waywardsunlight · 3 months
I think Luz's trauma due to being an abuse victim gets ignored a lot in favor of other characters. Luz has an odd role in the fandom as this character who other characters rely on, or who isn't an abuse victim but is supportive of her friends who are, and I think that ends up missing a huge part of her story.
Belos compliments her a lot, which is partially because he wants to reach out to her and mostly because he thinks he can manipulate her. He does some backhanded compliments, telling her she's improved but she still has work to do to catch up to him. He also thanks her quite a few times. The way he thanks her intentionally triggers her guilt, especially when he thanks her for helping him with Hunter. He also compliments her to put other people down, like when he tells her she's "better than this" (implying their race makes them morally superior).
He also uses the same manipulation tactic on Luz that he does on Hunter, although it doesn't work as well on her. He tries to remove his own agency for his physical violence by blaming the Curse. The biggest example is in King's Tide, when he pretends he can't hear her as he's racing after her to try and kill her. He ends up cutting her face while pretending to be out of control and then in the same sequence has full control and clarity to talk to Hunter and the Collector. He gaslights Luz by trying to make it seem like it was The Curse causing him to act in the way he did.
He refers to Luz as "crazy" to invalidate her emotions and harming Hunter in front of her also is a form of abuse. He's obviously aware that hurting Hunter traumatizes Luz (and everyone else) but as his focus transfers from Hunter to Luz in Hollow Mind, he starts targeting her specifically by harming Hunter to hurt her (especially in TTT). Belos shifts the blame for events from himself to Luz and also attempts to make her feel guilty. Hunter seems to understand that Luz is also being abused and tries to reassure her that Belos is an abuser and she shouldn't take what he says at face value. Luz ends up taking that advice to heart after she's able to forgive herself and face Belos. She doesn't speak to him but is able to hear his manipulation tactics and just. stare at him bc he's full of bullshit.
Just because he 'only' hits her a few times and isn't her guardian doesn't mean he can't abuse her or that he didn't. It's not really a protagonist-antagonist relationship as much as it is "adult man nuking 14 year old repeatedly until she becomes god and kills him". The idea that child abuse can only come from parents and not role models or other adults in your life is odd, because he distinctly holds a position of power over her (literally an Emperor and an adult who intentionally isolates her and the other kids alone to abuse them) and uses it to emotionally and physically harm her.
Papa Titan has to reassure her that she's okay to kill Belos because he's literally a serial killer who's lying about his intentions. Luz still slightly falls for Belos's sympathetic line until that moment because he very intentionally tried to get her to feel bad for him and also feel guilt about herself.
This is also why I really detest any fandom takes where Belos canonically is supposed to care about her, or Luz owes him anything. Manipulation is not sympathetic. Belos committed premeditated murder and then used the remains of his murder victim to try to make a "Better Version" of his murder victim which was actually just a way to punish him repeatedly and keep taking out revenge on kids who had nothing to do with the original conflict. Belos is Luz's abuser also, and Luz doesn't owe him any sort of kindness or consideration and her anger is valid.
Luz is an abuse victim of Belos's in addition to Hunter and the Collector (and Vee/Lilith by extension), and she should be considered as such rather than her trauma being invalidated in favor of other characters.
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samssims · 5 months
Hi Sam! I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on how to make simblr fun again? I love storytelling (it's how I have fun with the game) but lately with writing posts and even in game, I just find myself stressing over if it's good/interesting enough or if I took good screenshots, if my writing is good, etc. I love this game and sharing my stories with this community, so it sucks to feel like this. Thank you sm ♥
Oh Nonny, how I feel this pain. I wish I had a sure fire answer to this but sadly there isn't just one thing that will work.
I will put some advice below for some things that have worked for me in my experience if you're interested in trying them out to try to find that spark again!
Now I have been on tumblr sharing my sims since 2013 so I have seen the community change a lot. Things change, people come and go, it's just the natural way of things. So a lot of the time your community can change around you and so a few years ago sims storytelling was really popular and it was the thing everyone was doing. And I mean everyone.
But now things have sort of fallen off or shifted and there is no shame in that for those who moved onto other things and hobbies. Sims storytelling, at it's core, is a hobby. No one is making money off of it (unless you write it all down and get it published in which case, hell yeah go you!)
That being said, finding your spark again is going to be finding what YOU like about storytelling in the sims.
So here are some tips you can try out in the game to keep it fresh and exciting:
Play the Game
The game has changed a lot and added a lot. It came out in 2014. It's about to be 10 years old. With expansions still being added. Honestly having a family where you can just play through what the game offers you can offer inspiration on how to use in game things for story related things later on.
I have found having a lowkey gameplay (for yourself or even for your blog if you are posting) is an easy way to stay active in the community while keeping things low stakes and casual for yourself while you work on finding your spark again.
Change Up your Post Style
Idk about you Nonny, but nothing gets me less motivated than having to edit photos. If I could just point, shoot, and post, I would have content coming out my ears. Which is what I started doing with my Princess Legacy. All I do is crop it. I add some things here and there but really it's all pretty much easy.
Now I have done it all.
Prose on photos.
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Prose under photos:
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Icons Only:
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Gameplay Only:
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And finally just cropped:
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Now what is the best? That is personal preference especially for the project you are doing. However I have definitely discovered the crop method to be SUPER helpful.
It makes me not have to worry about the whole photo. Sometimes I have this SUPER awesome detail in the back of a photo but when I crop them I lose all that. Which is not good for storytelling lets be honest but does force me to focus on what is actually important in the shot.
Example: Here is the full cottage photo from above You can see that I cropped out a lot of the cottage in favor of being able to see the deer and swans as i thought that was more a cozy fairytale vibe than just the cottage itself. I lost a lot of this detail yet the point still came across.
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TBH the paired crop photos also makes me cut out a lot of access photos if they don't have a pair. It's sort of made me realize how much I don't need to take screenshots of. Though I am definitely an overtaker of photos so I always have plenty to choose from. Sometimes I even queue them then look back and realize they aren't needed and delete. It's humbled me a bit.
I could break down every one of these posting styles but that's a whole other thing you didn't ask about.
TLDR of this section is to experiment with how you post. You can have a lot of fun with that.
If Something is Boring, Skip it.
Do you hate the infant stage? Age them past it. Do you hate the winter months in game? Set seasons to never have winter. Do you hate in game holidays ruining your plans? Delete them all from your calendar. Is it a crucial part to your story? Not anymore. Write around it. Or find some creative angles and dialogue to write over it.
Make the game fit you!
Follow the Inspo
Have inspiration to make a new sim in CAS? Do it! Want to make a whole new save? Have an idea for one scene that could start a whole story but you have nothing else for it? DO IT!!!
The game is supposed to be fun. If you have inspiration for a project, live in it. Have fun with it.
But Sam, what if only lasts 2 weeks and I never touch it again?
Me too, babes. Happens to me all the time. Own it. Keep it around in case you want to mess with it later. Have 10 million saves. It's your life and if it brings you a moment of joy to work on it, then it totally is worth it.
If you want to be like me: Be chaotic and post it too. Then private the posts later when you decide to never touch it again. Never delete tho. I always tend to regret deleted things.
Find Your Community
You should ultimately write and create for yourself, but find others who are doing it too! Lift them up as well! Use one day a week on your blog to give reblogs or shoutouts to your fellow creators and writers! It's all about lifting each other up and making friends who all have the same hobby as us.
Try New Challenges
A lot of my sims storytelling started from inspiration around legacy challenges. I loved to take challenge rules and figure out how to make a story around them. But remember: Rules are made to be broken. Especially in favor of a good story.
If you are working on a current challenge/story, find another to merge with it or to give yourself a heck of a fun plot twist. There are no rules!
Have Fun!
This is sort of the whole crux of it, right? And if you're not having fun then...
Take a Break
You are not beholden to your queue! Let it die out! Disappear for 6 months. Return when you want. Go play Animal Crossing or BG3 or whatever it is at the moment. Sims is a hobby. But it does not have to be your ONLY hobby. Let your brain rest.
In my case, whenever I leave the sims I am always filled with ideas and ready to come back in like 3 days.
This could also mean take a break from your save too. Maybe spend some time in CAS. Or in build mode. Or cleaning out your mods. You can still do sims things while letting your story brain rest.
There is no right answer for this, Nonny. I promise your photos are all gorgeous and your story is wonderful! But creativity like anything ebbs and flows so give yourself that grace to let yourself rest and just enjoy the game again, or enjoy time away from it! You deserve it you superstar creator!
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purplecyborgnewt · 1 year
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seherstudies · 1 year
amazarashi  ベストアルバム『メッセジーボトル』
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Note: I recently go amazarashi's メッセジーボトル and from what I understood, every album of the band is accompanied with a short message inside the case. This is my very scuffed translation of the one in メッセジーボトル. It was a huge challenge for me because I suck at translating (poetry)... If there are some mistakes or if you think I misunderstood something, please let me know!
終わりから始まった僕らに 怖いものなんて何もなかった 旅路に宛はなく ここじゃないどこかを探す 雨風にたゆたう 波間にメッセじーボトル
For us, who began at the end, there was nothing that could fright us. This journey has no end goal. We were simply looking for a somewhere that is not here. Messages in a bottle amidst the waves, drifting in rain and wind.
恒久的な欠落を 埋めようともがくあの日の覚悟。 あれから七年後 ようやく辿り着いたこの岸辺へと 正解でも 間違いでも それがわかるのはどうせ未来。 そう言って託した未来に今立って 結局言えることなんて何一つなくて
There was a resolve on that one day, to try to fill up the permanent void. Seven years after that, I finally find myself at the shore. Whether it is right or wrong, only time will tell. But standing now in the future that I was entrusted with, there is nothing I can say in the end.
吐き出す度に磨り減り 抗う度に傷つき けど、それ故の気付き 書き留めるだけの日々 空白を埋める生き死に 手を差し伸べてくれた導き 手放した分の重み 背負い歩き続ける意味
I vomited and became worn out. I resisted things and got injured. But a realisation led me to write down messages day after day. For them, to act as a guidance that reach out to the living and dying to fill their void. Messages about the meaning of continuing with heavy burdens on your shoulders and about letting them go.
何か変わると信じて託した言葉 音の間。 過去から見れば 今日の僕が合わせるつじつま 五分四十秒答え合わせ 過ぎた時間こそ笑え 「間違ってなかった」という為の今日だ
When things change, believe in the words that were entrusted to you through the music. Judging prom the past, the you of today is just fine. You may have taken five minutes and forty seconds to compare your answers your journey has brought, but just laugh at the time that has passed. Today is the day to say, "I wasn't wrong."
逃げ道でもない 感傷でもない 凍る夜に 縋り付ける温み そういう記憶だけを思い出と呼んで 還らぬと決めたらまた旅路へ戻れ 今日だってどうせやまない雨 運命と呼ばれる全てを疑え 降らば降れと天を睨みつけ どうか光へ進め
These words are not meant to be an escape route nor a sentimentality, but a warmth that embraces the freezing night. Call on memories like these only. If you decide to not return to your old self, then once again commence your journey. Even if it keeps raining today, doubt everything called fate. "Rain! If you must fall, fall!" glare at the sky and continue forward to the light.
Below are grammar and vocab notes.
Nだって: 'even'; the more casual version of でも Difference between でも and さえ: the first one is for adequate examples while さえ; for more info, this post is great
VようとV: 'in an attempt to do'; for more info about ~ようと~ check out and again, for more info, have this post
Aから見れば: 'If you look at it from A's point of view'; if A is a person, it expresses a judgment or estimation from that person's point of view. It A is a state or situation, it expresses a judgement based on that situation
あ- Stem + ば: ~らば means なら, except that it's an old pattern. Nowadays it's mostly used in very stilted speech and implies "Let it go" or "I don't care". Two common expressions are:
死なば死ね: Let them die if necessary; I don't mind if they/you/I die
笑わば笑え: If they laugh at me, let them do so (I don't care)
旅路 (たびじ)– route you travel on 宛 (あて)– recipient of a letter or gift たゆたう - to drift about 波間(なみま)- interval between the waves, gap between waves
恒久的 (こうきゅうてき)– permanent, perpetual, lasting 欠落(けつらく) - missing, lacking 埋める (うめる) to bury (e.g. in the ground); to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall) もがく – to struggle 覚悟 (かくご)– readiness, preparedness 辿り着く (たどりつく)- to arrive at (after a struggle), to finally reach, to find one's way to, to finally hit on (e.g. an idea) 岸辺(きしべ)- shore 託す (たくす)- to have someone deliver (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (through someone), to leave (a message) with someone
吐き出す(はきだす) – to vomit, to spit out 磨り減る (すりへる)- to be worn down, to be reduced 抗う (あらがう)- to go against, to fight against, to oppose, to resist, to deny 傷つく (きずつく)- to be wounded, to get injured; to get hurt feelings それ故(それゆえ) – therefore, for that reason, so, because of that 書き留める (かきとめる)– to write down 空白 (くうはく)– blank space (in documents);Lack of a part of a continuing thing 生き死に (いきしに)– life and death; life or death 差し伸べる (さしのべる)– to hold out, to extend (one’s hands), to stretch 導く (みちびく)– to guide, to lead, to show the way 手放す (てばなす)– to let go of, to release; to part with eg a posession, person 背負う(せおう)– to carry on one’s back; to be burdened with 辻褄を合わせる(つじつまをあわせる)- make sense. match the logic.
逃げ道 (にげみち)– no way out 感傷 (かんしょう)– sentiment, sentimentality 縋り付く (すがりつく)– to cling to, to embrace 記憶 (きおく)– memorz, recollection; memory 還る (かえる)– to return, to return back to earth 疑う(うたがう)- to doubt, to distrust() 睨みつける(にらみつける)- to scowl at, to glare at
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mossbed-roots · 4 months
LU has me by the throat again, I'm working on some drabbles right now to figure voices out but heres an au idea i NEED to get out regardless if i ever make fic/art for it
modern LU ghost hunter au inspired by the "Wind sees ghosts" tag ans the vibes of 111 Winchester
Most Links have had a brush with a "spirit world" in some way or another so i feel like this is a hobby that could bring them together. everyone brings something different to the table
Wind sees ghosts (duh), has pretty much all his life. So does Spirit cause they're like cousins or smth. Wind wants to do an investigation on a creepy old house with lots of reported activity (shit's like haunted haunted, almost no one has been able to go inside). He figures he needs a team on this one and puts out a call on a paranormal forum he frequents. you'll never guess who responds
Four is haunted by the Colors as spirits that have attached themselves to him. They are relatively harmless, though they're kinda stuck to his soul and no one's sure how to feel about this. As far as he knows he's the only one who can see or hear them. they can posses Four one at a time but he really does not like suddenly not existing in his own body. Four's not much of a ghost hunter but he does know plenty about using metals and tools to dispatch evil spirits. He's in this mostly for answers about his own haunting
Legend and Hyrule are long-distance friends and the only ones to know each other before the investigation. Magic exists in this setting, but is not widely practiced, and Hyrule is VERY well-versed in magic (im calling magic practitioners "witches". Wild is one too) Rulie's very sensitive to dark and light energies, and has honed sigil and casting skills. Legend is on the more physical side of things, wielding artifacts and cursed objects from his large collection of...stuff. He's been cursed more than a few times himself. Legend also supplies some goofy ghost hunt equipment, but Twi has most of that covered
Twilight can step into the spirit world with Midna's help, where his spirit often takes the form of a wolf to protect him. He's got a sense for dark energies and can directly confront these malevolent creatures where others might have trouble perceiving them. Aside from that hes the camera guy. He brings the flashlights, the recorders, any equipment he can carry.
Wild is their Guy In The Chair bc he insists they need someone on the outside. I've decided his presence determines whether they get the Good or Bad ending
so turns out this place is like BAD haunted and oh no! Once the boys go in they can't find a way out
the house is a nexus, drawing in as many souls as it can and just feeding on them. There's also probably demons too but like the place itself is imbued with bad evil energy. Time and Wars are here but they are ghosts, drawn in and trapped for longer than they can remember. They are pretty much the only friendly ones here
Twilight finds Sky trapped in the Spirit World side of the house. think like he entered a Silent Realm and couldn't get out. Twi is able to pull him out bc of his weird dark world shit (on the outside Sky has been a missing person for months)
That's uh enough for now I think. enough of an outline for me to come back to. i am very normal about this fledgling idea
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auber-dee · 2 years
I know some of the reactions to Nona have seen it as a bit of filler, but to me it is such and important part of the series because it takes the time to really dig into the themes that Muir’s been weaving throughout the books so far. 
Like, there are really two parts to the book: Nona’s story, and John’s story. Both centre around the idea of learning who this person is and what they’ve done. They’re even presented in parallel to emphasize that similarity. And the central questions are the same ones we’ve been dealing with the whole way through: How strong is love, really? Is forgiveness? Are there some things that can’t be forgiven? That shouldn’t be forgiven? Are you forever defined by your trauma, bound by the mistakes of your past, the ones that made you who you are today? Is it possible to hold onto who you were and still grow beyond what you have been?
In John’s story, he says that once people have seen you a certain way, there’s no going back. They can’t unsee it and you can’t undo it. So really, he was right to edit his friends’ memories, removing their knowledge of what he’d done. It was the only way forward. And obviously that’s awful and wrong of him, but also… the protagonist of Nona is literally amnesiac, and is happy that way. Her lack of memory allows her to have a life filled with hope and love, with family and friendship, that she could never have had as herself. 
The only people who loved Alecto as Alecto were John and Harrow. Everyone who meets Nona loves her, the readers not excepted. And Nona only exists because Alecto lost access to the parts of her(?)self that knew who and what she was. She is, in many ways, proof of John’s point, and we love that for her. We’re sad when she loses it. Nona is innocence, and we mourn her death terribly. 
And then you have John, believing in “no takebacksies” firmly enough to manipulate every single person around him, and what does he actually want more than anything, even though he can’t accept it?
“I still love you.”
So is he right that it’s a kindness to relieve someone of the burden of their memories? Isn’t that the only way we get Nona? We love Nona. But is it truly happiness if you need to lose part of yourself to achieve it? … it’s all very complicated, says Nona the Ninth. But love is there, at the centre of it all somewhere, the good and the bad alike.
And really, that’s at the centre of why I love these books so much. They’re over here screaming “both can be true!” from the mountaintops so loud that you have to practically read them with your eyes closed to miss it. You can try to flatten these characters, reject their nuance, but they resist it at every turn. 
They’re the opposite of a morality play. No one is all good or all bad, always right or always wrong. They’re just people in situations, trying to figure it out like the rest of us. And ultimately, the books have said so far, for as long as you live (and perhaps beyond that) you will be presented with choices. Often, the options will be shitty, choices constrained by terrible forces beyond your control. You will fuck up. You will choose poorly, and you will hurt people. There is no avoiding that. But insofar as we have had heroics in these books, it has always been in those times where a character has chosen to help. 
It’s as simple as that, and it makes me lose it a little every time it plays out on the pages: Try to help the people around you, whenever you can, however you can. That’s what Nona does — who she is — and that’s what John loses sight of, in the end.
(And maybe don’t mind-wipe your friends when you fuck up, because they probably won’t appreciate it if they find out.)
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wprowers · 2 years
i want to talk about sonic boom characters.
Long post warning.
First of all i would like to say that i really enjoy sonic boom !! I think it has a really healthy and silly humor that for me it's always welcome, so i like this show and its characters. But don't take my opinion as something biased bc i don't really think it is, i can't be biased towards a piece of media that holds little to no value to the true canon mainline games.
I have seen people dragging this show to hell, and at the time it came out it recieved a LOT of criticism for VALID reasons, valid when it comes to comparing them to the actual canon personalities of these characters (which varies from media to media but its mostly the same concept, but you can't say they haven't fucked up in the characterization of certain characters in mainline games but thats for another day).
But neither sonic or amy or tails or whoever in boom actually have any meaning at all, do they have a backstory? a purpose? any serious fight? is eggman even their enemy? Absolutely not!!
If we are talking about knuckles, he is not smart !! he doesn't have a life mission to protect the emerald !! There's nothing going on for him !! he doesn't even remember anything, in one episode he suddenly realized he didn't have a family and started to look for one, getting manipulated into an "evil" complot and that's he most arc he has ever gotten in boom (found family trope at the end of the ep, rlly cute)
And i did see some worries about the franchise being influenced by the boom! characterization. Mostly for knuckles and amy.
As for knuckles i think that some of you watched the scu shortfilm and immediately thought that they were bringing boom!knux into the mix, i disagree wholeheartedly with this (if s3 comes out and it is like that well then...) i think that scu!knux is just someone who gets represented by his pure heart (as every good representation of knuckles) and lack of knowledge of his surroundings and the people who came into his life. He gets easily manipulated and doesn't know what icecream is, bc he has been a loner for so long !! and he does not know earth, that does not mean he's stupid in any way, and i dont think that's what they would go for in s3.
And for Amy I've seen the discourse that boom! generated around her, some claiming that it was the best amy, for her not overly girly attitude maybe or for the fact that her affection towards sonic was hidden and she didn't show it at all, even though it was stated that she liked him.
So I've seen people saying that due to this amy being well received, it has influenced on how they made her in modern media, which i don't think is that much of a true tbh??? Like besides twitter takeovers, i haven't seen much of boom!amy influence in any other thing, perhaps yes they took a different take for her in frontiers or other modern games, but she has always been true to what really her character is, sonic or not Amy is Amy. Its not about how they made boom! canon suddenly but what is the path they want her character to take while she is still connected to her emotions and love for sonic and everyone.
And no i don't think boom!amy is the best version of amy, i don't think any boom! character is the best version of themselves and they will never be, because there is nothing that conveys their true selves in this interpretation, so it's impossible for these characters to be that.
LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT BOOM!SHADOW because that boy is not shadow at all, then again this is a character that suffered a lot of misinterpretations from his own creators so,,,
So im not making really any point in here?
just simply stating the obvious !! sonic boom is a show that you watch to have fun ! it does not have any action or true emotional moments, never has the team gone through a serious situation. You watch it because it's silly and you don't expect much else from it! Everyone is loveable in their own way if you look at them with the right eyes, so maybe you could enjoy this show without thinking about how out of character most things are.
love you sonic boom i will always defend you
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dgttwisted · 2 years
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art by @oriigirii​ 
Name: Matilda Draconia
Birthday: October 1st
Floyd’s nickname: Orca
Dorm: Diasomnia 
species: dragon fea
height: 8'9
age: 18/25/(100′s of years old fea are like that don’t worry about it)
   Child hood     
despite the last name she is actually Malleus’s cousin not sister however due to her parents rather unhealthy treatment of Matilda in her young age she fell under Lilia’s care. 
her parents were in love with each other an loved Matilda when she was in the egg. but because of there circumstances they were in (the war) they put heavy pressure on Matilda.
one a fea doctor one a powerful fea mage they put pressure on Matilda to be the same to never settle then anything less then perfection. they got her addicted to coffee at such a young age despite the fact it no longer makes her awake in any sense of the word she still drinks it. she was only allowed out briefly for exercises which she would use to sneak off an play with kids in a near by village.
she was close with one child in particular human child who was always sickly even though they couldn’t run around like the other kids Matilda found herself spending the most time with this child. Matilda could tell that there condition was getting worse, with the amount of studying she did on the regular she saw a book mentioning that fairy dust or horns could have healing properties. She didn’t give it much thought after that using her own magic to sever one of her horns in half an gave that horn to her friend.
“this will heal you!”
that was probably the most optimistic Matilda had sounded in her life however that didn’t last. the child died that very night holding onto Matilda’s horn, the Child was buried with that horn.
Sense then nothing she did was ever good enough after all she couldn’t save the one thing the one person she cared about. her parents were no help on the matter saying that it was a waste to spend such effort on a human.
Mallenoa stepped in furious that family of hers would treat there own child in such an awful way. "do you not love your own child!?" she rescued Matilda from them an just like Mal had Lilia take care of her.
school life
Matilda is still addicted to coffee she is usually seen with tired eyes an a coffee mug in her hands. she’s tall an muscular though she only really throws down when harshly provoked or if you bring up a sore spot(her horns are a good example of that). 
despite her constant exhaustion she gets good grades all around more often or not she tends to have to tutor Silver sense he passes out him class all the time.  
Matilda unsurprisingly gets along very well with Riddle sense they had similar parenting situations she can sympathize with him. they don’t speak much Riddle is a dorm leader an all but Matilda respects him.
She tolerates Ace’s shenanigans mostly she just feels bad that Duece ends up getting caught in the crossfire. she can tell he’s working hard even if it’s slower then most.
despite not being one for drama an barely using her magi account cater an Wendy( @oriigirii​  )often have a gossip corner. though it mostly consists of Cater an Wendy gossiping an Matilda just vibing an drinking coffee.
Matilda only wishes she could sleep as well as Leona does she needs someone to at least be in the room with her if Matilda wants any sleep. so she’s only a tiny bit envious of Leona. Leona first impression when seeing Matilda for the first time "oh god there is two of you?" also calls her lizard from time to time. in an odd way makes her happy that Leona treats her like her brother.
Lilia will sometimes limit Matilda’s coffee intake in a day so Matilda pays Ruggie in advanced to pass her coffee during class. mutual beneficial relationship seems to there MO.
Matilda an Jack see each other on runs every morning they have mutual respect for each other.
Charlie(  @oriigirii​ ) mutual vibe buddies! but in all seriousness just like Wendy an Floyd(we’ll get to him) he’s one of few people she doesn’t mind showing her horns to as they talk sense she knows he’s not gonna be nosy about it. he’s also one of few she feels fine sparing with.
Matilda’s relation ship with the octotrio is an interesting one to say the least a story worth sharing sense all three share a part in this story.
“Azul Ashengrotto” she spoke as she did so Azul looked up from his counting his look of annoyance turned into the friendly businessman smile that he always gets when he senses an opportunity.
Matilda came in after hours an found exactly who she was looking for Azul sitting on a table counting money Jade an Floyd standing shadowing over him as you does so.
“speaking an who might you be?” Azul says in a charming way
“OI!!! don’t ignore me answer my question” Floyd came behind Matilda an smacked the hat off her head.
She had heard stories of contracts going bad an shady deals. But the only rumor that Matilda cared about was that Azul was an expert an brewing potions.
“whats with the dumb hat!” Floyd shouted Matilda flat out ignored Matilda tossed Azul a vile of a certain potion made for a specific purpose “ Matilda Draconia i hear your an expert an brewing positions name your price an i’ll happily pay in return i’d like more of this potion as much as you can make-” Floyd smacked Matilda's hat off her head.
Before the hat could hit the ground Matilda turned around wined up her fist an punched Floyd Square in the chest sending him flying into the tables behind him. Matilda reached down grabbed her hat placed it back on her head an turned back to face Azul “i’ll pay you back for the tables as well-”
“she’d make a great enforcer if Floyd were ever in a bad mood” Jade said with a smile seemingly not worried with the fact this woman just sent his brother flying.
“i was thinking the same thing!” Azul said drawing up a contract as they spoke “work for me as an enforcer as well as kitchen staff you’ll not only get potions but minmum wage!”
“ Matilda Draconia?” Jade cued “i wasn’t aware Malleus had siblings-”
this wasn’t quite the deal she was expecting “do i get free coffee to?”
“i don’t see why not!” Azul said gleefully
then an only then did Jade go to check on his brother “Floyd? you doing ok?”
“deal” she turns to leave “oh an about what you saw?”
“our lips are sealed we look forward to working with you” he waved as she left
“yes Floyd?”
“i think I’m in love with that Orca!”
“oh dear you hit your head to hard Floyd?”
in conclusion they are coworkers and sort of friends?
Kalim it’s not hard statement saying of course they get along great who doesn’t Kalim get along with. 
Jamil an Matilda have a unique relationship of i wont bother you if you don’t bother me. she’ll never say it but she does find Jamil quite handsome.
Vil wants desperately to give Matilda a skin care kit an for her to actually get a good nights rest. Matilda wants to sleep to she just plagued with nightmares so coffee she still drinks. Vil will pin her down one of these days just you wait!
Rook more interested in hunting her after all she’s a dragon fea just like Mal so why wouldn’t he be intrested. “watching her has yet to be boring~!” despite being tired all the time Matilda finds herself in one weird situation after another!
Epel saw Matilda chuck someone across the court yard so he’s been asking her to teach him how to do that for a while now.
idia has only ever talked to Matilda threw his floating ipad sense the idea of talking to a real life girl scares him. even though Matilda is only really scary if you try pissing her off.
“her states are way to good she’s be op if she didn’t have the tired debuff”
“what?” Matilda didn’t understand that
Ortho!! cute robo boy! they are very concerned about Matilda’s health try to have idia upgrade him with the tools to lull someone to sleep he’s worried she could die of sleep deprivation.
Matilda does respect Mal a lot but also sometimes finds herself in direct competition with him sometimes. mostly in skills with magic an such Malleus tells her “not to worry about it an not to push herself” to her it sounds like mocking but Malleus is just worried about her sense he does view Matilda as a sister
Matilda tried to give advice to one of her freinds who had a crush on someone what she meant to say “just be direct” what she actually said “most times me an Floyd fight out whatever feelings we currently have for each other you should try that” it’s led to one or to problems. Problems like Sebek thinking her word like Malleus's is the most important one out there so takes what she says way to seriously.
Silver tries to help Matilda sleep better an Matilda tries to help Silver not doze off so much. but usually it results in them falling asleep on each other while they study.
Lostaria ( @oriigirii​ )
an she will never ever tell Wendy this but Wendy reminds Matilda of the human friend she had lost all those years ago. probably why she acts so violently to anyone who so much as looks at Wendy the wrong way. she almost beat a student half to death because they punched him Wendy had to calm her down.
Wendy!!! Wendy is a very important friend to Matilda an not just because he buys her coffee all the time. Wendy is probably one of her best friends she can actually be herself around Wendy an not feel judged for doing so. they fly together sometimes talk a lot a lot!! Wendy mostly talking about his crush an gossip around school an what color he’s gonna paint Matilda’s nails!!
Matilda listens an tries to give questionable advice, one time she could tell Wendy was in a sad mood instead of asking what was wrong she tried a more direct method. she picked up Azul an chucked him at Wendy with her thought processes being “now that they are close they can have a date an Wendy will be happy!” she’s an interesting wingman to say the least.
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yvonneloveposting · 2 years
Gathering of all the Jennette photos I can find
This post is gonna be LONG so I'll try to put breaks every so often so sane people don't have to see it. This is just a collection of photos in case anyone every wants to reference them. Or you just really like Jennette. Prepare for the coming of the Jennettes.
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Today, for the second time, I dreamt that my parents were leading a cult.
They were about to have a ceremony that would turn my father into a Cthulhu looking humanoid, not affect my mother and turn their followers into zombie like monsters (their skin would turn ashy, eyes empty, only driven by a hunger for flesh).
Anyway, today again (this is the second time they have this ceremony in my dreams) I refused to partake in it so my father threw a handful of wasted rice in the room in which I planned to barricade myself so that the famished mindless monsters would attack me first since I was the closest to them.
We were in a huge complex made of shipping containers, in the countryside. And right next to the shipping container in which I planned to barricade myself there was a library full of old books, I went in and saw a guy who had come here with parents, I could see he had been bidding things in here but pretended I hadn't witnessed anything and started talking about literature. He left, and I picked some books to keep me occupied during the ceremony and it's aftermath. I cleaned up the room I would be using so it didn't smell like spoiled food and wouldn't bring the monsters to attack me and barely closed the front door in time for the beginning of the ceremony. The back was too heavy and wouldn't budge so I ran out as the sky turned to red and scaled up the side of the containers to get to the roof.
There I could see the ceremony unfolding. I went to hide on the other side of the complex, sat on a lower roof above a window, when a boy my age came over to me. I was surprised to see him as I was sure he was a loyal follower and would choose the transformation like the others as it was a great honour and a blessing to them. But he hadn't, he was kind, we spoke a little, he wrapped his vest around my shoulders, gave me a warm mug of milk and a chocolate covered biscuit, "my favourite thing to eat when I'm distressed" , he had said. He smiled gently, accepted to take back his vest and climbed down again, jogging away like in those romantic movies tropes.
Immediately, I stood up and climbed up again, he was a spy, a retriever, he would come back and capture me. My heart beat faster than ever as anxiety rose up in me but still I ran across the roofs, jumping to other roofs, I looked back and saw him pursuing me. I ran like a beast before a wild fire. Jumping and climbing higher still, but he wouldn't give. Over, to the left, I could see the ceremony had worked and they had all transformed into mindless creatures (aside from mother and father, of course).
Eventually I stood on a really high roof and couldn't get to any other roof so I started climbing down the walls, looking through every window if it was safe for me to get in. He was getting closer still, I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and finally I went in through a window. The small old lady saw I was in a state of dissaray and looked on as I rushed to her locked front door. I hid fast as I saw Him coming in through the window, the blood rushing in my ears drowned out everything they were saying. I saw in a reflection, the old lady coming to the door and unlocking it.
Yet as I made a move to get to the door discreetly, the old lady bumped into the big boxes, sending them toppling onto the ground.
Frozen in shock, I turned my head around and saw him looking at me, nonchalantly half sat on the table. He smiled darkly at me, ready to collect his prize.
The old lady had betrayed me.
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twolittledemons · 1 year
Sylvie: Pa showed us a “quote maker”–
Cecile: He said you can force people to say stuff–
Sylvie: Or something like that–
Cecile: So here’s some shit! Oh, and, sorry, there’s a lot–
Sylvie: ARE YOU-
George: Fucking.
George: Fucking.
Sylvie: IDIOT!
Laf: …What was that?
George: Cecile banned Sylvie from swearing, so I’m helping her out.
Laf: I'm cold.
George: Here, take my hoodie.
Sylvie: I'm cold.
Cecile: I can't control the weather, Sylvie.
*after George gets surgery and is loopy from the anesthesia*
Laf, gesturing to George: Sylvie, look what you did! You made Mom upset!
Cecile: Mom, please don’t cry, we’re sorry!
Sylvie: I’m sorry Mom... :(
Laf: Ducks are better than rabbits.
Sylvie: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks.
Cecile: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey.
Sylvie: We’re not talking about flavour, Cecile!
Cecile: Flavour counts!
Sylvie: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone?
George: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier?
Sylvie: Okay, but-
Cecile: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out!
Laf: I- Jesus-
Cecile, Sylvie & Laf: *screaming*
George: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Laf?!
Cecile: Wait, why are you asking Pa that when Sylvie and I are also here?
George: Because Pa wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Sylvie: Pa, we're hungry!
Cecile: Pa! What's for dinner?
George: We're hungry, Laf!
Laf, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams*
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Laf: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
George: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Cecile: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Sylvie: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Cecile: *flips the board*
Laf: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Cecile: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
George, throwing a pokeball at Sylvie: Sylvie, I choose you!
Sylvie, not looking up from her book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
George: Laf! I can't do this stupid math!
Laf: What’s the math problem?
George: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Cecile, covering Sylvie’s ears, while Laf smacks George upside the head: Not gonna lie that was hella smooth.
Cecile: My stomach growled super loud in French.
Cecile: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class.
Laf: Bonjour.
Sylvie: Le growl.
George: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Laf: How late were you up last night?
Cecile & Sylvie, in tandem: Me?
Laf: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.
Laf, to George: You.
Laf: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.
George: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Sylvie: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
Cecile: Good. Thanks, dad.
George: You just called Laf “dad”. You just said “thanks, dad.”
Cecile: What? No, I didn’t. I said “thanks, man”.
Laf: Do you see me as a father figure, Cecile?
Cecile: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Sylvie: Hey! Show your father some respect!
George: *tapping fingers on table*
Laf: *taps fingers back furiously*
Cecile: …What’s going on?
Sylvie: Morse code. They’re talking.
George: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Laf: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
[Translation: Yur The Cutest]
George: And here we have a capitalist.
Laf: Did you just-
Sylvie: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible.
Laf: I give up. I am so tired.
Sylvie: Get the emergency supply!
George: *carries Cecile and places her in front of Laf*
Cecile: *smiles*
*The girls are learning CPR on a test dummy*
George: So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Sylvie: No, Dad. They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
George: No, that’s not part of it—
Sylvie: Where are they? You know what? If we come across somebody with no arms or legs do we bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there?
Cecile: I would want to live with no legs.
Sylvie: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Cecile. You don’t do anything.
George: All right, well, lets get back to it. ‘Cause you’re losing him.
Sylvie: *pumps frantically*
George: Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Sylvie: Okay, that’s uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour?
Laf: How’s that gonna help you?
Sylvie: I will divide and then count to it.
Laf: Right.
George: Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Sylvie: Yes, yes I do. I love that song. *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.
George: Why do you act like we’re three year olds?
Laf, exasperated: WHY?!?
Laf points at Cecile: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
Cecile: *falls down the stairs*
Laf: Are you okay?
George: Stop falling down the stairs!
Sylvie: How’d the ground taste?
George: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Cecile: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Sylvie: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Laf: Girls.
Sylvie: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions?
George: Put spaghetti in it.
Sylvie: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you.
Cecile: Put spaghetti in it.
Sylvie: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two.
Laf: Put spaghetti in it.
Sylvie: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Laf: Are you laughing at that video of Cecile and Sylvie fighting?
George: No.
George: I'm laughing at the comments.
George: Today at 7 am, Laf poured a Monster energy drink in his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Sylvie: I watched Pa brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he ascended into the astral realm.
Cecile: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
Laf: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
George: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Laf: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
George: But I heard a siren.
Cecile: That was Sylvie.
Sylvie: Sorry, I got nervous.
Sylvie: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
Laf: Throw rocks at he.
George: Hot Dogs.
Cecile: Kill him.
Sylvie: Thanks guys.
George: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Sylvie, Laf, & Cecile: Okay.
George: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Laf: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Sylvie: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Cecile: Bold of you to assume I can die.
George: Yesterday, I watched Cecile try to eat a decorative rock from Sylvie's potted plant. Laf caught her, and told her she can't eat rocks. Cecile started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
Laf, watching Cecile and Sylvie fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt?
George, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other.
Laf: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three?
Cecile: Dad.
Sylvie: Dad.
George: Me.
*Laf is in the kitchen and he hears a crash from the living room*
Laf, running into the living room: WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?!
Cecile, looking at the broken TV screen and the remote on the floor: I was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand!
Laf: And Dad didn’t stop you?!
Cecile, pointing at a sleeping George: He’s been asleep for the past three hours.
Sylvie, walking in, oblivious to the situation: Hey guys-
Sylvie, realizing: Wait, is the TV broken? Why?!
Laf, pointing at Cecile: She threw the remote onto the TV stand.
Sylvie: Come on! That’s the 5th time this week and it’s 2 in the morning on a Tuesday!
George, waking up to see the situation: *yawns* How long was I out?
George, seeing the broken TV: OH GOD NOT AGAIN! CECILE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO!
Cecile: You were asleep! And I always take a window of opportunity when I see it!
Laf, George & Sylvie, in unison: But you broke the-
Cecile: My work here is done. If anyone asks, I was never. *dashes out of the living room*
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
George, with Cecile and Sylvie behind him: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
George: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
Laf: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Sylvie: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard.
Cecile: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
George: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
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purplecyborgnewt · 1 year
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“Hello, Barry.“
Part 1 of 6.
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 months
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Such a pretty film!
Frozen II
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feelo-fick · 6 months
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"Oh, FINALLY, another visitor! It's so quiet in here, it's unnerving..."
This AU was meant to be posted on halloween but eh.... Happy Thanksgiving? HAHAHHA
still dont have a name for it, but basically, back in october i was suddenly hit with the need to have a halloween au, so now we have ghost-ified prismo and vampire/witch-ified scarab :D ( although didnt finish the scarab reference spread in time because uh, school and i lost motivation unfortunately )
au synopsis and rambling below the cut!!
the premise of this au is simple : scarab is a real estate agent whos known for his manners ( never barges in, always waits to be invited! though it is a little weird how he keeps asking to be let inside even if they already agreed that he was going to come over... ) and efficiency at his job - that is, convincing people to buy high-end housing for a good price. although his social skills need some... work, his ability to persuade people isnt something to be laughed at.
unfortunately for him, persuading the higher-ups is a completely different story - which he learned the hard way after flunking something big for the company. they dont choose to fire him, no. instead, they put him through a trial, assigning him to sell their most unprofitable property : the mansion in a small town locally known for being haunted by an "evil spirit". if scarab manages to sell it (for good profit) within six months, he is excused and is able to go on with his job. if not... well, best not to think about it, yes? after all, he'll succeed with ease - all he has to do is dispel any worries about some fake "ghost" that only exists as a result of filthy rumors. maybe clean up the place. not too hard, right?
meanwhile, stuck inside said mansion is an extremely bored prismo. hes been hangin around this place for like... how many years now? forty? a hundred? meh, all the same, lately the place has been quieter than usual. i mean- of course people dont just walk into a creepy mansion every day, but there would usually be at least a few bold kids or vloggers coming in now and then for him to entertain but even then they wouldn't stay long ( for obvious reasons ). and now, just some unbound spirits or dumb animals would pass by and thats about it. a guy can only entertain himself for so long, yknow?
that is, until today. when some posh-looking business man entered the premises and started snooping around ( whats the deal with that, by the way?? ). must be prismo's lucky day!! this is the perfect chance to pull out all the stops and play the FUNNIEST prank ever! hah!
... oh. looks like things've gotten a little out of hand.
WOOT WOOT WOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!! im so so happy to finish this because ohhhhh my god this has taken ages for no reason other than the fact that ive been really dragging myself to make presentable art JSNDJSJXNSJX.... i realize that i have never worked in real estate ( or at all ) which means i have probably fucked something up but uhh um ill deal with the backlash later :"D im also realizing how many odd unanswered bits and bobs this au is going to have in the future, which... i am ignoring for the most part for now, but there are SOME things that i DO have figured out like ghost lore... but thats for another time, for now i leave you with this >:)
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 7 months
I love how JC looked at the avatar mobile game in 2019 and went “Let’s use it to casually confirm RDA’s illegal experimentation projects🥰”
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Meet Volodin Adrik. Yes, this image is from an official avatar game and yes, that is a horrid half Na’vi, half viperwolf mutant in the background.
Like did we suspect that RDA had top secret laboratories where fucked up scientists would create monstrosities and tortue ppl? Yeah, but it’s criminal that we got it confirmed years ago in a MOBILE STRATEGY game that isn’t even available in half of the regions around the globe.
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
It's been rotating in my head all morning and since I have to wait a few hours to get my day started, might as well throw my two cents in a proper post
We really should talk about Kerry Eurodyne
Now before you run off, I think it's important to point something out; As a fandom veteran who been here since early 2021, I think others will agree when I say that the discourse surrounding Kerry has always been a hot topic that comes back around every few weeks- but why does it keep coming back?
I'm well placed to know that ignoring a problem and not talking about it publicly doesn't solve anything; everyone is quick to throw assumption and accusations, to make "callout" post, to blow things out of proportions, to take someones's squick as personal attack, and the mob mentality does the rest; everyone follow whoever is going to be the loudest about an ongoing "fandom drama"
This isn't an attempt to show anyone that they're "wrong" or "right"; there is no right or wrong in this recurring discourse. This post is an attempt at opening an healthy and mature conversation! I come in peace gfhgfh
Prefacing this by saying that I'm not a Kerry fan, and I'm not bisexual. So why the hell do I care? Well to be frank, I don't particularly care, I have my own opinions on the character, but I do care (to an extent) about this "community" and I hate seeing what happened to me happen to others, especially new commers who never meant anything wrong. Nobody deserves to be bullied out of a fandom for sharing their opinions on their own blog/space!
Alright this intro was long but let's get on it- buckle up cause this is going to be a looooot of rambling
Through the years/months, I've noticed something rather sad; this isn't a debate between bisexual people vs biphobic people, as a lot of people might think and assume; this has always been queer people sharing, sometimes in a really awkward and hurtful way, their interpretation of a character (don't block me yet, please hear me out)
Those who know me knows that I personally care a lot about the canon and writers's visions, so first I want to share some posts about Kerry made by his literal "parents"
Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, Narrative Designer at CDPR, shared informations on the different romance interest back in December 2020, on the game's release day
When asked about a MLM relationship option, here what he states:
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(don't leave just yet)
On a now-deleted comment, RTalsorianGames, original creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop game and by definition original creator of Kerry Eurodyne, stated the following:
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Please note that CDPR did in fact consult with Mike himself about Kerry being a MLM exclusive romance!
(Also this isn't a debate about if Kerry cares about V or not, let's not derail this conversation, remember that everyone is allowed to interpret a character and a relationship as they wish)
I wanted to share these tweets to point something really important; there is no "right" or "wrong" label for Kerry, and it all boils down to interpretation < key word
Kerry have multiple states; we HAVE to remember Kerry exist in some kind of cyberpunk multiverse!
We have his 2020 and 2023 self that are confirmed to be bisexual; this is the Kerry Mike and RTalsorian created, the Kerry they have full control and say over; the same young Kerry we see in Johnny's flashback
And then comes his 2077 self, which we see confirmed above as labeled as Homosexual (which again as been approved by Mike himself)
I personally think it's important to start with what his different creators have to say; Kerry is both Mike's and CDPR's character; Kerry is both labeled as being Bisexual and Homosexual
There is a lot of reasons why this change / evolution was made, even tho we all know the main reason; they needed a MLM romance in the game to complete the LI roster. But why take an already established character, a Bi character even, for the Gay romance?
I've seen a lot of people saying that CDPR erased his bisexuality, I understand why it might feel like this, but I don't think it's true or fair! Again, remember that Mike gave his OK for this; he could've at any moment said no, Kerry is HIS baby first and foremost
In game, we learn about Kerry's ex wife and kids; this is something CDPR could've not included at all (and THIS would've been erasing his bisexuality imo) it's not even something that is said out loud, but something to be found by dedicated fans; it's here on purpose, to give depth to the character and to his personal life!
We also see a couple of feminine clothes around his villa; let's not assume anything here, clothes have no genders especially in the 2077 setting, but it can also well point at one-night stand with women and/or multi-gender orgies for example
But, this won't be anything new or controversial, Kerry pushes femV advances in game- this is simply a fact! Like it or not, that's how CDPR's writers, RTAL and Mike decided to evolve Kerry's character for the game; everyone was ok with this
Now comes the root of the debate; Is it homophobic to mod Kerry to be romanceable by a femV? and is it biphobic to not be comfortable with this?
No, and no - (don't leave just yet, please read a bit more)
Remember that I'm "just" a gay man, I've had discussion with friends of all gender and orientation about this topic and it's been enlightning to hear the different opinions on the matter!
As previously mentioned, it all boils down to Interpretation.
The discourse recently came back because someone shared their uncomfortableness regarding mods that change Kerry's preferences; in the post tags, OP made sure to say that everyone was free to do anything, to ship anything, and that this was just their opinion; but obviously the fandom didn't read that part and started to throw accusation around, and here we are (I shouldn't have to remind people that we all are free to share whatever on our respective blogs, if it hurts you just block the person, don't jump them)
OP is a Bisexual Man; a lot of other Bisexual Men related to this post and rebloged it, sharing their thoughts in the tags (I also rebloged it, I know it caused a few people to back off and block me as a result, which I respect totally)
Going to pick up my questions back up to hopefully state my opinions and "analyses" of the situation as clear as possible
Is it homophobic to mod Kerry to be romanceable by a femV?
No, it's not
Kerry is bisexual, he was married to a women, and potentially still have sex with women and fem individuals, these infos are all canon in game.
Kerry pushes femV flirts away; but since he experience attraction to women, who is to say that in someone's own canon, their fem OC isn't a V, and doesn't have Johnny involved, changing how Kerry and their OC meet drastically; Kerry could fall in love with her! He could; he's bisexual after all.
Is it biphobic to not be comfortable with this?
No, it's not
Kerry has a clear preference for men; CDPR choose to show this multiple time in the game, during Johnny's flashback we can see him make out with a masc fan, we can see him being vulnerable with Johnny (imo, his lil crush is showing hard)
I personally haven't seen it/heard it in game, but I've been told that after learning about Kerry's ex-wife, Johnny has a vocal, surprised reaction, has if imagining Kerry with a woman is strange to him
However, there is a lot of biphobic things being said in the discourse, and not in the way you might think of
I thankfully never see the full extent of it; I don't see the obviously biphobic takes, stating that Kerry SHOULD NEVER be with a femV, people being nasty and ATTACKING femV/Kerry shippers; this is never ok, these have been blocked for a long time now
But I sadly see the other takes, which always icked me a bit; the takes that say, "you bisexuality isn't worth of respect if it isn't a 50/50 attraction at all time", takes that are sadly biphobic in nature (making it clear that I'm not pointing finger at anyone, nor am I accusing anyone of being biphobic)
This is what it boils down to, I think, this is the root of the problem
As mentioned before, a lot of Bisexual Men expressed their uncomfort when it comes to femV/Kerry mods; it invalidated Kerry's preference. But this isn't about Kerry, he's fictional, he CANT be hurt by anything, by mods or art or whatever; It invalidate Bisexual Men that share the same preference in Men, Bisexual men that related to Kerry for X or Y.
Bisexuality is a spectrum, queer people has been fighting against Bi erasure for years, but also against Bi stereotypes; and I think this is one of them? (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
Bisexuality isn't a strict 50/50 split preference- it can be! But 60/40, 20/80 and even 99/1 attractions are still Bisexual attractions. I've met a lot of queer people who, despite being bisexual by definition, choose not to label as such (prefering to label as straight or gay depending on their preferences) just because of this "bisexual police" imposing a strict 50/50; "How can you be bisexual, you've only dated men/women" etc
This is what is being imposed in the fandom, this is how it might looks like to people; when you attack a Bisexual Man sharing his uncomfort in seeing people not respecting a Bisexual character's preference, you're telling them "Hey, your bisexuality isn't valid if you have a preference". You're telling them "Your bisexuality isn't correct". You're showing them that you "fixed" a "flawed" bisexual character "that got erased as gay for having a preference" by "modding his bisexuality back"
Kerry being written as MLM exclusive in Cyberpunk 2077 isn't bi erasure; he's still Bisexual, he simply has a strong preference for Men. A preference that he always had, but that can also be amplified after his divorce with his ex wife, for multiple reasons; I also don't have to point out how many queer people in real life explored their homosexuality after being in a hetero-marriage for most of their lives! And that's ok, queer love is an ever evolving spectrum, and I think it's awesome we get more fleshed out characters that explore this in depth
I've seen people compare Kerry to Johnny, and I don't think it's fair; for the simple reason that Kerry is a romance option and Johnny is not.
Johnny express a clear preference for women; however he replies to V (and flirt, in some case) the same way regardless of gender! Kerry on the other end, as previously said, pushed femV's advanced away. Something Johnny can't do since he's not a romance option; tho if he was, and if he was pushing mascV advances away, it would be the exact same situation and same problematic!
Another character that is canonly bisexual is Goro; he replies to V's flirt through text messages the exact same way, he doesn't seem to express any preferences (and no, his "obligation in japan" isn't necessarily a wife, this is heteronormative and another problem all together, not the subject here)
People can express being uncomfortable seeing Johnny with a given gender, or Goro with a given gender; but there isn't any """reason""" to it outside of personal preferences
Kerry situation is problematic because it lies in his clearly, canonly stated preference, how people decide to interpret it, and how it can come off to other queer people who might share sexuality and/or preference with the character
Everyone is free to ship whoever however they want
But please; remember that everyone is different. People being uncomfortable with a character bisexuality preference being ""fixed"" shouldn't be too surprising; and if it is, please re-read my post/ You have to be ok with this fact, it's OK to make content that might be uncomfortable for others; this is fiction!
There isn't any Right or Wrong way to be bisexual, to be queer Kerry's bisexuality is perfectly fine; unmodded or modded Everyone is Different; Every Queer experiences is different People relate to characters in different way
Nobody is being misoginist; there isn't any double standard at play
Bisexual people sharing their opinions on their own blogs on how a fandom handle a character's bisexuality isn't biphobic, or an attack to anyone who interpret the character differently!
I promise you nobody is attacking anyone, and a lot of things being said accidently comes off as biphobic on both sides of this eternal "debate"
It all comes down to respecting others interpretations, and agreeing to disagree! Tumblr's filtering system work great, you can easily filter and block tags, or even people if needed
I might've said things awkwardly, and for this I apologise; but don't put words I didn't say into my mouth! If you don't agree, that's fine, and you're more than welcome to filter/block me if needed; but please do not paint me as biphobic or misoginist, same goes to everyone who shared their thoughts on the matter, these are serious accusation and can wrongfully hurt a lot of people
Ship and let Ship, take care of yourselves and remember to curate your space 🙏
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