#Leap - 50%
loopnoid · 1 year
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a pity she does not exist a shame he's not a.....
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neatokeanosocks · 11 months
Estimating Twisted Wonderland's Circumference ONCE AND FOR ALL
howdy. In this post, I once attempted to figure out the circumference of Twisted wonderland. Instead, I failed, and just went mad collecting screenshots of random spheres that weren't/might be globes modeling the planet.
that's not important. What IS important is the rant about the map that we DO have that followed. y'see, it looks like this.
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Tilted. Cropped. Incomplete. Utterly infuriating. Anyway, we're gonna be working with my SUPERIOR map projection for this theory post.
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yeah it's literally just tilted so that North points straight up. There's almost no way to really tell what latitude location is or how large it is compared to the rest of the world... EXCEPT...
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it's pretty easy to label the middle section as "temperate," since summers are hot, winters are snowy, and every other season is pretty comfortable.
The northern parts of the Coral Sea can be determined as arctic or near-arctic, because Azul and the tweels don't bother being there during the winter due to the ice covering the water's surface. The furthest south that winter sea ice extends on earth is the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, at 43 degrees north.
Last but not least, as Sunset Savanna is based on the setting of the lion king, that makes it a tropical savanna. The most northern tropical savanna on earth is the Terai–Duar savanna at the base of the Himalayas in India, at 27 degrees north.
Therefore, this whole (VERY inexact) area I marked on this map that holds the temperate zone is around 16 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's latitude, possibly more.
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Now, we don't exactly have a giant perfect ruler that we can use for reference. but we DO have the next best thing: Sage's Island!
And 16 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's latitude seems to beeee…
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22 Sage's Islands long!
So this lil island is about 0.727 degrees long.
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Now, I'm none too confident in my island-length-guessing ability. So i gotta say Sage's Island is like... maybe 3 miles long, north to south.
Soooo... 3 miles is 0.727 degrees in Twisted Wonderland.
That means 1 degree is 4.126 miles.
And that means the full 360 degrees of Twisted Wonderland's circumference is... drumroll please...
1,485.36 miles/2390.46 kilometers.
Give or take, I mean. I'm not a scientist. I don't even play Twisted Wonderland.
PLEASE understand that is a TINY amount. Earth's circumference is 40,075.017 km. PLUTO has a circumference of 7,231 km. Twisted wonderland is smaller than Pluto.
We were ROBBED of Yuu being capable of jumping 50 feet in the air due to the weaker gravity.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 7 months
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takin a break from arc-v cuz my ass is getting Scared again
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danothan · 9 months
okay not to freak out but i think i might’ve found the one
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dangerxox · 1 year
As someone used to non-canon ships where we scrabble for crumbs of interaction, joining fandoms with good canon ships is weird. Like people ship it? Even though its canon? And it an actually good ship? They actually like eachother canonically??? THEY KISSED ON SCREEN???
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Is it just me or do some Bylers reach way too hard to defend Mike for things he was objectively wrong for? Like the rink o mania thing is a perfect example, Will was not being bitchy (onscreen) at all to Mike until the argument where Mike was the one who started it by blaming Will for not telling him about El’s problems. Mike was being a huge asshole there, which even he noticed and said Will didn’t deserve the way Mike treated him. He then apologized and Will accepted it because Will knows that Mike was genuinely remorseful and that he wanted to be best friends again. I hate to say this bc 99% of the time it is deeper than it looks but for this I just don’t get how you can watch and think Will was actually in the wrong.
i do enjoy a good reach and i get not wanting one character to be 100% in the right and one character to be 100% in the wrong in an argument and i don't even think mike was 100% in the wrong at rink o mania but when you back up a bit...what did will do wrong exactly lol.
do we agree with mike that he was a douche for...not telling him that el was being bullied? nonsensical. he didn't even know she was lying to him before the airport.
was he wrong for barely talking and basically sabotaging the whole day? a day el said was supposed to be about the two of them, making will third wheel and feel like shit just like in the beginning of season 3 and for months before that? right...because that makes sense.
was will in the wrong for not calling mike and for making it sound like it was his fault they didn't keep in touch? this one i can get behind but he would have let that go (the painting being a welcome gift doesn't scream resentful) had mike not made it clear that he wasn't interested in anything he had to say by...rejecting his hug, agreeing to the whole day being about him and el, ignoring him save for the vomit green joke, And not calling for months. if the first three hadn't occurred maybe will wouldn't have felt the need to defend himself when mike started a fight because he didn't tell him his gf was being bullied like he's their couples counselor or something
it's like you said mike literally starts the fight and then deflects (twice) and Then he apologizes...idk!
long-winded answer but how exactly was will being a dick lol. i know he apologizes for being mean to him and for pushing him away in the van scene but when exactly on march 22, 1986 was will mean to mike. i can see the pushing him away because he didn't call but he said he deserved the fight and admitted to being a jerk to el (literally HOW. when) and wouldn't let lucas apologize to him in season 3 so i'm not taking his self-deprecating martyr word for it SORRY
it's especially funny when you remember that mike trying to call will is a THEORY
#i know mike is self-deprecating too. this isn't about him💖#i know even byler being endgame is a theory but#and i GET IT like even if it turns out mike DIDN'T call he's not the devil or anything and i knoww why he acts like he does but when you#look at it from will's pov his behavior makes no fucking sense if he cares about him even a little. like why would he reject that hug lol#you could say him rejecting the hug was because he felt like they weren't friends anymore because will didn't call him and like sure but#then how is will not allowed to feel like they're not friends when mike doesn't call AND rejects his hug AND makes him third wheel all day#you can even say it was because he was like oh will gay can't make it obvious that i'm in love with him but that's just beyond the#realm of possibility to will. do you know what i mean? of course he's gonna think he doesn't care about him and doesn't even wanna hug him#hello after six months of not seeing him because he in fact didn't want to hug him. rejected the hug and made will feel like he was the#only one who wanted to be friends just like before#and really can you blame will for not calling when even without taking the fact that he's in love with mike into consideration the last#time he tried to show this friendship meant a lot to him he got shut down like crazy and was told that he was acting like a kid#i would've wanted mike to make a little bit of an effort too after that tf#and i know why he didn't call if he did in fact not call i know all that will isn't a tumblr byler he knows none of that not calling + not#hugging + agreeing to you not being important to the day + making you third wheel = not caring about you is not a crazy leap#if you wanna do the will isn't a perfect angel who is always 100% in the right thing (which i respect btw) i don't really see how#rink o mania helps your case I'M SORRY#you just will never convince me that it was 50/50#ask
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
🖤 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian 🖤
here's the 50th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: "the song that makes me think of you" by @sully-999
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly! [ read scenes one & two in their entirety ON AO3 ]
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Ian’s radiant, the sun’s halo encircling him like an angel.
Time bends again, this time for Mickey.
A kitchen of granite and stainless steel. 
Ian stands at the counter, a paring knife in hand, humming a familiar tune. The melody is just out of reach, but Mickey knows it’s theirs.
He smiles, coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. “That one again?” 
Ian nods. “Course. It’s the song that makes me think of you…” He twists slightly, pressing a kiss to Mickey’s temple.
“Fucking softie…”
They’ve got everything ahead of them. 
“La comida está lista, Mikhailo!”
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 month
Some spoke of a Great Leap Forward;* others of the Dawn of Human Culture or even the Big Bang of Human Consciousness.
*Mao Zedong coined this phrase in 1957 to describe his radical experiment in industrialization and collectivization in China. It was one of the worst disasters in world history, and by the time Mao called it off in 1962 maybe 30 million people had starved (I return to it in Chapter 10). This makes "Great Leap Forward" rather an odd term to describe the emergence of fully modern humans, but has caught on.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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enbeemagical · 11 months
Me: I don't like math
Also me: okay so 1,000 real-world years equals how much in Avalon time if an hour in Avalon equals a day in the real world? let's see, times 365 days in a year, and that's 365,000 hours in Avalon, divide by 24 for the number of days, and then again by 365 for the years....
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aurosoulart · 1 year
🌸 Cover The World With Flowers Update: we're now at 168 flowers!!! 1 flower = 1$ raised for The Nature Conservancy 🌍💚
wanna add more augmented reality flowers to my house, or request a specific kind? check out the Linktree for info on ways to donate!
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buggyandthebartoclub · 4 months
Sorry I won’t be on here for like 2 days I got a fat stack of voiceover scripts to get through (80 pages !!!)
And it started with over 100 that my child then came very close to breaking my laptop and managed to delete the massive chunk I already had done and could not salvage for some reason (no idea what he did while I was out of the room ugh) so I had to start over lol
If you need to reach me before I’m back try discord (same username buggyandthebartoclub) - tho I may not answer immediately I will be swamped in editing and recording
Gonna pop in some anime battle music in my headphones and hit the ground running I really want my next pay to be approved and processing before the end of the week lol
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sambeckettmybeloved · 2 years
The story of how Sam and Al met is so funny to me.
“Damn that man is really loosing a fight to a vending machine — new bestie alert 🤪🤪”
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voxiiferous · 1 year
Sunken Cost Relationship
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Vox and Valentino have been together for almost 50 years, on and off. They had their issues when they got together, like any couple, growing pains and the like. People always say not to mix business and pleasure, but when your business is pleasure, that gets murky. For the first 15 years, things were good. They rarely fought, and certainly never anything an apology couldn’t fix. It felt like a dream in Hell, something Vox had never dared hope for.
The first time they break up, Vox honestly believes it’s the end. Fifteen years is a good run, longer than most people— sure it’s not that long when forever’s on the table, or even those happy marriages where people have been married almost all their lives, but this is Hell, that’s just unreasonable.
And for three weeks that holds out. And then because their businesses are so extricable, they have a meeting that ends with them making out on the desk. It’s easy enough to say that breaking up was a mistake. And maybe their relationship is a little more fraught after that, but they move past it. They’re the Overlord power couple, it’ll take more than that to break them up.
They’re good in the 1990s, honestly. Sure Val breaks his screen for the first time, but it’s an accident. (And it is the first time, the second time it’s harder to defend, but he still does... and the third, and thr fourth). It’s all private, the only people who know that maybe something is amiss is Hellaina and some of Valentino’s employees. To the rest of Hell they’re just as united as they ever were.
Vox honestly can’t say when it changed, when the relationship started going ‘on-again off-again’, or when the off agains started getting longer, and more frequent. When it became a challenge to see who could post about Vox’s broken screen first. Probably just after it became public instead of private. A screaming match at dinner, a snippy comment at a party, forgotten dates, a missed anniversary. That one star of Val’s who looked at him like she was sorry (and that, try as he might, he’s never been able to forget).
Now, Vox brings flowers and apologies and holds onto the better times, like it’s a rough patch. Twenty-five years is a long time, but not when forever’s on the table.
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crazy56u · 9 months
Hot take: If Sam was ever forced to make a jello salad recipe during a leap, he and Al would probably have to choke down the urge to puke.
And you know damn well what I mean with “jello salad recipe”.
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The kind you show a person and demand “You look at this, and tell me with a straight face that there is a God.”
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afieldinengland · 2 years
thinking about peter cushing’s obviously deep, meticulous, and enthusiastic interest in the character of victor frankenstein as a doctor
#it’s everything. i don’t think there’s ever been another actor as meticulous as peter cushing…. i don’t think there could be now#the job of actor itself has changed. but every interview where he discusses playing the baron— every move and handling of an instrument was#studied. he joked his gp used to love it when he rang because he knew he wasn’t ill he just wanted to know how to take a brain out#he said something about if there happened to be a doctor in the audience he didn’t want them to spot him handling his scalpel etc#incorrectly— and i mean rightly so the baron is meant to be a surgeon above all surgeons after all— but that level of study and seriousness#is unparalleled i think. his approach to van helsing and sherlock holmes was very similiar— i imagine it was the same to all characters#honestly. he used to learn everyone’s lines not just his#but it brings something so unique and fascinating to hammer’s depiction of victor frankenstein. as someone who’ll probably always be a#little obsessed with the man. adding things like the janus-faced nature of the ‘bedside manner’ and the reputation of ‘the good doctor’#where they never featured in shelley’s original novel— i’m saying nothing new here but hammer’s victor has always#struck me as an extrapolation of what would happen if victor was stripped of his human limiting factors.#remorse. love. a family. mortality. and my points here are probably linked most to#the revenge of frankenstein (1958) but i think it applies in general.#but yes. i wish there were more surviving interviews of cushing discussing his relationship to ‘old frankenstein’ as he called him.#especially since surgery etc was coming on leaps and bounds at the time the films were being made— 50s > 70s is a long time in medicine#and he spoke about things like organ transplants with such fascination…. there’s a brain transplant in so many of the films of course#it does make you wonder. some things now would’ve fascinated him i think.#perhaps this is an odd thing to say but i wonder what he’d have made of transgender surgeries? i like to think he’d be deeply interested
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shortshowname · 10 months
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Day 55 of drawing Niko every day until the Gary's Garden DLC is released!
Autumn incoming!!
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