thejollyorangeartist · 2 months
MF Day #44: Krog
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Krog is a pretty good character whose got a really good design. Granted it’s not quite as creative as the other Frosticon Cousins, but I do like how his body sorta looks like a giant ice cube, and it captures his laziness very well.
And I have to admit, I was shocked to find out that he’s apparently the leader of the Frosticon Cousins. You’d think the obvious guess for the leader would be Chilbo given his intelligence and go getter appearance, but Krog just seems to be the complete opposite. At first I was confused as to why Krog is the canon head of the tribe, especially when his personality states that he’s lazy and often has random mood swings.
But I would rewatch the QFTLM special a couple times, and I kind of understand why now. It’s implied that Krog is the oldest sibling of the group, which is most apparent whenever he’s interacting with Snoof. And in times of dilemma he’s shown to be a pretty decent leader whenever he wants to be. So…had me fooled I guess.
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sunnystar839 · 1 month
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Do you really think that krog is much of a tribe leader than flurr is?
He does have some leader like qualities to him but in the show he’s kinda a dick.
If only Mixels was treated better.
Mod Snax
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swordscomic · 2 years
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Hello I would like to know which characters you ship, if any
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badlydrawnmixels · 13 days
I need more Krog. I NEED THE GAY MAN.
Ask and you shall receive!
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Tbh I was split on whether the eye spikes should be the scars you see or part of the goggles for a minute
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asb-fan · 1 year
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Made a Krog for my broooo
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smallbluetiger · 2 years
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nimiaoim-chan · 5 months
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Krog X nixels help me right now!
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pizzacast · 2 years
Minor Spoliers for Thor 4
I saw a guy in my theather storm out the movie when Korg was discussing his dads. Then he comes back in when it’s over.
Then after the movie he shakes his head in frustration “I can’t believe they’re putting this gay shit in movies. Kids are watching this.”
Like dude you didn’t storm out when Thor kissed a wolf women or when he kissed Jane, plus this is not even a kids movie, plus how are you going to have a problem with gay people existing in a movie that you think is for kids, but not them mentioning orgies.
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artisticdolls · 2 years
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🌸 Hey 👋🏻 how are you?! My little bunny in velvet yarn it’s finished! I love him, he is so cute 🥰!! What do you think? 🤎🤍 Happy Friday !! 🌸 ༄ Pattern by @lamagurumi_ ༄ Handmade by me @artistic_dolls ༄ Yarn @gruendl_com velvet yarn #あみぐるみ #amigurumi #amigurumilove #crochet #crochetaddict #artisanatfrancais #entrepreneur #madeinfrance #amigurumiaddict #amigurumicrochet #örgü #bonekarajut #ganchillo #uncinetto #haken #krog #kroger #haak #crochettoy #häkeln #🌸 #rabbit #lapin #bunny https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsjiY0N5jr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alaffy · 2 years
Thor:  Love and Thunder (spoilers)
What in the hell was that? 
I really am going to have to see the movie again because I’m not sure what I feel about it (also, the sound was really terrible at the theater I was in and so there were several pieces of dialogue I couldn’t hear).  Now I should be clear, this isn’t the worst Marvel movie or the worst Thor movie (hello, Dark World).  In fact, I did enjoy the story of the film.  But there’s some things that are done here that I’m not quite sure worked or were a bit....I probably would have wondered if this was just a story Krog was telling and that none of it was real, if it wasn’t for certain serious events that happen during this movie.
I think the biggest part the bugged me was the whole backstory of Thor’s and Jane’s relationship.  I mean, I know Marvel does have a tendency to retcon things but that’s....a lot that has suddenly taken place between Dark World and Age of Ultron.  And, yes, I know Thor says they’re taking a break in Age of; but there’s no indication that they had a whole ass relationship like this.  This feels out of nowhere because it came out of nowhere.  
Also, who the hell thought it was a good idea to let Russell Crow speak in that accent?  
Also, if you’ve seen the trailers then you’ve pretty much have watched all of the Guardians scenes in this movie.  Now that being said, this is more of a complaint of the trailers.  I’m actually glad The Guardians weren’t in the movie for that long as I feel like it would have made the movie feel bloated.  
Christian Bale’s Gorr was not what I was expecting.  I don’t mean this in a negative way.  I think if he had been just played straight, we would have had another Ronan the Confessor.  He unhinged behavior was unsettling, but I think in a good way.
There are several cameo’s I was surprised to see in this movie, but I was glad to see them.
I don’t know why I found the jealous weapons and the screaming goats to be so funny and yet...
Of course, the biggest event was the return of Natalie Portman as Dr. Jane Foster.  If you’ve read my previous posts on the first two Thor movies, you’ll know I’m not a fan of the character.  Eh, let me rephrase that.  I didn’t dislike the character as it was more that I didn’t see the point of her in the first movie (other then to be a love interest) and then they turned her into a literal plot device in the second one.  As for this movie, well, she is still a plot device to a certain extent.  However, she also has her own story.
Of course, her storyline is based on The Mighty Thor comics.  The biggest difference in her origin is that, in the comic, she was diagnosed with Stage One Breast Cancer which became Stage Four after continued use of Mjolnir; whereas, in the movie, she already is at Stage Four when she first uses it.  And so Jane’s story is one where....she knows her time left is limited, so how does she want to spend that time? Does she continue to fight the disease with treatments that might keep her alive a little longer, but are ultimately are not working well enough to stop the disease?  Or does she chose to use the power of Thor to help others, knowing that doing so will end up allowing the Cancer to kill her quicker?  In other words, this is a story of a terminal person’s right to choose how they live the end of their life.  This story is probably the strongest part of the movie.
Of course, with the teasers, we have a couple of questions.  Does this mean Jane can return?  Well, I would say (as of this moment) I saw it more of a way to let the audience know that, while Thor and Jane are parted now, they’ll be reunited when Thor dies and goes to Valhalla (we all know he’ll die in battle).  That being said, Jane did die and go to Valhalla in the comics.  And Thor did bring her back, so it is a possibility.  
Also, I think it’s very clear that between this movie, The Eternals, Moon Knight, and Ms. Marvel; Marvel is bringing in the more mythological aspect of the Marvel comics to the MCU.  Also, Hercules cameo...there has to be more to that, right?  
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sunnystar839 · 1 month
Krog the siller
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I stole the back from Instagram IMASORRYRUUDJDJJSJS
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Which mixel gets the most bitches?
Krog. He easily has that smooth Russian charm to him.
-Mod Tentro
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lovelyteng · 10 days
Music Phases of Grief Chapter 1 - Don't Get Fret Yourself
[Starts in the afternoon with Primary Cousins walking on the sidewalk in the district, they feeling upset except Dribbal who’s looking at them barely worried while he and 8 Mixels are walking.]
Dribbal: Look. I really understand you guys fell down by our rivals who defeated us. I’m not feel like they defeated me at all. (Paused as the Primary Cousins have no answer.) Guys? (Shouts while getting more worried.) Guys? Hey! Are you listening to me?! Please! I’m getting worried about you! (8 Primary Cousins getting irritated.) 
8 Primary Cousins: Shut up, Dribbal!
Dribbal: But I can’t! I'm sick of it! Nobody’s paying attention to me as no one listens to me!
Snoof: What's wrong with you? Are you scared of nobody seeing you?
Dribbal: What? No! I just-- (Cuts off.)
Gurggle: You always tried to make the best for anyone else. We know that.
Dribbal: But I just-- (Paused, then sighs in defeat.) Nevermind. I’ll never talk about this again…
[Cut to interior of Glorp Corp Apartment as Dribbal walks in the hallway as he walks in guilt to the door of Glomp’s Room/Room 415-18, he knocks it slowly.]
Glomp: (from inside) Who there?
Dribbal: (nervously) Uh… This is your cousin… Dribbal.
[Footprint sounds, then it gets louder as it gets closer. Glomp opens the door and looks at Dribbal.]
Glomp: Oh! Hi there, Dribbal! What's your matter?
Dribbal: (quietly) I need to talk privately, please?
Glomp: Why?
Dribbal: (worried) I just came inside!
Glomp: Okay! Okay! You’re come in! (Dribbal runs in Glomp’s Room.) Geez! What's wrong with you? (Closes the door.)
[Cut to interior of Glomp’s Room/Room 415-18 as his living room, Dribbal sitting on a sofa guilty as twiddling your fingers together. Glomp walks to him with his phone.]
Dribbal: So…is it done?
Glomp: It’s done. I just texted their cousins about what happened to them.
Dribbal: (Sighs in relief) Thanks goodness…
Glomp: One question for you. Why do you have a lack of reaction to insults on you?
Dribbal: It's a long story… But I have something to tell you.
Glomp: What is it?
Dribbal: I’m so sad about my grandmother. 
Glomp: I know that, Dribbal. You need to move on from that.
Dribbal: Probably… I’ve been depressed by her death, which gave me a lack of reactions to any insult from somebody else.
Glomp: Oh! That's why!
Dribbal: I've been nonchalant for today. (Hops off a sofa and walks off guilty.) Thanks for talking privately, cousin. (He opens and then closes a door calmly while Glomp looks at him.)
Glomp: (soft sadly) You're welcome.
[Cut to interior of Dribbal's Room/Room 415-48 without the light at night as his living room, Dribbal sitting on a sofa while watching TV as he eats Cookironi from a jar and dunking a glass of a cheese milk, then he eats it as he is watching a horror movie.]
Dribbal: Woah… That was scary, but that was amazing. (Drinks cheese milk as it starts empty which means it is already empty.) Huh? I need more cheese milk.
[Dribbal walks to his kitchen as opens the fridge to pick a bottle of cheese milk, he pours it on glass, then puts a bottle of cheese milk in the fridge and closes it, he sighs as start drinks it. Until the voices are shouting with rock music offscreen while Dribbal spitting out cheese milk in surprise, then coughs out, he runs to the window to look down through it and then he's shocked by looking through the window.]
Dribbal: (surprised) What the?!
[Pans down as cut to outside of Glorp Corp Apartment. Infernite Cousins and Frosticon Cousins wear rock outfits with night, past, and warm colors theme and style who stand to wait in front of doors.]
[Cut back to Dribbal, he started to get scared and tremble.]
Dribbal: (quietly) What are they doing here at night?! And why are they dressed like a rockstar band?
Gurggle: (offscreen) You all guys here?
Dribbal: (gasps, whispers) Oh no! (He cringes to hide and covers the window with blind.)
[Cut back to Infernite and Frosticon Cousins, they look at Gurggle and Slusho who are wearing exactly like the rest of them.]
Chilbo: Yup! That's the rest of us!
Flamzer: But Dribbal doesn't join here.
Gurggle: What are you talking about? Of course, who cares about him! Let's-a go!
[6 Primary Cousins walk away, but Snoof and Chilbo look at Glorp Corp Apartment sadly.]
Krog: Snoof? Chilbo? Come on! Don't look sad about him. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it and don't mind that.
[Snoof and Chilbo look at each other sadly and then accept as they nod.]
Chilbo: Of course, he will. (He and Snoof run to 6 Primary Cousins.)
[Cut to Dribbal, his eyes through blind to look at them nervously.]
Dribbal: Oh no. Tomorrow is…getting worse.
[Dribbal let it go as finish drinking the cheese milk, then he put a glass on the kitchen sink. He yawns.]
Dribbal: I need to get to sleep.
[Dribbal walks tired to his bedroom, then he lays on his bed, takes off his glasses and puts it on the drawer to turn off a lamp, he covers himself with a blanket, and then sleeps.]
[Cut to exterior of Glorp Corp Apartment, the night fades into the day as morning. Cut back to Dribbal at his bedroom, the digital clock as it turns to 7:00 AM as it rings while Dribbal presses a button to snooze it, he stretch his arms while yawns, then he wears his glasses and he get up off his bed as walks off his bedroom.]
Dribbal: I hope somebody will never disturb me this morning.
[Cut to Dribbal’s kitchen, he puts cereal and cheese milk on a bowl at a table while sitting on a chair, and he eats it and drinks a cup of milk coffee.]
Dribbal: (quietly) Wow. This is pretty sure in peace and quiet… For now. (Continues eating cereal and then drinks his milk coffee calmly. Until shaking around the kitchen while he started to be surprised.) Earthquake! (He covers and under the table while he holds a bowl of cereal and a cup of milk coffee.) What's going on?!
[Cut to Glomp opens a door while Glurt and Torts are beside him, they all panicking.]
Glomp: Dribbal! Let’s go!
Dribbal: Cousins? What's going on in there?!
Torts: Your brothers in the basement!
Dribbal: (shouts) What?!
Glurt: They’re making an apartment shaking!
Dribbal: (dumbfounded) WHAT?! (He runs and looks through the window as outside seems fine while the apartment is shaking, stuttering.) I thought it was-- (Groaning in frustration.) Ugh! Are you kidding me?!
Glomp: Let's go! (Grabs Dribbal's arm and pulls out a bowl of cereal that falls and shattered.)
Dribbal: Aw…!
[Cut to the hallway of Glorp Corp Apartment, Glorp Corp and Dribbal run while Glomp holding Dribbal’s arm as he holds a cup of milk coffee on another arm. They go to two elevators, but both signs say: “OUT OF ORDER”.]
Glomp: Come on! Let's go downstairs!
Dribbal: Oh no. (He quickly drinks a milk coffee.) I just finished-- (Glomp pulls him out while he screams as milk coffee starts splashes on him.) Aw, come on!
[Cut to Glorp Corp and Dribbal running down the stairs until they make it to the basement as they look at Gurggle and Slusho playing their instruments while they are still in rock outfits.]
Glomp: (shouting) See that, Dribbal?! I tried to tell you!
Dribbal: (shouting) What? I can't hear you! Because of that!
Glomp: Oh! For crying out! (Inhales, then shouts out.) COUSINS!! STOP THAT!! WE'RE CAN'T HEAR US TO TALK US!!
[Gurggle and Slusho finally stop the rock music as they stop shaking an apartment while Glorp Corp and Dribbal sigh with relief.]
Dribbal: Finally! It’s over! (Gurggle and Slusho chuckles.) What? What is so funny? (Notices and taps a milk coffee as he looks at it, deadpans) Oh, this? (With growls growing annoyed.) My breakfast is messed up on me, thanks to Glomp!
Glomp: Hey! I just went with you down there!
Dribbal: You're being impatient about that!
Torts: Cousin Dribbal, have you seen that?!
Dribbal: I know that! Look, I know you understand about my brothers’ in their own “phases”.
Glomp: Their “phases”? Really, Dribbal?
Dribbal: I read a book about that. I think.
Torts: Why are you always acting like that?
Dribbal: I’m sick of it!
Gurggle: (sarcastically) Wow… He still doesn't-a like that everyone never paid any attention to him.
Slusho: Sounds like he’s starting to become self-absorbed.
Dribbal: (irritated) Hey! I’m not!
Gurggle: You’ll see, Dribbal. You'll see. (To Slusho) Come on, Slusho! Let's-a go.
[Gurggle and Slusho walk away while Glorp Corp and Dribbal glare at them until they are gone.]
Dribbal: (sighs) I knew it… I just knew it!
Glomp: Look, Dribbal, it’s not you thinking about it!
Dribbal: (irritated) I know that already, okay?! I just… (Sighs as pinches his nose, frustrated.) I don't wanna talk about that, okay? (He walks away defeated while Glorp Corp looks at him sadly.) Just…don’t talk about that…
Torts: Woah… He has a major issue about that.
Glomp: Yeah, sure.
[Cut back to the hallway, Dribbal walks in guilt to his room as enter it. Cut back to interior of Dribbal's Room/Room 415-48 as his bedroom, he grabs his phone, power bank, charger, bluetooth headphones and earbuds, journals, books, notebook, pen, and pencil put in his backpack and zip it as he wears it, he looks at a small metal box.]
Dribbal: I’ll take it to travel. (Grabs a box and puts it under his backpack.) There.
[Cut to the hallway, Dribbal locks his room and puts his keys in his backpack.]
Dribbal: There! I locked all these secrets as I secured it!
Booger: (offscreen, excited) Dribbal!
Dribbal: (screams) Booger? (Booger runs to him as seem excited.) Woah, woah, woah! Woah! Calm down there, Booger! Why are you excited? What's going on?
Booger: You’re gonna see this! (Grabs Dribbal's arm which makes him shocking.) Come on! (He and Dribbal run as he pulls him.)
Dribbal: (groans) Oh no. Not again!
Booger: Huh?
Dribbal: It’s a long story.
Booger: (paused) Okay then!
[Cut to Dribbal and Booger running down the stairs when few Mixels join them. They trip and fall down the stairs as they yell in pain until the ground floor.]
Booger: (groans) Finally! Ouch!
Dribbal: At least no one passes-- (Cut off as he and Booger got hurt by Mixels as they stepped on them while they were running, screaming in agony.) WHY?! WHY THEY ALWAYS ON ME?!
[Cut outside of Glorp Corp Apartment while many Mixels running towards to the left as Dribbal and Booger join them after exit of the apartment, they get hurt.]
Dribbal: (hisses in pain) Ouch! (Look at Mixels in the crowd.) Uh… Why do these people run to…? (Realized as worried.) Oh no! Not them!
Booger: There they are! 
Dribbal: Uh-oh…
[Cut to 8 Primary Cousins on waving to the crowd who surround them, pans to Dribbal and Booger look at them as they are behind the crowd.]
Booger: Dribbal, can you lift me?
Dribbal: Uh…actually…
Booger: I’m gonna on you! (Jumps on Dribbal which starts off balance while he walks in pain.) Be careful, Dribbal!
Dribbal: I’m trying! My legs! It really hurt after they stepped on us! (He finally stopped it to stand still for Booger as he held Booger’s legs.) It's stopped! Woah! Be careful yourself, Booger! Ouch! That really hurts!
Booger: Okay! I got it! (He stops moving as a thumb up to Dribbal.) I see them! Yes!
[Cut to 8 Primary Cousins continues waves, they notice The Scenlight Twins who hold autographs in excitement.]
Incande: Hey! My twin sister and I are your biggest fans!
Fluore: Hm-hmm! That's true for my twin brother, guys.
Snoof: Wow, thanks! And who are you?
Incande: My name’s Incande…
Fluore: …My name's Fluore…
Scenlight Twins: And we are… (Flying around and then landing while doing the pose, singing.) The Scenlight Twins!
[8 Primary Cousins applause, cut back to Dribbal and Booger who see them as Booger clapping while Dribbal starts to realize.]
Dribbal: Hey! I remember them!
Booger: You know them?
Dribbal: The Scenlight Twins!
Who are famous singers and actors! Also, they’re Phosphee's cousins!
Booger: Wow! That was amazing!
Dribbal: I know, right? I think they are happy to see my friends and brothers as the fans!
Flamzer: (offscreen) Sorry, everyone! That's closed for now!
Booger: (shocking) WHAT?!
Dribbal: (quietly) Oh no…!
[The crowd groans disappointed and walks away while Booger jumps off Dribbal to run toward as he starts to run away. Cut to Dribbal, he was holding up his phone.]
Dribbal: (quietly) I’m going to Jinky about his problem without seeing me.
[Cut to 8 Primary Cousins and The Scenlight Twins who look at Booger who is towards them.]
Gurggle: Booger? What are you doing here?
Booger: I'm just gonna see you to sign my autograph, but it's too late.
Chilbo: It’s okay for that. (Notice Booger got hurt marks.) Huh? What happened to you?
Booger: The fans stepped on me to see you. (Holds his left arm.) Ouch! It really hurt!
Meltus: Poor him! (Sneezes out as if shooting at a bird which is screaming and flying away.)
Snoof: (To Scenlight Twins, annoyed) I told you, guys! No… join… our band!
Incande: But we’re just-- (Cut off.)
Snoof: (angrily) NEVER! 
[7 Primary Cousins, Booger and The Scenlight Twins surprised Snoof, which The Scenlight Twins start disappointing and then flying away. Snoof takes his breath and looks at them, who are surprised by him.]
Booger: Wow…! I think Flurr is right about him.
Chilbo: What? You really know that, Booger? How?
Booger: I was eavesdropped last night.
Snoof: You mean listening to our cousins? (Booger nods.) That sounds of our cousins talking about that.
Slusho: Nor even Dribbal.
Gurggle: Nor even? Really?
Slusho: He is neither talking about us or not.
Booger: Speaking of him, he’s with me to see you, but I only see you when I’m on him. Plus, he got hurt too by the fans.
Gurggle and Slusho: (clinging) Ouch!
Flamzer: Yup, we know he got really hurt someday.
Chilbo: Where is he? I wants to see him
Booger: He’s just right… (Notice Dribbal was not here.) …here. (Worried.) Where did he go?!
[Cut to the afternoon of Mixopolis, Dribbal runs at Klinker District while he holds his phone.]
Dribbal: Okay, Jinky! I’m at Klinker District! (Stops run.)
Jinky: (from Dribbal’s phone as speak through) Great! Now, you’re looking for a building where I’m outside of it.
Dribbal: Got it!
[Dribbal walks the sidewalk at Klinker District while looking around until he finally notices Jinky at Klinker Laboratory as he wears glasses and a lab coat as he holds his phone and then he notices Dribbal who runs to him.]
Jinky: Good! Just in time, Dribbal! (He presses and hangs out of his phone’s call and puts it in his lab coat.)
Dribbal: You're at your private laboratory… That's kinda creepy. (Moans in cringe as he presses and hangs out of his phone’s call and puts it in his backpack.) I hope Chilbo doesn't know this location.
Jinky: Me too. He’s kinda creepy like last time.
Dribbal: Huh?
Jinky: I’ll explain that, okay? (Holding up a brown key to unlock a door as open.) Just come in.
[Dribbal and Jinky enter the Klinker Laboratory as Jinky closes a door. Zoom out shot to Chilbo in shadow as he hid in an alleyway. Cut to close-up Chilbo, he smiles and then chuckles, then he runs away.]
[Cut to interior of Klinker Laboratory as Dribbal and Jinky walking in the hallway while Dribbal feels nervous as he’s holding his phone as looking around it. ]
Dribbal: Hey, Jinky? Why called me for I come with you?
Jinky: (sighs) I called you because…
Dribbal and Jinky: (in union with the same tone voices) Problem about Chilbo with their friends whenever they're here or not. (Realized each other, in normal voices.) Huh? You know that?
Dribbal: Wow! I’m surprised about what we're saying at the time because our voices are the same!
Jinky: I know, right? I love that! We're even in Gurggle and Camillot. (Dribbal nods and hums.) Exactly! (He and Dribbal finally reach a rusty door with a dust sign that says in red text “DON'T ENTER”.) And we’re here!
Dribbal: (nervously) I’m feeling nervous right now. Because someone is following us.
Jinky: Don't worry, Dribbal. I secured it when nobody passed it.
Dribbal: I heard those same words from Chilbo. Someone breaks it when they sneak to see it when entering. (Nervously.) I’m so scared!
Jinky: Relax! There's nothing here! (Holds 9 keys on a lime keychain and holds a long brown and gray key to unlock the door, then he opens it.) After you, Dribbal.
[Dribbal walks nervously while Chilbo watches Dribbal and Jinky as he’s hiding the box.]
Dribbal: (whispering) I’m so scared!
Jinky: Oh! Stop it! (He walks and enters a room, then he closes and locks the door, offscreen.) There! I locked it up!
Dribbal: (offscreen, nervously) A-are you sure? Someone has an idea to enter this room, w-w-whether someone who is smart or not so bright.
Jinky: (offscreen, irritated) Oh! Shut it up already?!
[While Dribbal and Jinky are talking privately, Chilbo listens to them, then he smiles and looks at the vent.]
Chilbo: (whispering) I guess you're right about that, Dribbal. (Pulls out a damper, then enters it, then he crawls through it.) I see… You explain that you are worried if someone breaks in through security. (Whispering in the creepy sound.) I listen to your problems and secrets… (Laughing quietly.)
[Cut to Gear Laboratory where many of cobwebs, rusty gears and metal, and dust objects, even old instruments. Dribbal looks around nervously while Jinky looks around the box.]
Dribbal: (quietly) Now we're here. You tell me about Chilbo, why went insane on you last time you said?
Jinky: Oh, about that. Everyone always thought Chilbo is straightforward and levelhead.
Dribbal: Yeah, they always thought.
Jinky: Then he was actually so chaotic and energetic.
Dribbal: Also, he’s extroverted and socially.
Jinky: (worrying) Why's Chilbo acting weird?! I don’t get it! (He and Dribbal start thinking.) Talking and thinking about it…
[Pans to a vent where Chilbo seeks to look through a damper as he smiles at Dribbal and Jinky while he looks at them.]
Dribbal: (realized) Oh! I figured it out!
Jinky: (surprised) What?! Really?! What is it?! Please!
[Chilbo slowly pushes a damper, slowly puts it, then little jumps and slides down slowly in the background while Dribbal and Jinky talking about Chilbo.]
Dribbal: I see now… Chilbo is straightforward and level-headed when his family is with him…
[Chilbo tiptoeing to pick Jinky’s old electric guitar, giggles quietly as continue tiptoeing.]
Jinky: And then?
Dribbal: (nervously) Then he’s really chaotic and energetic whenever with… uh…
[Chilbo tiptoeing and then walking slowly to Dribbal as behind him, he slowly grows excited yet creepy while he holds up Jinky's old electric guitar which he starts laughing quietly.]
Jinky: (starts worried) Whenever with what?
Dribbal: (panicked) …Me and you, Jinky! When his family and/or friends are gone!
Jinky: (shocked) WHAT?! HOW?!
Dribbal: When my brothers, Snoof, and Krog left me and Chilbo alone. Then he shows his true self to me! He just wanted to stay with me!
Jinky: Because he doesn't like to be alone, right?
Dribbal: Only his friends and sometimes his family.
Jinky: Chilbo wants to be alone with his family whenever he studies. Sometimes.
Dribbal: That's right. (Nervously.) Also, I officially hate that. He's driving me crazy!
[Chilbo starts to raise up Jinky’s old electric guitar behind Dribbal which Jinky notices and surprises.]
Jinky: Watch out! (He grabs Dribbal to drag away from Chilbo who missed to hit him.) Phew! That was close!
Dribbal: (worried) Ah! Chilbo?! What are you doing here?!
Chilbo: (grunts as holds Jinky's old electric guitar) I just want you with me. Even for you, Jinky.
Jinky: (nervously) But… but how did you know you entered this building?!
Chilbo: I saw it when you entered it. Even I saw the password.
Dribbal: Ha! Told you so, Jinky!
Jinky: (quietly, sighs) All right, I’ll listen to you later. (To Chilbo, nervously.) What do you want for us?
Chilbo: Well, my friends and brothers need you about our band.
Jinky: Wanted us to join your rock band?
Chilbo: Yes.
Dribbal and Jinky: (in union with the same tone voices) I knew it! (Realized each other with Chilbo look at them shocked, in normal voices as they overlapped with Chilbo.) WHAT?! You just used the same tone of our voice… AGAIN?!
Chilbo: (overlapped with Dribbal and Jinky, shocked) WHAT?! You just used the same tone of your voice… AGAIN?!
Dribbal: (surprised) HUH?! Chilbo, you just listen and follow us the whole time?!
Chilbo: Uh, yes.
Dribbal: (whispering) I knew it, he’s stalking us, Jinky!
Jinky: (nods, whispering) Exactly!
Chilbo: (offscreen) Anyways… (Dribbal and Jinky wear bluetooth earbuds.) Let's talk about that. (Dribbal and Jinky quickly play the music on their phone while background music playing, cut to Chilbo who turns around to them.) Booger talked to me, my brothers and friends about you, Dribbal. You got hurt along Booger by the fans, right?
Dribbal: (quietly, nervously) Exactly.
Chilbo: Booger talked to me after autographing my fans, he talked about you and your problems, Dribbal.
Dribbal: (befuddled) Oh… About that… I don't want to talk about that.
Chilbo: But I want you to tell me your problem! Please, I’m begging you!
Dribbal: (irritated yet worried) Okay! Okay! Geez! What's wrong with you?!
Jinky: Wow, you are saying the same to your cousin. (To Chilbo) Chilbo, that's enough of this, okay?
Chilbo: (breathes) Right, right.
Dribbal: Anyway… (Walk slowly to the door while looking at Jinky and Chilbo, nervously.) I…just…going…to…anywhere in this building… (Starts to reach a doorknob, but his hand gets frozen.) What the?! (He tries to let his hand off the ice, but no anvil.) Oh no…!
[Cut to Chilbo holding his ice brain which is glowing, he covers his eyes with shadow and starts to smile and laugh. Cut to Jinky walking away from Chilbo.]
Jinky: Oh no! (Looks at Dribbal who tries to let his hand off in ice.) Dribbal! (Runs to Dribbal, but he trips as his feet get frozen as he looks at it.) What the?!
[Cut to Chilbo walks to uncover the shadow and opens his eyes, then laughing madly as stop glows his ice brain and drops Jinky’s old guitar while Dribbal and Jinky scream in terror as they try getting off from the ice.]
Jinky: Dribbal! Grab my hand! (Show up his arm.)
Dribbal: (surprised and shouting) WHAT?!
Jinky: Trust me! Just grab my hand!
[Dribbal tries reaching Jinky with his other arm while Jinky looks at Chilbo nervously. Chilbo walks slowly to Dribbal as he continues laughing while Dribbal keeps holding his arm to Jinky.]
Dribbal: (whispering, nervously) Jinky! Hurry up! He’s getting closer!
Jinky: Wait for it, Dribbal. Wait for it… (Chilbo finally stops walking to Dribbal, then he quickly holds on to a Rainbow Cubit as it appears on his hand.) NOW!
[Dribbal grabs a Rainbow Cubit which he and Jinky are glowing around themselves while Chilbo steps back and covers his eyes as he grunts. Stop glowing as Chilbo opens his eyes and then he is surprised. Cut to the ice melting as Dribbal and Jinky are gone.]
Chilbo: (surprised) WHAT?! Where are they?! (Runs out of room, offscreen in echoes.) Where are you, guys?!
[Silhouette Mixel slowly falls with their extended arm, then finally puts on the ground as their arm back to normal size. They walk out the shadows and reveal themselves as Jinky and Dribbal Mix with bluetooth headphones, Jinky's lab coat and Dribbal's backpack who breathe and sigh in relief.]
Jinky and Dribbal Mix: (in Jinky’s voice) That was SO close!
[Dribbal and Jinky de-mix themselves, they sigh in relief, they remove bluetooth earbuds and put them in to hide even Dribbal hides it in his backpack which makes background music stops.]
Dribbal: I can't believe it! You say, if I grab your hand as I grab a Cubit with you! Amazing!
Jinky: Yup! (Walks and picks his old electric guitar, plays a few notes.) It’s still playing as it gets rusty. Say, Dribbal. Do you want to play this old guitar?
Dribbal: (nods) Yes. But I have to tell you, can I mix your electric guitar with this? (Points at an old piano.)
Jinky: Yes, you do. This old guitar and instruments are yours now, because I already have it (Holds up his new electric guitar.)
Dribbal: (happily) Cool! Thanks, Jinky! (Paused.) Wait… Old instruments are mine now?
Jinky: (nods) Hm-hmm. Some band members don't want it anymore. Don't worry, I’ll tell them that.
Dribbal: Okay then. (Walks toward old instruments to push to an old piano from any direction, then walks to Jinky.) May I have it? (Points at an old electric guitar which Jinky holds.)
Jinky: Oh. Here, take it. (Dribbal takes Jinky’s old electric guitar, then he walks to a pile of old instruments.) Uh, what are you doing?
Dribbal: I’m doing it with old instruments to mix with my power. I use a power of combination to it.
Jinky: Huh?
Dribbal: Which any items into combined one! Without any Cubit!
Jinky: Wow, that never seemed that before. 
Dribbal: (nods) Exactly! Watch this!
[Dribbal closes his eyes as an old guitar glowing in rainbow colors while Jinky looks surprised and amused.]
Jinky: (amused) Wow!
Dribbal: (opens his eyes) Stay back, Jinky!
[Jinky runs in backward until on the walls, Dribbal plugs an old electric guitar into a pile of old instruments which causes a pile to start glowing while Dribbal runs to Jinky.]
Dribbal: Brace yourself!
[Dribbal and Jinky hide and cover behind the pillars which make a small flash explosion with smoke, then they come out slowly.]
Jinky: What's just happened, Dribbal?
Dribbal: Looks like they combined into one.
Jinky: Let's take a look, shall we? (Dribbal nods, he shows an electric fan from additional arms to activate it as it blows away a smoke, then he and Dribbal start to be surprised.) Wow! (An electric fan was put down in his additional arms to hide in.) Is that?!
[Cut to smoke blows away as reveal the combinated item is an electronic keyboard with colors of Glorp Corp for body, orange of Series 6 for black keys, rainbow colors for white keys, and colors of any tribe and series for any parts, it’s on stand. Dribbal and Jinky are amused by an electronic keyboard as it combines.]
Jinky: I can't believe it, Dribbal! You’re made entire old instruments into one new instrument!
Dribbal: Yeah!
Jinky: But all instruments turned into one electronic keyboard, it doesn't make sense.
Dribbal: But it DOES make sense! Because an electronic keyboard has a mode of different sounds from any instruments!
Jinky: (realized) Oh! (Snaps his fingers.) That makes total sense!
Dribbal: Exactly! Also, there's a lot of modes for this. (Press a button to pop out a neck which he and Jinky surprised, then he picks it as a stand to hide in and a rainbow belt pops out which he and Dribbal amused as he wears it.) Wow! A keytar mode!
Jinky: That was amazing! How do you do that for your power?! 
Dribbal: Well, I have the power of mixing any item without Cubit. Before items are combined, I’m concentrating on my hopeful creativity about an item.
Jinky: Okay. What is your combined item for the first time to use your power?
Dribbal: My mixed-up scooter.
Jinky: (surprising) Huh?! What's items of your mixed-up scooter?
Dribbal: Did you see me when I picked it up at the junkyard?
Jinky: Okay then. Hmm… Pogostick, skateboard, hoverboard, jetski, jetpack, zipline, hang glide, motor of land, air, and water… (Slowly realizes as he starts nervously.) …or anything for the small vehicle parts you have…
Dribbal: Jinky, are you okay?
Jinky: You got a lot of items you got for a multi-mode mixed-up scooter.
Dribbal: Yup. But you called it… Multi-Scooter!
Jinky: Okay… But your electronic keyboard…?
Dribbal: Composound Keyboard.
Jinky: Why did you name it like that?
Dribbal: I've run out of ideas. Anyways, thanks for discussing. (Takes off Composound Keyboard and backpack, he presses a button for a keytar into a small rod as he puts it in his backpack, then wears it, sadly.) Goodbye, Jinky. Thank you for your help… (Walks out of room.)
Jinky: (waves sadly to Dribbal) Anytime… (Quietly.) What's his problem when he's so sad? I wonder…
[Cut to the night at Mixopolis, Dribbal walking on sidewalks guilty, then he heads toward inside Mixopolis Train Station A. 8 Primary Cousins walking on the sidewalk in front of Mixopolis Train Station, they are still in rock outfits.]
Snoof: (irritating) …Chilbo, you still can’t find Dribbal anywhere!
Gurggle: You’re getting tired! It’s almost 9:00 PM!
Krog: Perhaps, you will try to find him tomorrow. 
Chilbo: (sighs) Okay. I will
[Cut to inside of Mixopolis Train Station as nobody here except Dribbal who is standing there waiting in guilt, he holds up his phone as it says 9:15 PM, he presses the button to sleep his phone and then hides it.] 
Dribbal: (quietly) It’s almost 9:30! Come on! Come on! (He was surprised by some whistles.) They're here! Phew! Finally!
[A train stops on track  as it opens the doors, Dribbal enters it as it closes the doors, then the train starts to drive. Cut to the inside of the train as Dribbal looks around it as nobody is here in the train which makes Dribbal sigh and then take a seat. A Klinker Mixel with one eye and wearing a conductor uniform who comes to Dribbal who looks at him as he yells in surprise to him.]
Klinker Conductor: (in British accent) Woah! Calm down, sir!
Dribbal: I'm just surprised! I thought this train was empty!
Klinker Conductor: Sorry about that! My train is going to drive itself.
Dribbal: I know! What are you doing here?
Klinker Conductor: (holds up a ticket punch) A ticket, sir.
Dribbal: (befuddling) Oh. (Holds up a ticket.) Here. (Klinker Conductor takes a ticket to punch it and then gives it to him, sadly.) Thanks. (Sighs and then groans while covering his face to make muffled groaning.) 
Klinker Conductor: What's wrong, sir?
Dribbal: To be honest, my brothers and friends are pretty upset by their rivals who challenge them and me.
Klinker Conductor: Huh? But you're not pretty upset by them?
Dribbal: I don't feel at all.
Klinker Conductor: Oh… I see. What's your name, sir?
Dribbal: Dribbal. My name is Dribbal Thriller.
Klinker Conductor: (amusing) Wow… That's a meaningful name.
Dribbal: Yes, it is.
Klinker Conductor: (handshakes Dribbal) Nice to meet you, Dribbal. My name’s Concorductor Meaningfix.
Dribbal: (surprising) Huh?! Concorductor Meaningfix?!
Concorductor: (confusing) Uh…yes? 
Dribbal: You're the one of Meaningfix Family and Jinky's band!
Concorductor: (surprising) Jinky?! You know about him?!
Dribbal: Yeah! He’s my friend!
Concorductor: Wow! I thought he doesn't like fans who want to be friends.
Dribbal: But actually, after disbanded his band, he accepted some fans who wanted to be friends.
Concorductor: See…
Dribbal: Anyway, I have a question for you. Your name is Concorductor, right?
Concorductor: Yeah, what is it?
Dribbal: Your name is a combination of conductor and Concord. Conductor is a meaning word.
Concorductor: Yes, that's right and that's what made my last name is Meaningfix. What is the meaning of conductor?
Dribbal: Okay… About the conductor… Directs the performance of an orchestra, in charge of a train, streetcar, or other public conveyance, who collects fares and sells tickets, and a device that conducts or transmits heat, electricity, or sound, especially when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this. Also, another term is lightning rod!
Concorductor: That's right! Which means…
[Concorductor rips his uniforms as reveals his combined theme of music and train conductor uniform, he wipes himself with his former uniform while Dribbal starts surprised.]
Dribbal: No ways! You are…!
[Cut to Concorductor finished wiping himself as his true self is Electroid, Klinker, and Mixie Hybrid Mixel as he holds his former uniform now covered with brown and gray paints which he throws it in a train can.]
Concorductor: …Hybrid Mixel! I’m Electroid, Klinker, and Mixie Hybrid Mixel!
[Cut to Dribbal dumbfounded and take a picture to Concorductor with his phone, then he hides it.]
Dribbal: I can't believe it! You're one of Hybrid Mixels!
Concorductor: That's right, Dribbal!
Dribbal: That’s another Hybrid Mixel I met!
Concorductor: Another? You mean you're met more Hybrid Mixels? (Dribbal nods and hums.) Even my child, Clemistry?
Dribbal: Huh? Your child?
Concorductor: Oh, right. Clemistry is my adopted child.
Dribbal: (befuddles) Oh…right… He’s your… (Stuttering) She is, uh, or they, uh or it…
Concorductor: It’s okay, Dribbal. Clemistry doesn't mind if anyone uses any pronouns.
Dribbal: Clemistry is genderfluid, right?
Concorductor: Yup.
Dribbal: I know about Clemistry. He’s amazing skill of chemistry science, she’s pretty good relationship to me as good friends, and they’re Spikel, Glorp Corp, Medix, and Newzer Hybrid Mixel. I use any pronouns for it, I mean Clemistry, sorry. I'm a little bit confused about Clemistry as they're genderfluid.
Concorductor: It's okay. Clemistry is never mind if anyone uses any pronouns.
Dribbal: (sighs) Some friends and family have a sexuality.
Concorductor: They have? Do any of your friends are transgender?
Dribbal: Yes, they have. My 2 friends and my older cousin.
Concorductor: Wow! Impressive! (A train starts stopping at the track.) Oh! It looks like you made it!
Dribbal: Thanks for talking to me while driving the train itself.
Concorductor: (adjusts his hat) You’re welcome! And good luck, Dribbal!
[Dribbal walks out of the train while the train drives off. Cut to the interior of Mixopolis Train Station B, Dribbal walks to a ticket booth where Klinker Mixel, who has two eyes with scar on their right eye, looks at him.]
Klinker Mixel: (in non-binary voice and male sounding tone with Irish accent) Hello, lad. (Dribbal holds a ticket to give him as he takes it.) Oh, a ticket. Of course, sir. (Waves to Dribbal who walks away.) Good luck to the dangerous district, lad!
Dribbal: (quietly) They’ll never find me here…
[After Dribbal walks out of Mixopolis Train Station B, Klinker Mixel holds a phone as taps it, then calls it.]
Klinker Mixel: Hello, Chilbo.
Chilbo: (from Klinker Mixel’s phone as speak through) Did you find Dribbal in there, Colect?
Colect: Yes, he’s here! My adopted brother Concorductor talks about him.
Chilbo: (from Colect’s phone as speak through) Good! I’ll talk to my friends and brothers tomorrow! Thank you for finding him! Bye!
Colect: Goodbye, Chilbo. (Quietly.) Your best friend will find you with his friends… Dribbal M. Thriller. (Laughing madly.)
[Fade to night of Mixopolis as cut to Dribbal walking nervously on the sidewalk at an unknown district while humming The Heart. While Dribbal continues walking on the sidewalk, a tiny blue flying camera follows behind Dribbal. Fade to black.]
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srndpt2024 · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lightless | Vipassi (bandcamp.com)
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gloriabomfim · 9 months
[Setting: The colorful world of Mixels, where Krog, the Frosticon Mixel, and Flamzer, the Infernite Mixel, find themselves in a hilarious discussion about being a "leader."]
Krog: (munching on an ice cream cone the size of his head) So, Flamzer, you're the "leader" of the Infernites, right?
Flamzer: (nervously looking around) Yeah, but it's not as fun as it sounds. I'm constantly worried about safety, and those Nixels could be lurking anywhere!
Krog: (with a mischievous grin) Safety, eh? Well, I'm the "leader" of the Frosticons, and I'm all about satisfying my never-ending hunger!
Flamzer: (raising an eyebrow) Hunger? What's that got to do with leadership?
Krog: (swallowing a giant bite) Everything! A good leader knows how to keep their team well-fed and happy. Plus, you never know when you'll stumble upon a delicious fire hydrant or two.
Flamzer: (shaking his head) I'll stick to worrying about Nixel attacks, thank you very much.
Krog: (suddenly serious) Speaking of Nixels, if they ever cross my path and dare to be rude, I've got a little something called "revenge" in my icy bag of tricks.
Flamzer: (nervously) Uh, let's hope it doesn't come to that. I'd rather avoid any confrontation.
[Now, they decide to break into a goofy song about leadership.]
Both (singing):
🎶 We're the leaders, yes, it's true, But our styles are quite a different view, Flamzer's cautious, always on alert, While Krog's just looking for a tasty dessert!
Flamzer: (sweating) Safety first, that's my creed, In the Mixel world, I take the lead, Nixels beware, I'm quick to flee, When danger's near, you won't catch me!
Krog: (grinning) I munch and munch, can't be denied, Food's my passion, far and wide, If you cross me, don't be rude, Or my icy revenge will leave you chilled and subdued!
Both: (in harmony) So here we are, leaders we claim, In this Mixel world, it's not the same, But whether cautious or craving a treat, We'll lead our tribes to victory, can't be beat! 🎶
[The Mixels dance around in a comical fashion, embracing their unique leadership styles and enjoying the quirks that make them who they are.]
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