howl-at--the-sun · 1 year
Hello there darling~. Care for a chat, or are you too busy being sweeter than a sundrop on a summers eve?
Ask game (^∀^)
ed,manf .skddm;wedsf;owedklswl;/sIljrieo;klafi';KRAJLFDSML/
solid 80%
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444names · 1 year
latinate preset from genword on jasontank.net + french and german forenames
Aaspusno Ablataca Adanne Adia Adonard Adre Agaël Agne Agnèse Alas Alcu Aldarnd Aldel Alene Alete Alictotte Alim Alion Alke Alàn Amaude Ametra Ancu Andre Andrienée Aneries Aniete Annircuma Anpillm Anplaudo Antof Anuc Anuelki Aoamon Aooe Apanepus Apita Apluc Aprane Aripas Arpru Arta Asatàng Astind Astonique Atheitu Athelgen Atra Aude Aufàr Aukat Aurami Aurt Ausne Ausse Axim Aênne Benotam Berae Berdreina Berichri Berim Berthom Betu Biecunce Bric Brico Brine Brouel Caca Cakitis Camarlake Cami Camlia Cand Caneth Carcaran Card Cartifu Cartrirt Caràmenna Caspa Cher Chri Chrine Claarle Clas Cobie Coph Crettin Crie Criebri Criltu Crunotte Crêr Cucàsblas Cumadan Cumarcrun Cumtli Cunik Cupitrann Curi Cuta Cécia Célivine Dagan Dagar Dali Dalita Danaméloa Derrené Dianlor Dido Dikolla Draa Dreid Dren Dusno Duth Eanierd Eaut Eclael Einn Emar Emimor Emir Etta Eêmenaaaa Fanas Ferma Fert Fias Flotan Fokiana Fram Frapan Frapasla Frasa Frede Fren Fricard Fried Frina Frémiêm Gatàr Gelle Gerhannie Getherna Getur Giir Gles Gotte Gretin Guelmuna Guid Güntas Hanna Hannar Hanpa Hard Heil Heillas Heillrum Hein Herhan Heri Herikat Hert Hertrute Horeilin Houimuki Hubra Hutriko Héracrete Impêr Incra Incua Init Inne Innis Inti Intz Iplor Iprasani Iratilm Iricure Irkàs Iscam Issin Istrucun Itacarle Ithinn Itilby Itte Itàs Iurstubla Iusthmale Iàskia Jeane Jeas Jeasne Jeniquel Jocéan Johane Joni Juplik Juspu Jörge Kare Kehanlut Ketene Keva Kian Kicorey Kiple Kircartin Kisaa Kise Kiustint Klafis Kêmarice Kêna Laim Lantite Larcaroun Laud Laurl Laustua Lecar Letoni Letto Lialmue Lineas Lipeklut Lipra Liustit Locas Lucinestu Lucolfran Lunanàn Lutrasto Lutther Lyne Léat Lémier Lêncu Lüto Magnèsesa Malete Mancatu Manina Manla Manna Manne Mare Marge Marico Marmai Marna Mart Matilou Maximo Meno Metas Mich Micrine Mile Mine Mori Motto Mélim Nelaudo Nique Nisblut Nius Nucinpa Nuntu Nàcrassa Nàrcel Nênasanpu Nênie Nêntian Ocacrupoa Ocam Oduturean Odutusta Olinas Ophaël Orger Otaan Otata Otte Otus Palàs Pandt Panne Panàn Pasaa Passi Patua Paut Pean Pekle Petau Phenri Philtun Picamart Pina Pinalia Piprêsine Pirtalian Pitia Pitte Pitz Plaa Plaur Pline Plunta Poanat Pran Prar Pras Pratirna Praànas Prinu Pritasple Prold Pupànus Pute Puêna Rancia Ranlupann Rant Rapirbapu Rarl Raske Reànpêr Rinpa Risakild Rise Robean Roisse Rola Rolbert Rolgan Romico Roni Roph Rota Rotanne Rumdrice Sane Satine Selikaspa Sinasplie Sine Sipla Sirart Sonatas Sulrukia Susno Suuco Suucu Svetine Sylvisaa Tairan Tale Tandeteu Tani Tantar Tapimo Tassi Tastilies Tharlaud Thelle Thimatla Ticaa Tick Ticoris Timat Tine Tined Tinne Tirichena Tirklênte Tirt Tisa Titam Tlandràm Tloa Torgraa Trie Trun Tràl Tuacra Tuberic Tunck Tund Turea Tureinna Tàng Tàsca Têspas Ukilestin Ulatu Ulke Undrepis Unto Upas Upat Uplêr Upose Uppe Uroma Utaudràl Utpipetel Utte Utth Uude Vach Vald Valkene Vantince Vetus Vinaaalii Vone Wale Wene Wertrine Wili Wine Xavictlin Xenco Yanpa Yven Yvon Àntutlua Àrcurée Élieden Éliu Évessind Ênnas Ênnatu Êntis
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merleyfox · 3 years
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Oormah the Pibbin and Kcee the Klafi, gladly together with their daughter Suu making an appearance.
Pibbins and Klafi, two plainslander species that try to avoid each other when they can. Their lifestyle and culture is very different, but every once in a while norms will split and a bi-species family will come about. The body formation between the two species is very different, which can lead to many birth defects or unexpected outcomes.
Oormah is a Pibbin matron, a female with a harem. Which is customary and v regular for Pibbins. She has a well established harem with mates that stay with her all year round, something not many Pibbin matrons achieve. One of these mates is Kcee.
Kcee is a Klafi hart, an adult male. He is living a very different life than the one he grew up in. Klafi customarily are nomadic and take one mate. He is living in the small Pibbin town, built mostly of descendants of Oormah’s ancestral line. He is not the only full time mate of Oormah, which is something he has trouble with sometimes, but the couple works through it.
Suu is their daughter, rare to hear of and even rarer to see. She has two sets of eyes, like her mother, instead of the vestigial eyes of the Klafi. Even though she has them, she is partially blind in her second set of eyes. She has six limbs, the middle pair are a sort of mix between arms and legs, she uses them to knuckle walk and can grab things with them.
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grabitfashion-blog · 7 years
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➡➡➡ GESER ➡➡➡ . (ATASAN, DRESS) . DAFTAR HARGA ⤵⤵⤵ . ----------------------------- Arabian IDR 149.000 Amira IDR 149.000 Klafi IDR 99.000 Squin IDR 119.000 Asforty IDR 159.000 Hamidas IDR 99.000 Syahrini IDR 244.000 Dania tunik IDR 124.000 Sasa overall IDR 119.000 Rami overall IDR 159.000 _____________________ . . . harga belum termasuk ongkir untuk fast respond hubungi : 📱WA :+62 85643883511 📱BBM 1 : 5CC136CC 📱LINE : @qdw9263v . For serious buyer. KIRIM PESAN DG FORMAT NAMA : ALAMAT : (lengkap, kecamatan, kabupaten, provinsi, kodepos) NO.HP : PESANAN : EKSPEDISI : JNE (REG/OKE) / J&T/ POS --> pilih salah satu . Kirim pesan di BBM atau LINE atau WA (pilih salah satu) sesuai format untuk fix order... yg order tidak sesuai format akan admin balas belakangan ya... . Note : - Admin akan membalas pesan dengan info stok, total order dan no.rekening. - Pembeli diharapkan segera melakukan pembayaran agar tidak didahului oleh yg lain, karena first pay first get . - Keep dipersilahkan jika sudah melakukan pembayaran. - Bila barang yg sudah di bayar ternyata sold/habis/kosong, pembeli berhak memilih refund atau ganti barang atau menunggu restock jika ada... . PENGIRIMAN . - Pengiriman setiap hari senin s.d sabtu. - Pengiriman dilakukan h+1 s.d h+3 setelah transfer . Bagi yg transfer hari sabtu& minggu barang akan dikirim pada hari senin atau selasa. - Untuk resi akan diberikan hari ke 2 hingga hari ke-5 setelah pengiriman (tidak termasuk weekend dan hari libur) - Hari minggu, dan hari libur tidak ada pengiriman. Untuk order atau tanya2 pada hari tersebut akan tetap dilayani, tetapi slow respond ya. . . . . #grabit #atasan #tunik #blouse #jumpsuit #overall #bajusetelan #whitetop #cardigan #olshop #dressbunga #gamiskaos #sfgrabit2 #atasanbatik #katunimpor #atasanjumbo #gamisjumbo #kaosrajut #abaya
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merleyfox · 3 years
Dating simulator false screenshot. Prince Ffuth has met you on their wandering Klafi caravan.
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merleyfox · 3 years
World Building Project #1 (to be named...)
Achffi, a race of large lizard-taurs is a nomadic group that lives mainly in the desert. They speak in a gruff, hissing tongue, that echoes the noises of crocodiles and large lizards.
Adult Achffi seem to have scales, but truly it’s a layer of stiff hair covered in a waxy secretion that gives it the feel and appearance of scales. This means that young Klafi are covered in a layer of poofy soft hair.
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