#Kathryn Troy
thereadingcafe · 1 year
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THE SHADOW OF THERON (Age of Shadows 1) by Kathryn Troy at The Reading Cafe:
‘I really enjoyed the book. So I’d recommend this one to those who enjoy action and adventure with a little romance.‘
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jolieeason · 1 year
The Shadow of Theron by Kathryn Troy
Publisher: City Owl Press Date of publication: February 28th, 2023 Genre: Fantasy Publication Links: Kindle | B&N | Kobo Trigger Warnings: Death, Torture, Rape Goodreads Synopsis: The powers of old are fading. A new Age is dawning. Holy relics are all that remain of Theron’s sacred legend. Now those relics, the enchanted weapons forged by the Three-Faced Goddess to help Theron defeat the…
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kkecreads · 1 year
The Shadow of Theron by Kathryn Troy
Published: February 28, 2023 City Owl Press Genre: Fantasy Pages: 534 KKECReads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily. Kathryn Troy teaches in the Department of Social Sciences and Criminal Justice at Suffolk County Community College and the Department of History, Politics, and Geography at Farmingdale State College, State University…
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dreamersdrivel · 1 year
Release Day: The Shadow of Theron (Age of Shadows Book One) by Kathryn Troy
Author:  Kathryn TroyTitle:  The Shadow of Theron (Age of Shadows Book One)Genre: Romantic Fantasy/Epic Fantasy/Fantasy AdventureWord Count: 141kPrice: $4.99 (digital), $15.99 (paperback)Number of pages: 546 pagesDigital ISBN:  978-1-64898-297-2Print ISBN: 978-1-64898-296-5 Amazon ~ Goodreads ~ UBL The powers of old are fading. A new Age is dawning. Holy relics are all that remain of Theron’s…
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midgeonsmidgeon · 9 months
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I was trying to google "star trek lower decks". Instead I typed "star trek lower ducks". I was not disappointed.
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liquidatorbruntfca · 4 months
i love you nyota uhura i love you christine chapel i love you deanna troi i love you beverly crusher i love you tasha yar i love you lwaxana troi i love you kate pulaski i love you ro laren i love you keiko o’brien i love you jadzia dax i love you kira nerys i love you leeta i love you moogie i love you ezri dax i love you kathryn janeway i love you b’elanna torres i love you seven of nine i love you t’pol i love you hoshi sato
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down-in-dixie · 10 months
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Women of Star Trek
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evviejo · 1 month
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STAR TREK: VOYAGER // S7E6 Inside Man We're less than a lightyear away from the geodesic fold. Do you want to risk being led through it by a mulfunctioning hologram?
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dutchesscapybara · 10 months
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It took a while but I finally finished it! this is a collage of some of my favorite female star trek characters!
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dorimi-3 · 1 year
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(06/22/2023 ツイッター用に入れ替えたものを追加しました。ピカード関連でまとめていたのでトゥボックははずせなかった…!)
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"She's in command. she's cunning. she's done war crimes (affectionate). she flirts with everything, including herself. and And it is a crime they never let her dress in age of sail costumes or wear a stetson. but if they had that may have broken the internet. If she stepped on me i would get a tattoo of the boot print."
"When she was flirting with a shapeshifter and he was saying they were too different to be together and said 'Every 16 hours, I turn into a liquid,' she just shrugged and said 'I can swim."
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jolieeason · 1 year
WWW Wednesday: February 22nd, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? Personal: I hope you all had a wonderful week last week. My week was interesting. Some things made me say, “Well, that will never happen again.“ We took our newest kitten to the vet on Wednesday…
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the-autistic-vulcan · 9 months
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Gif Credits: @storytelers-arc, @tenderpoc, @amuzed1, @nyotas, @to-boldly-nope, @theladyeowyn
*bi panic has entered the chat*
note: honestly, star trek is such a win for the Bi, Pan, Omni, NB etc. fans out there
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neuroprincess · 5 months
Star Trek - How you met each other
Classification: Fluff
Pairing: B'Elanna Torres, Christine Chapel, Deanna Troi, Kathryn Janeway, Kira Nerys and Number One
Warnings: None
Word count: +900
B'Elanna Torres
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You're an ensign assigned to the engineering division, just one of a dozen young recruits who have just left Starfleet Academy and couldn't have imagined finding yourselves in such a situation on the very first mission. Having B'Elanna as chief engineer is an almost amusing challenge, her geniality is accompanied by a strong personality, necessary to deal with all those who doubt her capabilities or resent her position. However, you're almost invisible in the eyes of the half-Klingon, probably because you don't give her any headaches or are usually on counter shift, at least until a big technical problem leaves her dumbfounded and you come to the rescue, solving something that even she couldn't, using only an old two-strike trick and a bit of luck. She genuinely laughs and tries to guess your name, a little embarrassed that she can't remember it, to thank you for the great help. 
Christine Chapel
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It's almost a funny situation if it weren't tragic. After another unfortunate transporter accident and a fall that would make anyone feel the soul leave and return to the body, you find yourself in the sickbay having a general check-up, not to mention the fact that you've hit the head. Dr. McCoy, with a scowl, gives you an extensive list of recommendations and bonus scoldings, for a difference of a few adjustments he almost lost one of his best medical officers, who he considers his new pupil. "You'd better lie down, darling." a melodic voice comes from at your side and soft hands push against the stretcher, your eyes are closed in delight, when opened they reveal an angelic figure staring at you with concern, bright blue irises filled with compassion and curiosity. You smile and are relieved at how her presence brings immediate calm, before everything fades into darkness. 
Deanna Troi
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When the USS Enterprise finally responds to the rescue signal, you've already given up all hope and started waiting for a quick death. A promising exploration mission turned into a nightmare when the ship was destroyed on landing and the locals are more like big feet, physically and mentally. With no outside contact, no food, limited energy, extreme temperature changes, several losses due to murder or consequences of the precarious conditions, in the fourth week, probably given up for dead by the Starfleet, you are the only survivor, a junior lieutenant grade with a diplomatic specialization, how ironic. It's all very fast, you don't remember much because you're almost unconscious, just a couple of faces, the feeling of being held by a warm body that whispered words of comfort, stroking your hair, telling that everything was going to be all right. Exactly what you needed at that moment. 
Kathryn Janeway
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Being part of the Maquis wasn't even close to your childhood dream, having Starfleet Officer parents loyal to the Federation, a destiny was already set for you to follow in their footsteps, before everything changed drastically. The colony was attacked by Cardassians, many families were decimated and you were just another one left among the wreckage, orphaned, wounded, traumatized and with nothing but your own luck, which forced the development of survival skills and knowing nature like the back of a hand. This made a difference when it was time to enlist and ally yourself with them, driven by a blind sense of justice and pain that fueled resentment. Within a few months you find yourself fearing death and then wishing for it when rescued by Voyager, past experiences have created an aversion to anything related to it, but watching the captain run and fight to ensure that everyone, including the rebels, is safe, made you feel something unusual, a strange feeling in stomach, especially when she realizes your presence on the ship and smiles. 
Kira Nerys
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The engineering area is fascinating and challenging at the same time, especially on an old Cardassian station, full of catches and new things to discover. You're curious by nature and this has paid off handsomely, such as an opportunity to serve as an ensign on Deep Space Nine shortly after graduating from Starfleet Academy, which you enthusiastically accepted. So much enthusiasm, mixed with anxiety and a hint of desire to make a good impression, that you threw yourself into the duties almost immediately, with diligence navigating and exploring around the machinery's complexities. One day, overwhelmed by new responsibilities, you made a small unintentional mistake that caused a huge commotion on the Promenade and a headache for security. It's no surprise when someone comes to complain, what is unexpected is that it's an energetic Bajoran who makes you lose words and feel an inexplicable urge to cry, the weight of the last few days falling on shoulders. She stops scolding you, terrified of the reaction, and starts finding ways to make you stop crying. 
Number One | Una Chin-Riley
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Some would say you're a loner, others would say you're crazy. It's not just anyone who decides to leave the academy and a xenoanthropology specialization in the middle of the road, even less to venture out alone into the quadrants, that's what you've done. Years of independent exploration have yielded hundreds of files about culture, language, beliefs, structure and other aspects resulting from a lot of research and observation. When the Enterprise crew arrives on an M-class planet without any official first contact, they are surprised by the immediate warm welcome from the humanoid species, as if they were already familiar with earthlings. Later they understand the reason. You, the only other human there, and your skills of adaptability, linguistics and consequently diplomacy. Which impress them, especially First Officer Una. She is attracted by your vibrant personality and free spirit, the way you mediate all contact, your passion for cultural understanding and thirst for knowledge, this led her to convince Pike to make you an offer, to join Starfleet in continuing your explorations and sharing discoveries, seeing you as a promising addition. 
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