kidpix-album-covers · 8 months
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Einstürzende Neubauten - Kollaps (1981)
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yourfavealbumisgender · 3 months
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Kollaps by Einstürzende Neubauten is a Genderqueer Lesbian!
requested by @scottpilgrimvsmywallet
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alporquia · 9 months
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radioattic · 1 year
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18 of 1001
Today's album: Einstürzende Neubauten - Kollaps (1981)
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Initial thoughts: okay, so i have seen this album in like, every record store I've ever been in and have never actually listened to this band. I just know i recognize that album cover.
Wikipedia says they're an avant-garde aggressive German industrial band known for using power tools as percussion and causing property damage during their sets, so, i mean, at least this should be interesting.
(Okay, it's all in German. I'm not dedicated enough to this project to run every single lyric through a translator, so we're going on vibes today, lyrics-wise.)
Tanz Debil-
Well, it's certainly early 80s industrial. Noisy and rough. I think the singer is just screaming and I'm kinda here for it.
Steh auf Berlin-
Percussion: literally banging on a trashcan (Doug Funnie approved).
Very aggressive noise.
This is Difficult Music To Listen To.
Negativ Nein-
I cannot imagine the scarring on this guy's throat from all this screaming.
Sounds like a very bad mental breakdown. Plunky strings and mechanized screeches.
(At this point i offered to listen on headphones, this is pretty much the exact opposite of what my wife listens to, which is "good music, played with instruments".)
Clanky, weird instrumental.
Death march drumming with "extremely drunk man falling onto every part of a foley artist's table" and the occasional sounds of a man strangling a guitar.
I like industrial and punk and eclectic noise, but this might be a bit too much.
Draussen ist Feindlich-
Weird and short.
Schmerzen hören-
Aaaaaaaand i am officially getting a headache from this album.
Gonna call it on this album. I can see what's here, and it's not for me, not today anyway.
80s Germany, you're WAY more hardcore than me, and I'm not afraid to admit it. This is definitely for someone.
I'm sure a lot of the industrial artists i like were inspired by bands like this, just unlistenable stuff that pushed the boundary of what could even conceivably be called "music".
I thought i was ready for something aggressive, i just wasn't expecting it to actively try to cut my skull open.
Favorite Track: well, I've never heard a chainsaw used as percussion before, so I'm giving this one to Steh auf Berlin.
Least Favorite Track: Schmerzen hören, only because my brain hurts now and it was the last song playing.
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electricgecko · 8 months
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linksvorne · 1 year
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43. KOLLAPS. 2022-06-24 @ Chelsea (w/ Of The Wand And The Moon & Trepaneringsritualen)
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rastronomicals · 1 year
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1:05 PM EST January 16, 2023:
Einstürzende Neubauten - "Negativ Nein" From the album Kollaps (October 5, 1981)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
LHdlMR Top Six Umlaut Bands
  1. Motörhead   2. Einstürzende Neubauten   3. Hüsker Dü   4. Blöödhag   5. Blue Öyster Cult   6. Amon Düül II
File under: Industrial (in the original sense)
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dominic-memmel · 1 month
Hopers vs. Doomers - Schlägerei in der Familie
Die Klimakrise bedroht unsere Zivilisation – das ist Fakt. Pumpen wir weiter Rekordmengen an Treibhausgasen in die Atmosphäre, dann wird das System dermaßen kollabieren, dass eine stabile Zivilisation (wie wir sie heute kennen) nicht mehr möglich ist. Darin sind sich alle einig. Man möchte nun meinen, dass eine Vorbereitung auf den Worst Case ebenso sinnvoll wäre, wie der Versuch, es gar nicht…
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troncelliti · 6 months
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gutachter · 7 months
Angst vor dem Kollaps am Bau: "Die Lage in der Branche ist derzeit sehr schlecht"
„…Trotz Wohnungsnot bricht die Zahl der Neubauprojekte dramatisch ein. Weil nun auch Bauunternehmen in Gefahr geraten, wächst die Sorge vor einem gefährlichen Kipppunkt. Wirklich nach Feiern dürfte im festlichen Kurhaus von Baden-Baden am Mittwochabend den wenigsten zumute sein. Zum Festakt „75 Jahre Bauministerkonferenz“ sind die Ressortchefs und -chefinnen der 16 Bundesländer in den Prunksaal…
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politikwatch · 8 months
#Habeck gesteht #Wohlstands-#Kollaps
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radiophd · 1 year
kollaps -- i believe in the closed fist
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merkurialista · 1 year
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forislynx · 1 year
Hela det svenska väldet står och skakar. Eller kanske kan man säga att det i själva verket redan har börjat falla - det är bara det att det tar en stund för en så kolossal skapelse att nå marken och slås i bitar.
Magnus Västerbro, Tyrannens tid - om Sverige under Karl XII
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steelypan · 1 year
who lives in a pineapple under the sea
spionagedub sehnsucht
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