#Katie holt imagine
justaz · 2 years
when pidge had to do the laundry on the ship once she put keith’s shirt in lances room so when keith walked into the lounge and saw lance laying down with his shirt on he had the most gayest of panics
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bagerfluff · 6 months
Voltron Master List
🌶️ = Smut
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Keith Kogan x NB Reader
Keith's A What?
50% Galra, 100% Stunning
Keith Kogan x Male Reader
Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt x Male Reader
Sleepy Confessions
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Keith Kogan x Male Reader
Scared And Crying
Exhausted And Guilt Ridden
Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt x Male Reader
Y/n's Plan Not To Be Ignored
Little Cutie
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0xy--m0r0n · 1 year
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i have seen a lot of voltron takes of this trend but most of the time its keith+lance, so i figured why not team punk huh.
doesn't have to be shippy (aroace pidge forever) but idc if you wanna see it that way lol
i just think these two would get up to so many shenanigans. they're bound to be arrested at some point
also this one was a massive struggle like. i spent multiple hours on this for me to give up at the colouring agyfhugij
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Hello! :D I know it’s a silly question..but i was playing sims(as one does) and I wondered if you had any hcs of the paladins interior style? Like what colors (not only their signature I guess)and type of furniture? What type of home/apartment?I’d appreciate the help! Have a nice day!
okay absolutely have not had mental capability for like anything creative but I’ve also started a job in real estate so interior design make me go brrrrrrrr lately-
Shiro I feel like is either really plain and like necessities only or really homely. Like he either has the most basic cheap couches and tables and chairs and like, the plain white plates you can by at Walmart for like 10 bucks (you know the ones) and all the walls are just whatever color the previous owners/renters had them as so he has a random light pink room, a green room, etc. OR OR OR you walk in and get smacked in the face by comfort, like he has knick knacks and pictures and random antiques littering every surface, he has a china cabinet with the fancy dishes, he has a cabinet dedicated to coffee mugs and like only two of them match cause the rest of that set broke ages ago, all the other Paladins have their own designated mug, like it’s never specified but like, you KNOW the teal one with the cow that god knows where came from is Kieths, and that’s just how it works. I don’t think he has a specific color pallet bc it’d depend on like what the house looks like, and it’s either minimalistic or the vibe of the house.
Kieth has an apartment, his bed is on the floor, the only reason he has a couch is because Lance and Hunk just showed up with it one day and left it there. His cabinets are boxed Mac and cheese and canned beans, he uses paper plates/bowls and plastic cups/silverware, and there’s only like two pictures in the whole place, one of him and the other Paladins (and Allura and Coran) and one of him, his mom, and Kosmo. He’s not much of a stay in one place type so he doesn��t have a lot BUT if he were to decide to settle and make a home it’d have a garage, a huge backyard, and enough space for any and all of the Paladins to visit, and let’s face it, Lance probs did most of the decorating, as long as Keith has a place to sleep he doesn’t really care much what it looks like.
Lance is Aesthetic™️ and you can’t change my mind. He’s full on redecorating his house for every single holiday, his attic is a maze of shit only he knows how to navigate. His kitchen is probs black and white with a pretty accent color and his dishes all match the kitchen color scheme, like the fancy ones with the swooshy designs, ya know? So. Many. Throw pillows. Lol. Has pictures of his family and the paladins everywhere, along with various pieces of art. Walking in is like stepping in a magazine but at the same time feels so comforting.
Hunk plants everywhere. I don’t know how to explain it, but he’s a total plant dad. His kitchen is immaculate, the kind of place you love to hang out in, also has mismatched mugs bc he likes to collect them from places he’s gone and it’s a go to gift for him. I think he has a bunch of books on everything from How To guides to the entire Riordanverse. Tools scattered everywhere and various projects littering almost every surface. Has a blanket his grandmother knitted him draped over his couch. Random Voltron merch everywhere bc he can’t help himself when he sees it.
Pidge is either a clean freak with a perfectly put together house (as long as you don’t open those drawers) or it’s a fuckin mess and a half with a walking trail from one room to the next but otherwise there’s no way in hell. Also has projects literally everywhere, collections of random space tech, we’re not gonna question it. Probs a fairly monotonous place, lots of whites and greys, has an entire bookshelf for family pictures and sentimental things but aside from that, it’s the house of a scientist. Has a plush green lion on her couch. Has two perfectly cleared out mostly untouched guest bedrooms in case her family or any of the paladins visit.
~Admin Rori💜
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Well clearly you found out at some point, you attacked her home in search of her to use her against the Voltron Force.  Anyway, this scene kept playing in my mind the other night and I knew I just had to work on it. Katie a hostage, Wade an idiot who doesn’t realize if she gets her hands on that robot, it’s no longer his. Gotta love it all.  And the cherry on top? The sass. Katie has visited with Pidge and Lance too often growing up and picked up on it. But hey. We love sassing Wade. 
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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Colleen had spent the last several minutes arranging the small, brightly wrapped packages on the dining table in the Holts’ private suite onboard the Atlas. This wasn’t exactly where she expected to celebrate her daughter’s eighteenth birthday. Colleen never could have imagined that her youngest child would have been fighting in an intergalactic war at such an age, or that Colleen herself would be out in space with the rest of their little family instead of planning a quiet little party at their home.
She placed the smallest of the packages on top of the stack of colorful boxes. It was wrapped in bright blue paper and tied with a green ribbon. Curious, Colleen glanced at the card. It read “With Love, From Lance.” She smiled to herself, wondering what the gift could be. She knew Katie loved all of the other Paladins like older siblings, but with Lance things had been different. She always sat close to him at meetings and at mealtimes. She blushed when Lance complimented her and pouted when her father set a curfew on her late night video gaming sessions with him. ”Leave the door to your quarters open when that boy is here,” her husband had insisted.
Boy? She thought. No, he was a young man, Lance was nearly twenty, and was of an age to have a more serious view of dating and relationships.
More than once Colleen had noticed that Lance had casually slipped one of his long arms around her daughter’s slight shoulders when the Paladins gathered with her family to have a movie night. She also noticed that Katie wrapped her arms around Lance, clinging to him and affectionately nuzzling his chest, a gesture that always made him smile and draw her even closer to him.
Colleen had always thought they were cute together and had hoped for the longest time that their friendship would blossom into something more. She smiled at the recollection of how Lance had won a stuffed Green Lion for her when they went to the Clear Day carnival together. Katie cuddled with it every night, falling asleep with it in her arms.
Sam, on the other hand, wondered what his daughter saw in the boy.
“He’s not as smart as Hunk,” Sam had observed after Katie had gone to bed one evening. “Why would she like a boy who isn’t even close to being her intellectual equal?”
“Shh! She’ll hear you,” Colleen whispered.
”She’s asleep,” Sam replied. “I still think that she and Hunk would make a good match though. He’s a very bright young man—“
“Who’s in love with a very sweet Balmeran girl,” Colleen reminded him. “Katie has told me things about Lance. Did you know that he nearly got himself killed while saving Coran from an explosion? Lance was practically comatose from his injuries, but he woke up momentarily just to take a shot at Sendak when he was trying to hurt our daughter. Did you know about that?” Sam shook his head. “Did she tell you what Lance did when they were captured by Galra Pirates? Those fiends wanted to torture our child, but Lance wouldn’t allow them to come anywhere near her, so they gave him a good thrashing instead.” Colleen stood with her hands on her hips, as if daring Sam criticize Lance for his heroics.
”No,” Sam paused to consider this new information. “She didn’t tell me about any of that.” He didn’t comment on their daughter’s choice of boyfriends any further, but Colleen was still half-convinced that Sam still believed that no one was good enough for their little girl. Not wanting an argument, Sam changed the subject to what Matt had been doing on his latest missions with the Rebels.
Their son was, at the moment, far away from this sector, fighting in a battle in a distant solar system whose name Colleen couldn’t even pronounce.
So much of their time together as a family had been cut short by the apparent tragedy that had befallen Sam and Matt on the Kerberos mission. The grief she experienced at their mysterious disappearance consumed her, then was multiplied when Katie ran away from home to join the Garrison under a false identity. She later found out that her daughter and her friends had been abducted by a sentient spaceship and taken through a wormhole to the other end of the universe. Her only daughter was lost among the stars for three years, and when Katie finally returned home, Colleen could barely recognize her. Her long hair was shorn, her beauty concealed by the disguise of her brother’s old round spectacles. Most shocking of all, she was clad in the hard shell of some high-tech armored alien spacesuit. Although she had returned home physically unharmed, Colleen knew her the little girl she had raised was gone forever.
Every time she watched Katie fall asleep in her narrow bunk, she could momentarily forget that her daughter was a confident young woman who was, among other things, a Paladin, a scientist, and a veteran of far too many battles in the endless war that had been tearing the universe apart centuries before she had been born. Losing this war might mean the end of humanity’s freedom and possibly its very existence. Of course, they weren’t just fighting for Earth’s freedom, but for the liberation of all of the sentient beings that the Galra Empire had enslaved over the last ten thousand years. Defeating Honerva was all any of them could think about these days.
And here she was, making preparations for her youngest child’s birthday party. Colleen sat down at the table and covered her mouth to stifle a sob. But there was no one around to hear it. Sam and Katie had already departed for the mission briefing. She let the tears flow only when she was alone. Then, in order to face the day, she straightened her uniform and donned the steely facade of the brave officer and loyal crew member that she had to present herself as. She wiped the corners of her eyes and hastily departed for the main conference chamber.
[Pidge’s 18th birthday doesn’t go as planned in this fic. This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of one of the best multi chapter fics that I have ever written. Angst, drama, space battles, sword fights, friendship, loyalty, courage, humor, romance, and an epic conclusion with a satisfying epilogue. What are you waiting for? Go read it! ]
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bluedemon1995 · 7 months
KIDGE content…
AU where Katherine Holt has a massive crush on Lance, from afar. She is socially awkward because she skipped a few grades and now is the youngest person at the college/university. She gets recruited by Coran for his robotics club and there she meets Allura. Allura instantly wants to be friends but Katherine is shy and self conscious. She’s used to being in the background, the brains behind the curtain so to speak. Allura is patient though, she knows how it feels to be different. So she chips away at her walls. Besides she doesn’t want to change her just change everyone else’s perspective…especially Katherine’s. Once she finds out about Katherines crush on Lance she decides to use that line to tug.
Katherine is smart, witty and a bit devious. Unknown to Alllura, Katherine also goes by Pidge and is currently a consultant for her brother and his partner who works for the FBI. She does a lot of the computer work with Matt. Initially Shiro was very against Pidge helping but after getting to know her, he can’t help but be impressed. Hell, he’s half in love with her and knowing she doesnt connect well with people her age, he deliberately hangs out with both the Holts. Hiijinks ensure and their bond helps Pidge blossom.
Meanwhile, Allura starts dating the new guy at school-Lotor. Who has some conflicts with Lance and his friend Hunk. It’s around this time that Lance starts to notice Katherine, who he quickly nicknames Katie. She’s tiny, quiet and supportive. She always seems to be smiling and laughs at all his jokes. As Allura starts to hang out with Lotor, Katie falls into hanging out with Lance and Hunk. Hunk loves her, she eats all his cooking and she is wicked smart. They join the robotics club and are soon winning much of the competitions. Until they join an underground fight club for their robots.
The only reason they are doing the whole underground fighting however is because Pidge had overheard how her brother hit a bunch of blocks on the current case. So she dropped breadcrumbs for Lance to follow, which he of course ran for and somehow it was his idea to compete. It’s here that Lance sees his old nemeses Keith.
But Pidge has done her research and she knows that Keith is old friends with Shiro-so she instantly puts him in the friend column, especially after doing a deep five into his history via some hacking. Fortunately, he’s friends with Acxa who is friends with Lotor who Pidge believes is somehow connected to all this.
Paths are crossed. And while Keith doesn’t hate Lance, he does make his presence known. So Keith naturally observes Katie, who is kinda dating Lance. The more he watches the more he doesn’t understand. How does everyone thing Katie is so sweet and nice? She’s sarcastic. She’s tricky. She’s suddenly all he can think about. He’s constantly searching for that moment, that glint she gets when she does something…un-Katie like. But is like he’s the only one who sees. It drives him mad. He’s obsessed.
One day, he sees some guys hassling her and he goes to step in, not even thinking she could take care of herself. But boy does she. She wipes the ground with the guys and Keith witnesses it all. He calls her on it. She shrugs it off as self defense, duh.
But now Katie realizes Keith is onto her. What to do…she needs help and she hasn’t told her brother…yet. Then suddenly there’s a raid at the fight, and chaos ensues. At some point Keith is trapped and he’s ready to bash some heads when Katie appears. She pulls him along to one of her preplanned exit plans when she sees an opportunity to hack the mainframe that is usually heavily guarded. Decided she has to go with her gut, she tells Keith and of course he’s in. With zero thought. Watching her, Keith grins, satisfied with the knowledge he was right. She was so much more than she appeared.
Obviously a slow burn where Keith fell first, and Katie realizes, a crush is so much different than love…
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers: Katie Holt/Pidge Gunderson, Bo-Katan Kryze, Nebula.
slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers
Enemies to Lovers: Pidge. Least likely to actually for-reals kill me, given that she's a superhero and not an active terrorist with years of abuse-driven murder behind her. Being enemies with Pidge could just be "I beat her at wordle a few times and now we're rivals" or something.
Fake Date: Of the remaining two, Bo-Katan is the one that I imagine can actually act as, you know, a relatively normal person. She's not well-adjusted by any means, but she can at least pretend to be. Actually, I changed my mind. If Nebula needs a fake date, I can do all the work myself. I'm a very touchy-feely person and I find her attractive. All she needs to do is sit there and look scary while I perch on her lap and scroll through my phone and everyone will just think we're Emo Lesbians (like the girls I knew in high school). The best part is that I would not have to actually date her at the end, which is important because she's the person I'm least sure I could actually have a dynamic with, on account of her being the most... the most. Which is why I changed my mind from the slow burn because holy shit, Nebula is not girlfriend material.
Slow Burn: Bo-Katan. Can I be her delicate trophy wife or something? I could be an in-universe remnant of the New Mandalorians, and a symbol of her accepting moderate pacifism into her regime, in acknowledgement and honor of what her sister was doing years earlier. I'm pretty dang anti-war and anti-military-industrial-complex, so I'd probably be under the New Mando banner, and would generally be down to act as a political chess piece if I got to be on the cabinet and argue with people about not doing a war.
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justmultifandom · 6 months
Kidge winter event
Day 5: Chimney
The light and sweet sound of the wood burning inside the fireplace was relaxing while outside a dizzying storm hit and crept across the desert, dragging sand and a few pebbles with it. The technological and newly installed gas fireplace heated the house beautifully, giving a romantic and new atmosphere to the house. “Climate change is a strange thing…”: Keith muttered under the warm white, red and green fur blanket: “Almost thirty years I've lived here and I've never seen the thermometer drop below freezing…” “Yeah…”: Pidge nodded, hugging and snuggling into him as much as possible, even though her bare feet were exposed: “Apparently years ago when we took Honerva's Robeast out of Earth's atmosphere, the explosion still made worse the entire climate problem that had already worsened with the Galra occupation…" “A big problem… will Garrison be able to get everything back to normal?”: he asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. “It depends… Will Katie Holt be able to solve everything since Garrison is now entrusting everything to her?”: she replied. “Oh, right…”: He laughed: “You really need a break, Pidgey…” “Don't tell me about it…”: she sighed, looking at the ceiling and playing with the wedding ring on her finger. This was Keith's shack, they had simply renovated it with plaster, bricks and more modern things before they got married, although they never would have thought that a snowstorm would come strong enough to blow away the walls if they were still there only made of wood. In fact, they both needed a little more comfort, even if some of the furniture, the sofa and the old mattress were the same as before. “Let's do it like this…”: he spoke, looking into her eyes and caressing her lips: “This year for our anniversary I'll take you on a nice trip…” “In this weather?”: she giggled. “Well why not? I could pilot…": he pointed out and she started laughing. “And where would you like to go?”: Pidge looked at him. “Well, in Europe they say it's still hot…”: he said. "In December?" “The weather is very crazy this year…” “Yes, and where exactly did you want to go?”: She placed her hands on his chest, resting her chin on them in turn, listening to him with curiosity. “I don't know, maybe Paris…”: Keith shrugged. "Paris? Okay… Sounds romantic…”: she laughed. “Yeah… Imagine… Our first trip to the land border outside of American territory… Just you and me, and no one else…”: he smiled. They had been married for almost 3 years now, and had waited to have children: they were a busy young couple with a difficult career, and although their sexual activity was active and healthy they had never taken the risk too far. They were still young, plus Pidge's new Commander was very strict on her and on work, and Kolivan didn't give Keith much slack on missions either, so they had talked about it and decided to wait until they were both more available . “It seems so romantic…”: she nodded. “It's no coincidence that it's called the City of Love…”: he pointed out, causing her to giggle. “Okay… I can't wait to see the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, all of Paris!”: She exclaimed enthusiastically, but then she became serious again and looked at him: “But the best thing is that you will be with me…”
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kidgetrash · 1 year
Monsters and Mana 2 - Save The World, Get The Girl - Chapter One
Character:  Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt, Lance McClain, Hunk Garrett, Shirogane Takashi, Coran, Princess Allura, Matt Holt
Pairings:  Keith/Pidge
Warnings!:  This is going to be one looooonnnggg fic! I think? So far I'm barely into the plot and I have four chapters, so let's see how far we go! I'll add warnings as they come up!
Summary: After many battles, the war is over, and the team have finally got some well-earned downtime! Having noticed that Pidge and Keith had feelings for one another but hadn't yet acted on them, they decide to have Coran run another campaign, this time with the two as betrothed royalty!
A/N: Here you go, guys! This is chapter one of my Monsters and Mana follow up which is basically a fantasy story involving or rather leading up to some Kidge romance!
Also! The title is actually something my brother has as a tattoo!
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Chapter One
‘Keith, you’ll love this!’  Pidge bounced up and down beside him, walking down the corridor to where the rest of the team were waiting in a large booth in the garrison rec room.  ‘We all have our own characters and everything!  I’m a tough warrior!  With a huge axe and full plate armour!’
Keith smiled down at her exuberant explanation.  He had been away with the blades when they last played and each of them had mentioned at least in passing how much fun the game was.  ‘Meklevar! Best axe fighter in three lands!’
‘I can’t wait to see you in action, Meklevar.’
‘I can’t wait to see what you choose to play.  Just, not a paladin, okay?  It’s meant to be an escape, not art imitating life.’
‘Who chose to be a…’
‘I want to be a paladin.’  Shiro argued, leaning on the game table and giving Coran a firm look.
‘And like I said, this is a one off adventure and you all have prewritten characters to fit in with the plot.  Here’s your character, master thief.’  He slapped the datapad with the character information on into Shiro’s chest.  ‘This will be a good exercise to get everyone out of their comfort zones and utilise your imagination while you’re at it!  You have to work with what you’ve got in the field and this is no different.’
‘A…thief?’  Shiro looked at the datapad in despair.  This wasn’t what he had been hoping to play.
‘Here you go, Princess, as discussed.’  Coran handed them each a datapad.  ‘Matt should be along in a few doboshes too.’
They each took a seat around the table, Keith and Pidge side by side as they always seemed to be these day and it hadn’t escaped anyones notice.
‘Hey, no peeking!’  Allura pulled her datapad away from Lance who was trying his best to get a look.  ‘This has sensitive information pertinent to me and me alone!’
‘You just got it, how do you know what’s pertinent and what’s not?’  Lance leaned in closer.
‘Coran and I have spoken at length about my character’s background, and if you don’t stop I will move seats!’
‘Fine.’  Lance sat back in his seat, arms folded and pouting.
‘Now, I want you all to go around the table and introduce yourselves.’  Coran began.  ‘Character descriptions are on page two.  Keith?  As a newcomer, why don’t you go first?’  He passed him his datapad.
‘Alright.’  He scrolled hesitantly.  ‘It says I’m Prince Theophilus of Qiomend, Theo for short.  My country is in negotiations to ally with the neighbouring country of Ephbe, who we have a trade deal with but it’s delicate at best.’
‘Hey, how come Keith gets to be the prince?’  Lance argued but a well placed elbow and glare by Allura silenced him.
‘I agree.’  Keith replied.  ‘Lance is much better suited for this kind of role.’
Coran stared at Keith, his left eye twitching.  ‘I have spent a lot of varga making this campaign and you will stick with the characters I have designated.’
‘Just do as he says, Keith.  It can’t be as bad as being a thief.’  Shiro scowled more than he should have, given it was only a game.
‘Princess, if you will?’  Coran asked without taking his eyes off both Shiro and Keith beside one another, evidently unimpressed by their disappointment.
‘I am Mylaerla.  A beautiful, mysterious woman from the exotic tribe of Daquin.’
‘Yes you are.’  Lance grinned at her, which she easily ignored.
Shiro sighed.  ‘My name is Airdan Swifthands, a master thief for hire.  I come from Ephbe and have a reputation for retrieving lost things with the least amount of casualties.’
‘That actually sounds rather heroic for a thief.’  Pidge commented.  ‘More like a bounty hunter or…’
‘A bailiff?’  Hunk suggested.
‘Moving on.’  Coran passed Hunk his pad.
‘Oh, wait, no, I’m a bounty hunter.  Lore Greyarrow.  I come from Snagrore, a mutual enemy of both Ephbe and Qiomend.  Cool.’
‘Let’s see what main character sharpshooter gets to play.’  He scrolled with a smug smile on his face, until he reached his background.  ‘What the quiznak is this?’  He waved the pad at Coran.  ‘You have to be kidding me?’
‘Not kidding in the slightest.  You are Billy, Prince Theophilus’ loyal servant.’
Keith burst out laughing as Lance continued to complain.  ‘Oh no, I’m not being his servant!  I don’t even have a last name!  I may as well be a slave!’
‘Not a slave, per se.’  Coran twirled his moustache thoughtfully.  ‘But your family do owe a debt of honour to Prince Theophilus’ family, which is why you’re completely devoted to him.’
‘Remember, this is a good team building exercise.’  Shiro interrupted before the arguing could get any worse.  ‘And the way you’re delaying things we’ll never get to the story.’
‘Well, said, master thief!  Lastly, over to you.’  Coran handed the second to last datapad to Pidge.
‘Okay, I’m Princess Quieta Ambrossia of Ephbe.  I’m the sister of the newly crowned king who wants to make peace with neighbouring Qiomend.  I spend my days…’  she looked up at Coran.  ‘Seriously?’
‘You’re a princess.  Your pastimes include embroidery and dancing.’
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him.  ‘I’ll bring your research to the top of my list if you let me make ten changes.’
Coran stroked his chin thoughtfully.  It was a tempting offer.  He had been wanting to know the results of his research into the correlation between the amount of the Earth beverage coffee related to the number of times he had to expel his waste water and until now he had been held to the longest of waiting lists while so called more important projects got the go ahead.  ‘Two changes.’
‘Five, and I throw in a coffee gift card I got for my last birthday that I haven’t used.’
They shook hands across the table.  ‘Great.’  Pidge pulled up the rulebook and started making changes.
‘No fair, how come she gets to make changes?’  Lance complained yet again.
‘Because she drives a hard bargain.’  Coran straightened his posture as though he had won some great moral victory before opening his own datapad.  ‘Our story begins in the great hall of the castle of Ephbe kingdom.  You have all been summoned here by King Z’opetes the Just, older brother of Princess Quieta.  Oh, except you, Princess.  You’re not here.’
‘Got it.’  Allura nodded.  ‘Then, where am I?’
‘Not you, Princess, Princess Quieta.’
‘Me?’  Pidge looked up hearing her, in her opinion, stupid character name.
‘Yes, you’re not here.’
‘I’ll just keep doing this then.’  Pidge turned back to her pad and Coran continued.
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msvox · 2 years
Happy Birthday Keith!
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Coincidentally, it’s also MY birthday today :)
In celebration, I’d like to finally share the absolute monster of a VLD fic that I’ve been working on for so long. I’m at almost a 100,000 words and this saga, this epic, this absolutely tower of a project is still a WIP, but y’all? I’m proud of this thing and I’d love for you to take a read.   
“Why now?” I hear you say. “It is... 16 chapters in?? But it is not yet done! It is incomplete! You don’t seem to know when it will end, either. This seems really awkward.”
Friends, I’m posting this today because I’m a troglodyte who doesn’t know anything about how Tumblr works, and it’s kind of insane that I don’t know how tumblr works, so I flopped around on my keyboard to finally make the blog post go. It is awkward.
But also fuck it. It’s my birthday!
Have you been craving something that re-imagines the entire story of Voltron through a Sheith-y perspective? Do you want tons of pre-Kerberos backstory that shows how Keith and Shiro cross paths, become friends, and then save the universe? Do you want all the missing scenes that should have been in canon? Do you want to learn facts about aviation and space and stuff? 
Get some Sheith back in your lives, y’all.
Part 17 is coming soon! More details & stuff below.
Chapters: 16/?
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), (but it's pretty secondary)
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Voltron: Legendary Defender Team, Voltron ensemble, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Pretty much everybody will be in this, Shiro's Parents (Voltron), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon-Compliant until it isn’t, Missing Scenes, Pre-Kerberos Mission, Backstory, Canon Era, S1 to S8, POV Alternating, Shiro’s pov, keith’s pov, Shiro’s Illness, this man is sick, Friendship, Pining, Unrequited, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, eventually, Demi-sexual Keith, keith is bad at feelings, trials and tribulations, difficult conversations, Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, shiro is a dork, Keith is a spitting cat, Adam is just doing his best, Descriptions of Captivity, Grief, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Brief body horror, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
At sixteen, Shiro's world ends with a diagnosis.
At ten, Keith's world ends with a phone call.
This is just the beginning for both of them.
A re-telling of pretty much the whole story, from before the start to after the end.
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kidge-planet · 11 months
Kidge summer event
Day 20 : Gaming day
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt/ future Kogane , Keith Kogane
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge
post Season8
In the cozy comfort of their shared apartment that was now plunged into darkness because of the closed curtains, Pidge and Keith found themselves engaged in an evening of video games. The soft glow of the screen illuminated their faces as they sat side by side on the couch, their fingers deftly maneuvering the controllers.
"Your turn, Miss Kogane," Keith teased with a playful smirk, passing the controller to Pidge.
"Future Miss Kogane," Pidge corrected with a giggle, taking the controller in hand. "Just a few more months, and then it'll be official."
Keith chuckled, his heart swelling with happiness at the thought of their upcoming wedding. He never imagined that he would find someone like Pidge, someone who understood him on such a deep level and brought so much joy and love into his life.
As the game progressed, Pidge's competitive nature kicked in, and she focused intently on the screen. Keith couldn't help but admire her determination and skill at video games. He could see that she had spent a lot of her time playing...
"Hey, watch out!" Keith exclaimed, his voice filled with mock concern as Pidge's character narrowly avoided an obstacle. "You almost crashed!"
Pidge shot him a playful glare, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I've got this, Kogane. Just you wait and see."
They continued to play, laughing and cheering each other on, lost in the world of the game and the warmth of each other's company. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of friendly competition and undeniable affection.
They played multiple games, their bodys so close their shoulders and legs were touching.
After a particularly intense level, Pidge finally triumphed, and she let out a triumphant cheer. "Yes! Take that!"
Keith shook his head with a grin. "You're too good at this."
Pidge leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "And you're too adorable when you pout, emo."
Keith's eyes were gazing at her's, and he leaned closer, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. "I love you, "Future Miss Kogane"," he whispered against her lips.
"I guess I love you too, keith," Pidge replied with a teasing grin, their foreheads resting together.
At her response, Keith just leaned in for a hug, his head resting on her shoulder. "hmmm..."
She huged him back, passing her fingers in his dark haires. "Already tired?..." She whispered loud enough for him to hear.
" Play, I'll watch." He gently pushed her in the couch for her to lay down with him above. He was now layed on the to of her, his head resting on her chest and turned toward the huge TV.
She silently passed her hand in his haires one last time before to start another game.
what's better then video games? cuddles while playing video games.
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Solar Opposites Characters Theme Songs
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Korvo Solar-Opposites: “F.L.Y.” from Ice Nine Kills
Terry Solar-Opposites: “5 Leaf Clover” from Luke Combs
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: “Me Against the World” from Simple Plan
Jesse Solar-Opposites: “Teenage Dream” from Katy Perry
Pupa Solar-Opposites: “Starships” from Nicki Minaj
Sonya Solar-Opposites: “Complicated” from Avril Lavigne
Lili Solar-Opposites: “Gift of a Friend” from Demi Lovato
Phoebe MacCarthy: “Good Girl” from Carrie Underwood
Janiz Solar-Opposites: “Meant for Something Better” from Audien ft. Lady A.
Evil Terry Solar-Opposites: “Collard” from Vane Lily
AISHA Solar-Opposites: “Turn Me On” from Nicki Minaj ft. David Guetta
EVA Solar-Opposites: “Cups” from Anna Kendrick
MAX Solar-Opposites: “I Am Machine” from Three Days Grace
Kimber: “Rule the World” from Take That
Monica Miller: “She’s So Gone” from Naomi Scott
Parker: “On my Way” from Alex Lahey
Ms. Frankie: “Oh No” from Marina and The Diamonds
Principal Cooke: “Poster Child” from Red Hot Chili Peppers
Cherie: “Wide Awake” from Katy Perry
Montez: “Wrong Side of Heaven” (orchestral version) from Five Finger Death Punch
Pezlie: “Take Me There” from Mya ft. Blackstreet, Mase and Blinky Blink
Nova: “When I Look At You” from Miley Cyrus
Ms. Perez: “Lift Me Up” from Rihanna
Mia: “New” from No Doubt
Kevin: “Best Song Ever” from Simple Plan
Sherbet: “Lollipop” from MIKA
Jamie: “Give Me Everything Tonight” from Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack and Nayer
Darcy: “Give Your Heart a Break” from Demi Lovato
Kevin’s Wife: “So What?!” from P!nk
Mark Melner: “Hero” from Christopher Wilde
Kevin’s Daughter and Kevin’s Son: “I’m Just a Kid” from Simple Plan
Randall: “Beast and the Harlot” from Avenged Sevenfold
Cheery Smithers: “Had Me @ Hello” from Olivia Holt
Janice: “Honey and The Bee” from Owl City
Stacy G: “Chemistry” from Kelly Clarkson
Louise: “I Really Like You” from Carly Rae Jepsen
Trevor: “Cruise” (remix) from Florida Georgia Line ft. Nelly
Alice: “Tell Me Something I don’t Know” from Selena Gomez
Dr. Weatherstone: “Genius” from Sia ft. Labrinth and Diplo
Naomi: “Something Real” from Kelli Berlungd and China Ann McClain
Sister Sisto: “Don’t Tell Me” from Disturbed ft. Ann Wilson
Super Shlorpian Korvo: “Part of Me” from Disturbed
Mundane Terry: “Monster” from Imagine Dragons
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: “The Night” from Disturbed
Mundane Jesse: “In The Dark” from Birthday Massacre
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
Janiz, Lili, EVA and MAX belongs to @avaveevo
Cheery and Naomi belongs to me
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stillhavetodothat · 1 year
Replaying Nancy Drew without Cheating - Part 8: Danger on Deception Island
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I’m going to go ahead and argue that this game, this charming, riveting, addictive game, is the start of a series of 3-5 games that are universally beloved by the Nancy Drew community. I don’t know many people who don’t genuinely have a nostaglic love for this game, me included. In fact, I would have considered this my second favorite for many many years, right after Treasure in a Royal Tower, which can never be replaced in my heart.
I’m also going to go ahead and tell you: this was the first game that I didn’t feel like I needed to cheat even once. The only thing I slightly struggled with was the anagram puzzle from Hilda (BTW, I have a bone to pick with Nancy’s “handy dandy Anagram Buster.” How is this thing handy dandy? I can do what it does using a sheet of paper. It doesn’t bust anagrams at all. Who would have made such a useless piece of software?) Overall though, I don’t think the puzzles are particularly hard, and there’s always something to do next, so there is very little aimless meandering about in confusion. I’ve also played this a fair number of times, so there’s that too.
This is a classic and will always be one of my absolute favorites. It has some of the coolest, most unique elements out of any game, not to mention a top notch soundtrack, and I can guarantee that I will be replaying this game for many years to come.
Some of my thoughts:
1. I think one thing I like about this game is that it is a lot of looking around/snooping/figuring things out by yourself; the game does not rely on having a bunch of conversations with the suspects. In fact, in this play-through, I was surprised at how little Nancy actually does chat with other characters. There were times I was CRAVING some human interaction, but all I could say to people was “It was nice talking to you,” despite the fact that I hadn’t been TALKING to anyone at all.
2. Weird that the first thing Nancy does in this game is get obsessed with a random piece of driftwood that she finds in the water. Who even is she. I relate less and less to Nancy with each passing game.
3. Once again, fuck Nancy’s anagram buster. I hate anagrams, and I hate false advertising.
4. Katie Firestone will never not be a knock-off, more boring Joanna Riggs to me. She is so whiny and boring that giving her food poisoning actually gives me a goddamn dopamine rush (also, WHY does she have some much expired shit in her fridge anyway? The woman JUST went grocery shopping). Despite the fact that you never actually see her do anything wrong, I don’t blame the town for disliking her. I’d love nothing more than to grab my torch and pitchfork and run her out of Snake Horse Harbor alongside clam chowder queen Jenna Deblin and dungeness crab daddy Holt Scotto.
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5. Speaking of Holt Scotto, someone go and check that man’s cholesterol levels. He must be slowly eating every male dungeness crab within 10 miles of Snake Horse Harbor, based on how he takes all the crabs visitors bring him and cryptically says that he’ll “take care of that crab” for you. 
6. The whole storyline of the tunnels under the town and the history of shanghaiing was the best part of this game. Wandering around underground, actually figuring out on your own (without having to be explicitely told) that the burglars had to have been using the tunnels to rob all the local businesses, finding your way into the sea caves - all very fun gameplay.
7. As cool as finding the orca in the sea caves is, I can’t imagine how scared shitless I would be in real life.
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8. Why is Dr. Predoviciu casually the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen? Girl, TELL ME YOUR HAIR CARE ROUTINE!!
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9. After winning a whale watching tour with Andy Jason and taking a bunch of photos, Nancy thanks Andy for letting her use his camera. Uh, is she getting these pictures at any point? Is he going to send her a USB flash drive or some shit? Why didn’t Nancy have her own camera (as a supposedly semi-famous and always prepared amateur detective)?? This makes absolutely no sense to me.
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10. Why do we then basically have to force Andy to give us a keychain after the tour, when the keychain probably costs about 50 cents? The sign says the keychain is free to “everyone who takes our whale watching tour,” NOT to “everyone who PAYS for our whale watching tour.” What a crock of bullshit. For some reason, I had a crush on Andy Jason as a kid (that curly hair! that weirdly buff body!) but this playthrough made me realize that I actually loathe him to my very core.
11. Therefore, there is nothing more satisfying than this moment (not even making Katie Firestone throw up over the side of her boat):
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12. Speaking of the ending, this game may have the best (or at least one of the best) ending sequences of any game. The fact that Nancy goes up to a RANDOM ASS FREIGHT BOAT, in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, CLIMBS ABOARD, has to STEALTHILY HIDE ON DECK TO NOT GET CAUGHT BY POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS SMUGGLERS, and then FIND KATIE TIED UP BELOW DECK??? Fucking genius. Amazing. It might be the stupidest thing Nancy ever does (the only person she tells her plan to is ANDY FUCKING JASON, after all, so there is no one who would know where to look should she go missing), but it leads to a high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping last several minutes.
13. Hilda. Hilda MF Swenson. The fact that she calls Nancy the millisecond that Nancy finds whatever she was looking for is absolutely hilarious. Hilda is literally spending her life just watching Nancy’s every move through her binoculars, and giving her convoluted, long-winded puzzles to solve for absolutely no reason. Hilda is a more entertaining character than all the others put together.
Ugh, what a fantastic game. The only thing that is keeping me going after finishing is the knowledge that the next few games are equally as brilliant, so I know that I have much to look forward to. On my way to get screamed at by Shorty for picking a slightly underripe green bean. <3
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ao3-feed-shadam · 1 year
Finding New Growth
by Janedoe8
They were now committed to ending this war, even though it had taken much from them. The war had changed them, for better or worse they didn't know yet. But their fears were replaced with confidence, the wall between the team were broken down and once again, they were united.
But an unknown enemy plots against them, growing in a way the Paladins would never imagine.
Words: 4507, Chapters: 4/48, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Voltron: Guardian of the Stars
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt, Zethrid (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Acxa (Voltron), Narti (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Voltron Coalition Characters, The Blade of Marmora, Original Galran Character(s), Original Altean Character(s), Original Keith/Lance (Voltron) Child(ren)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Allura & Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Matt Holt & Pidge | Katie Holt, Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Altean Lance (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Prince Lance (Voltron), Queen Allura (Voltron), Kuron is Shiro (Voltron)'s Clone, Nonbinary Pidge | Katie Holt, Angst, Fluff, Empress Haggar, Love Confessions, don't take drugs kids, Lotor needs a therapist, Time Travel, kids from the future, Weapon Upgrades, Allura & Lance (Voltron) are Siblings, Acxa & Keith (Voltron) are Siblings, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Shiro (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Pansexual Hunk (Voltron), Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Lesbian Allura (Voltron), Gay Coran (Voltron), Rewrite For My Own Sanity, no beta we die like men, AU, Voltron_Guardian_of_the_Stars
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47550838
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joshuasumter · 1 year
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What if Lego Elves: Secrets of Elvendale had a story or AU (Alternate Universe) based on DreamWorks Voltron: Legendary Defender? Just imagine... an alternate version of DreamWorks' Voltron Legendary Defender with characters from Lego Elves: Secrets of Elvendale as the main characters. Plus, both shows have similar animation and comparison.
Lieutenant/Commander Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane: Naida
Keith: Emily Jones
Lance: Azari
Katie "Pidge Gunderson" Holt: Sophie Jones
Hunk: Aira
Princess Allura: Rosalyn
Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe: Farran
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