austronauts · 2 years
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my justin/mitch agenda is growing......
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Okay okay, hear me out! Vox POV of the "Get Off My Screen" series with Velvette or Valentino finding out about collage reader.
How would that go? Would Vox even tell us that they know? What would those two think of Vox hiding this from them? "You mean to tell me, you accidentally found a way to commune with the world of the living MONTHS AGO, AND DIDN'T TELL US?!" - Val or Vel (not shipping reader with those two tho, just Val and Vel finding out about Vox's crush on a human (Valentino being pissy about it))
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Oops, Guess I Spilled The Tea
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Wowowowow I have so many filler episodes now ahdosndkaks the direct continuation is actually finished and I'll probably post it right after I finish the interludes. Even if I'm working on the finale, if you guys come up with any ideas or suggestions still feel free to drop them in and I'll write out the scenario! Whether it's before Reader's death or after, go on and drop the idea in my inbox! After all, what's a good story without the fun content? As always, happy reading and I hope you all enjoy this installment!
A/N: While I initially wanted this to be more comedic and lighthearted, I don't think Vox would be taking it that way by the time this confrontation happens. He and dear Reader have been chatting together for a little over a year and a half by now, so while he has loyalties to the Vees- he's probably a protective mess all the more since he'd been slowly catching feelings too.
Waking up that day, Vox grunted when he realized it was his phone buzzing to life that roused him.
Ughh... wasn't his daily alarm for a few more minutes?
Sitting up and stretching, he sleepily grabbed his phone to check who'd want to bother him so early in the day.
Only to end up with a dopey smile on his face when he realized it was just you.
Somehow, you'd actually risen earlier than him this time.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey you workaholic picturebox!"
That was rare, he knew you were the type to have a million alarms because the first one wouldn't be enough to get your butt out of bed.
Well, he probably wouldn't want to get up either if it was waking up to you.
What the fuck.
Vox shook his head, woah... okay- maybe he wasn't quite awake yet.
"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine, what's got you so cheery this hellish morning?"
He replied back with a waving emoji of himself, taking his phone with him as he left his bedroom to go and make a cup of coffee.
Unlike you, who for whatever reason he couldn't understand-
Preferred tea.
He chuckled remembering how that conversation went.
"Ehhh??? You like drinking your coffee black? Remind me never to share a morning drink with you."
"Oh really, what's your drink of choice then? Can't be much better."
"I like drinking tea thank you very much, it's healthier too from what I've heard."
"Ewww, leaf water."
"Ewww, bean juice."
A fond smile unconsciously wormed onto his screen as he turned on the coffee machine.
"Bean juice... that's so fucking stupid."
Though as quickly as his smile appeared, Vox replaced it with a poker face when his acquaintances came into the room.
Velvette was expectedly on her phone and Valentino was just dragging himself to the breakfast table.
His good mood would've just shattered had his phone not buzzed again and taken his attention.
You sent him a selfie of you on the way to university, the morning sun lighting up your face and your surroundings.
Not to mention the genuinely cheerful expression you wore.
Vox didn't really remember much about the mornings from when he was alive.
After all, it was a long time ago.
But this... seeing your picture-
That made the overlord think he'd crutially missed something when he was alive.
His fans whirred louder as he stared at your picture-
Were you always that pretty?
Though he was quick to click off it when the coffee machine beeped loudly, reminding him it was done.
"It's amazing outside! Seriously dude, if you weren't all dead and everything you'd probably enjoy the weather today."
He slowly sipped his coffee while typing back a reply with his free hand.
"Maybe? I'm not really a morning person, you know I get up just because I have to."
"Well who knows, it's not like we can find out now anyway. Anyhowww, I hope your day goes well! I know it rarely does with Valentino's tantrums and Alastor screwing up your stuff but still!"
"Forever the optimist huh?"
"Nah, I just think today would go great for both of us. Call it a hunch."
Vox just rolled his eyes before putting the phone down.
He was thankful he'd been drinking coffee, otherwise there was no way he could conceal the grin that threatened to break out on his face.
Though, what he hadn't expected were the other two Vees to be staring at him like he'd grown three heads.
He glanced between them and suspiciously raised an eyebrow.
What was going on in their minds?
"Vox, who the hell were you on the phone with?"
Velvette spoke first, crossing her arms and staring at the overlord in question with narrowed eyes.
Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
Vox didn't bother answering her question, just continuing to drink his coffee.
"Oh come on Voxy~ you haven't been spending much time with me either~"
Next came Valentino's whining, stretching along of his hands to sensually stroke his colleague's arm.
To which Vox just pulled away from the moth's grasp and made an odd expression.
The other two Vees knew what that was.
Disgust and annoyance.
It's never happened before to Vox's knowledge-
It's never happened that Valentino's hands on him just felt so... wrong.
Especially when the pimp overlord used to warm his bed or even take him for a rough night to forget the day's stresses and problems.
Nights that Vox had completely forgotten over the course of time he'd been chatting with you.
Nights that became less and less of an occurrence when your friendship blossomed.
All to the point they'd stopped entirely.
It was a subconscious decision, a bad habit he didn't notice that changed until today.
Of course- his reaction didn't sit well with the moth.
"You fucking asshole! Who the hell is it Vox?! Have you been fucking another whore behind my back?!"
Vox felt his blood boil, he didn't know even know why-
Why he felt so... angry for you.
Angry that Valentino thought you were just another fling.
Angry that you'd been disrespected and called a "whore".
He let out a frustrated sigh and put his coffee mug down.
So much for having a pleasant morning like you'd hoped for him.
"I don't owe either of you an explanation. I don't need to justify why I've been doing the things I have nor do I need to always tell you guys what I'm doing."
Vox glared at both his colleagues, the words ended up spilling from his mouth before he could stop them.
He didn't know why he suddenly felt protective of you, even when he knew neither Valentino or Velvette could capitalize on your peculiar situation without his help anyway.
Not that they'd want to.
You weren't anything special to them.
Not a person of power, influence or even wealth.
You were just you.
A person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Or well, by conventional standards.
You always told Vox you didn't think so, sometimes even going as far to call his company a blessing in disguise.
Ha, as if.
"It's nothing big anyways, you're just making a fuss."
Valentino slammed his fist on the table when Vox brushed him off.
Did he fucking think he was better than them or something?!
Tensions rose high in the room, until the familiar sound of a phone buzzing caught the attention of all three.
It wasn't Velvette.
It wasn't Valentino either.
Which only left Vox.
The technology overlord sprung up from his chair to grab the device which was just nonchalantly resting on the table.
But he wasn't quite fast enough.
Velvette swiped the device before he could grab it and unlocked the device.
Of course she'd know all the passwords, who do you think managed all the Vees social media accounts?
Though, what she saw nearly made her drop the phone.
"You've been talking to a LIVING person this entire time and you hadn't told us?! How long has this been going on for Vox?!"
Velvette screeched, causing the overlord in question to cringe from her tone.
Blegh... she was like a haughty child.
Valentino's reaction wasn't any better, ripping the phone out of Vel's hands and just continuing to yell at Vox.
At this point, he'd just turned his hearing sensitivity all the way down.
At any rate, his day was pretty much ruined already thanks to them sticking their noses in his business.
"'Professor's being a bitch again, how's your day been going?' Vox who the fuck is this?!"
"Just someone who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing special."
"Uh huh, you wouldn't be so protective if they weren't special to you."
Valentino was about to type out an angry reply to you before the phone in his hand erupted into sparks and frayed wires.
Vox didn't want to resort to it, but he could always just get a replacement phone.
Better than you possibly getting the wrong idea.
Even if he had to explain later on that his colleagues were not really happy that he'd hid this situation from them.
"We will continue this conversation later, I have a broadcast in ten minutes and I cannot be fucking late."
With that, he'd left both Velvette and Valentino irritated and angry with him beyond belief.
Stepping back into his bedroom, Vox leaned back against the closed door with a sigh.
Just a year ago and he would have thought nothing of your situation.
He wouldn't have cared if his colleagues found out-
Hell, he would've probably encouraged them to bother and annoy you.
If they even took advantage, he wouldn't have batted an eye.
But now...
Vox rubbed a clawed hand over his screen.
What in Lucifer's name was fucking wrong with him?
A/N: 👀 Voxy is just confused and stressed, the story can't all be sunshine and rainbows but this isn't exactly angst? All this drama while our dear (Y/N) is just going about her day HAHAHAHAHA- So here have some tension on a plate while I go back to making more lighthearted stuff :)
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Inside Your Head
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Alex Blake x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: suggestive content (but not smut), sexual themes/innuendo, autism times (good ones, tho), established relationship, explicit language (let me know if I missed anything!) Word count: 0.9k
Summary: Alex is helping you pack up your apartment so you can move in with her. The only problem is that you keep getting distracted. And she's got to find a way to make you focus.
You stood on tiptoes to reach the books on the top shelf, grasping for their spines. You hated to un-alphabetize them but, after all, they wouldn’t stay that way in the boxes.
You jumped as Alex’s hands slipped inside your shirt and around your waist from behind. She buried her head in your neck, placing a kiss on your collarbone. You exhaled deeply, melting into her touch, placing your hands over hers.
“Need some help?” she asked.
You huffed, frustrated by your height. “...Yes.”
She reached over you to grab a few books, and for neither the first nor the last time that day, you admired her strong arms, fully on display thanks to the tank top she’d worn to help you pack. What you really wanted was to turn her around and push her up against the bookshelves, but you’d already gotten “distracted” once today. And Alex had said, in no uncertain terms, that there would be no more “distractions” until you’d finished packing up at least one room.
Alex ran her hands over the cover of a book, noting the torn dust cover, the pages grimy from years of fingers leafing through them.
“This must have been a favorite,” she observed, handing it to you.
You smiled, holding the book to your nose to smell the musty, familiar pages. “Yeah. For a long time when I was a kid.”
You sunk to the ground, leaning against the bookshelf and thumbing through the pages. Pages that had gotten you through so many things, that had ignited your love of words and stories.
“What’s it about?” Alex prompted, lowering herself to the floor next to you and leaning her head on your shoulder.
You traced your fingers over the cover. “The usual. Unlikely hero, dastardly villain, an order of pacifist monks.”
Alex furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t think that I’d classify an order of pacifist monks as ‘the usual.’”
You smiled. “I loved the monks. They’d have these huge feasts and invite all the villagers. The food always sounded so beautiful, like something lords and ladies would have eaten. I can’t tell you how badly I wanted to try strawberry cordial and candied chestnuts.”
“I’m pretty sure that can be arranged,” Alex hummed, tracing her finger across your knuckles. “Why did you like the monks so much? Or was it just the food?”
You sighed thoughtfully. “Well, I was very religious, you know that. I liked the order and the ritual of it. And I think I liked the monks because their whole lives revolved around order and ritual. Also, they had days where everyone just had to be quiet. How cool would that be!?”
Alex kissed you on the cheek. “That’s very autistic of you, darling.”
You blushed, and she kissed you again. “In a good way.”
You gently set the book in one of the boxes, but Alex snatched it out and held it to her chest.
“Mind if I borrow this?” she asked, standing to her feet and offering you her hand.
You took it and stood with her, smiling. “You, Dr. Alex Blake, want to read my children’s novel about monks?”
“I want to read anything that helps me get inside this beautiful head,” she said, grasping the sides of your face and kissing your forehead.
She looked so pretty and her hands were so soft against your skin, you just couldn’t help yourself. You gently grabbed her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. A real kiss, none of this flighty nonsense you’d been playing at all afternoon while you and Alex packed up your office. A kiss that had her fingertips digging into your skin, her tongue seeking entrance between your lips.
You pulled away for a brief moment, just to make sure that you weren’t going further than she wanted to, but the way her body lurched toward yours, the huff of breath she let out–that told you all you needed to know.
You smirked. “I thought we weren’t getting distracted, Alex,” you teased, your lips mere centimeters from hers.
You gasped as she pushed you back into the bookshelf, and one of the empty shelves pressed sharply into your back.
“It’s hardly my fault that you’re so distracting.” You felt her hands slip beneath your waistband and took that as all the encouragement you needed to start unbuttoning her silky, collared tank top.
“Ah!” she tutted, stilling your hands with her own. “One button, one book.”
“What?! No!”
“Yes, sweet girl.” Alex pulled away from you as quickly as you’d come together, and you missed the solidity of her against you. “You seem to need a little motivation, so I’m giving it to you. One book, one button. When the buttons are done, you’ll do one item, one article of clothing. And after that…” She gestured to the reading armchair that sat in the corner of your office. “I’m going to sit in that chair, completely naked, and read your little monks book until you’ve packed all this up. Understood?”
You pouted, looking at the disarray around you and knowing how unbearably aroused you’d be with Alex just sitting there. “That doesn’t seem fair.”
“Better get a move on, darling,” she whispered seductively in your ear. “I won’t wait forever.”
And with that, you began throwing books into boxes at random. You could worry about alphabetizing later. You had more important things to put in order this afternoon. Namely, your girlfriend.
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alice-ness · 19 days
*holding my hands out aggressively*
Please I am so content starved it is not even funny, I want the hight school headcanons PLEASE
I love all of them but it I had to chose for only a few I would say gimme Chip and Leaf please
Also I like that one fic u have with Logainne, and Chip, and Leaf, it's really awesome, I'm that one person who commented begging you to please continue the fic and not drop it
K that's it, hope u have a good day byeeeeee
hi!!! tysm for asking here's highschool headcanons for chip and leaf! ((and sorry it took a while) 🙏🙏 ALSO im so glad u like the fic i will try to finish it but it might be a little while #busybee
in this au they all are in similar grades bc i thought abt trying to make it work in canon but it just doesn't rip
chip tolentino
- goes to highschool with marcy, leaf, and marigold
- yes he is incredibly tortured by seeing her all the time lol
- in his freshman year he had a random slump and kind of just did nothing and sulked around all the time (post child boy scout burnout/gifted kid burnout)
- like his grades were... whatever but he didn't talk to anyone and didn't do any extra curriculars
- his parents got tired of him being so suddenly lethargic-teenager so they made him join track
- he's actually really good at it, and eventually (not freshman year but eventually) he's semipopular in an awkward way where people know him but he doesn't TALK to all those people
- does really embarrassing dares with his track teammates. He's not necessarily pressured so much as he gets really into it in the moment LOL
- i put this in the fic but he ran into leaf at a club fair and they hang out now lol
- and leaf hangs out with logainne so he started hanging out with logainne
- and he has some classes with marcy and they were both in a school-rut so they bonded
- wasn't for a while that leaf naturally got the whole spelling bee group hanging out together but that was incredibly weird for chip ... bc... it's kind of weird in general
- especially hanging with barfee but they make up and they're homies (who play argue and play brawl)
- had to do a creative writing unit and discovered he's really good at that too but he's kinda embarrassed about it
- he likes like typical story writing and also nostalgic poems but he's even more embarrassed about that
- he and olive once made eye contact at a creative writing contest he went to without telling anyone and now she wards his secret
- one summer marcy got really into skateboarding and chip tried it out too to be supportive but he ate shit every. Single. time.
- chip learned to drive his junior year and really wanted a sports car but he got a shitty hand me down dad car
- one time marcy called him like "hey can you pick me up" nd he was like "from where" and she's like. "from san francisco?'
- bro how did u even get there
- he does it anyway tho
- they're like besties and they go on a lot of late night snack missions
- if they watch scary movies he will be screaming and crying and she'll be like "oh my god pay attention"
- has a crush on like every single girl he talks to
- sometimes they overlap with logainne's crushes and it's very awkward, especially bc he listens to her disaster lesbian rants at every sleepover
- he grows a really shitty puberty stache he's very proud of and EVERYONE (minus leaf who is unconditionally supportive) BEGS him to shave it
- his dad sits him down like Son. What are you doing.
- ramen and hotpockets diet (if he wanted to cook he'd be good at it tho)
- also this is just me projecting but he's filipino cuz i say so (and my word is law bc it's AAPI month /j)
- 5'5 forever... he constantly prays it'll change
- is really good at dioramas
- goes to school dances to complain in the corner the whole time about the music and the food
- could be misconstrued as mysterious but he's just awkward
- most indecisive person of all time and makes it everyone else's problem
leaf coneybear
- not ALL of his siblings made the switch to public school for high school but some did, including marigold (and pinecone who is older than them)
- it was a hard switch but it doesn't take long to find his crowd bc he's a naturally charismatic person
- his crowd is theater kids. he really loves improv and straight plays, he loves musicals too but he doesn't have great rhythm LOL
- he also LOVES helping make costumes, and in junior/senior year he's on the board
- still likes to make some of his own clothes
- was always tall for his age but had a growth spurt before freshman year and he's like. 6'1 LOL he's a stringbean
- sneaks both his cats and logainne into his school
- yes admin is tired but damn are his cats cute
- logainne is his best friend for literal life they are inseparable and will find any reason to hang out
- kind of an energy drink addict (they're not allowed in his house but he WILL drink too many anywhere else if u don't watch out and then crash and feel sick)
- (sidenote he HAS calmed down some but he can still be distractable and is still rlly high energy. Some days he takes to just completely slow down and veg out tho which is nice) (like pretty much he just won't stomp around and roar or whatever in the middle of sentences like in im not that smart 😭)
- on the complete opposite end of that he's also an organic fruit smoothie addict
- he also loves to bake and he's REALLY good at it but his younger siblings aren't allowed sugar so he will spontaneously get a bunch of ingredients and then show up at his friends' houses late at night to borrow their kitchen
- he tries to "spread the love" by doing this equally at all his friends places
- olive is his #1 baking buddy tho!
- also speaking of siblings he's the best older brother ever and he doesnt really like to be home but he'll spend time with his siblings
- .... his parents just keep havin babies
- anyway he's not as good at cooking bc it bores him so he'll get distracted and let things burn whoops
- tons of sleepovers at logainnes he's like a son to her dads
- gets a giant van to drive all his friends around in, it's decked out
- fixes holes in his friends clothes
- they all have a million friendship bracelets bc he just gets sappy and makes more or forgets he made one
- keeps everything ever given to him
- loves interactive science museums where u get to touch stuff more than ANYYYYTHIIIING. He will get lost in the dino bones
- and loves nature and hikes but mainly to look at bugs
- is the king of poster projects in class
- wasn't allowed to watch horror movies as a kid so logainne showed him some classic his freshman year and he literally couldn't sleep for a week but now he likes them, just mostly the campy stuff
- so stuff like little shop, rocky horror, r his the musicals bc it's cheesy campy horror AND theater!
- also first got social media like freshman/sophomore year and he just posts poorly taken pictures and occasionally answers his friends dms
- junior year on, a good amount of his theater peers develop like silly little crushes on him but he's completely oblivious and chip is just so jealous bc he gets no bitches
- he's the glue of the 25th annual kids bc he sort of just naturally started hanging out w them individually again and was like Oh shit why don't we all just hang out
- he is the only person marcy will cuddle
- (on that note he's the group teddy bear)
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spaceyflowers · 6 months
hi!! im still alive!! + updates on this blog
first: i would like to apologize for disappearing without a word for like. nearly a year. im terribly sorry for any worry i've caused T_T;;
honestly i have no good excuse for disappearing like i did especially without reason (not that im obligated to let everyone know my business but i did have a "i wont randomly disappear!" sentiment and yet... here i am) but in a nutshell, its basically: fandom shifts, college, and guilt.
if you want to know about the future of this blog fandom wise;
still going to be a lookism/viral hit blog (havent caught up yet) but most likely wont be as active in the fandom anymore;;; thinking of sticking as a lookism blog until that series ends but who knows when it will so i might eventually just change fandoms 😭
please dont feel bad about unfollowing or anything!! curate what u wanna see with who u follow, i take no personal offense, even if we've been long time mutuals!! ><
fandom shifts will probably be more common; i have this weird thing where i cant focus on multiple interests or i get stressed;; so i get obsessed with one thing for months/years but then once i lose interest and move on, its likely i wont return to it unless something triggers it. thats why i dont think "multifandom" fits me, i'll always be fandom focused, its just the fandom focus changes 😭
p.s. sorry if im being dramatic about this (i feel like a youtuber who got canceled writing an apology 😭😭) i just feel like i owe yall an explanation </3
if you're curious about me, i've left that under the cut;
got into a new interest which made me stop looking at lookism/viral hit stuff -> knowing my blogs are lookism focused, i decided to take a "break"
couldnt get myself back into lookism after my "break" ended -> couldnt get myself back on tumblr
started to feel guilty because i havent been active in a long while
senior year ending, school takes my priorities -> summer break comes, i swear i'll apologize on tumblr but guilt eats away at me and then i have to do college stuff
become a little active on tiktok, start feeling more guilty because im active there but not on tumblr
college begins, get busy with college stuff -> during breaks, swear i'll apologize on tumblr pt 2 but the guilt has piled up so much it feels like the equivalent of when a person cant get themself to reopen their animal crossing new leaf game because they havent touched it in a long time
first college semester ends, winter break starts -> finally convince myself to get over it and start typing all this up
once again im really sorry T_T i was not made for the content creator life bc i cant stay active for shit + i feel so bad gaining followers for one thing but once i move on from that one thing, it feels like im disappointing a lot of ppl even tho i know i dont owe strangers on the internet anything- im just repeating myself now but yknow
oh and for anyone curious: my current fandom is dmc <3
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recycledraccoon · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔฅ💛💛💛💛
1. I actually really like loose leaf tea. I'm very picky about tea but once I switched to quality loose leaf it was a huge door being opened for me. I actually have a whole table with a stone tea tray on it to brew in the Chinese Gong-fu style, tho I don't sit down for a full session very often since I have limited time in my evenings due to my work hours and I'm just tired on weekends. I drink some green tea I have at work, but I don't have a good container over there to brew it so I have an abomination set up involving two Styrofoam cups and the bottom half of a tiny tea strainer. I really need to just get a proper infuser-nesting mug lol.
2. So, when I last renamed this tumblr, I was going for the alliteration and joke because I had in real life made the "my trash is your trash as long as you properly recycle" more than once. I also found the image I use as my profile picture and thought it was funny. My ao3 does not share this name but it is another animal and another raccoon and trash icon. (I've thought about changing it to my current handles/nicknames but at this point I haven't changed literally anything about my Tumblr in so long I'm being stubborn about it.)
This is all to say, neither of these animals are my favorite.
I really really like North American Badgers specifically. I bought a cheap comforter specifically because I found a cheap comforter cover that was a North American Badger. I have two North American Badger statues that I bought specifically for use as tea pets. (I use the big one on my stone table but have used the small for my traveling tea set recently.)
I do hate that initially what got me started on badgers was being repeatedly sorted into Hufflepuff way back when, but I've LONG disavowed that for obvious reasons Besides, that's a European badger.
Anyway, North American Badgers make me exceedingly happy whenever I see stuff of them, especially since they're not exactly the popular types of badgers.
3. Unfortunately, similarly to badgers, I first started my journey to liking yellow due to the previously mentioned fictional house. I didn't start REALLY loving it tho until the recent few years, and I actually own a few articles of clothing in this color now.
4. A more minor one is that I am at some of my most happiest and most content when my dog gets on the bed to cuddle with me when I go to sleep, and I can fall sleep face-in-fur. She doesn't do this very often, far more likely to sleep on the floor as she's an independent breed. If I move too much or try to move her even a little she will leave without hesitation. I have made astounding space compromises at times to achieve this falling asleep scenario.
5. Stupid jokes. I make puns at work and Verbally OUT LOUD AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY imitate the ba-bum-toosh following the jokes. Literally every time for years whenever people ask me "what's up" (usually only in relation to the type of what's up that's about one's day) I go like "ceiling, wires, insulation, ventilation-" etc. I don't go on long, a few seconds/3-4 items usually, but do always follow up with a genuine answer and return the question. These types of stupid jokes bring me endless joy and yes I do think I'm very funny.
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marokra · 11 months
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here’s the prosecutor for the fangame i’m working on, i love him very much. i prommy i’ll do a more in depth post about the cases and such but for now you’re getting blorbo content
doodles and my ramblings under the cut
disclaimer: his sister’s name is subject to change i’m not 100% set on it
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i posted the sprite concept on tumblr before actually lol. also im pretty happy w/ the law school era design. hoping to god i didn’t fuck up scene fashion tho so feel free to give me some constructive criticism if i messed it up!
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honestly this could probably go both ways. i actually created august with the concept of “i wanna have a silly guy. but i also want him to have trauma” so he has Issues™️. you don’t really figure this out until the fourth case tho. in true ace attorney lawyer fashion he got into law because of a life-changing traumatic event
also!!! fun fact but the name was originally suggested by my friend @jesterspin !!! he originally put the idea in me & my friends discord server & i took it (with permission) and edited the first name so it would be a bit more masc
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okay quickfire facts time gogogo
went to ivy university
does not like cheese due to the aftertaste
has had the same tumblr account since 2012. has posted guides on how to evade stupid laws
has pretty much every japanifornian law memorized
trans ftm :]
knows a surprising amount of steel samurai lore despite never watching the show
loves cats but can’t get one because they kept eating his case files
insomnia (me projecting)
when the Gavinners start up he is Not going to like them. thinks their lyrics are stupid as hell
bad at paperwork
does not like tea. keeps calling it “angry leaf water”
good with kids
i have Many thoughts about him. he sits in the back of my brain at all times in a silly armchair while looking at documents and drinking the lava lamp juice
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anachrosims · 9 months
I know it feels good to say that we should just, like, love ourselves and post what we want-- it's a sentiment I don't disagree with! I also think it's a disservice to everyone who feels like they aren't 'enough' and anyone who is struggling to get their content off the ground, to branch out and be noticed, etc. Combating that "not enough" feeling with "just feel better tho!" is not AT ALL helpful, and while I know that isn't the intent, that's how it does come off.
The thing is, overcoming feelings of inadequacy, especially in this day and age of ~content creation~ and ~influencers~, takes consistent effort. It takes forming the habit of better self-talk and breaking unhealthy bad mental habits. And none of that is easy to do. When you’re born into a culture, you can’t just magically “love yourself” and unwire years/decades of being conditioned to believe your self worth lies in how productive/lucrative/popular you are. Telling people to JUST LOVE THEMSELVES is actually feeding into that, because it ignores the pain people are in and makes demands as if they’re EASY, when they AREN’T. It turns those feelings of inadequacy due to cultural and systemic bullshit into a failing on the part of those people, and that... sucks, actually.
Using better self-talk is a process that you have to practice every day, it takes deliberate effort to combat negative thought patterns and sometimes requires you to take deep breaths and step back from social media, to get your head out of the space that's causing you to feel that way.
In case anyone needs to hear this:
You are enough. You are great. You are doing your best. You can keep going. You can do this. It’s okay. it’s going to be okay. We can make it. 
You’re not crazy or stupid for feeling alone, for feeling like you haven’t done enough. It’s a consequence of the world we live in, that many of us feel that way. But you aren’t alone, and you are certainly not inadequate. You are enough.
You are loved. You are strong. You’ve come this far, look at all the things you’ve done already. You are enough.
Now go get off the computer. Go outside if you can. Touch some grass or a plant leaf, if you can. Hug a pet or loved one and tell them you love them. Listen to music, read a comic or a novel, play some Stardew or Baldur’s Gate or Zelda. Allow yourself to feel alone and like you’re not enough, but then remind yourself that there are people who love you-- and when the ‘voice’ comes back and says “but what about x” or “what about y?” just keep repeating to yourself all the things you are proud of, louder and louder. 
It is a fight, yes, and it is exhausting, but it is worth it and SO ARE YOU! Keep making your posts, and know that it’s okay to have shitty days, you aren’t crazy or stupid or weird for that, not by a country mile. You can learn to fight back and protect yourself and others.
You are all loved and you can make it. I’m cheering you on.
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againstthegrainphoto · 7 months
Hockey tag thing. Thanks @jules-of-the-deep and @youneedtolookatthis
rules: list your...
✨️ no°1 team?
Seattle kraken….clearly.💙🦑 if you go back far enough on this godforsaken site, you can see me debating if I want to be a hockey fan completely based on proximity…despite knowing zero (0) about the sport. Kci is very close to where I am and now here we are….i roll out of bed and pop in to practice whenever I need that serotonin boost.
You didn’t ask about two and three teams…but they’re the leafs and the penguins if you were wondering. 😊🍁🐧
💌 your favorite goalie?
Gru. 127% Philipp grubauer. I think he is just great. Never got attached to dreiger or jones.🤷🏻‍♀️ and I swear to god Joey is going to give me an aneurysm before the end of the season. Would love to see a goalie goal for him tho. I know he’s absolutely capable.
Also fond of Sammy from the leafs. And jarry from the penguins. I think mostly because I see so much negativity towards them from their own fans and I feel like I need to off set it by liking them. Also fond of bobrovsky(the only thing I like about that team). Also have some residual adin hill support from last year remaining….dunno what I’m doing with that.
Oh and flower. But if you ✨don’t✨ like flower, you’re the problem, not him.
🔟what would be your jersey number?
40 or 44…those were the only two numbers I wore in all the sports I played in high school.
👯🏻‍♂️what team would you love to play for?
Play? For a team? Listen. I’m just happy I have the ability to somewhat skate in a circle when they play the kraken game on the big wall.
❤️‍🔥who is your favorite player currently?
Vince Dunn. The Favorite Squid™️…..I dunno how it happened. But my fren knew he would be my fav before I knew he would be my fav, she kept telling me about him and sending me videos….and yeah…….he is absolutely favorite.🤩🥰
I also unfortunately developed an Auston Matthews thing. I think it happened when I went and photoed their open practice at kci…..I was just like “that one. That’s the one. I like that one”and it hasn’t gone away. 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not proud of it.
👀a trade that hurt you emotionally?
I’m still upset about sprong.🧽🥺💔
…wasn’t happy about losing Donato either….but I am glad he is there to support and protect the bedard child…
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
It’s good for like 99.9%. Which for the internet is really really good. So much better than Twitter. Made some new frens. So that’s cool. Some of it isn’t for me, but I generally just stay in my own lane and post the content I want to see. Did have one anon ✨super✨ pissed and condescending at me because I didn’t sensor a particular (piece of shit) players name once. aside from that tho…..it’s great here….maybe because I’ve always seen tumblr as me shouting into a void where nothing matters and whatever you want to post about goes, because it’s more for you than anyone else. And tbh there are some days when I’m stuck at work during a game where I live for the “#kraken lb” it’s actually a pretty great community….especially for those who don’t connect with in person people extremely well.
and then tag some mutuals you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
I feel like all the hockey people I follow have already done this. So I’m tagging @dontforgetoctober3rd 😄 and if you’ve read all of this?? First: I’m sorry, second: now you have to do it.
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ok so i dont feel like doing a full on review of the new episode so im just gonna make bullet points of the high lights and things that stuck out to me lmao
((contents spoilers below))
• still love that intro its so fucking awesome
• still loving the upgraded animation its so fluent and beautiful but still maintains that classic “aqua teen” look
• ok but shake is kinda hot in that outfit ngl
• shake looks like literally every millennial in my town and especially the ones that go to the coffee shops in my area lol
• “its spelled with a g cuz disney owns it” 💀💀
• “hoverboard” and its the fucking roomba 💀
• this is literally clone high istg with the self aware roombas istg /j
• all the robots had little hands that kinda looked like shakes thats so cute
• his whole rant about drinking the cream had me dead
• “its an easy fix tanner” BFNFCFNGFVX bro has beef with tanner lmao
• “master shaken not stirred” ok but that cream work was fucking bad ass
• bro literally had robots write his movie for him thats literally what it felt like when i would be paired with ppl for school projects and i had to do all the work for them but they still take credit for it 😭💀🙄
• DAMN BRO chill out with the coffee
• “script title” thats so shake
• bro literally just called his characters “boy 1” and “boy 2” 😭😭
• “i dont drink coffee its makes me uhh..” IT MAKES YOU WHAT FRYLOCK?!?! • oh hi theres more robots
• “a relationship of a gummy bear and candy cane” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• “the movie” at carls 🙄🙄🙄
• MEATWAD COVERING HIS EYES CUZ HES NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THAT STUFF 🥺🥺🥺 ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE ME GET EMOTIONAL OVER HIM?!?! /nm ((love the nod/continuity of meatwad not being able to see that type of stuff tho))
• “easy with the hands love” 💀💀💀 I LOVE THAT HE CALLS EVERYONE LOVE CUZ HES BRI’ISH
• “now i can make toast in another city” said no one ever AND BOI WHERE YOU GOING ANYWAY YOURE POOR
• bro literally just killed all the robots 0s and 1s are like robot poison lol
• classic athf to just blow up the house lmao
• “sticks and hicks” lmao
• it looks so peaceful up there kinda reminds me of that one og emma chamberlain video where her and her dad go to her grandparents house in the literal woods lmao
• “read some books, play some board games, make some s’mores” that sounds so cozy and im just picturing them all doing that and its so cute
• “no wifi? im going back to the robots” thats an honest to god mood
ngl the most recent episode wasnt the best out of the 3 so far tbh but it wasnt horrible probably give it like a 6 or 7 out of 10 i also like how they do the credits over the episode it gives them more of the episode to do but also ends in a way thats still very “aqua teen” if that makes sense
also wish they did more with them out in the country and like maybe doing something at a regular cabin instead of the robot in disguise ((which ik was the joke/point of how it ended)) but still that wouldve been really wholesome
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 1/17/2023
I’m on break this week.
The last two months have been really stressful for me. I don’t meter my own stress levels well--I knew I had some stuff I wanted to get done in early January, and I knew that the holidays would take up a ton of my time and energy, so I started early and tried to clear out my schedule and worked very hard. I met my goals and also made myself extremely miserable.
This is one of those things that, if given the choice, I would rather just skip Christmas. That’s not an option, tho, so I’m declaring right now in advance that I am not going to try to get anything done next December.
Anyway, I made it thru Renruki Week and somehow managed to do something for every day, even though I told myself I didn’t have to. I was working up until the last day of it, and so I’m sorry for all the things that showed up at the end that I haven’t reblogged, but I noped offline immediately after I finished my last thing and haven’t really be able to bring myself to get back to it. I’ll try to catch up in the next few days, and address my AO3 comments, as well. Here is a convenient link to all my Renruki Week content, but you can also check out the more general RenrukiWeek hashtag or the Twitter version and see all the stuff other cool people did.
In the same week, I also managed to finish the first draft of my first big assignment for my volunteer gig, which I’m pretty excited about. Polynya, you might say, did you really need to do these things simultaneously? The answer is no, but I really wanted to make a good showing on my first project, and also I make bad decisions. 
The other thing that happened is that my eight-year old decided during Christmas break that she wanted to turn over a new leaf and completely clean out her room and strive toward keeping it clean in the future. I think this might have been inspired by the week of cleaning I did leading up to New Year’s. In any case, when your kid wants to clean, you do not hesitate, so we have been cleaning like mad for weeks now. Her room looks great now, and we’re working on the downstairs playroom that we want to convert into a second computer room, so that the kids aren’t constantly stealing my husband’s desk to play Minecraft.
Also, I’ve kinda gotten into houseplants? I’m reading a book? And I made some bad sourdough breads today. You know, now that I type all this out, I feel like I’m describing a manic episode. I’ve just been doing a lot. I would like to do less. The thing I would like to do less of the most is feel like I am under pressure to do stuff. What I really just need is some “leave me alone” time, so that’s what I’m doing right now.
Even though I’m de-prioritizing my writing, my actual, sincere hope is that by not forcing myself to write, it will actually give my brain a chance to come up with some ideas. I’m hoping to work on the next part of Heart is a Muscle as my next project, and I’m toying with the idea of re-reading all the previous parts, something I used to a lot, but haven’t done in a while. 
Anyway, I’ll be around, and I’m sure I’ll do some reblogs, but I don’t really aim to do much Tumblr stuff in the near future. Hopefully, I’ll be back eventually. I’ve closed my Ask box for the foreseeable future, possibly forever.
That’s enough of my boring, dumb life. The only other interesting thing I’m up to is that Mr. P and I are re-watching Vision of Escaflowne, which I am very excited about. Maybe now that’s Bleach is back, I can give that up and start hyperfixating on an even older, even deader anime.
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
ETHUBS 💚💛❤️!
Whose the cuddler?: Okay listen to me Leaf Anon- Etho is just because Bdubs is affectionate but he also gives me vibes or will attack you because he is filled with spite and chaos for his small size. I just feel like Etho would carry Bdubs like a pissed off cat.
Who makes the bed?: Look Look Bdubs gives me organized chaos vibes so he never makes the bed and I feel like if Etho doesn’t cuddle with Bdubs on said bed he would sleep in the rafters or a tree like the cryptid he is. The days he does cuddle and sleep with Bdubs he does but it’s sorta of the half ass bed made.
Who wakes up first?: Etho because either he doesn’t fucking sleep at all or for a good solid couple hours Bdubs is trapped in the comfy bed because he loves to sleep.
Who has weird taste in music?: both have opposite but the same level of weird taste in music.
Who is more protective:? Look Look both are like Yandere for each other if last life gave me anything. Both will maim their boo enemies and protect them thru violence no question asked.
Who sings in the shower?: Both but they sound like a mix of a clogged pipe and sandpaper. They are horrible singers.
Who cries during movies?: Etho but Etho is like “Just sand in my eyes” *UGLY SOBBING*
Who spends the most out shopping?: Etho. If you know you know.
Who kissed more roughly?: Bdubs because the amount the tiny lad dragged Etho down by the collar into a kiss in fics I would be a millionaire.
Who is more dominate?: Honestly both but mainly Bdubs Etho gives me chill vibes. (If anything the times he is more dominate is him like being no don’t bite at Bdubs wanting to maim and murder)
My rating of the ship: 8/10 primarily because I never really was into last life and still haven’t watched a lot of their content. The most I simped for Etho was during the MCYT sexyman poll. Lmfao. I love the dynamic I am shown in art or fic tho.
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aus-from-undertale · 1 year
Leafs gaster bros
This is an AU about a take on gaster being a brother to papyrus and sans.
It's mostly a lot of cute and funny menacing shenanigans of their daily lives and relationship
The stories are cute?
*chef french kiss* 🤌
You can read it on @leafaske account on the hashtag #leaf gaster bros :D
The author came back to Tumblr recently so what is a better time then now to talk about this AU?
And if you really like this content, the author made some stuff about the leaf gaster bros, like a pillowcase book with their shenanigans :D
You can find more about it on @leafstore :)
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Ooh gaster not being a bitch for once? Now that's rare XD
I talked about some AUs like this, but gaster is the father in these, not the brother.
Oh well~
Don't have to hide and Gaster's great escape are still great reads :)
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sysba · 1 year
Give me the CalEdith content :fireelmo:
(Whatever your favorites are, sleep beckons me otherwise I might be more specific, but also I kinda just want all of em 🤷🏻‍♀️😂) (i am gonna ask specifically for 51 tho bc it’s adorable :>)
well how can i say no since this was my plan all along :3 i wanna do all of them but for now,,, i'll answer the numbers ending in 1 (no reason this is all random sdjdsksdjk)
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’? Judie correct me if I'm wrong but this is more of an Edith scenario, and it fits her perfectly. She needs some kind of push to say 'i love you' so an argument would provide that. And, thinking every action is justified when she loves someone? That's 101% her, she's aware of the selfishness of it all but when it comes to the people she cares about and keeping them safe, there's very little she wouldn't do despite any consequence it might have on her or them. Cal is better at sacrificing what he wants and leave others more 'freedom' in this sense, I'd say!
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell? 💀🤣 We always laugh about this because they're so bad at expressing emotions and always always hide their feelings (though for different reasons) but they're both extremely perceptive people who put the other before everything and everyone else, so... they always Notice™
21. Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds? Cal tends to avoid fights but is also very protective of Edith; I think, because he knows she can fight her own battles, he'd let her handle it as she prefers and support her when she needs it? Would tend to her wounds (lovingly). On the other hand, it doesn't matter that Cal can handle it on his own and he doesn't care; Edith is gonna put the fear of god into whoever tried to hurt him<3 Would tend to his wounds (angrily, but also lovingly).
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.) They're just so good at like, sharing space so silently and unassumingly? Neither of them really needs much, existing together makes them happy and they're very comfortable with each other even when it doesn't look like they're spending quality time together/each of them is doing their thing. That said, I think once the cards are on the table and they've stopped being idiots, they'd eventually realize that now it's okay for them to be close and they don't have to keep a distance anymore. And touch would become a habit, even if they wouldn't notice most of the time. Lot of leaning against one another, shoulder-to-shoulder when they sit next to each other, falling asleep on the other, casual hand touches, and just generally seeking physical proximity out of reflex.
41. Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering? Both but let's be real, Cal would dress accordingly while my silly rabbit insist she's not cold even though she's shaking like a leaf. Yeah. He's gonna give her the jacket that she allegedly doesn't need because she's not cold, and he's gonna look so soft and happy about it that she begrudgingly accepts because ugh he's so cute and she looks kinda hot in that jacket... 🤷‍♀️
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? Prepare food for the other to make sure they eat, doing chores the other hates, tricking the other into resting, physical affection, clothes sharing, doing the other's hair/washing their hair, drive the other around, make coffee, kill people, etc...
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grgie · 2 years
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I posted 1,266 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (5%)
1,207 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 356 of my posts in 2022
#helena talks to the void - 29 posts
#goncharov - 16 posts
#helena speaks to people - 15 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#knife gang - 12 posts
#taz duck - 5 posts
#work things - 4 posts
#my posts - 4 posts
#hmm - 3 posts
#tagged - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#he is also slightly blue bc i once got bright blue bedsheets without washing them first and they stained everything (including my skin) blue
My Top Posts in 2022:
i never give customers my name at work whenever they ask for it, not because i dont want them to use it to report me to my managers (although thats a bonus) but because of the fae. "can i have your name?" no :) nice try tho you tricky bastards
13 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
uglystudies → grgie
url change!! i now track #grgie (although i'll still keep an eye on the uglystudies tag too, i just wont be reblogging study content to this blog anymore)
19 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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my friend knows nothing about the dsmp or dream and george and is trying to put the pieces together through twitter
23 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
a lil timelapse of me finishing and submitting my dissertation (32 minutes before the deadline) but i realised that this is likely the last study post i'll ever make (not that i was ever regularly posting lol) so its a little bittersweet! ive had this studyblr since 2015 (seven years holy shit thats a long time) and i do think its been an incredibly important part of my life, for better or worse. i started this blog in an attempt to hold myself more accountable whilst studying for my gcses and i think for most part it was helpful (ignoring 2016/17 studyblr... muji and overexposing our pictures really had a grip on us huh) despite the weirdly large number of asks i got from people telling me that i shouldnt do 5 a-levels (i did 5 and i aced all of them. suck it. AND i did an epq as well! extra suck it!)
apparently theres 15k of you, which i simply do not think is true (i imagine the vast majority of my followers are made up of long abandoned studyblrs) but for those of you who continue to stick around and like my silly little posts, even if we don't interact, ur huge and i appreciate u. ive made some many wonderful (and hopefully lifelong) friends as a result of studyblr and genuinely wouldnt change it for the world :')
i've mentioned this in the tags of a post recently but im going to change my url soon to a non study related one because im not studying anymore lol, but dw im not deleting this blog or anything, this blog has always been very loosely defined as a studyblr so you can expect plenty more dracula daily memes in the near future
also yikes that is not the most flattering angle lmao
44 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[getting validation from mutuals about my spotify wrapped songs]: ah yes, i am winning in being a good mutual with good music taste, something both normal and possible to achieve
172 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cloudinbottle · 2 years
I don’t know how this happened I’m CRYING. Hi it’s munday so I feel as though maybe this is a good time. I still check tumblr quite often since this is an askblog but I feel as though I should properly explain the status of this blog.
I got burnt out fast doing Rosa’s event which is about what I expected from stuff I’ve done before, but then I was moving and got a job and I could only really focus on my other blog connectedspace with Khaos! CIB is pretty plot related
The main thing admittedly keeping me from updating though is my anxiety. There’s some features of the story I’m encroaching on and I need to properly plan things out. I want to come back SOME day; I adore Hermes, Raider and Leaf. But I need to prepare more first before properly doing so. One of those being I need to get a job and have someone review my story.
So it’s KINDA abandoned. Not on purpose though. I will be coming back after I get my plot for this blog together again. Plus I think I got tired of drawing Pokémon so much which may be part of it.
But I still check out your guys’ blogs and think about you all. I just continue lurking in the community. If you enjoy my content or interacting with me, I highly encourage checking out my original character blog @tenstaroblivion . It’s multiversal and I plan on making Pokémon versions of the characters so I can send asks as them. Or I’ll make a new ask call for CIB! Or both! You can also find me as @infectois everywhere!
Basically, I haven’t given up on this blog and fully intend on coming back. I’m just focusing on other things partially cause I have ADHD haha. If you guys would like asks tho, maybe I’ll make a major ask call for all my blogs or something
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