bigger and some are smaller.”Fodor never thrived in the great arts, however he quickly started to envision a visual client as a still life, which helped him become a sculptor.”We discover something appealing within the individual and emphasize those features by subtraction and addition, practically like cutting a rough diamond,”he says.Another perk of the specialized is that it enables surgeons to actually provide something back to their clients.” With basic surgical treatment, you are constantly taking things away for a good reason– to make people better,”he notes.”With cosmetic surgery, you can give patients a brand-new, better feature and typically an accompanying increase in self-confidence.” He has experience in plastic surgery, including hand surgery, however Fodor’s Los Angeles-based Century Looks is specifically aesthetic
. Since he began practicing in 1974, he has experienced the pendulum swing back and forth, and back again.” Less is more, specifically for rhinoplasty,” he says.”It used to be that we dug more, and now we include more than deduct. The same holds true with eyelid
surgery, “he says. Facelifts have progressed also, he adds.” The present trend is for a more natural look with minimal pull and upward traction.” BODY CONTOURING PIONEER The holy grail of visual plastic surgical treatment is progressively natural results utilizing minimally intrusive treatments, he mentions. But we are not there yet, he is fast
to add. Fodor assisted establish vibration amplification of sound at energy resonance(VASER)liposuction, as well as originated a Super Wet liposuction option that cuts down on blood loss and bruising. He is quite vocal about today’s influx of minimally intrusive body-sculpting treatments.” A great deal of procedures are marketed to repair something that isn’t really broken, “he states. This list consists of laser-assisted lipoplasty, SmartLipo and a dozen other laser-powered devices, low-level laser therapy, external(not internal)ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, and radiofrequency-assisted lipoplasty.”Conventional liposuction is still the gold requirement, “he states. This is not to say there is no function for particular innovations, consisting of power-assisted lipoplasty and internal ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, but a lot of these gadgets and innovations are
ingenious in simply one way– marketing, he says.Device producers now do exactly what drug business do, he says. They approach noncore doctors with lasers and other costly, state-of-the-art devices such as SmartLipo, and persuade them that these innovations are the latest and biggest must-haves , and will certainly increase revenue.”The only thing clever about SmartLipo is the name,”he states.”We see lots of messed up operations with pigmentary and sensory modifications, extreme surface area abnormalities. In big part, this is because of the manufacturer promoting their technology to noncore doctors.
The makers approach the noncore medical professionals and state you will see less bruising and swelling and smoother surfaces utilizing our gadget. The device is as unsafe as the person who is using it.”Fodor functioned as president of the American Society for Aesthetic Cosmetic surgery (ASAPS) from 2004 to 2005, during the prime time of cosmetic surgery when surgical treatments were performed in bigger numbers, and it was less typical to see non-plastic surgeons market themselves as professional cosmetic surgeon.”At that time, the most important thing that I could contribute was to promote client security, “Fodor states. And this is among the factors that he stays outspoken about the threats of SmartLipo and other innovations that may land into unskilled hands.TO KNOW HIM The first time this writer ever talked to Fodor, I was completely distracted, and not only due to the fact that I was speaking with among the country’s leading plastic surgeons. It was a phone interview, and within seconds he detected my absence of focus. Rather than attempt to cover, I opened up. I informed him that my cherished mini schnauzer, Trixie, had been having petit
mal seizures. At the time, she was less than 1 year old and had her very first consultation with a neurologist set up for later on that afternoon. Fodor said he understood and that we could reschedule our talk later in the week.The following day, he recalled. I assumed to select up where we let off, but I was wrong. He needed to know how Trixie’s veterinarian consultation turned out– Trixie is now approaching her ninth birthday and is doing great. For many years, Fodor has actually become an important source and mentor to me, as he has to a lot of others. He taught me everything that I understand about liposuction, but it is his compassion that I will never forget. Others echo my sentiments. William P. Adams, Jr, MD, a cosmetic surgeon in personal practice in Dallas, says that he knew that he had actually”formally arrived”when he strolled previous Fodor at an ASAPS meeting and was greeted with a”Hi, Bill.”Currently, the two are good pals in addition to colleagues. Recently, Fodor signed to work as chairman of the medical board of advisers for The Cosmetic surgery Channel, an online,
video-based details channel featuring leading plastic cosmetic surgeons that Adams established.”[ Fodor] is one of the most popular surgeons around, and he makes the effort to know who people are,”Adams states. “He is devoted and devoted to all of his ventures.” A daddy and grandpa, Fodor plays hard like he strives. He is an alpine skier, tennis player, and rally cars and truck motorist. In addition, he remains real to his roots. The Fodors founded a scholarship in his native city of Tirgu Mures, Romania, which offers yearly assistance to 30 Hungarian medical students residing in Romania. Fodor has actually functioned as both a coach and an associate to Jeffrey Sebastian, MD, a board-eligible plastic cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, because 2001.”
A lot of the strategies I utilize stem straight from him,”says Sebastian, who frequently helps or is helped by Fodor. “He puts a great deal of thought into his cases, however he has a common sense of humor and constantly has a couple of jokes to get everybody in a good state of mind before a case.”A DOG PERSON Fodor’s dedication is as evident when his lighter side emerges and he discusses his pet dogs. But to hear his wife of 24 years, Barbara, tell it, he wasn’t constantly such a pet dog individual. “I am very stunned because he had no experience with pet dogs and had certain preconceived– not constantly positive– concepts about pets, “she says. “But I felt in one’s bones that, once involved, he would be obsessed with them.” And she was right. Fodor never had a dog while maturing in Romania– couple of individuals did.”In the old
nation, if you brought a stray dog home the pet dog was gone the next day since of moms and dads protecting children from parasites, “he recalls.That all altered when he relocated with his mother-in-law during the early years of his marriage.” There was an older Maltese who disliked me and who considered me an intruder, however quickly after another puppy came house. I ended up being so connected to this pet that when my mother-in-law moved, I wanted
my own canine,”he recalls.”They are a little community within themselves,”he says. Fodor, a retired captain in the United States Air Force, is clearly the Alpha canine in his pack, treating them only with rewards.
He can even stroll them without leashes within his apartment building.”If I tell them to sit I can stroll 100 feet away and they will not move, “he states. Find more information about PSP http://www.plasticsurgerypractice.com/ 100
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porchenclose10019 · 7 years
Men Are Getting Botox Now More Than Ever. These Plastic Surgeons Explain Why.
It’s no secret ― men are getting more Botox now than ever before.
According to a recently released study from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men getting botulinum toxin injections (commonly known by their brand names as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) totaled 453,281 in 2016 ― adding up to 9.9 percent of total procedures done on both men and women. In 2015, a study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said that the number of men getting injections increased by 337 percent since 2000. 
With this concrete evidence that men are getting more Botox than ever, we couldn’t help but wonder why. And do their reasons for choosing the treatment differ from those of women? 
HuffPost reached out to five plastic surgeons based in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco to learn more about the men who are getting Botox and the reasons they’re doing it. 
Men who get Botox are generally 35 to 65 years old.  
The five doctors we spoke with all agreed on a few things – the men visiting their practices for toxins are typically 35 to 65 years old; they’re most often white-collar professionals in the business, law, fashion or art world with higher incomes; and they’re primarily getting toxins injected into their brows and around their eyes around three to four times a year. But that’s about where their similarities stop.
I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” Dr. Seth Matarasso, plastic surgeon
Dr. Seth Matarasso, a San Francisco-based plastic surgeon and clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, told HuffPost that it’s impossible to pinpoint a certain type of male who receives Botox. 
“I have Asian men, I have African-American men, I have white men, I have everyone,” Matarasso said, adding that he sees everyone from politicians and venture capitalists to baseball and hockey players. “I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” 
Matarasso added, “There is no demographic and to me that speaks volumes ― the fact that it’s crossing every racial, every sexual, every social demographic. There is no way to pigeon hole [a man] and say, ‘Oh, he’ll never get it.’” 
Competition in the workplace is a major motivation for men who get injections.
While the plastic surgeons agreed that women mostly got Botox to appear younger, every doctor cited competitiveness as a major – if not the major – reason men are getting more Botox.
“They’re simply having more procedures done because they want to maintain the competitiveness in an increasingly ageist workplace,” Dr. Daniel C. Mills, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery told HuffPost.
Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow, the stars of E!’s hit plastic surgery show “Botched,” both backed up Mills’ comments, saying men fear competition with a younger man.
“The younger and better you look, the better chance you have to stay in the market and compete,” Dubrow said. “It’s as simple as that.” 
Plastic surgeons are getting better at targeting men.
Dr. Daniel Maman, a board-credited plastic surgeon with 740 Park Plastic Surgery, said that in the past, most plastic surgery websites only targeted women. 
“A male would go onto your website and would only see pictures about [procedures for women]. Now we have a dedicated tab on our website for men and it has galleries showing pictures of men,” Dr. Maman said. 
And according to a recent Elle magazine piece, men are now also going to “Brotox caves” to get their procedures done. These special offices that cater specifically to men are decorated with faux snakeskin, giant TVs and even artwork chosen for a male audience. 
Spouses and significant others are encouraging these kinds of procedures. 
“Men blame their spouses with the ‘I don’t care but my wife/girlfriend wants me to do it,’ excuse,” Dr. Dubrow said..
Most of the doctors agreed that after men see the results of their significant others’ Botox, they’re more likely to give the procedure a try. 
“Men start with something they’re comfortable with – they’re going to start with toxins,” Dr. Matarasso told HuffPost. “Because [they’ll think to themselves], ‘My wife’s been doing it, my friend’s been doing it, I know it’s safe. I know it’s subtle.’ This isn’t your grandfather’s facelift.” 
Social media and online dating have also had a major influence. 
“I think with social media and men wanting to look good ― since honestly a lot of the older men are going out with younger women ― they do want to use Botox,” Dr. Nassif said.
Dr. Matarasso agreed, saying he’s seen people come in for a procedure because they were having their online profile pic updated. 
“It’s a visual society, whether you want to blame or give credit to the internet,” he said. 
Men are also becoming more open to these kinds of procedures. 
“More and more men care about their appearances now than ever and have begun to understand that taking good care of their skin and even utilizing injectables like Botox can help them maintain a healthier, more vibrant look,” Dr. Mills said. “Plus, men having a little work done isn’t stigmatized the way that it once was. It isn’t just for women anymore – not by a long shot.” 
It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” Dr. Daniel Maman, plastic surgeon
And while it is becoming more accepted, all of the doctors agreed that men would never come in to appointments together ― something a lot of women do. 
“[Men would] rather be caught bra shopping or buying condoms,” Dr. Dubrow said.
Part of that might be because of men’s low pain tolerance when it comes to toxin injections, which could explain why the procedure isn’t something they’d consider an enjoyable experience to share with friends.
“Men do not have the same pain threshold as women,” Dr. Matarasso said. “Women are much more stoic and say, ‘OK just put the needle in.’ Men tend to just be a little more needle-phobic.” 
And yet despite men’s hesitance to share in the experience together, they’re less afraid to talk about it. Dr. Maman explained, “It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” 
Statistically speaking, men still have a long way to go to catch up with women when it comes to the number of toxin procedures performed each year. But as the number of men who get Botox continues to rise, the number of lines on their faces will magically plummet.
The HuffPost Lifestyle newsletter will make you happier and healthier, one email at a time. Sign up here. 
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2q9Po3g
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rtawngs20815 · 7 years
Men Are Getting Botox Now More Than Ever. These Plastic Surgeons Explain Why.
It’s no secret ― men are getting more Botox now than ever before.
According to a recently released study from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men getting botulinum toxin injections (commonly known by their brand names as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) totaled 453,281 in 2016 ― adding up to 9.9 percent of total procedures done on both men and women. In 2015, a study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said that the number of men getting injections increased by 337 percent since 2000. 
With this concrete evidence that men are getting more Botox than ever, we couldn’t help but wonder why. And do their reasons for choosing the treatment differ from those of women? 
HuffPost reached out to five plastic surgeons based in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco to learn more about the men who are getting Botox and the reasons they’re doing it. 
Men who get Botox are generally 35 to 65 years old.  
The five doctors we spoke with all agreed on a few things – the men visiting their practices for toxins are typically 35 to 65 years old; they’re most often white-collar professionals in the business, law, fashion or art world with higher incomes; and they’re primarily getting toxins injected into their brows and around their eyes around three to four times a year. But that’s about where their similarities stop.
I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” Dr. Seth Matarasso, plastic surgeon
Dr. Seth Matarasso, a San Francisco-based plastic surgeon and clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, told HuffPost that it’s impossible to pinpoint a certain type of male who receives Botox. 
“I have Asian men, I have African-American men, I have white men, I have everyone,” Matarasso said, adding that he sees everyone from politicians and venture capitalists to baseball and hockey players. “I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” 
Matarasso added, “There is no demographic and to me that speaks volumes ― the fact that it’s crossing every racial, every sexual, every social demographic. There is no way to pigeon hole [a man] and say, ‘Oh, he’ll never get it.’” 
Competition in the workplace is a major motivation for men who get injections.
While the plastic surgeons agreed that women mostly got Botox to appear younger, every doctor cited competitiveness as a major – if not the major – reason men are getting more Botox.
“They’re simply having more procedures done because they want to maintain the competitiveness in an increasingly ageist workplace,” Dr. Daniel C. Mills, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery told HuffPost.
Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow, the stars of E!’s hit plastic surgery show “Botched,” both backed up Mills’ comments, saying men fear competition with a younger man.
“The younger and better you look, the better chance you have to stay in the market and compete,” Dubrow said. “It’s as simple as that.” 
Plastic surgeons are getting better at targeting men.
Dr. Daniel Maman, a board-credited plastic surgeon with 740 Park Plastic Surgery, said that in the past, most plastic surgery websites only targeted women. 
“A male would go onto your website and would only see pictures about [procedures for women]. Now we have a dedicated tab on our website for men and it has galleries showing pictures of men,” Dr. Maman said. 
And according to a recent Elle magazine piece, men are now also going to “Brotox caves” to get their procedures done. These special offices that cater specifically to men are decorated with faux snakeskin, giant TVs and even artwork chosen for a male audience. 
Spouses and significant others are encouraging these kinds of procedures. 
“Men blame their spouses with the ‘I don’t care but my wife/girlfriend wants me to do it,’ excuse,” Dr. Dubrow said..
Most of the doctors agreed that after men see the results of their significant others’ Botox, they’re more likely to give the procedure a try. 
“Men start with something they’re comfortable with – they’re going to start with toxins,” Dr. Matarasso told HuffPost. “Because [they’ll think to themselves], ‘My wife’s been doing it, my friend’s been doing it, I know it’s safe. I know it’s subtle.’ This isn’t your grandfather’s facelift.” 
Social media and online dating have also had a major influence. 
“I think with social media and men wanting to look good ― since honestly a lot of the older men are going out with younger women ― they do want to use Botox,” Dr. Nassif said.
Dr. Matarasso agreed, saying he’s seen people come in for a procedure because they were having their online profile pic updated. 
“It’s a visual society, whether you want to blame or give credit to the internet,” he said. 
Men are also becoming more open to these kinds of procedures. 
“More and more men care about their appearances now than ever and have begun to understand that taking good care of their skin and even utilizing injectables like Botox can help them maintain a healthier, more vibrant look,” Dr. Mills said. “Plus, men having a little work done isn’t stigmatized the way that it once was. It isn’t just for women anymore – not by a long shot.” 
It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” Dr. Daniel Maman, plastic surgeon
And while it is becoming more accepted, all of the doctors agreed that men would never come in to appointments together ― something a lot of women do. 
“[Men would] rather be caught bra shopping or buying condoms,” Dr. Dubrow said.
Part of that might be because of men’s low pain tolerance when it comes to toxin injections, which could explain why the procedure isn’t something they’d consider an enjoyable experience to share with friends.
“Men do not have the same pain threshold as women,” Dr. Matarasso said. “Women are much more stoic and say, ‘OK just put the needle in.’ Men tend to just be a little more needle-phobic.” 
And yet despite men’s hesitance to share in the experience together, they’re less afraid to talk about it. Dr. Maman explained, “It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” 
Statistically speaking, men still have a long way to go to catch up with women when it comes to the number of toxin procedures performed each year. But as the number of men who get Botox continues to rise, the number of lines on their faces will magically plummet.
The HuffPost Lifestyle newsletter will make you happier and healthier, one email at a time. Sign up here. 
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2q9Po3g
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rtscrndr53704 · 7 years
Men Are Getting Botox Now More Than Ever. These Plastic Surgeons Explain Why.
It’s no secret ― men are getting more Botox now than ever before.
According to a recently released study from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of men getting botulinum toxin injections (commonly known by their brand names as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) totaled 453,281 in 2016 ― adding up to 9.9 percent of total procedures done on both men and women. In 2015, a study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said that the number of men getting injections increased by 337 percent since 2000. 
With this concrete evidence that men are getting more Botox than ever, we couldn’t help but wonder why. And do their reasons for choosing the treatment differ from those of women? 
HuffPost reached out to five plastic surgeons based in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco to learn more about the men who are getting Botox and the reasons they’re doing it. 
Men who get Botox are generally 35 to 65 years old.  
The five doctors we spoke with all agreed on a few things – the men visiting their practices for toxins are typically 35 to 65 years old; they’re most often white-collar professionals in the business, law, fashion or art world with higher incomes; and they’re primarily getting toxins injected into their brows and around their eyes around three to four times a year. But that’s about where their similarities stop.
I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” Dr. Seth Matarasso, plastic surgeon
Dr. Seth Matarasso, a San Francisco-based plastic surgeon and clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, told HuffPost that it’s impossible to pinpoint a certain type of male who receives Botox. 
“I have Asian men, I have African-American men, I have white men, I have everyone,” Matarasso said, adding that he sees everyone from politicians and venture capitalists to baseball and hockey players. “I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He’s a Trumpite and he’s a toxin junkie.” 
Matarasso added, “There is no demographic and to me that speaks volumes ― the fact that it’s crossing every racial, every sexual, every social demographic. There is no way to pigeon hole [a man] and say, ‘Oh, he’ll never get it.’” 
Competition in the workplace is a major motivation for men who get injections.
While the plastic surgeons agreed that women mostly got Botox to appear younger, every doctor cited competitiveness as a major – if not the major – reason men are getting more Botox.
“They’re simply having more procedures done because they want to maintain the competitiveness in an increasingly ageist workplace,” Dr. Daniel C. Mills, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery told HuffPost.
Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow, the stars of E!’s hit plastic surgery show “Botched,” both backed up Mills’ comments, saying men fear competition with a younger man.
“The younger and better you look, the better chance you have to stay in the market and compete,” Dubrow said. “It’s as simple as that.” 
Plastic surgeons are getting better at targeting men.
Dr. Daniel Maman, a board-credited plastic surgeon with 740 Park Plastic Surgery, said that in the past, most plastic surgery websites only targeted women. 
“A male would go onto your website and would only see pictures about [procedures for women]. Now we have a dedicated tab on our website for men and it has galleries showing pictures of men,” Dr. Maman said. 
And according to a recent Elle magazine piece, men are now also going to “Brotox caves” to get their procedures done. These special offices that cater specifically to men are decorated with faux snakeskin, giant TVs and even artwork chosen for a male audience. 
Spouses and significant others are encouraging these kinds of procedures. 
“Men blame their spouses with the ‘I don’t care but my wife/girlfriend wants me to do it,’ excuse,” Dr. Dubrow said..
Most of the doctors agreed that after men see the results of their significant others’ Botox, they’re more likely to give the procedure a try. 
“Men start with something they’re comfortable with – they’re going to start with toxins,” Dr. Matarasso told HuffPost. “Because [they’ll think to themselves], ‘My wife’s been doing it, my friend’s been doing it, I know it’s safe. I know it’s subtle.’ This isn’t your grandfather’s facelift.” 
Social media and online dating have also had a major influence. 
“I think with social media and men wanting to look good ― since honestly a lot of the older men are going out with younger women ― they do want to use Botox,” Dr. Nassif said.
Dr. Matarasso agreed, saying he’s seen people come in for a procedure because they were having their online profile pic updated. 
“It’s a visual society, whether you want to blame or give credit to the internet,” he said. 
Men are also becoming more open to these kinds of procedures. 
“More and more men care about their appearances now than ever and have begun to understand that taking good care of their skin and even utilizing injectables like Botox can help them maintain a healthier, more vibrant look,” Dr. Mills said. “Plus, men having a little work done isn’t stigmatized the way that it once was. It isn’t just for women anymore – not by a long shot.” 
It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” Dr. Daniel Maman, plastic surgeon
And while it is becoming more accepted, all of the doctors agreed that men would never come in to appointments together ― something a lot of women do. 
“[Men would] rather be caught bra shopping or buying condoms,” Dr. Dubrow said.
Part of that might be because of men’s low pain tolerance when it comes to toxin injections, which could explain why the procedure isn’t something they’d consider an enjoyable experience to share with friends.
“Men do not have the same pain threshold as women,” Dr. Matarasso said. “Women are much more stoic and say, ‘OK just put the needle in.’ Men tend to just be a little more needle-phobic.” 
And yet despite men’s hesitance to share in the experience together, they’re less afraid to talk about it. Dr. Maman explained, “It’s no longer taboo for a guy to sit at a table with their guy friends from high school and say, ‘Oh you know, I had Botox,’ or, ‘Oh, I had liposuction.’ In general it’s becoming more accepted.” 
Statistically speaking, men still have a long way to go to catch up with women when it comes to the number of toxin procedures performed each year. But as the number of men who get Botox continues to rise, the number of lines on their faces will magically plummet.
The HuffPost Lifestyle newsletter will make you happier and healthier, one email at a time. Sign up here. 
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2q9Po3g
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Explore Male Plastic Surgery Los Angeles: The Ultimate Guide
Discover Male Plastic Surgery Los Angeles, specializing in cosmetic enhancements for men. From facelifts to body sculpting and hair restoration, enhance your confidence and aesthetics. Click here for more information on transformative procedures.
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surgisculptsblog · 3 months
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The Best Facelift for Men in SurgiSculpt
SurgiSculpt provides one of the best facelift procedures for men in Los Angeles, USA. Male facelifts are very different from their female counterparts. Give us a call to book your consultation, or fill out the form.
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