#Langston Kerman
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nakedcomedy · 1 year
Another perfect Besitos check in vid from Kat Toledo! Don't miss the next big show THIS THURSDAY 3/23 9p at The Lyric!
Save $5 now on early tix! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/besitos-tickets-522858201957
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Icons, The Boys, Batch 1/??   200x100 slightly sharpened.
Actress (Stormfront) - Charlize Theron #500 
Adam Bourke - P.J. Byrne #1,370 
Alastair Adana - Goran Visnjic #1,800 
Also Ashley - Sabrina Saudin #900 
Anika - Ana Sani #1,300
Ashley Barrett - Colby Minifie #14,700 
Becca Butcher - Shantel Van Santen  #7,800  
Black Noir - Nathan Mitchell #183 (maskless) 
Blue Hawk - Nick Wechsler #1,600 
Cameron Coleman - Matthew Edison #1,300 
Carol Manning - Jessica Hecht #915 
Cassandra - Katy Breier #3,500
Cherie - Jordana Lajoie  #1,000 
Cindy - Shawn Ashmore #500
Connie Butcher - Lesley Nicol  #248 
Crimson Countess - Laurie Holden  #1,700 
Donna January - Ann Cusack  #3,200 
Eagle the Archer - Langston Kerman  #1,400 
Elena - Nicola Coccia-Damude  #2,900 
Ezekiel - Shaun Benson  #1,000
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just-a-pole-sir · 9 months
Kendrick Sampson or Langston Kerman
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Ask me about two celeb guys and I’ll tell you which I find more attractive.
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90363462 · 2 years
Glen Wilson/HBO
15 'Insecure' Sex Scenes That'll Make You Go Back For More
Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
Sheriden Chanel
Jun. 17, 2022 03:00PM EST
It's been nearly half a year since the series finale of Insecureaired, and I'm still not over it. So much so, I've unapologetically binge-watched the series a couple of times since "Everything Gonna Be, Okay?!" had us shedding real tears as it was hard to say goodbye, okay?! The Issa Rae-created show offered a complex look into the normal lives of Black millennial women navigating adulthood. It was relatable, authentic, and easy for a lot of us to see ourselves at some point throughout the duration of the five-season run. Since its premiere in 2016, we've laughed, we've cried, and we've also taken a look in the mirror and challenged our own mirror selves to grow and leave comfort zones behind at times.
In addition to the subject matter, Insecure also struck a chord with its thoughtfully curated soundtrack and stunning visuals. And I can't be the only one who was a fan of the steamy sex scenes that often played out (of which my favorite were the ones that sort of popped up out of nowhere). Keep reading for an extensive list of all of the sex scenes in Insecure (excluding the finale season because they were few and far between and nobody has time for that). 
Spoilers are most definitely ahead.
Season 1, Episode 5: Issa’s first time with Daniel
Despite his chocolate skin and brilliant smile, I was never Team Daniel (Y’lan Noel). However, I could see the writing on the wall as the tension unfolded between episode 1 and episode 5 of Insecure’s first season leading to Issa (Issa Rae) cheating on her long-time love Lawrence (Jay Ellis) for the seemingly ambitious, charismatic Daniel who seemed like the one who got away. As soon as Daniel and Issa ended up running down a video of her on the internet and somehow ended up alone in the studio by the end of the episode, I knew what time it was. Plus sir told her things she thought she always wanted to hear from him, about being ready, so I knew the panties would drop shortly thereafter. And that they did.
Points for Issa trying to resist, but that kiss was only the beginning of a few things between Daniel King and Issa Dee. What unfolded was an indulgent gratuitous love scene that started on the couch, ended up on the floor, and also acted as the first sex scene we got on the show. For that reason, it rightfully earns this spot on our list. 
Honorable Mention: The brief flashbacks we got of the scene in the episode that came after. Whew.
Season 1, Episode 6: Molly and Jared get reacquainted
I still think the way Molly (Yvonne Orji) did Jared (Langston Kerman) was messed up. I understand that she felt like she was settling but there were quite a few noteworthy qualities about him that could have made her a great partner for her. Including the fact that he was creative with how he went about getting it in. He seemed content with allowing her to play the dominant role in their waking life, but in their sex life, he always found ways to make it known he was in control. And based on how she was cooking for Jared in the very next scene, I truly believe that was something Molly liked about their dynamic.
His affinity for dirty talk was very prominent in the two brief sex scenes between Molly and Jared in this episode, both of which coincidentally took place in kitchens. From “You still got errands, you still got errands?” to “You tried Blue Apron?” Jared was hitting all the right spots. Until he wasn’t.
Season 1, Episode 8: Lawrence’s ‘Revenge’
Okay, 'revenge' is a strong word but this is perhaps what ignited the fire of hate and created the divide on Twitter that would become us and them (better known as the Lawrence Hive versus everyone else). What I loved about Tasha (Dominique Perry) and Lawrence’s first sex scene together was the build-up as Lawrence went through a dance between whether he should stay and make things work with Issa or leave the relationship completely. His feeling of betrayal hit different because for weeks we viewed a very not-so-subtle-wit-it Tasha stay in the pocket and also boldly shoot her shot while he played the role of a dutiful boyfriend without a flicker of disloyalty. Meanwhile, we saw his partner do the opposite with a similar source of temptation. So even though as the main character, we hoped Issa and Lawrence would see a reprisal by the finale, we understood that the relationship was over, over. And I for one, appreciated the way he went about it. Tasha was head down, ass up, and we were here for it.
And after all that talk about Lawrence’s depressive episode and him allegedly not putting it down right (thanks Thug Yoda for that tidbit), we were able to confirm that he had the material and knew exactly what to do with it.
Season 2, Episode 1: Issa and Lawrence’s ex-sex
The sophomore season of Insecure started off with a bang, literally. In a moment of high emotions and confusion, Lawerence and Issa engaged in 30 seconds of passion remembering what was between them sexually. The blue couch that saw no action in the first season suddenly got a taste of what could be again as Lawrence and Issa gave into their indulgences and made a messy breakup somewhat messier. I found the ex-sex slip-up to be very realistic, especially in situations where closure hasn’t happened yet and there’s still a desire to be together. Though not one of the steamier love scenes featured in the series, it still holds a lot of weight because it was so damn relatable.
Honorable Mention: Earlier in the episode, a brief spooning sex exchange played between Lawrence and Tasha. So good he had her saying “daddy with a ‘z.’”
Season 2, Episode 3: Issa has sex with Neighbor Bae
Speaking of relatability, the very next sex scene between Issa and Neighbor Bae (Leon Thomas III) was also on point for that reason. Neighbor Bae, also known on the show as Eddie, made a couple of appearances before becoming a sometimes-y hookup for Issa and he was just what the doctor ordered in terms of helping her enter her “hoe phase” and get Lawrence’s recent dick-me-down out of sight and out of mind. During a somewhat lengthy scene, Issa and Eddie were able to work through the sometimes awkward reality of sex (especially first-time sex with someone new) by finding a position that worked for them and communicating along the way.
Sometimes the first new fuck after a breakup is the hardest. And what we saw was no-strings-attached sex between two consenting adults and it was great to see Issa get back in the game. As she exits his apartment, she receives a message from a dating app and reads it with a smile, showing the audience that she is single and officially ready to mingle. Dating roster and all.
Season 2, Episode 4: Lawrence has a threesome
Yeah, no comment on the actual threesome, but I will say I really appreciate the moments throughout the series where I could see the contrast between the “masculinity” Lawrence was trying to portray to the world versus the man he wanted to be (also of note, he is also navigating his own version of getting over his breakup). With his homeboy Chad (Neil Brown Jr.), there were instances in the series where Lawrence would just do something to get his approval but not necessarily because it was something he would feel good about in the end. Case in point, this threesome. But it also took me back to a scene earlier in the season where they are looking for a place together and Chad expresses being excited that Lawrence is shedding his “good guy” ways. So that was an interesting continuation of that theme.
Season 2, Episode 5: Molly has sex with Dro
In terms of what she wanted, Molly always had a hard time practicing what she preached in matters of the heart. That was no different in how she moved in her situationship with Dro (Sarunas J. Jackson). I knew from the minute they first interacted on-screen that she’d end up letting him in sexually and emotionally, especially because she was not feeling ole dude that was good on paper (Sterling K. Brown). When the illusion she had of her parents’ picture-perfect marriage shattered, it was only a matter of time before she’d stray from her checklist and find herself underneath a man with whom she had no future as an act of self-sabotage.
As soon as he walked her to the door, we knew what time it was. He tried to walk away but Molly grabbed him by the hand and gave him a look that asked him to stay. And underneath Dro is exactly where she found herself at the end of the episode, leading to a series of trysts between the two that would continue throughout the remainder of the season. 
Season 2, Episode 6: Issa, Daniel, and the infamous facial
I know the moment of the climax is the most talked-about aspect of this particular scene, but Daniel emitting that breathy moan when he first starts getting head? Yes. And him sinking into the couch before closing his eyes? Absolutely. And the attention to detail of holding her head closer to take more of “him” in when he is about to climax? Abso-fucking-lutely. To be frank, Issa’s dramatization following said unsolicited facial kind of killed what Daniel’s orgasm was doing for me, but still, I loved that we were able to get a sex scene where oral was more of the focus.
Honorable Mention: The intimate connection Molly and Dro have between them gets the visual treatment with a quick transition into them spooning. 
Season 3, Episode 1: Boundaries are a thing
Nothing super intense or indulgent played out in this episode as far as sex scenes go, instead, it seemed to be planting seeds and establishing dynamics based on where people were in their lives. Boundaries also seemed to be an important theme, as both Molly and Issa navigated situations with men who had feelings for them (and they too had feelings for) but men they also didn’t necessarily want to get themselves too caught up on because of the mess history alluded to be on the other side.
Honorable Mention(s): There is an opening scene where Daniel is attempting to make Issa jealous or at least painfully aware of what she’s missing out on by having loud sex with someone else. The slow pan across Daniel’s body was cinematography for the books. Also, loved that brief intermission of oral between Dro and Molly where she was sitting on the counter and he was nestled in between her legs, the emphasis was placed on her pleasure. I personally loved this scene because it felt like a parallel for where they were in their situationship. Molly was in a place where she was intent upon laying out her boundaries and as the episode played out (as well as the demise of their dealings), the two were fighting for control. And by the end, they both retreated and a white flag was raised. 
Season 3, Episode 3: The Issa and Daniel sex scene that never came to be
After a disappointing setback involving another producer, Daniel lashed out at Issa and called her out on some shit even though Issa’s line of questioning was perfectly on point. It resulted in a shutting down between both parties. Later that night though while laying together silently in bed, Daniel attempted to initiate sex with Issa. At first, she seemed to give in to his kisses and even seemed open to him eating her out, but instead of going backward with him again like we thought she would, Issa pumped the brakes and didn’t give in to the temptation because she knew the reality was, she couldn’t entertain Daniel in that way. The body is weak but the heart and mind were stronger.
Personally, I was relieved af. He’s fine but Daniel was one of the most emotionally immature men Issa had dealt with and I felt like their paths stopped and stalled so often for a reason. 
Honorable Mention: The “good morning oral sex” fantasy Issa had with Daniel involved extra spicy Hot Cheetos and some diligent head game.
Season 3, Episode 5: Issa and Nathan on the Ferris wheel
I felt the chemistry between Issa and Nathan (Kendrick Sampson) as soon as he dropped her taco earlier on in the season so when they reunited again during Coachella, I was like immediately yes. I never knew I would need a sex scene such as this, but everything from the cool-toned lighting to the Ferris wheel setting made this a contender for one of the best sex scenes on Insecure (for me). The lead-up conversation where Nathan made Issa feel seen and supported (another reason why I like him around for her character) added to how their first time played out. Issa pulled him in for a kiss, got onto his lap, and the rest was history.
I loved Nathan’s attention to her nipple (a detail we don’t often see, especially from the main actors) and when he told her to show him how much she wanted him, I understood why sis had no choice but to put her panties to the side and pull him into an impromptu ride. 
Season 4, Episode 1: Issa and her TSA cut buddy
After Nathan dropped the ball by turning into Ghost Bae, we are introduced to one of Issa’s next hookups at the beginning of the series’ fourth season. TSA Bae (Reggie Conquest) was putting in work and I lived for the thick fellas getting some love on the show and showing some nudity on top of that. Here for it! I also loved the nod to the sometimes underrated nature of how people look at missionary. As Issa classically said following their tryst, “Church is always in the answer.”
Honorable Mention: We got a glimpse into Lawrence and Condola’s (Christina Elmore) bedroom in this episode too, and I’ll just add it to the very short list of ways I felt did Lawrence and Condola wrong. The energy was just not…there.
Season 4, Episode 2: Issa and TSA Bae lose the condom
TSA Bae gets another quickie in as Issa’s go-to cut buddy at the start of this season. I personally loved seeing such diversity in love interests in this show, from size to race, which is why some of the fourth season’s love scenes stand out to me. This orgasm-inducing scene between Issa and TSA Bae in particular even added some butt playto the mix. Initially, Issa is shown positioned over the side of the bed while TSA Bae is thrusting out Issa’s “stress.” After she orgasms, they switch to a modified missionary position so he can get his. Sir respectfully requests that Issa press his “button” during to intensify his climax. Here. For. It.
Honorable Mention: Take the cake Andrew (Alexander Hodge), take the cake. IYKYK. 
Season 4, Episode 2: Issa and TSA Bae lose the condom
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TSA Bae gets another quickie in as Issa’s go-to cut buddy at the start of this season. I personally loved seeing such diversity in love interests in this show, from size to race, which is why some of the fourth season’s love scenes stand out to me. This orgasm-inducing scene between Issa and TSA Bae in particular even added some butt playto the mix. Initially, Issa is shown positioned over the side of the bed while TSA Bae is thrusting out Issa’s “stress.” After she orgasms, they switch to a modified missionary position so he can get his. Sir respectfully requests that Issa press his “button” during to intensify his climax. Here. For. It.
Honorable Mention: Take the cake Andrew (Alexander Hodge), take the cake. IYKYK. 
Season 4, Episode 7: Andrew and Molly’s vacation sex
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Merie W. Wallace/HBO
On their first couple’s baecation, Andrew and Molly prioritize experimenting. Our first taste of that was when Andrew snuck his hand beneath her blanket while in the air. An easy life hack for joining the Mile High Club without joining the Mile High Club. The conversation about what they like and want to explore continues when they enter their hotel room and bring out the toys they decided to try on the trip. Molly says she knows she likes the fingering sesh from on the plane and wants to try the balcony. They take it outside where Andrew thrusts into her while holding her neck and the beauty of Puerto Vallarta surrounds them.
Honorable Mention: Molly taps into her dominant side later when she slides that thang up to Andrew’s face while he’s blindfolded. She does this before instructing Andrew to eat her ass. He humbly obliges.
Season 4, Episode 8: Issa and Lawrence reunite for real, for real this time
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I felt this reunion in my soul. Even though it was a reunion I didn’t know I was going to get, the combination of the real conversations they had and the body-to-body connection they were able to reignite by the end of the episode was everything. Lawrence and Issa were introduced as a couple at the beginning of the series and lost their way due to Issa cheating on him with Daniel. It was great to see that down the road, both of them were able to make peace with their contributions to the demise of the relationship and take accountability for their actions. It was also beautiful to note that Condola was a catalyst in Lawrence seeing something through that he might have always had a question mark about since it was shown to viewers that he was ready to marry Issa back in the first season. From the second they kissed, it seemed that they were finally coming home to each other where they had become better people and were in a better place. Coming together after falling apart.
Honorable Mention(s): Technically, the Lawrence and Issa sex montage happens at the start of the next episode but due to it being the only sex scene in episode 9, I’ll just place it here. The fact that all of the sex between the couple happened on or against his couch was a nice nod to previous episodes where a couch has seemed central to their shared intimacy. 
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Featured image by Glen Wilson/HBO
Featured image by Glen Wilson/HBO
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Sheriden Chanel
Sheriden Chanel is the senior lifestyle and relationships editor at xoNecole.com, covering all things love, life, beauty, and wellness. She has an affinity for travel, self-care, and anything BTS touches. Keep up with her on social@sheridenchanel.
ElevateHer Is Back! Get Your Gifting On With 100 Black Women-Owned Products To Choose From
We’re pleased to announce that ElevateHer, your favorite online marketplace, is back and better than ever! 
Launched in 2021 with the mission of connecting xoNecole shoppers to small Black women-owned businesses, th ElevateHer shop has returned with even more fly finds for the holiday season! As our tribe knows, xoNecole doesn't just talk about supporting Black women business owners, we infuse the love in everything we do. Our brand has always emphasized the importance of highlighting Black women entrepreneurs through our editorial platform and events, which is why we’re thrilled to bring back our newest ElevateHer Shop, powered by SheaMoisture! 
Our 2022 iteration of ElevateHER showcases 100 Black-women-owned products that spark holiday joy in five curated collections. Our list includes self-care (Treat Yourself), cozy homewares (Dope Adobes), perfect presents for your significant other (It’s The You For Me), style (It’s A Lewk), and the best in beauty and skincare (Glowin’ & Poppin’) - we have it all!! No matter who you’re shopping for, you're guaranteed to find that wow factor in every gift! 
To complement our ElevateHer shop, we’ve elevated the experience with a plethora of interactive moments. In partnership with SheaMoisture, we’ll be highlighting holiday hair stories that will inspire your next big 2023 look. We’ll also curate shopping guides for Black Friday, to make shopping for Black-owned products as easy as possible. And lastly, but most excitingly - for the first time, our team tapped 5 entrepreneurs featured in the shop to be our ElevateHer Ambassadors! To get to know them better, each ElevateHer ambassador will represent a specific category, and xoNecole will highlight each ambassador’s inspiring story of success! And the good vibes don't stop there! Each ambassador will host an Instagram giveaway where you'll get a chance to win a product from their storefront as well as $100 worth of SheaMoisture goodies! 
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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laresearchette · 3 days
Friday, May 31, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT? COUPLES THERAPY (Premiering on June 02 on Crave at 10:00pm) GOLD RUSH: PARKER’S TRAIL (Premiering on June 11 on Discovery Canada at 10:00pm)
US WOMEN’S OPEN (TSN3) 12:00pm: Second Round - Part I (TSN3) 2:00pm: Second Round - Part II
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 6:30pm: Pirates vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Rays vs. Orioles (SN1) 10:00pm: Yankees vs. Giants
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN5) 7:00pm: Alouettes vs. RedBlacks (TSN/TSN5) 10:00pm: Elks vs. Lions
2024 MEMORIAL CUP (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Semi-Final: Moose Jaw Warriors vs. Saginaw Spirit
CANADIAN SCREEN AWARDS (CBC) 8:00pm: Comedian Mae Martin hosts the 2024 Canadian Screen Awards celebrating the best in Canadian film and television.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 8:30pm: Game 5 - Oilers vs. Stars
JUST FOR LAUGHS (CBC) 9:00pm: Jack Whitehall hosts a gala featuring Arthur Simeon, Foil Arms and Hog, Zabrina Douglas, Melanie Bracewell and Langston Kerman.
OBITUARY (CTV Drama) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): When her editor informs her that she will be paid per article, an obituarist for a small-town newspaper begins murdering people to avoid going broke; Elvira's plans are upended when she falls for the paper's dogged new crime correspondent.
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DRAG RACE FRANCE (Crave 2) 10:05pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Ten drag queens compete to be the French drag superstar.
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northsiderasta · 7 months
Langston Kerman: “I Feel Like the Only Kid That Fell for the D.A.R.E. Ca...
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blaqsbi · 10 months
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Post: Yes We Cannabis Method Man, Sam Richardson, Langston Kerman & Punkie Johnson Featured In Scripted... https://www.blaqsbi.com/5ido
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flightypiscean · 1 year
Someone said Dave East is the sexiest man alive. What!?!?! Don't get me wrong. He's not ugly, but sexiest!?!? I was immediately inspired to create MY list of 100 men who are just as sexy, if not sexier, than Dave East.
41.) Langston Kerman
42.) Y'lan Noel
43.) Mike Colter
44.) Duane Martin
45.) Mel Jackson
46.) Berto Colon
47.) Justin Marcel McManus
48.) Leon
49.) Lil Scrappy
50.) Stevie J
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fmhiphop · 2 years
TV Writer, Stand-Up Comedian, And Star Of Netflix Animation Series 'Big Mouth,' Jak Knight, Dead At 28
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Some terrible news has been released to the world! On July 14, Jak Knight died at the age of 28. He was a TV writer, stand-up comic, and actor. People obtained a report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner stating that Knight was found bleeding from a gunshot wound on a dam in Los Angeles, California. As a result of the investigation, suicide has been determined as the cause of death. Upon learning of his passing, comedians, fans, and actors took to Twitter to express their sorrow and to remember him. "My heart goes out to his family, by blood and by comedy, and everyone who loved Jak," wrote "Big Mouth" co-creator Andrew Goldberg. "There were a lot of us, and we miss him already." Jak Knight was an incredible voice and spirit in comedy. We really lost an incredible light in our world. I sincerely hope you’re at peace now brother. — ju-c smollet (@freebrokefuture) July 19, 2022 Overview of Jak Knight's Career Often, individuals begin at the bottom and work their way up to reach their desired level of success in life. LieGuys was Jak's first acting role in 2014. He played an iPhone cameraman in the film. Besides performing live stand-ups, he opened for several well-known comedians, including Dave Chappelle and Eric Andre. Furthermore, he has appeared in several popular series, such as the animated Netflix sitcom Big Mouth, where he voiced the character DeVon and the television series Black-ish. Furthermore, in March 2022, he appeared in the Peacock comedy series Bust Down. He shared the lead role with Chris Redd, Sam Jay, and Langston Kerman.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Jak Knight (@jakknight123) Important Message During this challenging time, the FMHipHop family extends its condolences to the Knight family. Moreover, the importance of mental health cannot be overstated! The most upsetting thing is when a person is suffering so much that they contemplate committing suicide. Also, ensure that a person experiencing mental health issues is not made to feel guilty. In addition, if someone requires assistance, they should seek it as soon as possible before things worsen. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, don't hesitate to contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988, text "988" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741, or go to 988lifeline.org. Written by Nikiya Biggs RELATED STORIES: Rapper J $tash Commits Suicide After Shooting Woman In Front of Her Kids Read the full article
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reportwire · 2 years
Comedian Jak Knight dead at 28 -
Comedian Jak Knight dead at 28 –
Some sad news for the comedy community. Comedian Jak Knight – a hilarious up-and-coming comic whose star had been on the rise – has passed away at the age of 28. He reportedly died Thursday night of undisclosed reasons. Knight had been having a pretty good years professionally the last two years. He had created the Peacock series Bust Down alongside Sam Jay and Langston Kerman. He also starred in…
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Sorted screencaps from The Boys, S1-3. Found HERE.
A-Train / Jessie T. Usher #16,800
Actress (Stormfront) - Charlize Theron #500
Adam Bourke - P.J. Byrne #1,370
Alastair Adana - Goran Visnjic #1,800
Also Ashley - Sabrina Saudin #900
Anika - Ana Sani #1,300
Annie January / Starlighter - Erin Moriarty  #78,000
Ashley Barrett - Colby Minifie #14,700
Becca Butcher - Shantel Van Santen  #7,800
Billy Butcher - Karl Urban #64,800
Black Noir - Nathan Mitchell #183
Blue Hawk - Nick Wechsler #1,600
Cameron Coleman - Matthew Edison #1,300
Carol Manning - Jessica Hecht #915
Cassandra - Katy Breier #3,500
Cherie - Jordana Lajoie  #1,000
Connie Butcher - Lesley Nicol  #248
Crimson Countess - Laurie Holden  #1,700
Donna January - Ann Cusack  #3,200
Eagle the Archer - Langston Kerman  #1,400
Elena - Nicola Coccia-Damude  #2,900
Ezekiel - Shaun Benson  #1,000
Frenchie -  Tomer Capone  #30,000
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Grace Mallory - Laila Robins  #7,500
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950
Homelander - Antony Starr #80,000
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300
Hughie Campbell - Jack Quaid  #82,800
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400
Kenji Miyashiro / Mouse - Abraham Lim #1,800
Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep - Chace Crawford #22,174
Kimiko Miyashiro - Karen Fukuhara #20,000
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
Madelyn Stillwell - Elisabeth Shue #12,400
Maggie Shaw / Maeve - Dominique McElligott #23,600
Mesmer - Haley Joel Osment / Aram Avakian #3,700
Mindstorm - Ryan Blakely #411
Monique - Frances Turner / Alvina August #1,500
Mother’s Milk - Laz Alonso #25,000
Nathan - Christian Keyes #2,500
Popclaw - Brittany Allen #3,300
Robert Singer - Jim Beaver #1,800
Robin - Jess Salgueiro #800
Ryan - Cameron Crovetti #8,000
Sam Butcher - John Noble #500
Soldier Boy - Jensen Ackles #8,900
Stan Edgar - Giancarlo Esposito #6,400
Stormfront - Aya Cash #15,400
Supersonic - Miles Gaston Villanueva #3,400
Susan Raynor - Jennifer Esposito #2,900
Tessa (TNT) - Kristin Booth #600
The Legend - Paul Reiser #1,800
Todd - Matthew Gorman #1,200
Tommy (TNT) - Jack Doolan #600
Translucent - Alex Hassell #800
Victoria Neuman -  Claudia Doumit #7,500
Young Butcher - Luca Villacis / Josh Zaharia #300
Young Lenny - Bruno Rudolf #800
Young Mallory - Sarah Swire #1,600
Young Nadia - Elisa Paszt #200
Young Sam Butcher - Brendan Murray #150
Young Stan Edgar - Justin Davis #800
Young Starlight - Maya Misaljevic #500
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busdriver · 2 years
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trashbending · 2 years
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laresearchette · 1 month
Thursday, April 25, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
IIHF U18 MEN’S HOCKEY (TSN) 7:00am: U.S. vs. Slovakia (TSN/TSN4) 12:00pm: Sweden vs. Canada
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:30pm: Jays vs. Royals (SN Now) 4:00pm: Dodgers vs. Nationals (TSN2) 7:00pm: A’s vs. Yankees
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Game 3 - Panthers vs. Lightning (SN360) 7:30pm: Game 3 - Hurricanes vs. Islanders
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Game 3 - Cavaliers vs. Magic (TSN3/TSN5) 10:00pm: Game 3 - Nuggets vs. Lakers
THE BRIDGE (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm: Halfway into the competition, rival beaches meet for the first time for a chance at an advantage.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 8:00pm: Hanging Planters and a Decorative Challenge
JUST FOR LAUGHS (CBC) 9:00pm: Jack Whitehall hosts a gala featuring Arthur Simeon, Foil Arms and Hog, Zabrina Douglas, Melanie Bracewell and Langston Kerman.
LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: Each team has 10 hours to create a build that functions from the power of a wind machine.
PORTRAIT ARTIST OF THE YEAR (Makeful) 9:00pm: Sue Barker, Alan Titchmarsh, Philippa Perry
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: Thriving: A Dissociated Reverie; The Tragic Fall of Valerie Mallory Fink
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