dramodmanocha · 2 years
                                Adductor Strain
What is adductor strain?
Adductor muscles are a group of five muscles located in the inner thigh. These muscles help to bring the legs close to each other and stabilise the pelvis during standing and walking.
Strain, injury or imbalance of the adductor muscles is a common cause of inner thigh and groin pain, especially amongst individuals who are physically active or in competitive sports. Soccer players are commonly affected and as per one study adductor strains account for 10% of all injuries in soccer players. Other sports where associated with adductor injuries include hockey, basketball, tennis, figure skating, baseball, horse riding and karate. Tight adductor muscles can lead to hip, knee and back pain and affect our gait. Of all the adductor muscles, one called adductor longus is the one most frequently injured.
What are the symptoms of adductor sprain?
Common presenting features include:
Groin, inner thigh and lower abdominal pain. In some cases, the pain is intense at the beginning of athletic activity and is later replaced by a dull ache
Pain on sitting cross legged or when with coughing/ sneezing
Pain on activity such as
Lifting one leg as while stepping down from height or getting out of car
Turning or changing direction
Walking. In mild cases pain may be provoked by more strenuous activities such as running, kicking or performing lunges
Bruising or swelling in the painful area in severe cases
Localised tenderness in the upper inner thigh, close to where the adductor muscles attach to the pubic bone
Adductor strains are classified as
First degree: Pain without loss of strength or range
Second degree: Pain with loss of strength
Third degree: Complete disruption of muscle or tendon fibers with loss of strength
What causes adductor strain?
Adductor strains form a significant proportion of groin injuries. In a study among European soccer players, adductor muscle injuries were the second most common (23%) after hamstrings (37%). Risk factors contribution to injury include
Previous hip or groin injury
Overuse, fatigue and muscle imbalances
Weak adductors with poor flexibility
Poor hip/pelvic stability and strength
Running on hard surfaces, excessive running
Training associated factors such as inadequate stretching, and lower levels of sport-specific training changes in training intensity, volume or type of training
Age- tendons become less able to absorb force as they age
Biomechanical abnormalities including excessive pronation or leg-length discrepancy
Genetic factors such as poor collagen
Adductor sprain can be of sudden or gradual onset. Acute injury is associated with sporting actions such as suddenly changing direction at speed, sudden acceleration in sprinting, sliding sideways or kicking. One study analysed the videos of acute adductor injuries in professional male football players and found that majority of injuries occurred in non-contact situations (71%). Common injury actions included change of direction (35%), kicking (29%), reaching (24%) and jumping (12%).
How is this condition diagnosed?
Diagnosis can be usually made clinically. MRI is used for confirming the diagnosis and assessing severity especially in chronic injuries unresponsive to conservative treatment modalities. Ultrasound scan is the alternative imaging option.
MRI Scans can give prognostic information as tears involving >50% of the cross-sectional area, tissue fluid collection, or deep muscle tears indicate more severe injury with prolonged recovery. The location of the tear is important as tears at the junction of the muscle with tendon (musculotendinous junction) can be more aggressively rehabilitated compares to one close to the joining of the tendon with bone, due to differences in the blood supply of the two areas. Tendons can be viewed as ropes tying the muscles to the bones. The musculotendinous junction is the most common site of injury in a muscle strain.
What are the treatment options for adductor strain?
Once the diagnosis has been established, treatment and prognosis are influenced by factors such as
Location of tear as those at the junction of the muscle with the bone can be dealt by aggressive rehabilitative treatment
Degree of strain/ tear
Duration of symptoms- acute or chronic
Presence of any biomechanical abnormalities such as muscular imbalances, leg length discrepancy
Acute injuries are initially treated with rest, ice, compression anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy with further management dependant of factors discussed earlier. Early treatment is recommended, and injections are used as required.
Education about load management and avoiding provoking factors is important. Activities like running can be replaced with swimming, walking, cycling as having baseline activities is preferred to absolute rest. Specific and individualised exercise programs have a role. A slowly progressive loading program can be used to improve strength and control of adductors, pelvis and lower limbs. The aim of the treatment initially is preventing further injury and inflammation and proving an optimal environment for healing to take place. As recovery occurs, this changes to restoration of range of motion and prevention of atrophy and then subsequently to regaining strength and flexibility.
This option is considered for individuals’ not responding to conservative measures. Injections are used in combination with physical therapy can help in confirming the diagnosis, providing early, lasting relief and possibly facilitation early return to usual activities. The options include
Steroid injections
PRP with or without needle tenotomy
Obturator Nerve block
Regardless of whichever option is used, ultrasound guidance is valuable in improving accuracy and reducing complications. Sometimes injections of the muscle in the lower abdomen (rectus abdominis muscle) are performed at the same time.
Steroid injections: There are quick to work, commonly performed injections. Steroids have anti-inflammatory effects and it may be all that is required to reduce the pain and help you actively engage with physical therapy. Some studies have shown better effects if the duration of symptoms is less that 6 weeks and hence the importance of early treatment.  Post injection graded increase in activities can be commenced once the pain remains controlled for two weeks.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP injections are commonly used for treatment of tendinopathy and the evidence supporting their use is slowly accumulating. The procedure involves spinning one’s blood in a special machine which separates the platelets (containing the growth factors) from the other blood components. This concentrated platelet layer is then injected into the problem area to induce tissue healing. These injections take time to work with benefits becoming apparent 6 to 12 weeks after treatment. PRP injections are frequently used in combination with needle tenotomy which essentially implies repeated puncturing of the tendon to promote blood flow to the area and induce long-term healing.
Obturator Nerve Block: This injection can have added effect on top of the injections discussed previously. Obturator nerve supplies most of the adductor muscles and hence blocking this nerve can help in reducing the pain signals being transmitted. Injury or compression of the nerve leads to symptoms similar to adductor sprain and is addressed as obturator neuralgia.  Obturator neuralgia can also be secondary to adductor strain and is a known cause of exercise induced groin, inner thigh pain. In this situation obturator nerve block can be especially useful.
Surgery: This option may be considered for acute complete tears with limb weakness or chronic tears with non-satisfactory response to other treatment modalities for a minimum of 6 -12 months. Surgery involves tendon release or dividing the tendon (tenotomy) and this may help to reduce the pain
Restarting activities: Return to play and activity is guided by symptom recovery as well as progress with treatment. Too soon a return is risk factor for repeat injury, which can cause chronic symptoms. Generally, after an acute strain return to sports is recommended on regaining 70% of strength and a painless range of motion. This can be usually achieved between 4 to 8 weeks, although can take up to 6 months chronic injuries. Maintaining adductor strength at a minimum of 80% of abductor strength has been shown to reduce adductor injuries.
Tags - Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi, Pain Treatment in Delhi, Best pain specialist in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha offer Chronic Headache, Fibromyalgia, Widespread Pain Treatment In Delhi and Gurgaon.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Tennis Elbow Treatment in Delhi by Pain Specialist - Dr. Amod Manocha
Elbowing the tennis elbow pain out of your life – Information Leaflet on Tennis Elbow
This leaflet has been written to help you understand more about your elbow problem. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should be used in conjunction with the information provided by your treating doctor.
What is tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a common cause of elbow pain. It presents with pain along the bony bump on the outer side of the elbow. This bony bump provides attachment to the muscles on the back of the arm which play an important role in lifting of the wrist and fingers (extension).
What causes the tennis elbow?
Tendons can be viewed as springs that make muscle movement more efficient. Repeated sudden overloading of forearm tendons and muscles can lead to small tears & degenerative changes. Generally both overloading and under loading of tendons can be bad. When exposed to excessive stress they try to adapt but if the load is too excessive or too sudden, it can predispose to the beginning of the degenerative process. On the other side under loading of tendons can predispose them to becoming thinned out/ weak (atrophic).
More often tennis elbow is seen in people with sedentary life style when then begin overloading the tendons by undertaking new activities such as exercising at the gym, gardening, lifting a baby etc. Some of the risk factors include
Age– most common between the ages of 30 to 50, although can affect all ages
Occupation and certain sports – Now days it is more commonly caused by excessive computer usage and spending long hours at keyboard. Repetitive forearm actions such as using screwdrivers can predispose to developing the condition. Professionals such as plumbers, carpenters are hence more prone. Poor backhand technique in tennis can also predispose although one does not have to be a tennis player to develop the condition.
What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?
This condition generally presents with varying degree of pain on the outer side of elbow. The pain can radiate downwards towards the forearm & wrist. The outside of your elbow may be very tender to touch. As the pain increases it can interfere with routine activities such as turning a doorknob, holding a cup of tea or gripping objects.
How is tennis elbow diagnosed?
Your doctor will take a detailed history and examine your elbow, wrist, neck & shoulder. Examination may involve applying pressure to the affected area or asking you to move your elbow, wrist and fingers in different directions. In majority of cases the diagnosis can be made based on medical history and physical examination. Your doctor may request for other tests to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other conditions with similar presentation. These may include
Ultrasound Scan– This can be used to confirm the diagnosis and if required an injection can also be performed at the same time.
X-ray. This is used more often when there is history of injury or to rule out elbow arthritis.
MRI scan– This can help your doctor to evaluate if a neck problem such as herniated disk or neck arthritis is responsible for your symptoms.
Tags - Pain Specialist in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha leading pain specialist in delhi offer Thoracic spine treatment and Chest wall Pain treatment in delhi.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Treatment Of Hamstring Strain / Tendinopathy In Delhi, India - Removemypain
Hamstring Sprain / Tendinopathy
Hamstrings are a group of muscles present at the back of thigh. They extend from the sit bones in pelvis to just below the knee joint and play an important an important role is daily activities such as walking & running. The names of the individual three muscles included in hamstrings are semimembranosus, biceps femoris and the semitendinosus. These, work in opposition to the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and the two group of muscles together stabilize movements of the knee and pelvis.
Hamstring injuries account for approximately 12–16% of all injuries in athletes. They are seen more commonly in sports that involve sprinting, acceleration, deceleration, rapid change in direction and jumping such as football, basketball, rugby and baseball. Runners, ballet dancers and older adults who do a lot of walking are also at increased risk. Reinjury rates are high and generally require more time away from the field. Although any injury for a sportsperson is painful, this one can be quite frustrating for both the sufferer and the treating physician.
Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the problem. When the upper part of hamstrings is involved the most common symptom is deep buttock pain or irritation at the back of thigh (minor sprains) associated with tightness or cramping sensation. Pain can radiate down the back of thigh and is generally aggravated by physical activity such as walking, running uphill, high speed or long distance running, leaning forwards, squats and sitting on a firm surface for long duration. Morning increase in severity of pain is not uncommon in this condition. In the early stages pain may reduce after warm up and then recur after activity. This changes with time with the pain persisting throughout the day.
Partial or complete tear of hamstrings may present with severe stabbing pain, bruising with inability to weight bear or walk. Sciatic nerve is present close by and its irritation can cause pain to radiate further down the leg. In severe cases the tendon may completely tear away, often taking a piece of bone with it and this is addressed as avulsion injury.
Muscle attaches to the bone with the help of a special type of tissue called tendon. To simplify, you can look at these as ropes tying the muscles to the bones. Injuries can involve the muscles or the area where the muscle transforms into the tendon (myotendinous junction) or the tendon itself. Generally the closer the injury is to the pelvis / sit bones the longer it takes to heal. Of the three muscles, biceps femoris is the most commonly injured one.
The hamstrings cross two joints and help to bend the knee and move the hip backwards (extension). They play an important role in propelling the body forwards as we move. Hamstring injury may occur by high speed mechanisms such as running or low speed mechanisms such as stretching. Sudden loading of muscle while it is stretched as while kicking a football is also a common injury mechanism.
The risk factors most consistently associated with hamstring muscle strain-type injuries are age, previous hamstring injury and quadriceps peak torque. As mentioned previously hamstrings and quadriceps oppose each another and it is not uncommon to see imbalance between the two groups of muscles with the latter being stronger. This is expressed as low hamstring to quad ratio which essentially means weaker hamstrings. Weak hamstrings can quickly turn into tight hamstrings and require hamstring to work harder which tires them easily. Tight, tired and weak muscles are predisposed to injuries. When the hamstring are injured, other nearby body muscles are called into action such as those in lower back and hip predisposing them also to injuries/ pain.
Risk factors foe hamstring injury can be classifies into modifiable and non-modifiable ones.
Modifiable risk factors
Volume of training and rapid variations
Muscle fatigue
Weak hamstrings
Repeated overloading with insufficient warm-up
Over striding during running or abruptly changing direction
Lower back, core and pelvis weakness or trunk instability
Prolonged sitting (work, cycling etc)
Biomechanical issues such as unequal leg length
Non-Modifiable risk factors
Previous hamstring injuries – most consistent risk factor with two to six times increased risk of recurrence. Most repeat injuries occur within two months of return to the sport but the risk remains elevated up to three times for an year after initial injury.
Age – teens and young adults are more likely to experience hamstring injuries as muscles do not tend to grow at the same speed as bones. Aging adults are also at a higher risk possibly due to reduced muscle cross-sectional area.
Genetics (collagen types)
Most hamstring injuries occur in the thick, central part of the muscle or where the muscle fibres join tendon. Muscle strains are graded from 1 to 3 depending on their severity
Grade 1 – or hamstring pull is most minor form and usually heals readily. Most patients with this are able to walk easily although may notice pain at the back of the leg after prolonged or quick walking.
Grade 2 – this is associated with more pain (often shooting type) and patients may struggle to walk / limp.
Grade 3 – represents more marked muscle tears including complete tears which present with more severe pain, swelling and difficulty weight bearing. These may require several months of rehabilitation.
Tags - Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Pain specialist doctor in Delhi, Treatment Of Hamstring Strain
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
To know more about Sports Injuries, Hamstring Injury and Tennis Elbow Pain.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha provides Diabetic Pain Treatment in Delhi at Removemypain
Diabetic Pain Treatment in Delhi
Diabetic Neuropathy where patients complain of a burning sensation most commonly in the sole of feet, worst at night time
Infections such as Post heretic neuralgia, HIV
Persistent post surgery pain or trauma involving nerve damage
Drug induced neuropathy including that after chemotherapy/radiotherapy
Cancer related neuropathy
Post Amputation- Phantom limb pain
Central causes such as spinal cord injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Nutritional deficiencies
Screening questionnaires are commonly used in diagnosing neuropathic pain. Investigations such as blood tests, scans, and nerve and muscle tests may be requested to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other conditions. Depending on the history, examination and investigation findings the pain condition is diagnosed as possible, probable or definite neuropathic pain.
Dr. Amod Manocha - Pain Specialist Doctor in DelhiDr. Amod Manocha is the Head of Pain Management Services at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket. He is trained as a Pain Management Specialist and an Anaesthetist in the UK. He has over 13 years of work experience in the UK including working as a Chronic Pain Consultant in many UK hospitals. Dr. Manocha believes in multidisciplinary approach and providing evidence-based treatments at par with international standards. He is committed to providing quality care and believes in building long-term relationship with patients based on honest communication and keeping their interests foremost.
Tags - Diabetic Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain specialist doctor in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
We provide Frozen shoulder treatment and Shoulder Pain Treatment in delhi with full assessments and expert diagnosis from leading pain specialist in delhi.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Neck Pain Treatment in Delhi by Best Neck Pain Specialist in Delhi - Dr. Amod Manocha
Neck Pain Treatment in Gurgaon  
Neck Pain is a pain posteriorly anywhere between the skull base and thoracic spine. It is the largest cause of musculoskeletal disability after low back pain. Approximately two-thirds of the population will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life with high prevalence in middle ages. Fortunately for most people the acute pain resolves within days or weeks although in some it may reoccur or become chronic.
Neck pain may be a result of...
Local pathology
Whiplash (flexion-extension) injuries/ trauma
Be a part of a more widespread systemic problem such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.
Be a result of referred pain from neighboring areas for example the shoulder joint
Neck pain usually has a multifactorial etiology -poor posture, neck strain/injuries, anxiety, depression and stress can play a role in magnifying the perceived pain. Quite often the diagnosis of simple or nonspecific neck pain is used implying postural and mechanical causes; this is contrary to other serious causes of neck pain such as fracture, tumour, infection etc.
Pain from upper neck can radiate towards the head leading to frequent headaches and that from the lower part of the neck can radiate to the shoulder, arm, chest wall and the scapula. Reduced neck movement along with localized areas of muscle tenderness known as trigger points are commonly observed along with pain.
Tags - Best pain specialist in Delhi, Best Neck Pain Specialist in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha offer Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment In Delhi. The sacroiliac joint is large, strong joints between lower end of the spine and the pelvis.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Cervical Pain Treatment in India by Dr. Amod Manocha at Removemypain
Cervical Pain Treatment in India
Cervical radiculopathy or pinched nerve in the neck is a common problem. Irritation or compression of the nerves coming out of the spine can cause severe pain travelling (radiating) to the shoulders and arms. The arm pain is often more severe although the root of the problem lies in the neck. This pain can be associated with tingling, numbness, weakness in the arm and hand.
To understand a bit more about these pains it is essential to have an understanding of the anatomy of the neck. The neck or the cervical region consists of seven bones (vertebrae) stacked one above the other. There are labelled as C1-C7, where C stands for cervical and 1-7 are the numbers to identify the level being referring to. These vertebrae are separated from one another by discs which are like cushions allowing the spine to move freely.
Each vertebra encloses a hollow space which lines up with the space of the vertebrae above and below, running along the entire length of the spine. This hollow space is called the spinal canal and houses the spinal cord which is a thick bundle of nerves connected to the brain. Between every two vertebrae there are openings on the sides called the foramina. A pair of spinal nerves (one on each side) exit through these foramina and supply a specific part of the body for example the nerves coming out of the neck would go to the arm and hands. When these nerves are irritated, either inside the spine or as they come out of the spine, it leads to the pain being felt in the area supplied by the nerve and this explains when we get arm pain whereas the actual problem lies in the neck.
The main causes of pressure or irritation of the nerves in the neck include
Disc problems such as bulging of discs can press on nearby nerves
Age related wear and tear/degeneration. This can cause narrowing (stenosis) of the openings between the vertebrae  and pressure on the nerves as they exit the spine
Instability of the neck. Loss of normal spinal alignment can cause compression of nerves
Other causes. Less common causes include infection, tumours and fractures
Cervical radiculopathy is seen more commonly in middle-aged people and injury, poor posture can further contribute to this.  In younger age groups this problem is majorly due to ruptured disc or injuries.  
Pain from a pinched nerve may be felt in both the arm and the neck or may be limited to just the neck or arm. Although the root of the problem lies in the spine, the symptoms may be felt in the area where the nerve that is irritated travels such as the shoulder, the arm, or the hand. By looking at where the symptoms are, the pain specialist can usually tell which nerve is involved. Symptoms include:
Burning, sharp, squeezing, aching or electric shock like pain
Tingling or pins and needles sensation in the arm or hand
Numbness or loss of feeling in arm or hand
Shoulder, arm or hand weakness
Increased pain travelling down the arm with neck movements such as looking up towards the ceiling (extension) or on turning the head
Tags - Cervical Pain Treatment in India, Pain Specialist in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha provides best Palvic Pain Treatment in Delhi at Removemypain
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Chronic Headache Pain Treatment in Delhi at Removemypain by Dr. Amod Manocha
Chronic Headache Pain Treatment in Delhi
Headache is a common problem. Fortunately a significant proportion of headaches can be managed by commonly used painkillers. In certain types of headaches prophylactic agents are used to reduce the frequency of attacks. However, there still remains a subgroup of patients with difficult to manage headaches despite all measures. For this subgroup pain clinic offers interventions and multi-disciplinary input, over and above the traditional approach of using painkillers. Multi-disciplinary approach helps in addressing concomitant magnifiers/ triggers such as anxiety, depression, altered sleep cycle, medication overuse, life style and poor posture.
In clinical practice, an overwhelming majority of headaches are either a tension-type headache, migraine, cluster headache or medication overused headache. Extra cranial sources of headaches such as nerves, joints and muscles can be easily missed. The term Cervicogenic Headaches is used for headaches originating from cervical spine pathology or surrounding soft tissues. Examples include neck facet or Atlantoaxial joint pathology, headaches secondary to third occipital nerve, supraorbital neuralgia, and occipital neuralgia, sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle spasms. These types of headaches may be accompanied by neck pain, stiffness and are commonly undertreated.
Facet Joint Injections & Radiofrequency ablation
Headaches originating from facet joints are more commonly observed in the elderly and after whiplash injury (flexion/extension injuries). Clinical diagnosis is often difficult as the features overlap with other types of headaches. Diagnostic injections can help identify the pain generators in such cases. Pain originating from these joints can be felt in the base of the skull, neck, upper back, mid-back and shoulders. Please follow the link to Facet joint injections to find out more on this treatment.
Third Occipital Nerve Block and Radiofrequency
The third occipital nerve originates from the cervical spine and supplies sensation to a joint in the neck (C2-3 zygapophyseal joint) and a small area at the back of head. This nerve or the joint it supplies can be a source of headaches localised to the back of head on one side. Sometimes the headache can spread towards the top of the head. This occurs more commonly after whiplash injury.
A diagnostic block involving injection of local anaesthetic close to the nerve can help determine if this nerve is the source of your headache. This is performed under x ray guidance. If the diagnostic test is positive then radiofrequency ablation of the nerve can provide long lasting relief.
Tags -  Pain Specialist in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Chronic Headache Pain Treatment in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Looking for Cervical Pain Treatment and Neck Pain Relief? Dr. Amod Manocha specialise in Cervical Pain Treatment and neck pain treatment in delhi, gurgaon and India.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Back Pain Treatment in Delhi From Pain Specialist in Delhi Dr. Amod Manocha
Pain Specialist in Delhi
In simple words, low back pain can be defined as pain experienced in the bottom region of spine (between lower margins of ribs and the gluteal folds). It may remain localised to back or radiate to the legs.
Sciatica is a term used for pain radiating down from the lower spine to the legs. Most common cause of sciatica is irritation or compression of the nerves as they exit the spine on their way to the legs. It may be accompanied by numbness, tingling and weakness in the distribution of the affected nerve.
Globally low back pain (LBP) is one of the leading causes of disability. LBP is an important cause of limitation of activities, absence from work with resultant economic implications. In industrialised countries lifetime prevalence of non-specific low back pain is estimated at 60–70%.Despite the high incidence and intensive research into this area, pain generators are not easy to identify and the diagnosis Nonspecific Low Back Pain is used commonly. This is different from situations where a specific cause such as fracture, infection, neoplasm etc. responsible for pain generation can be identified.
Potential Sources & Causes
Back pain can originate from numerous sources and some of the common causes include
Disc herniation (Slipped Disk), degenerative disc disease
Facet and Sacroiliac Joints
Muscle and ligament sprains/injuries
Narrowing of spinal canal- Spinal Stenosis
Fractures, trauma
Autoimmune diseases
Tags  - Pain Specialist in Delhi, Back pain treatment in Delhi, Pain Treatment in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
As a Leading Pain Specialist we offer Post Herpetic Neuralgia treatment in Delhi. PHN is rare in age group below 50 years and incidence increases after the age of 60 years. Risk factors for PHN or persisting pain include older age and widespread rash with severe pain at onset.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Neck Pain Treatment Gurgaon by Pain Specialist in Gurgaon Dr. Amod Mancoha
Neck Pain Treatment in Gurgaon  
Neck Pain is a pain posteriorly anywhere between the skull base and thoracic spine. It is the largest cause of musculoskeletal disability after low back pain. Approximately two-thirds of the population will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life with high prevalence in middle ages. Fortunately for most people the acute pain resolves within days or weeks although in some it may reoccur or become chronic.
Neck pain may be a result of...
Local pathology
Whiplash (flexion-extension) injuries/ trauma
Be a part of a more widespread systemic problem such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.
Be a result of referred pain from neighboring areas for example the shoulder joint
Neck pain usually has a multifactorial etiology -poor posture, neck strain/injuries, anxiety, depression and stress can play a role in magnifying the perceived pain. Quite often the diagnosis of simple or nonspecific neck pain is used implying postural and mechanical causes; this is contrary to other serious causes of neck pain such as fracture, tumour, infection etc.
Pain from upper neck can radiate towards the head leading to frequent headaches and that from the lower part of the neck can radiate to the shoulder, arm, chest wall and the scapula. Reduced neck movement along with localized areas of muscle tenderness known as trigger points are commonly observed along with pain.
Tags - Pain specialist in Gurgaon, Neck Pain Treatment Gurgaon, Pain Management in Gurgaon
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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